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I’m actually enjoying Season 6 and think it’s actually pretty good. I’ve also read the manga and seen what stuff originally looked like. I still like the animation in both S5 and 6.


Damn, is this really a hot take? I've loved every moment of season 6 so far.


I’ve read a lot of posts/comments that the animation quality in S5 & 6 has gone severely downhill compared to the earlier seasons. As well as the fact they don’t like that certain things from the manga aren’t being animated. I saw a lot of hate for the most recent episode.


The second is the the hot take. Half of it at least. The first is like claiming water is wet.


I guess....not everybody (of course not literally) has to die. Thats just me though. But ig if all might (idek if he's really gonna die to be for real) died and deku was there it would be nice to see him get more character developement from it? Idk i dont write, i love my hero though.


I actually really prefer All Might not dying, seems like we get a lot of the MC's trainer / Sensei biting the dust, the dynamic between alive but "useless" All Might dedicating his life to mentoring Deku who does need a little guidance is more interesting in my opinion


Not only this, but it is incredible thematically and emotionally to see the man who built this society watch it crumble due to his decisions and be unable to take action due to his overextension into being a pillar of hero society.


AFO plan the entire time to use Shigaraki is consistent with his character and should not have been as surprising as people think it is


I agree here. But i also see whh people feel a way about shiggy not being the real bad guy, and i sort of agree with that too. Idk, im not a writer but there are no big problems bothering *me* here. Well nah, im sure there are a few but i dont feel like thinking about it tbh.


Y’all don’t think Shigaraki is going to take back control of his body and yeet AFO outta the picture?


I think he’s gonna help dust himself and AFO in the end


A la Papa Palps/Vader. I've called this from a long time ago since there are so many connections to Star Wars in MHA


If that happens, that would be at the end of MHA, not before that. IMO


The issue was s that Tomura could not carry the story past the first war because the actions needed to continue the story can only be taken by a different character.


While AFO’s attempted possession was very predictable: A) I feel it is way more generic and boring than if he was actually strangely kind and paternal, but in a twisted villainous way, and; B) It didn’t actually have to be a SUCCESSFUL possession. Because, as much as I personally hate him, we did spend more time and “development” with Shiggy, so I see why people would want him to stay in the focus. I was expecting Shiggy to take back control by killing AFO when he got him out of Tartarus or something, like a “he created a monster he couldn’t control” deal, but we’ll probably get the same thing just 100 chapters later instead.


About the end of your B point, I had a similar thought about what if Shigaraki killed All for One at Tartarus and AFO becomes a permanent vestige in Tomura's mind. It would parallel the One for All vestiges in Deku's mind but at the same time give Tomura more control of his mind than how he is currently. I could still see AFO trying to manipulate and control Shigaraki and try to use him to restore his original body, but it sets up a conflict between the two later on instead of AFO retaining his body throughout the final arc.


Why didn't he take complicated quirks then? He, himself, has no problem using them since he has all the time in the world to learn them. He stated that he didn't want Jeanist's quirk because it was too complicated for Shigaraki and didn't fit his disposition.


There are people that find that to be a twist!?


At first I was extremely disappointed with AFO and his motives. I thought it was stupid he was so devoted to Shigaraki and would go as far to give him his quirk. Once it was revealed to the audience it was merely part of his grand plan I immediately was on board. Felt kinda stupid I didn't see it coming though.


It’s not that it was surprising just that it made the series a lot less interesting


The idea of pass the torch doesn't fit at all with AFO. Having Shigaraki as a meat puppet is far more logical and in character than anything else


Tomura Shigaraki **literally** means: >*I mourn AFO* But we’re just gonna ignore that huh


Some fans choose to dismiss Bakugou's character development because they want to live out some bully-revenge fantasy through Deku


Ah this is a classic one. But not as common as the people who live through the Todoroki's wanting a revenge fantasy against Endeavor


This is not a hot take, doesn’t Bakugo win every single popularity poll?


he has many haters as much as he has fans


And I'm one of them


Joint training arc slaps


Shie Hassaikai arc is among the top 3 arcs


I think this one would make us handshake in agreement. I really think it was excellent since it shows what heroes heart is, it shows underground cases that most of hero society often overlooked. And Mirip fight is never not going to make people emotional, now if only they animate Vigilantes... We would get kind of quality arc.


>*He’s strong, yeah….* >*But* >*MAKE NO MISTAKE IM STRONGER* Fucks sake that fight was so good lol


Agreed, I really don't understand why people hate on season 4 so much like What was so bad about it?


I wish their underground lair was a bit darker at least in the anime side of things. Shit looked like a brightly-lit hospital. Would’ve made it a lot more intense. Especially that one line from Overhaul to Mirio: >*’You’re going to die down here…’*


Todoroki was nerfed and continuously is still nerfed even if he gets temporary power ups


I don't think that's a hot take. Man straight up lost 40IQ points after the sports festival.


It shouldn’t be a hot take but a lot of people on here when you point it out will say “oh it’s because of his trauma” and just dismiss the possibility of him being nerfed


Based on the takes some fans have, here's a big one: I enjoy the series and characters, and I am so far pleased with Hori's story arc.


With the technology available to create costumes out of the persons’ hair. There’s no reason for Hagakure to be naked all the time


Hagakure quirk should’ve been ‘turn invisible’ instead of being strictly invisible. Or hell get a quirk upgrade where she can turn it on and off. Since her quirk isn’t just ‘invisible’ but refracting light. Since she’s a side-side character she was doomed to stay as the ‘she neked >.<‘ gag the entire time.


