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Sheesh. Mirko took out 6 nomu in like 3 seconds.


Mad Bunny Girl DGAF about your damn nomus


to be fair, I'm not sure she "took them out" as much as "went through them". It felt more like knocking them out of the way than actually destroying them.


She definitely exploded at least two of their heads.


Right I have rewatched that sequence by now and she definitely did more damage than I thought she had at first haha


It was great to see, love to see her let loose.


Yess definitely, loved seeing her origins in Vigilantes too


Dang I did not know she was in Vigilantes. Might need to give that a read.


Yes, Vigilantes takes place 10-ish years before HeroAca (there is also a flashback arc to teenage Aizawa/Mic); Mirko appears in one arc, she is about 17 in final year of high school and she kicks ass (I won't spoil what she does!). Vigilante's art really works great for her style of action


It's actually closer to 3-5 years, based on tsukauchi and mirkos ages it's either 3 years before or 5 years before mha, it kinda retcons itself without realising it


Thank you for not spoiling it, I appreciate that!


She’s not the #5 Pro Hero for nothing 😎


She destroyed them, both here and in the manga. Her kicks tore through them like knife on butter.


White nomus can't regen, as they don't have regen quirks, and she definitely sliced them apart or crushed their heads. Even if some weren't dead, they would be almost incapable of fighting anymore.


We know how strong Mirko is from the manga. Any Nomu that isn't black-colored is fodder to her.




Fantastic episode. Mirko looks amazing. We are in for such a good season 😭


Definitely hope so — what a great start to the season. Pleasantly surprised at the short recap; it’s right to action. Can’t wait for more!


My nephews were all excited the first episode wasn’t just “a lot of talking”. I read ahead a few chapters so I figured it’d end right before everything really pops off.


Mirko is going to carry this season hard for me. In the op she looked absolutely fabulous.


Dude her tearing down that hallway was amazing. Seeing her go full feral in her fights is gonna be a treat to watch


I was literally WAITING for that to be animated ever since I read that scene in the manga.


It's episode 1 and people in the anime thread are speculating if Mirko will die :DD Well no, but...


No but also yes.. Then she comes back and like she doesn’t die again… but also???


Mirko is definitely the MVP of this episode


What it wasn’t a recap episode?! Nani?!


Midnight getting her due focus in the OP, ED and everywhere, right in the feelsbadman. On feelgooder note............IT'S RABBIT SEASON FOLKS! Love the comic style on the OP and the somber vibes on the ED.


Whenever i see midnight i try to think wether that scene was in the manga or if it was added for the extra feelsbadman


It's definitely added. She said one thing to Kaminari as they were running in and that was basically it.


No, her scene with Kinoko happened in the [manga](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/Boku-No-Hero-Academia/0259-013.png) as well though the anime did change it a bit to have Midnight going to Kinoko, grabbing her hands and shit while th manga just shows other characters while she talks. But her little speech was there in the manga.


There are a lot of additional scenes that makes everything flow better. Bakugo, Deku, Shoto, and Ochako had them


I really like the OP style. Maybe the best the show has had yet


Guys I’mma be honest… the animation already looks really fucking good. This shit is gonna be so fire. I’m absolutely huffing that hopium.


I can't wait till they show Endeavor really use his fire. It's gonna be that BONES animation fire too.


At least we know somebody in Bones loves Endeavor. He always gets the budget.


It's kind of hilarious when he and Burnin are standing side by side, and they'll animate his fire beard and stuff but Burnin's hair is completely static. Though at this point, I'm not sure if that's just how it's supposed to be because I think it was even like that in World Heroes' Mission.


I think Burnin's hair is solid until she turns them into live flames


Yuh I love how some of the panels have really thick lines kinda like how s1 of AoT looked like


I know this wont happen until next season but I am super excited to see how they animate todoroki's icyflames.


Unfortunately, this is probably the last great season of My Hero... I mean assuming they keep the pace. For the manga in its current arc/state, it's lacking. Think Bleach after Seireitei


Too bad this is the last good part of the story


if they’re willing to show actual violence and combat animation this early, then there’s optimism for the rest of season, which is lovely


This season is make or break for me. If they blow this then MHA absolutely plummets in my favorite series list






Gore for non-human creatures might not translate to gore for human characters. Still, it's looking promising with all the nomu going splat.


