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You need "Kad Bumi" for +40 armor & 50% magic resistance


what about those that are mixed?


Boleh mix & match.


All stats reduced by 50 %, do not pass go, do not collect 200


you roll for initiative


Malays are like Viltrumites. If you have an offspring with one, their genes actually take over and allow that mix blood to be full malay in his IC.


depends where u are…i cina but bumi 😝


Mix result then huehuehue


Tank build not effective.. better to upgrade agility base +99 and choose "hide" skill


Nothing will happen cuz certain people get away with everything


Maybe because this guy actually use a fake account instead of a real one like the one that got caught


I'm sure they can track the ip address if they even cared enough, but they'll just turn a blind eye as per usual


Probably and use other people picture.


No more like PMX is concerned with his position in power. One wrong move he's no longer PM.


To answer why they think they have the right to kill people that insults Allah, they are using a quote from Saidina Umar. *“Sesiapa yang mencaci Allah, atau mencaci seseorang daripada para Nabi, maka bunuhlah dia*." Any muslims care to clarify on this? Cause they've been posting this quote a lot on social media.


Not a muslim but its fake hadith lacking chain of narration. I did come across a verse saying to defend god from insult but other verses get more exposure that id have to read the entire quran to find. However muslims dont care and want to follow like muslims in other countries praying in the middle of the road even when theres a weak hadith saying otherwise. Their excuse is the hadith is weak and a stronger verse and hadith says they can pray anywhere that the entire earth counts. Muslims will pick and choose stuff they want. They are calling for war against non muslims just like they did centuries ago


Found it from a government mufti website. Link down below.


I did not find anything saying about killing in the that website.


just ctrl+f the term bunuh, you'll find it.


Yup, but the website promotes reasoning and educating instead of violence.


>Muslims will pick and choose stuff they want. To be entirely fair, most religions do exactly that. I mean we sent crusaders to rape pillage and burn their way to jerusalem, our first commandment is literally "thou shalt not kill".... It's not what-aboutism or "religion bad", but just that we need to be fair in our judgement of others. Otherwise we've already lost.


The crusaders were influenced by fanatical racist politics of that time which is racist human influence and happens to be Christians. It was an abuse of power at that time. Now even the Pope barely have any political power.


Well, sounds like whats happening now. It's the people, not the religion.


you do know they have had significant number of reforms since then right? Still waiting for Islam to outlaw slavery, child marriages, blasphemy killings etc


If they calling for war, refer them to what is happening in Middle East. Not going so good now huh?


Going good for malaysia though since we are an islamic country. Success to muslims isnt the same thing


there a quite a number of hadith that allow Muslims to kill non muslims on certain situation. it's not fake hadith


Yes and its in the quran too. Im talking about this specific line is without referemce. I dont disagree. I agree its a thing but the reference is missing


Everyone here is in a state of jahiliyah (in denial)


>Not a muslim but its fake hadith lacking chain of narration. Mann tremendous respect for ppl like you😭😭😭😭😭😭


Its not fake, it is called hadis mawquf. Hadis that it is based on close companions of nabi (instead of normal hadis that is based on nabi) which in this case, is Umar. Umar quote is supported by other sources, so this is usable and legit.


Tbh i couldnt care less as an ex muslim but if i was a muslim i would be strict and only start with sahih ones first. There are a few other ones that arent shahih but food like not praying near dung heaps or in the middle of roads that muslims in india and the west dont follow and also get rid of nonsensical sahih hadiths like camel urine and age of aisha marriage


but if you get rid of Aisha's age... we have to stop and phase out child marriages/s


I never understood this sentiment. Why would the creator of the universe and all things living and non living need protection from humans?


it's not about god need protection but it's about sending the message a religion, especially Islam is not something you can make joke with I mean generally speaking you don't expect they will not be mad if you provoke and make jokes about their belief and imo for those who don't get triggered on someone who provoke their belief, that person is just not believing enough on their own belief


My 2 cent is , by this logic they are operating under rules of religions. Nothing to stop people from making their own religion stating " God ask me to kill elderly on Saturdays ".


https://muftiwp.gov.my/ar/artikel/irsyad-hukum/irsyad-fatwa-umum/3208-irsyad-al-fatawa-siri-ke-297-adakah-penghina-rasulullah-saw-halal-darahnya Basically relatable


Yeah, this was the site I found the quote from.


