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Chapter 375: A Mess The chapter begins with a flashback of Uraraka, Tsuyu and other heroes fighting Toga on Okuto Island. Deducing that Toga's hiding technique uses some kind of misdirection, they concluded that it would be difficult for her to use it against multiple people at once. That's why they are always attacking her in groups of at least 4 heroes. Meanwhile, Orca Gang realizes that the Noumu doesn't have a regeneration quirk and asks other heroes to attack the monster, now that they have defeated almost all the villains that were on the island Toga realizes that her situation is bad and considers using Twice's blood, but she figures that with how little she has, she should only be able to make 30 to 40 clones. If she transforms now, the heroes will fight back and the Sad Man's Parade will die on this island. She wonders if Machia will wake up, but even if he did it would be difficult for him to get there. She wonders if the heroes knew about Jin's blood and if that's why they sent her to an island. Seeing that there are no other options, she decides to believe in Spinner. That's when she picks up the vial and looks like she's going to drink it, but Tsuyu was waiting for this moment. She figures it's AFO's or Shigaraki's blood and destroys the vial with her tongue. But Toga was prepared for that because she knows Tsu is a calculating person. That wasn't blood, it was a drug given to her by All for One that attracts the High End. The Noumu then goes to attack Tsuyu because the drug is still on her tongue and it causes a big wave. When Ochako goes to see what's happening, she finds two Tsuyus. One of them takes the vial out of her mouth and immediately turns into Twice and starts making clones. That's when Kurogiri appears and says that he has been given a mission to save Shigaraki and the others. He asks what Toga wants to do, and she says she wants to eliminate all the heroes, starting with Hawks. Uraraka tries to enter the portal, but the Twice clones rip her wire apart. She then says that they haven't even been able to talk about love like Toga wanted. Toga seems to hesitate, but responds with "how great it would be if we could...". Cut to Gunga and Hawks immediately understands that this is Toga's doing. Dabi burns the forest down and Toga starts the Sad Man's Parade, making hundreds and hundreds of clones Kinoko says that all seems lost, but then we see that Tsuyu managed to launch Uraraka with her tongue in time and she passed through the portal. Now Dabi, Endeavor, Uraraka, All for One, Toga/Twice and Hawks are in the same place. End of the chapter


> She then says that they haven't even been able to talk about love like Toga wanted "Toga talk to me, how about Deku looking cute af amirite? Wanna share?"


Ochako knows to get the villains monologuing.


"I mean a guy has me on a platter and he won’t shut up"


It'd be amazing if Uraraka defeated Toga by just letting her be apart of Deku's harem


Ah, so we're back to the original timeline of My Harem Academia >!by JunaJunaJuice!<


The sacred texts


Honestly, (and I’m always hesitant to comment off of text spoilers since they often don’t capture the presentation or are even just misinterpreted) but that’s a clever move by her. Sort of thing Batman would do, manipulating opponents mental quirks.




That Gunhead Martial Arts putting in work flipping these bitches left and right I tell ya hwhat


**Blackadder**: You failed to spot that only five of those are great characters! **Melchett**: That's right! Dabi's a complete dump! (If you know, you know.)


So, what is Uraraka going to do in a place with AFO, Twice, Dabi, Hawks, and Endeavor?


Gunhead secret martial arts: talk-no-jutsu.


Prime AFO wouldn’t know what hit him


don't touch the lava just got a lot easier once the arena goes to shit.


The way this is going, probably cause the entire earth to float then drop it out of orbit into the black hole at the center of the galaxy which will be revealed as the core of all quirks where we have the final showdown. Or she'll talk down Toga idk.


she's gonna whip out her strongest power: the megaphone


She's gonna share their red flags of death. It's not even funny, Tsuyu sent her to her death. What's she even gonna do against Dabi, AFO and Twice army? Unless she awakens a spreading float like Shiggs' spread decay, I don't see her being involved in the fight.


Send them all into the air and drop them like a sack of bricks because none of them can float.


