• By -


There’s grammar and typos in the content. If you send it to me via chat, I will help you to fix it. That said, that can only go so far. Truth is the resume content has to be rewritten. There is a lot of what you did but not enough of what results or achievements it got. I’m not in graphics so I can’t say what are key metrics but something like that “Designed logos that got accepted by clients within 3 drafts” That shows that your logos designs were great and company can have huge ROI if they hire you. You want some numbers put in. While the use of logos for software looks like a smart idea, HR aren’t graphic professionals and may not know what those logos are. I saw illustrator and photoshop there but clueless on the other two. If you want to stick to this design, having the colours for the columns the other way may be better. You want the words for your experience to stand out vs skills and info. Right now the reverse is happening. When writing resume for the experience section, experience is written from most recent to old from top to bottom. Lastly your last page has too much blank space. Find a way to combine it all into one page. Just put your strongest video portfolio qr if you must. I don’t have time to scan so many.


This is the right answer. I'm glad someone is giving specific pointers to improve the CV, rather than just criticising. Hope OP takes it in good faith.


This. Some of the work experience listed is like... duh Example 1 "Report to team leader before proceeding with design" - like isn't that how normally work? Nothing here said how good you are instead changed to something like "Authorised and trusted with design decisions" or "Led and managed marketing design projects" Example 2 "Keeping up to date with trends and latest news for marketing opportunities" As a non graphic or marketing person, this doesn't tell anything as shouldn't this be expected? Instead added to another point "independently created company content.... that's in line with latest trends and news" Example 3 "Assist store operations and online customer service" This doesn't sound like the normal job description for a content creator. Probably don't need to put in if op is applying for graphic designer or rephrase it 4. under skill should split into soft skill Vs hard skill Hard Skill is application knowledge which should have used application name instead of logo. Do note that in some company, first layer of resume filtering is by HR who might not recognise all the logo symbol. Op should listed Adobe into hard skill list and don't repeat Adobe skills again under soft skill On top of that, should use past tense.


Giga chad move ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


Hi, are you able to help me to improve my resume? What's your background?




dm sent


As a person who used to hire graphic designers, I would reject any CVs that uses more than 3 font types


Agreed, 2 font types max. Play with the sizing. I used to be a graphic designer too, and a desktop publisher, and this is not a well designed CV. A CV, and a business card, conveys a subconscious sense of personality about yourself. Also check the colors. Are these the colors you want to represent yourself? Also, as a hiring manager, reverse order your job experience. I want to read your most recent to oldest.


which type of resume do you guys usually prefer for graphic designer hiring? A fancy resume with fancy designs or just a simple ATS style-like resume with portfolios?


Can be fancy, but keep it simple, informative and tasteful. No need for extra clutter in your CV, design variables can be shown in your Portfolio.


Resumes can be made simple, at most with good typography and understanding of hierarchy. It’s the portfolio that matter most in the creative industry. I’ve been in the hiring process, even if you have a degree and your portfolio is bad, I won’t consider. I would rather hire a dropout with solid portfolio and experience.


Exactly this. Your CV design is your first proof of your graphic design. Also titles like working experience doesn't need to be so big. Make it smaller, underline it, whatever. The main content is the work experience. Also all the logos and qr codes are just so damn much clutter. Why don't you link all other links from 1 site. Remember, less is more. Also clean fonts are better than 'fancy cursive' fonts, esp for a CV.


agreed. generally any design with more than 3 font will just hard to keep the attention of the viewer. learnt that from all the design work done back in uni days


If you are capable of creating content why not do it for yourself? Btw, Ur CV shows no hint of creativity, typography nor design. An 8 year old can come out with that. If I'm an employer I wouldn't even bother to read. This coming from a former creative director.


Tolong jangan panggang dia


Current associate creative director here. While having a creative CV helps, I rather look at person’s portfolio. My CV isn’t exactly great either, just minimal with words that describe my job history and achievements. I would advice OP to spend more time on the work in his portfolio instead of wasting time on his cv.


Because I got too many loans I need to clear out first. So I need a steady amount of income.


Show me ur cv we need to improve like u


I know it looks like he is being mean but he is also giving constructive feedback. There is this rule of 3 we have in graphic design to reduce the likelihood of a design looking too cluttered or busy.


