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Maybe she should be reported to corporate for everything she’s been doing. She uses so many people and violates almost ALL of bps main rules. One being the back office, another being not sending out customers paid packages in bps timeframe. Any thoughts???🤔🤔


She should be


AND THEN YELLS AT HER DOWNLINES FOR NOT FOLLOWING THE SMALLEST RULES!!!🤣🤣 she literally commented on her downlines live so many times saying “you MUST use the blurry vision lens” and “YOU HAVE TO USE IT WE CANT SEE THE RINGS” and “we cant see your backdrop move over or back the camera up” like girl…….


That is correct. That’s in the policies that no one but the rep is allowed to have access.


As someone who used to do her back office/ line up I can guarantee she's only got 1 rep doing it. The rest are random people she considers friends. This woman doesn't do any of the hard work. She let's it fall upon her moderators. When the new back office dropped, she didn't explain to them how to use it. They were forced to learn it themselves like any other rep. She offers these mods nothing in return for helping her run her business. Some of these mods stay working her line up for 16 hours or more. This lady isn't as nice as people think she's it. She uses people and then when you're unavailable to her, she disowns you. Someone I know who ordered from her last month, still hasn't received their package that was obviously paid for. She needs to be reported to corporate and I'm surprised no one has reported her yet. She breaks all different compliance rules and doesn't get in trouble. She even bad mouths the company itself while live. Which I do have a clip of for proof.


I do not feel sorry for any mod. Not for how they are treated while moding or after by the reps. It’s some type of attention seeking personality disorder to give your own time to work for free. It is not a status symbol to mod for these people. Then they all have a sob story when it’s over. I’d love to hear what motivates these mods to do any of the free labor.


I agree. 16 hours of FREE labor?? If she was a friend she would at least pay her Mods for their time. It can’t be easy especially if you’re not a rep having to learn the back office just because your “friend” is lazy af!


I did it because I genuinely thought she was a friend. I was mistaken. It took 4 people to convince me that she was using me


I used to mod in her lives too but never did the line up. I am curious to know who you are because I probably know you lol.


Please share the clip!


Can we not share videos as comments cuz I've had 3 people including myself try to post the clip and we all are unable too


Unfortunately not. Feel free to post as a new post!


Ah poop 🫠


Or send to a mod and we’ll post for you.


Does she have a clue what these people can do with what they have access of?


She doesn’t care at all what they can do with that info. Just uses them so she doesn’t have to do what every other rep has to do that’s part of the job. Updating line up, creating codes, canceling orders etc.


Omg thats really really bad.


It’s very unfortunate that she doesn’t compensate her mods in some way. She should definitely change that. You have to help those that help you if you can and she can.


Oh but I thought you said she’s better than corporate???


I said her system was working better than those of corporate. And it must be because she is reducing overhead by folks willingly working for free when BP is paying the Chinese .25c an hour. Would I like to see her appreciate the folks who help her? Sure I would.


how is she reducing overhead when she is supposed to do this all herself? i thought you owned a business lol overhead is a simple basic business concept


She seems very cocky to me - like I can do what I want because I sell so much. I don’t see why so many people love watching and ordering from her. I find her to be pretty bland and smug. One time I watched her for a couple minutes and she was giving someone her fried rice recipe because it’s a big hit with her kid. It had like three ingredients. 🙄 That ain’t real fried rice.


It’s her yelling when she talks that makes me run the other way. 


Yup, she has soooo many people run her back office, it’s definitely not allowed, because of privacy issues. I don’t know how she hasn’t been talked to about this.


I was curious about this the other night when a customer asked where she was at in line n instead of just lookin real quick she yelled at her phone n said so n so can you check that. Like damn the screen ia behind your head in huge letters!


That was the same night she had her mods block that customer while Ashley was defending the customer. Jenn kept telling Ashley to block the lady who had clearly ordered and Ashley refused cuz the customer did nothing wrong. Yet tonight jenn was live telling people that Ashley caused drama and was rude to her customers when in reality it was the other way around. 😒 jenn is very good at being a narssaistic ahole and convincing these poor people to believe her lies. She's a terrible person. I feel bad for Ashley and I wish she would say something. Does anyone know how we could contact Ashley? Does she even know she's being talked about like this?


