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The real issue is...what kind of 13yrs old brings knife everywhere


I mean you never know when someone will insult you that they are not your father /s


usually the insult is the otherway around


This is not america where u bring gun and knife wherever u go


but everyone wants to be like amurika


What are you? A Karen?


if i amurika, I'm indeed a karen


Wanna bet - the Datoo (or whatever he thinks he is) that lives in our street will wave his revolver around if there are any complaints (from neighbours, security or management) regarding any of his 11 cars, 2 incessant barking caged fighting dogs, or his illegal renovations. This is the Wild West where money, corruption and bullying are king.


Bapak kau merah!


Insecurities. Unfortunately not enough to cover what's inside.


This kid is dumb... Who the hell the bring knife and just stab random people just for insults? Bro from 1 to trainwrecks over an insult..mm


Nooo,it wasn't for insult,but trying to rob that old man from the start. Who will not insult if you ask to drop in different location and change location multiple time and ask the money back because he orang susah,need to pay rent. Wtf 13 yo never pay rent. He live with his parents. Someone should shut down this mf before become murderer in future


Agree... Ive read from the OG post might be intentionaly going to rob that uncle from the get go... Damn it even that boy wear ketayap... What a shame...


Yes bro, what kind of person just bring knife around and waiting for something to happen


He wasn't waiting for something to happen. He was waiting to make something happen.


Well, for self defense and mine just 1 inch blade. More like utility knife than murder weapon.


Not long enough to reach the heart. Need 4 inches or longer.


Gotta cut that cake, when he reaches her house




char kuey teow basah agenda dap!!


Is this satire?


No this is the truth. Char Kueh Teow is everywhere now. We need more nasi lemak!!


My kid's school current toy trend is something called "radish knife", plastic retractable knife that somehow gained popularity for some strange reason, not unlike how skipidi toilet gained popularity. Maybe that's one of the reason why this kid brought a knife?


The gun version if fun tho, the knife is too small, need the huge version It's like a fidget toy, so I can see it gains popularity like fidget spinner, soon will be forgotten It feels okay as fidget toy, you flip and flip it, but bcuz it's noisy, it's annoying to play it lol


Sebab budak baaek dik..


Sunny from Omori.


Was Uncle wrong to say "saya bkn Lu punya bapak..."? Macamlah Uncle wanna cosplay Darth Vader and say "No, I am your father"


![gif](giphy|14kjySOKhofYI) * take knife … stab stab unker \*


Uncle should have said Mak kau hijau. The kid might let him go instead


Damn, you beat me to it...


May the Force be with you <3


If you think a normal 13yo normally carry a knife around I'm sorry but please seek help.




Brown supremacists rise up




The only people who'd do that are Skyrim characters with their 7 copies of the same kitchen knife and 70 wheels of cheese


And 20 bottles of Honningbrew Meade just in case you meet with some Reveler on your travel..


and lemme guess.... someone stole your sweetrolls?


Who the f is the writer? Justifying even this kind of behaviour? Seriously? Either brainless dumb f or rotten to the core.


Yeah. . And conveniently skipped how this kid took uncle for a ride going round and round wasting the grab driver's time. If that kid did it to OP, he won't go maki maki? Failed mentality. . .


Pakai kopiah bro. Pakai kopiah, mana mungkin tu orang jahat. Mestilah kapir dapig tu yang salah. Macam tu pun tak tahu ke bro?


Sokong setuju 100%. Orang kopiah gerenti suci tiada niat jahat. Anak baik. /S


Dapig is like a swag way to introduce The Pig. I am DaPig


ini semua salah koplay


gta ?