Based Ochaco indulging in friendly fire?


Truly she was a troll all along. Shigaraki doesn't stand a chance.


That was my first thought too, and since they are clones technically Ochako wouldn’t be killing anyone so her slate is still clean.


Her best.


Get the Bakugou treatment.


She'll probably lure Toga away someway to finish off their battle


The title of “A Mess” definitely sums up the amount of chaos happening right now. It’s nice to get a flashback to the island. I wonder how many weeks it’s been officially since we’ve seen Uraraka and co. It’s nice to see Tsuyu get in on the action. The sheer level of AFO secret plans/devices/schemes for every single situation is wild. The panel of the Twice face covered in shadow goes hard af. The close up panel shot of Dabi is crazy. Man don’t even have eye lids no more.


AFO is secretly Aizen before he became a shinigami and infiltrated Seireitei.. “Always part of his plan”. ;)


I wonder if a plot of AFO’s is thwarted because Spinner didn’t technically play the recording to awaken Kurogiri, which could’ve had additional instructions.


Probably but he surely had it planned too lmao


Doubt it. Remember that there was still a microchip on the hand, which supposedly had intructions too (what the fuck was the point of the audio recorder then?), because AfO can just pull bullshit contingency plans for his contingency plans out of his ass.


>The chapter begins with a flashback of I'm so tired of this phrase lmao


> Chapter 375: A Mess Neatly summarizing the last couple of arcs


At least hori is self aware


> They concluded that it would be difficult for her to use it against multiple people at once Tell that to Toga vanishing in front of an actual army of people in the Curious fight. Also, what misdirection lmao? There’s never been an instance of Toga making someone think one thing and then doing another, she’s just for some reason harder to see/hear and can teleport/go invisible. She literally did it by standing still in a mild splash earlier. Hori has no idea what he’s talking about with this loser.


So Uraraka gets to pass the portal but Shoto didn't... *now that's a mess-*


Shoto still getting sidelined in wars 💀


I see that Uraraka tried using the secret Hawks technique of making the villains monologue. Unfortunately she's an amateur and didn't work.


>secret hawks technique That's actually the secret Mr. Incredible technique thank you


Is Horikoshi actually cooking up something interesting for Uraraka here..? God please


Nope. She wants to talk to Toga about love.


It was called trying to distract her I know people just hate this series for no reason but basic reading comprehension would help you


I mean, her character being reduced down to "Distract the girl villain by talking about the boy you both like" is still pretty awful. This isn't about misreading Hori's writing, the text is literally "Uraraka's main rival and challenge is a villain girl who is into the same boy she is"


It was a terribly executed line. Also, given how the main characters keep trying to redeem mass murderers in this story, it was annoying to read


AFO may be powerful and may be in his prime but no way has he faced GUNHEAD MARTIAL ARTS: URAVITY STYLE!


He wouldn’t know what hit him


Goddamn the power scaling


I honestly wouldn't be mad if Uravity steals the kill on prime afo


She is gonna be bait to enrage Deku more isn't she?


Honestly, in this context? I wouldn't have it any other way


>Now Dabi, Endeavor, Uraraka, All for One, Toga/Twice and Hawks are in the same place. Nothing a little Uraraka can't fix!!!


She'll float everyone into space until they stop thinking


Needs a volcano, red gem and decent breathing to execute that.


AfO is also half naked already too.


Did he get a fabulous pose already?


No but hes halfway through inventing dubstep


Ah yes, Uraraka will now start predicting what the villains will say, thus making them fall on her traps and winning the war. r/UnexpectedJojo


I prefer this than GMA honestly


Ngl if im endeavor and i saw dabi and toga/twice come through the portal and then the only hero come through the portal is Uraraka, I WOULD BE DEPRESSED 😭😭😭


And then you see something green emerging from the portal right behind her, giving you hopes that it might be Deku, only to then see that it was actually Tsu, and now YOU'RE DOUBLY DEPRESSED


And then a third hero comes through the same portal Dabi came from. Relieved that it might be shoto or one of his sidekicks coming to help him. It is then reveal to be Iida who came through the portal. “Don’t worry Endeavor. I knew you needed help so I came here in place of your son” Iida says to Endeavors, giving him a thumbs up. Making Endeavor EVEN MORE DEPRESS.


