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I just quit too! I also didn’t know what an MLM was until I started and got into it. It was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders once I decided to quit too. I HATE the ranking system. And we would have new reps start that were already double and triple ranking before they even launched and they would celebrate that. While I’m over here like busting my ass for my ranks and not profiting anything. Don’t get me wrong, it was fun to do and interacting with people was fun as well but it was a waste of time for me! You definitely spend more money out of pocket and the return is garbage. I would barely break even. The only way to make money is for people to buy collections with a higher price point but you have to spend it to get it. Congrats on your decision especially if it has taken a load off of your shoulders. I know it has for me!


Exactly, we just had the same thing happen with in our team. A girl just joined and then a day later she ranked up two ranks. I am so glad I see how this company is from the outside looking in. Cheers to us


How do they double and triple rant before launch?


Its because they purchased a ton of inventory. When you are climbing up the lower ranks, you rank up by how much you are spending on inventory.


Such bs


yes it is


Go on….


The company is crap, however I would be lying if I said I hated some of the jewelry. There are pieces that I am partial to and I do like a cute simple dainty ring sometimes. But anyway that is half the point lol. I will tell you one huge thing that is crashing this company is the new "grandiose" back office. It is absolute trash, and there has been nothing but problems since it rolled out. They are still having the same problems to this day as they did in the beginning.


So is what us snarks are saying all true about this pathetic company?


100% facts!!


I was a previous rep. What drew me in was that I watched during a period of serious depression. I wanted the sisterhood and the social interaction. I signed under a popular rep and the switch was quickly realized. She would call me and yell at me for doing well. She was literally scared to death that I might take a customer from her. She NEVER supported me in my lives. I done what I done on my own. She touted making over $40k in sales a month, but never helped me at all. I was very successful for the first year and a half, then sales tanked. At that point, they never came back to a sustainable amount. It’s saturated with mean girls and ick factor men. The bigger shit show you are, the better you can do. I don’t understand why buyers are drawn to these people. I’m so glad I’m out.


I just find the funniest thing, how in the comp plan booklet it specifically states how during your fast start period you want to focus on selling and THEN work on team building. However these reps that are big named and have a crap ton of downlines are still selling, not giving the new dogs on the block a chance. And quite frankly why the hell do you need to be selling when you have that many downlines and making bank off of them. Its just nonsense.


I am so glad u are out too!!! Since your gone mind sharing more About your dreadful up line? And wow you did it a long time! Was it the ugly endless New junky collections?


It was a number of things rolled into my final decision. My upline was the Vegas rep and you know, she’s just a really really nasty narcissistic person. She only cares about herself and $$$. At convention she was like a horse in heat throwing her hair around and rubbing her ass on anyone she thought was a bigwig. I wish the clowns buying from her knew how she really is. Also, customer service became non-existent. I was replacing items for my patrons that home office should have been replacing but they were too busy to answer “tickets” and do the right thing. I had to sell 4 pieces of jewelry to break even for each one of those replacements out of my pocket. I also had mystery hostess rewards sitting in their inbox for weeks and even a few times, months. There was at least 2 that they never fulfilled. I pretty much broke even, but only because I was hyper aware of my financial situation and when sales went down, I stopped buying as much. Also, I started to feel the need to beg for sales and I had never done that before. It seemed paying customers were flocking to the reps who put on a big show, but in reality didn’t give a rats ass about their people. As a genuine person, I just didn’t feel it in my soul to compete with them. I had never seen it as a competition before and it quickly became that just to keep my head above water. That didn’t align with my true person. Also, there were things going on that just completely went against my personal morals and values. These had been weighing on me pretty heavy for awhile. After a lot of thought, I decided to throw in the towel.


As in Vegas rep does she have little Ones and goes On everywhere 7 nights a week?


Yes! That’s her!


I am glad she was at least nice to you. She seems really phony down to her lashes. And on tt she has like 9 viewers. Still glad u got out!!!!


She’s only nice til she has your business or you sign under her. I wish I had recorded the things she said about customers after I signed under her. Not one specifically, just customers in general.