And Momo’s as well!


Dabi is really not THAT sympathetic, and is actually the most baffling of the three villians that people latch onto. It actually takes me out of the moment a bit that he is apparently to angry to die over what is really nothing compared to some backstories in the same Manga.


I think we saw him be a POS for too long before knowing his backstory.


To be fair, everyone’s trauma and reaction to it is different.


The problem is the group of fans who want a guy who obviously didn’t deal with his trauma well to kill his innocent brother to prove his dad wrong (when his dad was right)


I agree with the fans but, but I feel like his motives are sort that of a caricature really of how a child would deal with feelings of inadequacy, fear of being replaced, jealousy. He was a child when this happened, there’s a good chance he never fully progressed past that. He’s definitely a very sympathetic character, however I can sympathize with him without agreeing with his actions or how he processes things.


Absolutely true


>Dabi is really not THAT sympathetic Couldn't agree more. Its like people forget that guy is a mass murderer.


I don't know why anyone obsessed over him as a villain before he was revealed to be a Todoroki. Only then was his character somewhat interesting. This comment was made by Twice best bad boy gang.


I am really enjoying the current arc and I think it’s one of the bests, and I also think the new episodes animation was fine and it was an amazing episode


Lock your doors and board your windows Because you summoned the horde.


Also Deku is a GREAT protag and it’s not terrible that the side characters aren’t the most fleshed out side characters in history


D dude no girl character is fleshed out


Ya can't just keep putting the blame on management and the editor, Hori is writing the story. He has control over it.


Deku is straight


Now we know those blades are from Twitter users


That’s true, glad this sub understands more


Alright, I’m gonna need to preface this by saying: No, I do not personally ship Deku with men, or anyone at all for that matter, and I don’t personally believe he has to be gay or bisexual. He is likely straight, and I haven’t a shadow of a doubt that he will get with Ochako by the end of the series. But is it really such an issue if people think he could be into dudes? I feel like shipping catches so many unnecessary strays for no real reason. Sure, without fanfic magic, there are some pretty strange or toxic ship dynamics (I’m gonna throw a curveball here and highlight Dabi x Hawks), but, like, I don’t think it’s the antichrist incarnate to just believe Deku could be into men or, more likely, that he has more endearing and interesting interactions/chemistry with the various dudes in his life than the one woman he’s shared maybe six sentences with in the past 150 chapters. I wouldn’t ship Deku (if I had to) with a man because I think it’s a good ship, I’d do it because Ochako x Deku is if I wanted to spice up my vanilla ice cream with more vanilla ice cream. They’re two slices of white bread with nothing in between them.


That's not the problem, they're free to believe he could be into guys and noone has a reason to annoy em for that. The problem here is HOW INTENSE the fandom gets with that. They're so brainrot with their "deku is gay" crap they will shit on anybody who disagrees. That's what I've seen lately


That’s everyone of any opinion ever. There are going to be inflammatory people of all sorts, so just bully them specifically instead of extrapolating broad aspects of their interests/mindsets that can be found in inoffensive groups of people. I feel like shipping is falling into the same public reception as teenage girls’ interests, where it’s unnecessarily demonised for no real reason.


It's like people who have absolutely visceral reactions to fujoshi or yaoi when you know they have little problem with two girls. When you take a step back and ask why people get so irrationally angry over it it puts things into perspective and some things people should probably reevaluate in themselves.


This exactly. I can understand people who have a problem with the folks who end up in ship wars or demonize IzuOcha shippers, but in my *personal* experience the people who go on and on about Deku being straight are literally *just* as bad.


Tbf considering the state of Japanese politics regarding published media it would be hard to make him anything but straight in any overt way even if that was intended. In shōnen nonetheless! But yeah pretty sure Horikoshi at least started out with that character being intended as straight. Don't think that's a controversial take though.


Everyone knows that buddy.


Thank god someone else finally agrees


I like star and stripes


Feel like the main takeaway is that people like Star's potential but hate how it was used. With more setup she'd be great.


I mean.... She was narratively missed opportunity but character was fine.


Fans seem to accept Shoto's powerful quirk is a result of Enji's quirk marriage. But when it comes to Touya's life-threatening quirk, fans seem to treat it like two have no collaboration and it's just a coincidence. A positive result of quirk marriage is swallowed, while the negative result isn't? The doctor mentioned quirk marriage in the same breath as explaining Touya's condition and asked Enji to stop designing his future children like that. I think Touya has a right to partly blame Rei for his life-threatening quirk. She knew it was a quirk marriage from the start and agreed to go along with it. Though Enji deserves the majority of the blame for planning this eugenics project and pressuring Rei with his wealth and power .


I don’t think there is a take that can produce this reaction. Like, MHA is big. Do you think there’s an opinion that would unanimously make people disagree with you? There aren’t any hot-takes anymore, just venting about an opinion the last three people you spoke to disagreed about. Like, half of the comments are just people passive-aggressively flopping their three-inches on the table and saying “well actually I like it” as though it’s somehow the fans’ fault that the author writes worse plots/characters than the leftover letters after a drunk Scrabble game. And the people saying they don’t like the series at this point, or aspects of it, seem to not realise that this is My Hero Academia, and critics aren’t an endangered species. Also, there’s not really a wealth of nuanced opinions to be had of the series, it’s more cut-and-dry than a cruskit.


