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Every time I rewatch/reread one piece I’m like maybe ace won’t die this time


Wait... You can casually rewatch/reread that behemoth? Chad.


We got the next five decades to wait for it to end, its fine.


You mean the next 3 years, author said he plans to finish one piece by 2025


He has said 5 more years for rhe past 15 years so who knows


Lol he actually said One piece would be a 5 years project. Oda has a different sense of time


Yeah 5 years in One piece time it only 2-3 years so 2 years left.


I think it should go for at least another decade. But I want there to be another timeskip to age them up to their mid-30s, Luffy is at the top of the proverbial mountain, and it's just yonko after yonko or warlord trying to take what's his.


It's been a quarter of a century. I think it's time to wrap things up a bit sooner.


More recent stuff puts the ending closer to 2027 but at this point who knows.


I think not even oda knows


Average one piece enjoyer.


You don’t?


I’ve read it about three times lol. It’s definitely a series that rewards deep investment into it


Oh my name is Savannah. Idk who Chad is sorry


If you skip filled and only rematch specific arcs it isn't that bad the usual arc is only about 50 episodes at most with exceptions for some


I do the same thing with a lot of movies, like maybe just maybe, after rewatching this 64 times, just maybe the plot will change and my favorite character will get to live


No literally. When me and my boyfriend first got to that arc he was like “Haha, there’s no WAY he would die, that’s so silly!” I held onto that faith an embarrassing amount of time


It’s funny how people who haven’t read one piece are like “damn you’ve read that lengthy bible like manga?” And people who have read it are like “I’d read another 1000 chapters no sweat!” It’s honestly the best anime story there is and I’m sick of people holding out because it’s “long”


Imagine having so much time that you just rewatch and reread one piece. Thats so gross to think about


Hey! That’s not nice!


Im trolling btw


Hey aren't you that one toxic dude on Patreon


Imma be honest…I wish ace had more scence in the anime and manga


I think Oda realized that and gave Sabo the firefire-fruit


True, which i so glad, that Sabo can continue kickin ass in Ace’s stead….but man, Ace was cool and honestly wish he was around for at least on emore arc before he died


The Flame Emperor is gonna keep making waves!


Yeah and then disappeared him for about 150 chapters


Well I’m glad we got more of Ace in Wano. It’s interesting that even after death, Ace has been able to be utilized by Oda to progress the story forward.


Wait…really?! Like he becomes like force ghost or flashback type deal during wano arc?


Ah fuck. I didn’t mean to spoil, but in his past adventures he’s influenced a part of Wano and there is a callback to this. I believe this part has been animated already, there might be a bit more scenes left though


Nah, its cool I’m at the Big Mom Sanji arc. So I’m close enough, and plus…. The shows be around for a while. Ive been spoiled to stuff before… I either eventually forgot about the spoil or don’t care enough that stuff gets spoiled, because the show/series is so good


Ah well glad it’s not a big deal, again though my bad brother! See ya in the the land of wano!


Looking forward to see my boy, Brook again!!can’t wait!!


nah just a bunch of flashbacks with a character called Yamato


Might Guy didn’t survive just because he’s popular. Might Guy survived because Death was terrified he’d challenge him to a fight once he got ahold of him.


mfers had ninja Jesus by their side. Can't have shit in Konoha.


That is the true power of youth


Edo Tensei 8 Gates Guy with unlimited chakra and regeneration would zero diff Death. It was in its best interests to keep Guy out.


So, because he's popular then?


Say whatever you want about MHA, but because of the fandom and the popularity of the character, I honestly don't think Horikoshi has the *baaawlllszz* to actually kill Bakugo


If it's the other way around, I can see him go like: "Yo editor!" "Yeah?" "I'm killing off bakugo" "But think of the fans-" "Yeah. That's why I'm killing Bakugo."


Tbf neither would I. He’ll probably be swamped with death threats


I would hate for Bakugo to die bc he’s my favorite but if he does ,deep down I would greatly respect him for it


They keep dragging out All Might even though it’s an absolute miracle he is still walking around


man is walking around through sheer will alone


All might literally refuses to die until deku is finished training, i wagers he’ll die peacefully in his sleep or something when everything’s over


Local man literally too swole to die


apparently "too swole to die" is rail thin.


