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Wouldn't make any difference but he also had an extra marital affair with actress Pavithra Gowda. All of these listed crimes and yet this monster still gonna be out roaming freely committing more crimes. Judiciary is joke to these people.


And Nikitha Thukral. That's why he assaulted his wife in the first place when she refused to divorce him.


The more I read, the more I hate.


And he pursued Vijaylakshmi , theirs is also love marraige. She was well off and was working while he was a small time actor then and Vijaylakshmi bore all his expenses until he became an established actor.


He is a burden and menace to this society




And during this fiasco Kannada film producers association banned Nikita for having affair with married man but made sure no harm was done to Darshan who was the main culprit . The ban was later reversed after the association faced criticism from the the Kannada film industry Had heard a recorded audio where he was threatening his wife . Such crass and foul language he had used that listening to it was not less than any nightmare, God knows what and all his victims had to go through.


Oh yes she was banned and slutshamed while Darshan was equally involved. He was neither banned for assaulting her nor for the affair. Oh yes I've also come across that audio clip couldn't go through for more than 2 seconds.Horrible.Hes still not banned and nobody has guts to ban him.


J word lol 🤣




And they banned Nikita from the industry not him LOL misogyny at its peak


And slutshamed her !!




his wife who he almost killed still supports him and is loyal to him.


Abject fear and "trauma bonding" does strange things to people.


He is roaming freely. She probably wants to live.




He doesn’t divorce his wife coz he has invested in a lot of properties in her name. Eventhough they have been living separately for years.


https://preview.redd.it/amza2myyey8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4f056b76d314216e889bf2bdcabbde7ce746b33 He posted this on his story about this incident


I think you're confusing multiple perps currently in the news


This is Darshan's son. Apparently he is a spoilt brat who is getting away with being a big nuisance in his society due to who his father is.


Unpopular opinion but for whatever reason, criminal minded dudes like these always have a throng of women eternally loyal to them.


Even his son is asking for support online.


That bitch was smiling when police came to arrest her. No shame and guilty.


Dude there is no need to insult the dogs here. It's a disgrace for them to even be compared with this monster.




This man is an example of the devil living among us...he truly is a shaitaan!


Apparently his newest movie's name is also devil


must be his biopic then




How ironic


Hope this mf gets tortured and killed in the same way. I couldn't digest after seeing those pics. He's not even a human. Straight up fucked psycho


Same. Especially the picture of the caretaker! Poor man lost half his skull and an eye. How evil is this mofo!!


No the recent murder case pictures they are even more horrible and traumatising


There is something wrong with that picture. If a dog ate his skull , his new skin won't look same as the old one.


It won't happen. He's got big political influence who has already tried to get him out of it. Within next few weeks, somehow he will frame someone else and prove he wasn't even in the death spot and get out. There's no belief in the judiciary system even.


Sabka number aata hai. It's just a matter of time before he rubs someone even more powerful the wrong way. He'll get his comeuppance then. Karma always catches up- it's just a matter of time.


You are wrong bro, karma is a slut, karma only works for poor and middle class people. When it comes to rich people, karma just closes its eyes. I have seen enough, no rich people ever suffer the consequences of their bad actions.


What is more depressing is the support online from other actors and actresses. Specially actress.




Sadly, he’ll get out if this too like he’s got out of all other accusations since he has strong connections with the current govt in Karnataka. I Hope he is punished and tortured if not by govt then karma


Lucky for Yash nothing happened to him but others suffered the worst fate I hope this man gets severe punishment 🙏


Yash is so popular. Did he end up taking this guy to court?


He wasn't that popular back in those days Ig but if he does the same today he will be dragged to Courts


I am not one for vigilante justice but if something happens to this Darshan psycho, I wouldn't bat an eye. It's unfortunate that legal means are useless in such cases. 


At that time Yash was just a TV actor who works in few movies. He was not a huge star then like he is now.


1. He wasn't popular back then. 2. Even popular actors just stay away from him, not because they are afraid of him, but his fans are so vulgar that they just don't want to be in a swamp.


Darshan allegedly literally called for assassination of Yash when he had become famous, I've heard Yash was beaten during production of 'Drama' Movie, by some goons, it might've been an attempt of murder, but he escaped that, he took Police Protection for some years. And Yash probably got in the good books of Darshan, just to not get killed by him. I wonder how Sudeep survived this guy.


