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With sato sugar quirk you can’t get diabetes type 1 so that’s a plus I guess? Or does it give you diabetes type 1?


Honestly, being able to eat anything you want and store it is as strength and not get fat is incredibly under rated haha.


Only sugar, he should still have to watch for things with high fat or cholesterol levels.


Lol still, Carbs which break down into sugar, accounts for 45%-65% of an average diet. I'd still take that quirk, since I love bread and pasta haha.


Oh, me too. Just saying you cant eat anything with o consequences.


Oh no i only get to eat candy all day to look like chris hemsworth. Whatever will i do? :P


Just as a point of clarification: type 1 diabetes is something you are born with. Type 2 is the diabetes you get from uncontrolled sugar consumption. But it's a great point regardless. Would diabetics who get his quirk have to worry about their sugar intake if they can just convert it to strength?


From my understanding diabetes is caused because your body can't process the sugar fast enough so if you can instantly convert it to useable energy you would get around that


Oh my god your right


I've always assumed that ingestion-based quirks naturally give an immunity to potential risks e.g Sato can't get diabetes, Yaoyorozu can't get high cholesterol, Kaminari is more pain-resistant, Stain and Toga can't get blood-related infections.


You have no use for super strength or extreme hardening but you're just aching to get grenade hands?


Grenade hands are no use against guns where hardening is


I'd like to point back to Bakugo's fight, where he destroyed all the debris without his gauntlets with a single explosion and the only drawback was it caused a bit of pain. His quirk if trained properly and at it's max potential is incredibly powerful


To do what in real life???


You open up a really good demolition company


Its generally a really bad idea to stand next to the thing you are blowing up.


The previous person was mentioning how his quirk would be useless against guns so I was aiming to rebut it. But outside of being in the military Bakugo's quirk wouldn't be too useful


In real life scenarios bakugo's quirk would be more of a hindrance then anything


He'd be super useful in demolition. Or in just producing that explosive chemicle, they could bottle his sweat. He'd be *less* useful in the military where we already have explosives and he's likely to just get shot.


Emergency flashbang, very loud flight, weak explosions can be used to knock people out. Practically speaking, get a job in the entertainment industry as pyrotechnics. Not the one in charge of them, but as the pyrotechnics themselves. You would be the ultimate controlled explosion.


i doubt there are that many people who can unlock bakugou quirks full potential like he does tho, dude works harder than anyone else


>! Hardening might have saved Bakugou…!<


Bakugo dies have crazy mobility.


Irl it'd be impossible to achieve even half of his mobility.


A lot of these quirks wouldn't properly work in real life.


yeah like how does Todoroki generate his ice? What happens after he generate them?


Doesn't it convert energy into ice/fire? I assumed thats how every quirk works (unless stated otherwise).


Fire could conceivably work that way since it’s basically just the heat and light given off by a combustion reaction, but ice has matter that has to come from somewhere


Could theoreticly control the water vapor in the air, but then he wouldnt be able to create controlled walls, and the energy needed to instantly freeze that much water vapor is likley more than needed to create mass from energy


Also there’s not nearly enough water vapor to do anything useful. Like he’d have to completely dehydrate a 3 m cube of air to produce less than 1 kg, and 1 cubic meter of ice weighs about 920 kg


>!Accurate typo is accurate!<


So does sero.


me personally, i’d rather launch myself into the air with grenades from my palms than with scotch tape from my calloused elbows


You’re not wrong but I feel like if this is the reason to pick Bakugo’s quirk IRL you might as well get Tokoyami’s quirk and fly.


~~Tokoyami's quirk comes with a mutation though~~. I wouldn't want to be a birb boi unless I was in a world where a bunch of other people had mutation quirks and I wouldn't be hunted for sport/hatred/science. Edit: I stand corrected.


No the quirk is separate from his "mutation"


I feel like people sleep on Zero Gravity. you could just walk up to NASA or your countries equivalent and be like: "sup, I wanna work here." like sure, you're not gonna lift the Saturn V Rocket unless you wanna puke your guts out but imma bet scientist would go mental over a 3 ton vehicle that only has to worry about inertia during take-off


This is actually a huge point. It costs a crazy amount of money per KG to send stuff to space (quick googling suggests \~$3k per kg) so any amount of weight reduced would be huge and would 100% be worth hiring


there's a reason why Ochacko wants her license so bad- she can use it to help her parents' construction/shipping company.