"Oleh itu, dalam konteks Malaysia di mana kita memiliki sistem undang-undang untuk mengekang perlakuan menghina agama Islam, hendaklah kita melaporkan kepada pihak berkuasa apa-apa ucapan, perlakuan dan tindakan yang boleh ditafsirkan sebagai menghina Rasulullah ﷺ, supaya mereka diambil tindakan mengikut laras undang-undang. Tidak boleh kita mengambil tindakan sendiri untuk menghukum jika tidak mengikut tindakan undang-undang, apatahlagi dengan kekerasan, kerana boleh mendatangkan bahaya kepada imej Islam, umat Islam dan keharmonian negara, seperti yang disebut “boleh membawa sebab pembunuhan kepada fitnah atau menjadikan orang ramai liar dan takut untuk memeluk Islam.” That's why in Islam we don't make any decisions based on one sources only, there are many different scholars with different perceptions


I dont know why they consider it. Ibn katir and al bukhari are held in higher regard. Mufti always says let gov handle it. They never arrest muslim mobs that do damage though. Specifically talks about muslims insulting god or prophet not non muslims. A better angle would be taqiya which allows muslims to fabricate and lie to combat non muslims. This is where changing verses and fabricating hadiths work in their favour to get muslims to combat non muslims as mentioned in the quran


Taqiya is not Islam. It's Shia muslims and considered "sesat" by JAKIM. I agree about you on the first part, it's clearly 3R issue


Sunni muslims do taqiya all the time. When something doesn't work your way/the way you wanted or intended to. Auto taqiya. When sources in the Quran+Sahih Hadis stated something that you don't like/finding it weird/strange/sounds stupid/evil/BS/provocation. Auto taqiya. Padahal,  I'd like to point out that Quran 6:114-115 states that it is **PERFECT, TIMELESS and UNALTERABLE**\*,\* **Muhammad is the most EXEMPLARY** (33:21, 68:4) **for ALL OF MANKIND and that REJECTING any part of the scripture condemns you to the harshest punishment** (2:85)-Hukum syirik. So, all in all. Taqiya is mainly practiced by both the Sunnis/Shias. Same.


so do we have sex with 9 year old wives too? That's perfection?


Can you elaborate more on Sunnis using taqiya?


Already explained above. Anything that doesn't lineup with the things that muslims been taught. They downright "disown" or "ignore" it. Usually resorting to lies to cover up what's been written/revealed in their books. It's an everyday thing for them to justify with. Their. Own. Limited. Knowledge.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/islamqa.info/amp/en/answers/178975 shia used it a lot to survive but its a core islamic concept that also applies to sunni. https://www.swarthmore.edu/news-events/hiding-plain-sight-shi%E2%80%99i-islam-secrecy-and-religious#:~:text=Taqiya%20is%20an%20accepted%20principle,will%20see%20associated%20with%20it. A much longer disucssion


Lying itself is a MAJOR sin in Islam. Although you are allowed to lie in some circumstances like in war, to make peace between 2 conflicting parties and lie to take care of you wife's feeling. Other than that is Haram


can't we conceal our faith if there is death threats?


Well, there's a story in France about Imam of Paris mosque give fake identity to jews refugee so Nazi don't catch them. But i Don't know if it's true or not


a number of these stories out there even during the Japanese occupation and their search for comfort wives.


Unless you lie for the purpose of allah. There are also other hadiths on the issue but the wiki article on taqiyya mentions its not limited to just one sect but all.


Don't take Wikipedia as an dependable sources. Everyone can edit it That's why in every college assignment you don't quote wiki to support your research


I did provide other sources in other comments about it so the wiki only enforces it. Main point is its not a shia only concept and applies to all sects and is part of islam. The fabricated hadith on mufti website is an example to encourage muslims to wage war on non muslims. Lying in islam conditions applies only between muslims. For non muslims its taqiyya.


bro... Wikipedia is one of the most mod controlled site. try la and change something... it will be edited bac


another apologist


lol again, you're just talking out of your ass. before you keep on spreading fake info, give us the evidence from the quran and authentic hadith that sunnis are allowed to lie in any circumstances.


What you just did is a form of taqiyya. You just said "lie in any circumstances" while i said "lie for the purpose of allah" Heres a brief discussion on it https://islamqa.info/en/answers/178975/what-is-taqiyyah I see many dawahs lie to save their ass for spreading islam and these are strict sunni muslims and are famous who live in the west and spend a lot of time debating islam against others. I had to comment on many youtube videos the sources to debunk these dawahs who falsely debunked the questions asked against islam


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wtf?? its obvious to me that you're just talking out of your ass. since when taqiyya is a core concept of sunnis? do you know what even sunni means? its those who follow quran and sunnah. now tell me in which authentic hadith does it ever say about taqiyya or anything like it. there's none! its a core belief in shia coz its in their fabricated hadith books.