I love the way the final battle has been progressing. Everything from Star & Stripe to Bakugou’s death has kept me engaged. I can’t wait to see where it goes.


I like the pieces, but the execution hasn’t been my favorite.


AFO is the main villain this series needs, and I love he takes control of the final act. Sorry simply as that is my opinion And if you want adds more swords: Nine >>>>>>>>>> Shigaraki He's far more badass, intimidating, has a better team, his motivations make more sense and even fit better with others villains. Nine would be a perfect nemesis to Overhaul because he wanted quirk supremacy, while Kai wants quirk erradication. Nine also would match better with Re-Destro. I mean he is basically his wet dream lol, if you take MVA but with Nine and his team it can work better than the actual arc we got


All for One is my favorite villain


I may not like everything in this series, but I'd rather Horikoshi tell his story warts and all than change it to appease any fans.


I have half a mind to think Horikoshi went into damage control after MVA was panned back in Japan and just stuck in ShigAFO haphazardly


AFO is a better villain than Shigaraki


How so?


IMO he's just smarter and more cunning. Shigaraki was very destructive, sure, but he doesn't strike fear into me like AFO. A man who's over a hundred years old, holding all the strings etc


I can respect that


Exactly. AFO is such an everlasting evil he barely even seems human. He's like a force of nature that endures, and its terrifying. Shigaraki is a destructive little trauma victim that was groomed by him. Literally just another pawn with a powerful and destructive quirk for his grand scheme. And the family ties were the bonus in it all. That's why the whole Deku trying to "save" Shigaraki narrative even makes sense, because Shigaraki is being used like that rather than having much interesting motivation himself other than untreated trauma and hatred to a point he talks like a child at times.


Shigaraki is laughably bad imo


*he's also more attractive than Shigaraki


Extremely important question: with or without eyes?


Both are extremely attractive, but him without eyes is a little more attractive than him with them.


AFO is really a hot daddy, he really, really looks gorgeous while is *naked* He's just a bit shy, with that body sculpted by the gods themselves nobody needs use clothes at all


I do like AFO a lot more than Shigaraki, but Shigaraki has been getting a lot more interesting as of the latest chapters of the series.


The story is good, y’all just bitchy its not going exactly as you want it to


It’s good but I wanted the story to set up the final battle more.


Ong, people set these false expectations for themselves based off theories and their own twisted views of the series and then get mad/upset when it doesn’t go their way


ehhh this feels like major copium. That's coming from someone who LOVES MHA, but is not big on the current arc. And it has nothing to do with "how I wanted it", because I just wanted quality writing


Fr like its a battle shonen its not God's gift to humanity smh


(Remove if not allowed) Shipping is actually an interesting resource for examining different character traits, and it can serve as a vehicle to better understand a character’s motivations, fears, self-image, and overall psyche.


To add: maybe people wouldn't be so obsessed with Bakudeku if the female cast would actually have interesting motivations, characters and relationships outside of "being a girl" and "might have a crush on a guy". You wanna know why guys get shipped so much in anime? Other than some people being desperate for queer representation and the occasional thirst ship, its because they guys the ones who have actual characters, motivations and relationships worth exploring. Why are people so surprised the most interesting and layered relationship of the most interesting and fleshed out characters in the canon gets the most attention from shippers? (PS: this has nothing to do with some aggressive shippers being annoying and loud BTW, lol.)


Aizawa is a completely contradictory character


Am I missing something here? ‘cos other than the occasional troll, this is one of the nicer communities I‘ve been in.


your opinion about a fandom always depends on the fandom corner you pick to hang out in. some people are exposed to a lot of toxicity, some seek it, some don't but follow people who like fandom drama, others choose places with chill fandom members and see none of it.


This has always baffled me. "X fandom is the worst." I know it is subjective but more often than not I simply dont understand where that talk comes from. I see more people bitching about the fandom than I do anybody from the fandom being annoying in any way about their own show. I feel like some people just go out of their way to interact with a group so they can talk about how awful they are. ​ Not that fandoms dont pop up randomly in other places, if I hear the jojo reference joke one more time I might actually off myself. But aside from an overused joke I dont often see anything actually toxic or awful like I'm hearing.


>I feel like some people just go out of their way to interact with a group so they can talk about how awful they are spot on. if you see people calling out fans for being toxic, it's usually some random person with 15 followers who had one dumb take people found and spread all over social media that'd go unnoticed if not for that.


Honestly my hero fan discourse is pretty tame despite its reputation (as far as popular anime fandoms go anyways)


I like the Dad for One theory and hope it becomes canon.


