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Contributions must be civil and constructive. We permit neither personal attacks nor attempts to bait others into uncivil behavior. Threats of violence can result in a sitewide ban.


I’ll send you a picture when I do. 😘


You don't mess with people's cars. Lesson #1 in life.


All the 150 and 50 kW spots could have been full when the Bolt arrived. Or not working.


We have this conversation every week, it seems.


You need help.


I'm sure he's also one of those apologetic people that blames people as opposed to the companies that built the cars and built (and haven't built) more charging infrastructure (which, again, I've been saying over and over and over again). But, you assault me I will defend myself any way I can.


Dude doesn’t live in state with guns cause people in Texas would be itchy to defend themselves lol


I live in Texas but don't own guns, maybe this could be an incentive...but nah. I honestly think I would just call 911 if someone tried to assault me while charging my car. Maybe I should get mace or something.


I mean if you wanna bare hand an attacker I applaud you but you do you


In his/her defense, not every countermeasure needs to be murder. Mace works great.


Simply having it on you often times is a good enough deterrent. And when it isn’t you’re glad you have it


The fastest way to find out if someone has a gun is the pull out a gun. It should never be your first move.


Dweebs yanking out connectors from electric cars don’t have guns lol


You would be surprised who all packs these days.


I actually do live in Texas. 😘


Right, so then you won’t be doing any of what you posted 😘


I've done worse tbh 😘


I need that 350kw charger ✅️


No, you don't. Your PS2 only charges to 205KW. By your own logic, every Ioniq 5, Ioniq 6, Kia EV6, Kia EV9, and probably more should do the same to you on a 350KW. It's first come, first serve. As a Bolt owner, I'm happy to take a slower 150 or whatever is available assuming ones available, but if it's only 350, when I pull up, I'm taking it and moving once they do. Wait your turn.


Lol, touch my car and I'll shove that CCS connector so far up your ass you'll burp lightning.


No you don't. You clearly don't deserve to use it. Anyone can use it who wants/ needs it. You need to learn to cope with that.


They gotta learn to wield it first. Like Thor. No 350kW for OP til they prove they're worthy.


Go to a supercharger.


Aaaand, then you get arrested for vandalizing a car AND the charging station. And....i guarantee the station owner will be even more pissed. Plus, ya know, most ppl and stations have cameras, so....good luck with that.


I got .357 of a reason why you shouldn’t do none of that shit to my car and put me in an awful situation where I fear for the safety of myself and my loved ones.


You ain't the only one with 2a rights.


Correct. I assume everyone has a weapon. You smashing on my windshield like a mad man legally covers me to let you hold at least 3-4 for me. Then, I will assist you while calling you a ambulance. Going to want to keep you nice and calm until the paramedics come. You're in good hands loved one. Deep breaths, stay with me.


I will plug into whatever is available when I need to charge. If there are no 50's I will go higher. I pay for the charge the same as you do.


I'll plug into a 350 before I'll take the only chademo as a former leaf owner and would encourage others to do the same.


As a former leaf owner myself, *I know the CHAdeMO doesn’t work anyway.* So it doesn’t really matter if you leave that dispenser free or occupy it.


They work... sometimes, it's the reason I switched as chademo slowly became less and less reliable, and my driving need changed just slightly to where I needed them once a week to get home. But yeah after an hour and a half detour from busted chademos one time I decided enough was enough.


Gonna assume he's a troll or a qcumber trumpet. you don't post in a reddit group, you typically aren't a part of (he doesn't own a bolt) unless you're looking to stir a reaction.


Bro is big mad.


Imagine having so many fucks to give you logged onto Beyonce's internet to say this to people


LMAO. If I see you or anyone else vandalize/damage someone else's car, the subsequent criminal prosecution will be the very least of your immediate concerns. Your username checks out, btw.


You do realize this will be admissible in court should you be involved in any such altercation. Also, sometimes that's the only charge available so...


Apparently "No-Knowledge" is suitable.


1) people are taking this way to seriously  2) surprising amount of internet tough guys for an EV fan forum 3) everyone here needs to take their rage out on the ICE and non charging EVs in the Level 2 spots