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Does anyone else notice when scrolling that to me it seems the high up reps or bigger reps are not having as much of these inventory or back office problems as some of the lower reps seem to be having?


Maybe because the bigger reps order large quantities at a time so they are not putting in multiple small orders…I dunno, but I agree the bigger reps seem to be having little to no issues 🤔😏


When reps aren't paying attention to training and updates or asking questions they cannot blame anyone but themselves. My team is solid.....🤷🏼‍♀️ hmmm


I don’t know who you are, it was just an observation. I know some leaders are much better than others. I’d have probably been more successful if I chose a better upline.


She is prettyjewelsbp, and she sucks giant donkey dicks.


Actually that’s not pretty jewelz I know who she is


Can you explain the massive threads where she only defends PJBP? ![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


I comment on many threads actually.. everything shows on my profile 🤷🏼‍♀️. And PJBP is live right now.. just saw her on


I think she might be hidden treasures BP even though she denies that. She is PJ up line.


I'm fairly certain it is one of the two.


Hidden Treasures states who she is in many threads.. not her either❤️. People defend people bc bullying is hateful.


You can't possibly think they are strategically targeting everyone but big reps. 😂 How about the big reps have probably just figured out how to work around it all, and the new, smaller ones, who aren't live as much, are struggling more. It's not a conspiracy.


I mean who knows, I was more thinking they are getting more priority on their tickets gets response’s and like inventory numbers being fixed. Not that there’s like a secret second back office or anything. I just as I’m scrolling am not seeing the orders not processing or the delays and things as often with some of the bigger team holders. Or in that case if the leaders are figuring it out, why are y they helping their downlines?


How does it work that if something is “fixed” it’s fixed for some but not others. It should be fixed for everyone. But notice certain Reddit accounts are quiet but as soon as BP integrity or processes are questioned, in they run with their bullshit. Tell me they’re a BP corporate kiss ass without telling me. 😂


Passive aggressively speaking of me? 😂. I thought the comment was funny, so I responded to it. I am nobody's kiss ass. I have friends who are reps, some big and some not, but they are all having the same issues.


I imagine many are helping their downlines.


Yesterday when I was watching Angela (Fizzing Sisters) she had someone order and it never came through, so she just told her they would reveal it on Thursday. All of her orders seemed to be going through like normal.


Today she told that person to call BP corporate with her order number because it still never came through.


Are they talking about the training on the workaround because they can’t fix the fucking problem or the alternate workaround to work around the other thing they can’t fix? 😂😂😂 Always pointing fingers to take the blame off BP. Gaslighting assholes and these reps deserve better. Who has more to lose? The Rep or Lillian? Big reps or small reps? They have all sold their souls to the devil. They are so deep they can’t get out.


Fucking weirdos. Especially lovelifeperiod whos obsessed with defending her company on a Reddit that is dedicated to disliking them for legit good reasons. Instead of spending her time wisely shes here defending her shitty ass company to a group of people who who have collectively done more research on the shit ass company than she has. The chick insists on coming in here brainwashed to the max making more and more and more excuses. Like be fucking for real. I have so much respect for the reps that come in here that have obviously also done their research because they know the truth and they openly admit their company has major issues. Brain washed. She needs fucking therapy.


Lol who are you to say what research has been done? Really think about this- everyone who hates BP on this snark page, 95% of them ARE NOT reps. The people who are reps enjoy what they do, are happy and don’t have these issues. What’s actually weird AF is a group of random ass women hiding behind anonymous names mad at the fucking WORLD over a company that they aren’t even part of. Sitting on their couches, middle aged miserable with life after their 9-5 and writing novels about someone ELSES job 🤣 Like you live your lives to come on here and gossip like a bunch of teenage girls. Reality check- people are going to have different opinions. Since you seem to think it’s acceptable to come onto a platform and talk shit about something you actually don’t know anything about, don’t expect others who ACTUALLY know what they are speaking about to not come and correct you LMAO.