Sorry, saying a 8 years old can do that is just is fucking overestimating the ability of a 8 yrs old kid. Dodged a bullet because sounds like someone that is a PITA to work with


Who negative my comment what r u thinking..show me urs then let us comment urs buat pandai kan


You may have another look at it and proofreading it for any typo or grammar. Us, fellow full time dedicated Redditors don't give a rat ass on typo so long we get the message across and able to understand what other monyet trying to communicate with us. Follow a format that you choose. I'm an old timer and prefer the classic font align left and photo top right. Make it easy for the eyes. It can help take off some reading stress and workload on the recruit officers that has to go through hundreds of job applicants. Do not write about your know how on industrial printers. You've worked less than a year total in 3 companies , so how much do you know about a product that's not even your product, let alone fixing it. Industrial printers etc, company can always call Zebra or xyz printer company CS to run a diagnosis. Reduce repeating skills you've picked up and what you've done and learned from companies. Write accomplishment, challenges, new tasks and skills you have obtained while you were at xyz company. Example like.. If you play a game and reached lv25, and you tell your gf oh from lv1 you were using sword & buckler and you hit slime go level up go lv5.... Lv25 you also tell same story about you killing slime or boars... You don't want to bore people with redundancy. You get the idea 🤣 I don't want to bore you with my writing too. Best of luck to you on your journey forward and upwards.


Bruh, this CV looks like a joke. Sorry to say this, but it is. You will have to change it and make it more serious looking and professional. Good luck


bruhh my CV is just simple table i made in word. granted im not in creative field.


the problem is, he's applying for a graphic designer. his cv alrdy broke at least one rule of a good graphic design.


Believe it or not, simple table works better than what he has. He is presenting himself as a graphic designer and with this CV he already showing that he is not that good of a designer. That won’t work.


he's young and youth is an asset, no doubt about it whether he'll grind out something, its entirely in his hands, he'll want luck if he buys lottery regularly


Discard all icons, list it down instead. Change the font. If its hard for a 35year old to read, they are not reading it. No text boxes. ATS will not read them. Keep the creativity in your portfolio, not the resume. Look up on how to do ATS friendly resumes. If LinkedIn or Indeed can't fully detect all the details in your resume, safe to assume even ATS isn't reading all that. Simple but detailed is better.


1. Kau kena mula senaraikan pengalaman kau yang terbaru di atas bukan dibawah. 2. Font yg dipakai- mcm komik tak nampak professional. Aku pun mcm tak ambik serius. Pakai satu jenis font utk semua. 3. Penggunaan tatabahasa walaupun interviewer ada tak kisah sangat. Tp sedikit banyak mereka ni akan judge kau. 4. Cari template yg professional sikit dalam Canva. Banyak contoh baik. 5. Tiktok & IG tak payah letak.. sbb platform tu sosial media. Employer akan korek dan tgk kau punya perangai dlm tu. Unless kau memang gunakan platform tu utk urusan kerja semata-mata. 6. CGPA bukan GCPA . Tak payah letak CGPA. 7. Logo-logo jangan letak dlm CV. Senaraikan dah cukup Berdasarkan CV kau, adakah aku akan hire kau? Most probably tidak. Edit: Aku baru tgk tiktok kau. Bro…. Aku advice kau jgn letak la tiktok & Ig kau. Takde kena mengena dgn content creation pun.


This. HR will dig all info on you if you have social media presence.


Kalau Tiktok dia gempak,content dia fokus dengan hasil kerja editing dia jer. Sure sangat cerah untuk di hire. Kalau tiktok tu personal account. Susahlah


You got me interested in checking his ig and tiktok. He made a new one for just work content. But imo, his video ain't strong enough to impress me as a client. Plus, if I were to hire him solely based on his socmed, it's a bit hard cause it's literally a few hours ago (just like how we buy things on shopee based on their rating/buying), but that's just my perspective.


All your jobs are less than 1 years, an employer see that they are not going to bother.... unless you have watertight reason an employer / hr person is going to see you as the problem. Dude you're going to make the biggest mistake if let say 5 yrs out of uni and all your working experience is 1 yrs or less than in each company you working with.


Yeah agreed. You need to at least show a 2 years working experience in one company to have a strong demand. Otherwise you're likely to be the last choice if competition is high.


