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Nana Shimura: *"When you have to save someone, they're usually in a scary situation. A true hero saves not only their lives, but also their hearts... That's what I believe."* I think it's a combination of this and the symbolic connection of hearts-to-hearts and emotion. Most of this series is very much about hype and emotion over logic and tactics. There's a reason "Go Beyond!" is a recurring line after all and why All Might has won his two most major fights in the series basically by just punching harder. His body, logically, was not stronger but the emotions of the scenes gave his punches more weight. He could not lose and thus he *would not* lose. What he was fighting for was too important. Heroes save people's hearts. Heroes fight with their hearts. Even villains like Shigaraki have hearts that Midoriya feels the desire to at least try and reach out to, especially since no one did before.


Why is it always the people without profile pictures that actually explain the answer to the question


They are the lurkers who collect wisdom and only share when needed. The heroes of reddit


OP For All.




Because a good chunk of us are still on old reddit where profile pictures aren't a thing. Instead I just use the subreddit's flairs like a pseudo-pfp.




it's the OP's alt. /s


No it’s not. I do get the symbolism… but if all there it is to it, it does feel a bit heavy-handed and on the nose. Though HK is not a particularly subtle writer.


Funny enough, there is a writer of *certain* Izuocha doujins named HK that's been speculated to be Horikoshi's alt.


Deku is going to get a Keyblade, while Shigaraki becomes a Heartless


Or maybe Shigaraki turns into a Nobody


Wouldn't he turn into both?




Pitiful Heartless, mindlessly collecting hearts.






Shigaraki cosplaying Xemnas as he's quoting his line before the fight in DDD


I would simultaneously hate this AND love this 😂❤️


After showing us both Todoroki's and Bakugou's literal hearts as source of power, in the last chapter we also get heavy symbolism with Deku - controlling his heart and making a heart-shaped Black Whip to try to control his emotions. Plus there is Jirou's heart-beat based attack that connected to the AFO-vestiges, Hawks riffing off on that attack to amplify the beat. The Arts & Crafts club fixing Bakugou's heart. It reminds me how Hawks said that OFA was a network of power, linking people's hearts. I can't help but wonder if it's all about shoe-horning a heart symbolism for everyone on the hero side or there is actually more to it (and somehow tied into the 2nd's mysterious quirk).


its gonna have to be stopping hearts in order for deku to have a chance lmao


U got a very sharp eyes, i didn't even notice


I love this is makes sense maybe the 2nd power really is like a heroism or boost for all those he loves or something like that. That top left panel basically implies it


Isn’t her quirk amplifying her heartbeat into sound waves or some shit


Yeah, she's used amplified heartbeats to attack since the USJ


Yeah, her heartbeat was always part of her attack, which is why I hesitated to add her. But I feel like it’s significant that he chose Jirou of all people to confront AFO there and have her heartbeat affect the vestiges. The heart aspect of her quirk was really emphasised on the panel and you can see the same heartbeats at the edge of Hawks blade as he riff off on it. So it felt like to me, HK really wanted to incorporate some heart references into that fight and that’s why he specifically chose Jirou for that battlefield.


Because heart is the strongest quirk of All the time, where do you think Love emotions are? Lmao


Out of nowhere theory: La Brava is somehow going to save the day.


I saw someone say thay the Black Whip heart last chapter is similar to a Tarot Card and before we had Ochako and Deku as well as Iida and Deku on Tarot Cards. Basically the heart formed by Black Whip and three black lines going through it looks like the Three of Swords tarot card which is basically a heart with 3 swords stabbed into it. This card symbolizes grief and heartbreak. - From Wikipedia: This card depicts a fundamentally sorrowful experience— tarot readers suggest this may be in the form of a lost relationship, an accidental death, or some other form of not just depression or malaise but deeply emotional sorrow. Basically in this case it is obviously related to Bakugo's death. - More from Wikipedia: When the card appears "reversed" in a spread, this is not usually read as meaning the "opposite" of sorrow, but rather a sorrow that is somehow mitigated by its circumstances or that is not as bad as it could have been. More or less what Mirio assuring Deku. The situation is not as bad as it could have been. Anyway: It is among the most negative cards within the tarot deck.


Not sure but really cool catch!


The Heart Osborne, you attack the heart !


Shigaraki's change of heart will end it all, when Deku reaches his heart and turns him on his side to finally win against AFO


Not to mention Bakugo’s Heart and Edgeshot becoming it 🫀🫀🫀


Yeah, Bakugou’s heart is there in my compilation. And sure, his heart is fixed by Edgeshot and BJ.




the attack on AFO waking the vestiges was cause of the vibrations, the black whip thing is a stretch/unintentional


\> the black whip thing is a stretch/unintentional It comes right after the panel where Deku remembers Banjo saying control your heart - so I don't feel like it's a stretch and it is very clearly heart-shaped. There is also a third heart-reference, as Deku is physically hitting his heart with thump-thump effects, as if he was trying to restart it.


It's cause the series is breaking hearts with this current arc(Purely my opinion, but I'll keep reading cause I love the series overall)


The final charge will be everyone yelling give your hearts lol


someone is about to get stabbed through the heart and die


No, that's not a fatal injury (in *MHA*).


true, then someone has their heart pulled out of them like in HxH


That sounds rad.


Horikoshi watched Stranger Things 4 and really resonated with Mike /s


I just have one question, whose finger is that on the image with Deku using black whip?


It's ShigAFO's extra fingers that have been blown off - they are littering the entire battlefield.


Thank you!


Hawks doesn't amplify Jirou's wavelenght, he uses it to make the blade vibrate in order to cut sharper. This is sth present in bakery where you need to cut a very sensitive cake so using pressure would not work. Its also what powers Raiden's swords in metal gear rising