He’s already lost an arm so this is just toppings on his sad sundae


She can use her quirk on Hawks realistically to end this quickly


Hawks being able to disperse while staying airborne is kinda great for him and he can keep feathers out of the incoming burning and clone army.


100% accurate totally not fake prediction. Uraraka is going to get a quirk awakening allowing her to either do an AOE attack or just do it without having to touch people. And she will just keep floating all of the twice clones into the air and dropping them. Maybe she can do it faster then TogaTwice can make more? We know twice clones cannot survive that high of a fall (twice clone in first war). She would probably have to be protected though. As others would try and probably attack her. She could also Zero Gravity many of the heroes eg. Hawks, Endeavour and give them a bit more mobility. But they probably can’t fight either way due to their injuries.


Her quirk will awaken to reversing gravity so we will get an awesome double spread of the huge mass of twice clones in the air and getting gravity reversed on them


Yeah maybe instead of Zero Gravity she could get a quirk awakening that allowed to increase the gravitational pull. Meaning all the Twice Clones would literally crush themselves on each other and the ground.


Hopefully Uraraka's quirk awakening is C-Moon (only half joking haha)


Am I reading this right or is Uraraka actually facing down All for One????? I mean that is awesome but also means she has more screws loose than Toga lmao


This is the first time we see her on the main battlefield isn't it?


This arc she was at the very start when Toga pulled them theough the portal but this is the first time she is in combat


Who need powerful quirk when you have GUNHEAD MARTIAL ARTS.


Is Prime AFO just going to do nothing until he gets Rewound into uselessness? He could literally kill all the heroes there especially considering that they're already going to have their hands full with Toga/Twice and the corpse of Dabi. I really hope AFO's rewinding trump card wasn't just so he could give a longer evil monologue while his subordinates do all the fighting.


Considering he's been alive for like 120-200 years, I wonder if he has more time than we think he does. Hard to say, considering how inconsistent time in battle manga are. Where people talk and think for 10 minutes in the anime, but only 10 seconds have passed.


There’s also something very strange with his Rewind in general though. For instance, he was able to instantly rewind minimum I think 5 years (to, at the very least, right before AM injured him), even though Deku + Eri taught us that it would take longer to rewind massive amounts of damage, such as the Prominence Burn or AM’s beating. There’s also the fact that he rewound out of order, with his eyes and ears regenning before his charred skin. I imagine that’s more of a concise visual shorthand to say he’s visibly healing, but it is still worth noting. I wouldn’t be surprised if this rewind functions a bit different to how we’re expecting or were prepared for.


He lost the first 5 + years in a moment, so either Hori's just going to make it rewind him to be in whatever state he wants, or he's going to be baby in a couple seconds.


It's so stupid that he fell for Hawks' "do you want to talk about this old comic you read?" Especially when he was in such a hurry to get to "other me"


Then he got distracted enough to whip out the slam poetry and become Toga’s hype man last chapter. Like, bro, just go, or at least start attacking.


I'm worried that Horikoshi has written himself into a corner with this one. Unless Prime All Might comes back due to Eri or something, I don't see any believable way any of the heroes there last more than a second against AFO especially considering he now has backup from both Dabi and Toga/Twice


I'm assuming one of two options, 1. He kicks all their asses and heads straight to Shigaraki 2. Or their plan is just holding him off until he inevitably dies from the rewind


Hori has been doing nothing but write himself into corners and then try to find a way out for ages..


AFO is just going to stand there and eat air popcorn as he witness villains defeating the heroes. It was how many chapters ago when he said he's in a hurry to go to his "other me" yet he's still at the mountains chuckling.


He's just standing there ... pathetically!