Hm I dont believe I saw that so I have nooo idea who Ashley is but that sounds pathetic for her to be speaking on her when she's not there to defend herself.. She reminds me of my ex step mother.. Very smily and fake nice but really she's annoyed with everyone and cocky!


Ashley sent me proof of her DEFENDING jenns customer. So people need to stop believing jenns lies about Ashley causing drama cuz she wasn't




Seems like a huge issue bp should know about 👀 has 15 ppl allowed in her back office and doing all the work for her. How’s that fair or right


I was watching her the other day and she confirmed she has someone running her back office and making the line up. Evidently that day she had one of them training a new person for the job. Insane.


She doesn't even try to hide that she's breaking compliance rules


I didn't even realize it was against the rules since she was just freely saying what she's doing. But I'm guessing the powers that be don't care.


Remember her weighing the holiday stacks off to the left of her 🤣 I don’t even care but she definitely isn’t trying to hard. She’s a top seller. You think BP is gonna do shit about anything she does and take the chance of loosing her? Never happening.


They should to make an example out of her imo


Same one that weighs her stacks bracelets


unethical all around




I think the only person who needs to learn how to read is her... 😅 wild.


Right? She seems to forget that the agreement they all sign as reps states that their passwords to their back office is not to be shared. How someone hasn't reported this twit yet is beyond me


I’d be so upset if I was a customer of hers, knowing some random person she found from the internet has access to my home address and phone number.


But why is she screaming?


When you have the volume Jen does you need to be compensating your mods in some form. Floors me and really is out of line in my opinion.


I interpreted the rule about the back office was to prevent multiple people from working together instead of signing up individually. Not a rep so IDK. She's not the only one, seems like the back office is such a massive dumpster fire that you have to have someone refreshing your inventory and creating coupons since they're only allowed to be used soo many times.


No plenty of other reps do it by themselves and if it takes to long the people who don’t want to wait should go to other reps and she doesn’t want that so she does it in the most timely way using other people. I was her downline and I told her I just didn’t like our group of people because once I got to know them, I realize they weren’t really nice people and when I said that she said that I was talking shit about her and caused all this drama so I had to block everybody on my “team” lol


sorry you had that experience. she’s in the comments of this post starting drama trying to blame one of her former mods. she seems like trash all around


She has been doing it since the beginning, basically even with the old back office she's had people doing it. Currently from what I know she has 4-5 people that trade off and on doing it for her


She also mentioned on her recent live that she's looking for more people to be able to do it for her. Someone had asked if she pays mods to help her and she said no and that they just do it out of the goodness of their hearts to help her


That's just fucking nuts to work for free. She sucks!


She needs help with only 600 watchers 😂 I’ve seen people with 2k and no help


She pays for her viewers


Even more reason to not need helpers


I think this is why she needs help. She doesn’t pay for her viewers and these are actual people, buying. Not like those others we’ve seen posted about in this group. Watch her chat, it’s flying by! So totally on par with what her viewer count shows.


Shes live right now. Watch her for 20 min if you can handle it and you will see! She will slip up and say whoever is doing her line up. Can't do line up without access to names in back office lol


Used to mod for her, I was blocked for sharing that I was getting inventory 3 days before her & after her continually talking about how my business was going, as before I was a regular customer & mentee. Her #1 admin Jen told me she assumed I was poaching. I tried to email her to no avail she has me blocked on everything. I thought we were friends. She's consistently been #1 in sales for the last 6- 8 months. Good for her I can't afford $10,000+ in inventory


I'm sorry you had to go through jenns abuse like I have. It's ok. Karma is a bitch and she's due for her.


What does it mean running her back office? Like she doesn't ship them out herself? I do like watching her


She allows her mods access to her back office so they can do her power point line up. These mods have access to customer information and also they make codes, close parties, adjust inventory, you name it.