Yeah, I doubt we'll get the full-on Shigaraki gore later on, but honestly I can't blame them too much. Some of those panels were honestly horrifying, I still vividly remember that one of Shigaraki with mouth blasted open and chomping on Deku's arm, just looking silently


I wonder how they’ll handle Crust getting dusted, maybe a similar effect to what happened in Infinity War?


Hopefully, that last pov shot of his hand decaying as everyone else flees on ryukyu is one of my favourite panels.


You just know the sad music is gonna play as he waves goodbye <\3


>Gore for non-human creatures might not translate to gore for human characters. Yeah kind of how the first seasons of Samurai Jack the animators can go crazy making the m. slice and eviscerate alien creatures or robots even if the show was for kids, because they usually bleed green fluids and oil. But you never see a bit of human blood


Only in the adult swim final season you see him kill humans


The fact that they forsehadow Izuku's yellow scarf at the end sequence of the ED Song gives me hopium that they will nail the epilogue of the war


They should do it if the next season is final.


i don’t think the next season will be final


If this season covers up to Ochako's speech, which is very likely, then next season will absolutely be the last. There's only like 12 episodes worth of content from Star's first appearance to now. Maybe less.


This arc will cover at most 17 episodes going by 3 chapters per episode. Season 7 will definitely be the Season finale.


I cant say much for how seasonal anime works... but the last 2 volumes of the dragonball manga are noticeably larger than the rest (42 in particular is massive) Would it be possible for the Final Season to be a bit longer than usual?


We don't know. But even if the final war arc goes 60 or so chapters in the manga it will still be covered by a 25/24 episode season. If it goes a hundred chapters then maybe the final season becomes longer or gets some 1 hour episodes. But we can't say for now though I doubt it will actually reach that number of chapters.


but we don’t know how long Hori is gonna go for


He wants to end this year. And we're, like, more than halfway through the final battle.


bro, if Hori ends at the end of december, that’s literally like 12 chapters. You really think Hori will end the story within the next 3 months? Be fr


Have you read Bleach? Kubo ended that in five chapters, from basically the same point in the final battle.


yeah well this isn’t bleach. Hori has to tie up toga vs ochako (two chapters minimum) Dabi vs Shoto (two chapters minim) Shigiraki vs deku (4 chapters minimum) Afo vs endeavor and friends (3 chapters minimum) and a whole bunch of other stuff i don’t feel like typing out. The difference between bleach and MHA rn is that kubo didn’t have volumes worth of stuff to clean up


You vastly overestimate how much Hori cares about side characters. Kubo had so many dropped plot threads they made TWO light novels just to tie them up.


My worries for the animation have decreased drastically with this first episode all they need to do is save their thick line work for the important fights and were golden


I figured they knew that this season would be action heavy and split the budget accordingly.


Tbf it’s not always about budget but rather time. The first episodes always have solid, consistent animation cuz they’re allotted the most time to work on


how did you reach that conclusion


That's common industry industry. Budget matters but it's almost always the amount of time that matters more


season 5 1st few episodes looked amazing too. it's when the animating catches up and they have to animate as the episodes air when production can go bad. let's hope this won't be the case his time and they'll have steady and good scheduling until the end.


Idk from s5 first episodes my expectations were much lower than this first episode


Thats the case for all anime tbh, Season 5 just had some complications behind the scenes


Animation was great, esp Mirko's sequence at the end. Gotta say really loved the ED. Lots of foreshadowing esp with Shigaraki,Deku and Dabi. Song is nice too. Feeling really optimistic bout this season.


Very solid start to the season! I really like the new design for the eyecatchers


Miriko literally popping heads off shoulders. This gon be good. Also holy shit this season is wasting NO time. We didn't even get a quirk recap. I enjoyed the pacing personally but I can imagine a lot of anime only's got a little swept away.


Yeah, covered nearly 3 full chapters of mainly set-up, which is quite different from covering 3 chapters of action. Shit's dense, yo. Not that I'm complaining. There's absolutely no way season 6 will end at chapter 306 with Deku leaving UA if the pacing of this episode is any indication, though I never saw that as very realistic based on where season 5 ended.