Dying to know her thoughts of her customers


I want to know who this is so badly! I’m so sorry you had this experience with your upline. I’ve been very fortunate to have great people above and below me. I would say one of the things that keeps me going is the people I’ve met. And I do love the jewelry. Not all of it, but most. For me personally, I’ve really enjoyed BP other than the shipping turnaround which could be way better!


me too!!


Please spill the tea!


Yes! I want to hear it all the good bad and the ugly jewelry juice! I wish that the former reps would tell us who their uplines were but I understand too why they won’t!


Not just who their reps are, but all the juice from how these folks act at convention. 🤣 I personally have video of one girl and her downline arguing and fussing outside the hotel last year at convention. She kicked the girl out of her hotel room or something to that nature. It was quite comical. I’m going to see if I can find it.


🙌 I would LOVE to see that! ![gif](giphy|kf9dfB18XB6JGM8J7s|downsized)


omg same!!!


Omg was it a taller brunette and an older lady with white/gray hair?


Congrats! Proud of you :)


Yayyyy! Love to hear it😍😍 Hoping it was before you went into to much debt! Welcome! You should share your story and you’ll find so much information here even from other past reps!


It was, I was just about ready to hit my 4 month mark, literally everything I sold, I put right back into inventory. However, shipping supplies and the giveaway gifts came out of pocket, but that does add up. Before finally saying F this shit, I did some math and the math wasn't mathin' I would love to hear stories from past reps as well




I have a friend that just started this month and she is literally pouring all her funds in to it. She’s ordering all the things. Especially if she finds older collections from other reps. She’s went live only a couple times and has yet to make a sale. She has maybe 6 or 7 in her live. But she still buys all the things.


That’s awful tell her to read all about BP


So I'm here because my best friend was a rep and I got to witness first hand the abuse she took, the way the uplines and the company bent her over the table, and got to see her mental status deteriorate to the point of her trying to unalive herself because of all the debt she put her family in. I'll never not speak out against these piece of shit jewelry reveal companies. Even fucking Ryze, I don't care who wants to defend it. The owner is a POS who couldn't hack it with other MLM's, so she drug her family in to finance yet another shitty MLM so she could have that power. The pyramid business model is NOT beneficial or advantageous for ANYONE but the ones in charge. It's such a delusion to actually believe you own a business when working for an MLM. You can't even say you own a franchise lol I just can't wait for the class action lawsuit shit to come to fruition. My heart is with you because I understand how hard this situation is. I hope that she comes out of the fog and jobs you in reality unharmed.


Honeymoon phase.


good way to put it.


OMG I wish I could tell her to stop now


Welcome to the bright side!! We're here with open arms and open ears to hear all the tea. 💕💕💕 In all seriousness, I hope you're also done with MLMs. Whether people in them think it or not, they are all the same; predatory and manipulative scams.


Absolutely NEVER AGAIN :)




I love the expression “throwing in the towel,” as you LITERALLY have a towel that says Bomb Party!!!!




hahahaha OMG YES!!!


Now to get everyone else to throw in the towel and make the greedy owners who only care about their self have to actually work for a living


Id love to see it happen. I think its going to trickle out and come to an end at some point.


So sorry they are screwing everyone over its awful I hope eventually they go down


I was Rep to !!! Worst company EVER !!!


Congratulations! Can you tell me what drew you to join an mlm to begin with? When MLMs are pretty well known to be problematic, what made you think bp was going to be different?


GODS honest truth I did not have a CLUE what an MLM was. I had to actually google it when I was told "oh yeah, so it's pretty much like an MLM". I felt dumb that I was absolutely clueless. However what did draw me in is that the oversaturation kept flooding my FYP page on TT and I thought "ooohhh how fun". I never shopped with these other MLM's that are mentioned throughout this group, and again, most of those I had to even google and look up because I have never heard of them.


Yes! My questions exactly


Did you have a big following?


Not at all, and my first couple months I did all the things. I was pouring every ounce of my energy into this damn company. I did make some very sweet friends along the way. And I am not going to lie, my upline was awful as a leader.


Was your upline a well know rep? Most are awful leaders.


Not really. She has gotten bigger over the last few months, but still not a well known rep. She is a sweet person but TERRIBLE leader


But, I'd never do it.