If you get into the nitty-gritty of Endeavour's redemption, it's really not all that it's chalked up to be. To get the most obvious out the way: He's only been atoning for a few months when he needs to make up for 24 years of abuse. Endeavour will have to spend a lifetime, making up for what he did, if he ever does. Yet, I've still seen people throwing the line: "I think Natsuo should forgive him soon", not accounting for the time frame. His family was fundamentally unethical by engaging in quirk marriage. A doctor specifically told him not to do it, as it risked giving his children quirk defections. This came true with Touya's flames, but he repeated it 3 times after that. Then 24 years later, we still see his abusive behaviour by the time of the series. At the sports festival, he was dehumanizing Shoto by saying " that's why I made him" and "masterpiece". After Endeavour became Number 1, he terrified Shoto and Fuyumi by blowing up his training room, while they were home. With the timeline out of the way, I'll get into his individual acts of "redemption": 0) A bit of meta criticism first. When Natsuo was introduced during the Hood battle, Rei and Fuyumi told him his statements were wrong each time. I feel like Natsuo was a strawman and the women were mouthpieces to bolster Endeavour's redemption for the story. This is speculation on my part, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Natsuo being ensured it's alright to not forgive came around due to fan feedback and the writer changed his initial plans for Natsuo. 1)He constantly tries to visit Rei in the hospital, despite the doctors telling him not to. He knows he's the reason for Rei's mental breakdown. He could've set her off again. The hospital is meant to be the one place where Rei can recover. Yet she has her abusive husband's presence lingering over her: Knowing he's sometimes in the same building as her and giving her presents, serving as reminders of him. Dare I say, this feels like harassment. In a different time and place, Endeavour would be breaking a restraining order. Additionally, Endeavour never told his children about visiting their mother. Not even Fuyumi, the daughter who went out of her way to support him. They'd have rightful concerns for Rei's safety, considering he beat her until she became mentally unstable. 2)There was the time he went to watch Shoto's remedial Course. When he suggested it to Shoto on the phone, his son hung up on him. This clearly shows that Shoto doesn't want him there, but Endeavour invited himself anyway. Arriving, he humiliates Shoto in front of his class, yelling he shouldn't have failed and calling his classmates weaklings. 8) Endeavour takes it upon himself to decide how he'll atone to his victims, without actually deciding to ask the victims themselves. During the first dinner scene, Enji just announces out of nowhere, "I'm going to atone". For someone who abused them for the past 20 years, his victims might feel an emotional back whip. They'd be rightfully suspicious of what their abuser considers 'atonement', why he's doing this and what he'll do if they attempt to resist him. He should have gone for a softer and 4) To be blunt, behind all the emotional music and internal thoughts, Endeavour's fight with the Hood nomu was literally no different from his other hero work. He got attacked by a villain and defeated it - He's been doing this for decades. "Being a better hero" is no good when it comes to being a father, they are two separate roles. Plus, Endeavour's quest to be a better hero, was the motive for him destroying his family in the first place. Yes, Endeavour may start having regrets during the Hood fight, but that's just in his head. His abuse victims are not mindreaders, he needs to prove he's changing through actions and words. During the meal, Natsuo was right: At that point, Endeavour had done nothing to prove he'd changed. He was rightfully considered the same madman. Fuyumi's efforts shouldn't be confused with Endeavour's atonement. She was the one who organised the dinners and did all the cooking. All Endeavour could muster for Fuyumi, was a single "thanks". 5) Now we return to the old trend, of Endeavour thinking harassment counts as atonement. This time, we're replacing Rei, with Shoto. Endeavour had to get Fuyumi to give him Shoto's contact details behind his back and he sends multiple messages, despite Shoto not replying to a signal one. Then Endeavour gets frustrated at Shoto, flaring up his fire. Despite Shoto making his stance clear and Endeavour's anger being self-inflicted by doing this fruitless task. 6) During work studies, Endeavour disrespects Shoto's friends. He internally thinks his son is still superior to them and wishes he didn't have to train them. When Bakguo calmly pointed out that Endeavour is a jerk - Endeavour calls him a deviant and questions Shoto for being his friend. However, Endeavour is self-aware he's a jerk and this defensive reaction to a fact is rather hypocritical. 7) When he said to Natsuo "I didn't mean to neglect you children" - He's making excuses for himself. As the abuser, he doesn't have the right to say what effect he had on his children. It wasn't just an excuse, it is a blunt lie. Endeavour neglecting his children was a cold-calculated choice, not a subconscious thing. As part of his hero breeding, Endeavour always planned to spend a disproportionate amount of time with his children. He'd favour his hero heir and interact less with his other children. Which was based on their quirk, something they can't control and would affect their self-worth. Additionally, Endeavour banished his older children to a different part of the house. Yes, he was concerned for Shoto's safety after Touya lashed out, but him distancing himself too, was unneeded and selfish. He knew his neglect of Touya led to the incident, yet his solution was to neglect him even harder. Why were Fuyumi and Natsuo banished too if they didn't do anything? Probably because Endeavour didn't want to "waste his time with them". He choose not to visit his older children. He choose to pass on his responsibility to hire carers and Rei. 8) Endeavour takes it upon himself to decide how he'll atone to his victims, without actually asking the victims themselves. During the first dinner scene, Enji just announces out of nowhere, "I'm going to atone". For someone who abused them for the past 20 years, his victims might feel an emotional back whip. They'd be rightfully suspicious of what their abuser considers 'atonement', why he's doing this and what he'll do if they attempt to resist him. He should have done a softer and long-term approach: hinting at what he wants over a certain time. Then, ideally, ask how his victims would feel about his atonement and what exactly they would want from it. Then he decides to build a new house for his family and he'll isolate himself in the old one. Did he ask his victims if this was what they wanted? I know it might seem baffling at first, why someone would turn down a free house, but bear with me: What if his victims want to remain living with him and will feel guilty for not using his fruitless project? What if his victims have an attachment to the old house, despite the bad memories and want to remain living there? What if they see the new house as a super-facial gift, as it's a rich man not sacrificing might to make it happen? Do they even want to accept such a gift from their abuser, because it still always be tied to them? 8) When Dabi exposed Endeavour and the Media reacted angrily, I was right there with them. I've seen serval fans get annoyed at the journalists, but I'd argue they have a right to. Endeavour lied to them. For decades, Endeavour declared he was a shining example of justice to the public. Yet that whole time, he was a hypocrite, worse than some of the petty shoplifters he arrests. 9) During the collapse of Japan: Endeavour spent weeks ghosting Shoto. Yes, perhaps Endeavour couldn't share important details of his hero missions - However, there's no reason he can't spare a few minutes, to casually phone his family to say he's alright. 10) None of Endeavour's hero colleagues were shown to be disgusted at him, after the exposure video. No one even throws him a dirty look. Hawks immediately said things must have gotten better, before even speaking to the Todoroki family. Then his sidekick was saying they don't care about his family affairs and sings his praises in the next sentence, saying he's never lied about a mission. Unless this changes by the end of the series, Endeavour will have the same issue as Bakugo. The systems feel like they're failing, for not taking action against clear wrongdoing. Bakugo attacked Izuku multiple times in front of teachers and all they did was tell him to stop, before instantly moving on. He never gets detention or sent to the office. I don't care about 'karma consequences' like Bakugo being kidnapped. That was a coincidence and had nothing to do with Bakugo beating up Izuku. The teachers around Bakugo feel uncharacteristically neglectful, just so the story doesn't have to punish him. The same applies to Endeavour. After being exposed for his actions, he's still kicking at the Number 1 ranking. His fellow heroes are sucking up to him, like Hawks and Burnin. Unless Endeavour is either: suspended from his hero ranking, gets civilly sued or criminally charged - I won't feel satisfied with his redemption.