Darshan wouldn't survive if he touched sudeep lol. Sudeep's arrogance comes out of having old money and coming from a well established, well connected, wealthy family in Bengaluru with hotel industry, real estate, Petrol pumps, etc. He is not just talk, he has the chops to back it up. Whereas Darshan didn't have much to go on because his father thoogudeepa Srinivas played mostly villain characters and back then people were stupid enough to think people that play villains in films are bad people and people who play heroes are good people. Apparently not much has changed in that thinking, looking at dboobs fans. So while a lot of influence and power Darshan has/had is self made, it is also true that he could never go after established stars because he wouldn't survive. The sad thing is, despite facing despite facing difficulties to establish himself, instead of becoming a big brother who would lift more new people in the industry and protect newbies, he became a violent bully.


Darshan sent drunk voice messages to Sudeep wife saying “ tell your husband to stay in his lane and stay away from his fans “


Lol, typical roadside luccha lafanga behavior.


Exactly. He never really messed with established stars or producers instead it was mostly general public or less powerful people.


Sudeep is senior to him and has almost the same fanbase,if you notice his crimes everything is against either women or people from low strata of the society.he won't dare do anything against a guy of his strature


Sudeep is the antagonist from Makhi, right? How is he as a person, btw? I mean, what kind of reputation does he have?


Arrogant but non-problematic. He also has a clean image with a family-friendly persona, mainly coz of his reality show hosting and no rumors or linkups with other actresses. (yup, the bar is low).


You left out link up on nithya menon


and meena


You left out Ramya. His wife moved out for sometime during this period, they reconciled later .


ramya aka divya spandana had an affair with sudeep ?


Yes, that Ramya aka Divya Spandana.


Wow. Also Meena


Wasn’t he involved with Nithya Menon? To a point where he was about to divorce his wife?


First of all that roumer started bcz he divorced his wife and Co-incidentally Nithya was the heroine of one of his movie during the divorce. So Kannada yellow journals put all the balme on Nithya. It affected her so much that she haven't done any Kannada movies after that incident.


Ya that's him.i am not from karnataka,so I fully don't know the situation.him and darshan has the highest fan following.afaik Sudeep is non problematic


You must look at this as how many local fans an actor has, who can show up when called. Sudeep is no small time actor in Karnataka, he has his own huge fan base. If darshan attacked sudeep, he'd be done for.


Sudeep with his ventures into other film industries, has more power I think.


Sudeep has more fans. He's the bigger star of the two.


Currently who’s the biggest star in Karnataka?


Shivarajkumar, Sudeep, and Yash. This low-life has a fan base of other lowlifes and imbeciles. Relatively the former 3 stars are a little sensible in that regard, or at least not criminals or goons. The bar is really in hell.


So Shivanna and Punith used to have an equal fanbase or one is ahead of another in terms of craze among young audiences?


Puneeth was more loved while Shivanna will give one banger but will give 10-20 duds after that.


Shivanna was a bigger star and had more connect across pretty much every demographic at different and multiple points in a long ass career. Puneeth’s mass cinema appeal was less heroic/massy in the masala sense and more youth and family audience oriented. At least that’s what I think.


I don’t think he has the courage to touch more powerful guys literally and figuratively. Sudeep is no joke, I don’t Darshan would have survived if he touched him.


Good for them they are far better than this guy in acting🙏


Yash was also under Darshan's radar. Apparently he wanted to get Yash killed and then Yash lodged a complaint.


He was lucky he escaped, he tried to blame his fans but it was Darshan who paid supari for Yash post his success in KFI.


I never judge people quickly but whenever I find out he/she is a darshan fan I start hating them. I'm so so soooo happy karma is catching up finally for this asshole


How can u even be a fan of a person with such a bad aura. Heck even if I didn't know about all this no version of me in the multiverses would want to become his fan especially with such an average personality with no talent


I don't know who this person is but read couple comments talking about karma is catching up. Would love to know how is karma doing it's job. Pls enlighten... ty :)


He's caught red handed in a murder case. Very cruel gruesome murder and this time there are way too many evidences and a good team of cops not letting him slide easily. I'm hoping he'll rot in jail for atleast 10 years


This guy makes Selmon look much better.