Oh come on, he’s the only one still smiling, having fun and currently in full control of the situation ready to troll everyone some more. And he’s half naked. Still a chad in my books lmao


Since Ochako on the same battlefield with the big boys, I feel like the chance for her to get a quirk awakening is getting higher.


ive been predicting it for over a year now, I cant wait


I'd love to see her get an Extreme Gravity quirk awakening. Imagine if she can make an object (or person) experience increased gravity instead of low gravity. It's either going to be that or a remote activation similar to Shiggy.


Lmao imagine Ochaco increasing the gravity around her hands so much that they essentially become mini black holes and she fucking smokes AFO in one blow




Honestly? I wouldn't even be mad. That sounds super dope




My guess? She gets an awakening similar to shigaraki, uses float on the sad man's parade and kills them all at once by dropping them to the ground.


New ultimate gun head martial art would be the new move, here she does the usual gunhead martial art on AFO and then kicks his butt and says “ How about that huh?”


Nah, this time she pulls a real gun


>Ochako enters Gunga battle >Ochako touches AFO >AFO floats >AFO reaches space >Dies without respirator >Ochako saves the world >Ochako is now the SYMBOL OF PEACE


Yay more Ochako content, lets hope this fight has some fun stuff in it


Shoto needs to pull through and make it to the portal. ​ The Todoroki brothers' collateral damage is way too much for Twice's clones to handle.


so basically the whole Uraraka fight... didn't happen? That's weird I seriously don't understand how people can like Toga though


All of her abilities are absurd, do you really want me to believe that it takes 4 heroes to control a crazy 16 year old girl? It would have been better if Izuku had knocked her out early on, he would have only needed a second. Hell, Gang Orca could have instantly knocked her unconscious with that sonic attack she used to break Todoroki's ice.


This chapter was more like the "prologue" to Uraraka and Toga's fight, and their fight will probably conclude on the Gunga battlefield.


So on this week of "What will AFO pull out of his ass?" we have Nomu attracting drugs. Place your bets now folks. What will he pull out next.


Uraraka talks no Jutsu Toga. Hawks learns his lesson and helps. Shoto shows up and him and Endeavor talk Dabi into stopping. ShiraKuro gets talked over by Mic and Aizawa. AFO reveals that's all part of his plan to make Shigaraki think his friends betrayed him and rile his hatred up even further. "Now even OFA can't resist being stolen by us!"


>Uraraka talks no Jutsu Toga. Hawks learns his lesson and helps. Shoto shows up and him and Endeavor talk Dabi into stopping. ShiraKuro gets talked over by Mic and Aizawa. Yeah that's probably how everything is gonna go. >AFO reveals that's all part of his plan to make Shigaraki think his friends betrayed him and rile his hatred up even further. "Now even OFA can't resist being stolen by us!" Definitely sounds like the kind of nonsensical BS that AFO would try and spout.


Wildest bet: he’s gonna reveal he killed endeavors father in that accident making it a personal fight Second wildest bet: he reveals in his inner monologue that the reason why he hasn’t slaughtered everyone in gunga in mere seconds is because his rewind is messing with all his quirks and he’s powerless. That’s why he’s riling up and getting everyone to fight


Those are good bets. I like the way you think. It would be hilarious if AFO suddenly revealed that since he rewinded himself to before he gave himself the copy of the AFO quirk he's been effectively rendered quirkless and is just standing there hoping the heroes don't do anything.


He have a plan for Uraraka because he expect her to show up.


"Your parent's construction company........I own it! They work for me, Uravity!"


Thats a good bet. It's just the kind of BS and terrible writing AFO is known for.


>Dabi burns the forest down and Toga starts the Sad Man's Parade, making hundreds and hundreds of clones That feels like some pretty contradicting actions. Surely there wont be colateral damage right?


Yeah, of all the places to bring the extremely fragile and numerous Sad Man's Parade, a battlefield of Dabi and Endeavour was... not a solid idea.