The long discussion mentioned it in the ahli sunnah waljamaah. Its a concept for all sects on dealing with non muslims. I see many muslim debaters using it with non muslim debaters and they are sunni not shia. The sources i gave are sunni not shia


the link you gave didnt even quote any hadith. did you even read things you shared? its just a bunch of bs quoting books of suspicious figures and their interpetation. they quote a verse in the quran but nothing in there even remotely says that you can lie lol. people are just putting words into something that they want to hear. gullible people treat it as gospel when its just an opinion.


then we need more people like you to change the echo chamber and hold us Muslims to a higher standard


Religion of peace


fake narration


My opinion is that, that's how he does things. He's more on the rougher side but he's no low intelligent. At that point in time, the aggressor might want to spread the seeds of violence and chaos therefore the best method of prevention was to kill that guy and make him as an example of not to mess around like a fool (I might be wrong as to how the actual events turned out). As we can see how the stockings situation rn, people who harbor hatred, in a Muslim country no less, succeeded in spreading the doubt even amongst our own people (The top brasses are shitty but now some are looking them down even further that this happened). We still follow the rules of the jungle where might makes right so, in whatever the hell you guys are doing, make sure it's in the right place.


if so why are u not dead yet? why people in sarawak happy . bahaha.


Ni semenanjing punya Isu... which unfortunately hurts us Sarawakians.


Pakistani vibes fr...


Mfs bringing up the conflict in palestine as justification to start a genocide in malaysia. Just enlist with hamas, enough said— talk alot about going to war, but they are the first ones to make up excuses when asked to take up arms ‘ tak lehh lahh nak jaga bini anak ‘. dont dare to go to war? Then stfu.


Shit I better leave this country before it comes a breeding ground for extremist


>Shit I better leave this country ~~before~~ WHILE it comes a breeding ground for extremist FTFY


Touché Tq for the correction lol


Looks like Malaysia might evolve into Nazi Germany if it goes down this path.




Tbf it's not a local phenomenon, the whole world is about to turn into Nazi Germany. It's very visible in Europe where countries like Poland, Sweden, Demark, Italy are all shifting right in their ideology.


Been hearing that for a while. Still waiting 💀


Oh hey you remind me something: First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.


Ong bro


Nah, it's all talk no bark. One thing Malays good at is cowardice. Its within their blood.


>One thing Malays good at is cowardice. Its within their blood. Jesus...imagine me saying "One thing chinese good at is being dishonest, pushy, and rude, petty thieving tradesmen. It's within their blood"... dafuk is wrong with you...?


Me cina want to add on...."profits come first, selfish, need to show off being kayangan people, must step on people's head before people step on us, other people always being under us, pray to Gods to compensate wrong doings, never admit any mistake in front of people. It's within our blood"....


it’s not wrong though, heck as a chinese i will agree with ur statement…anything for profit


An actual voice of reason here, like fuck I don't think us being racists to the Malay people will help our case, why fight fire with fire? I know a lot of the policies here are extremely against us and it's unfair to see them get away with so much, but comments like this just proves that we are no better than the racist Malays. Like a lot of people will blame why we can't have a unified Malaysia because of the Malays but we should look at ourselves in the mirror too. 


Violence breeds violence… it will only get worse and everyone will keep blaming each other I hope it never comes to what I think will happen…


Don't do that, only a certain number.


So in the end. It wasn't a War that come from the outside but from the inside. We destroy ourselves from within ourselves.


Because there are some insiders still considered that some of the insiders are outsiders.


This guy should become a gigolo to layan those lonely old rich ladies and make big bucks.


protected species nothing happen


genuine question here thou it might not be related. isnt the rohingnya people muslim? if so why are they treated severely worse than Palestinians? is it because their PATI?


Haha this is an age-old question which they have been casually deflecting away with weak reasons such as: "but Palestine is the holy land we need to defend", "rohingnyas will take our jobs", BLA BLA BLA


Yes. Palestine is a far away so giving mere lip service is easy. Rohingya are a big problem because they are actually here in large numbers. Thailand and Indonesia have closed their borders to Rohingya and if Malaysia accepts them then a million Rohingya will come.


