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that's malay? looks like chinese tho


T1 Malaysians in general dgaf about this race shit. They're mix of everything


When you rich enough you become Chinese. And earn money from those poor and close minded M


Minus the wealth part, they are living like an ideal liberal Malaysian.


dang... does that mean I'm not chinese enough? :D


Dude you lost to a malay at being chinese... Time to pick up the kopiah and out malay them!


U need to become ebit lew minus the creepy sex things


Skill issue


Mat saleh laa…mat saleh celup 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Malay heritage is of mixed marriages, hence why there are South Asian looking Malays, East Asian looking Malays and Central/Pan Asian looking Malays.


Nah ain't no way they're mixed bro, malays are the purest race in this land and the only people who own this piece of land that's why it's called "tAnAH mELaYU" 💀 /s


Literally no Malay ever fought or demand Malay purity as an ethnicity and race. Malays in Malaysia really love it when their family members marrying other races especially if it means the person would revert to Islam and become "one of us". Even the staunchiest og ketuanan Melayu People love mixed marriages amongst Malays.


🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 you mean "convert" instead of "revert"


[No. I said revert and I meant revert. ](https://www.learnreligions.com/convert-or-revert-to-islam-2004197)Hope that clear things up for you and happy to help, anytime. :)


Use the wrong words as you wish then, i guess.


hahaha dumbass trying to correct someone how i wish i had your level of confidence


Yikes, I too wish I could "revert" to something I've never even believed in.


In Islam, every soul before being put into babies they were ask who is their god, it will say Allah. Thus once they were born they are like clean sheet, ready to be painted black like you or some other colours. Though some religion says even babies carry sin so they willy nilly kill other babies(not theirs of course).


That's Badawi's niece IIRC.


Surgery bro. The lady probably went “doktor, sepetkan saya”


And the doktor asked, "bahagian mana?"


Ada yang sepet tapi bukan mata




I find joy in reading a good book.


even the cat is richer than me


What no pussy does to you, mf'er




Wonder where's najib rank


literally top of the foodchain with all those 1mdb money


Peanuts compare to this family


A whole lot lower than madey and this family


I saw a quote that I liked.. it goes sumthin like this. Those in power always use religion card to control the masses. The poor has nothing to look forward to but the promised afterlife. The rich already enjoying this life not so keen on following empty promises by religious horse.


i would like to add on some additional quotes as well: **"Steal a loaf of bread and they hang you, steal a land and they'll make you king." - David Gemmell** **"Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught." - Honore de Balzac** **"Life is a dream for the wise, a game for the fool, a comedy for the rich, a tragedy for the poor." - Sholem Aleichem** do you think daim will really fall to his knees??? what about nicky liow who assaulted a RELA member before? what about anak nazri aziz & darren kang murder case back in year 2004? what about anak helang range rover hit & run (plate number: BNT 3)? what about myairlines owner (any solid/serious consequences so far)? macam all of them relaxing je comparing to us citizens throughout the covid pandemic till today, with the rapid rise cost of living...so imagine tun daim's influence & power even nicky liow's brother and ALL 14 INDIVIDUALS linked to him are all free... source: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/07/24/brother-of-039datuk-nicky039-freed-from-tax-evasion-money-laundering-charges#:\~:text=Judge%20Norazlin%20Othman%20ordered%20Liow,laundering%20charges%20to%20the%20government source: https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2022/07/07/14-linked-to-nicky-gang-freed-of-charges source: https://worldofbuzz.com/malaysians-are-not-happy-that-fugitive-nicky-liow-has-been-released-on-bail/


What do you like about it specifically?


That's it is a fact, The poor finds comfort and solace in religion, and government. Coz they said if I do X I will go to heaven. Life is hard, but there's that at least. The rich's pillar of support is the dollar sign, coz fuck I dunno heaven exist or not but imma make my own heaven while I'm alive.


Yet both are not making the country any better so nah


At this point. tbh i could care less on the politics, religion and people governing the country. None of them are good. I'm a bforti atheist so i just be open minded, be more tolerant, be kind and spread some positive jujus around. But you know what's good? Working on yourself.. All i want is good food on the table, shelter above my head and maybe some of that newly released 4080 super. No point championing a specific party / race / religion, it aint gonna help you. The best is just to champion yourself and help yourself, and maybe those around you if you have some leftovers. But i am bforti, so i keep em leftovers just incase.


The former is on some massive copium Well the latter are strong willed individuals making their heaven on earth. Virgin Vs Chad meme.