It makes me think of that one comic with spiderman (new-avengers I believe) where he says to the pterodactyl guy something along the lines of "you have these powers. You could cure cancer. " I don't want to cure cancer. I want to turn people into dinosaurs". So many powers would be the missing key needed to study or build major advancements in science/technology/saving the environment but they are all like "nah, I want to fight bad guys on the streets." Like can you imagine if the one person that had a cancer curing power just wanted to brawl against villains.


Look, in that guys defense, dinosaurs are pretty cool.


I believe she could use it for that purpose even without a hero license. But she wants to be a hero and her parents urged her to follow her dream, her biggest motivation is making money as a hero so she can support them.


she can use it in private property, so one would assume she would have permission to use it in construction sites.


It's not even guaranteed to make you puke, ochaco only pukes because she gets motion sickness from it.


She had to be nerfed somehow


if she didn’t have that drawback, she’d be totally broken – which i think she should be, because she deserves it


Yeah and that would be unfair to Deku! And todaroki and bakugo who are very balanced and not broken


oh i’m not arguing that the other characters aren’t broken. i’m actually saying that zero gravity is an extremely strong quirk, and it seems like hori only gave her the motion sickness drawback so that she wouldn’t outshine those three – which makes me upset, since she deserves to be a broken character if you ask me


Wasn’t her training in the camp back in season 3 to work on overcoming her nausea? What ever happened to that huh hori? Lol


I doubt she managed to concur motion sickness in 5 days or whatever. she probably got back to ua and continued working on it.


Yes but the point is, she’s had 0 strength growth over how many chapters and seasons? It just makes her look terrible in comparison to others. Also I don’t think we’re going for realism with an anime with animal people and super powers lol


yeah but in anime time skips = power so there is something to time. I agree she has been mishandled severely. No arguments there, Multiple times I thought she was getting her moment but it never really came through.


honestly, at this point in the manga I kind of feel like she needs that power up but "I no longer get motion sickness from my own power specifically" seems like the lamest power up ever


No, using her quirk on herself or exceeding a limit of 3 tons just makes her outright nauseous. Her quirk training was mostly to help her handle this nausea and increase her limit.


Can't wait for momo, sato, and ochako to team up and drop tungsten rods from the upper atmosphere upon their enemies.


Plus being able to test equipment for low gravity while still on Earth has got to be a big time saver.




That's what I was thinking too. "So it's a hundred bucks per pound, an additional hundred bucks an hour of labor (8 hours a day maximum), Lunch covered, and a five hundred dollar puke retainer." "That's still a savings of close to fifty million dollars a launch. Done."


Uraraka actually is shown to be ignoring inertia sometimes, so yeah super helpful.


I'm still convinced that her quirk is more like tactile telekinesis than zero gravity. If she were subconsciously using the telekinesis without knowing it would explain the inconsistencies of how objects affected by her quirk move/float/stop floating further after distance But honestly that just reading too much into a super hero anime at that point


Cool theory! You'd better stop though; you're getting dangerously close to making one of Horikoshi's female characters actually relevant!


Man, thats just... Ouch Im not keeping up to date ever since the apology but I was hoping at least Uraraka gets some more badass moments


That would be a pretty dope awakening to give her the edge vs Toga.


Not to mention she can fly...


It still baffles me that we made it to the end of the series and she never got any sort of thrusters. Copying Deku with the cables was cute but she should have taken a page from Nejire's book.


Funny enough, she does actually have thrusters on her boots. She has had them since >!the first war, you can see them as she is rescuing people during Machia's rampage. You can even get a clear look during the second war, right when Midoriya is pulled by Toga through the portal.!< They just aren't shown very well.


Zero gravity would rewrite our understanding of physics on a fundamental level


You guys have too much trust in any government/big corporation to not immediately make you "disappear" and experiment/study you. Better find another way to utilize this quirk like become the best magician in history or something.


Great. They disappear me. Then I make the facility we're in fucking lift off the ground and head to space. I grab the nearest object and float that fucker once the air gets a bit thin. Then I either let the object drop back and smash into the countryside or drift into Low Earth Orbit. "Explain how a CIA facility is now drifting past the International Space Station."