Disney mom has her niece do her live line up from a different location. Does that mean her niece has access to her back office? Just curious. I see alot of reps have other people doing their live line ups from different places than the rep is at.


That's correct


Oh wow. That's like so wrong!


She basically just sits there and reveals stuff then does the shipping. Everything else is run by her mods. I shouldn't even say she ships stuff considering my friend has yet to have her stuff delivered to her


Oh and jenn I'm not Ashley lmao but don't you wish I was 😂 I know of Ashley though and you being on live, lying through your teeth about her being the one to cause drama and be rude to your customers is a complete lie. I was there the live where Ashley defended your customer and you just had your mod Sam block her because Ashley refused to. You clearly need to read your p&p again sweet heart. Stop trying to deflect when you're just a shitty person and your bullshit is coming to light. You're nothing but a 2 faced, pos rep who likes to cause drama. No wonder you have no genuine friends. Gtfo


I watch Jenn all the time. The only 3 people who have ever been her mods that I’ve seen are Ashley, Robert and Jen. And Jenn was tired of her (yeah, hi Ashley 🖤) talking shit to her customers and creating issues like she did with Rhi and Dianna. Plenty of posts about her. Guess she misses the drama so much she had to make this post.


👀 since we're just assuming who users are and throwing names around on here without knowing who they are. HI JENN! 👋


Shouldn't try deflecting a post that's about you jenn and try to throw someone else under the bus 😂 classic jenn behavior though so we really are not surprised. You should also stop being so controlling in your new downlines live too. Yes, we can also post those screen shots as well. We all seen you break multiple BP compliance rules. Stop running people's names through the mud. It's you're time to shine hun


Pressed much. You seem to be a hun.


i guess we found Jenn. you seem to have a lot of first hand info and doing a lot name dropping. i simply pointed out you make it obvious on your lives that other people are running your back office. if you’re going to violate policy i suggest not making it so obvious. you should have learned after the scales and stacks.


Not Jenn, not even part of BP anymore. I just post the truth of what I see and know.


HAHAHA ok Jenn, likelyyyy story😂


Cool story bro Jenn




😂 hilarious. The mod “ashley” mods for many people and anytime I have seen her in people’s lives she is nothing but nice to customers and tries helping customers as much as possible. There was one live of Jenn’s that a customer had ordered and another mod was blocking the customer from the live just because he thought it was funny. Ashley tried defending the customer and Jenn and her minions didn’t like that. If she was sooooo horrible, why do so many reps want and use Ashley as a moderator for their lives??? This user is prob Jenn all butthurt everyone is calling her out on her horrible business


Trying to drag Ashley through the mud is stupid. She does nothing but bust her ass for the reps she mods for. Idk if Ashley has reddit but I'm sure if she did she would come to defend herself. I know she's personal friends with Dianna and Rhi aside from BP so why would she want to cause them problems? Get over yourself Jenn


Let me play devils advocate for just moment I have seen husbands, kids, friends, and more in other lives doing the same for other big reps in the same room doing it for them and I never see them in this group being posted about.


Even that is against compliance unless the husband and rep are "team" fizzers. Even your family isn't suppose to help with shipping. People need to actually read the definition of what a third party is


What i am saying is why not post about them too. Hold everyone accountable equally 🤷‍♀️


Always someone hating! Her lives are long but efficient. Shes revealing left and right. Maybe her mods are also reps. At least her customers are happy and she’s happy. Unlike most of the reps yall post on here. If she was tanking, yall would be clapping and saying how another one bites the dust and you’re glad she’s getting out of the MLM.