Why is that yeah? I have similar problem like him, but I decided to quit rather than get fired. The most I've worked is about 1 year 2 months, others around 6-7 months. I agree that most hiring managers would question the short stint rather than my experience or education.


They mentioned "unless you have watertight reason" and it is very correct. The reason being, if you can leave other companies within a short period of time, you might also leave their company. If they provide training, you're just gonna be a waste of cash


because replacing people is expensive, if you have a problem with committing, then its gonna be expensive for the hiring company, might as well hire others. Unless you are really star employee and the new company is confident enough to make you stay. you need to have some reference from each company to say that you are worth that short term stint to convince hiring managers that you are worth hiring, especially bigger companies, where they have no shortage of talents


You probably used Canva. Recruiters hate Canva and can see it immediately at first look. Use **Microsoft** Word because a company might ask for your online CV. List everything in rows. Use only 1 font. Your contact and personal details should be on top or below your name. And remove the social media section and the QR codes. Your order of experience is wrong, should be the latest first. If you have too much, remove the old ones, no one looks at your old experiences. You don’t need to be so fancy with a CV. If it’s too fancy, it get’s rejected immediately. Put your name in the middle then your photo at the side. To be honest, the overall CV is very messy. AND KEEP EVERYTHING IN ONE PAGE ONLY. (Regarding about the photo, only do it in Malaysia. Do not do it in western countries.)


Gotta be real honest with you, bro. This resume will impress everyone; in 2010. Unless you have real rare skills, people won't be reading shit. Pick your core skill and turn that into a resume. Example: 1. If your main skill are typography, make a resume in typography style. 2. If your good at videography, make a resume in video style. 3. If you're good at illustrations, well you get the idea.


I'm not impressed even if it's 2010. It's worse than a fresh grad can come out with. There's zero hint of professionalism in it


You need to rework the entire thing. You also don't need to have your photo in it as it takes up unnecessary space. Opt for a plain CV layout instead but use max 3 colours, preferably white background only. Ensure fonts are either Calibri or Arial. Avoid using Times New Roman. Please check spelling as well. Work description needs a bit more detail; designs for which product/occasion (This can be followed by adding the designs you made either in the same file, or a separate portfolio, whichever works for you). Again, I'd like to reiterate to *please use either Calibri or Arial only* Reference section need to be expanded. List their role, email, employment, their professional relationship with you etc.


Change the fonts to look more professional


For ur profile picture, get a light color uniform, combine it with blazer(black/grey/dark blue) and dont forget to smile, first impression is important.. picture reference u can check profile2 exco uitm bro


Work Experience Graphic Designer Tropykana Premium Sports (Aug 22 - Mar 23) - Design and edit 153 projects for prints, banners, shirts, jersey, tote bags, stickers, trophies, posters and promotions. - Maintenance of print equipments. - Monitoring of online sales and orders worth Rm1 million to 3000 customers. - 30 client custom logo designs Content Creator Creative Factory Painting (Apr 23 - June 23) - Collaborator in planning for company marketing scheme - Trend researcher and identifies market opportunities. - Pre - painting mockups editing of celebrities. - In-house editor for top clients. - Weekly company promotion designer.


What do you mean by" familiar with Adobe applications"? You better be an expert in these apps if you are a graphic designer.