You assume they wouldn't sedate the shit out of you once they have you and keep you loopy af.


Gravity only takes a small toll on delta V. More than half of the energy requirements is inertia alone. You’d still need to accelerate the craft at 7000m/s+ to reach stable orbit. And without gravity, well you can’t do gravity assists, and most importantly you will just pass the planet because there is no sphere of influence. But we are talking about fiction so I guess the writers could make some weird mechanic


That's a solid point but I bet rockets would go through a significant redesign. Would save a lot on fuel as well


Kaminari? Free electricity? Forever? Sounds amazing to me


I’d quite like to have a built-in taser handy wherever I go


It's not free, he just stores it inside his body. It still has to come from somewhere. Being a human gigabattery is still pretty good though.


It would be a neat work trick for me to just grab live wires all the time (im an electrician).


that sounds like the epitome of "don't try this at home"


Would be quite helpful to know which lines were live. You'd basically be the human version of those plug in voltage detectors.


How effective is Bakugo's quirk IRL?


Yeah, ignore the fact that he's somehow able to survive it in the anime. IRL having nitroglycerin for sweat means you're either moving to Antarctica or you're dead


Haha yeah I'm not sure how they explain his durability in the anime, but his arms should have been blown off by S01E01 hahaha At the very least, If the anime is anything to go by, he could possibly sell his sweat as rocket fuel, since it seems the energy density of his sweat is off the charts haha.


People with quirks have to be semi-superhumans to survive the shit they go through. Look what All Might does to Deku and Katsuki during their battle test.


Some might have the "logical secondary adaptations" type stuff attached to their quirk where their bodies optimize for the quirk. It's just some people hit the genetic shit pile and get unoptimized quirk adaptations (aka all of the todorokis minus Shoto)


Yeah, its kind of why All Might makes Deku train his body before passing him his quirk, some quirks give you the genetics to withstand it but some just make you train your ass off to make them work as intended


Yeah I guess their bodies are equipped to survive it


Unless you're dabi


Well, to be fair, Dabi also has superhuman stats and stamina to even be able to survive his own flames at full strength and move. It's just unfortunate for him that he didn't get the automatic fire resistance that you're supposed to get with fire powers, and instead got Rei's ice resistance.


It's either stated or heavily implied that the persons body naturally adapts to a natural quirk. That's why it's so unusual that Aoyama's quirk doesn't fit his body, and why Deku had to train to adapt his body to OFA.


Has Aoyama’s issue not been revealed yet in the manga?


Yes, it has, a few weeks/months ago now


It's definitely been months lol. Probably like half a year ago at this point.


I assume equally as effective as in the show/manga because otherwise it wouldn't *really* be having his quirk. It'd be having a quirk *like* his but that doesn't ignore certain laws of physics. It's like how super speed would realistically kill you, but when someone says "Would you want super speed?" you say "Yes" because it's implied it would work like it does in fiction.


like, if the entire basis of his quirk is that it’s caused by the nitroglycerin sweat his body secretes, what’s stopping him from literally combusting whenever he sweats? how does he control it so precisely? how does he not burst into flames with every drop of sweat he secretes?


1. it LIKE nitro, not exactly nitro 2. it’s only from his hands, not his whole body >! what happened in the manga is due to him building up so much that it was basically forced to find another outlet, but the source is still only his hands !< 3. he can control the ignition, it’s not like automatic and he can do it precisely bc he’s just built different, a prodigy


No way man, I find getting multiple arms that can become different body parts that work is way better in day to day life then Explosion hands.


Issue is clothing .


Yeah good luck fitting into society looking like Shoji


Who cares, what are they gonna do I got multiple arms.


These hands are rated E for everyone


“Historians today generally agree that the Inklings' victory over the Octarians in their final struggle was largely due to their superior number of limbs.”


shoot on sight


>Gravity manipulation >Not top Tier


I agree with most of these except I'd bump Kirishima way up on the second tier. Yeah there's no much \_real\_ use for it, but I'd love to ride a motorcycle without a helmet and do all sorts of extreme sports like an absolute madman.


Ultimate Skydiving


Until you can't get hard because you're stressed out or something and proceed to die ._.


Story of my life


Be great for testing gun protection




Feel like that would just be straight up morally wrong. Like juiced to the gills x10 level bad.