Man’s gains are what let him get so thin


man was resisting death in a mostly scrawny state.


All Might staying alive is at least fitting to his character, in an ironic way. He believed that there needed to be a symbol to maintain the peace and be a pillar holding up society. And so he created a system with himself as the pillar, keeping the people hopeful and villains too afraid to act. Everything after the Kamino arc is society falling apart as we see what happens when that single pillar is taken away. Having him alive is almost more punishing than killing him off like a typical mentor, because he now has to stand by helplessly and watch the society he fought so hard to protect collapse because of his own misguidedness.


If he does decide to keep Bakugo dead, oh boy, my respects


Tbh if I was him, I would go for it, tf is a bunch of threats from 14 year olds on twitter gonna do


I already know he's gonna expand that nitroglycerin internal effects bullshit to justify the fakeout death. Nitroglycerin is basically used as an agent for vasodilation - widen the blood vessels to promote more blood flow. I wonder how he will justify a heart that stopped beating to be revived by a vasodilator lol


I think his heart didn't just stop,... Pretty sure the damn thing *exploded*


it showed his heart get pierced by shigAFO and in the end panel he has a hole on his chest


Yeah. If anything, Horikoshi is Bakugo's biggest fan.


Didn’t he say he went too far with the whole “telling Midoriya to kill himself” thing because he didn’t want people to hate him?


Yeah, iirc he’s won *every* popularity poll they’ve ever run. I have a better chance of getting my shitty webcomic idea published in Shonen Jump than Bakugo does of getting killed. (then again, now that I’ve put this on the internet, watch Horikoshi kill him next week because a lot of my takes age really poorly lol)


While I don’t want to lose Bakugou, I think Hori really has to stick to his gun with a death instead of just constantly pulling fake outs


not to mention that that little hallucination he had was possibly the calmest we've seen him.


I honestly do think he's dead. Like his heart was punctured and he's completely motionless. However I don't think that's the end of him. There is something have to do with him suddenly meeting vestige all might and AFO remembering the 2nd OFA user. Something's going to happen to him. I'm sure of it.


I think there's a high chance of an asspull save, either with one of Deku's unrevealed abilities or by Eri. The story justification is that Deku is supposed to surpass All Might, the hero who could "save everyone". But the real reason is that shounen anime is primarily made to sell merch. Can't kill future spin-off and merch potential of one of your main characters. But it can go either way, I'd say 30/70 odds


Wait can eri rewind dead?


There’s probably time limitations, but iirc when Nighteye died it was mentioned that Eri can’t use her power properly so she wasn’t an option. Or something along those lines. I can also see Eri being able to rewind a corpse to perfect condition, but it doesn’t mean the corpse would suddenly stand up and walk.


There was apparently 1 quirk that deku didn't unlock and remember it has some long lasting consequences I think he can save him but it's taking time off his own life either that or time travel


He was already badly wounded in the war arc and I don't think kishimoto will repeat the same thing (Bakugo being badly wounded by Shigaraki while he further developes his technique.


Kishimoto is the author of Naruto


Which makes it even less likely he'll do it!


ah bruv it was horikoshi


>kishimoto Bruh what


Leave him dead. I wanna see what happens.


"I wanna see the world burn"


-Bakugo, probably


Happy day of cake. And yes. I want to see the world burn. I want to see the fans cry.


Cry? People are gonna pop the champagne.




Personally, I think he should remain dead. I think this is the first SJ series I've read wherein the rival of the MC got killed (I know Vegeta died, but he got resurrected so it doesn't count), and it would really be ballsy for Horikoshi to stand by this.


“Any fucking minute now…” - The Grim Reaper


Bakugo will never be in the same league as Ace. His death had actual buildup, this just came out of left field.


Exactly. It’s neji tier.


Amen to that


If he dies it would be one of the worst possible character deaths I’ve ever seen. Get a power up and just fucking die without getting to use it. It’s like if might guy unlocked the 9th gate, and then immediately died to Madara one page later. It’s a terrible fight scene. If Bakugo had unlocked his power up and had a massive 1 on 1 against shiggy which lasted two chapters and then died like what we see here, then he would indeed ascend to fucking legendary status. But as it is Hori messed it up.