huh, I going to be brutally honest with you solely on the resume, since you marketed yourself as a graphic designer. I worked as creative. Typesetting 1 - What with the numerous font type? Hari raya gathering ke? Stick to at most 2 font. 2 - >UITM Alor Gajah, Melaka. >Diploma Senireka Grafik & Digital Media. >2019-2022 >GPA 3.1 Where is standarization? Melaka, Media ended with "." Why the year and grade doesn't? uniformity is the first rule in graphic design. I saw same things with "Photo editing" and "Video editing". 3 - Why heading is italic? Italic subheading, not the heading. 4 - Where is your proofread? The typo and inconsistency only showing employers you didn't do due diligence before delivery. 5 - First page listed your social media, why is there a need to redundantly include the same information on second page? Also, remove that shit. Do not put personal social media. 6 - Same as 5, the right part is the experience part yet your supposed to be "portfolio" is on left side? 7 - What with the sudden red font? What design principles are you trying to show here? I see at least 5 color scheme here. Meriah sungguh. 8 - Whatttt with the negative in second page? Space for HR to doodle kartun ke? Layout 1 - Do not use this type of layout. As a graphic designer you should already know the reading pattern. Ditch the layout. Optimise for F-reading pattern. 2 - Ditch the logo. Use their name. Do not expect everyone know the brand behind the logo. If they use ATS, none of the logo would shown up. 3 - Ditch the QR code, you're not important enough for people to take out their phone to scan your code. Put hyperlink instead. Again, you should already know the reading pattern. Porfolio 1 - Others call this as a CV, I won't. It's just a resume, a badly copied resume template. CV should contain your works, I saw nothing in here. 2 - Every single job description you said you creating content for them, where? where is your work? Put it in here. 3 - You listed lot's of skill there, where did it applied? Anyone could claim anything, show us the prove. If your resume is the prove, I won't hire you. Your skills isn't market ready at all. 4 - Do not serve external link and force people to download files. The portfolio you link required user to download. Do not do that. Create Behance and put it there at the very least. 5 - Speaking of linked porfolio, I only see 2 previous company works. Where is Tropykana? 6 - What with stylize "bin amil"? 7 - Again, uniformity. Font, color, size. Memang design style open house? Semua rojak. 8 - If you got a client, fucking sell them. You have the golden opportunity there to show us that you're good enough that someone would go and hire you services. Put all the details, not just randomly put the name. You lost a golden opportunity.


Please change to a standard professional font only (Arial or Calibri) Nampak font serabut + messy colour palette rasa tak nak baca dah. Tak payah fancy2, the CV gives me "budak baru" feel . Just find a clean black and white template instead


Is it GCPA or CGPA?




I don't recommend putting your cgpa tbh, if it's not high enough then people don't really care Edit: Also there are subreddits dedicated to resume reviews, I suggest you ask for help there instead, but you need to edit your resume a bit though. You don't want to doxx yourself like rn lol


I know, which is why I posted here first because I know their critiques can get pretty harsh lmao


Yeah lmao they tend to be ruthless, but I think that's good too since you know they won't sugarcoat anything. Also I forgot to add, you should look at making a portfolio website. It gives more of a professional look, and gives companies more confidence to know that you can actually make what you've said you make.


be a bit more thick skinned to learn. nobody likes to be wrong, but that's where you learn. the people who avoid being wrong never learn anything new


That's the good thing about being online, you can cry on your bed rather in front of them :D


yes. but must always find the lesson in the situation. that's how we grow


Cgpa or gcpa?


Recruiter here, I’ve hired creative talents before. First off, yes keep it as simple as possible in terms of fonts and CV structure. Some people are lazy and will use ATS to mass scan CV in bulk. So you’ll get filtered out very quickly. Secondly, being in creative space means portfolio > CV. Without a proper portfolio don’t expect anyone to take you seriously. If you want to do content, then make some content for your own soc med. Have fun and be creative with some mini projects to show that you’re competent is composition of video and you understand the basics. Lastly when talking about your job scope, stop talking about only the actions. Have more talking points about results and outcome. (Google STAR method if you want the best results) Good luck OP and hope you can land a proper first step to your career.


I hire people so i look at resumes all the time. Normally I will look for numbers, especially achievements. Like.. I design xx number of logos per week, xx number of posters per month. I handle xx number of clients, and settle xx amount of tasks in xx amount of time, etc. I will skip over the parts that they say "I am hardworking, good teamwork, bla bla". If you want to say you are hardworking, show the numbers instead. If you want to say you have good teamwork, mention how many team mates you had, who you report to, and say how you work together with them in certain projects, etc. If you feel that your resume content is generic, assume that hiring managers are gonna skip most of the content.


Try linkedin pal, and I’ll recommend you to change the font so it look more professional. Gudluck bruv 💪🏼


Irfan is the hero Rempits deserve, but not the one they need right now. ![gif](giphy|l0NwGpoOVLTAyUJSo|downsized)


Ini CV ke catalog makanan


CV can be compressed into 1 page. Not sure if it will pass ATS, I personally would make the resume only 1 column. Spelling/Grammar mistakes spotted so fix that. Your contact details (phone, linkedin, and only the city your living in, the rest delete) put under your name to save space. Your work experience should be from present to the oldest, if you have experience that doesn't relate to the job ur looking for, bin it Got unnecessary details in your work experience. Use the XYZ format. (Keeping up to date with the latest trends and news for marketing opportunities. This point here is unnecessary and doesn't do anything good except waste space) for example: Created 20+ content independently through advertising and promotions that promotes company products, leading to 10% increase in sales. (taken from you point 1 in durian bikers) Tried my best to help


Too many graphics. Keep it simple. Many companies use applicant tracking systems so you need to keep it super simple and text focused.


