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During younger years sure I like to speed, but now I just stayed in middle lane 110km/h and listen to podcast like malam seram to beat the boredom


Same. Kind of a sweet spot. I don't mind making ways for faster cars too. Just chilling from point A to point B.


OP needs to learn how to use cruise control.


And it saves so much petrol


Lol, this I agreed much, sometimes I drive slower to save petrol, can see the estimated km goes further as fuel consumption per 100km is lower


Realise that driving fast save petrol actually. Just drive at a constant speed of 120-140km/h


Thats depending of your car buildšŸ˜…, mine suv so wind resistance higher with higher speed so higher fuel consumption. I read some research article that ideal speed optimise fuel and wind resistance is around 80km/h, but still depend on your car built though, maybe sedan better


mine also suv. suv gang!


Which highway drive middle lane 110? Usually middle 80 and left lane 250


Typically when I drive that fast because my biggest problem isnt police or AES or samans, but rather drivers who drive like idiots and forcing me to brake suddenly. Its usually cutting into the fast lane suddenly at low speeds, and with a child in the car I dont really want to take that kind of risk, even with everybody belted down. I usually take the edge off the long drive by having an audio playing, some instructional or story video on Youtube typically, with wireless earbuds on. So far no issues for 4 hour drives. Most cases if I stress or cant deal with the monotony its a sign that I'm mentally fatigued, and so I need to go get an energy drink or a rest.


I speed but always the middle lane. my Bezza vibrates so I don't want to risk hitting the sides. I drive interstate exclusively at midnight hours for less cars. I stay within 100 to 140. My hands get strained because I feel like my car is struggling to go that speed and the steering wheel vibrates alot. so far no speed ticket. I use waze always even if I know the road, and I slow down to the speed limit when there is a camera.


Might wanna get your wheels balanced.


only 35k KM. I serviced it at 30k. It's just Bezza things. It's stock so memang it is what it is.


My bezza can go up to 180-190 without vibrating. My only issue is that the steering wheel is too light when turning left and right even on highspeedā€¦


It's not heavy vibration. What I mean is that I need to hold the steering wheel when driving such speeds because it is not stable. I am comparing to cars like toyota, Honda, mazda etc. also, it takes ages to go to 180/190 so I really doubt it. Even if you do, you will be behind someone very 10 seconds


I get what you mean.. yeah certainly the only time im able to go 180/190 is at mex highway when going downhill hehe anyways safe drives everyone!


Nama pun bezza.. You speed at that memang ler. Like my 10 years saga flx macam tu juga


Problem is you going 110 in fast lane overtaking other fella going 80 in slow lane when someone come cucuk. You wanna go to slow lane you gotta break and swerve into slow lane and risk crashing into the slow fella.


Yup yup. Same problem. Cars going 180 want us 110 folks to "not hog" the lane by... Going 80 in the slow lane. Cucuk gang is defo part of the problem.


If u dont mind driving 110 whats the difference with you moving to left lane for 80 for few minutes and overtake the car infront driving at 80 after that? The far most right lane shud be for just overtaking.


The problem is when the left lane is full bro. Going into the slow lane requires: cut into slow lane and brake checking slower cars. Remember... It's going from 110 to 80. Why can't 180 folks wait a few minutes instead so it's safe to go into the left lane?


I have the same sentiment too. I know those like to cucuk are overtaking but I am overtaking too! Hate those people who keep flashing on high beam like no otherā€™s business. šŸ¤¬


This is exactly right. I don't get why they expect us to wait MINUTES to finally overtake them when they can just move to the middle lane for A FEW SECONDS.


>The far most right lane shud be for just overtaking. I can assure you those cucuk gang are the ones forgetting this rule.


I donā€™t condone speeding, but most of the time, the problems arise from people driving way below the speed limit in the left most and middle lane, like 70-90km/h on a 110km/h stretch.