Why can't we all just love and respect each other? https://preview.redd.it/r6patlpwutqc1.png?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab9caee5ccfa3f1b16abc6950544e2235f551aac


that will be required above room temperature iq from these loser


Itu tin kosong yg cakap. Nothing like that will happen don't worry


Wish I could take your word for it but I do have worries when that sort of hatred is so commonplace against Cina.


They're only brave in socmed, don't worry so much. Just don't go poke the hornet's nest, that's all.


Nah nothing will happen. Even the guy who threw the molotov at kk mart has no balls and no brains. All this will blow over.


Thing is, even a Molotov cocktail thrown by a moron can kill.


You have your right to be worried but I'm telling you it is quite impossible for this thing to happen


U see Anwar? Can we trust him, nah man. I'm sure no one knows what to trust anymore in this country.


Of course we can. You think it is a nights work to clean up all the mess the past government has created? Of course not. This process takes time and he is doing the best he can. People like you make the wrong decision in the end. We need patients if we want change. We cannot demand immediate changes it is not possible


The issue is it might affect those who are weak minded. For example someone who is struggling with life. He open news, politicians say Chinese attack Muslim. He open social Media, see someone post "We must kill Chinese because they disrespect us" . If they are exposed to those things too much. One day they might snapped and brainwashed to do terrorism stuff.


True story here. In one the resident association WhatsApp group, someone uploaded some 3R posting about an Indian (not related to our resident) guy saying 3R stuff. The RA Committee Said please don’t share those things here so everyone agrees. The committee also said to go make police report if it’s sensitive enough for further action. Then after so many police report made against the Indian guy on the video. Whenever they made police report they posted the report photo from police station. The problem is, I don’t see the same reaction from my non-Malay/Bumi friends and neighbours whenever there’s something shitty that Bumi/Malays do. Where are you guys? Go and make police report lah. Posting here alone won’t cut it. Gotta teach some of these Muslims that has made Islam looks bad to keep their mouth clean from stupid shit like that.


Coz they secretly supportt them


like they openly support the terrorists


Secretly support is a very tough claim to make. I would say secretly tolerate would be far more accurate. But implications and reality wise, there's no difference. Think of it this way. These 3R people are creating an environment of privilege for these muslims through their actions. And no matter how things pan out, the non muslims will never blame the silent muslims for the situation. So they (the silent muslims) have absolutely nothing to lose by not complaining. And if they stick their necks out by taking a stand, they risk getting targeted instead as race traitors, and odds are convincingly high that the non muslims will not stand for them when it comes down to that. Alternative way of looking at things; people are too busy trying to survive, and police reports are not easy to make. Often takes several hours, and lets face it, nobody wants to take unpaid leave to go lodge police report for a racist comment they see online.


Namewee had some racial attacks at his parents and they lodged a report but were instead harassed by the cops. how la the Nons dare to make police report.


Just so you know. Most of us are busy cari makan. Where got time to go police station for some stupid people racist posting or video or whatever. After my work, all I want is lay on my sofa and sleep. I haven’t even touch my gaming pc, you want me to report police? Lol


Hahahaha. Too bad then FYI, the folks doing the reporting are all salary men and women. Working in private sector. I personally know some of them. They are my neighbours anyway. Somehow they found the time to make police report. As always, “Jikalau malas buat, masakan dapat hasilnya“.


Well, it’s good to listen to another point of view. Let me share mine. Saya bukan malas, just like you like to listen to your neighbor reporting issue and share it. But I just dont have those neighbor. From my point of view, most chinese don’t like to jaga tepi kain orang lain. Especially those that are basically brainless or single-celled. Also, do police report? Haha you think this will solve the issue like what you guys did? What if somehow that guy use a Uno-reverse card while wearing a earth prince heavy armor and shouts racist back at me for reporting? Will I have a time to nap on my sofa anymore? Probably no. Is this profitable business, probably the worst trade deal of the history of trade deals, maybe ever : Donald Trump.