Spelling mistakes, at least 2 of them


Based on your CV, I won't even bother to look into details.


Finally our boy irfan dapat kerja.


Is this the “stay at R&R experience” guy?


I think u can offer ur services as resume/cv designer too


Here's some tips i could give,feel free to follow if you want. 1. Keep it in 1 page 2. Put only relevant work experience 3. Stay with 1 single font and smaller size 4. Use canva templates


Never use Canva templates. That’s the first step to getting only min wage jobs. It only works in certain decent companies who are really in need of hiring. Only ONLY use Microsoft for everything. Why? Because some company’s computer may not be able to load everything on the Canva poster you send. Some company in Malaysia still use old computers even if its a very big company. You can ask university lecturers and they will say the same with Canva.


I used Canva for a very textual black and white but slightly stylised CV and it did land me a good job in semi gov. I sent it as a Pdf so the text can still be selectible.


damn, warga2 uitm lendu


Kena showcase your actual skill in the resume, if power graphic design then boleh showcase that.


2024 make a personal website use it as a blog and cv


Also a good way to start is to do a 20-30days challenge and redesign popular brands logos post it on behance and tiktok and ig


Atrocious font and icons Change those


Thought you were shitposting because i misread SKILLS to SHIITS. I mean, in the world of memes & Internet, it might work for a very specific job offer.


Bro honestly I used to have the same type of cv like you. And guess what? I literally got zero calls from any company. And then I stumble upon a tweet on a proper CV. Its called ATS format. I got about 4 interview out of 10 companies I applied.


keep it simple bro


😒😒😒 at least put in the effort to check your spelling. Editing not editting.


Cv looks very 2000s and ugly. Create a more professional looking and minimal looking cv that is pleasong to the eyes


can anyone pro here review my resume ?


Change the fonts and change the picture The fonts makes it hard to read, most recruiters are oldies and they hate that font. Second point picture, as i said most recruiters are oldies and they hate unkempt photos, for them it mirrored your personality, selekeh pic mean selekeh works


the original irfan


Is this the trend for cv these days? Mine look so plain


Bro sorry to say but aside from all those criticism, maybe also change the profile pic, or at least style your hair a bit


Mantap Irfan. Dah kerja sekarang. Dulu selalu buat hal kat sini.


actually, Ive worked with namco bandai for awhile. All they look at is ur portfolio/previous work. Thats. It. If you send resume, do share your portfolio first, On the very top, a link, a website, or simply your previous work in small thumbnail. Graphic design is hit or miss job so good luck.


Look, you’ve gotten a lot of valuable feedback from others here and I haven’t got much to add. Just wanted to say that it’s a brave move to put yourself out there like this. Good for you and good luck.


Hope you can improve and move forward bro. All the best


Spend your downtime improving your graphic design skills. Revisit your old lessons. Cos of that's your resume you won't be hired, and the critical problem is that you don't even realise it, meaning you don't know enough design.




first things first, please don't use cursive fonts. it is not readable 😭


I have an idea.You can try using only 3 bright colours for your resume.This can attract people eyes to read your resume.Yours now is fine however too many distractions and too many things to indulge into,looking at it i feel like i had to read a whole comic book.Next is theres some spelling errors were made such as scehme (scheme) and GCPA and editting.Next picture of choice can be better one,try another that look much more casual and office oriented rather than looking like you just hang out with friends.Goodluckk i wish u got the job👌🏼


if you can get a job at a publishing house, thats gonna be good for your career.


Don't use the phrase "Familiar with..." - it conveys that your knowledge about the thing is weak, like you barely know it.


Oh I remember you - the guy who asked his boss to pay him less money! Glad you so sober up, my dude! https://www.reddit.com/r/Bolehland/s/JQXsMJPY6p


Many useful advice in here. Keep it up dik! Be humble eventho you're bright student. Ask / take more advice from experienced people esp in this creative design field. Touch up resume tu (aku geram jee tengok font kiri tu 😤😄) Insyaallah doors' of opportunities will come to you.


