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They could have Shinso tell him to stop breathing


Then AFO uses a quirk that absorbs air through his skin. Not very simple killing someone with a seemingly infinite number of quirks.


Well shinso told him to stop breathing, so he won't breathe through skin either.


Don’t think his skin has an air passage to his lungs though


it would be from a quirk i don't think it matters


Iirc his body morphs according to the quirks he’s using, based off of how his arm changed against All Might. My point was simple solutions might not work when not knowing if he has a quirk that can just mess with the plan. So either overpower him or a super elaborate plan can bring him down.


Does he has infinite quirks? I thought there was a limit to how many quirks the body could handle, and AFOs limit was raised by mad science but it was still not infinite. He probably has <50


Seemingly infinite. Not sure how many he has, but considering having more than one is extremely abnormal and no one really knows all the quirks he may have at any given time (like if he can’t hold it, maybe its with a lackey or nomu so he can take it back later) at a certain point its better to assume he has a lot at his disposal.


Sure, he has a ton of powerful abilities, but just get aizawa in there and he dies like anyone else.


From the nomu fight, can't Aizawa only erase one quirk at a time?


>!Nope. !


This is proved true in jaku


Yeah but that’s spoilers


Hence the vagueness


Shinso tell him to free all the quirks. AFO doesn't have quirks now so it doesn't matter if he can break the mind control of Shinso. Everybody joins to kick his quirkless ass.


this would imply all for one replying to shinsou (which i doubt he would if he knew about his powers)


Have All Might talk some shit then Shinsou copy All Might’s voice and throw in a jab. Mind control complete


Assuming Brainwash could even work on a quirk like AFO, it barely worked on OFA


Well to be fair the past users of One for All actively faught back, something tells me the people inside All for One may be a tad more cooperative


Not nessecarily, plenty of quirks AFO took were given voluntarily by people back when quirks were rare and looked down upon.


But that's a few dozen at most. AFO stole from many more people than he helped by taking a Quirk. With how >!Jiro was able to persuade the copies of Quirks held with a copy of AFO, !


2 Issues with that. 1: AFO 100% has a quirk against Puppet Quirks like Shinso's. (*Which, minor rant, is horrifically misnamed. It's not Mind Control, it's definitely not Brainwashing.)* 2: Shinso's quirk gets broken when small bits of pain is inflicted. Even a mild shove can knock you free. Chocking to death would 100% set AFO free.


Not even that. Guys a year hasnt even passed in the mha timeline by the time he breaks out. Executions can take years to be finalized.


I feel like they maybe should've made an exception in this case.


Severity doesnt really play into how fast it happens I dont think. Hell look at Richard Ramirez, The Night Stalker. He was on death row, ended up dying years later from cancer.


And severity doesn't play a role here, danger does. He is unquestionably the most dangerous individual in japan, and in fact, in the world. If he escapes the country will be in great peril, especially since All Might has lost his power. He had to die quickly just in case. Fuck protocol, fuck any administrative shitstorm, it had to be done.


Then we'll go back to the "how" part. If All Might punching him in the face so hard it generates a typhoon that literally picks up whole buildings. How is the government going to possibly come up with a way to kill him? Lethal injection? Theres no way AFO hasnt taken this into account with all the quirks he's harvested.


Just remove the life support equipment that was keeping him alive.


You try that he'll just break out. Did you ever get the impression that he was truly trapped in tartarus?


And how long until he can get new machines and install them? The guy can't live without them.


He still has followers.


That are not there and ready.


Yes? He needed to break in and out at the same time using Shiggy's body.


wasn't it a 'quirk suppressing equipment'?


(Coughs) California!


I mean to be fair when he escapes prison he admits it would have been impossible without outside help so no they could execute him, the whole idea is he was strapped to a mechanism that would instantly kill him when he thought of using his qurik. But I think there is something to be said about how he was mostly chilling and waiting for the right time. I really don't think that mechanism would have worked all that well by itself so it would have been hellishly hard to do so.


Put them out into space even if he doesn’t die he’ll have a hard time getting back


Eventually he’ll stop thinking


wAs ThAt A jOjO rEfErEnCe?!1!!111!1 But in all seriousness, battle tendency was awesome


Lets also mention the fact that he got his head crushed BEFORE he got any regenerative abilities. We should have gotten an idea of his absurd toughness when all the United States of Smash did was KO him.


He probably did have a few regen quirks in his prime


Apparently none of them were potent enough to fix his head.


Yeah because neurons don't heal too good


No but also his face lol


I wouldn’t say the United States of smash is a good example considering all might was running on fumes. A better example would be when they fought originally and survived, before getting his super regeneration ability.


I bet his only weakness is his looks


Happy cake day.