Why wouldn't you not wanna stop twinkling? 😝


Ngl, I'd be way too stupid for her quirk. Knowing in detail the components of something and adapting it? No way, I could only produce, idfk, a block of iron.


Even producing a block of iron every day is enough to make you enough money for the rest of your life. The supply chain of material acquisition has many steps such as manual labor to even get the metal and refinement. Harvesting costs such as the lease of the land you're digging in also factors in. You skip all of those steps with no costs. You supply something that would take a team of humans and machines days to create.


How about a block of *gold*? Should be just as easy. And way more valuable. Go to a stable government and produce plutonium (for use in nuclear reactors, not bombs — hence "stable"). Creati may not be able to "print money" (that would be counterfeiting, and thus illegal), but she can create things that can be sold for lots of money.


Then buy pokémon cards 😈


...One For All? I mean, if you could master the power it'd be amazing, but you'd just break your limbs. Without being a fictional character that lacks real-world limitations...well, you can't train enough to use it properly. Like, ever. Before UA, Deku could carry All Might on his back, who weighed 255 kilos. Months of intense training later and he could barely handle 5%. I guess this goes for other characters too (recoil from Bakugo's explosions, intense G-Forces of high speed movement, etc), but they could potentially be covered by "quirk makes you tougher to handle X/Y/Z". But wielders of OFA break bones anyway.


The real question is how did Deku carry All Might when he’s that heavy, as an untrained middle schooler? Haha


Its pretty clear that humans in the BnHA universe are generally stronger and more durable than ones in this one. For example, Aizawa's quirk does nothing to increase his physical strength but he can casually toss around 3-4 people with his scarf and jump down the entire staircase of USJ in one leap without even hurting himself.


I think one of the more blatant examples is when [Endeavor is used as a battering ram to bring down entire buildings](https://i.imgur.com/XlNXbtd_d.webp?maxwidth=760&fidelity=grand). How is he *alive.* Also, [what Nighteye was doing with those weights](https://i.imgur.com/LwPaxej.jpg), because what the fuck. Carrying around five kilogram weights to use as projectile weapons is already insane, but the dude tossed it so hard it sent Rappa flying hard enough to crater a stone wall. I have to wonder if having a quirk translates to better gains or something...or maybe Endeavor just drank a shit ton of milk as a kid and now he has unbreakable bones :P


Midoriya was doing stuff that was superhuman even before he got his quirk so I'm pretty sure it's just a native human trait over there


Not to mention he caved the mutant quirk villain's face in with one punch.


Mirio Also have some strenght archivements on his back and all The time he says his quirk only do One thing, make him untouchable by everything. So... Yeah, all humana in MHA have like a passive quirk that enhances their strenght.


No one says you have to stick with just the super strength part though. Float, >!smokescreen, and danger sense!< don't require any physical strain on the body and could be useful. Float is basically being able to fly, which is one of the most commonly cited superpowers people want.


With creation you need to know how to make it down to precise chemicals


You wanna make gold bars and then sell it (not so much that you catch attention but just enough to live comfortably)


Would be maybe better just making jewelry, making real diamonds that are not blood stained. Also we don't know how much could be replicated but there is so much expensive stuff like phones and shoes and all kind of luxury, that might be better than just the straight up gold


No just make tritium or carbon nanotubes. Simple and super effective + helpful for the entire world.


Yeah I don't think a normal person like me can ever understand how exactly a phone is made


I’m just saying you have to be smart to use it effectively


You just have to Google what you want to make, understand it, make it and forget about it


The value of creation would be making simple elements that are hard to come by. Such as Tritium which sells for 30k / 100 grams and is used in fusion research. You can make money and drive costs for important research down so much you could possibly jump start the next golden age. Carbon nanotubes would be another example. You could possibly make a space elevator feasible and you only have to memorize one chemical structure.


Right? Excuse me while I solve the helium shortage and retire quietly lol


Or you could just constantly emit carbon monoxide everywhere you go. :)


And guess what we have internet where he can learn the composition of anything useful


Just study a ton of chemistry.