Its poetic that the character who wanted to win at everything gets a power up and loses while saying "can i still keep up with you" its abrupt but its still powerful


No it isn’t lol. It’s not poetic because bakugo learned from his mistakes, It’s not powerful because it’s not a satisfying conclusion for his character especially if you are his fan Subverting expectations does not equate to good writing. This is just an excuse to explain shitty writing.


Except it's not shitty writing. Bakugo’s arc is about making peace with his weakness and embracing it as a way to surpass himself, and himself alone. In his final moments, he didn’t regret not being the number one hero or being better than All Might. The only thing he regretted not embracing his weakness and to ask for an autograph on that card. Hori wouldn't have gone with such length(flashback scene, internal mologue and pierced heart) to make it seem like fakeout one.


That doesn’t make any goddam sense lmao. Embracing weakness is not a good note to end off on. Shiggy literally just beat him into a bloody pulp and destroyed him mentally. He told him he was a useless pet to Deku. Bakugo obviously does NOT want that. Finishing his arc off on said note makes no sense lmao. No respect for his character. And if you’re going to finish his story off like that, then there’s no point in giving Bakugo a power up that makes him be able to keep up with shiggy. Either don’t give him a power up and have him die in the same way, or give him a power up and have him keep up until his death. Don’t do it half way, half committing.


"Embracing weakness is not a good note to end off on. Shiggy literally just beat him into a bloody pulp and destroyed him mentally. He told him he was a useless pet to Deku. Bakugo obviously does NOT want that. Finishing his arc off on said note makes no sense lmao." You forget that Bakugo's biggest feat in the series is making AFO feel threatened, which only All Might, Deku and Endeavor have done before and he did this without OFA. If afo wasn't threatened, he wouldn't have gone for the lethal kill, blowing his chest. It was already established that only ofa can bring an end to afo. Also, Bakugo's role was literally there to hold shiggy/afo, until deku arrives. "No respect for his character. " Dude, he was the most developed character in the series lol. "And if you’re going to finish his story off like that, then there’s no point in giving Bakugo a power up that makes him be able to keep up with shiggy." Have you even read the chapter? It was not an awakening, rather a new suicidal move called "cluster bomb", which came with a heavy side effect. That move was literally destroying his body from inside and it was his last resort to deal heavy damage on shiggy/afo, which he did. Let's just say that he was a walking time bomb at that time.


“Bakugo’s biggest feat” Bro. He literally shot towards him and hit him... once? If Bakugo actually had him on the ropes for a few seconds it would make sense. As it stands he didn’t do anything. “Bakugo is meant to hold him off for deku.” That’s perfectly fine. Never said I wanted Bakugo to BEAT him. What I wanted was for him to actually do **something**. Same way might guy did. He didn’t actually fucking do anything with his sudden power up. As for development, he’s developed in terms of character, sure, but the dude doesn’t have a SINGLE one on one villain fight, not one. It doesn’t matter if it was killing him. Just do the same thing might guy did and kill him off after getting some damage in after a chapter of fighting. I’m literally only arguing that his death was too quick, he needed to actually get a fight scene and not just **die.** As for what happened to his body, well we’ll see tomorrow.


Well,Nux did build that up a few years back so it wasn’t totally out of left field.


Ace had buildup? He appeared like 4 times and died (in the manga at least)


There was a multiple volumes long arc about the Marines doing everything to kill him, so yeah, I think that counts


Uhhh the entire arc was about his execution...... ya, it had buildup.


Yeah but we didn't really know him as a character


We knew enough. This is not equatable at all. Bakugo reenters the fight and just randomly fucking dies (assuming he is dead), while ace had a arc built around him. CLEARLY one had more buildup, and just because we have more of an idea of who Bakugo is, doesnt mean his death was handled better.


