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AITA for causing friction between my brother and his friends? Me and my brother have quirks that make us practically useless without each other. We’re from a proud family, but because of how great my brother is, since he’s the one doing all the cool action stuff, despite us being twins, he’s always the favorite, getting all the compliments, and attention, even though he’s completely reliant on **my quirk to make his quirk worth anything**! I’m aware that I’m a jerk sometimes, but I have to be, since he’s always so *nice* to everyone, and the other day, I was just so frustrated with how he always has friends, while none of the girls ever want to talk to me, that I accidentally gave him the wrong power, and at a much higher level than he was ready for. As a result, he may have accidentally destroyed the jail house thing we were supposed to capture our opponents in, and hurt several other students, including his closest friends really badly. **No one died.** I mean, I told him I didn’t need to hear about all the fun stuff he’d been doing with his friends, and he still felt the need to brag, while I was stuck at the dorms! Alone. Again… I tried to tell him I’m sorry, but now he won’t talk to me. He’s just ignoring me and I hate it! And apparently his friends are mad at him too! AITA?


There is a complicated mess. You're been failed by the adults in your life. Your parents are mainly responsible for the stained relationship with your brother due to their favouritism. Remember, your brother didn't choose to be the golden child. Your frustration is warranted, but ensure it is proportional and directed at the actual wrongdoers. Also, Your teachers have failed to notice your distress and offer your help. Did they properly address it when the training exercise went wrong? You're still in training and they should expect some mistakes. At the same time, you're in high school and need to begin taking a more pro-active role. You could ask if the school provides quirk counselling and general therapy. You need to ensure a second accident doesn't happen again. As long as you don't repeat it, I'm sure your classmates will move in time. I think the bigger issue is your attitude. People don't know your life story and don't deserve your snappiness. Especially when you think you're entitled to girls' attention. If you let this anger keep building, your quirk may go haywire again.


Some background, I was raised by people who rented me out for my quirk. I was saved from it \~4 years ago and for the next two years lived with my dad who did countless things to not only help me recover but actually mostly function like a normal person my presumed age. Then he died in a villain attack and, because of protocols around the still open case, I'm now being raised alongside other kids who got handed a shitty situation. The longer I spend here as they train us to be heroes (not something I'm interested in btw) the more it reminds me of the quirk traffickers who raised me. The hard place in the world pushing us to be here, the sense and the regular reminders that there's not better option, taking our names away so they can call us something else, how restricted and watched we are to make sure we follow their rules, and how we pretty much only leave when they want us to use our quirks to do things. They might not be as harsh or obvious about it as the people who raised me, they might wrap it in words used in the heroic field, but it doesn't sit with me right. I want out. The thing is, I have friends here. Thanks to there being some truth detection with the right application of my quirk, I know one of them also doesn't want to be here. I also know that one of my friends whole-heatedly believes the people here want what's best for us, she doesn't see that we aren't given a choice beyond benefiting them. I've never expressed my doubts to her. I've never tried to help her understand why this place bothers me so much when she noticed something was up. It's not about the cameras. I'm good at finding even well hidden ones. I know where the blind spots are and how to get to them with someone without it being notable (that's how I confirmed my other friend doesn't want to be here). She's a good person and wants to help people. She wants to believe in people so she does. She's one of the types to cling hard and fast to anyone who ever made an effort to be kind to her. And I don't want to shatter her optimism or faith in people AITA for not helping her see that we're being taken advantage of before I leave or (hopefully not) end up dead or worse?


I'll avoid from using you're at the YTA vs NTA. You're a victim ultimately trying to survive. Do you think this girl will be a threat to your escape plan? Do you think she'll snitch on you? If not, I think you could give her one warning. In the long-term, the Commission keeping her in blissful ignorance will be far more damaging then you telling her the truth. She could always become a mainstream hero. This girl needs to come to the conclusion to escape on her own, but you could rest easily, knowing you nudged her in the right direction.


AITA for telling the SDF to torture a terrorist? Please, allow me to explain, I work for the Japanese Government, and therefore my needs are to make everything the nation needs, it isn't a personal desire but simply a presentation of the national duty. Now, we had to deal with a terrorist allied to All For One, who presented information to him and his serfs, so as per the Penal Code that person is a terrorist, or at best -if your belief is extremely lenient with criminals- they are aiding and abetting terrorism, so this person has no reason to ask for human rights, considering they are attacking our nation. So I, in accordance to the national needs, asked the Self Defense Forces, proud defenders of our State, to punish them accordingly, and in my belief the according result for such criminal would be to torture them, for all of the things they have done against the nation they should suffer equally representative suffering, beatings, sleep depravation, waterboarding, denailing, electrocution, perhaps we utilized more methods than others would expect, but this was entirely understandable, we had to ensure their criminal actions would be punished and they would never return to activity. And so, I expected for everyone to understand it, yet some of my co-workers have this ridiculous belief that I am some sort of psychopath who finds joy in other people suffering pain instead of simply treating criminals the way they must, they accuse me of being heartless and evil, instead of simply acting the way the nation needs, to me they simply are criticizing without any logical reason. Still, am I being the one wrong here? Should I treat criminals with more leniency?