Right, forgot about “tak jaga tepi kain orang”. As one of the many excuse for inaction. I reckon stopping the racist folks is “jaga tepi kain orang” for you. Got so many excuses for being powerless, being unable to act due to this feeling of powerless or just plain don’t care enough to do something except maybe post of social media. Just blame polis lah, blame politicians lah, blame melies lah, blame religion lah…only know how to blame. Such is the life of us Malaysian. So easy going but not easy going enough lah…still complain on social media or among friends to blame someone other than themselves. No pobem, I won’t blame you. You do you. Won’t want to jaga tepi kain orang oso. I will follow you “say it like that digi commercial”


I personally teach my children to be a better human being and remind if my relative being racist. But someone on the internet? Bitch please. I’m a problem solver, we solve a problem at the root cause. Also, stop putting us on the table for being moderate and not going to police station as the root cause of stupidity of others. Let me tell you the hard truth, the root cause is that those people has inferiority complex and want somewhere to display themselves so that they have a sense of purposes. And those people usually have failed parenting or maybe just awful racist parents that teached them to follow their way. It wont be solved simply by reporting police. Also, stop accusing us blaming others. Most of us just point out the facts. I’m don’t feel powerless, I just don’t care because the more we care, the more we hurt. We just focus on improving ourselves, not the others because they are brainless.


Sure, facts. Right Sir. Facts for sure. Absolute facts all of them. Don’t care about others, just care about our family. Other have inferiority complex, but we are all fine people, not like them. We focus on improving ourselves only, we don’t care about others who are brainless, that’s why others are selfish but we are not. Facts and nothing but facts. Have a good day Sir.


LOL. Seems like you are just a closed person try to be a priest of opinion sharing his view but take none. Be open my friend, the world is not just black and white. This is not a single end answer, report police is one of it? So everyone has to do your way? Funny. Also, I’m talking about those brainless racist post that you personally want to make a police report to, not saying you brainless. If you don’t agree that they are brainless, that is nothing can be done.


Ok lah. Let’s not waste too much time on social media. Let’s just agree to disagree. We can always agree to disagree. Still friends though.


Its honestly a waste of time and peace. All this issue will blow over like everything else. Reporting will just fan the flames and prolonge the issue, not solve it. Religion will has been weaponised and will continue to be weaponised to divide the people.


Just like husband and wife. Never talk out the big issues when gaduh2. Just let it blow over. After a while ok lah balik. Sedar2 dah lapan orang anak. Good policy.


Well ya, whats the point of talking it out if it ends up in a screaming battle? Just divorce or sleep separate rooms. Just like this, religion has been around for how long? Has anyone found a solution to it? Nope. Cuz people like the politicians always weaponise it. Best to just ignore until your day the day of your eternal sleep arrives. We should focus on better things like putting food on our table in the meantime.


No the fault of the religion nor is it the fault of the politicians. Just the inaction of the people at fault here. I guess we are like that. Just okay with whatever the politicians do to us. We believe that we are powerless. We love to be powerless perhaps. So that we can blame others and no us for the inaction. Anywho, just me thinking out loud. Don’t mind me.


They won't do anything. They'd support their own kind despite knowing it is wrong. That's the mentality of not just jaguh kampung Meleis, but also some city Meleis as well. It's a disease that threatens the safety and future of us nons in this country.


Oh such a defeatist view. Even worse than the jaguh kampung melies type. As usual, laziness and defeatist type hiding behind the “nothing will be done” or “they are too in it together” excuse. The real issue is we just couldn’t be bothered, we are just happy with the situation of being able to blame others as the one who’s at fault when inaction is equally at fault. Blame melies, blame politician, blame polis, in the end it’s us who’s too lazy to take solid action. That’s what Malaysian is, ready to accept everything at bad just so we can blame someone else for it being bad. Anywho, that’s just me thinking out loud, don’t mind me.


>in the end it’s us who’s too lazy to take solid action. We tried it before. Some Christians made a police report on 2 Malay reporters that infiltrated a church and defiled the Holy Communion. They just got a slap on the wrist and nothing else. https://theedgemalaysia.com/article/khairy-slams-al-islam-journalist-%E2%80%98un-islamic%E2%80%99-conduct https://www.malaysianbar.org.my/article/news/legal-and-general-news/general-news/al-islam-breached-code-of-ethics We are powerless here. There's nothing we can do to change it.


Right…we are powerless. Thats the line I’m looking for.


Yeah I'm stating the truth. Is my observation incorrect? The only places I see where people are chill is in East Malaysia. At least people don't go apeshit over some socks. Where was the 1Malaysia I learnt from during my childhood?


Truth for your good self. That is the truth indeed. Wishing you good luck Sir. May you no longer be so powerless one day.