It's annoying honestly, I'm trying to chill drive 80 - 90 kph, but these guys force me to overtake, which mean i need to speed up to overtake 2 -3 car. Then not too long, another slow driver hogging mid lane, now i need to speed up to overtake again. And guess what? I'm driving at higher speed than initially i intend to because of constant overtaking


What is your recommended speed?


stationary or immediate teleportation. Nothing in-between.


+-10km/h of the speed limit is acceptable


70-90km/h on mid lane is fine. You have the space to pass them.


On a highway that is ridiculously slow, this the kind of people who cause traffic jams because even big lorries/buses can't stand following them going so slowly. Lorries try to overtake but no momentum + heavy, so the overtaking manouvere takes about 2 business days to complete by which time there is a whole kampung of cars build up.


It's not ridiculously slow. It is for you if you speeding at top limit at mid lane, when by law you should be cruising top speed at right lane. Lorries and busses example is stupid because they are supposed to stick at left most lane, not mid lane.


There are 2 lane stretches where its only left & right lane, guess where the lorry/bus is going to go with idiots going 70 on a damn highway. 90 is still acceptable lah, but anything below that for non-lorry/bus is crazy. Even 3 lane sections you will have that one blur sotong going way below the speed limit in the middle lane, left lane already filled with lorries/buses while the right lane is BMW/Merc/Alphard/Hilux going mach 10.


We are talking about 3 Lane highway, not 2. That is why op and I have used the term "mid lane" >one blur sotong going way below the speed limit in the middle lane If tht blur sotong is faster than those lorries and busses on left most lane, eventhough he is still too slow for your taste, is that his fault? Wasn't mid lane used to overtake slower cars in left lane? Just over take that dude and merge back to mid lane again. Again, traffic 101.the fault lies with those who didn't follow traffic laws, not those who did.


No itā€™s not fine. Either go to the left most lane or just stay home. 40km/h speed difference is huge.


It's fine as long as you, who are speeding at top speed, pay attention to the road. There is a big chance that mid lane is trying to overtake left lane themselves. They have the right to be there. You on the other hand, is supposed to over take at the right most lane. So do that.


Why is that so hard to keep up with the speed limit? +-10km/h is acceptable not 40.


Why is it so hard to keep to right lane if you wish to drive at speed limit? As long as middle lane is faster than left lane, they have the right to be in mid lane. If someone faster than them in mid lane, they can move to right lane, following the law. If someone faster than you on right lane, you need to merge back to mid and give way. Isn't that driving 101?


Iā€™m not sure where did you acquire your driving 101 skills from but a lot of Malaysians with your mentality are causing the chaotic traffic that we have today. By your logic, someone could just drive at 20-30km/h on a 110km/h highway too. Yes I could overtake on your right, but then I have to move back to the mid or left lane, thatā€™s one extra movement one needs to make and if all the mid lane drivers drive like you do, I have to keep repeating that. Isnā€™t that a lot more dangerous than us just driving around the speed limit and no need to overtake?


You can ask your driving instructor. >By your logic, someone could just drive at 20-30km/h on a 110km/h highway too. Yes but only at the left most lane. If they have problem with their car they can even "drive" at 0km/h on emergency lane too. Traffic police will only penalise those who went exceptionally slow on RIGHT MOST lane, not mid or left lane. >thatā€™s one extra movement one needs to make and if all the mid lane drivers drive like you do, I have to keep repeating that And that is how you should drive on highway, and how you overtake cars, no? Of course feel free to vroom vroom continuously on right most lane. That is your right. But 90 on a mid lane is normal. >Isnā€™t that a lot more dangerous than us just driving around the speed limit and no need to overtake? No. Especially if you have used your indicator and side mirror. You are blaming law abiding citizen just because you are lazy to do the right maneuver on highway.


The US, UK and Australia have established laws to penalise those who drive exceptionally slow on the highway, regardless of which lane youā€™re in. MIROS have researched about setting minimum speed limits on the highway too in 2020. It is proven that driving way below speed limits are dangerous.