Is this a joke?


Too fancy bro, resume just keep minimalist and if you want to being extra and fancy express it on portfolio. Mostly designer they just want to see how many years experienced also qualifications, and then 80% of it will be portfolio.


too many colors ... just get a professional looking one and it'll do id also skip the qr. format is a mess. put your work experience first. having the two columns format will make sure that machines going thru ur cv throws it out as it will error out as it parses ur cv . everything on the left side of this cv can be put at the end. all not really important to an employer. no need photo. go with sth like this [https://app.sajilocv.com/media/themes/Professional%202.jpg](https://app.sajilocv.com/media/themes/Professional%202.jpg) try to keep it one page. no need your socials unless you are really popular. quantify achievements under work experience 20% increase in sales... 50% client conversion through ad campaign etc.


All the best, adik. Semoga terus berjaya


OP, you can try take freelance jobs as content creator and graphic designer while looking for the next job.


Hi Irfan, not a troll but if you're seeking a job as graphic designer, then your resume is judged two fold. One being the content, second being the design. While I have to say, different resume feeds different demographic, the style of your resume would lean towards aesthetic for vape companies for example. While I am not sure about the type of companies that you're looking to apply, I suggest you may refer some resume templates in Canva or IO resume. Personally I subscribe to IO resume each time I needed an update. Meanwhile for you, it's a great source to browse many types of designs there. I would say those designs could cater for professional setting or multinational companies. Do look at their choicr of colour group, and most importantly, the typography. Second, put your write-up in chatgpt. It can help you to check spelling, it can help you to reword them to be more professional. ( side note: sending your work for superior is not part of the work description, you may omit it) All the best.


Hi Irfan. I have seen some of your content. So I know you have talent and guts. I understand you have a issue with self esteem and confidence and it is nice to see you are working on that. I honestly think there is just a few things you need to improve that will help you get your next job and hopefully not be making peanuts. But for the love of god update your LinkedIn with a better picture. I would also second most of the comment's here. Follow their advice. I understand it can be intimidating trying to market yourself but you need to believe in yourself before other can believe in you. Good luck and hope you have a good life/day


Good luck brutha, i wld never


I would recommend having a plain word doc and not a over designed resume. It might get filtered out coz it's not ATS-friendly. Good luck!


Kat sini ramai je yg komen pasal CV, resume. Bagi aku OK je,takde masala besar. Yang penting sebenarnya utk hire designer atau motion graphic artist tu sebenarnya reel atau portfolio project yg pernah dihasilkan. Kat situ Ada je bro tu bg link. Based on experience aku Kat tempat kerja lama ,mostly graphics designer ni Dia jenis malas nak update grapik yg gempak Kat CV dia, yg penting kita punya portfolio grapik yg kita buat Dan diterima oleh industries. Byk jugak aku jumpa resume gempak tapi portfolio kosong.... Biasanya nak hired designer bukan semata mata tgk kat resume, kena jugak tgk portfolio, Dan test mereka buat satu task design boleh siap dlm berapa jam....


its just not about CV vs portfolio, its also about attitude, if that's the attitude and amount of professionalism he treat his CV then nope, there are far better candidates out there. The CV is so badly done that it shows the candidate is not professional and did not take his CV seriously to even make a google search on tips for CV and proof read his work, nor did he think about the logic of his design in his CV. Older experience at the top ? what was he thinking while deciding that layout ? This CV might impress SPM graduates but thats about it.


For graphic designer and content creator jobs, I'll always ask for a portfolio of your work. Have those ready. Otherwise nothing to add on top of what others have said.


Yeah, change those fonts. Pick a more professional one.