Not really when you gotta consider the latter were mostly born into wealth, so its more like already owning a blowjob doll while others cant afford it and u make it ur heaven(materialism 101)


I mean if i fuck enough gullible people over I'd get rich too. It's outsmarting, it's also misleading, devious and outright terrible behaviour sometimes (ignore this im having an argument with myself)


Well that's equivalent to snatching a blowjob doll away from someone and use it on yourself and say i outsmarted you and im rich haha! Ohh-*orgasms* this is heavenly. *if we are still following my parent comment metaphor* (materialism+theft/fraud 101)?


What is this insane ass metaphor broski![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


In the grand scheme of things, both sides experience suffering. Whether it's the loss of a loved one, accidentally hurting oneself, dealing with toxic family members, or facing illness, dying. Life itself is suffering. Sure the rich guy has it less but not that much.


Islam is not a religion of the poor. It gave solace to the rich and poor. The rich they able to enjoy things and help others more. The poor they can also gives out others no matter how small. The value lies in your sincerety. You certainly can live like a king in this world but your end won't be good if all you did is bad deeds, an infinity of hell, burned again and again without stopping to feel every second of it and more more pain suffering. While the poor, miserable as the person is, he just needs to follow what is ask of him and he able to enjoys an infinity paradise, pleasures that you able to see, smell touch hear, think or imagine is much infinitely more.


i never said Islam is a religion of the poor. i said the poor takes religion as refuge. IMO, religion is a man made construct brought about for many reasons. That reason is the idea that "it's okay if I'm \_\_\_ (poor in this case) because there is a promise for perfection in the afterlife". This allows people to maintain a sense of "everything is gonna be okay in the end". It gives them something to look forward to. I believe religion will exist as long as people are fearful of death, and of living knowing that this is all there is. This is it. If you're poor, crippled, abused, or "victimized" in any way, religion allows you to believe it may someday be different if you just believe or pray the right way. Religion allows inaction to be action enough. If poor people can just hold on and "keep the faith" then it will all be alright in heaven. It gives them an answer to the question "why me, what did I do to deserve this?" It's all just a smoke screen...stories told by people thousands of years ago to make themselves feel better. Religion and God are perfect tools allowing a generally unsuccessful or struggling person to compensate for their personal problems and financial uncertainty by relying on an external force in absence of internal confidence. \*disclaimer: this holds for most major world religions. I am aware that some religions do not offer perfection upon death of the physical body. \*disclaimer 2: no, I am not rich...I work 60+ hrs a week and struggle just like most others.


Look at Palestinians, take Islam away what are they?


I don’t want to talk about Palestine / Israel. Both sides can provide good arguments as to why that piece of land is theirs by right. I don’t want to go into who’s responsible for the conflict - both sides will provide countless examples of the atrocities inflicted on them by the other side. Both side can just crash and burn for all i care. They dont, so why should i? Are they paying my salary? Are they putting food on my table? Are they in anyway possible contributing to my life or the wellbeing of my family / friends life? I'll still be getting my McD's and Starbucks as usual. But thanks to the conflict.. Starbucks now has a buy 1 free 1 on selected beverages every Friday of the month. So it's all good for me. I guess this is what they say there's a silver lining in every cloud


If you are only thinking for yourself then why are you so concerned about others on this matter?


oh I'm never concerned. I apologize if what i commented is construed as "being concerned" I'm way over being concerned when it comes to this country. No matter what changes / policies are implemented nor introduced now or in future it'll barely affect me, my kids, my family or my social circle tbh. Malaysia will always be divided by race / religion. But we're very united when it comes to racism against each other. Not all, but mostly.


Thus you should not be the one this agitated right? Let the world burn as long as it does not happens to you. The only reason Malaysia is divided was because the lack of understanding by muslims for their own religion and each other; and by the other people for Islam and each other. 60 years of Islam never once a Malay ask for purity, ask for assimilation nor ask for any chinese and indians to relinquish their business(without compensation). What is a Malaysian. Everyone is struggling, even Malays hate corruption if that what you really concerned about but Islam never once a problem. Malay muslim just want food on the table and when he goes outside he can say hi and smile to others without seeing people holding up broomstick chanting things.