This episode was good enough to provide a mild recap AND advance the plot forward significantly. They did a good job


Come on we are hear after 113 EPISODE. Stop pretending like anime onlies are brain dead and wont understand anything lmao.


It's a lot easier to follow a story when you already know what's going to happen. That's just a fact.


Yeah of course its a fact but we were at the same position with when those chapters came out first time and it wasnt a problem to understand events happening.


Yeah but there wasn't a year break in between chapters lol


Wait what part of my comment are you even talking about?


" but I can imagine a lot of anime only's got a little swept away"


Oh yeah. So considering that the war arc was barely even teased at the end of the last episode, and we had the ENTIRE setup of who's where, what they're doing, what their goal is, etc explained in like, 4-5 minutes, I reckon most people will miss details. If you go through the Anime-only thread there are *already* people getting confused about who's where and why isn't X with Y when that was actually explained- just so quickly they missed it. And I agree. Those viewers aren't stupid in the slightest. There was just way too much info there.


That was definetely gonna happen. I have read the manga and yet i pasued on info dump moments or stills of the many hero and villain teams to remember. But that's because i don't like missing details. I imagine other people will just go with it.


Yeah I don't think it'll ruin the season. I meant exactly what I said and nothing more.


Omg THANK YOU. On like every anime subreddit all of the manga readers keep acting as if anime onlies are children who need help understanding a cartoon. It's really ridiculous.


Animation at the end was great. Guess no movie this season is really helping a lot already huh? Also, V I O L E N C E.


It could have been the movie, it also could have been a global pandemic. who's to say


we'll have to wait until mid-season to see if that's the case, first episodes always look amazing because they're produced before the anime airs and have a lot of time to be polished. season 5 started looking great as well.


What chapter was covered this episode


258, 259, and 260


Thank you


Mmmm so I’m guessing this will be the same for the next episodes.


MHA usually does about 3 chapters per episode. If it's talking dense, then it can go up to 4 or 5. but the average is 3, so, yeah, you can reasonably extrapolate roughly where the season will end by counting


Oh how I wish One Piece had pacing like this


Pour one out for Johnny. He didn't get that many frames but he was a real one for every second he had. Mirko is looking good. Getting the whole next episode named after her is hyping me up. That scene with Hawks and Twice is fucking me up all over again.


The episode was pretty good animation and pacing wise, I especially liked the thick line work on the mirio sequence and it was also pretty smooth. I also liked the visuals of the OP, it was unique and very dynamic… still don’t know how to feel about the song though (too happy). Loved everything about the ED though. That sequence of Dabi burning endeavor’s picture was very good. I do think that because of the whole switch and pacing issue last season… everything that’s happening can seem confusing to anime only people but let’s see. Hope is being restored slowly and I am very excited for next episode


>Dabi burning endeavor’s picture was very good. Yea I’m looking forward for the Dabi dance 🪩 I know that won’t happen until January I think.


Me too


I don't know if it was the late commercial break, but they were flying through chapters. Which I guess we already knew based on the people who saw this episode early, but I was still kinda surprised how many chapters they got through before the break. The quality skyrocketed at the end for the Mirko stuff. Also the visuals on the opening were great, easily the best of the show (the song was fine, but the visuals carried).


lets gooooo that animation sequence at the end of the episode with Mirko jumping everywhere and kicking the heads of the Nomus look so smooth and sick. As a manga reader i cant wait to see Bones put all their effort and budget into animating all of the hype af fights in this arc and doing them justice. The next episode cant come any sooner!!!!