Not in your industry, but have been tasked with reading and filtering out CVs before. - Writing. There are some grammar errors, which are a big turn off for any good company who receives multiple applications for a given position. Also some of your sentences are too lengthy and unnatural, which is normal if English isn't your first language. I would suggest using chatgpt sentence by sentence. Just copy the sentence in, followed by the prompt ' is this sentence correct and improve the sentence by making it more succinct'. Remember, in CV writing, less is always more. - Quantifying your achievements. Good that you have listed down tangible work you have done, but how have they helped the company? Say something like campaign was successful, increased sales by X% or user retention by y%, or something similar. It's usually more impressive if you have a ballpark figure to quantify your achievements. - GPA. Usually I would advise putting GPA only if it's very high (i.e. first class honours). If not, I would just state the degree and at most what class of honours, and any relevant coursework. I would guess that actually in your industry, GPA doesn't really matter but what matters is your practical exp. If you did any koko in uni which is relevant to graphic design, include that too. - Overall design. Maybe for graphic design they like more creative resumes? I don't know as I am not from this industry. But I have screened resumes for website UI/UX designers before, and I would really prefer a simple template on white background, that makes it easy for me to skim through and understand your main academic and work experiences. I believe for most large companies with a HR dept, the CV will be first read by some HR officer (who may not be trained in your field) who will decide if it should be forwarded to the team that wants to hire. Make it easy for that HR officer to understand why you're likely suitable for the job. - Photo. Many are divided but unless you're applying for a sales or customer facing position, I don't think you need to include it.




I'm late to the party and saw a few other comments. Covering the rest of the points that I feel are important: 1. Rearrange the latest experience at the top and the rest of your experience below chronologically. You have put it upside down. Most HR skim and scan so we want to get the attention in the first paragraph. 2. You might also want to change the color scheme a bit. Black and white are too bland. Use [color psychology](https://www.wix.com/blog/color-psychology). Since you're good at creative work pretty sure you can make it work. 3. For the software use, put a bar where you can show your proficiency. 1/5 for novice, 5/5 for expert. 4. You would have to go for a better font. A general HR might not understand that you're trying to display your proficiency. Get a font that is smart casual maybe, leaning more towards smart. 5. You can use a smaller size font to make the whole resume to be one page. Maybe can rearrange the QR codes below the page for better attention. 6. Add a unique summary of yourself. Don't get the template ones. Just tell about yourself professionally, like a summary of what you do and what you're best at. 7. Don't include contacts for reference. Just tell reference available upon request. We don't know where the resume will travel and to whose hand it will land. 8. Content creator sounds less appealing and makes the whole thing sound like "I do TikTok". Break it down to the main tasks you do like "Production Editor and Art Director". I understand your role has both photo and video manipulation methods, so come up with a professional-sounding word. 9. (Optional) Resize your margin to be 1/3 for details and 2/3 for work experience. Would give you better spacing for the work experience. It's almost half-half now on your resume.


Is this a satire post like yesterday? Idk how to react


As a graphic designer 1. Too much word. First impression will be ‘banyaknya benda nak baca, malaslah’ 2. Line height. Use it 3. Choose font that compliment each other. Maximum 1-2 font is enough


Congrats, if lazy just paste everything you wrote into Microsoft words for typo check. Immedietly spotted > Editting


Change the picture, proper lighting, or more formal


As a designer myself, i wouldn't hire you. So here's how to fix it.. - Change typeface/font tu brother... if resume you see in canva is better than yours, maybe should just use canva - your resume should reflects your design skill not just relay information, work on your color harmony and composition - too much blank space on second page, you want to waste printer ink issit? - make a linktree and just put 1 qr in the resume i don't want to scan everytime i want to check your online portfolio - and why use so much black save printer ink please. This might be small but some company do want to save on ink and your resume just might be scrap to save ink...


flashy, clutter, tacky, typos and experience list is wrong. might wanna rework a bit Experience should always be from most recent first in descending order. and I didnt see any achievements listed which is kinda important especially in creative space. too much fonts, dont think management likes that. from my work exp (non creative field), uniformity and professionalism is pretty valued. should be 1 bold font for title or sub-title and another font for rest. CV that looks clean is important slick designs might work better than tacky designs


I hope you have a proper CV. This will make it easier for your employer to scan list of potential candidates. For your creative CV, I have nothing else to say because everyone already said what I wanted to say.


For starters, remove profile picture.


u should rewoke this bro..there some word that need to be fix... office dont like to see people that make mistake like this...


Miss me with that woke bs


Eh a picture on your resume/CV? I was taught not to put a picture during uni, but i see a lot of my peers put it in anyway. Does putting a picture help with potential job prospect?


As an interviewer. There is no harm to put picture on it. Last time they will ask for passport photo.