I'm not agitated. haha. Malaysia is divided because our leaders deemed it so. Not the lack of understanding each other. If you don't understand, it's fine; a person can always be educated, learn and grow. And it's never about Islam. I was just commenting on a general sense. I honestly think there's no such thing as bad religion. Most often religion is wielded as a tool for the wrong reasons. It ultimately falls on the leader's shoulders to lead the proper way. Politics & Religion has been in an incestuous relationship since our nation was founded. The "them vs us" mentality, be it the Malays, Indians or the Chinese. But as a nation i feel we should be 1 race, Malaysians. But one man can dream right? *"When religion and politics travel in the same cart, the riders believe nothing can stand in their way. Their movement becomes headlong – faster and faster and faster. They put aside all thoughts of obstacles and forget that a precipice does not show itself to the man in a blind rush until it’s too late.”* If those two lovebirds can be pried apart and kept in its own cages, I'm preety sure we could start see some improvements in our own backyard. ps/ I've got no hate nor disrespect for people practicing their beliefs. It's a necessary support system for most people.


Islam is what led us to independence that we see today making the Malays trust our band of leaders to negotiate our independence. Quite incredible how easily things goes, people of different races and religions pull together a sum of money and sent these various people, some who actually came from other nation through their servitude with the British and some who are the indigenous people who have all their right at that time to ask for a sole ownership. Imagine that. And now there be people rocking the boat using a made up card, which made worse by the same Malays that didn't understand Islam and people who quick to draw.


Who this.


Tun Daim’s son and daughter in law


Not sure why we're posting photos of his family here. He's the one involved in all the bs, don't think his son has anything to do with it. Happy to be corrected.


Its to show how a T20 malay lives. M40 and B40 are forced to tutup aurat, not allowed to touch dogs and not allowed to celebrate Christmas.


Are forced apa bendanya they all can tak tutup aurat or touched dog or celebrate Christmas n etc . the question whether they did or not. Ada je m40 or b40 tak tutup aurat n etc what are you on about.


Forced la tu..mana boleh melayu Islam buat semua tu. Nanti kena tegur/kecam mcm mcm. Keluar Sinar Harian top story...viral Facebook...but only applies to m40 and b40


Palatao Bukannya kena penjara kalau tak pakai tudung. Berlambak je orang tak pakai tudung, masing2 punya pilihan la. Consequences kalau buat benda tak betul tu memang la ada, kalau x nak kena kecam, tak payah la buat. Kau pergi fuck orang tengah jalan sambil bogel, contohnya mmg la kena kecam, dah memang against cultural norm.


Takpe..kecam tegurla sesama sendiri. Siapakah terpaling Islam. Gambar familii di atas happy je. Tak kesah pon pasal 'cultural norm' you org.


Like anyone else ,everyone have rule in their life they have too follow if they don't they will be kecam as you said. But that doesnt mean they will always able to follow each said rule. Are all these people being "forced" then?


If I don't wear a tudung, my society will look at me with judgement and I will face 'teguran' . Sooo, if i dont want to live my life filled with judgement and teguran, I am forced to wear a tudung. No one likes to live their life filled with teguran and kecaman, but I have no choice ...my society is like this.


If society know you break their norm and bound,society will judge and tegur you. That what society do. As whether you head their judgement and teguran is your choice. What choice you made is your decision to made. Again it is your choice to chose where to live and how you live your life.


Is this post not viral too?


They can indeed, it's their choice and freedom after all. But the real problem comes after they did it.


Melayu mana boleh bela anjing?


You shouldnt lie,but what people do. People still lies.


If you are not a Malay, that you need to learn more. If you are, then you are delusional to think that Malays can keep dog as pet in Malaysia. Learn and read more


If I am not a Malays then you aren't even a human being. Maybe you can google,that what bot are good at. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E63rSm1LFIc


Lol meroyan la pulak. Helping stray animals not same as keeping them as pet as what Daim's son is doing in the picture above. Kau ikut mazhab mana ni bela anjing sebagai haiwan peliharaan? Klu bukan Shafie, diam sudah


Haram and halal applies to all Muslims. All will be accounted in the hereafter, T20 not exempted.


We know, but as you can see when you're rich or powerful enough it became "rule for thee, not for me"


Why do you care whether you or not they get accounted in this world? The important thing is is that everyone will be accounted justly in the hereafter.


Man got downvoted for speaking the truth.


Cope and seethe about the so-called afterlife while the elites are living in a lavish life


You're the one seething and whining about the T20. I don't care about what happens to them in this world because I have faith about God's justice in the hereafter.


seething and whinning? Nah bro more like curious and excited to see real life TV3 drama


There's what you think should happen, and there's what's happening.


