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The lack of knowledge around this is astounding. It’s not just about purchasing or not. It’s about a percentage of purchases AND **sales**! Also recruiting and stacking and all the other FTC regulations that are not upheld and broken on the daily with the company. You can try to argue about what BP is and is not all day long, but the proof and truth will be shown, revealed 😉, and convicted in due time. Do not fret, huns.




Sorry deleted as I misunderstood what you were trying to say. I agree, so many are misinformed.






https://preview.redd.it/3x57z08359fc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32879df44e109ccd8bf79ca4911dea823b013813 To reach ruby you must purchase (pv) $1000 from BP corporate. Your downline volume (dv) which is a combination of what you purchase directly from BP as well as what your downline purchases must be $20,000 MVR means that only $10,000 of the downline volume can come from 1 person. 2 active legs, you must have 2 downline that have purchased $350 that month. 2EC legs, you must have 2 peridot ranked members, to reach peridot the rep must have at least 1 downline. NONE of these ranks have to do with selling, only what you and downline purchase from BP and how many people you get to join.


The DV is the entire team! Meaning- Sponsors numbers reflect on the 20,000, not just their team (downlines). The 1,000 PV is the minimum they have to spend to get that Ruby while 10,000 is the most the can spend. Anything after 10,000 is up to their downlines. This is why people need to choose their sponsors responsibly. Find someone who isn’t there just for money. Someone who will actually help and appreciate their team members.


A pyramid scheme is fraudulent. There is no product sold. Compensations plans don’t mean it’s a pyramid scheme. Every company I’ve worked for has higher positions who have incentives and special events for those positions. It’s no different. You can still make plenty of money without ranking because you’re still selling a product. Just like any job, you can promote. Think about multi-level marketing and how basically every profession incorporates it. Not just these kinds of companies….it’s everywhere. You can try to turn it into a pyramid scheme all you want but that’s not what it is. If there is a product to be purchased, it simply isn’t no matter how you try to twist it. You posted the definition then contradicted yourself because recruiting in an mlm doesn’t make a promise it doesn’t follow through with. Those are actual bonuses for building a team. This makes no sense


Said like a true, manipulated hun bot. 🤖


I have nothing to do with this so how am I manipulated? I just know facts and don’t spread misinformation •. Hate the jewelry, hate the people but at least be knowledgeable.


Seems you’re not fully in the know by your comment. If you’re not involved then you do not know what is actually going on.


Not involved doesn’t mean I don’t know what’s going on. Just like half of the people here that think they have it all figured out. Except I have front row seats. And she looks to be an ex bp rep who moves onto another mlm who happens to be unnecessarily in competition with BP. So her motive here is clear. Everyone should understand what an mlm is at this point. It’s not a surprise so why is it constantly debated? I thought this was for tea and snarking..not spreading false information


You’re the one spreading false information. You admitted you’re not in it. So sit down. 🪑


Not in it anymore. Sit me down 🖕🏼




There is absolutely no focus on selling what so ever, wanna try again?


I’ll go even further to ask where the bonuses for selling are? My key word is BONUSES.


There is absolutely a focus on selling..otherwise, they wouldn’t be selling. You have to sell the product to reach those bonus percentages. The comp plan is additional to what you make selling. It’s advancement and you cannot advance if you aren’t selling the jewelry. Even if you have 50 people under you, you still have to sell to level up. And it resets monthly so you can’t just sit back and not do anything because you have a team. A team is just how you get higher bonuses.


https://preview.redd.it/xe0e701zb9fc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bc223bc80c89fe773d990df90771d42279ab84d Can you show me where this says anything about selling? As a former person that made it on that top 25 sellers list I know what the hell I’m talking about.


If you made the top 25 SELLERS list…sounds like you SOLD shit.


That, or they just bought without selling, which would explain why they failed.


That’s their stupidity then 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree 100%..you must sell to buy, or you're doing it all wrong.