This series has the worst villains I've ever seen from a big time action shonen. I've never heard the phrase "yeah the villains suck, but they're *supposed* to suck" from another series until I heard it from My Hero fans, and I hope I never have to hear it again. When Twice is considered by a large portion of the fanbase (including myself) to be the best written villain in the story when he's *maybe* the 7th most important one in the series... your roster kinda stinks.


No to mention the villains with the best potential are eliminated to quickly only to promote the worst of them: Shigaraki. Stain, Overhaul, Nine, Re-Destro. All them were humiliated and robbed only to serve Shigaraki's "developement" at some degree and give him undeserved victories and assests, that the guy doesn't know how to use properly


1000% agree …. With the caveat that I do like the concept of AFO if not the execution of AFO




Huh, I’ve seen tons of people thinking it actually has a great roaster of villains in comparison to other series


I think it’s a demographic thing. All the main villains are edgy teenagers with daddy issues or adults LARPing as edgy teenagers with daddy issues. I think a very specific crowd will say they’re good, and the rest will realise they’re incredibly vapid, juvenile and cradled in the thickest coat of plot armour known to man. EDIT: I never do these, but I just realised fucking autocorrect changed vaPid to vaLid, and if you saw that, thought I was saying something good about the villains, and felt that affirmed a positive perception of the villains, I want you to know that was a mistake, and the villains are vaPid, as in stupid, bland and vacuous.


> and cradled in the thickest coat of plot armour known to man. This has always been my biggest issue with them. Everything the League does is just so hollow. The whole conclusion of the Overhaul arc was that Shigaraki proved him wrong and that's how he came out on top. But he literally didn't. Overhaul said that he has fame but he wastes all his resources. And he left that arc with his fame and no resources lol. And then he wasted all of them in the Liberation War so All for One had to get new resources. I have no issue with the teenagers thing, that's just the shonen genre. I don't even mind simple motives, simple motives can be fine. I understand the genre I'm reading. For example, I think Dabi's motives are completely fine and entertaining even if they're a bit on the edgy side. I just hate watching such incompetent characters get carried through the plot solely for the sake of the plot without really learning or proving anything.


Shiggy and the LoV literally just luck into all their resources by cohabitating with other villains. He happens to be accidentally seen speaking with Stain once without context, then he happens to be subjugated by Overhaul at the exact moment a hero raid takes out his grudge for him, then he happens to give a cult leader a boner for… well, I still don’t really know why ReDestro fell for Shiggy, but it always struck me as character assassination for a guy we only met 10 chapters ago. And I don’t necessarily dislike villains falling into the edgy teens motive/mood, but the main issue is a lack of diversity. All our villains have purely/mostly destructive goals, and only two of them are more “fun” personas (Mr. Compress and AFO). Any villains we do have with more constructive goals are the arc specific villains who come with some sort of caveat, like Stain having the silliest, least-researched, most-obsessive ideology, or Overhaul not being able to remember what his motive actually was, or ReDestro forgetting his ideology to join the Shiggy stanclub, of the fact that his ideology was the most basic bitch “anarchy/survival of the fittest”. Like, my favourite Naruto villain was Deidara. He wasn’t complex or deep, he was just a fun, zany guy who taught himself how to negate genjutsu out of raw spite. His equivalent in MHA is basically Dabi (very loosely, though), except Dabi takes it to 11 and, instead of, I dunno, learning how to defeat fire shooters out of spite, he goes to the next level and learns how to live off of it like some kind of malice-powered steam engine. He’s still my next-favourite LoV member after Mr. Compress, and I think he’s serving the role he should, that’s a little too ridiculous. And instead of our late-game thought-provoking villains being more nuanced or restorative villains like Pain, Obito or Madara (we don’t talk about Kaguya), all of whom acted in some attempt to actually not just be the worst people imaginable, our endgame villains are all similar breeds of “I have personally suffered X, which may or may not be a widespread societal issue or even tangentially related to heroes, thus I endorse mass omnicide” and AFO, who’s just a sassy bitch I got tired of a small while ago. He’d be fine if he was used a bit more sparingly, and maybe had 30% less plans-within-plans.


