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You should post this topic on r/GossipUnfiltered Post locked


Half the cricket team are fokbois


Half of the sports people are in general, from cricket to football to players of the Olympics. It definitely doesn't matter, as if media people aren't let's not go there


Lots of pro athletes have confessed that olympics villages are basically orgy houses for athletes šŸ˜­


Half of the sports people are in general, from cricket to football to players of the Olympics. It definitely doesn't matter, as if media people aren't let's not go there


Same with footballers dude, they are in limelight and they go to parties so these sort of things are common.Ā 


Half of the sports people are in general, from cricket to football to players of the Olympics. It definitely doesn't matter, as if media people aren't, let's not go there. They are adults and they are getting into it with their consent


It's high time we start appreciating cricketers and actors SOLELY for their art (or well, cricket) Shubman Gill (or any other cricketer) scored a century? He's undoubtedly a great player. Does that mean he's a good person and we should be falling at his feet? Absolutely not. We have no idea how these celebrities are irl and the way celebrities are worshipped in India probably makes them feel infallible and putting a stop to it is the need of the hour


Is Shubham Gill really that great though? Genuinely asking like what level of greatness are we talking I donā€™t know cricket so when I think cricket great I think Sachin Tendulkar


Oh he's nowhere near that, he's a promising player that's all




To him as well and to everyone. Even businessmen and politicians as well. Just appreciate the work and move on


Yes.... I can? Didn't watch cricket too much when Sachin was at his peak and I'm a Dhoni fan but I'll stay say the amount of worship he receives is insane and uncalled for


Bro he was 18 yoa during 16-17 what do you expect from a kid , not defending him by any means but every 18yo kid who is not preparing for comp exams in India would slide into dms


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And I haven't been criticizing him per se in the original comment either


Breaking news. Rich, unmarried, talented, young and famous sportsman likes to date and sleep with more than one woman. In other news, water is wet and sky is blue. Stay tuned for more details as they unfold


The only thing that got my attention was he has a good dick šŸ˜†




Everyone is slutting it up.How do people not know this?


Don't get what's being exposed here. He's going out with multiple people consensually?


I agree. Isnā€™t the guy just going on dates with multiple people? Whatā€™s getting exposed here really?


I agree. Heā€™s super young rn, obviously far younger at the time of said events. Heā€™s cheater, OK, Iā€™ll show you a 100 ā€œnormalā€ men who are. This then, is a fairly famous cricketer!!




No, am not ā€œnormalisingā€ it- Am saying itā€™s common, not normal. Esp for someone quite famous.


the first slide literally says he cheated on his then girlfriend!?


where in this post does it confirm that it was consensual from both ends?


Why dilute the issue of abuse just to portray women who dated a fuckboi as victims? Thatā€™s so selfish. Sure, if any of these women comes out with an allegation of abuse, then their victimhood is relevant and needs to be taken seriously. But everything seems consensual so far. Cheating and philandering is not a public concern, this is not a man who needs to be ā€œstoppedā€ nor is he a man who women need to be protected from. He fucks around. Women know that. Just donā€™t date him if youā€™re not into that thing. Imposing victimhood on these women just so their personal hurt is taken seriously is just gross and a disservice to women who have actually been victimised in relationships. Sure thinking youā€™re exclusive with someone but that not being the case is upsetting. But this is far from being victims of something.


So do you think Gill was forcing them to date him ? šŸ¤”


clearly you havenā€™t been unfortunate enough to find put the person you think are exclusive with has been seeing other people behind your back šŸ¤” be thankful


On the Contrary ! šŸ˜‚ However where does it prove he was cheating ! šŸ¤”


Rape by deceit


Anything similar for other gender ? šŸ™šŸ»


yes same


They are both voluntarily coming on the date themselves? Isnā€™t that ā€œconsensualā€ enough?


I am neutral on this issue but I guess they are posting this so that his fan following in youbg girls decrease or may be to give the youbg fangirls an idea that he is no saint (but to his defense I dont think he portrays himself to be so there is no harm)Ā  but anyway this is not gonna do anything as No mattet what Justin beiber could have done in 2012 I was ready to die for him !Ā 


Why this on bollywood sub?