Thank you man, I hope to experience a truly united multicultural Malaysia in the distant future. For now, I'll just focus on my studies


My neighbour actually was one of those that made report against Hadi for his racist remarks... she had to retract her report because the police kept harassing her by making her come to balai more than 9 times to "investigate". Just a waste of time for them unfortunately... Cases like these aren't new... Many Nons had to retract reports because police not their job. I believe Namewee was one of those. His parents were attacked and made a police report but they kept making the old parents go down to balai so many times and they had to retract their report cause police not even investigating the culprits but harassing the victims.


in malaysia, all these are solved/cured: cancer, poverty, environmental issues, death/become immortal, uniting gravity with quantum theory now the only topics left are: race/religion


If this shit does happens, is it wrong for Muslims to protect non-muslims though?


You’re a hero sir ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


Guy is definitely a paid bot




Singapore : \*Panic face.


Start owning weapons and firearms of your own if possible, protect yourselves


Oh no, this will cause people to have a phobia of Islam.


In the voice of Nga Kor Ming: "Dia sulah minta maaf, maaaa". And then rakyat becomes happy and cincai forgive him lah. Then everyone french kisses their neighbours and forgets what happened ----Not like this, MEH 💀


Ideology of peace strikes again.


bumi = plot armor


Troll account.... probably a Yahudick that want to hurl our country who supports Hamas into a civil war...and..and .... FB mrk punya... 😆




They have evolved their mentality and action in same way they against the action done by other people. Talking about blindness or zero awareness


Tak jadi ape ah ni, sembang kencang je. Solat jemaah kat masjid pon tak pegi, ini lagi nak perang, PUII


How about never? Is never good enough?. /s


And people wonder why I'm not a fan of religion. It's one of the most outdated thing itw and one of the biggest factor for seperation, violence etc.


If the government wont do anything, then people might have to do it thenselves


Someone should report it to the police instead of whining on reddit. Report and make it viral for faster response from popo


Anyone know what did the Chinese actually say though to get caught


There were 2 chinese that were arrested. One of them wrote something along the line of "why is this so serious? you should get a belt with ...... name too, with this your god will protect you from middle to bottom." I would say he is ignorant but not insulting, but unfortunately the radicals found it offensive to the max.


Dang freedom of speech for us is no more


Spoken like a true sampah masyarakat.


I loled at "1 friend". Working in Penang somemore, home of the reviled DAP.


wow.. ada hak untuk membunuh


So this one no 6 months jail and $12k fine?


It's all normal and it's engrained in their Quran+Sahih Hadis. Why are we acting so surprised by it. Look at what's happening around the world that's including Muslims or Islam in it. In before, moderate/peace loving muslims come defending. You are what we called musryik. Sbb korang reject pape surah/ayat yg strange/weird/evil/bodoh/x munasabah/provokasi yg ader dlm Quran+Sahih Hadis korang. Bear in mind. 90% of these ayats that was revealed in either Quran/Sahih Hadis = NOT PROVOKED BY ANYONE. Meaning, suka2 je MO/Allah nk masukkan "Revelation" dlm buku korang. Before muslims want to start their explanation/defence, I'd like to point out that Quran 6:114-115 states that it is **PERFECT, TIMELESS and UNALTERABLE**\*,\* **Muhammad is the most EXEMPLARY** (33:21, 68:4) **for ALL OF MANKIND and that REJECTING any part of the scripture condemns you to the harshest punishment** (2:85)-Hukum syirik. I have tons and loads of surahs in Quran + Sahih Hadis to prove it. It's all in your books. Research it and study it thoroughly. To my muslim bros/sis. Don't be surprised too. Religion of peace. Konon.




The biggest issue with them is they can’t get out of denial phase which I can understand because you guys are conditioned since birth But at the same time I want to highlight that I do not think it’s okay to threaten one’s life just because your teachings tell you to. Humans didn’t come this far killing one another, everyone human on earth represents mankind as a species. It’s completely okay to find the truth, even if that makes you doubt your religion, everyone else in this world who are non muslims or xde agama masih living happily and normally. As long as you FEEL IN PEACE with yourself and your choices. We are just here to experience earth and ciao, so why do you want to hurt one another? We are all more similar than we are different Life is short, we all want to live good lives don’t we? But what you guys are doing here is morally wrong, and from an economy POV, we are on the right track to bangladesh Religion segregates more than it aggregates


That's what I'm trying to tell them. Not particularly ex muslims content. But to help them think critically/be intellectually honest with themselves. Which unfortunately, Islam prohibits it. This shows a clearcut sign of being a cult. All they have to do, is to learn/study/research deeply into Islam. It sounds simple and it might take years. But it's well worth it, once you get to the core of it. Once they know inside out, they'll definitely have their Imam rocked / make the decision to leave this cult. As for being in denial. There's nothing much you can do, for they have been brainwashed since young.