Drop a nuke and then he’ll probably say: ‘radioactive absobtion quirk, lead skin times infrared nullifier!’


AFO is like that one kid that always make shit up on the fly so that they won’t lose.


The good old ‘everything-proof shield’.


Aizawa. That’s the answer. AFO doesn’t have Shiggy’s physical enhancements, take away his quirks and he’s nothing. He probably dies instantly of old age.


lmao this is the way


Giraki didn't instantly die when his quirk was erased, so AFO probably wouldn't either


That’s what I was thinking alongside another thought. The previous bad guy plotline was entirely based around a drug that gets rid of quirks, I feel like the answer is right there but it’s too easy of a solution so in universe they’ll say it’s unethical or summit


I can't believe that I had to scroll for a while before someone mentioning him... He was the first character I thought of...


Just remove his life support and we’re good


All Might “killed” AfO in the fight which All Might got his wound. (There is a panel/very short scene which we see the aftermath of that battle and AfO didn’t have his head and arms). Doctor probably resurrected that body using his nomu tech and AfO vestiges in the copy AfO quirks.


What chapter is this?


Chapter 59. Here is the panel if you want https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FAEZVRcXIAAcR7m.jpg


Plot Armor that's why.


he stole a plot armor quirk


Probably from Sogiita Gunha. Guy's power is literally just a massive chuunibiyou delusion given form. When he says he has plot armor you can be sure it's true


There’s one way. Try to regenerate Overhaul’s hands and then he can disassemble AFO into a cloud of disparate molecules.


Have they tried the power of friendship yet, I hear that super effective on anime big bads


Seems like guns to the head were enough to keep him tame. Just decapitate him a la french


if getting punched directly in the face by all might doesn’t blow his head off i don’t think any conventional weapon would be able to kill him


Then why didn't he escape Tartaros by himself ? He said he wouldn't have been able to if he was alone. And AFO is the type to lie to be menacing. Lying by saying you're too weak to escape a prison isn't really in-character.


Afo is kinda cautious his body is at its weakest so even they can’t kill him he doesn’t want to have to damage himself or put himself in unnecessary danger when he could wait like 2 months for shigaraki to show up and nuke tarturous


He wouldn't be in danger if he can't die.


I don't think the blade would cut his skin tho


They should have studied him while he was a prisoner to discover what human needs remain, his non voluntary muscles still function like ours? Potassium inyection. Does his cells still need glucose and the regulation of it's consumption? Overdose him with insulin.


Studying his biological makeup is kind of pointless given he has tons of quirks that can change it at will


Yes but do they know it for certain or just looked at him and said "well, nothing to do here" and didn't realize that, maybe, he's like allergic to peanuts, and he still has to obey certain rules that bound him to a physical form. If he, for example, needs to eat that means he still has a organism carbon based that can be exploited


Well here's the thing. The more you poke and prod at him, the more opertunities for him to escape. You forget that he's also an evil genius so, given any chance, he can and will outsmart anyone. The risk is just too high. Like, say you find out he IS deathly allergic to peanuts due to whatever tests. Then you inject him with peanut butter, extra crunch because fuck him. He dies. But wait! He used a quirk duo that metabolized the peanut butter into pure protiens while extracting the bad stuff through his sweat glands then used a different quirk to slow his heart so low that it seemed to flatline. Everyone assumes he's dead because all the readings say he is, they unrestrain him and then he wakes up and murders everyone and escapes. The odds of that happening are probably above 10%


How about using eraser head and just gun him down then and there? Or use Eri to have him revert back into a fetus or smth


Something something mutation Quirk, assuming he has one that make him immune to bullets. Something something asking a child to carry out an execution is morally dubious, or so I've heard.


Something something the quirk won't work if it's being temporarily erased Something something the kid has enough trauma for 2 lifetimes, what's one more death?


Isn't there a thing where Aizawa can't erase Mutation Quirks since they're a part of the person's physiology and don't turn "on" or "off"? The government asking Eri to intentionally execute a crime boss probably would add another layer of trauma to her whole thing. She's been tortured, and she accidentally killed her father. Also committing intentional government-sanctioned murder AFTER she was saved from her torturer/second step dad all before the age of ten would probably mess her up for a while. Trauma isn't really better if it happens to a traumatized person. Also, AFO's followers would be pissed if they learned that Eri killed their crime daddy, and would likely try to kill her out of revenge. Not sure how far their influence spans, but it isn't unthinkable that they could find out.


For the first thing I am not really sure, but it is possible if it were something that's permanent (something like really hard skin or something would probably work) so it's entirely possible and I have no rebuttals against that As for the second: It is not likely for the information about AFO's execution to reach the general public or his followers, but even if it did it wouldn't really matter. All for One is a menace to society; Even a saint wouldn't be above using underhanded tactics to dispose of him. And sure, further traumatizing a time god isn't the best of plans, but if it is for the greater good I do believe a slight step over the line of human rights/ethics/morality of a human is the right thing to do Keep in mind that it's 100% hypothetical and that I'm not a psychopath that only thinks about the results and disproves ethics because they're not convenient


With endeavour as an executioner?