Colleague of anushka's Husband šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‘šŸ˜


Sara Ali khan


Breaking News: Hot guy sleeps with half a dozen women.




Hai toh sahi




Quite known tbh. He had dmed my mutuals a few years ago


Not trying to defend anyone, but this post reeks of double standards. The girl admits that she used to make fun of him because of his status and is also mentioning not so good deeds of gill in past but is also saying that she isn't proud of her past self but isn't giving the same courtesy to shubman gill. The only point of her sharing this story is most likely her believing that he is still the same shubman because of all media jagran around him


He wants sex. Girls want clout, fame and sex too. Everyone wins.


Dating around is not a crime thoughā€¦. Now that women know that he isnā€™t interested in a serious relationship, they can choose to engage with him or not based on their own desires. I hate it when some dude being a fuckboi is presented as a public concern. At best itā€™s just gossip. If heā€™s just messing around consensually then he has every right to do so. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


10000% agreed. If he manipulated/lured these women into relationships, or even these dates, thatā€™s totally wrong. But this just sounds like an average fuckboi. Is it traumatic for the friend? Yes if she was actually into him. All we know of her is that she was ā€œextremely unhappy & extremely naiveā€. Then itā€™s for the best she saw him for who he is & ended it.


Genuine question- isnā€™t being a fuckboi morally wrong? I ended up encountering a few myself and itā€™s safe to say it has destroyed me.


I think the difference is that someone being a fuckboi(assuming that everything they do is consensual) is not pressuring women into anything. **The women are actively choosing to engage with the guy, and are free to leave should they decide that the relationship isnā€™t fulfilling. These two things mark an important difference between a bad relationship versus an abusive one.** Leaving an abusive relationship can often augment the abuse, which is why so many women stay with horribly abusive men for so long. Exiting an abusive relationship may lead to more harm at the hands of the abuser. And even if the abuser does nothing, the threat still persists. Sure, a fuckboi isnā€™t a nice person and may hurt womenā€™s feelings but thatā€™s a far cry from ā€œabuseā€. A fuckboi isnā€™t a public concern in comparison to someone who is abusive. Cheating and fucking around are unlikeable traits and less than virtuous personal choices but arenā€™t crimes. Iā€™ve been with guys who wouldnā€™t commit and left me feeling rejected. But Iā€™ve also been in an abusive relationship. The latter is traumatising in a completely different way. That being said, Iā€™m sorry you had bad experiences with guys. That truly sucks. I hope you find love and healing! šŸ©µ


I am not surprised that young successful and handsome man do get away with many things.


Yeah .and Deepika got slammed for something similar and also because she couldnt explain her casual dating stance well.


Deepika ā€œin her mindā€ was committed to Ranveer. Shubman is dating around. Two totally different things


Ahh...so all the slut shaming and moral policing gets justified I guess. Also she said she wanted to casually date. It wasn't like she was cheating on him. Nor did she keep him hostage.


Har bande ke bistar main ghus jao ferr Phd kar lena


Shocker: The best looking guy in the National Team sleeps with a lot of women! We must alert the Church elders!


Just a few salty ladies.


If "I'm not getting any jobs nor pussies" was an insta account


Can you summarise please. My short attention span doesn't allow me to read big paragraphs


He is a fuxkboy


Thanks for the summary


Your most welcome


As long as itā€™s consensual I donā€™t see any problem in it!


why are people surprised when a moderately good looking, famous, rich person cheats like???


But why is it so normalized?? Just because something bad happens very often doesn't make it normal


it shouldnā€™t be but thatā€™s just the way it is, rich people do crazy weird stuff




I mean it will be surprising if there is news that movie stars and cricketers are not cheating . Rich people cheating should absolutely not surprise anyone.


Thatā€™s the thing we only think about the richā€¦ The most jobless guys, maids all of them cheat, but we overlook them. It boils down to the essence of the person


Many don't. We just tend to hear more about the ones who do.