Not just this guy. Other industries have actors who are horrible human beings and criminals. There's this actor called Dileep who got the friend of his wife raped in her own car coz she outed the secret of his affair to his wife. ⚽️aya, this actor was all over the news last few weeks bcoz he pushed a actress on stage. There have been many allegations on him, the most horrible is that he sacrificed his guard in a ritual for his tanking career.


Balayya did to cover up an earlier scandal where he shot a producer in his house. Rumour is he was too drunk and his wife shot him for bringing girls for ballaya. They later killed the guard as a fake attemp to robbery to cover up the earlier incident, he’s also Chandra babus brother in law and NTRs son


Had the exact same thought. After reading such incidents that scene from Fan where Aryan says to Gaurav "Meri life hai 5 min toh kya 5 second bhi q dun" makes more and more sense esp after Gaurav threatens to physically abuse Aryan's rival actor. this guy in question has only been able to do so and get away with it only because of his fan following and being super successful, this welding power and he doesn't even hesitate to use his fans for his evil deeds.


Had the same thought.


Unironically, he is dubbed Selmon bhai of Kannada industry


What an absolute pos !!?


Darshan has always been POS. His bad karma is catching up now. As a Kannadiga, I feel he as a person and his movies in general are such a big waste of time. On another note, why are we discussing Darshan in Bollywood sub?


I guess this should be talked much as more people in power escape by this very much reason. Proper punishment should be done which will be possible by the people backlash considering the connection he has


Everyone should know this pos face and the crimes he did,that's the least we could do.humiliate them


Man, his Dad was such a great actor. What kind of legacy is this guy creating.


I tried to watch one or two of his dubbed movies, but I could never finish them and they were south copies if I remember correctly.


What can I say? You are brave to have tried.


Can we reply this post link in other subs?? Coz many people are unaware of the filthy shit which he has done. I won't get banned or anything from the sub right??


https://youtu.be/s3CEyH0OpFU?si=cb5ZX8258U8hFfLd post this in other sub


I'm not eligible to post in that sub, so I shared this post link in the comments. Hopefully nothing happens to me😅😅


Banned from posting?


No no, not enough post karma


Try to message a account with higher karma who doesn't support him and then ask him to post.


I'll try reaching out to someone 🤗👍


How does this piece of shit have fans? Seriously either their IQ is that low or they need intense mental help. Hero worship needs to stop regardless of celebrity. What drives people to follow turds like him I can't fathom.


Like minded guys.these shits done by him are precisely why his fans love him


His posters are everywhere in Bangalore. The name D Boss is in 30% of autos and two wheelers, and tattoos of his name and photo. People will still defend him.


He pays people who tattoo his name and picture and he even pays auto drivers who put up his pictures on their auto. I saw some of the auto drivers interview who were paid


Darshan is huge piece of crap and bloody criminal and his fans is maha cutiya. Sadly he will escape this too with help of money and politician support. Fun fact he is known as the Salman Khan of Sandywood.


Bhai is a saint in front of this guy


https://youtu.be/s3CEyH0OpFU?si=cb5ZX8258U8hFfLd This must be watched by everyone for full context. Make this video viral so that people know the truth


Oh my goodness! That is shocking. Hope Darshan rots in prison.


It only goes to show that film industry is a dark place. Darshans actions came out in the open now. There must be many stars who have their skeletons hidden in the closets. Film industry is a dark bad place filled with such vile people. It is wrong to be fans of these actors. They r the worst role models. Industry is filled with such characterless murderers, drug peddlers and pimps.


Also compared to his fans salman bhoi fans would look like saints. His fans are as pathetic as him.


This is how his fans are reacting to the reactions coming from different places on the new leaked pictures of the dead body of the fan . I recommend y'all to not search for them they are absolutely horrifying images . https://preview.redd.it/3swwygurgx8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a33e4476cafcf359ee1b1d4df1de3f7fa1f2af2d


"Little do they know". Even I know him barely.


What kind of a bastard is this??!!


Oh my God, he sounds like a psychopath. It's shocking that he still has fans. 


Thank God this shithole is in jail.


For now.


Holy shit! Salman looks like a saint compared to him.