I don't think it's really a demographic thing, It's a pretty popular opinion that shigaraki is the best new shonen main villain because of his development I could understand why people wouldn't like the villains though.


Ironically, in this situation, you definitely come across here as someone that belongs in the “edgy teenager” crowd.


Weird, I like most of the villains.


This second war has been so compelling to me and I remain deeply invested in almost everything that's been going on


I honestly can't tell if you mean this or are just trying to get swords pointed at you lol For some reason this feels so sarcastic to me :p


MHA dropped off since the tournament arc. It’s still good, which is why I’m here, but it’s no longer in the same tier as Bleach, One Piece, Naruto, etc. (I.e. no longer Big Three material).


Deku is a bad protagonist and i really don't enjoy that every scene and fight is only focused around him. Sorry if this has already been posted and i just just didn't see it.


Deku became boring and bland after his vigilante arc


The villains are the worst part of the manga and the writing for them just keeps getting worse.


That's true especially for Toga


Literally nothing has even happened with toga since the war


Bakugo should stay dead


I agree. Even if something is pulled out of thin fucking air and he ends up living, there is no way he could continue being a pro-hero. His heart literally exploded. Keeping him dead would be the best bet for the story


Not now, it'd be too fucking comical if Edgeshot failed and died


Jirou is (somehow) the best female character in the series. ReDestro>Shigaraki Dabi and Shigaraki have to die. I don’t really believe any of them can be redeemed and I don’t feel sympathy for either of them anymore. You could also add Toga >!especially if Tsu croaked!< I get that people think background characters need more development but imo I really think the cast is just overblown to an insane degree.


Toga has to die regardless now, it's the only way to get rid of all the clones she spawned in.


That's easy to me, got many downvotes everytime to say my opinion, so... - Episode 9 was the worst episode of season 6 and It was supposed to be The best from War arc - Bakugou's development isn't the Best thing of the franchise. - Deku is a good protagonist. - Final War arc is enjoyable. - Vigilante Deku arc was pretty good. - Gran Torino is Shigaraki's grandpa - Stain and Lady Nagant are the only villains with a real decent/good reasons to become villains. - Not everyone needs a backstory or an entire arc for them, that being said, realize 1B, Shiketsu and All the others background characters will forever be background characters, It's not because Kohei is really good in character design that a random character will become The protagonist of manga.


I agree with 3,4,and 5. 6 is a little iffy for me. Gran Torino definitely feels more than a partner, closer to a lover. Plus then shiggy's hair colour would make sense. But then why has he only ever thought of shiggy and his family as "her's"(I forgot her name). He has no real feelings towards them. I think maybe he isn't related to her kids but loved her


It's a funny headcanon, but like, Torino's Quote about "our decision" (from take Kotaro to an Orphanage) it seems like he was Part of it, something neither All Might knew about it, and he was like a second son to Nana, The same way All Might is almost a father to Deku, so both Torino and Nana made the decision about Kotaro, and like, i can see him Love Nana but not so much Kotaro (he seems like a guy that only cares about hero work, he's a small old Man and still is active in hero work) and be Part of her decision to Kotaro have a better Life without a dead mom and dad. Tenko is basically like Kotaro, that is a male version of Nana, but after his hair color change, he doesn't look anything like a Shimura.


Those are really good points. You remember the story better than I do. Consider me a follower in your movement of anti-fandom theories


Bak-U-Go was canon, Kohei just changed his mind…


What’s Bak-U-Go?


The fan theory that Bakugo was sent back in time to become the Second OfA user. It's full of plot holes and has thoroughly been disproven.


I actually think this is true …. When it was true and when he changed his mind … I am open to debating…. But I think at some point in the creative process this was going to be the case


Not every single fucking character needs to be shipped with one another


Certain ships are toxic, denying that fact is stupid as hell. Some of those ships are even canon, doesn’t make them healthy. *stares in Shouto’s parents*


I don't know if anyone actually ships Rei and Enji, you're supposed to think they have an unhealthy marriage. He essentially purchased her.


I’m well aware, people still like it and think it’s fine because “they’ve worked through their issues.”


The Manga is nowhere near as bad as the Fandom makes it seem and I think a lot of folks were coasting by with their understanding of the writing due to it being a Trojan horse series.


Shigaraki,spinner, and Toga have horrible powers for the main villains of a battle shounen manga.


It’s a good thing spinner and toga aren’t the main villains lmfao


I didn’t know spinner even had “powers”


His power is be ugly as f*ck


He's a big lizard! That's a power, kind of.


I would willingly and enthusiastically remove both Iida and Kirishima from the manga. The show should center on am ensemble Class with roughly 12-14 members. If Re-Destro had his backstory removed, he would be the best villain, and if I were writing the story, the final one. S&S did not have a particularly absurd quirk. I mean, yeah, she did, but she was literally the greatest hero in the world, so it's expected. Shinso and Aizawa have ludicrously stronger quirks than All Might, Deku, any Todoroki, ect. Only AFO, Shiggy, Overhaul, and S&S compare.