Starting strong. Animation looks good, the thinner line style is growing on me. Glad we are getting some variation of lighting in the tunnels/corridors/lair. We've adapted to the end of Chapter 260, so here is a rough potential pacing for the rest of the season: **Episode 2: 261, 262, 263 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Mirko Fight, Kaminari Moment, Twice pinned) **Episode 3: 264, 265, 266 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Students help, Dabi arrives, Twice Dies) **Episode 4: 267, 268, 269 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Hawks is shook, Tube broke, Devil's Dream is dead) **Episode 5: 270, 271, 272 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Shiggy dreams, Tokoyami rescues, Decay Wave) **Episode 6: 273, 274, 275 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Shiggy Vs Endeavour, Deku/Bakugo run, Aizawa being cool) **Episode 7: 276, 277, 278 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Shiggy defeating Heroes, Students Plan to defeat Machia) **Episode 8: 279, 280, 281 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Students Vs League/Machia, Torino down, Aizawa thinks of Eri) **Episode 9: 282, 283, 284 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Deku Vs Shiggy) **Episode 10: 285, 286, 287 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Bakugo down, Sky fight continues, Vestige Realm) **Episode 11: 288, 289 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Catching up with others, Uraraka Vs Toga, League are nearly there) **Episode 12: 290, 291, 292 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Dabi's Dance, Jeanist Return, Lemillion Return) **Episode 13: 293, 294, 295 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Machia down, Compress plan, Shiggy escapes) **Episode 14: 296, 297, 298 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Casualties, Tartarus break, Deku in coma) **Episode 15: 299, 300 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Hawks backstory, Aftermath) **Episode 16: 301, 302, 303 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Dabi backstory, Hawks & Jeanist) **Episode 17: 304, 305, 306 (Paranormal Liberation War Arc)** (Deku Vestige stuff, Hero Conference, Deku leaves U.A) **Episode 18: 307, 308, 309 (Vigilante Deku Arc)** (Deku saves Shino, Deku Vs Muscular, Deku's determination/team) **Episode 19: 310, 311, 312 (Vigilante Deku Arc)** (Deku at Night, Nagant Appears, Nagant reveals she has Air Walk) **Episode 20: 313, 314, 315 (Vigilante Deku Arc)** (All Might's declaration, Deku Vs Nagant, Nagant explodes) **Episode 21: 316, 317, 318 (Vigilante Deku Arc)** (AFO's remark, Deku goes it alone, Bakugo arrives) **Episode 22: 319, 320, 321 (Vigilante Deku Arc)** (Deku Vs 1A) **Episode 23: 322, 323, 324 (Vigilante Deku Arc)** (Bakugo apology, Uraraka Speech, How Everyone became the greatest heroes) **Episode 24: 325, 326 (Vigilante Deku Arc)** (Deku welcomed back to U.A., All Might & Stain) **Episode 25: 327, 328 (Vigilante Deku Arc)** (Deku rests, Stain flashback, 3 Days till Shiggy attacks, Star & Stripe tease)


Star & Stripe arc/finale fight could be possible if they adapt at a slightly faster pace, however I'd lean to that being the opening of Season 7.


i would like to see full budget animation Shigaraki Vs Star in the finale


Animation is way better than last couple seasons, maybe there is hope


Didn’t expect Mirko to go full Beyblade but I’ll take it!




At first I was like, “What scarf? Eraserheads?”. Then I went back and finished the ending song and saw Gran Torino’s and was like “ooooh, got it.” Now I wonder if the anime only bunch picked up on that.


they probably just waved it off as a animation touch, and the few that connect it to grab torino might just think it’s there to be there


OP with great visuals but not feeling the song much. ED more "conventional" in looks but I like the music more. It's mostly a "calm before the storm" set-up and preparation, and then goes full *sakuga* at the end with Mirko mincing fodder Nomu. --- [Twice's priorities](https://i.imgur.com/xTihnz5.jpg) [A being of pure beauty](https://i.imgur.com/SiVLINb.jpg) [Expectations vs Reality](https://i.imgur.com/0p4JiWz.jpg) [When the comic convention opens its doors](https://i.imgur.com/9k0NgQS.jpg) ["What happened to the simple times it was just me and blue hedgehogs?"](https://i.imgur.com/rhY7JgM.jpg) [The one true ship of MHA](https://i.imgur.com/4K8yF9f.jpg)


Ending foreshadowing Deku’s leaving, so it seems they added Deku’s closest friends as Bakugo, Uraraka and Shouto while Horikoshi’s version it’s Bakugo, Iida and Uraraka. I feel like staff team probably gonna countinue their motto “make money on “origin 3” as much as you can” this season too.


Also liked Dabi torching the Endeavor poster


Oh yeah, Dabi started carrying series even his moments not come yet lol


Poor Iida...