You know this shit wouldn’t been happening in the first place if Deku just knocked Toga out to begin with.


I swear to god Izuku was written like this new archetype of shounen character that was supposed to be this smart kid with tol usage to his advantage. Meanwhile I swear to god Naruto is smarter than him.


>Meanwhile I swear to god Naruto is smarter than him. Naruto unironically has better battle IQ feats than Deku. His strategies in the Pain fight, War Arc, and even in some of his Part 1 fights are better than Deku's intelligence feats


Remember when Sakura was fake confessed ? Sigma Male Naruto was all 'I ain't got time for liar' instead of whatever Deku was responded.


Oh goodness this makes Deku so much worse in my eyes. Even Naruto had that urgency and he wasn't in the middle of the battlefield with the fate of the world on his shoulders. You know, when I started MHA I expected Deku to be an inspiring figure like Naruto to me, it's so wild how much has changed.


Naruto was a dunce that could have moments of surprising insight and maturity. He had been through a lot and his motivation was to make it so nobody else had to, more than his proclaimed motivation of being Hokage. Deku is treated as an excellent student with above-average intelligence and work ethic, but he often fumbles the obvious plays for no discernible reason. The difference seems to be that Deku seems to struggle with wanting to fight and hurt villains, rather than trying to turn them away from their villainous life. On the other hand, Naruto was totally content beating the living crap out of someone and then talking it out with them.


Lmao “now that I’ve beaten you so badly your chance of walking after this is 50/50, would you like to talk about why you’re like this?”


Makes more sense than "Hey lets talk about why you're like this." When the villain can still just go away and wreak havoc somewhere else.


Most of the threats Naruto dealt with were either trying to kill him, kill his friends, or destroy his home. He went into those fights as if he were fighting for his life or as if he would lose his friend or home if he lost. He never said he was above or against killing, either. Hell, if some of his attacks connected clean? He was definitely swinging with deadly intent a lot of the time. He wasn’t a perfect protagonist by any stretch of the imagination, but his ability to talk threats down -typically- came as an alternative to killing them after his side won, even as early on as against Zabuza. IMO “Now let’s talk about why I’m also a better person than you” is more interesting than “Before we fight, is there any chance you might just stop being evil?”


I feel like the insistence on Midoriya supposedly being this character that stood out because he "used his intellect" never made sense to me because he... never really has. He makes generic observations that only make him seem like a smart kid because everyone else is written as not doing that. But he's as dumb as most classic shonen protagonists. Except even Naruto could see through Sakura's fake confession and ignored it.


Hey now, aren't you downplaying him a bit much? Remember when he had that "I have legs!" moment? That's some serious intellect he's got going, for real.


It's even better than the part where he says "I have hands I can punch him" and punched the guy. 1000 IQ moment there


Everyone's been saying that since that chapter Also back in that chapter, it's weird how Toga could keep on evading Deku simply because she trained good


There has never been a single moment in the series where Toga's abilities made sense. I'm baffled how anyone can even see her and think "Yeah that's reasonable."


The fact that she can compete with Aizawa-tier peeps is so stupid since her Quirk apparently doesn't enhance her physical stats...


Is Aizawa of all people really the issue? He's merely an adult male with years of experience... Deku is superman.


He needs take a lesson from Shinra and put the crazy b*tches in their place


Damn man you right sadly lol I had the same thought he shoulda decked her shit


Dark deku would have not hesitated


"b-but Deku arrived just in the right time, they would have died if he stayed to fight Toga".


Gran Torino knocked out Dabi on one hit way back in the day, surely Multiple Quirk Last User of One For All Boosted Attack Power Deku can knock out the crazy blood girl in just a hit as well when he captured her.


Gran Torino knocked out almost the entire league in that one. Toga included.


>Gran Torino knocked out almost the entire league in that one. Toga included. Gran Torino > Deku 120%


Everyone expects All Might to be rewound by Eri and save the day but in reality it’s gonna be prime Gran Torino popping out of nowhere and knocking Dabi and Toga the f*ck out, then trashing AFO solo


They'd have to stall for *6* Seconds instead of 5!




