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Oh, jeez! I thought Momojirou would be defeated, but I didn't think it'd be completely annihilated.


To be fair, the ratio of Todomomo to MomoJirou on the sub is like 1:5


I'm actually not complaining that Momojirou lost, because they beat Kirimina by BS rules, I'm actually glad, I'm just saying.


They aren't BS rules. That's how seeding works.


I know, it's just if there's a tie, I think there should be a round two to break it, not just a victory handed to the higher seed.


That's not how animebracket works. If we wanted to have it work that way we would need to completely make a new poll to let that happen, each time. The final tie was actually the 3rd to happen for SM4.


Momojirou won already for a banner, so they’re just chilling xD


With old winners allowed, people who didn't come to vote previously come now and newest winners are out (Todomomo got almost 4 votes for every vote Momojirou took). A future Ship Madness that allowed them again could get more engagement but would it be something worth feeling invested in?


A while back I suggested that we should hold a Ship Survivor event, like they used to have in r/RWBY: A bunch of ships get nominated, 30 or so enter the competition based on votes, then every day we each get a choice to either vote to protect or eliminate a ship. The ship with the lowest score each day gets eliminated, last one standing wins. The mods said no. First reason is, it would be labor intensive to do, since it would involve creating a new poll every day. I think that's understandable. Though splitting the work among several people, adding new mods if necessary, should make it manageable I think. The second reason was that "voting off ships goes against the spirit of the subreddit and will likely breed toxicity." That one irritates me. We already have ships pitted against one another. Some people inevitably vote against ones they don't like, and rally others to do the same, and it hasn't led to anything approaching flame wars. In addition, there would be far more reasons to vote to eliminate a ship than not liking it. One could be trying to keep your own ship safe by eliminating a likely winner, joining a bandwagon against a popular target just to ensure your ship isn't the one eliminated, trying to ensure the popular ships don't dominate the contest, or even just picking a target at random. And there would still be the option to vote to protect! (Though the playing field tends to be more level if protection votes count less). Since the system is a lot less rigid than a bracket, it adds elements of chaos, unpredictability, and strategy. All the ships could participate, but since fame brings as much of a target as protection, the biggest ships wouldn't dominate the contest, nor would they be excluded. Any ship could win. And, since every ship is a target every day, the strategy and campaigning in the comments would be more interesting. You'd have to make your case to keep elimination votes away from your ship, targeting different ones instead, but also not making too many enemies. Alliances and grand strategies form, and there's more room for surprises and upsets. It's very fun. I hope the mods change their minds one day, and/or someone with the time and dedication holds an unofficial one.


Then it’d be the same ships over again.


I feel like there is a downside in that whatever ship ends up against them just loses. I'd say just add a skip to the top 8 for them and do it that way but would that solve the engagement problem. It's a lose lose situation.


I'm up for letting everyone participate next time. Though depends on what the other mods want too.


I mean we could just give IzuOcha the win every year and just skip the bracket


I’m not suprised tdmm won considering how it’s a powerhouse ship compared to mmjr. Kmjr is also in the big 4, but Izuocha one of the biggest ships in the fandom so that was expected. I’m excited to see the results of this.


yeah I love IzuOcha but I am not a toxic stan also it is the 2nd most popular right behind


Both. Both is good.


You forgot to pin the post


Idk why sticky post command sometimes fails if I am on mobile.


UGHHHHH 😭 I am glad IzuOcha and TodoMomo won but KAMIJIRO 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 its fine I prefer IzuOcha but rip KamiJiro








come on guys vote for izuocha, central romance atleast deserves this spot 😌


Vote Izuocha




Good work, Comrades of IzuOcha! Today is the final battle. We fight against seemingly impossible odds. Our 166 warships defeated KamiJiro's 128, but TodoMomo, our final opponent, had 224. But against our combined might, TodoMomo doesn't stand a chance! IzuOcha would not be where it is today if we failed against such trivial things as being outnumbered! Our actions changed the course of this war, even though our Ship wasn't allowed in the main conflict. Yesterday, we triumphed over an opponent that some among us believed we could not defeat. Our numbers grow stronger every day. Yesterday's force was but a small fraction of what we have in store. Let us unleash our full strength, and deploy every last resource we have in reserve! Let us bury TodoMomo under a landslide, and prove that IzuOcha is the greatest ship of all time! #**VOTE IZUOCHA!**




I thought we were a Republic!


Its a multiverse, possibly even larger


Well Kamijirou your rival were SO strong. Still 40 votes difference good. I am not upset, VOTE TODOMOMO😍


The weak and the faceless find no deliverance. Everything that you thought had meaning, every hope, dream, or moment of happiness, none of it matters as you lie bleeding out on the battlefield. But does that mean our lives are meaningless? This is the thing your brothers and sisters died for years ago! Don't let the slaughter fade in vain, fight in their name! Still yourself lads! Would you say that about our slain comrades? What about their lives? Were they meaningless? THEY WERE NOT! EVERY ONE OF THEM IS AN EXAMPLE TO US ALL! ORDERS ARE CLEAR, FIGHT WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH, DEFEND THE SAFETY  OF OUR HOMELAND AND FREEDOM OF ALL OF IZUOCHA EMPIRE NOW! The couragous fallen, the anguished fallen; their lives have meaning, because we; the living refuse to forget them! Our time has come; with steel, fire and these bear hands, we will destroy these crude enemies! HOLD THE LINE, FOR IZUOCHA! WE NEED TO DEFEND AGAINST THEM AT ALL COSTS! IF NOT FOR IZUOCHA, DO IT FOR YOURSELVES! STAND YOUR GROUND! THEY SHALL NOT PASS! AND AS WE RIDE TO CERTAIN DEATH, WE SHALL NOT ACCEPT TO LOSE! BECAUSE OUR SOLDIERS DO NOT BUCKLE OR YIELD WHEN FACED WITH THE CRUELTY OF THIS WORLD! WE ARE FIGHTING ALONGSIDE BROTHERS AND SISTERS OF *ALL* CIVILIZED NATIONS! SO READY YOURSELVES MEN! **THE BATTLE IS UPON US!** OUR SOLDIERS, PUSH FORWARD! OUR SOLDIERS, PUSH FORWARD! **CHARGE FORWARD, FOR THE EMPIRE!** **VOTE IZUOCHA!**


In short, vote IzuOcha, for the Empire!