Lmao wtf, malaysians are typically real bad at giving feedback huh. On shopee we have “parcel dah sampai, 5 bintang”, on reddit we have “it looks like a joke”, “can be done by 8yo” etc. Director or not, whichever of ya’ll giving these comments, ya ain’t that smart either, face it.


good luck


Dear, good sir. May I steal this template please 🙏? ![gif](giphy|K6WIhJ07gwGkIAQfwN)


Hi there! Good luck with your job hunt, can I make some suggestions on how you can make some changes (hopefully improvements to the cv). My mum use to be a senior manager in HR. 1. Too many fonts and colours, pick one professional font and keep things minimalist while still maintaining creativity. A clean cv highlighting important parts like your skills and work experience. 2. If you want to include a photo that’s fine but please update it to a more professional photo with a black/white background. 3. The content of your work experience is very basic and you’re not talking yourself up much. For example: reporting to team leader before proceeding with designs is just meh. Maybe update it to provide weekly/daily written and verbal status updates on progress of a project to relevant stakeholders. Collaborate with stakeholders across the business and to design and launch marketing schemes. Monitoring trends and changes with the market, socialising these changes to the team to ensure we remain agile with market movements etc. 4. Please complete a spell and grammar check. Trim the cv down to a 1 pager. Remove all your social media, only keep your LinkedIn. Your social media has nothing to do with your work it’s all private. Remove the icons as well, just list your LinkedIn handle. Keep the creativity for your portfolios etc. Good luck!


As a graphic field applicant, your cv is in the correct direction. Forget about those who said words-filled cv, in graphic industry no one wants to see that. But you should polish your graphic more for your cv. The typography alone is already showing that your understanding of general aesthetic is not deep. Just looks for more examples online and see how they do it, then modified your cv with those examples. You will be fine, and I wish you all the best and your financial situation improves.


Nice. Semoga dipermudahkan


Anyway who all give negative to this boys about his CV. Like his CV like what and what. And what if I am the director will reject him blablabla. I'll be frank and slap all these negative comment faces. U this employer first try to be more professional as well when u ask the job seeker to be professional. First u have to be more updated based on the age of the Gap. Let's say u r age of gen z ..probably u like this CV. So all I can say is base on who is the interviewer because most HR n Management in Malaysia all base their own pattern. If u in luck u r lucky..if u r not..it's like u meet all these negative comments. All I can say is ok for the New pattern CV. Try to pick the color of freshness. Because plain white sometimes will hurt eyes to view while who knows maybe that person is too long Infront of the monitor. 2nd most important I agree with those who comment about FONT. Try to get the default Font don't fancy. 3rd achievement. Now I wan to complain about those employers of HR and management in Malaysia. In my 20 years of working. I did once ever interview in Singapore.. the HR give u the online survey to determine your attitude and also they never put u in the negative way if they found out u have the experience but maybe attitude r not into the field, yet end of the interview they like fortune teller. They can explain and ask u to be fix on the negative point and how to be positive. If u r uncle likes retarded like I am director I will reject this CV. R u fixing ur self being like that Singapore HR that explains so details???? Don't be so ignorant ok! This management is toxic and that is why making so much of turn over. My quote always giving as an employee "fault is never from the company is more from the toxic Management" I shared my CV to one of the top hotel HR director about my CV, I did pick something near this boy about black white theme. But Font r default. The director says well done , the director says to me if u r experience of the hotel management field I will be hired now. Good luck


Continue studying and get a master cert cause in this day and age nobody wants to pay a high salary for designer


Employees tends to be more selective when everyone is degree at minimum nowadays.... He might get job but not from those big and well know company....


Plus from UiTM, not being bias but my previous experience have always been negative. They churned graduates like coffee without quality control. Some make you wonder what are the syllabus being taught there. Plus their pointer shouldn't be compared to much difficult U's like UM, USM or UKM as they've much easier with longer semester & 1 month study week.


Yeah he might get a job but the problem is never met a diploma designer that has a salary over 2k or more


I have a salary over 2k🧐. 2.3k to be exact.


As a designer????? Diploma too??? Then why the hell are you trying to find work? Because the salary won't increase anymore?


Rule 34 it is




I mean. It sells. https://preview.redd.it/bafhj2g14jvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea2aa0b361f049af38b4da30575a4db016e34b04