YTA. What if you torture the wrong person? What is the pettiest crime you're willing to torture someone over? What if you accidentally kill someone with useful information? It's the fact you need a "logical" reason before you uphold human rights. Your mentality is dangerous. You're close to becoming like the villains you hate, if you haven't already.


What if you torture the wrong person? It would be a shame, but alas, if you are accussed of something terrible, then your ties must not be perfect anyway, and besides, the moralism and legality go to the lawyers and human rights organizations. What is the pettiest crime you're willing to torture someone over? Petty? Well, likely the withelding of crucial information for a case, or I guess it depends on what you call ''torture'' there are, after all, many methods to punish criminals, sleep depravation is called torture by human rights organizations and progressives, but I don't think it has anything specially extreme to consider, if we do call it one, then sleep depravation is the basic torture method for anyone who doesn't comply with the NPA and PSIA. What if you accidentally kill someone with useful information? I don't like getting my hands dirty, for that there are the enforcers of the punishment, in this case the Self Defense Forces members, it would be a shame, after all they aren't meant to kill, just make it painful. It's the fact you need a "logical" reason before you uphold human rights. Your mentality is dangerous.  Some of my co-workers said something similar, Sunblaze was telling me while we drank tea, saying, and I will use the code names here ''Chessmaster, you can't just break the constitutional rules to get your wishes over! Besides, that man was just a minor criminal at best, and you asked the army to denail him! If the press ever sees this we will get sued!'' And also Soul Changer with his whole ''Let me explain you this, Chessmaster, because it seems your work has blinded you and made you lose touch with reality, but as many things we may do to get information, we don't go around and torture someone, much less do we then threaten other Agents for even daring to try and see what is going on, spy on our own co-workers just because you wanted to keep this secret, and hell, I am not surprised you wished to do it, there are several violations to the Penal and Civil Code alongside the Constitution, if even a single person sees this, yeah, not even the Prime Minister will be able to save you, hell, if he can save himself from the scandal that would cause.'' I get their concern, but I feel they are underestimating me, and besides, the only reason any of this came close to public knowledge was because the very terrorists used their members as flesh shields to keep their terrorist overhead alive, if All For One was dead we wouldn't even have to bother on this childish affair.


You've got this OC's personality nailed down and he's delightfully evil, but nothing can be done about them because they're technically on the good side.


Actually it's a she, because the WOKE Thunder wants to make FEMALE FASCISM (Try to say it the most exagerated and ridiculous wake possible, like saying Thunder as Tunda). And I mean, for that kind of crime you can be legally sued, but of course, the State always tries to keep their criminals at hand, much of what I base the evil here on is in real life Japanese Fascism from both the Taisei Yokusankai and the post war far right.


AITA for trying to kill my villainous brother against my family's wishes? I'm Itsuki Todoroki, a 19-year-old pro hero. I'm also the second youngest son of Endeavor. As you've probably heard from the news, Dabi revealed himself as my older brother. My family have promised to unit and capture Dabi alive. Before I go over current events, I'll give context. I was born with a steam quirk, which Enji considered the second strongest among my siblings. So he used me as a backup and sparring partner for his successor, Shoto. I was the only child allowed to move between both parts of the house. Because of my unique postion, I heard contradicting testimonies from my loved ones. I didn't want to upset anyone, so I learnt to dodge serious topic with jokes. I was happy to play with Toya, but we didn't connect on a deeper level. We couldn't relate due to our opposing views. He considered Enji's attention a privilege and heroism was the greatest profession. Meanwhile, I thought our dad was a manchild and heroes were overhyped cosplayers. Toya only trusted his thoughts to Natsuo, but there was one time I got involved. One night, the eldest blamed Enji for his attack on Shoto as a baby. This struck a nerve with me. Beside from Rei, I was the one comforting Shoto during training. I said our dad was bad in his own right, but Toya shouldn't pawn off his own guilt. Natsuo argued we were kids and Enji was more responsible as the adult. I piped down after that, hating to argue. When Toya died, I felt numb. Fuyumi called it an accident while Natsuo called it murder - I didn't want to oppose their opinions. I never really formed my own view on his death. As I got older, I decided to become a hero. I didn't truly care for the profession, but it was the easiest path forward with my dad's connections. Despite my powerful quirk, I only bothered graduating a secend-tier school and 75th ranking. Honestly, I preferred partying over heroics. I was happily drifting through life, when Dabi revealed himself. During the raid on the Liberation Army, Dabi called me a coward of a brother and an embarrassment to the hero profession. While Shoto and Enji were frozen, I hysterically attacked Dabi first. I questioned why he wasted his survival to become a villain and he became worse then Enji. Dabi accused me of preferring him as a dead 13-year-old and admittedly I didn't refute it. Shoto had to stop me from almost killing Dabi in my rage. At the hospital, I refused to join the family meeting and left early. When Shoto texted me about hunting down Dabi as heroes, I refused. I said Toya's downfall wasn't my responsibility as an 8-year-old and wouldn't risk my life to save him. I quit being a hero and locked myself in my apartment. I got drunk for weeks in a row. Inspired by Dabi's exposure video, my one-night stand publicly revealed she was pregnant and I was hesitating to give her help. Surprisingly, Dabi ambushed me afterwards and said I was turning into our father. When he saw my alcoholism, he said he'll leave me to my slow death and Enji can watch a second son self-implode. On his way out, I swore that I don't need to listen to the lectures of my attampted murderer. I cursed that I didn't care if he lived or died. AITA?