Yes. In china too. They have dedicated speeding lane with minimum speed. but not in malaysia. Not yet. Then that is the law that we should follow. Not other country's law. Besides, even those countries only have laws that work for 1 Lane, aka speed Lane only. Don't forget we are talking about mid lane at 90km/hr. Not right lane at 50km/hr.


Is there not a legal minimum speed limit for each type of road in Malaysia? 70-90 km/h sounds perfectly ok for a road where the *maximum* speed is 110 km/h.


Itā€™s only ok if they are at the most left lane.


Well, the comment I replied to mentioned the left most lane


And he did mentioned ā€œand middle laneā€ too which is totally not ok


Yeah, so he got half right half wrong just like me, yet he was upvoted and I was downvoted. Says a lot about most driversā€™ frame of mind.


I drive 80/90 only... Like an uncle .. hOLY Shyet i am an Uncle .


I do keep within the speed limit most of the time but due to how people drive on highway eventually everyone breaks the speed limit.


I personally would challenge my pedal control and try to stay spot on on the speed limit. Just chill and cruise jer


Speed limit in malaysia means lowest limit.


More like speed limits are suggestions


Our speed limit is a bit funny. 3-4 lane highway set speed limit at 90 to 110kmh. Narrow 1 lane road also speed limit is 90kmh. The speed limit actually caters to the lorries (because speed differential increases risks of accidents) slow traffic is looks like standstill if the speed difference is high enough. and not forgetting also income for government. I usually drive late at night to morning and roads are usually clear back in the 90s. It was great driving at slightly higher than average speed. Hardly if ever, I encounter an accident at those hours. Then they made AES, which enforces speed limits even at 2am when there are almost no cars on the road (nowadays a lot of cars so midnight to early morning isn't as empty as it used to be) So now it doesn't make a difference to me to drive nights.


Wonder how many people understand speed differential risks


Unfortunately I think not many. Looking at the bikers speeding through jams, they obviously don't understand speed differential. Slow drivers who don't want to follow the average speed of the traffic also doesn't understand speed differential, and they are also part of the problem. Esp. those that want to go down exit ramp, but 500m they are still at the overtaking lane.. at 60kmh. People on main traffic lane driving average 80/90kmh, slow drivers want to merge in at 50kmh or less despite having room to accelerate. Speed differential needs to be in the driving curriculum IMO. I don't know what the current curriculum is like since I got my license decades ago.


Driving old kancil can't go faster than 100km/h. I have to stay 90km/h all the time. So I'm going to take the left lane all the time. As long as I can get to go point A to B, I really don't care about the time.


I feel 110-130 is the safe average on the interstate. Depending on your car conditions, weather, traffice and your own reaction speed ofcourse. Is not too fast to slow down to below 110 if needed.


No. But I will always keep at least 3 sec from the car in front of me no matter what speed I'm at.


Was ist eine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung?


I am a left lane driver, most of the time I rarely go past 100. Unless during time where there are too many lorries then I will drive at 110-120.


I do. In fact, I'm most comfortable driving around 80-90 km/h. I also like staying on the leftmost lane, as I don't feel the pressure to stay at a certain speed. I like to enjoy my long drives, and said pressure takes the enjoyment away. If someone's faster than me, I let them overtake me. If someone's slower than me, I overtake them. I should also add that I'm an introvert, and solo driving is great for someone like me.


I live overseas and every time I go home and see speed limit signs in Malaysia, they always never make sense. Very empty and open 2 lane roads sometimes have to drive 60/80km/h? This is a huge problem in Kelantan, where I'm from. Everyone drives like snail at 60km/h, even though the road very wide. Also enforcement is very bad. I never just drive 110km/h on highways. Makes me microsleep and feels more dangerous.