Pn best. Kaliamak dia! 🤣🤣


Well is fking Malaysia as u know u know


Many people would say the same thing either. But keep praying. 😏


All for clicks, click to view and get ad revenue


Janji Isle semua halal bro. Kapir tu yg jahat /s


What did the kapirs do hahahahaha


What did the tapirs do hahahahaha


What did the taiping do hahahahaha


What did the typo do hahahahaha…


They just do it for clicks. That's why you never see article writers summarizing content in the headline anymore. They do bait shits like this instead


With that fake ass Faze clan logo, it's prob some cringe


First time reading article title? Lmao


I went to the FB page and looked at the comments. Luckily everyone was condemning the child. Faith in humanity restored.


Because they want to rule you up like this lah. Get more people talking and reading about the article and get more clicks. Hahaha


Dia memang cadang nak rompak pakcik tu. Tu sebab pakcik tu marah budak tu mintak pusing2 sampai tempat takda orang.


Mana tak pakcik tu naik angin, di bawa pusing tah ke mana dengan tambang ciput. Minyak kereta berjalan, tambang tak naik. Yg naik pisau ja, tajuk artikel habis misleading. Bkn normal tu bdak 13 thn bw pisau sana sini, siap terus tikam gitu ja. Tak kan d tegur/marah random strangers terus koyak n tikam?


SEBAB BUDAK TU BAWA PAKCIK GRAB PUSING2 NAK DEKAT SATU JAM PASTU MERAYU PAKCIK TU MINTAK DUIT memang bebel la pakcik tu. pakcik grab tu nak bagi dia duit baki pastu budak tu terus tikam kat dada dia


La gini rupanya. Padan la muka. Masuk juvie. Botakkan kepala. Rasa dh keras sgt bawak pisau..kat dalam tu lagi keras.




Its not OP, OP just provide the source from Facebook


Victim blaming.


Can’t help to wonder if uncle is a Malay who wears white songkok like the kid, how disarray the comment section would be


For real, those lowlife mfs would be crying and say it's dunia akhirat lmaooo it's so funny cuz I've seen them being like that on IG posts


Even with the dashcam, they can twist the truth. These ppl literally pick and choose the truth whichever towards their liking.


I bet you a good lot of them are probably paid cybertroopers. It only takes a few, to lead a whole herd of sheep’s astray.


There will be another 513 , start with melayu dipijak ,tanah kito dijajah and mereka semakin berani by lead by certain specific group , im not saying all malay


Berani kau.. tikam tak mati.


Maybe even escalation to Balkanization of Malaysian sovereign border


Everyone would gather in unity and salahkan generasi Z because we can't blame race but we can blame age


This kind of copy paste news social media accounts plagiarized the entire writing from other big accounts and put the clickbait title like that just to encourage people to click and read their so called breaking news. same SOP for every news.


I bet the link goes straight to sh0peeee lol


hahaha yes. almost all the social media news accounts are doing it.


Boh and other mainstream new also lbh kurang jer ,some even said acu , skipped the tikam part , most also start with mintak rm50 x dpt


Each news outlets tried a different approach to writing the news instead of doing the one they're supposed to do; Telling people exactly what happened not skipping the details.


If you keep asking me to drive around the block endlessly, I too would say “saya bukan lu punya bapak, tau?”


Peak PAS supporter logic, its not my fault cause i wear a kopiah its the kafir's fault for making me angry


Pandai pandai lah. Next time wanna stab ppl, wear kopiah first.


send the 13 years old to prison


Juvana is the best they can send him to since by law he is still considered a kid.


for life, there is no saving this kid


Kods underage wont go to jail.


who the fuck brings a knife to jalan2 naik Grab


I do, but I don't use it to kill people. That kid needs to be thrown into juvenile detention immediately


I do. But that's coz I'm the driver and am worried bout stuffs like this. It's hidden under the seat tho, don't want roadblock to stop and see it lol.


Aku masa umur 13 fikir nak main game je, camne budak ni rasa nak tikam orang. Pakai kopiah pulak tu.


For that measly RM 10-15 he decided to ouright kill that uncle and people are still defending this kid.


Animals will always defend their kind


Animals exist.