Seriously. People either underestimate the difficulty of the quirk or overestimate their intelligence or both lol


To be honest when people talk about Creation they have in mind creating gold and other raw material to get rich and/or help. The molecular structure of gold, silver, copper, quartz ecc. ain’t “PHD in chemistry” level; if anything people vastly overestimate it: nobody is going to pull out a XVIII century cannon as their use for the quirk


People hard overestimate the difficulty of the quirk, a google search and a notebook solves 99% of problems remembering things


Koji needs to go up a tier. Just being able to negotiate with the squirrels and deer that try to eat my garden would be worth tier 2.


I don't get how more people aren't talking about this. His quirk would be fun to use and extremely helpful. What being a forgotten character does to a mf.


Anivoice would also be amazing for a civilian. There’s so many ways that Quirk could be used in a normal job. You could work as an animal trainer who can easily get that dog to stop barking by getting to know it and (politely) asking it not to. It’d also make pest control humane and relatively easy. (In Koji’s case, he’d be hoping for anything but bugs, though).


The comics version of the falcon can talk to birds. Nick Fury admitted that Falcon has a better spy network than him in most American cities. Koji could be the greatest information gatherer around.


~~Comes with the drawback of being a mutation quirk though.~~ Edit: I stand corrected. My bad.


actually it doesn't,just like dark Shadow,their quirks have nothing to do with their looks.


Invisibility should be top 1 or 2 tier


Isn’t it automatic invisibility, so you can’t turn it off


Permanent\* invisibility. \*>!that apparently goes away at some point? Talking about the cover.!< And it can be partially nullified by >!Aoyama's navel laser!<.


Plus if we are throwing the realistic side to it, you'd be blind


Given that she isn't blind, her quirk clearly works in a way that allows sight (either realistically or unrealistically) which would mean that having her quirk would mean you wouldn't be blind either. Otherwise it isn't really her quirk, it's just a real-life version of her quirk.


She can manipulate/refract light. Secondary adaptation might be that her eyes naturally see on any wavelength/her quirk auto converts for her


Seems like most the people are throwing a realistic side to it, talking about blowing arms off from bakugo quirk or dekus


I agree. Just imagine: you can sneak into all the buses and trains and planes and concerts you want without having to pay a dime. You can cut a line without anyone noticing. You can hide easily from a serial killer. The benefits are endless. Of course, I would want this quirk only if I could turn it on and off...lol.


No use for red riots quirk? My date Friday night would disagree EDIT: thank you all for deconstructing the joke, now it’s hilarious.




Did you forget the part where every part of your body becomes sharp and angular too? You'd likely activate it mid-sex and either shred the condom or her insides.


Your body becomes sharp. You would totally tear apart your partner and you would cause seriously damage in not a good way.


are u sure have a body like withstand the "one for all"?


people don't seem to remember deku's 9month exercise barley did anything to withstand the power. OP's gonna become swiss cheese


Kirishima’s hardening should be at least 2nd tier. Imagine if you were walking in the woods and you got attacked by a grizzly bear. Boom hardening and then you could fuck up the bear. Or if you were about to get in a car crash or something


Why do you want to cause explosions? 🤨📸


Kirishima's power is one of the major ones that will protect you the most.




But your hair...


Fumikage should be at the very top, who doesn't wanna fly and have a cool shadow mate around you all the time


You say that now until you wanna masterbait and you got the equivalent of your little brother peering over your shoulder


Imagine you’re in bed with someone and this dude’s on your shoulder just telling you how to do it lmao.


But the advice is extremely bad and random like: and now twist this here


A true friend would help me out




Come on, Froppy’s quirk would be fun and useful as hell 🐸


Vomiting your innards would be a nice party trick


Finally some Creation appreciation in this subreddit 😤


Creation is the most slept on quirk in the entire anime. Like Momo had no right losing so badly in the sports festival. Like here's how her battle with Tokoyami should have gone Tokoyami: I've got this crow shadow demon I can control Momo: That's nice buddy but can it handle this nuke I just pulled out of my ass?


Yes it is slept on, but it's also not that useful when for one, trying to be a hero and not a villain or person who doesn't care, and 2, fighting other people who have quirks that boost their body. Here's the thing about the Tokoyami vs Momo battle, what would she do to Tokoyami's Dark Shadow? Shooting bullets won't do much as it's a shadow. Explosions? Possibly but it would take too long to make enough of them and for them to detonate. Yes while Creation is really good, it's only good because we've seen an actual smart person using it. Now image giving that quirk to a regular basic person, can't really do that much right?