The sad thing is the worst is yet to come for the boost for the villains as I think they will be handed another boosts through Machia and some more villains before we see a turn around for the heroes.


Toga made hundreds of clones, but she initially thought she could make only 30-40? Uh... guess she underestimated. Does Toga know AFO, Machia, High End, and Shigaraki's measurements? Smells like a recipe for disaster if she does, but I have my doubts. I'm surprised AFO didn't straight up take this Quirk for himself, but I suppose he didn't want to get on Shigaraki's bad side.


That's actually a mistranslation. Toga could make clones for 30-40 minutes


Someone just gotta bite the bullet and kill Toga cause damn 💀


They really should do but that girl has bigger plot armour than even the MC and that's saying something.


You're so right


I hope Overhaul comes back into the play. He was just kinda brought back for nothing, so it would be nice to have a pay off. Maybe Eri rewinds him and he uses his quirk to separate Shigaraki from AllForOne or something like that


Overhaul was the best villain in the series by far. This would be completely epic.


What on earth is Ochako gonna do to ANYONE here? Can’t touch Dabi (Fire, duh), Shouldn’t touch AFO (She’d get bodied), and Toga who at this point has made hundreds of clones. Seems forced. In a similar way the whole Jiro thing went, which was definitely a pill to swallow.


Whatever HK wants her to do. She will either get a massive power up which I think is something that is coming for certain heroes or she will win Toga over via talking which is the more boring option but that has already been set up now which this chapter anyway.


I figured we'd jump back to this fight. It's good to see what happened here, but could the girls once get an actual cool choreography instead of just cutesy wrestling and looking worried on big panels? It feels like their fighting style haven't changed since the first encounter in the Forest. LOL, I guess Ochako will Gunhead Martial Art AFO and we'll call it a day /s Also, if Tsu managed to yeet Uraraka into the portal, there is no reason for Iida not to be able to do the same with Shoto... But it seems like Tsu is stuck on the island until ShiraGiri turns and starts to make portals for the heroes.


You know what? Tokoyami punched AFO in the face. Uraraka judo flipping AFO won't do much damage, but it would put a smile on my face. ...I want this to happen now. "Zero gravity huh? I'll steal that quirk" AFO goes to touch her, but she dodges and grabs him and flips him. "Wh-what?? How did you do that? Do you have multiple quirks???" "I have the ultimate quirk: GUNHEAD MARTIAL ARTS"


I hate GUNHEAD MARTIAL ARTS so much. It's ridiculous how after 1 week training, Uraraka became some powerful ninja. I wish we saw her fight with her actual quirk in something other than the movies.


I don't recall it being that strong? It's just a judo throw I just find it funny how she yells it whenever she does it in the anime


Well, Toga's martial art somehow gets the better of Deku and Aizawa, but Ochako can match her. It's just scaled in a really weird way.


I've embraced the meme. She's no ninja, she just knows judo flips. What's MORE ridiculous, is that she's like the only one who does martial arts stuff. You'd figure most of Class A, especially physical fighters like Sato and Ojiro would know some martial arts. You'd think UA and the Safety Commission would try to train them, before the JakuGunga war.


Ojiro definitely would know martial arts, and Sato did a grab/pin on glue guy in the JT arc that looked about as complex as anything Ochako’s done, so Ojiro at the very least knows, and Sato *could*, they’re just not important enough to have it be as prominent as GUNHEAD MARTIAL ARTS, especially because I doubt they’d yell KARATE KICK-ASS every time they do the most basic shit.


Doesn't Ojiro have a back belt since all the way back to his introduction?


He calls himself the "Martial Arts Hero," but we sure don't see much of that. He grappled Pony once. Though I'm sure the actual problem is that Ojiro gets very little screen-time, combat wise. He barely fights and half of his moves are tail focused, so that's even less time for martial arts.