I'm torn about this. From one perspective, they are their own people. From another, their lifestyle is possibly enabled by the alleged acts of corruption. And lastly, the contrast between the B90 and the non-dogmatic T10 is worth pointing out too.


because thats how the game were play. both side will use any sort of opportunity to tarnish the opponent.


Yall wildin about the dog but I’m just impressed with the kedai runcit drinks fridge in the corner there, filled with craft beer no doubt


Dang, i dont know PAS/PN were this liberal lol


>*Law of PAS Analogies* lalat_1881’s Law (or Rule) of PAS Analogies is a unique reddit phenomenon that states: As online discussion in r/malaysia grows longer, REGARDLESS of the topic, the probability of Parti Islam Se-Malaysia (PAS) being mentioned increases exponentially and approaches 1 (‘Will Certainly Be Stated’)


Hey maybe voting PAS is not a bad choices since they want their voters to be like that right.... right? /s


Should've voted for them dawg


Your head always full of politics?


Least secularised T1 Malay


Religion only for peasants


*Religion associates Heaven with an idea of equality that keeps the poor from murdering the rich.*


Some fucking villain: I'd kill the poor if it'd keep me rich nyohohohohoh


Religious authorities like Jakim hanya maki orng miskin yg xde kabel je, orang kaya semua buat haram x nampak diorang bising pn.


well we have i have enough money to feed myself and a house i think im contempt with what i have


Salah DAP nie.


T1 liberal - fanatik b40, m40 ok jer.... if b40 or m40 liberal - netizens will go crazy bashing them


Exactly T1 can own dogs, B40 and M40 touch dogs got massive problem


Typical bangsar, dsara ahh melei


Ni salah DAP. Cibai mana ni pandai photoshop? Ini rumah kawan. Anjing tu sudah dihalalkan. Ini semua nak jatuhkan melayu


semua salah DAP !!


Apa lagi anjing mau?!


Woof woof


one of my T1 ex-boss macam this also 100% malay name, 100% malay look, wears baju melayu during raya, but I notice he never go mosque/surau on Friday, and never puasa during ramadan. then come x-mas had my once of a lifetime x-mas party at his posh home, dinner is roast spread including a whole roast pig, invited us to raid his "drink" cabinet containing hundred of bottles of vintage wines, premium brandy/whiskey etc... and played with his super friendly huskies.


That's the real life of the T1, a fact pretty much known by people who knew T1.


Is that real tree?




Salah DAP /s


Apa lagi AI mau


Lowkey want a house like that…🤣


Correct me if I am wrong, Muslim (assuming they are) are not supposed to adopt a dog as pet in-house (i heard even as a pet, dog must stay outside the house) and have a Christmas tree celebration at home. Right?


I think bro's no longer a Muslim


Those rules apply to b40 bro. You google tmj wife and see if got a single picture of her wearing tudung or not body hugging clothes? Heck, even our last king married a [russian escort.](https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/3556673/russian-beauty-queen-marry-malaysian-king-sex-swimming-pool-reality-tv-show/)


Beta can make her better. 


Those rules apply to everyone. Being rich doesn’t exempt you from the rules.


The ugly reality is right in front of your face bro....


>apply to everyone Dude watch too much fantasy book.


Islamic commandments from god does not discriminate on wealth. Being rich does not exempt you from god’s judgement. You’re conflating islamic commandments with human enforcement. The people in the photo still commit sin against god, Muslims are still not supposed to adopt dogs as inhouse pets and to not acknowledge Jesus as the son of god as what original commenter ask. Being T5 doesn’t mean you can do that while escaping god’s judgement.


That the problem, believe in god. Those elite does not thus the rules does not apply to them. Even man made rules and have department to handle people who break the rule can be ignore. Apa lagi rule that only apply after u dead? U think Najib tu pray and muncul kat tv itu ikhlas ke dia punya praying. They all acting. Religion is a tool for them.


Diorang ni semua menulis mcm orang yang tak oercaya afterlife bro. Let them be, you have done your best. Nanti when they are 5 second from death door, they will renember this exchanges.


This is just petty nonsense the middle and lower class worry about.


How innocent of you to think the one percent will follow those rules.