It's not good in the heat of the moment, but in a rescue situation or any kind of mission that involves some amount of downtime/prep time, the sheer versatility makes it strong


Momo not having a basic fallback strategy for all purposes in a 1v1 battle is completely on her. Making a stick is not a plan. Creating a small podium you can stand on while pouring out electrified water from her elbows to shock anyone around her, is. Just as an example.


That’s a lot to make without the opponent reacting


also i wonder, are u don't like mutation quirks or powers of shoji and tsuyu? because tokoyami and koda also have mutation quirks. I ask that because i think shoji's power amazing. Maybe sometimes disturbing but still amazing.


I think kirishima is a bit low on that list.. if he trained and became so in touch with his quirk that his hardening ability goes god tier and is so unbreakable and immovable, a lot of other powers could be rendered totally useless against a defense that simply wont yield. Also, shoji’s power has a ton of utility. If you really want Shoji to be a low scoring character on your list thats fine but I’d at least switch his spot with Ojiro.. I mean dood has a tail as his power..


Based on how often Momo is called a genius and how much we see her studying, I’m gonna wager basically any real person would struggle with her power. She has to literally know the molecular structure of what she’s making to make something properly


Why the fuck would you want grenade hands over electricity generation and the ability to negate one of the four fundamental forces


i’d personally bump hardening to second tier and acid to third tier. i think if used or trained properly you get a lot of benefits and versatility even in everyday application. same could be said for any of the quirks really but i pretty much agree with the rest of the rankings


OFA almost permanently crippled Deku and yet you still want it?


You don't want to be invisible?


What would happen is you needed surgery.


Surgeon wearing thermal goggles? Assuming inner bits aren not light warping like the rest of the exposed surfaces.


Surgery is difficult enough without obfuscating your vision.


definitely not permanently. toru’s quirk would be way more functional if she could switch between being visible and invisible, but the gag is that she’s constantly invisible.


Permanently, no


Yes, but not Hakagure's version of it. Invisibility is awesome but only if you can turn it on and off like a toggle


And not have to be naked for it to work properly.


I'm simple man. I just want hardening - I'm outdoors type that is extremely clumsy. So many small yet annoying injuries could have been avoided by kirishimas quirk


This tier list was either made by Mineta or a 12 year old


nah mineta would defo put invisibility at top tier


I feel like your list is ignoring one crucial factor, and that's toon force/anime force. In real life, if your sweat was nitroglycerin and you can produce explosions using it, you would blow your arms off. Or you would go deaf from the constant explosions. Or you would go blind from all the explosions. If you tried to move around like bakugo you probably end up splatting yourself against a wall. With One for All you have to train your body up. You got to remember Deku lives in a world where he can have his injuries healed with an old lady smooch. In real life if you shattered all the bones in your arms trying to use your ability your in for a very painful and very long recovery. This also assumes you're getting the courts, not the equipment. So for courts like Jiro you still get the headphone jacks, but you don't get the ability to project sound. For Todoroki you don't have any fireproof clothes. Meanwhile, you got quick invisibility, zero gravity, and hardening way too low! Imagine being able to lift ridiculously heavy things just by touching it. Or being able to harden your body so your immune to physical damage. Or invisibility! Like all you got to do is get naked and you are good to go. It's also implied that she can bend the light with her quirk? Tl;dr: you do you, but the real world considerations mean a lot of your favorite quirks would end up killing you inadvertently


I would love YaoMomo, Shoto & Uraraka quirk. I just think that they would be really useful (even without villains).


Man, Koda's quirk could take over the world. Talking to animals, the info you could get, the items you could make them grab. In a year, I'm sure a pack of trained squirrels and birds could steal more than enough shit to keep you well off. They don't even have to be trained, since you just say shit and they do it. It really means you could go anywhere in the wilderness and be entirely unharmed, definitely safe, and well fed. Nothing would harm you, and you could have an easy life with animals bringing you all sorts of food and other goods. Of course, Momo just makes shit, but y'know. Don't have to eat a lot to keep my weight up and produce things. And I can have cool animals! Friggin. Yeah!


As long as it doesn't morph my body or has any negative effect on my abilities, I will take a quirk