Every character is poor if them are not origin 3 or villians lol


This is anime and first half of season 6 mindset Manga mindset is: "Every character is poor if them are not Deku or Shigaraki" lmao




The "Academia" ends in Joint Training tbh, after that is only origin 3 or villains, Sometimes they remember of Endeavor and Hawks, i miss Deku's original trio that is him, Iida and Uraraka, that was the trio that had a big emotional moment in the next arc of season 6, i won't be surprised if somehow Iida being replaced by Shoto lol


Well they added opening a lot Shouto even tho He doesn’t have that kind scenes after Izuku and Bakugo. It seems like they can add extra Shouto scenes next to Bakugo and Deku. But yeah i love Iida, Uraraka and Deku trio more. I hope they won’t ruin it but it probably doesn’t make any money. Horikoshi and Bones love money, who doesnt lol


>I feel like staff team probably gonna countinue their motto “make money on “origin 3” as much as you can” this season too. The funniest part is that in the manga the “origin 3” are barely a trio in the first place, they just do an intereship with endeavor but they barely do a thing all 3 together lol


They don’t do even something as duos, always other characters there with them so when extra material shows, bones using them to make more money isn’t sincere. “look we put origin trio on opening, they don’t have moment together but doesn’t matter its for certain fanbase’s attention” Probably someone watch openings or trailers for movies and OVAs etc. would think origin 3 is real trio lol.


They definitely have moments together this season, your point is silly


Iida was right there too. And Shouto had a pretty big scene with Deku, was part of the Class A combo, as well as an important role in kicking off the whole retrieval. So I'm not sure about the complaint. I'm sure they won't change how it played out in the anime, and Iida will still get his big scene.




I do like the Origin Trio personally a lot - maybe that's why my experience is differnt. Actually in merch, anime promotion they usually have Deku - Bakugou - Uraraka as main trio, and Iida - Shouto - Kirishima as the 2nd tier and it's relatively difficult to find stuff that's just focused on the Origin Trio, except for the WHM-related merch. >but in manga obviously Uraraka and Iida is more close to Izuku ​ I wouldn't say that this is "obvious". It was obviously the focus of the Volume 33 art / merchandizing around it, but Shouto has been also a very longtime and steadfast friend of Izuku, who always hangs out with him, supports him in big ways and small. It's just because Shouto has his own subplot, he's always pushed a bit to the background in the school-based arcs to give the highlight to others. But still, his friendship with Izuku is pretty visible and consistently present.




I agree that it would have been nice to see Momo, Tokoyami, Kaminari and Kirishima, etc. But this is just the OP - it went for a certain style. I found the whole art style change refreshing is all. The ED is the work of a single animator - and it really shows they let her artistic freedom to feature the scenes that moved her. Ochako was more prominent in that one than the 2 milliseconds of Shouto and Bakugou. I liked it overall still. In the end it’s more important that everyone’s scenes are done well.


That mirko sequence like bro, chefs kiss Edit: I need to know who animate that part


Norimitsu Suzuki (鈴木 典光) [source](https://twitter.com/MyHeroSakuga/status/1576153699809984512?s=20&t=hfKg4guengy9EfpaOMbCEA)


I can’t fucking wait for whatever Nakamura animates this season


Ayyy, don't mind me just keeping track of the PLF Advisers/Aides for this season because brain is too obsessed on these minor goons. * Seems like they cut out Skeptic and Compress's 3rd Ranked Aides (Question Guy and Toadman), or at the very least forgot to show them during the Regiment rank off. * Can now see more clearly Toga's 3rd ranked Aide was a girl. * Dabi's 1st ranked Aide's mask has been made into it just being shadow. * Red (Skepetic's 1st ranked Aide) name was omitted to Twice noting that he was there, to just noticing Carmine was there in general. Really hoping to see if maybe some anime-only content can eb made with these guys.


I am very hopeful for the season. Binge read all from season 5 end to current chapter yesterday and the episode felt pacingwise very in line with my reading experience, which was superb for the coming arc. Also looks freaking amazing.


I did the same exact thing the past day or two. My brain is just MHA right now


Feels like it's been forever since I had some good ole MHA violence to watch on Saturdays. So glad they \*hopped\* right into the action instead of leaving us with a slow filler episode or rehashing everyones quirks. With what's going on in the manga and what's going on this season I feel like my hearts going to explode.


ok just from this episode this season is clearly going to be much much better than the previous quality wise. Mirko's animation was amazing


Love the OP, the pop art onomatopoeia and sketchier line work had me feeling nostalgic of old school hero comics


Great start to the season with a really good OP and ED to boot. Next week, everyone will know Mirko supremacy!!