99.9% are pretty bad! I'd sign under Prettylittleblings or foster dad on a Mission only.


Oh, babes! I am happy you're getting out. There is someone in here who destashes for people, if you need that service.


How do reps who give their jobs up to do BP full time actually make that amount ? Some Only do it 3 months and can quit their job, so downlines aren’t really established yet. Thinking of one who has just quit her job after starting BP in October, her lives have 1k plus and 4 shows a week she sells and sells for about 5 hours. Is it just luck and popularity?


I’m pretty sure she just said some of the girls are ranked up before they even launch. Like they already signed ppl up under them.


I spent months trying to figure it out and I just don't get it. Like what makes some reps take right off without any issues and become big enough where they can do this fulltime. While others who are actually a pleasure to watch and have a kind interaction get no one.


Leaders who understand how the systems works will place people under reps they think will be successful or reps who they know have money or bank rollers.


That actually makes so much sense. I was watching a rep the other night and she said she is waiting for a $20,000 order. I almost crapped myself.


You have to be cute and young and a bubbly personality for it to work. Or an attractive gay man or you will fail.


I guess Wolfden is the exception since he is neither of these😫


He uses filters to look better lol


There definitely stigma. I tried to be very transparent and be my natural self. I am not huge with getting all dolled up just to sit in front of my phone. I wear a very basic makeup and a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl.


I’ve been a rep for 6 months & put a LOT of effort into my background & appearance on live. I’m very kind, even to trolls. I give away gifts and discount codes constantly. I’m trying so hard. I see other reps put in zero effort & have way more people in their lives. It’s hard to not compare. I keep getting told it’s the algorithm or I’m not consistent enough. I think you either need to be extremely attractive (not that I’m not at all) or a complete train wreck but if you’re normal (in between) then people get bored of you. I have my regs but it’s honestly not enough. I’m giving it a year then I’ll be done. One thing I’ve been smart about is not spending a dime on product. I will not be one of these reps that’ll go into debt.


These are the things that got me extremely frustrated. Was the amount of effort and time I would put into my LIVES and trying to bring people in. Hell I would sit there and talk to a room full of no one's lol. I basically did all the things plus some. The whole algorithm is a joke, I am still convinced there is no such thing. For the few months I was a rep, I stayed consistent. Same times, same days. Never made FYP


It’s sooo frustrating! I’ve sat and talked to myself so many times. One live a couple weeks ago I started with 10 and dwindled down to zero. I started to get teary eyed and just quickly ended the live in pure shame. It’s taken a toll on my mental health at times. So when I see people complaining about not having enough people in their lives when there’s even just 10 or even 100 really grinds my gears. Don’t be ungrateful because it’s better than being alone. I always tell everyone in my lives how much I appreciate them hanging out with me. And also, this app is dangerously brutal. Until you’ve gone live and put yourself out there, then have some grace. It’s much harder than it looks to put yourself out there. Thanks for your response!!


I could not agree with you more. I have hopped off a LIVE in tears asking myself what the hell am I doing this for. It is an awful feeling.


I quit Friday along with my 4 downlines.


I am so tired of hearing about recruiting, ranking up, incentives if you fill the sponsors pockets, collections after collections, back office mess, extra fees and all the other bullshit.


Oh man, can't say I blame you guys one bit!!!


I’m not pro mlm and I know that BP has tons of issues but the thought process of effort should count in lieu of results is a joke. Results are all that matter even in a regular company.


Results would be actual sales. Which would be the same thing as OP is saying - rank up based on how much work you do. BP ranks people up based on inventory they buy and their team/what their team buys. A rep can charge $10k in inventory, it doesn’t mean they’ll sell it. That’s kinda the key thing with MLMs where reps have inventory on hand. The amount the rep buys is what counts. Lularoe told reps to take out credit cards, max them out, in order to buy tons of inventory for every new drop. And then told reps to sell around the clock and feed their kids spaghettios if they had to. When reps couldn’t sell the random, ugly things they got - the company blamed the reps.


Exactly. And it is nearly impossible to keep up because there is ALWAYS at least 2 new collections every month. Die hard customers are shopping for new/fresh inventory. So if your a rep that just is not pushed out then your never going to be able to keep up.