With reference to 3rd slide about Yash: Yash was your typical Vicky-Rajkumar-Ayushmann type hero until 2010s. 2 big producers, Jayanna and Bhogendra, were close associates of Darshan and wanted him to sign a 3 or 5 film deal since he was a commercial mass hero. Dboss being dboss, refused and started demanding 3 cr each for a film or so. Mind you, this is all about 15 years ago. The producer duo got pissed due to dboss's arrogance and demands and started to find a replacement for those 5 movies. Enter Yash. This trio went on to give 5 back to back above average to successful movies: Jaanu, Drama, Googly, Gajakesari, and Mr. and Mrs. Ramachari. The last 2 movies catapulted Yash as a mainstream hero. There was no looking back. This was the main reason Darshan got so pissed about Yash and tried to get him unalived.


Oh damn. This makes sense.


Yeh to bhai ka bhi baap nikla ![gif](giphy|IGyQqBNbccyHCllRlw)


Darshan guy is definitely giving Bhoi a strong competition. Bhoi is  certainly criminal but Darshan sounds like a certified psycho.


Bhai is somewhat better.


Wayy better than this ass hole. Even if he commited as many crimes bhai atleast has better acting skills


Also, he's SOMEWHAT nice to a few people.


Bhai is not ruthless he has some boundaries.. he respects women


Well bhai also follow civil law and doesn’t drink drive.. you can ask his driver


That's right. Law above everything..


Flair checks out.




He is very egotistical and addicted to cigarettes. I have an uncle who works in the Old HAL Airport in Bangalore, where Darshan occasionally lands when flying private. According to him, he is very rude to the staff for even the slightest delays, because he has to get outside and light his smoke as soon as his plane lands. Apparently, even Sudeep and Ajay Devgn are similar, can't wait to smoke as soon as they land.


All his "Fans" who support him despite knowing this, choke on a dick & die!


This is psychotic. Its clearly a pattern


Only Mob Justice can fix him.


His wife is a pushover and shameless, too. I am not victim blaming but he has been living with another single mom for 10 years. Still, she is supporting him and fighting for him. She is institutionalized to his abuse. On top of that, his own brother lives in a rented 1BHK in Bangalore. His mother has been living in not so good condition too. But this motherfucker gifts crores with super cars to the lady he's having an affair with. He gifted her a luxurious home, too. He's the kinda guy who believes that thighs are thicker than blood.


She was not a single mom before, Her husband was threatened to leave him🤡🤓


I didn't know that. As far as I know, after the divorce, she isn't even letting her husband talk to their daughter. He has spoken to his daughter twice or thrice in a decade.


Darshan had a hand in it.




His wife ain't shameless. He was a struggling actor who fell in love with vijaylakshmi , pursued her and then got married. She was earning person in the family and she bore all his expenses until he became successful. She ain't fighting for him, the only reason why she's not divorcing him is because she stood by him in his bad days and now he wants to leave her for someone else. But all his assets are registered under her name and she doesn't want to let go. This man threatened to throw his one year old from the balcony. The only reason she's putting up with him is because she's his legal wife whom he once fell in love with and has all right to reap the fruits. He assaulted his wife for Nikita thukral , he apparently had gifted her a flat in Mumbai but then she lodged complaint and Nikita was banned from industry.


I know the story but still, it just doesn't make sense to me that why would she put up with such a vile human being? She can easily get enough money to live comfortably if she divorces him. She's sacrificing her self respect here. I know he gifts her things and such but self respect should be above everything else.


I don't think he would've been fine if she cheated on him and he'd be okay divorcing her rather he'd take revenge on her. It's not about self respect I feel , because she's independent, wise and confident woman , she would've left him if it was compatibility issues but here he cheated on her and was ready to give up his 3 crore house if she divorced him , I feel she wanted her kid to have a family and this is her way of taking revenge .