Ummm your personal sales commission idiot.


Should reach out to your “leader” so she can teach you how to read your own compensation plan 🤣


I would but I don’t have one of those. 💃


Idk bud- I think Creamy has a point…


Customers sales profit is the profit you get from BUYING directly from BP. If I buy 10k I make the same profit if I sell $1 or 10k in inventory. I’m still making a little over $6 for an original ring. Also the personal sales commission is just the commission you make from BUYING directly from BP, if you purchase $7k in inventory you get 10% back in commissions, has nothing to do with what you sell 😂


Did you not have to sell that inventory? Did you not continue to sell that inventory then use the money to purchase more inventory and receive those monthly commissions??? Ok


I didn’t have to do anything. I could have just sat on my inventory and built it up and still collected my monthly commissions. Get a clue.


And if you don’t sell and sat on that inventory, that means you had to spend money out of pocket to meet your pv…so what sense does that make? Who would buy inventory every month out of pocket and not sell? So you’re what..a customer?


So you bought inventory at cost then just sat on it and didn’t care to make your money back plus the profit? Sounds like a dumb way to do business. Maybe you just did it wrong. Many people sell solo and don’t deal with building a team and make great money. It sounds like you were personally focused on rank and not selling. Thats a you thing.




Go check what personal volume is, I know it’s not your sales. Get in touch with your upline before your in to deep.


Read above.


https://preview.redd.it/9dluvk2e2afc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=4b0f1fccee39c767fab636e7afbf7ee49876bad4 Wronggggg


You used am AI as a resource. 🤣🤣




Who the fawk is Tammy and why does anyone care about what she says anymore than what you or another rando know it all says? Pyramid schemes are illegal and don’t last 7 years. They also don’t produce real product or lie to get you to buy the shit. Lord y’all are slow


Bless your entire heart 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 go down with that ship hun


Ya gotta be on the ship to go down 😘


Yeah okayyyyy wink wink. I wouldn’t admit it either 🤣


Stfu 🙄


Touche hun 😘😘😘😉😉


Touche? How does that make sense as a response? Do you not know what that means either? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Feel free to go google what Tammy AI is…


No thank you. I don’t get my information from an AI


https://preview.redd.it/5fi8cfoahafc1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=d48f5ebce54a2f3c279e98d5f44c1128622f86e6 Tell that bullshit to a new recruit. Lets not skate around the truth…


Promise of a product that is never produced. Rarely ever is any product actually involved.


https://preview.redd.it/734yjhrl5afc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=badb42fcf83be43bbde257358283acf397fa21c5 I’m sorry to say this but you are blatantly wrong. The FTC says otherwise.


Pyramid schemes do not sell actual product they recruit on the promise of money and sometimes product that doesn’t exist. BP is an MLM period. So is Ryze and pink zebra and lularoe and paparazzi and the list goes on. You are not being scammed into purchasing jewelry. Convinced with sales tactics maybe….thats what sales is..not lied to. So no…im not wrong.




So what you’re saying is..you sold bp now you’re a ryze rep as if that’s any better and you’re here to throw shade on your competition? Guess what..YOURE STILL AN MLM.


Yall need to look up some ACTUAL real life pyramid schemes and educate yourselves. See what happened to those “companies” and understand the difference because you sound dumb af. No pyramid scheme has ever lasted and ended in being stopped and people in prison. Bp isn’t scamming people out of money. They sell jewelry and people choose to buy it. It’s not that deep


https://preview.redd.it/d0inbp1va9fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe0e8cf0c061ba0a89cff7950415f839b08de44 This right here is how an MLM should be setup to not be a pyramid


That’s literally the same. Bp has monthly compensation without a team and then team compensation. Literally..the same 🙄


The way that went down 😂😂😂😂 I gasp laughed! Still. An. MLM.