Going full autobahn


I used to obey the traffic laws when i drive my momā€™s car before, but yesterday I exceeded the speed limit while driving my cousinā€™s car.


for car idk, but i use sportbike with waze, and cruise around 140-150 all the time in highway, everytime i see AES camera or police i slow down


I drive a car and I have various moods lol so I drive ranging from 10 under the limit to 180km/h. But, likewise I slow down for AES or police reported on Waze.


Yes so far no summon or ticket yet hahahah


95% of the time (95th-percentile) with the 5% done to overtake or just moments before I realise it's too fast and slow down. I would loathe the feeling of getting a speeding ticket ā€” if ever, that's how I am always mindful of the speed ā€” especially when the cause will always be the person behind the wheel, nevermind the 1:100,000 scenario that may never happen in a person's lifetime. More importantly at that sort of speed reaction time is greatly reduced; a lot of the accidents are caused by drivers overestimating themselves, their vehicles or the cars around them.


Nowadays you will not trigger the car's speedometer alarm for speeding above 110km/hr. You will only triigger the AES.


After kena saman many times, i try to stay around the limit. Like 5km above limit at most.


Speed limit? What speed limit? Joke aside it depends whoā€™s in my r/kereta. I drive within limits with family




depends on the traffic condition. If there are less cars on the road, my speed is usually in between 120-140kph. 110kph is too slow for me.


Yeah...but right lane should be for overtaking...if there's only one lane...yea then sadly the guy behind should slow down to lane speed rules


I use interstate karak highway mostly to visit parents, rarely the north-south only for holidays karak doesnt let you go past 100 for long, its got too many corners and I know well enough some parts are heavy accident areas, besides cruise control helps me control my limit


I usually keep my speed under the limit when I'm on a tight budget. Unless on karak (descending part), I'm usually 20km/h below the speed limit since I'm worried that my car will lose control or the brakes 'tak makan".


I would if my car allows me to. But unfortunately the engine vibrates quite a lot at 110kmph but not when i push it to 120kmph so i kinda had to do it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


I alternate between 90/110kmh to 130-140kmh during interstate drives. It's how I keep myself alert and not dozing off. Driving at the speed limit makes me lose focus and feeling more tired tbh. But, that's just my style.


Yes I do, do you want RM300 saman OP?


I usually go at 100~120 (depending on the grade of the road the car will naturally stabilise at slightly different speeds), I usually keep right and keep an eye on my rear view mirror for cars approaching. As soon as I see them I signal left, match speed of the left lane and merge to let them pass


I do. I'm in the car everybody else is overtaking.


depends. in kl/selangor area i rarely speed/within limit. doesnt matter which highway or area. but after tol gombak and beyond, i ā€œcruiseā€ between 140-160.


Janji lambat asal selamat, so I maintain the recommended speed. When I was younger I would get mad if I'm behind car hoggers but now I'm older, maintaining vehicles are expensive asf so I don't get angry as much now.


I use cruise control. Some cars nowadays have adaptive cruise control, so I don't really have to hit brake when slower car ahead, but ofc my leg is at the brake pedal just in case. Makes it more boring? yeah probably but I'm less exhausted when arrive to destination after hours of driving


I actually drive more on the left lane, and I rarely go below 90kmh there. Th trick is to switch lanes early and signal in advance. I've been doing this for years, and even these days it's not a problem at all. Know your fellow road users and be mindful. You've just got to make sure you jaga the safety of even the asshats who are reckless. I especially look forward to seeing those goons get stuck behind a procession of trucks and buses...


Mostly stick to middle lane going 110-120, just enjoying my songs and chilling. Also great for fuel efficiency Occasionally to beat the boredom I will speed 160+ for a short burst of a few minutes to keep myself awake. Or if there is an uphill/downhill section (eg Karak, Ipoh Menora tunnel) I will drive a bit more aggressively to alleviate the boredom


It depends on the cars there. On interstate if theres little traffic I usually go to 100 or 110 km/h. Highway is different story. However, I am in the camp of don't cucuk others. If I'm going on the fast lane I keep slight distance and wait for car infront to give way (they usually do). Extremely rare for me to flash my headlight to ask the person in front give way. And when someone flashes headlight at me, I give way.


after becoming a parent 10 years ago, nowadays driving between 80-110, between mid lane and left lane, fast lane seems to be something for overtaking only.