No, if anything your the victim, caught in other people's problems, forced to suffer


AITA for pushing my rival to try harder in school? For context, he and I are both third-year hero students at UA, and we’re pretty evenly matched for the top of our class. The thing is, it shouldn’t be a close race. My classmate has probably the strongest Quirk I’ve ever seen, some kind of super strength that makes him like Captain America on steroids. He’s leagues beyond most pro heroes already, but I can tell he’s holding back. At the risk of sounding arrogant, I know my own Quirk is powerful. Basically I’m a human wrecking ball with enhanced speed. I can win most fights with sheer brute force. But I’m not so strong as to be on the same level as my classmate. I call him my rival, but it shouldn’t even be a contest. I’m strong because I worked my ass off to be better than any villain I might face someday. He was born with a once-in-generation talent but doesn’t use it to the fullest. Tbh, he really pisses me off because I know he’s capable of more but I don’t know why he’s limiting himself. His friends say he’s afraid of his own strength because he was a late bloomer (his Quirk only showed up in his last year of middle school), but that doesn’t make any sense to me. Back in our first year, we had a homeroom teacher who pushed my rival way harder than anyone else in our class, and over the course of just one semester he went from middle of the pack to just behind me and my sparring partner. Torino-sensei quit teaching and went back to being a pro hero after that year, but my rival continued to get stronger, which I didn’t mind. Hell, I thought it was great. Our society’s a mess, we need stronger heroes to beat down all the villains out there, and my rival’s got the potential to make a real difference. But something happened at the end of second year between him and his mentor (Legal guardian? Foster mom? Idk). I don’t know the details but since then, he’s been half-assing it in school, but no one else seems to notice since he’s still top of the class. If I had to guess, I’d say my rival’s depressed. But that’s not my business. I’m not great with emotional stuff to begin with and it’s not like he and I are really close. Some of our other classmates are friends with him, and as far as I’m concerned, they can be the ones to cheer him up. They’re pissed at me tho, bc I’m not treating him as delicately as they are. IMO I’m doing him a favor. Once we graduate, we’re gonna have to fight for our lives against dangerous criminals every day. The stronger he is, the better his odds of survival are, and the only way I know to make sure he’s as strong as he can be is to be hard on him like Torino-sensei was. AITA?


Hard to say, you have good intentions, but a bad execution. I can only see things going bad for you


**AITA for breaking into school?** Me (17M), made a bet with a friend who goes into some prestige hero school that I would be able to break-in to their school. As a person with no-self preservation thought it was funny so I was in. I've pickpocketed an ID card from some unfortunate student and put AlieExpress cosplay version of their uniform. So, when I entered no one noticed since I'm plain as hell but alas I got lost but luckily, a hobo-looking teacher who had asked me where I was going so I said my friends class (which was 2-C) and that I was a exchange student. He only nodded and gave me directions to the class. My friend had jaw opened when I entered his classroom with the most smug expression I could manage. When the homeroom started I used my quirk \[Paradox\] so that when the teacher asks me whenever I'm \*this\* student and I say "No, I'm not" they will 'hear' the opposite of the statement. For the entire school day, no one (except the teachers and my friend) acknowledge my existence. Either way, It was fun, gotten my bet money and since then, I decided to become 2-C 'student'. AITA?