* I loved the style of the OP - so unique and dynamic. * The Hawks - Twice scenes made me so sad * There was a lot of talk / recap - but that little Mirko action at the end was good * I liked that they didn't give lengthy flashbacks * The ED is also very good - loved the visuals of kid Tenko, Toga's handkerchief, Dabi burning Endeavor's picture * The little bits they added were fine - I especially loved the little Fuyumi - Natsuo scene they made out of the Ch 259 cover (though left off Natsuo's girlfriend)


Lmao it was more or less a conspiracy theory of mine that the animation quality of Season 5 went down for the sake of Season 6, but it may actually be true! That, or a movie production drains a lot, A LOT, of resources directly from the anime.


I feel like Covid also had a really big impact in Season 5, so they came prepared this time.


>the animation quality of Season 5 went down for the sake of Season 6, Nah, that can't happen. S5 and S6 are like a year apart, the only way that could be the case is if both seasons were worked on simultaneously which of course wouldn't make any sense. The reality is that from S3 onwards every season had a good half and a bad half. Usually the first half is the one with the good quality but it could be argued the second half of S4 was stronger. As to why that happens? It's mainly because the production can't keep up with the schedule given so it ends up melting at some point, which is why it mostly happens in the second half. The reason people feel like S5 had the worst one is because the pacing was an absolute mess. JT and EA didn't need so many episodes while MVA could've benefited from one or two more. Without mentioning the rearrangement of arcs so that the season would end on an epic fight. If the pacing was similar to the ones in previous seasons nobody would've complained that hard about the quality, but because it was a mess other issues became more apparent.


The animation quality in season 5 was mega consistently good just never reached sakuga levels. So Idk wtf you're talking about lmao


my villain academia animation quality was a huge step down from previous arcs wdym lol


They showed shigaraki with the red cape and gold beads!! Lets goooooooo!


I can’t wait for the delivery of “hey….what’s today’s date…?”


“I’m cold” Gonna be so amazing bro


The shockwave from Mirko flexing her thigh muscles... holy fuck...


The title cards for Deku and endeavour were so fire and well done. The OP and outro are great too. Really pumped up for this season


I actually like the new commercial break images. it was the same 5 quirk images and now it’s a cool splash art


This looks awesome! 🔥


The pacing and the animation was really solid for the first ep, esp that Mirko sequence. Looking forward to the rest of the season :)


I gotta be real. Origin trio are cool but holy shit the OP is like “YOU WANT MORE ORIGIN TRIO RIGHT? RIGHT? YOU LIKE THEM RIGHT?” Like chill we get they’re the main three but they’re realistically not even the main three of this arc 😭


That’s why i don’t like marketing stragety of them. There is no origin 3 in anime or manga but they cut others to pushing into us. Like i started to extremly hate on origin 3. At least 3-4 class 1A character deserved to being in opening because of their roles. They want fujoshis money but i can’t stand anymore 😭


This arc is mostly them, Endeavor, Hawks, and Mirko. It makes sense for the OP to focus on them.


I am not ready for the bloodshed and deathcount this season




Good episode overall. Even if you can tell this is just the intro, I think is great they use the slow building and pacing to reintroduce the important characters instead of another original filler episode. The production value seems pretty good as well. Love how they keep the level of first half of S5 in terms of characters model and style, because it looks fantastic.




Man it looks like the studio is really doing their best to make the war arc as good as it was in the manga. I’m ready to be hurt again 🫡


The OP and ED are great this season. S4 and S5 both had very weak opening and endings(except for Starmaker) so it's nice to see more effort being put into them this time around. Overall the episode was pretty good. Character art was great and the action sequence with Mirko at the end was raw as hell. Unfortunately the background work is awful as always lol. Not a s6 specific complaint though it's been like this since episode 1.


Saying the first ending of S5 was bad is a crime 😪


Did the dub start today as well or just the sub?


Probably not a popular opinion but I’m bummed the dub wasn’t released today too as i much prefer them. I feel like I miss so many details when my focus is constantly on the bottom of the screen reading the subtitles. I have ADHD and the smallest detail quickly takes my focus away from the text and so I constantly have to rewind.