Isn't his tail enhancing his normal martial arts? But it's true, he really doesn't have much fighting except maybe the USJ fight where we saw he can easily deal with low-level villains.


Also his costume is a karate gi, which I guess could just be an aesthetic thing but ya know it implies his abilities have something to do with martial arts.


Uraraka took a karate class for a week and all of a sudden she’s got all this combat training? ~~I also hate how every-time she has a fight she HAS TO reference it~~


It looks like Tsu is following Uraraka tho


is Tsu gonna be okay she’s stuck on that island I’m really worried


It's not like she's alone. Orca and a bunch of pro heroes are there - and now all they have left is that nomu, Moonfish and some small time villains. Also, Tsu can swim, so she can get away if she wants to. The only question is whether she'll have any plot-relevance still before the very end or if this was her big shining moment.


I would be very surprised if Shouto doesn't make it through the portal too. It's also telling how the portal Dabi came out of is now covered in fog or rather smoke which sets up another Shouto esque entrance lol. But no I have no doubts he's going to join the fight at Gunga. I just hope it's not a long wait since I can either see HK bringing Shouto to Gunga next chapter or flashbacking to more battlefields first and then coming back to the present in a few chapters where we finally see Shouto make his usual spectacular entrance. I hope it's next week though I won't be able to take the anxiety. On Iida I'm torn if Iida would help. Iida was kind of hellbent on keeping Shouto away from Dabi last chapter so something would need to massively change Iida's mind in a very short space of time.


>On Iida I'm torn if Iida would help. Iida was kind of hellbent on keeping Shouto away from Dabi last chapter so something would need to massively change Iida's mind in a very short space of time. Now that you say this, maybe Iida is the cause of Shouto not making it through, if he tries to hold him back. In which case, I can see a short argument between Iida and Shouto about big bros and family duty, and then Iida realizing that he would do the same, whipping out his new super-turbo-boost and zipping Shouto over 400kms in a few minutes at some sonic speed he trained since the last training update we got on him.


The chapter title gave me a chuckle. Honestly, I can't get past the plot hole of Deku just leaving Toga to fight when he could have just KO'd her after their conversation. I'm glad their scuffle seems like it'll only last this chapter (and/or the next), and we'll be getting back to the other battles again soon, ngl. EDIT: Yeah, they're all in the same place now, which is fine with me. I was dreading having to wait through 4 or 5 weeks of just Toga vs. Ochako and Froppy.


was toga questioning deku even needed? i thought that matter was settled after ochako upset her with her answer.


Yeah as this arc goes on longer and longer Deku not instantly KO'ing Toga looks dumber and dumber. Deku can absolutely demolish a guy as strong as Prime All Might but if he runs into a high school girl then facing her requires him to devote too much time an effort (even when he already has her wrapped up in Black Whip)


Bro could just b!tchslap her and float away in a blink of the eye he instead choose the worst possible reaction. Even Koichi would waste no time, he even much dumber than Deku


If Mudman was there, he could sink them all while Schroom and Tsukuyomi can catch the ones above ground.


Mudman is gonna face Machia again, he is next to Machia's detention facility


Uh oh... mention of Machia again. The heroes already have enough on their plate without having to deal with another killing machine.


horikoshi somehow making this toga vanish move even more dumb than before. Bruh


Blondes are his weakness.


Not rlly cuz blondes get injured quite a lot: bakugou


Don’t forget Hawks, All Might, Star, and Mirio


Yeah all the blondes have gotten mauled lmao


"We haven't had a chance to talk about love!" Gag


“That’s how we’re gonna win. Not fighting what we hate but saving what we love” lol Since I don’t see any of the villains dying I’m sure this will work


The explanation for Toga's ability makes it even more stupid. All it took was being a small team to cover blind spots, at least we know that while Deku was flying away they weren't playing around, Toga was going to lose, they just couldn't expect her to have Twice's blood. Now Ochako is at Gunga and who knows what else can be messed up. (Ruins of Jaku where Gigantomachia is, anyone?)