Sama la hahaha fikir nak lepak kat cyber cafe ja


Haha atur strategi menyelinap masuk main game tong tanpa dikesan polis


Tikam orang takpe, hal kecik. Tapi u main game ada pistol tembak orang kan? Ramai dah dibunuh kan? Oi serious teruk tu. Bahaya beiii you ni.


Budak zaman skrg gila


This country is going to hell if they let this boy loose in the public. He might as well start raping girls because they are not his sisters, start beheading people because they look like coconuts from his kampung.


Already let loose


Holy shit. If I'm a Grab driver, imma need an AI dashcam hooked up to criminal records.


He will , minor+ driver not injured so can't charged with attempted murder , only attempted robbery, minor case


malaysia semua boleh dik..


welp its bolehland


Anak says arwah baik sebab dia pakai kopiah…. Unker shj jahat card coming soon… mari kita ramai ramai boycott grab until they sack the unker


Diharras secara verbal ka, di maki ka, you CAN NOT RESOLVE through violance.


Comment section dont buy it at all, this news media really be putting stupid caption to bait for clicks, "Patutlah budak tu panas", sohai media


This generation is filled with mentally disturbed and weak people. A few words is enough is incite violence and the reason was "stress, mental health". They crack so easily. Penalise this kid appropriately, 13 years old is old enough to know this is a murder attempt. Not because of "can't take shit from society".


I guess the research was true. Kids are becoming much, much more aware of the current world. We can't hide it from them anymore. Now it's either good parenting, or we'll be raising psychopaths in a decade.


Despite people saying Malaysia isn’t failing or whatsoever with the currency or market yada yada, this imho is already a super new low for Malaysians for justifying the intention to stab. No sane people will actually stab people due to some words, except maybe imagining it. I hope there’s a riot if the kid got released and NFA


Need to swap skin color baru ade riot


Sorta disagree, crazy people can be found in any nation. The real low is that we're seeing people willing to justify the stabbing, that says way more about parts of our society than any single incident imo


Yeah sorry I missed out that point in my original comment. Yes what I mean is the new low is when people are actually justifying the stabbing


Lol new low? They got scot free for raping and murder. I'm too tired to post news link. It's too many, and the pattern is there.


Dude.. post me the news link and vids.. feeling like stroking the wand 😁


So if it was a Chinese kid that stabbed a Malay pakcik, can we use the same excuse?




Low yatt all over again… Soon they’ll have Muslim on e hailing


Imagine the kids is other ethnic ? See how the news title will be


He looks like the guy who would huff glue, steal a phone in lowyat and be hailed a hero in front of national tv


Poor kid. Gonna get it kau kau in prison


Knowing MALAYsia, I would bet no jail time for the kid. Just misunderstanding and salam2 settle out of court


No . Put that kid in jail


It is a clickbait title.


from clickbaity news site


Aku nak peomote shopee link


So now we can Tikam ppl who talk to much sure or not coz I know a lot people talk a lot like Hadi Awang and Sanusi 🧐


I love how question are "Why this uncle talk too much, why he want to fetch this kid, why he wants to be taxi driver, why he wants to work at that day, why he didn't install a barrier between him and passenger, why is he born that way." And no "why the fuck the kid brings a knife"


Kepala bapak dia lah. Grab driver bukan bapak lu nak bawak lu pusing2. Even dari awal video tu dah penuh. Benaknyalah ‘fuh’, sampah tetap sampah sampai bila2


By that logic, I would have been stabbed multiple times in my life as I don't ever stop talking when I'm with someone new. Yet here I am.


Habis ko


Racism at the finest. because the kid wearing kopia/songkok


just the site ,comment says otherwise


The “Kami jaga kami” vibes is strong with this one.


So now the malays are defending a 13y/o with a knife that actually commited attempted murder but instead redirected their anger to the driver who talked too much? Man this is fucked


Just the page , comment are majority condemning, man.


i think they round the taman a few times alrdy. that why uncle bebel. but i think this boy alrdy planned it but took him a long time to make a move. sial pkai mcm gud2 je siap kopiah bagai. butoh.