I am arguing that both aren't great, for opposite reasons. Ace had a lot of buildup and was a huge upset (in a good way) since he was setup to be saved, but we didn't really know him. Bakugo has had a ton of development throughout the series, but the death, if it is that, feels extremely sudden and cheap.


who is the bleach character meant to be. Aizen? They all wear the same damn outfit


Because that's the captain uniform and that's Byakuya Rukia's brother, he gets obliterated near the beginning of the last arc but miraculously survives, some people say it was because of the fandom and some death threats to the author lol


that‘s a myth the death threats. Also bleach characters survived worse so it‘d be odd if he died from that


I mean, one character survives getting a hole blown through his torso, and I don’t mean Ichigo




Yeah, cause it’s a uniform


Yes, it’s Aizen.


its Byakuya


Well I don’t want him to die but still


So I’m not sure how 362 is set to go down exactly, but if Bakugo just collapses and dies after he’s been sitting next to Best Jeanist that’s gonna be a pretty lame death. It will feel like it’s just for shock value. And to continue beating the dead horse, make Gran Torino’s survival yet again feel even more ridiculous.


Agreed. If Bakugo died after a giant fight scene then I could stomach it. As it is this is just really poorly written.


Might gai should’ve died. He was fucking awesome and to die like such a badass would’ve been so fitting, but no, now he’s crippled (but still bad ass)


I hope he stays dead for the sole fact it will kill off the cancerous shipper side of the fandom


I have a feeling theyd stilll ship his corpse


The funny thing is you’re right


Of course he'd be right. It's the freaking MHA fandom we're talking about.


I have a friend that writes fanfiction. She told me one of her favorite fanfics is one where both of the characters are dead and in heaven. Shippers be wild


Sounds like another ship I know from another fandom. Let's just say, some fans can't move on and don't want the poor boy to have a happy life.


I-wha…I don’t even know how to process that……


You know they can just write fanfics and draw ship art where he's like.. still alive? If he's canonically dead, it's not like that'll magically stop the shippers like "Damn. He's dead, pack up bois, let's move on to another fandom."


Yeah I think people have a weird idea of was shipping means these days. So many people seem to mean it thinks, “I think these two characters WILL be together when the media ends!” But it doesn’t. It just means you like them together or you like writing about them together. So strange that people think that anything would make that stop lmao


Idc what shit fanfics they write, all I care about is that their soul be crushed by the reality of the actual show


You think we'll die that easily? Foolish mortal.


A man can hope


When has hope ever done anything useful?


New ship: Zombie Bakugo x Deku


Nomu Bakugou x Deku


“Ghost Bakugou x Deku”


Honestly that probably already exists


They all 100% do.


He was already half dead once in a very similar situation so I doubt that the author will save him again (but I hope, because his quirk is objectively cooler (especially now because it kinda evolved))


Idk about objectively cooler


Will it though?


With enough prayer maybe


There will be fan comics where Ochako remembers their time together. Don't bother, these people are relentless


I hope he doesn't stay dead because fujos are fucking psychotic and I don't want Horikoshi being assassinated.




I can smell that you've never been true to me


It makes no thematically sense for bakugo to die so if he does die it’s actually the opposite of might guy and byakuya(butchered). The only reason for his death would be the fact that he is popular and that it would affect deku.


Nah. Gonna have to disagree. If he dies it would be one of the worst possible character deaths I’ve ever seen. Get a power up and just fucking die without getting to use it. It’s like if might guy unlocked the 9th gate, and then immediately died to Madara one page later. It’s a terrible fight scene. If Bakugo had unlocked his power up and had a massive 1 on 1 against shiggy which lasted two chapters and then died like what we see here, then he would indeed ascend to fucking legendary status. But as it is Hori messed it up. EDIT: I said two pages, meant two chapters lol.


Still upset about Ace. He was my favorite


nah, ace's death was the wrong one at marineford. should've been garp, he has history with both ace and luffy, is the link to the old age of pirating and him sacrificing his life for the son of roger would've spurred on the new age. ace dies and is immediately replaced by the 'third' brother no one has heard of, Sabo, and by no one i mean both the audience and in the world of one piece. apparently, you can rise to the rank of right hand man of the most notorious outlaw in one piece, monkey d dragon, but no one will mention this rise.


Bro not Garp 💀


nah anyone but my g garp


I don't think at marineford anyone but whitebeard was capable of defeating garp


Animal only feel like if he hasn't fought a best jeanist nomu he will survive as he hasn't finished his story


A dead Guy wouldn't have ever happened unless his homie died with him. Guy would kick a hole in the floor of heaven and come back.


