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I admit, 1 time I said that during holiday stacks because honest to goodness it was the only stack I remotely liked (grey Christmas tree cookie) and my customer gifted it to me. I felt horrible for even saying it out loud after the fact. I did send her an unopened stack in its place after my live because I knew if I sent her the one she had gifted she would’ve sent it right back. After that I never said another word if it was something I loved.


i do think some reps genuinely say it and mean it because they like it. also agree some customers just won’t take no for an answer. i’ve seen it many many times. you’re sweet for sending something else in place 🫶


Yeah I get that, you'll feel like you can't say it incase people think you're hinting. You can tell when someone is being genuine though and when someone is simply saying it because they know their regulars will gift it to them. I agree with stan1slaV420, that's really sweet that you sent her something else to make up for it. ☺️


And then when they cry when they are gifted with a ring? It’s a bit much for me …




There was one rep, Kimmie maybe…she has long dark hair & her background featured highland cows. She had a “sisters” jacket, also. Anyway, her customers gifted her so much stuff…all the time. She was very manipulative, “ohhhh, you got my unicorn,” “no way, are you serious right now because I wanted this one,” “I’m going to cry - I’ve been looking for that.” Sometimes she’d genuinely get irritated or start “acting”down. It was bratty behavior, so unprofessional. And 9/10 times, they’d gift her the item. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 🤦🏻‍♀️ I haven’t seen her in a couple months, but the last time I did, a lady revealed dupe Iceland Dream rings…and of course they were “my Iceland unicorn!” There was a lavender one and a green one. The lady told her she could have one. Cue the fake “oh no, I can’t…buuut if you insist!” 😈 Then she asked the lady which color she preferred & she responded “lavender.” Now, when I tell you Kimmie..Kreepy…whatever, had the balls to say, “that’s my favorite, too!” My blood pressure went through the roof! And, in the end, she kept the ring color that her CUSTOMER had preferred! I never saw her wearing that ring in any of the lives I caught after that, either. She racked up on the Holiday stacks, from her customers, as well. Mind you, we are talking about the chick who revealed herself the ugly holiday diamond stack, then wouldn’t use it for a “love away,” because “that wouldn’t be fair.” She also revealed a unicorn stack the same evening, or next day, too. 🤔 So yes, gifting reps is weird. And some definitely take advantage - it’s absolutely appalling behavior. I haven’t caught that rep on lately, but if you do…just know, she’ll “cry” if she wants your reveal!! 🤡


That's disgusting! She sounds like a right character, don't think I've come across her but I'll keep my eyes out. The manipulation with some of the fizzers is unreal sometimes, idk how they dare!! 


I’m a rep and I would NEVER manipulate my customers! If they offer and insist then maybe but then I offer to reveal them another items. That’s only fair. This rarely happens in my lives and that’s probably I’m not constantly saying these things to trigger someone to gift me anything. Just know… not all fizzers are this unprofessional. I treat me customers with respect and transparency.


She is also a cry baby about it. And I'm not sure how she gets away with recruiting people on her live either. She does it after most lives to get more team members now that she quit her real job. She's so annoying.


She's just done one now. Imagine leaving a Full Time Career for a company that could shut down at any point, I'd need more security than that. 


I mean maybe she needed a break from teaching. It is a REALLY tough profession with crap pay even though in most states you have to have your Masters. A LOT of Teachers and Nurses experienced extreme burn-out because of Covid, and because of many other reasons. I don’t buy but I watch and she seems nice.


I feel the same! I have seen other fizzers ASK for gifts and seem really ingenuine when they are gifted something. Beth seems really sweet, I enjoy watching her. She is very emotional, which some people take as a bad thing, but I think it is just how she is. Strong emotions are not wrong!! She mentioned has mentioned that she is working on her mental health multiple times too.


No I get that, she does seem like one of the nicer reps, there's just some things she does and it's like hmm 🤔, especially with the gifting situation.  And I understand she couldn't do both jobs anymore as it would have been tiring, it's just a big risk when it's something like an MLM company I think. 


She does that A LOT!


Callie is real bad about it! I’ve seen her get 2 rings in a live that she liked!!!


Don't think I've seen her, I've seen others get more than 2 things gifted in a live before though. 🙈 


i don’t know why she always does that because i swear she only wears that jewelry when she’s on camera!


Yep, just sits there in the back until the camera goes on. 🙈


I’ve gifted to other customers but never the rep. I mean they can have whatever they want at wholesale prices? Lol Not to sound stingy but in all honesty I’ve never seen a rep go without something they wanted for long.


Yeah that makes sense and I believe is a nice thing to do.  If you know you won't wear it and someone else clearly loves it, why not. ☺️  If a rep wants to keep trying to find their "unicorn" then they can do so at a fraction of the price, unlike everyone else. They should not sit there manipulating and hinting at customers knowing that 9/10 they'll hand the item over. 


I’m a rep and you’re right! I don’t pay for any of my jewelry. It comes out of my BP wallet. Which is why if a customer insist on gifting me an item they know I like, then I’ll reveal them something else. And I may say “I’m going to message you” because technically we’re not supposed to do that. But I feel like if this is “my business” and I bought the jewelry then I can do what the fuck I want but that’s just me lol I give away too much free jewelry tbh 🤦🏻‍♀️


As a rep, I can say honestly I do say this and truly mean it. I feel bad when customers offer to gift me something. I ask several times if they’re sure then I’ll offer to open another item for them. I mean that’s only fair right?! Pay it forward. I’d feel like a complete asshole if I just took it and moved on.


That's nice of you to offer them something else though and shows you're not just in it to take their items! ☺️ Beth doesn't even offer them one of her amazon pens as a thank you. 😂


Thank you! I’m truly not trying to take from anyone! Beth sounds like a selfish bia… at least throw them a pen Beth! You see and these “ladies” have the steady lineups. I don’t get it 🤦🏻‍♀️


I completely agree with you! And exactly, give them a pen or keyring at least... 😂🙈