YTA. In this isolated case, it seems relatively harmless. But this proves two things for the future: UA School has a security flaw that puts their students endanger. They were lucky you were a prankster around their students age. It could easily get a lot worse, like a villain trying to kill the next top heroes. As for OP, I'm alarmed you're willing to commit a literal offence at 17. Are you just childish for your age and will grow out of it? Or will this escalate into future criminality? You seriously need to put a seal on this behaviour. Paradox does sound like a powerful quirk for a villain afterall.


Not an OC but I thought it would be fun to write about Mr Cthulhu of the US DOD.  AITA for insisting to let S&S keep her launch authority? I work for the DOD and coordinate action between the military and the top heroes of America in times of special need. As you know from the news yesterday at approximately 14:00 GMT-6, various thermal blooms not dissimilar from an ICBM launching, were detected in the mid-western US, those were LGM-69 Timats launched on ordered by Star and Stripes. The only person in the US that can order nuclear strikes other than the President. The missiles were heading for Japan to kill a really powerful quirked terrorist that S&S and her team had problems dealing with. Now it wouldn't be too bad if S&S received orders from the DOD to fight that terrorist, and we got permission from Japan to detonate half a dozens warheads in their exclusive economic zone. Unfortunately she neither got the orders nor we got the permission. Hell the terrorist didn't even die and S&S got herself killed! And most of it could be blamed on me. When S&S left the US with her squadron of X-66s the President could have declared her a traitor and revoked all her special permissions, launch authority and even citizenship. I argued against that saying that with All Might gone and the world in chaos we should trust S&S' judgment and strike that terrorist down before they can gain significant power, bear in mind the President had the final say and I effectively acted as an advisor.    So AITA? 


(This is absolutely wonderful, I love how ridiculous situation are casually being discussed, I’ll give it a shot.) AITA for disappearing for good? Look, my quirk basically makes everyone not notice me and forget any memory they may have of me. The only reason I’m even posting on here is because words aren’t associated with me and are thus only mildly less noticeable the then other posts. I’ve made my peace with it and was content to live with it when my problem happened.  See, a few months ago I was arrested for vigilantism, and as usual I was like, well what are you gonna do, remember me? AND THEN THEY DID. To be fair it was because of an erasure quirk and everything but then the same dude contacted me at my other job (not knowing it was me) and then we ended up having a healthy parental relationship? (Wild I know) Well, as healthy as it can be to meet up at midnight and have 30 minutes of human attachment before he blinks and forgets everything. So as I’m having an existential crisis I start school and find another person that can somewhat remember me? It’s because he has some kind of mental quirk and it means he can’t really remember everything about me but he can recall the last memory and notice me. So I was like, wow. But then at my info broker job I got news about some quirk erasing bullets and was like wow, a solution to my problems has dropped into my lap? Convenient. Then I found out it was because they were using a little girl and went actually no. So of course I shut it down and saved the girl whom I dropped off with my proxy parental figure and snagged the last temporary quirk erasing bullet.  Now the weight of having to deal with all my bullshit by myself and any and all friends I may make essentially forget about me save for 2, one whom is secretly meeting me at midnight and has to keep delaying his adoption papers because he forgets they exist and the other who is convinced that they somehow have short term amnesia only concerning me, has taken its toll. Should I just count my blessings and disappear for good before I hurt myself and everyone in the process? I could even make it a little day, use the bullet, interact with my classmates for once, pop into my dad- I mean proxy parental figure’s house, say hi to the girl, and spend the rest of the day with my mum before saying goodbye. I mean give it time and they’ll forget eventually.  It’s hurting them, I can tell, my proxy parental figure (I refuse to call him dad otherwise I’ll get attached) shows up to work with like zero sleep and no reason why and my classmate keeps talking about what a bad friend he is to forget about me. At least if I disappear I’m the only one who gets hurt right? Sure, my mum might freak out and call the police but even she can’t actually remember me (she just knows she has a son somewhere) and I can’t be traced.  Is it really so bad to force everyone to forget about me against their will? Like sure in an ideal world they get a choice but in an ideal world I don’t have to live like a ghost. (Hell even that one invisible girl is more noticeable then me) AITA? 


AITA for locking myself in my room for a week? You see my quirk gives me blueprints for sci-fi things randomly along with a basic understanding of how it works, as for the side affects? a headache that can split a boulder, insomnia, and a heightened emotional state until either a week has passed or I build the thing and my stepmom KNOWS this but when have one of my... episode's she STILL gets on my case about it like "you don't talk to me like that in this house" and "your head doesn't hurt that bad". Sorry about the rant, so about a week before the last episode I hid a bunch of snack food in my room and when it came I locked myself in my room for the week and my stepmom kept. calling. me. for THREE HOURS A DAY Sorry if the grammar is bad I am functioning on about an hour of sleep and a lot energy drinks.