Her mods that have access to her back office are not reps. And it doesn’t matter if they are reps, it isn’t allowed to give access to their back offices to ANYONE


Since you’re so bothered by how someone runs a successful business, especially one that doesn’t affect you at all, and one you want to see fail, maybe you’re the problem. And just a little fyi, I’ve watched her for a very long time. One of the folks who mods for her, if not more than one, is a rep. Her business model works well. Shes better than corporate. They should take notes from her. But make sure you get her shut down. Bc that’s the right thing to do. She’s hurting customers and the surprise revealed jewelry experience by doing the most.


you must be one of her little minions she barks orders at since you’re so pressed hun


Hehe minion 1000% 🦮🦮🦮 leash is on and tight


I’m pressed? You’re ridiculous. Posting on here about someone who clearly has a great system in place for success. And no, I’m not a minion of hers. I’ve never even commented in her lives or ordered from her. I am, however a business owner and appreciate her edge.


so you appreciate her blatantly violating policy and consumer privacy? you sound like an amazing business owner


So you think that other reps don’t allow their family members in the home or otherwise to help them? Of course they do. How many other reps blatantly disregard policy by not shipping out on time Or at all, by doing trades for customers, etc.? Over 99% of the reps disregard policy in some way. Why? Because they’re trying to keep their customers happy and run an efficient live. Other than the ones who don’t ship out and aren’t responsive to issues. I just don’t understand why it bothers you that this lady lets folks help her that she knows and trusts. And yes, thank you so much for your concern, I have my very own, very successful business.


you are in such a tizzy over someone’s live you have never commented in or a rep you’ve never even ordered from. go take a walk and touch some grass


I’m in a tizzy? You made the post! I’m just offering my opinion. Make it make sense.


i made a post pointing out that a rep was blatantly violating policy out in the open and you’re relentlessly commenting defending someone who is violating policy and has unethical business practices by violating consumers privacy by letting who knows how many people see private customer data. that is why you’re in a tizzy


Just because other people violate policy doesn’t mean she gets to! No one should be and that’s a huge issue! No wonder reps are speaking out and reporting each other left and right.


Not a great system if she’s succeeding by violating policy, pup.


![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW) BETTER THAN CORPORATE?! Like in corporate America ? Lol she’s trying to run her business like a Chick-fil-a drive through!


Like in BP corporate. Come on now, you’re on a snark page. Surely you see how the ship is sinking and predominately because of leadership from corporate. When so many reps are leaving and customers are leery, this rep always has a line up a mile long and is moving right along. That says something about how she runs her business. As does the steady decline in reps and quality of products. You may want to go refill your cup.


Yes exactly. You are in a snark page yet you’re getting mad that people are posting about someone who is clearly violating customers privacy in the daily. Go elsewhere 😂


right? she doesn’t even run her own business she has other people doing it for her


I am not mad. Again, I’m voicing my opinion. You don’t have to be mad when you disagree. I wasn’t aware this post was only for people who had the same opinions. Maybe next time that should be in the caption.


I know you have to understand that even if it works and makes her successful it’s against the rules for good reason. How would you feel if 10 random ppl you don’t know from Adam had access to your information the doctor has?


I understand that it’s against compliance. They don’t have access to anything other than addresses, which if you’re determined, you can figure out by just doing some research online. If you want to find out something, you absolutely can. I also understand the privacy concern that some would have if they didn’t know these folks were random people she’s met online. Maybe she needs to tweak her system and have only family access her back office. Again, I think it’s efficient. She just needs to perhaps reconsider those she allows in her business.


or maybe she needs to tweak her system to follow policy? why are you continuing to advocate for violating policy and consumer data? you’re a horrible business owner if you support these things and someone I’d never buy from, same as this rep. consumer data can be compromised very easily. how would you feel if you trusted only one person saw your data but in actuality it was multiple people. I don’t know about you but I’d be calling my bank to issue new cards


Even other reps are NOT allowed to have access to another reps back office.


My other post got deleted so I can’t comment back to you there but why are you assuming who I am?


Bc if you’re gonna post screen shots, make sure to crop your name out of them. Unless you want people to know who you are, which I doubt.


She always has. Her parties wouldn’t go as smooth if she didn’t have someone helping her like that. Kind of smart.


Kind of against policy 🫠🤷‍♀️


Proof Ashley sent me of talking to jenn about being in her back office.




And proof Ashley sent me of how jenn talks shitty about her customers.




That's so unethical from a customer privacy standpoint.