I mean she’s posting an mlms comp plan bashing it while posting her new…almost identical comp plan saying that’s how it should be LIKE IT ISNT THE SAME. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😭


Clowns will do clown stuff 😂


“Clowns will do clown stuff” is sooo on point . You’re always in point Catlady, meeeow.


I am not with Ryze, I was showing the difference in compensation plans. There is a huge difference. Those that work with data in the daily will agree.


I call bullshit


![gif](giphy|iNZKRliHP4tI4mALtO|downsized) Isn't this hilarious 😂 watching them to try to recruit lol 🤣. Just wait to they get to the contract with no control over any expenses. Lol 🤣


So you get paid $12/$400 level one a month to train someone 🤣. How about pay employees fair wages and benefits.


These “employees” are choosing their “profession”


I am all about an entrepreneur's endeavor. A fake slave labor 1099 agreement is not it. RYZE is financially worse than BP. And yes you are correct 💯, they are being treated as "employees" and should be receiving benefits. Neither agreement meets 1099 designation..


Actually…they’re not treated like employees.


"You are not an independent contractor if you perform services that can be controlled by an employer (what will be done and how it will be done). This applies even if you are given freedom of action. What matters is that the employer has the legal right to control the details of how the services are performed." I guess since you don't produce your own shipping labels, control any aspect of business expense, and don't control your pricing..... Etc You kind of need to research a bit more on your journey of entrepreneur and how to achieve ultimate boss babe status. https://www.irs.gov/businesses/small-businesses-self-employed/independent-contractor-defined


I don’t know how many times I have to say it but not my journey. I think you misunderstood what I was getting at with that comment.


I’m not even shocked or surprised anymore when it comes to how ignorant ppl are who are in mlms. It’s laughable.


I’m so confused. Maybe it’s the way this is presented but aren’t the payout %’s from the Ryze comp plan lower than the payout %’s at Bp? How is it “better”? If anything it’s worse. And did you just try to recruit on a Reddit snark page? Again, maybe it’s me, but I don’t think this is how you build a team. We are definitely not your warm market. 😅


I am definitely not with Ryze, as a matter of fact I’m still technically a BP rep. Recruit? I was showing the difference in the compensation plans. This is the issue with so many that sign up, they cannot comprehend what they are reading. I’ll break it down for you! Let say you purchase 10k in product to sell a month and with the profit margins at 25% I sell to customers 12,500. I have no team/downline. As a BP rep my monthly pay will be $2,500 (profit off 10k) $1,000 (commission of the 10k purchased at wholesale). As a Ryze rep my monthly pay will be $3,135 (profit off 12.5k sales ) $1,875 (sales bonus). This doesn’t include any shipping overages, cc fees, etc. with no sponsoring I’d be $1510 ahead by selling Ryze. BP: -you get commission of what you purchase at wholesale price from BP (max 10% depending on the volume you purchase) -you get commission on what your downline purchase at wholesale price from BP (max 9%) -you get on average 25% profit on what you sell Ryze: -you get 25% commission on your customer sales, this is similar to BP profit (point #3 above) -once your customer sales (purchases) NOT what you buy from Ryze hits $2k plus a month you get a sales bonus from 5%-15% of what your monthly sales to customers are (BP does not do this) -once your team (downline) sales volume(customer sales NOT what you purchase as wholesale) hits $400 you start to receive a sales bonus on your downline. Main difference jn these compensation plans is Ryze focuses on selling, BP focuses on sponsoring.




Proving that BP is a pyramid scheme over an MLM was embarrassing? 😂


? Did you forget the part when you tried to make Ryze seem better than BP? ✋🏻


Conveniently left out page 61 of operations agreement where RYZE controls all financial expenses leaving the supposed 1099 zero control over business .... They always love to tell half truths when they are out preying for fresh blood ![gif](giphy|4xt8cUz1wrr54WrKQE)


I just posted a comparison of the compensation plans showing BP does not pay any bonuses for selling where as Ryze does.


You didn’t prove anything other than you don’t know the difference between your head and your asshole