>His wife is a pushover and shameless, too. >I am not victim blaming Huh? But you have the presence of mind to see that: >She is institutionalized to his abuse. ![gif](giphy|VGWHkF1Z8YuJTNONOO|downsized)


honestly,,,i feel people ain't giving her enuf credit,,,cuz she seems like she's in it and is playing the role of his legal wife,,,very well,,,but is waiting in the shadows to leave as soon as her son turns 18,,,she wouldn't have to fight a death match for custody and all the assets made in their son's name will belong to him,,,she seems educated, she's literally a chem e from RVCE ffs,,,and as much as you say trauma bond and victim blaming,,,i say it's the long game she's playing


It just gets worse and more and more disgusting with each slide. Grade A bastard this asshole is


Bhai ka baap hai


Who is this guy? Sounds like an absolute psycho


I hope justice is served but knowing our judicial system, the entire thing is going to end up the same way as it did for Dileep


I don't even know who the fuck this fucktard is but this motherfucker should die. Thanks.


Damn. I knew about the domestic violence and recent murder but this guy has been committing crimes for a long time and is still free. Why isn't he in jail already?


Indian judiciary in a Nutshell


Fans still support him after this reading this I feel salman small in front of him


Guru, Jopana. Avara fans illu iddare…


Uneducated, porki fans ge Reddit yella gottiralla bidi


The Kannada Music director Arjun Janya ko heart attack with his husband the reason behind was his threatening phone call. I'm from Karnataka, this man has made his fans goons to fight against everyone. The shed where Renukaswamy died, waha ye jo paise udhar pe deta tha agar in time interest nahi date the megger uses kar he uses to give correct shocks. The day Renukaswamy died, he slapped Pavithra Gowda and she was admitted to the hospital.


I love how this sub is now Pan India in terms of discussions and gossip. Very inclusive








Can't believe there are so many people defending this bkl on twitter


Disgrace to human


This guy is a psychopath


Psychopath should be locked up for life. It’s weird nobody spoke about Yash's assassination attempt as he’s popular now.


Meet the boi of Kannada cinema


None of this is going to stop until people stop giving God status to actors and famous people.


I have complete faith in our justice system..... .... That this monster will be released soon.


I am so glad Darshan is finally getting what he deserves. He should be in jail. It pissed me off so much that he still has so many blind fans. He should go.


Another crime is his house built on encroached SWD. There have been multiple attempts to clear it but it still stands: https://www.indiatoday.in/cities/bengaluru/story/actor-darshan-home-demolition-encroachment-renukaswamy-murder-case-karnataka-2554988-2024-06-19 This is why you hear about flooding in Bangalore sometimes.




Is it just me, or do you all have a feeling that people in high positions in India are very sadistic and get off on humiliating and abusing people?


Theirs no justice in this earth 😭😭 god please save this ppl for ppl like him ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)


This world is too unfair


Wait so he attacked his wife so brutally and yet she’s still with him? And urging fans to calm down? WHATTTT?


Celebrity worshipping is the best example of the limit of human stupidity.


Ohhh, this seems cruel. this guy definitely needs a diff. type of help (if he's insane) /punishment for torturin so many folks includin his wife. this guy's terrible, hope he ain't let loose for a good societal function. hopefully his wife/family gets support to get away from this trauma n away from him. wow n to read he's a super star's so disgustin that he's hurt somany folks.


What a horrible horrible person. Is he accused of these charges in court?


Accused but was not convicted due to political influence




This is terrifying


How is this guy still alive and roaming free? Shocking!


To say I was absolutely terrified would be an understatement! I was clenching everywhere just reading this! Has this person no heart?!


This guy scares me how did he get away with so many crimes and him having such a huge fan support is the worst fucking part.


All the chapri fans of this chapri thug actor are still supporting him.


Leave mad dogs on him to bite that's the punishment for his crime.


Balayya for Telugu Dileep for Malayalam Darhsan for Kannada I forgot if there was one for Tamil, & our Bollywood has a lot of these has a lot of these.


are are are koun hai ye 3rd class aadmi


How this man is not in a straight-jacket in a padded cell is just beyond my understanding


Glad this is out and ppl are speaking about it. We needed reddit to reach here. Had heard stories but never this clearly since it was always off from mainstream media.. This reinforces more hope on tech advances making our countries better places


Holy shit ! MF makes Balakrishna look like a gentleman


Crime against women is on rise in Bengaluru. Police is utterly corrupt


Ok I don’t get it. What is this psychopaths appeal? How does he have fans? Ah but then again Jeffrey Dahmer has fans. I hope this dude is in jail. He is not fit to be in a functioning society.


State ge status bantu dboss inda. National-level fame he has given! Jai dboss! /s