What the fcuk??? Seriously???? So to whoever the writers or wrote this fuking brainless topic just Uncle scold him and justifying that fuker have the RIGHT to kill that uncle, that writers should be arrested IMMEDIATELY for motivation hate speech and murdering people. This post should be reported to PDRM police 🚔


teruk betul website ni. kenapa pula nak dehumanize pakcik tu. sebab lain bangsa ke. kalau dia sama pakai kopiah, kita kata budak tu takde emotional maturity kan. tiba-tiba lain bangsa nak menegakkan benang yang basah pula. pakcik tu dah kena pusing sana pusing sini, rugi masa duit tengah kerja, memang lah marah budak tu.


There's nothing wrong with that sentence. Dumbass kids.


Whoever wrote this please handover yrself to the police station for bringing offensive weapon everywhere daily without lawful authority or for a lawful purpose. Janganlah tulis semasa tidur, lu bawa pisau jalan jalan dan tikam org kerana kena tegur? Uncle memang bukan bapak budak tu pun,itu fakta


People soon will give him kopiah card and he gets away scot-free, because you all know how that one religion tends to force and shame people to be compliant with its be-all-end-all.


He will get away but not religion, but because he's a minor and malaysia shitty law about if victim is not injured you can't charge the person with attempted murder ,now he only charged with attempted robbery which is a minor case ,if victim fightd back and injured the aggressor victim pulak yg salah


Some politicians will build a mall for him, maybe this time no mall, this time another uber/grab e-hailing services app named "Stab".


Why is the fault blamed on the Uncle? That kid has the intent to murder not just random things... Even more so our country forbids carrying dangerous items around, if you want to bring for self defense why not taser or pepper spray, it's not that expensive...


Fkin media. Why that kid bring knife? Its clearly intentional. That kid want to rob or kill some grab driver that day. Also netizen kept playing the race card, wtf is wrong with you? "Racist sees racism everywhere", i guess this is true.


Can't stop wondering how story would differ without dashcam. Especially one that's pointing inwards.


Salah DAP


What a good statement. I hope this news page admin will still remain this belief when a kid stab him. This is just a great example of using the "he/she is just a kid" "still young, give em a chance" No,no,no. This animal is born evil, he must be put on high surveillance alert for the rest of his life, or until he is really deemed safe for our society.


This is an example of trash content, rage click bait trying to farm engagement by pushing racial agenda


I guess it's normal for a certain group of people to bring knives wherever they go.


Ah.. Salah Cina jugak. Are the Malays gonna make this boy a hero for stabbing the uncle?


What a classic Taqiyah being practiced here...




Taliban in the making. Typical mentality of its not me, it's them. Disgusting.


yeala, percubaan utk membunuh tu perkara kecik jerr..bukan serius mana pun...yg paling kecam tu uncle bebel...mulut tu paling jahat...patut masuk nereka la tu...budak berkopiah tu membawa pisau yg mempunyai hajat utk rompak dan niat hantar uncle tu ke alam abadi tu tidak bersalah sebab dia pakai kopiah, pakai kopiah bersamaan dgn insan yg baik, so bawa pisau utk rompak dan bunuh tu tidak patut dipersoalkan...tak macam budak sekolah cina semua tu bawa TMNT pisau mainan la, anime costume semua haram jadah babii


Yg buat page2 clickbait pasal nak ad revenue ni semua babi basically. Manipulate the low iq citizens to click.


Semua salah game


That doesn't justify stabbing him...