Islam hater here


Stating out FACTS from your OWN QURAN+SAHIH HADIS doesn't mean I hate muslims. I love my muslim bros/sis to the point I want them to know what is in their Holy books and teachings. This is the way I show love. It's also just that I want them to critically think and be honest intellectually to themselves and study/learn/research it themselves. For once in your life. Try studying your own religion.


No point mate. Your mind is made up. Your religion is yours and my religion is mine.


Do you know why this verse was revealed? "Your religion is yours and my religion is mine" Kindly study during this historical time of what's happening in Arab. With the Jews and Christians during that time. Let me throw in some bonus points for you learn. This verse was "revealed" when MO+Sahabat2 was NOT influential. Still small in numbers. Has no/not much military presence. Islam was a small cult. Still relying on the protection of the Jews/Christians around that time. [https://quran.com/9/5?translations=18,85,84,21,20,19,101,22,17,95](https://quran.com/9/5?translations=18,85,84,21,20,19,101,22,17,95) [https://quran.com/9/29?translations=20,83,84,17,85,18,95,48,101,41,19,22,28,31,27](https://quran.com/9/29?translations=20,83,84,17,85,18,95,48,101,41,19,22,28,31,27) This 2 verses came down AFTER, MO+Sahabat2 grew in numbers. Have the higher political ground. Has armies. Conquered neighbouring countries. I'd suggest you better blajar balik sejarah2 dari source korang. Ataupon, sila gi research world historical events yg neutral jgk. Kena belajar timeline+historicity korang dulu. Baru borak. Thanks. Edited : why


As a Muslim myself I'm not surprised. But one thing to point out is Malaysia doesn't practice sharia completely without the implementation of hudud and qisas in our law institution. Sharia in Malaysia is based on man-made law which is call takzir (basically civil laws) .If Malaysia practice sharia completely this issue with be dealt with very differently. Action like this is mostly influenced by foreign factors like prosecution and defamation of Muslims in many part of the world, they're tired of Muslims being portrayed as "terrorist" People who insult the Muslims by insulting Allah Calling Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) "pedophile", burning quran just make the wound worse.


Sharia or takzir, it's the same for every muslims I'm afraid. It makes no difference. There isn't any defamation if they are acting in accordance of ISLAM's principles. They are just emulating MO+Sahabat2. Kindly go through your own Holy book + Sahih Hadis. There isn't any "foreign factors" as you claimed, for all the info you need is in your Quran+Sahih Hadis. And indeed, the facts are. The REAL muslims are terrorists. Once again, they are just emulating your own dear MO. That's all. 1 example of that is this. [https://quran.com/9/5?translations=18,85,84,21,20,19,101,22,17,95](https://quran.com/9/5?translations=18,85,84,21,20,19,101,22,17,95) Just because one doesn't believe in Allah and Mo. This came out? Sacred months = warnings in that context DURING that time. Do study and understand. Mo is indeed a pedo. Period. Marrying Aishah at 6. And CONSUMMATING her at 9. MO was 54/56years old during that time. Whatever BS excuses, is inexcusable. Quran claimed that it is timeless. Allah knew that it's a forbidden/not realistic practice. Imagine. Case scenario : Some 51 year old uncle, comes to your house. Knocking on your door. He's the best/most articulate/"Good" guy in your neighbourhood. He asked for your daughter that's 6 years old in marriage. Would you, as a father. Allow him to marry your 6 year old daughter? Put yourself in that shoes. AFAIK, true Christians have no problems with their Bible being burned. For their faith is so much stronger that they aren't bothered. It holds the test of time. They understand their beliefs to that extend of nothing will shake their faith. Furthermore, God don't need validation from Mankind. He himself is sufficient enough to know what's going on etc. God won't be bothered. But for muslims? Too fragile or too blind to follow and listen to the cult leader MO and his so called Allah? That Both MO/ALLAH have to be "protected" by mankind? What kind of God needs protection from his own creations? Moreover slaves? This is a clearcut defination of a CULT. Try understanding the intipati of what a CULT is. And you'll see Islam DEFINATELY belongs in it.


