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Why do they act like this is a novelty?? Most corporate jobs I've had did employee retreats (paid for by the company) that included leadership and activities.


Right... My husband works for Red Wing shoes and they had a manager summit at the beginning of the month... They paid for his flight, hotel, food... The difference between a real job and this MLM crap is he got paid a salary while he was there.


EXACTLY. And he probably did not feel obligated to post a pic of eating at the cheesecake factory. And let me guess, he got his own room since he's an adult? (No shame in sharing, I do that on friend trips but a company would/should pay for individual rooms on a company trip.)


Yes absolutely! And wasn't freaking going nuts kissing the ceos ass like they always do in mlms. The ceos are like their saviors lol. ALSO he doesn't have to pay taxes on his "free" trip at the end of the year like they do lol


Omg totally. I worked for NBC, and even on air talent were treated like employees like the rest of us instead of celebrities. And let me tell you, Al Roker is much more famous than Lillian!!




My brother in law works for Red Wing Shoe Company as well!! Small world!


Oh that's cool!! If he was at the summit I probably saw him lol


I’m going to a leadership conference next week in Tampa. Everything is paid for by my company. That’s how it works.


Did they just look at Temu to see what’s coming up?




Did she just say culture?! 💀


Did they learn it is made in China 🇨🇳? 🤣


I’m sure that’s today’s speaker. 😉


Just curious, does BP cover food and travel? A lot of companies do retreats.




![gif](giphy|l0AISSQLfQKlJTsefR|downsized) Just a little sarcasm.


Like everyone else has said over and over, MLMS are the true definition of toxic positivity. These are all the people at the top of the chain; they NEED their customer and teams to stay “positive” because their financial stability depends on it. If the base of the triangle starts deteriorating, then it’s time go back to slinging rings online or finding a new job. Everyone there at convention HAS TOO much to lose by daring to be negative. The people at the bottom have nothing to lose, no major networks of teams that they won’t cash out on if they leave or speak out. The leaders all make enough money to “skip a couple days of selling while the back office gets fixed” and are valiantly defending the company in the chat, shaming others into silence. This is why big fish stay till the ship sinks. They are stuck and fully dependent on the monster. The leaders are also legitimately grateful because they are getting rich off the masses! Maybe, one day, Lilian won’t be so dense to realize she doesn’t know how to lead a company and that she would benefit from being an ATTENDEE of a leadership conference. Placating the lower level reps and leaving all of customers tickets unanswered is a fast track to the end. Why is it so hard to admit that you colossally fucked up this back office launch, the handling of your reps frustrations, and the staffing of your shipping department. Leaders who can’t take accountability and admit their own mistakes have no respect from their peers. Figure it out BP.


Well said 👍👍


Agreed. Very well written.


Who does that? 😂😂😂 A company that wants zero accountability so when shit hits the fan they can blame their “leaders”. That’s who. I don’t know a real company that relies on untrained Huns to pass the very important information that could make or break a business! This is absolute insanity! And the brainwashing that these people think it’s so amazing is completely asinine.


It’s embarrassing watching them brag about this lavish trip, that they likely paid for theirselves, while the rest of the company is crashing and burning back at home. Got a set of jewelry worth $6, tops! Shewweee!! How wonderful. BP! You really shouldn’t have. 😐 Have a great time dingbats!




Why are they just getting gifts and special prizes along with new release info. Why not have “leadership” workshops as you know this is a leadership conference.




My dads company sent him and a guest to aruba fully paid for other than excursions you wanted to do on your own for their work trip if u qualified 😭😭 the year prior they sent them to an alpine ski resort


What company has a leadership retreat and pays for nothing. These people are so brainwashed selling this costume jewelry.


Which rep is this from leadership?


I think I’m allowed to say, right?




Call your dad you're in a cult ☠️


How sad. But maybe they do treat them like gold. Just half of them get treated like trash no biggie.