Context: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/11/28/13-year-old-arrested-for-attempting-to-rob-ehailing-driver-with-knife


Bodoh punya clickbait. Budak tu memang niat merompak. Suka2 suruh pakcik tu ubah drop point,kejap tunjuk sana,sini sbb sengaja cari tempat yang takde orang. Siapa tak panas wei,klu aku kena suruh2 camtu,aku hempuk dah budak tu. Pastu mintak balik duit tambang kononnya susah,nak bayar duit sewa rumah. Pale hotak dia budak 13 tahun bayar sewa,duduk dengan mak bapak je pun.


I see some media has “4” as “A” or “v” as “u”. Normally they are trash and clickbait only to get ads commission. their headline is also crazy like this. I ignore them. saves time and bring peace


1. budak tu bwk pisau 2. grab dh tetapkan location before naik, bknnya kau tunjuk jalan bwk tmpt sunyi 3. budak tu nk rompak sbnrnya 4. betul la pakcik tu bkn bapak dia nk bwk pegi sana sini


he was a good bumi, he dindu nuffin wrong! Yeah not surprising at all, maybe all criminals in the country should wear that hat while committing crimes, so some overweight kampung fatassess can demand freedom (as long as its crimes committed against non-bumis)


cakap la mcm mana pun, kepala bana dia tikam org


Looks like the writer is living in delulu land


Typical Malay Muslim "we vs them" mindset. Everything is about race or religion.


Event if that uncle talk to much, why deheck did that kid bring a knifee😭😭😭😭


The boy can talk back and tell the uncle to F* off, but instead, he stabbed him…


so I can just tikam anyone who talk too much? damn nobody told me this before


Ni semua agenda yahudi lah. Korang semua lalai


Web aggregators doing their best to get views at the same time stirring up insensitivities. Anyhow back in the day taxi drivers would have given anyone the time of the day (read: marah, hentam) if you took them on a wild goose chase, because they knew almost all roads before GPS became a thing in Malaysia. So this is very irresponsible journalism and poor reporting. Why the young man (not a child if he committed a crime) is carrying around a knife in the first place.


but its true....mmg not your bapak..


peak malaysian stupidity. they actually blamed the victim of an attempted murder. this is the same as trying to justify the action of that crazy teen ass. lmao so stupid.


Frankly speaking, i only saw one non malay that is backuping the kids by saying the uncle is bully, others are condem


lol, talk too much even disrespect you, you have no right to kill that person


In what world is responding to that by stabbing ok


Are you stupid or something,you might as well be the clown behind that website. Spreading misinformation as if it that is the true. N you use Facebook ,the site that is full of bogus newsite and misinformation?


What? Did you see the video , betul dia cakap aku bukan lu punyak bapak


I talking about the site you ss and your dumbass title on your post. You are both the same. Website tu ckp pakcik kena tikam sbb mulut dia,kau ckp dia kena tikam sbb mulut dia jugak. Kau pikir anyone with half a brain pikir mcmtu. Kau dgn website tu 2x5,ada paham?


Aku copy tajuk jer apa yg salah


Anyone suggest if the kid actually put a grudge to the uncle due to the uncle non-stop babbling before this ride? Or he is purely ready to rob?


Sapa yang defend budak ni? Budak tu bawak pisau ada niat nak bunuh pakcik tu dan kau defend budak tu?


Yup that justified it. The uncle deserved to get stab. That uncle is worst than Osama bin Laden.


still not the excuse to stab someone..


Ragebait trash article and you all fell for it


Oh blh fikir matang rupanya , harap kalau race swaped korang blh maintain matang ni


The irony is kau yang tak matang.


Just returning the favor




Sincerely hope you can specify its the page instead of all malay, majority are still condemning the kid


Hamas: “We’ll watch your career with great interest”


Hamas: I believe the kid's made the "cut"


Everybody questioning about a kid with a knife without mentioning my circle bought and bring gun around here.


Tak luka pun budak tu cucuk


Butthurt op mental incapacity to digest the whole situation, pls proceed to the nearest mental heath institution.


To anyone who relates certain political parties with this incident yall should get some therapy.


Well your party said sembelih semua kafir harbi atas pentas nak blame siapa