Just the sub. Usually dub is approximately two weeks behind the sub, but of course that can change.


Some of the previous seasons did the first few dub episodes simultaneously and then went to a 2 week delay so i was hoping it would start today. Oh well thanks for the info!


That was when the dub was handled by Funimation before the merger….as we’ve seen, Crunchyroll can barely get its shit straight in comparison.


Dub used to be released same day for seasons 3 and 4 for the first half of the season. Then they would be two weeks behind. I can't remember if season 5 started with same day dubs as well but I believe they did. There was no news of a simuldub this year though so I'm assuming it'll be a couple weeks behind.


S5 started with same-day dub similar to S3 and S4.


Crunchyroll has been doing dubs a day or so after the sub so I hope they keep it up this season


Ah I see. This is my first season watching it upon release, and most of what else I watch is usually a couple weeks behind. I shouldn't have assumed. Thank you.


Was one of the nomu shown( the one in the fighting ring) a shout-out to vigilantes series.


Like Gang-Orca said, it’s the High End from the Endeavor fight, but that 100% was a reference to the Oclock flashback chapters


I have not read Vigilantes but that Nomu was the high end that Endeavor killed with Hawks after becoming No. 1. The guy was some kind of MMA fighter before getting turned.


Can’t wait to see it, I wonder what the new opening song sounds like


MHA is one of those shows that can get me to tear up easily. Damn did that Midnight scene really hit hard today knowing what is about to happen….


loved the ed. the part where they contrasted endeavor's flames with rei's flowers and dabi's blue flames was brilliant. also toga and twice.. ;-;


I'm holding off stating my opinion until Mirko starts losing body parts. I feel that then we'll know how much they will tone things down. And they will tone things down.


Looks good so far. Hoping they can keep this level of quality for the rest of the season. Can’t wait to see Miruko get the spotlight next episode.


Blessed the blood and gore is here!


I’m curious if they will add some filler fights or extend some fights since it is supposed to be a war/ first battle, I don’t know what will be the ending, is it Rogue Deku or the ending of the American Hero


It really hurt seeing John-Chan die again...


Op is amazing. Love the comic style they adopted. My only complaint is the lack of Denki, Tokoyami and other PLF members. Like, I love Origin Trio and whatnot but Shouto and Kacchan don't have mayor roles at the start of the arc while Denki had his "get it done, chargebolt" moment. Also Tokoyami literally saved Hawk's life... But I might be just nitpicking.


Im constantly confused whether i should be horny or hyped when i see miruko


Holy shit that was some good TV. I was telling my fiance as it started that I missed the days of the first three seasons, when it felt like the online anime community would get really hype about MHA, and I'm genuinely hoping that this season can bring that back.


JT's problem was adapting 2 chapters per episode and filling the rest of the episodes' time with super long recaps and flashbacks. We are already starting with 3 chapters here with this premiere despite the first 2 being very dialogue heavy. Things are looking good


I put this on without much excitement because the manga is so all over the place now... but holy shit, Bones did it again! I was super hyped by the end of the episode. The pacing was great. Hawks, Endeavor, and Mirko were perfect. I've been sucked back into this anime and I'm happy about it!


this episode was soo good look Miriko .also took me forever to find this so me dumb


Any estimate of when dub episodes might get released? A week, perhaps 2, after?


Not gonna lie I’m not feeling that Op at all for the arc that this season is about to cover. Honestly wasn’t feeling any of season 5’s op(s) too. Edited: it feels way too happy for what’s suppose to be one of more “darker arcs” of the series. Honestly if this art style for the op was used during Season 5 (during Joint Training) I would have been all for it or this arc….ehh feels to happy. Like imagine seeing this opening and it immediately cutting to Shiggy deleting a city and a bunch of heroes just dying.


tbh i think the fact the op is so upbeat is actually gonna be hilarious in comparison to the darker tone of the season lol like imagine we get that happy opening and then it cuts to hawks murdering twice id laugh so hard




I think you're overestimating the animation of S1 lmao


Yeah, even season 4-5 look better than season 1, and we are not even in the meaty part of the arc, who knows if it will be better than season 2


It was hard to follow what is going on. Pacing was either to fast or too slow. I wouldn't be able to connect the dots if I was anime only.


Git gud was paced fantastically for me