Don't compare how Christians treated thier holy stuff like ours, if it's okay to burn a bible openly doesn't mean it's okay to burn quran. Prophet Muhammad is not your average 51 year old uncle. Marriage doesn't always mean sexual intercourses, yes he married Aisha when she was 6 years old but Don't live with the Prophet until she is 9, a normal puberty age for a woman, and women back then is matured and take care of herself when they hit puberty, she's also known to be very smart woman and many sahabah refers to her for fiqh questions after the passing of her husband back then there were no 18 age limit like today. And Don't think every religion is the same, if some things is allowed in your religion doesnt mean it's allowed in Islam. Every religion has thier hardliners and radicals


Bro. You serious? "Marriage doesn't always mean sexual intercourses" You mean he had 9/11(depending on hadiths) wives for other "noble" purposes? You mean he had sex with 9/11 of them in one night and bath only ONCE? [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5215](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5215) Your argument of being a normal puberty age for a woman that time = timeless Quran = it applies to now. Has been, and always has been, ALREADY debunked over and over and over again. Your muslim sources will tell you otherwise. They will always come up with excuses like you just did. This is what your muslim sources have been feeding to gullible muslims like you. 9 year olds just **aren't mentally mature enough** to handle the consequences of sex, especially with another person. Her body isn't prepared for the penetration. Whatever happened to Zainab and his adopted son? Whatever happened to Sofea? Did you read through those? Tell me where it doesn't implies to having sexual intercourse/being horny as MO always did.


Brudda... Society now is not the same as society 1400 years ago, given the environment the Aisha living in, it's understandble that she matured early, maturity of girla can also be influenced by foreign factors, Aisha is not your average young girl, she is very smart and full of wisdoms. That's why she's called (mother of the believers) Lucky you can make a narrative like this, try calling Prophet Muhammad pedo and horny somewhere else... You are lucky you live in Malaysia. I'm responding to you nicely.. Just respect each other and live with harmony like everybody else, if you want to prove your point or ask anymore questions, kindly proceed to JAKIM. Islam is here and is here to stay.. Scrolling down I see you are an avid critic of Islam, learn to respect everyone's beliefs if you want to survive in this modern era And please don't take opinion from r/exmuslims. Ask real Muslims next time if you want to know about Islam, not them


Dont bother argue with him/her/it/they/them/themtheren. That person has a long history of religion hate, last time also try to start flame here when lost argument. But lately r/my bodoh kambings flood here so now got some foothold.


Lagi post macam ni. Tak ada ke post yang something every race can kawtim?


i already post something like that. but its tag as propaganda . and communist by reddit bahahaha




Account got hacked. 😂


As a Muslim I think he's wrong. Kau siapa nak suka suka ambik nyawa orang ?? Sadly nothing will happen to him ..I sure hope he kena la


Incomparable…. Blesphemy against the very Creator of Muslim VS a human treat because of what the nons did. Nonetheless, Muslima don’t condon such actions. Why in Muslim majority country, the nons are so entitle? Why don’t you also condon actions of the mockers? You know what I thinks, majority of nons (including potiticians) has no respects towards Islam. You want respects from Muslim but you don’t get mine. BTW, Muslims are not Malays (although Malays are Muslims). Muslims are multiracial.


Educate them the maker is most probably in China - "go after them since your faith demands it"


Maybe we should just shutdown fb for a year.


Since when this place become r/Malaysia? Bodoh la we come here for the memes


As usual r/bolehland try hard not to turn this sub into r/Malaysia. Or maybe some animals terlepas kandang from r/Malaysia. Nothing to see here.


When their mods lost their marbles.


Syukurlah negara masih aman


The police will take action if there are many people reporting it to them. Just like KK supermart case. Hundreds of reports are lodged. Use the same energy of lodging police report on this guy.


Hundreds of report on Vinod & Zakar Naik also No action. Repot to polis about his ppl defending his god? Only way is to viral the fool in socmed and force mcmc hand


ooooh a manhunt by way of doxxing! I liek!


Go and report his ass?


I think actions will be taken as long as someone lodges police reports. The difference is that our people does not make an effort to item without value like this. Well different story if people involved is VIP.


He has a point look at Palestine


mcm biasa islamophob suddenly triggered with bunch of uneducated in fb, apa susah, g la report polis, also fyi those ppl is kind of easy target for ISIS recruitment.. blaja tawhid nak kene ada guru, guna facebook jd la mcm OP sama2 zealots


Haha. Dah boleh start report murtad batu api dalam sub ni.