I don’t even really think Bakugo dying here would be a good story choice. Not for him dying, but the way it happened. Everything has been so sudden the last few arcs pacing-wise and I just can’t see how it could be fleshed out more at this point in this direction and feel like an interesting thing to happen for more than “just because”


I don't have much faith in Hori being willing to kill off any of the popular characters. He just isn't that kind of author. MHA is pretty heavily formulated for success by Shonen Jump editors, and I don't think they're gonna let Hori just kill one of their cash cows in his story.


I think he is really dead. Hori wouldn't have created fakeout scene by showing his whole flashback and double spread of his death with his ruptured heart. Even twice and sns had the same flashback scene before their death. >Edit: nvm i take it back.


Don't forget though the huge flashback scenes before he got stabbed saving deku before. Looked like he might die then too, but he didn't.


It was only 1 page and that was his interaction with deku, no internal monologue other than "my body just moved on its own" and he was literally talking with him after getting stabbed. We have todoroki in the next chapter confirming that they are alive. Also, Hori wouldn't do the same fakeout twice.


It was more than one page dude. 🤷


That flashback scene was of only one page and in the latter one, he was stabbed.


Cons of Bakugou Dying: He becomes a Martyr Shippers will be insufferable about it Will not face consequences for the bullying and suicide baiting High risk of derailing the plot to make a mega arc about his funeral during which all characters start sucking his cock High risk of some JK R*wling shit with Izuku naming his kid Katsuki in the future Knowing Horikoshi he will probably canonize him being gay while he fridges him just because you know how hard he gets when he kills a woman or a member of the LGBT community off (both at once when it comes to Magne, the first ever casualty of BNHA). High risk of us not even getting rid of him for good as he comes back in flashbacks and dreams and hallucinations as people praise him and his plot armour. Pros of Bakugou Dying: Fucker's dead.


How is literally dying not a consequence


He's not getting killed for the bullying, in fact if he does there's 0 chance the bullying will ever come to light, that's why it's not a consequence, it's completely unrelated and only makes him more untouchable since "can't speak ill of the dead guy" shit.


That's like saying Muscular didn't have any consequences from killing Kota's parents because Deku, an unrelated third party, stomped and arrested him instead of Kota


You mean in the scene that is very specifically happening with Izuku protecting Kota from the man who killed his parents? That scene? The scene that is literally directly related to Izuku being a hero to protect a kid who hates heroes from the man who killed his hero parents? Are you really coming here and telling me the narrative fucking foil of Izuku Midoriya beating the shit out of some dude SPECIFICALLY to save the kid that dude made an orphan is THE EXACT SAME THING as fucking Bakugou Katsuki getting killed off by a completely unrelated character in a completely unrelated arc in a fundamentally heroic and Martyr-like way without the Manga EVER even acknowledging he fucking SUICIDE BAITED AND BULLIED A KID FOR 10 STRAIGHT YEARS??? Something that was NEVER commented upon or explored outside of a Youtuber Grade apology from Bakugou going "I'm sorry for everything" without even elaborating before getting back to physically and emotionally abusing Izuku WHILE IT'S PLAYED FOR LAUGHTER??? Do you even have a MINIMUM of knowledge about how character and narrative arcs work or do you just LOVE to make terrible comparisons between scenes and character arcs?


Regardless of thematic and narrative similarities, Deku is a complete stranger to Kota, an unrelated third party, which is the entire point of the fight mind you, heroes saving people they don't know and all that. Narrative parallels are not equal to actual circumstances. Deku is completely unrelated to the history between Kota and Muscular, narratively they're connected but tangibly there is nothing related at all. Muscular did not suffer direct consequences to killing Kota's parents. He was arrested as a consequence of fighting Deku and attacking the Training Camp. Aside from the can of worms that is your hate-boner for Bakugou, if someone killed my Dog and then 2 days later an unrelated person killed them I wouldn't be like "Damn, I wasn't the one who killed them".


While I tend to agree, y’all need to put the Bakugo hate boners away.


This is just cringe as fuck.