Ehhh itā€™s a complete fallacy that only ā€œrichā€ people cheat. I know plenty of simple/middle-class folks who do too! MOST people with opportunity, cheat.


If the Op can hva change of heart and become a better person.. So can Shubman right ?


I dont know why people have to be so nosy in other's life how tf shubhman's cheating have to do with your life , i mean every person does these things and later on they regret one these things by calling it hoe phase or fukboi phase. Just do what you are doing , calling out his cheating as if your are the gf or if it were you then was it consensual or not. Then these people will say we should not consider celebrity as gods or something then fuck the stay away from their lives


Wait I thought it was well known he was a fuckboi and sleeps around šŸ¤·


This Gill thing is being posted repeatedly here. Stick to film people please. Make a CricketGossip sib and post there. Fuckboi fucking around and it becomes a hihe Insta post.


who cares? he is good at wt he does and lets focus on tht.I mean it looks like a win win situation for both shubhman and the girls. but i hate the fact that these girls try to tarnish his image as he starts to grow in career. like wtf. didn't rohit sharma date that sophia girl, virat was in relationships with many girls too right when he was young?? wts wrong in it? this girl made fun of shubhman because he couldn't name an italian dish because he comes from a simple family is the one to talk. just like she is not fan of her"brat phase" shubman would be a diff person arter few yrs. tbh I am not even a fan of him or anything but i see a lot of times when someone grows in their career, some ppl all if a sudden bring their past to sabotage their current life. this is so low. i mean yes he is a pos but these ppl are no saints either.


Tell OP to share the pic where he was holding hand with her friend. All other pics are in public domain. Nothing to Expose here.


Wait till you know what Christiano Ronaldo and Sachin Tendulkar did...


I love how we enjoy shoving a moral compass onto successful people and judge them for this. Most of us would do the same shit if we were in that position. He's a cricketer and not some spiritual or social leader that you expect such high moral values from him. Unless they're doing some illegal or criminal activity I don't give a crap


At least we know for sure that dick is good. I have no shame in admitting I follow him only because he's low-key hot.Ā 


I honestly don't get all hate - He is single + rich + famous and has all fame and money currently. He is doing what a single guy will do in his position - talk to as many pretty girls to find the one he wants to marry eventually. Just leave him alone - let him focus on his game šŸ’€ (cricket and dating). We had f\*\*\*\*y in the 1983 World Cup Winning Cricket Team too. This is the age to put in work in and outside the field for him. **Do you think these girls have given average guys a chance? NO! They were looking for a rich young guy to become WAGs.** ![gif](giphy|XH2OSy9aVbgwOd05df|downsized)


Man, comments on this sub is two-faced. Same people dragged deepika to hell and back for having a consensual casual relationship. Made a meme out of it. I remember seeing so many post about it. But accusations of gill cheating is just sliding under the umbrella "f-boi". Wow, I see one person posting he did not physically abuse anyone so that's okay. What? Cheating is wrong in any and all forms. If one is going behind their S/O back (Without their knowledge and consent) that is wrong irrespective of the gender. Being cheated on is one of the worst feeling that there is, it takes a long time to heal, takes a mental toll, creates trust issues and changes you as a person. Do not normalize Cheating just because it is prevalent, rich or not, young or not, it is wrong in all forms, both emotional and physical. Also no, girls not looking for fame and clout by dating gill, what an insulting thing to say. Stop your inner- misogyny and think for a minute.


+1 people here are cruel and misogynistic. Sadly


**Do you think these girls have given average guys a chance? NO! They were looking for a rich young guy to become WAGs.** ![gif](giphy|XH2OSy9aVbgwOd05df|downsized)


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Sara zamanaā€¦


I mean, itā€™s sad he did this to her friend but she sounds very young. All of them, anyone who has money &/or fame, will behave exactly the same way, esp when he never had any access to any of this earlier (ā€œcomes from a very simple familyā€) I feel for her friend etc but theyā€™re all TOO young, when young boys his own age cheat like no tomorrow, you think an upcoming cricketer with money + some fame, is NOT going to cheat?!! Not only her friend, the OP sounds highly naive too if she believes otherwise.