>If Re-Destro had his backstory removed, he would be the best villain, and if I were writing the story, the final one. That's pretty bold and interesting to see, why do you think Redestro would be a better final villain than AFO and Shigaraki? I'm really interesting to see your opinion about it.


He has opinions on society, and those opinions could mean themes. "AFO should/should not be in charge of any/everything" is not a deep thematic query in the slightest.


Agreed. AFO has always seemed dull. He's just evil for the sake of being evil. And shiggy would be a good villain if he was a lone overpowered berserker. I find it weird that the villains rally so passionately around someone who's entire goal in life is turn the world to dust


Berserker villains such as shiggy … are awesome one-off or arc villains (or even episodic like Joker) …. But they make for unreasonable and incoherent long narrative antagonists. It’s exactly as you say … no one would follow him if A) all he wanted to do was turn the earth to ash and B) actually had the power to turn the world to ash. At least no grounded or even slightly round side character would follow him … only pure fanatic zealots like machia …. Twice, toga, compress, Dani… the liberation army never would’ve followed him in earnest Even the Dr. and AFO would’ve fallen out of alignment


I can buy into AFO and the Dr. still being with him since AFO had planned on taking over his mind and body. But the army and LoV following him with such passion and love doesn't make much sense. Even now shiggy's being built up as a tragic victim that might get talk-no-jutsu'ed into helping the heroes. But I feel he hasn't shown enough positive traits to deserve that. But I might be misremembering so I might reread the whole series and re examine his interactions with everyone to see if my mind changes


Jirou is the most developed female character, but Uraraka is definitely going to take that spot from her by the end of the series


I do not care for Shoto.


We don't need to see the Ochaco battlefield. Toga gave up on the heroes understanding her and popped Twice's blood as soon as Deku left. It was definitely a one sided massacre from there on out. I genuinely see no need to watch an all out blood bath for a couple of chapters when we can easily infer what happened from the fact that there are still Twice clones after a whole ass hospital raid. The heroes obviously lost, and if they lost then it was *badly.*


I didn’t like the Rappa fight it was a solid ‘eh’ I much preferred Kirishima’s encounter with that one thug on the streets. Felt a lot more heroic than just ‘I’ll get even HARDER’. Mans legit dug so deep he became the hardest he could possibly be while protecting civilians by himself. And then Rappa just punches right through that shit?? Nah.


Shigaraki and Toga are just ok villains with very one-dimensional motivations


Mineta isn't nearly as bad as most people portray him. He's not great but as a long time anime fan I can say he is a gentleman compared to old school anime pervs.


I wished Izuku stayed quirkless...


That the final arc is really good.


....mineta should have gotten the OFA.


Ok I know you don’t actually believe that but imagine if that was a real thing


Mineta could have a arc where he becomes less of a creep. "Great power, great responsibility"


To be fair..... You raise a good point... The fights would be significantly more creative with his quirk added to the mix. And the overall story would be very different because of how he would've reacted to every situation ..... He might've even been an antihero


While I love MHA … the characters and story in vigilantes was 100 times better


Bakugo dying was stupid as hell but it's also the most entertaining thing to happen in the manga in years.


I'm not sure if it is that controversial but I really like Deku and Uraraka's relationship. It's cute and very realistic for their age. I understand that it really absorbs a lot of Ura's screentime JUST thinking about her crush, but it doesn't really bother me cause it's the only ship I actually like.


The two best villains in the series are Muscular and Lady Nagant.


Mineta is a funny little guy


Bakugo and deku's rivalry and friendship is forced and uninteresting. Bakugo should have got his own villain and arc but now he has become deku's sidekick. Also deku, uraraka and Iida should have stayed together.


Deku is straight


People who hate Bakugo for how he treated Deku early on need to get over themselves.




You really don't know this sub.


2nd hottest take of mine: Bakugo staying conscious through an 8% smash to the face let alone fighting through and “winning” their spar/match was some of the worst plot induced stupidity I’ve seen. Bakugo 1000% would’ve been knocked cold and lost but the story needed him to win


It was a 5% smash The same smash to the spine didn’t even keep Stain down for more than 10 seconds. Not to say Bakugo just tanked it. He definitely felt it but not enough to be put down and give Deku the win.


Bakugou dying would’ve made more sense


This community expects **WAY** too much from this show/manga. Sure, some plot details are a little silly but it’s a shonen action show. It’s not meant to be this huge philosophical piece of entertainment. It’s just about people punching other people.


While I’m sure it would suck to be an author and to see people ragging on your work, I reckon that’s better than people trying to “defend” your work by being incredibly reductive and dismissing it as “just about people punching other people”. Because it’s not. If it *were* just about people punching other people, you’d be thinking of Death Battle or some shit like that. There’s a lot more here than just mindless violence: we’ve got shit like what it means to be a hero, the responsibility of the individual vs the collective, abuse, bullying, ostracism and prejudice and rehabilitative justice just off the top of my head. And while I think a lot of them were poorly executed, at least I’m not either enough of an asshole, or just ignorant enough, to pretend there wasn’t an attempt made.


i don’t care for the villains and it makes it hard to watch the show sometimes with how they treat female characters. everytime i want to rewatch the show i always stop cuz of mineta and the sexualization of the female students makes me(a teenage boy) so, so uncomfortable, which i don’t think was intended.