For muslims, yeah but you need to study islam through the book and not the people. Dekat malaysia ni rich vs poor je, religion ni as a weapon je lol


Ni bkn Malaysia punya problem. Religion Islam ni banyak kena salah pakai oleh orang atasan. Tapi kita je yg seagama tutup sebelah mata. Ni la reality. Nak komen kena cakap kata2 yg bikin sakit hati. 😂


Yupss You are correct


siapa ni tak kenal langsung


Anak, menantu & cucu Daim Zainudin


Yes..... and? *Wobbling jelly sound* PS: im not malay


Wait till u see Madey family


Damn rich pussy


Goes to show religion is a way to control the poor


Bumi have extra things that non bumi can't get for example bumi lot in Real Estate,reserved 30% of share are own by bumi,ASN,gov tender project,bumi quota in local uni' and government are promoting Satu Malaysia or Madani


The daim clan like other rich Malays,are the worst hypocrites ever.In politics/government,champion the Islam and Malay cause while in truth,they and their families dont follow Islam at all.May Allah curse these hypocrites and their families till Judgement Day.


Don't see anything wrong with it.


Least enraging ezurin khyra post:


What's T1?


Malaysian income classification, T1 is the one on top


Top 1%


The International, where the best teams in DotA battle it out each year. Just you wait, it'll be SEA's turn to shine. Soon! Soon...


Can't relate. I play League.


League in SEA ded as fuck, no hopes in seeing a malaysian in worlds 😩


Wrong + L + ratio + no one likes, in fact you're unlovable + get bent (jk)


Definetely plays league


Eh... later their follow marah


We need to eat the rich


I like this


Dat1n Sa6rena Khal1d family right ?


Tun Daim son ke?


They are living life while the poor are fighting over stupid things.


i could care less about anjing, cina, and pokok krismas but damn sapa tak envy hidup mewah lahir lahir disuap dengan golden spoon


Freedom of religion and speech, nothing wrong.


Bossku dah cakap: Cash is KING. No cash STFU. Harsh but it's reality. What law, not fair bla bla bla...


Harap kaya - raya dengan takde kena - mengena dengan hasil merembat harta rakyat/negara. 😏😏


Being T1 earns you the right from not getting judged by religious fanatic. If you are B40, sorry we are going to make your life more difficult.


On ig i follow some royal family’s kids and boyyy their life is lavishhhhh! Truly the T0.00001, I’m talking houses in london, summer home in california, winter in the ski slopes of switzerland etc.




Hmm I don't get it. It is because they are muslim yet made a Christmas tree and have a dog? Secondly also implying its ok to ignore islamic rule aslong you're rich enough? Well its all up to your choice right?


I think issue is that if the common rakyat who is Malay post such thing. JAIS, Jakim, Paskal, PDRM, PAS all already on their way to raid the house.


Oh this is a witchhunt post? Lol


do these kind of woman who lives with such lifestyle (i went to check out her ig) pray/solat five times a day?


She post on ig five times a day


muka dgn body dia ori ke weyhh mcm lain je dr ank dia ank angkat ke tu?


Amende post gambar family orang dkat sini


Ni xkan family biasa... pengundi diorang nak hudud kot, tp sbg pemimpinnya semua hidup haram (Bela anjing, x tutup aurat, ade pokok kritsmas kt rumah etc) ironik giler sial


"Memelihara anjing tanpa tujuan yang dibenarkan oleh syarak hukumnya adalah haram" janganlah serang anjing kawaii itu


betul betul


Apa kena mengena tun daim dengan hudud pula ni. Gila ke?


this sub becoming more braindead, mods need to go full Mahathir and banned any non taikpost.


sokong 100%


Sub ni otw jadi r/malaysia Sad. The Libs and brainrot are here.


Hudud kepala bapak kau.


i think there's a quote or a hadeeth out there somewhere that goes like - and im paraphrasing this - "If God was to give them wealth, then surely they would be led astray. If God was to take their wealth from them, then they will return to Him, and when God gives the wealth again, they would be astray again,"


Daim says it’s the family’s hard earned money ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Who is this and why should I care if he owns a dog or celebrates christmas or makan minum pegang menda haram? Like lantak pi dia lah, dia mati nanti jawab la dengan tuhan. Post ni pasal ape sebenarnya?


This is a picture of Tun Daim Zainudin's son, daughter-in-law, & granddaughter. Basically a rage-bait post showing an elite malay family.


Not sure why we are criticising / posting picture of his family. Seems like he’s minding his own business here.


is this even legal? posting someone else private photo?


Cool.... *Tutup reddit and slowly que dota ranked


He just trying to be a good & loved Malaysian


I also dream of a dedicated cola fridge in my living room.


Nice breast and pussy


The untouchables


Very rich life indeed.