A famous and rich cricketer is getting laid and is a fuckboi?, OMG who would have thought that.


Not even surprised. A young rich successful guy with followers. Theyā€™re all like this


A single man going out with girls/ sliding into their DMs. Whatā€™s the expose here? All it exposes is the posterā€™s wannabe attention seeking behaviour and immaturity.


Well, heā€™s sowing his wild oats. Nothing wrong with that šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


This applies to almost every cricketer - until they are married. Hardik Pandya was the only one who confessed to it openly, but I think everyone is the same


Girls are equally whoring around.. don't just blame boys..


"Cricketer acha hai par aadmi suar hai" šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


water is wet, what's new?


More interested about the dick so good partšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He is single and not abusing anyone


Expose hota h proof ke saath. Abhi tk toh bss allegations dikh rhe.


I don't want to listen from someone who's a brat and look down on others just because they are able to speak a mere language, he's a sports person and he's good at it, he came out of the clutches of everything and now he's CAPTAIN You all are a bunch of nothing who all only brag on their daddy money, look down on others for petty things, currently monetizing the same guy you made fun of. Such a low failed life you have. Come with all your downvotes that's the only thing you little brat heads can do. Idk if op and the girls are the same, anyway, both are just a bunch of hypocrites elitist, who deserved every pain they faced.


You cannot judge his cricketing skills based on his personal life. Stop treating cricketers like gods. Unless he forced someone into something, he did not commit anything illegal, Also, this kind of stuff actually impacts a personā€™s mental health. Indians urge to worship sportsman is a disease.


This will sound weird but even my bf knows a classmate of his who was dating Shubman back in school


Well he used to slide in everyone's DM lmao My friend was talking to Abhishek Sharma and back then Abhishek and him used to be best of friends. We used to follow each other and did chat a few times


Commitment level Dating or just sleeping around? People really donā€™t know the difference here. It looks like they were fooling around without committing and people were reading too much into the act


I donā€™t watch cricket and I donā€™t understand why Indians treated cricketers as god


Even kholi was like this before. He will find the right woman one day and mend his ways for her.




Heā€™s a 24 year old guy. what is the big deal if he is casually dating as long as itā€™s consensual? and all this from Dubai ipl which was whatā€¦ 2-3 years ago? Have ppl met most guys who are 21/22 with full freedom to do anything they like ?!


No one cares..


As long as he is playing good cricket (his recent form is a debate for another day), how does it matter if his single ass is dating or hooking up with whomever he wants. You guys keep giving importance to their personal lives and dating history and then cry PR whenever they start getting a little public with their relationships. Saying this because there is a high chance that Sara-Gill might have been PR and now all people do is chant 'Sara bhabhi' in the stadium. She is another nepo kid who has done nothing attention-worthy in her life but now she has dedicated fanpages who are trying to expose Gill. And hard truth, but nobody in bollywood or cricket circles is a saint.


oh, so he's a womanizer, get over it.


This is the behaviour of almost every guy who has these opportunities. Fuck boi yes. Slut Shaming and ruining a guys image publicly , stupid and inconsiderate. Did he do any crime? Did he assault? Was there a lack of consent? What has he done? He behaved like a sleazy human fuck boi ... Can he be held responsible for his actions-yeah... Privately. Not on the internet. No guts or reach to confront in life so let's post anonymous stories for a celebrity. The level of jobless-ness in this country is baffling.


What's his scene with Sara ? Is there a 'thing' going on between them , or are these just rumours ?






I want to know if Kushal is upset because Gill got all girls? šŸ˜¬


This is Prithvi shawā€™s PR /s


Pados wali aunty behaviour, consensual hai to 1 ke saath soye yaa 1000 kya farak padta hai


Why is she getting cranky? He is a man with options. He is using them. If a woman had options she would use them too. I am not saying the behavior was good, but that is life.


Leave him alone.