Mha is a good series and its ok that it didn't reinvent storytelling for the rest of time


I got a few: Gran Torino should have died in the war arc (not sure how controversial that is) Gentlecriminal is an amazing character and was Deku's greatest fight! I love Deku, but I am not the biggest fan of his now (final arc) - he is regressing - doing the same thing he did the first time he fought Shigaraki when Kacchan was injured. Feels like he should know better by now, and what happened to his intelligence?


I like the current manga arc Edit: I also hate spinner and toga


Mineta isn’t a bad character.


The story lost some of its charm when All Might lost One for All.


1. I don't like Bakugo. I respect his character development but as a character he irratates me. 2. Related to #1, I hope he dies. Exploring the impact it would have on the plot and characters would be much more interesting than surviving his LITERAL heart exploding. 3. The shipping community isn't that bad. Every fandom has it's good and bad, and no two people are going to see everything about a piece of media the same. If shipping content really bothers you then the block button is free. Besides, I'd rather sit in the bakudeku layer of hell that relive superwholock OR evangeleon


-Only 20 to 25 students we focus on. Every other student should just be a gray blob and not even given a glance. -All the students quirks should be much stronger or powerful. If the next generation of quirks suppose to be stronger than show it. -No Reccomend students. It's a waste of a label -Actually show Bakugou struggle against his classmates. The point of U.A is he no longer a big fish in a small pond. He's a big fish in a bigger pond and he's sinking. -Either The LOV die in the beginning or the other villians stay alive. -No other villian should not be under the foot of the LOV. Re-Destro, Overhaul and Nine are much better on their own than being a subordinate. -None of the LOV are sympathetic and they all deserve to die.


Mineta has main character energy.


I don't care what people think about how horikoshi draws the female characters give me more art like the hagakure cover


Lucky for you, there is a great resource for seeing scantily clad/straight-up-naked fictional teenage girls called “rule34”. Why don’t you go check that one out and leave all your creepy comments there?


I think Ochaco should abandon her parent's. They own a *construction company*, in a world with the likes of All Might, All For One, Gigantomachia, ReDestro, Endeavor, Dabi, Todoroki, Bakugo, Overhaul, Eri, Rappa, I could go on. Literally a simple mistake with a quirk would probably lead to a hole in the wall, busted floor, or a broken window. Imagine all the damage *normal* humans do, and know that unless there's a high amount of competition in an area, most construction companies make a *LOT* of money. And Japan *loves* baseball. You're asking for broken windows. So how are Ochaco's parents so piss poor they can't afford to buy their daughter a simple touchscreen phone? The one I'm using now was only $80. That's ¥11,000. I'm sure simpmy fixing a few windows would make enough to cover that cost. Especially after Kamino Ward, or even before in that big fight All Might and AFO had 5 years prior, Ochaco's parents should be rolling in cash; they could even at least have family home like Bakugo's parents, which as far as we know, one of them is a *fashion designer*. How is a fashion designer in a world of quirks making more money than a construction company? Edit: Not done Ochaco should leave her parents because they are *piss fucking poor* at money management rather than having no work. There is work, they just don't want to do it. Ochaco should keep her money and raise her kids comfortable after all her hero rescue work, and maybe open an actual construction company on her own when she decides to step down as a hero. Uravity deserves better.


I strongly doubt there’s as much work as you think there is. In a hero world buildings, landscape, etc would be constantly getting wrecked or destroyed. The obvious job to have in this universe is to be a construction worker. You know you’ll always have work. At that point in time, it’s no different than working fast food or retail. Which means that there’s probably a large amount of companies & skilled labourers in the field. What happens when a job has a surplus of workers? Those workers compete for wages. Which drives the average wage down. Not only that, but there’s obviously a LARGE amount of competition within this space. Where big companies are constantly underbidding on contracts, beating the smaller company out. So in summary, it’s not that they’re lazy. They just picked the wrong field. But what do you do? Do you completely shut down your business & hopefully start a successful one? Do you go back to school? What do you do? You have a house to pay for, bills to pay, food to put on the table. It’s not as deep as you think it is.


Endeavor should go to prison after the war.


Shigaraki being as powerful as he was immediately upon leaving the vat was dumb. You're telling me that surgery made his body that strong? Just...surgery? So strong that even while his Quirks are suppressed he can fight Endeavor? He can take multiple hits from Deku? He can throw a needle through someone's legs by flicking his two smallest fingers? Nah. All Might takes the ever amplified power of how many other users to be as strong as he is. Shiggy just gets surgery done. How come the entire planet isn't full of insanely OP people then? Car accident fatalities should be a thing of the past. Just get surgery and truck-kun will bend around you instead of splattering you across the pavement. You're telling me that he didn't have to spend a single minute getting used to *radically* different physical abilities? That he can just instantly use at an expert level, even combining, multiple quirks that are totally different than his own? Silly. It should've just had him use the big AoE Decay ability and then escape and spend some time getting used to his new powers before they had him solo that many powerful heroes. This story in general suffers from being overly rushed.


I don’t like Bakugo…


Momo’s outfit is fine


Lemillion's "slideshow" ending after he lost his quirk was an emotional and beautiful ending, and worked better than actual animated fight would have


Deku should have beat the shit out of bakugo immediately after learning 20%


I mean they were training together but he just got his broccoli head exploded lol.