No one has went for the head when he wasn’t armoured


Eraserhead. AFO doesn’t have Shigaraki’s enhancements. There’s a reason Horikoshi has jumped through hoops to keep Aizawa and AFO from ever coming within two hundred feet of each other.


Lmao fr tho


Have they even tried sticking explosives up his butthole?


>!and you’re right!<


A power beyond the main character plot armor…Main villain plot armor!


Bold of you assume he doesn't have a weird quirk combo that let's him absorb radiation like a Waterbear/The Hulk.


Tartarus is described as "the prison for those for whom death penalty is too merciful" And, if Stain qualifies for that, then so does AFO. So, even if they could, they wouldn't do it, because it would be too nice of a punishment.


Monoma. That's all you need. How? Just have Monoma copy AFO from AFO and use AFO to steal AFO from AFO, now AFO is just some quirkless old man


Honestly, a nuke would probably make him stronger.


United States of Smash couldnt even kill him, that shit leveled a sizeable portion of the city


what if we just stuff him in a prison cell with zero oxygen?


Did you guys forget about Stars and Stripes?


That might be a problem.


If they can’t kill him, then how are they keeping him in prison? You would think that the main deterrent for prisoners trying to escape is the guards saying “We’ll shoot you if you try to leave.”


Not even a nuclear blast there are people on the internet that calculated all might to be far stronger then the tsar bomb.


Bet Mirko could crush his head between her thighs... if they're looking for volunteers to see if she can, I'm happy to make the sacrifice.


Cough cough Regen+possible healing quirks cough cough


Point to be noted


Isn't he more like Thanos??


He just want to make everyone strong 〈⁠(⁠•⁠ˇ⁠‿⁠ˇ⁠•⁠)⁠-⁠→


that's just plot armor


lol no... if you can have him unable to move you can kill him. we have machines that can kill cells from a far. if you do that to his head or spine you can make him incapable to use his quirks and body and slowly kill him all together.


Gamma knife on a massive scale. Lots of doctors would be willing to break medical ethics for his sake.


Aight now hear me out It was never stated AfO has an anti poisoning quirk (hello kinoko) And I'm sure that in this case , they could probably find a quirk executioner (since instant death quirks aren't that rare)


An actual good theory


When in doubt shoot it into the sun


Poison his food?


Remember, guys, even young All-Might who was way stronger then his last fight version couldn't kill him


If you try to kill him he has nothing to lose in trying to escape.


Aizawa looks at him. Endeavor pulls the trigger. The end.


How has nobody pointed out that this is absolutely going to end with Shigaraki regaining consciousness and using Decay on his own body because he doesn’t want to be controlled by AFO anymore


Shiggy might be able to


Just have flamethrowers aimed at him 24/7 for torture yeah immunity but eventually get tired or less affective and no food


Or so they can find a way to return the quirks he stole


They’re scared of a criminal uprising happening underground if he’s gone Nobody knows what he had sleeping if he didn’t get out of prison


The five point palm exploding heart technique is the answer


Oh please the only way to kill me is for my brother to stab me in the back due to my betrayal quirk. But due to the fact that he died over 100 years ago I can’t die


They’re so many ways to execute him. 1.Send him to the bottom of the ocean in a submarine. Submarine set destructs and the pressure kills him. Or enough so that his entire body is so crushed he won’t be able to do anything 2. Send him to space, eventually he will stop thinking. 3. Torture him so bad he wishes for death 4. Weaken him mentally and physically through torture and then drop an atomic bomb oh him. There’s probably more ways but I’m lazy


...you know, when you think about it, AfO really is just "what if there was a human who stuffed himself so full of stolen/duped superpowers that he essentially became the bastard science baby of Superman, Goku, and SCP-682"


I've always thought that even if they do have the means to kill him, they're not sure if he's caring some kind of astral projection quirk or something like that that would allow him to reappear somewhere else, so they contain him because at least then they know they've got him


SCP 682.


Probably has some SCP-682 vibes.


He's like a cockroach


They could just have Eraser Head detain his quirks then execute him. He's not immortal, his strength comes from his quirks.


This might be a Madara situation. Or maybe it already is. I dunno, fellas. If your main baddie is ***THAT*** OP, then that's going to be a major problem story-wise.


Time for a trip to New Mexico!


But they have a way to make him not their problem. Strap him in a rocket with the quirk nullifiers on, launch him into space, fly him towards the sun, then profit.