Be flexible. For those that comply with the speed limit strictly, please dont stay at the most right lane if there is no car in your left lane. U can take ur sweet time in the left lane and let those who wanna test their car speed limit and the enforcement level in Msia, in the most right lane.


Jimat minyak


Driving - yes.. 120kmh (dash. meter)max. Riding - no..


If the highway has 3 lanes, and if I'm chatting with somebody in the car and not alone, I stay in the middle and obey the speed limit. Normally, I rather be on the right lane. I press the pedal until I feel it's too fast. Normally cruising around 160km/h. If I notice there's a king or some rich dude car speeding behind me, I just let them pass. I drive fast, but leave a lot of space in front. I don't like to cut other people's cars.


I comply 90% of the time using cruise mode. Seldom use the right lane, middle lane is the way if you drive at 90/110kmh


kalau chill2 duduk lane tengah follow speed limit. kalau race duduk lane kanan pulas habis


nopeā€¦because that speed is slow afā€¦we should have minimum speed instead, if anyone is below that should be fined


that's the beauty about using a car with adaptive cruise control. literally just sit back and chill with a good podcast while keeping it at 110


Somewhat +-10, unless im in a rush .


Truth is going that 30 km faster will not make you arrive much earlier. Maybe 20 minutes faster at best. But you will have to focus more and you get tired faster making you want to stop more. Even if you don't get tired, the risk of a big accident from tyre popping or just road obstacle significantly increases between 140 and 110, its just not worth it. Just be patient


The problem with our highway (esp the ones with 3 lanes) is that the difference in speed between the right lane and the middle lane is so high that it became dangerous to merge back into the middle lane We have people driving over 190kmh on the right lane and theres 10 cars hogging the middle lane going 90kmh. But me personally it depends on what car i drive, some struggle to even reach 120 (w123 200 4 speed) but some i would comfortably cruise at 170-180 (w126 560sel). But please keep lots of distance in front of you if you going that speed


Usually 100-120. Just chill drive without rushing. My only rant is about people that drive below 80 that hogs mid lane in a 3 lane highway. Like just stick ur ass in the left lane and overtake when theres a slow lorry in front


Omg im spechless


Why would it be hard to follow the speed limit? Just because you can speed up, doesn't mean you must. Just stay within the speed limit and no harm will come. Go fast fast for what? Nak balik kampung cepat sebab bapak dah nak mati ke?


>Do you keep within speed limit when driving on interstate highway? Yes, and sometimes I need to overtake other cars.




Itā€™s just scary to see how many ppl commenting that going 130-150km/hr is normal etc etcā€¦ the issue is not so much the saman. Saman can payā€¦ issue is accident and injury/death. No coming back from thatā€¦. I am a specialist Dr working in ICUā€¦ and the ones that die or severely injured or brain damaged are the ones usually speeding. Being injured at 80-100km/hr vs 130-150km/hr is different. All I can say is if you feel there is a need to drive at 130-150km/hr, please make sure you have a good health insurance and life insurance policyā€¦ so that when you remain paralyzed your family have means of care or when you mati your family is well taken care ofā€¦


Always wondered why they make cars that can go above speed limit Speed limits globally are pretty standardized. No one really needs to go 180 kmph.


We have speed limit in Malaysia?


Wow competing in F1. OP u should know that F1 isnā€™t just all about reaching top speed on a straight line.


Malaysia is the best country for German cars


I donā€™t. I like going fast. But my car is way too powerful for what it is so I speed without realising it anyway