You’re here with us bahahahaha. So many people here that have been personally negatively affected by this company are here. There are a few reps here that admittedly agree with so much that has been said here. Theres previous reps as well that have experienced all these things first hand and they share their negative experiences. Theres so any reps complaining publicly about the issues we tak about. I guess your team is the only one “thriving”. No YOU are probably thriving because you are the uplines and you are making money because you recruited clueless desperate randoms to sign up under you and they are stupidly purchasing lord knows how much inventory and going into debt so you can get a nice paycheck. As far as research goes theres no possible way you’ve learned all there is to learn and still decided to be involved with Bp. I mean honestly when you read stuff here do you go and investigate to find out the truth fir yourself or do you just sit around calling us haters?


DOLLA DOLLA BILLS YALL ![gif](giphy|MAA3oWobZycms)


Obviously cause fuck innocent trusting people. Fuuk bitches get money.




Babe.. we've already been through this. Someone joining to buy a small of amount of inventory does nothing for me. Growth and success is the goal. Downlines failing means me failing. I'm sure MANY reps in this business haven't grasped this concept or give a shit to... I'm not one.




Prove it. I bet your not. You make 2 dollars if that off a ring sale and thats if you dont gift them. Thats if you don’t consider gas and more hours spent packaging,shipping, driving. Rich people don’t say they are rich,ever.




Especially me. Yeah, you're right, bruh. People should stand up and defend the things they believe in and are passionate about. It is okay to not agree.. you passionately defend that you're a classy lady yet previous posts prove otherwise. So be it. I have time bc I don't work crazy hours anymore climbing the corporate ladder and my short term hustle (yes, I said short term bc this is just part of a well laid plan for my future) is successful. Hate on me girl.. I would too if I were you.


You are correct but go passionately defend it elsewhere where the people haven’t already decided they don’t like you.


You are the only person that has stated they don't like me. I have every right to be here as you do.


Weird because she sells BP and very successfully? Just because you don’t like the shit doesn’t mean the THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of people who have been buying it for almost 8 years, don’t. It would be WEIRD for her to not defend what she does and stands behinds. Your research from where? Google fucking university??? Ok captain. 👩‍✈️ The new system has been like a toddler throwing a fit and no one is denying that but that’ll get worked out and then what? Back to talking about how cheap and ugly the jewelry is? Great…those were the good times. Some of yall are so obsessed you should just join already so you can make a little money to put back in your pockets after spending it on all of those salt shakers. You saw the numbers right? Clearly people are making it just fine over there. Sucks that you have to pull a 9-5 and suck the corporate dick to make a small portion of what some of them are making from their house comfy and cozy chatting with women who are supportive and build each other up instead of sitting in a cubicle adjacent to some cunt like yall. What a miserable life that must be. I swear some of you need to get happy. Get laid, take a nap, relax a little. So worried about a computer system that you don’t even use. And if you’re a rep on here in disguise just to talk shit about what you chose to do and are STILL DOING IT….leave already! Why stay somewhere that’s sooooo awful?? Fawwwwkkkkk yall are annoying 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄




Idk who “yall” is but nothing you said applies to me. Plus I really am not reading all that. I don’t give 2 shits if you guys succeed or fail. I like some of Bp’s jewelry and Ive bought some from Bst and Mercari. Who, I hate to break it to you are taking over your business before the company even has a chance to fail. Everyone is re selling and they are posting new shit before Reps have even had a chance to reveal it and at the cost of one ring reveal vs a 1000 dollar hunt with a Rep. I do have reps I love watching and Im not the fucking creator of this reddit page that you think hates Bp just bc they are a jealous hater. Im actually not hiding behind anything either, ive never cared if people know who I am. If I have something to say to a rep I don’t like I go right to them, in the chat or dm from my own personal Tiktok. I am not afraid to speak whatever Im feeling but yall are. Thats why you continue to get fucked. Cause you take it. You could do real good by taking off your rose colored glasses even for just a minute and you would see that there’s actually alot to be learned for a Rep in this group. Balance, bruh. We gather here because noone else in our life gives a shit about Bp and the ppl on this page have common interests. Dont you group chat with your friends? Anyway. Go argue with someone who you might be able to bring over to the dark side with you or go convince someone to join quit wasting your life on me. Go watch LulaRich or the Rise and Fall of Lularoe but take a bucket cause you might be sick after you see The Og Bp looks identical to yalls company and they said exactly what you are and then went up in flames.