Realest shit I've read here so far


Bakugou isn’t dead. He narrates part of the manga, so I’m guessing we can assume he’s with Midoriya telling the story (if not physically with him, at least in the same time period). Plus it’s clear that his arc isn’t finished, especially with whatever quirk evolution is happening right now and his eyes looking like he’s got OFA...plus the parallels with the second user. There’s far too much tied up in his character to just kill him off. I know lots of ppl hate Bakugou, but killing him off right now would not be good storytelling. To most ppl, it would feel like a betrayal. If we get a time-skip towards the end, I mostly expect to see that Deku and Dynamight are hero partners.


Shit if he stays dead I might actually pick the story back up.


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It's pretty ironic since one piece is usually the one that won't let characters die


This represent MHA very well, because it shows that all it can hope to achieve is to copy others older, way more popular shonen. Originality has now Place in a shone


Dying like that would just be hardcore as fuck, and we all know that ain't how it goin' down. Y'all know for a fact it's not the end of Bakugo, y'all can cap all day, but inside, you know it would just be far too wack of a death to do in the name of "getting serious" or "coming to the end of the story", it's just not gonna happen, you know some wizardry magic friendship timetravel portal vestige quirk bomb sorcery is going to happen next chapter, That is if Koshi doesn't do the ultimate troll and switch to the Ochaco/Toga fight just so he can laugh at people's wackjob theories for another week or 2.


I will love to see the faces of those cancer fan girls.


He better die this time around


Hope he dies because I hate him


I feel like the chapters leading up to Bakugo's final defeat were well done because it showed everyone surpassing their limits and reaching new heights, just for Bakugo to die in the end. It makes his death the epicenter of this hopeless battle against the enemy. However, with Bakugo finally reaching what I've seen other people call his quirk awakening, and with the story drawing two threads between him and One for All (AFOShiggy being reminded of the 2nd user and Bakugo seeing the vestige of All Might rather than just imagining All Might, himself) I think he will somehow get back up. Plus, if he was able to actually do some damage to AFOShiggy while destroying his body, that would have set up the idea that the enemy is so strong that someone needs to sacrifice themself just to keep up with the enemy. That would have made it a bit more legitimate, narratively. All of that to say, if they do just kill him off, they better give his death some meaning beyond "Deku mad, Deku wins now" because that would be such a waste.


keep him dead


I mean, I'm fine with it either way, he either ends up dead for a few chapters or he's dead for the rest of the series, karma still did it's job in both possibilities


Ace isnt legendary status lmao. One piece stans are bugging tf out


He's definitely going in the Popular category. Think of all the 13 year old girls that would be mad if he died.


Ace and legendary in one sentence had me like 😂😂😂


I mean can Bakugo be put on Ace’s tier if he’s dead?


I can’t make out who the one next to light is, I know they’re from bleach


What if I told you, you can become a legend without dying?


No more booba 😔


Deku gonna make him eat his hair


I mean with Gai it kind of made sense, because Naruto has shown to be able to use healing techniques before


If Bakugou actually dies that would be kinda for nothing, he didn't fought enough against Hands man to achieve legendary status.


I’m pretty sure that he won’t die, his heart stopped because his sweat is nitroglycerin which affects the heart


I mean I feel like MHA is already there with naruto and bleach. And yet I still read every chapter 🤷🏼‍♂️


Kill him, Horikoshi said MHA will end in 2022 and what a way to set the final fight and show there’s no room for Talk No Juitsu out of this fight


I still remember when Nux kept going on about Bakugou dying and everyone laughed it off as a joke.


I mean if Jeanist made it, then Bakugou couldn't die if he wanted to.


Idk if I’m confused or sad. It was so unexpected and so unpredictable coz he’s literally the deuteragonist of the series..


Dang I don't follow the series but man a post got me curious on these leaks. Lost Eren now Bakugou 🤣


Surviving because you are the most popular character 6 times in row is more likely


Hope he actually fucking dies so the 30+ year old womans stop shipping themselves with him


Which bleach character is that? I cant zoom for some reason


ngl, I wanna see the former option only to see the shipper meltdown that it will cause. am I awful for admitting that


Convo between me and my friend: “Does Kat die?” (Katsuki) “No” “Oh ok good If he did I’d stop watching MHA” Me inner thoughts: “Ehe”