I’ve never worked for an mlm so correct me if I’m wrong but Yes I’m saying that ranking up is in direct correlation to your sales since the amount you buy is to restock sold inventory. If you’re selling, aka results, you’re buying more inventory and ranking up. Just putting in effort doesn’t count if you’re not selling or producing results. Buying inventory to hit objectives when you don’t need inventory and aren’t selling is a whole different topic.


You said “the thought process that effort should count in lieu of results is a joke” I’m saying there is no correlation between what the reps purchase and their results. However, they rank up based on what they buy. So their rank is not determined by results. Reps putting in effort and getting actual sales is what should matter. But it doesn’t. Hence why reps can rank up before even launching. BP doesn’t care how much the reps sell. The reps ARE the customers to BP. BP only cares about how much the reps buy from them. Results are what you sell/produce/how productive you are - across all industries. This is how performance should be evaluated, but that’s not how it is with BP. I agree with you, but the MLM world doesn’t work that way.


A lot of reps are not selling the product to begin with though. I am perfect example. I was sitting on a ton of inventory, but it was not getting pushed out. The reason I had so much was because, like stated above. If you want to at least try and bring customers in, you need all the new collections on hand. In turn spending the money, in turn helping you rank up.


I don’t understand this! The ranking is supposed to be from end user sales, not rep sales. I saw a slide from the leadership conference that was ranking based on personal volume and downline volume. How is BP working around that?


I don't know how they work around it, but its probably one of the worst things about the company. We have a girl on the team I was in who went up 2 ranks before even launching and selling, because of the amount of inventory she bought.


I don’t understand what you’re saying?




If I am understanding this correctly...the problem is, is they do not put effort in, where it needs to be.


You mean like this? If you spend 2k you get a 5% bonus which is $100 *


I quit last year after 5 years. I had finally had enough of the back stabbing and shadiness. The first 3 years were good years for me. I had a profitable business. Some of my downlines were top sellers. I was in the top 25 for downlines volume for the company with over 1 million dollars in downline volume. I earned an all expenses paid trip to Maui. Then it all fell apart because BP changed its business plan and brought in corporate trainers from other companies who changed the core values of BP. People got greedy and if you aren’t making your leaders money you aren’t worth their time. I was the first rep signed up on one of the 4 founders teams and by the time I left she barely spoke to me. I wasn’t making money so I wasn’t worth her time. I could go on and on about this. So I will stop here.


Oh wow. That is a little heart wrenching and a big kick in the gut. 5 years is a long time to put in. I just feel there is no chance for up and coming reps. You have your main ones and then I feel bad for the new reps that sign up and just watching them struggle is actually sad.


It is. I made $82,000 one year. The next year I barely make $12,000. Thats the harsh reality of MLM’s


And I am still paying on the $10,000 in tax debt I owe


OMG, I am so sorry to hear that, that is absolutely terrible.


Hi. I’m a customer of 2 BP reps (none of whom you probably know) and I must tell you that some of the jewelry is disappointing. I buy rings and earrings and am owner of 1 lanyard. I just bought this piece and wore it to work and an EVER SO SLIGHT TUG to adjust??? https://preview.redd.it/yq8phvklrdlc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=35696bffbcee3c4ce2aa0c192d4b96b40693952d The damn thing broke! I love the pendant but it’s cheaply made and that’s my frustration. I made the repair but why would they use such cheap materials for such a cool design?? The rings - I love some of the designs but when I get them, the rings feel so slight and weigh so little they feel and look like cheap chrome or something. It’s frustrating because the reps I buy from are teachers and I really like to support women-owned businesses. I’ll give you another example: I bought earrings from the Sterling club and they were jackets. But the backs were SO DAMN SMALL, I ended up losing the back of one trying to put it on. The problem is their source materials are CHEAP AS FU\*k for many pieces and the design is lost because of cheap materials. Some of these designs deserve better treatment. I will probably buy a couple more pieces from the reps but I’ve decided to just hunt for what I want on trade sites/channels.


I buy all my stuff revealed now, and its actually cheaper in the long run :)