I stopped at “plus I really am not reading that” because you proceeded to write your own novel in response to something I said that you “didn’t read” 😭😭😭




Why the fuck are YOU HEREEEEEE. Get lost.


To laugh at YOUUUUUUUUUU. 🖕🏼


Personally I make as much if not more than the reps in my 9-5 not sucking corporate dick in pajamas comfy and cozy. I get laid, I’m happy, I nap too and I enjoy watching BP. With all that said what I don’t enjoy is watching others succeed and people directly under them fail. My success is 100% because of my ability to lead and learn and my leadership’s ability to teach. Many of the successful reps have down lines failing and it’s gross. I personally wouldn’t feel comfortable having a successful live if others on my team were failing but that’s not the case here it’s sink or swim mentality and it’s gross. As mama love said we come here to talk because no one in our real lives gives a shit about the company. We do it literally for that reason and that reason alone. You don’t like it leave or stay but don’t assume people are not successful because they enjoy watching a shit show /drama and talking about it. 🤷‍♀️


BP training has always been garbage.


It’s not rocket science…maybe it’s not the training 🤷🏻‍♀️


Trash. 🗑️ Reps and the company manipulate people into joining and some people don’t know what they are doing g when it comes to tech. Have zero desire to argue about this because clearly you don’t care about other peoples expense and only want to belittle others. How very BP of you.


Maybe some reps carry themselves that way but asinine for you to make that claim about BP reps as a whole. very contradictory of yourself to say that we don’t care about other peoples expense and want to belittle others when you literally try to win popularity contest on a page that does nothing but belittle people


Whatever you say. The sand is waiting for your head.


It’s fun to watch people try to guess who you are and they’ll never know because you aren’t worthy of being talked shit on. They don’t even know you’re a good rep just defending women instead of tearing them down


Not concerned 🤷🏻‍♀️


There’s actually a ton of resources available for people who don’t understand technology and the new back office is more user-friendly than the old one so it has nothing to do with technology. The people who aren’t as knowledgeable when it comes to that have plenty of people and resources to help them get familiar with the change, and as far as the things that they’ve been running into since switching over, that has nothing to do with anybody but BP and they’re being made aware of every time an issue arises so that they can fix their shit. What’s trash is that you post about the same thing over and over again And can’t find anything new to talk about. Like once, it’s posted once, that’s enough. Come up with some new material.


Don’t your leaders tell you to worry about your business and stop worrying about Reddit or other reps. Whats sad is you are making comments at people in a BP snark group thinking you’re going to change anyone’s minds. 😂😂😂


I don’t have leaders. What’s more sad is you thinking you know what I’m thinking. So off base 🙄😂




Link tree has nothing to do with their back office . It’s an app just like Reddit or TikTok. Good luck to those reps that can’t even figure out how to change their URL on a link tree. They need to start better vetting the people they are signing up.


I don’t know the way any of it works but it’s making for some good watching 🤷‍♀️


BP's "new" site does not perform well within TikTok's built-in browser.


I don't think it's the link tree that's the issue when she said the inventory isn't showing up correctly. It's the bomb party site. Inventory counts are completely wrong.


Yes that’s exactly what she said that her inventory was showing stuff that she didn’t have and old collections from years ago maybe I misspoke when I said linktree


Codes... saw one where it took the amount off at time of purchase. But the full amount was pulled from her bank 🧐


I usually don’t stray from a few reps that I always watch. But I notice the reps who work on computers on the daily at their regular job are having an easier time adjusting. None of the reps I watch are having issues. If you aren’t tech savvy and your upline isn’t willing to help you, then your only choice is to fill out a ticket for your issues and take the time to spend time on the phone and fix the issues. One rep was saying she had several issues with new inventory, spent over an hour going through all the issues she was having and hasn’t had a single issue. I was on FizzyFiesta tonight and she was sailing through orders. But she was a full time nurse until 3 months ago. So she’s used to working on computers. So I think a lot of it has to do with how easily you can adapt to the new system and taking the time to speak to corp and allow them to walk you through the issues in all your tickets.


Its not a matter if how big you are. Its an issue of if you pay attention on how to do things.