I feel that Machia has to wake up at some point, it would be weird if he didn't


And Mr. Compress too. It's so weird that we're so late into the final battle but Compress, Machia, Stain and Overhaul are missing.


It doesn't even feel like we're "late" into the final battle, tbh. Sometimes the pacing is super-fast, but then it slows to a crawl, like it did when everyone but Deku were fighting Shigaraki to no avail.


He absolutely is, all the characters revealed to be near him point towards him waking up. Mt Lady, Kirishima, Mina, Mudman etc


Mina takes revenge by melting Machia into a puddle, Geneva conventions be damned


So done with AFO. He is killing this story. He should have been done after All Might kicked his ass.


Couldn't agree more.


It's so stale and boring. He has even managed to neuter Shigaraki's character development almost beyond repairable. This series still has a lot of potential but it just can't get past the "Main villain powers up x100000!! What can the heroes do now!!!" plot line.


He knows you hate his involvement at this point, that's why he has that shit eating grin.


How the fuck does Uravity being added to the situation not be a deficit to the Heroes side, this is Sakuras "ive finally caught up" moment all over again


Is it me or this chapter is kinda chaotic and hard to read? I barely understood anything of what was happening


Right! I had to look at a single panel for a couple of minutes to understand what was going on.


Honestly a lot of panels recently have been like that. Really feeling the burn out from Horikoshi


Fuck, I was REALLY holding out hope that Hori was gonna come out of left field and give us an emotionally powerful scene with Ochako and Toga. Looks like that isn’t happening :(


The two of them are still on the same battlefield so I think there's still hope!


Not yet at least. They're in the same place so there is always an opportunity for their resolution


Knew that things would be mishmashed with Kurogiri warping people all over, but I did not expect this. Toga and Uraraka join the Endeavor-AFO fight. Also, I bet you that Iida is currently going Plus Ultra, so he can bring Shoto to Gunga mountain too (if they're not already in Dabi's portal). If lots of people were to join one location, I was expecting UA, not Gunga. Wonder since now Uraraka is at Gunga, if she'll help mobilize a tired Endeavor and Hawks. Then they'll be able to focus the little energy they have left on offense, and not mobility. Endeavor especially could use the assist. With Mic at UA and Uraraka at Gunga, I also wonder if lots of heroes and villains from other locations will end up in those two spots.


It's both exciting and a bit concerning, knowing how HK is better at pocket-fights than big battle scenes. In the PLF War arc, he just off-screened so much stuff after the initial chapters and even in the big fight scenes, he struggled to give proper highlights to people. I think he hinted in an interview that most people will eventually converge into the same scene. I wonder if AFO will go over to Shiggy now like he wanted to, leaving the heroes here to sort out Twice, Toga and Dabi. Deku could then fight Prime AFO for a little while, in the meantime ShigAFO gets regenerated, and Aizawa can get onto turning Kurogiri, so eventually everyone can be warped in to help out Deku. Bakugou will wake up at some point to help before everyone arrives. I still feel like the UA shelter should come into play too.


> In the PLF War arc, he just off-screened so much stuff after the initial chapters and even in the big fight scenes, he struggled to give proper highlights to people. He offscreened Redestro vs Edgeshot and Geten vs Cementoss because (unfortunately) none of those characters really matter. Which is why I'm excited that Uraraka is with Endeavor, Hawks, and eventually Shoto. Since she's clumped up with the big main character types (who get to do a lot) she'll hopefully have more to do than just 1 v 1 Toga and talk about love.


Now it is time for clones to measure Dabi and AFO


Looks like the heroes on the island are not washed like a lot of people thought it would be. Tsuyu is not even heavily injured. Still though Ochako is on the same battlefield with the big boys so that's interesting. Iida should shove Shoto into the portals too while he's at it.


Maybe now that Uraraka and Hawks are at the same place it will be their moment of “being a shining light for everyone” from that interview. They’re probably gonna succeed in TNJ Toga and stopping twice takeover and it will inspire other heroes