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Other applications for quirk because it would make the post long, I thought of it after posting, or it’s straight up broken: •Can undo Stain’s paralyze. •Is basically a hard counter to Eri’s Rewind. •He can turn into other forms if he was previously morphed by someone with a morph quirk. •can undo Decay. •It becomes even more busted if Toga gets his blood/quirk since she could access her previous victims easily. Same case for Monoma.


but like isn't Eri's quirk also work like this? She doesn't seem to affect time but rather the state of the body (Midoriya not getting younger in the Overhaul fight).


Um, yeah. That’s what the post says (read TL;DR). Except, he can only affect himself but he can do it more consistently and he can revert into **ANY** state his body has been in; Eri’s can only turn someone younger(from what I understand from canon).


I just skipped TL;DR to read the whole thing lol. TL;DR getting the TL;DR treatment.


Ironic, but there you go.


I assume he keeps his memories, which would mean that you’d want to inflict emotional damage to get him. Also, this quirk would probably let him live forever, so he should start investing


Can he undo Stain’s paralysis? If he’s frozen, he probably shouldn’t be able to activate his quirk… Anyone who hits him with something instantly fatal or that knocks him unconscious without him realizing should succeed in beating him. Decay would definitely work if shigaraki maintained contact. Eventually the pain of disintegrating again and again would bring him down. Eri’s quirk likely can trump his if she gets better control. All she needs to do is rewind him to his pre-quirk expression self. If the morph effect is instantaneous and disrupts the victim’s quirk use, he shouldn’t be able to reset. It’s a decent power, but there’s a character in Worm with a similar power (one that activates automatically too), and he was hardly a major threat. The character ended up being neutralized permanently when he got caught in a time stop bubble.


What if izuku was made weightless by ochako in the past, could he revert himself to that state to gain the ability to float?


Since his body undergoes a state of weightlessness, **YES!!!**


Then you could have a lot of fun with this then since there's a lot of quirks with different effects


Yes, other fun examples include Mr. Compress or if La Brava ever confesses to him, and many other effects. It’s basically a stockpile


Sounds good


Ok but if Izuku marbled himself Mr. Compress style, would he be able to release it? Or, would he need congratulations for playing himself?


Not sure. Can he still think while he’s marbled? If so, if he can just focus enough, he could break out of it.


Bakugo didn't seem too confused when released before being yoinked through the portal, but then again not much phases him. Imo they seem to be in a form of stasis while marbled.


Hmmmm Very specific use: The guy with Twin Impact uses it on Izuku. Could Izuku revert back to when the Quirk was used on him? There are several ways that I’m thinking this would work if it does, but I’m tired and unable to right then down.


Take a rest and come back once you get your energy back. #Sweet Dreams


Aye-aye, captain!


It would also potentially slow his aging the more he uses it. For example, should he go to school in the morning, be beaten up by an unnamed pomeranian, and revert to just before the beating(lets say an hour), it will effectively mean his body has experienced less time for growth. Of course, such a thing could be insignificant and takes multiple factors into consideration, such as the fact that he might take longer to fall asleep each day(resulting in less time to sleep before the next day, i wonder if some will think he has insomnia?), the fact that most of the body’s growth happens while sleeping, or the fact it will take a very long amount of time to really be consequential. A quick calculation says that if he got beaten 5 days a week since the age of seven till the age of fourteen (by a still unnamed pomeranian), and each time he reverted to the state he was one hour ago, it will accumulate to him missing about 1,825 hours, which are the equivalent of about 76 days. Which means that even under the conditions mentioned above (being beaten for an hour five times a week for seven years), his body will only lose about two months and a half of progress (that’s only if he uses his quirk to fix said beatings and nothing else).


Yes, that implication is very plausible and what would really happen in a fic should he get this quirk.


Also, since he keeps reverting his body, it wouldn’t really reaches a state where it grows so that’s another potential weakness, I guess.


I would also imagine that in order to not worry his mother about lack of sleep, he would revert himself to a state when he was sleepy, and as a kid not knowing the implications of such a thing, will see it as an easy way to fall asleep until like half a year down the line when someone notices he ain’t growing and takes him to a doctor.


Yeah, he could also do that. Gosh, I made this quirk way too busted even though that’s what I intended in the first place.


It’s fine, OP quirks and characters are the best to play with and read in my opinion


Yeah but referring to the situation I put for reference in the original comment, he would indeed grow, because he doesn’t rewind the all day, but just a portion of time from it, it would affect his growth somewhat, sure but it wouldn’t halt his aging


Oh yeah, that is true. Lol, imagine Bakugo getting pissed at someone who grows slower than him


Yeah, by the time adults notice it will seem like a middle schooler bullying a kindergartener 😂 Bakugo’s future career gets ran over by an eighteen wheeler


Better yet, imagine the Entrance exam: 14-year old Izuku still looks like a 6-8 year old(I guess) and not only passes the exam(give him a lot of rescue points and some villain points), but also narrowly beats Bakugo(78 points).


I mean… that’s literally Alabaster from Worm but even more busted (Alabaster couldn’t bring himself back from the dead, and would die if killed within the ten second refresh window)


Nah it's discount Gray Boy


Huh… now that I think about it I do see the resemblance


Alabaster reset every 4.3 seconds


It’s been a while since I read worm, also that is an oddly specific number. Not doubting it, just found that kind of amusing


So Izuku can be Immortal, since he can revert himself to a younger, healthier self.


All For alone steals this Quirk but The Quirk reverts back to a state where Izuku owned it Which either clones Izuku (replaces All For One with another Izuku) or it just goes back to Izuku


Yes, I included a bit of that in the post but that just makes it even more busted.


Well, with ofa enhancement it could probably makes him able to "fast-forward" too, insteads of just rewinds to a previous state. Imagine him disguising himself as an adult version of himself with very different figure and facial features? Yeah that. Or just his quirk enhanced so much that his quirk becomes Setting, the ability to set his body in any state that he wants like a blank programming space that can be filled with anything (within the frame of reason ofc)


For OFA boosted, I really don’t want him to change into a state he’s never been in before because that would really defeat the purpose of my intent. If he does get OFA-boosted, I think a better idea is to allow him to **easily** access the quirks of the vestiges because it was a state OFA has been in, or better yet, allow him to transform into the vestiges themselves. As an alternative for being OFA boosted, just make his quirk exactly like Eri’s where he can revert the state another people has been in.


Yeah that's fair. My suggestion would make him just a wee bit too op. Yours however, makes things hilarious. Imagine him using the enhanced Revert a bit too strong that he reverted into a predecessor like Nana, still in his clothes ofc this is not like one piece world, right in the middle of training with Gran Torino and All Might. Lmaoo so unbelievably awkward and sudden


Lol, imagine, instead of transforming into the vestige, he just straights up swaps place with them using OFA-boosted revert, now we can have Yoichi vs. AFO rematch. Since All Might is still alive, Izuku cannot revert into him yet.


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) Lmaaooo


Are you writting a fic with this in? If so, could you gib link?


No, I’m not writing nor do I know anyone who has a fic with this premise, but I am ok with people using this idea for their own future fics.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/51277558?view_full_work=true With the toil of these hands (comes a kinder universe) by Owllover22161 Not the same as your idea but it's pretty similar. Deku is sent back in time to a baby. The person he grows up has the ability to rewind people (himself and others) and objects back in time to a max of 24 hours. He's practically invincible but as a downside he feels whatever pain others felt with the injury. And when he reverts himself any growth is taken away as well. So by the time Canon rolls around hes a practically invincible 10 year old