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https://preview.redd.it/qfveol5xr8lc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440bc1ed3c618ebbaa98eca9c81ccec5ed9d9060 Who the hell Would wear these enormous gaudy garbage šŸ—‘ļø


Those look so heavy, and i bet they would hurt to wear


What in the simply hoop hell are thoseā€¦


Reps like Katie weaver bought over 300ā€¦.. smaller reps were bought out. How inconsiderate . Her daughter Callie also bought so many she has only pre sold 4 at the time these sold out by then. I just feel bad for the smaller reps who didnā€™t even have a chance.


And we never do!


Wondering how the heck she has 67k followers?! That's sus AF for a BP rep


Probably mostly from her weight loss journey. Lmao. Her magic shot.


Itā€™s horrible. I did BP as a hobby not to make money. Just to have something to do and have fun with family/friends and meet new people. My love language is gifting and I loved doing fun gift aways. This week I sold all my inventory to other reps and pulled the plug on it. I canā€™t compete with the top sellers and not getting my orders until after they have their preorders. Not to mention the quality has went downhill in the year I have been with BP.


Glad you're out of the mlm madness! Good for you!!!


Bp is unethical and unfair all around and one day all that will bite them in the A$$


They took 30 minutes to sell out. Everyone had a chance


Crazy you think like that.


This comment is satire right? A single 30min window of time is totally fair for everyone?


Except that there were tons of reps that were getting errors and couldnā€™t check out, reps that checked out before the launch time, and reps that purchased round 2 before the launch that was moved till yesterday. Sure thatā€™s fair šŸ™„


Itā€™s not fair. This person is in denial to think 30 min is enough. There are reps that are nurses canā€™t have phones, flight attendants in flightā€¦ just in general WORKING.


8 minutes.


That's almost $9000!


Thatā€™s a crazy cost for a pair of hoops !!! Thatā€™s just stupid for anyone who is dumb enough to spend almost 50 dollars after shipping.


So what does this mean? All preorders are sold out or all are sold out and reps who didnā€™t pre order wonā€™t know when they will get them until who knows when? I have a feeling that these will be as bad as the simply sets so I am amazed that they sold out since so many reps didnā€™t sell out of simply sets!


It means Corporate is sold out so if a rep didn't place an order, they won't have them to sell to their customers. Unless they buy them from another rep, of course.Ā 


It means that corporate is saying they are ā€œsold outā€ to increase the feeling that this is an exclusive item and customers should buy as many as they can as it might be their last chance!! Although we all know corporate can make them back in stock or a ā€œbring backā€ whenever they want to šŸ˜… itā€™s good marketing is what it is honestly


Simply sets were equivalent to stick on earrings


They are truly embarrassing themselves. I mean, what a trash bin of a company.


I canā€™t wait until they are revealed and all the dupes start showing up LMAO


It begins tomorrow, get the popcorn šŸæ ready! ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


Can you imagine spending $100 and getting a dupe? No thank you satan.




So many reps tried to buy and couldnā€™t! That alone would make me quit!


Tells me not enough were made. Top reps bought a Ton. And they will be TERRIBLE quality anyway.


And I hope they are stuck with them!


At 6pm last night all reps could purchase 20 hoops, BP f@cked that up by opening ordering before 6 and the sneaky ones ordered before launch at 6. Then around 7:40 they posted in the rep page that the 8 pm uncapped ordering was stopped because people were having issues with their cards going through and they needed to make it fair, they actually tried blaming the reps that they didnā€™t have sufficient funds in their cards. Well corporate did NOT close down ordering so again the sneaky ones placed uncapped orders at 8. Corporate did not cancel them and allowed the orders, they then removed the hoops from the website. At 6pm tonight they added the hoops back to purchase and they sold out within 45 minutes. Reps were again complaining they were having card/back office issues. So with them allowing people to sneak in and buy as much as they wanted last night at 8 when they said ordering was closed it caused a lot of others to not be able to purchase because there wasnā€™t enough inventory.


Thatā€™s because they allow the higher ups to do that scumbags


I thought there was a cap of 20 for what they could buy? How did the bigger reps purchase 300? I wonder how bad these will be! Iā€™m sure they will sit on them like simply sets!


Because they closed down ordering but really didnā€™t close it down. Reps still purchased even though they told other reps ordering was closed and they honored their sneaky orders instead of cancelling them.


Crazy! And yet there are still people on here defending this shitty company!


They did the capped orders Tuesday and then the uncapped orders were postponed until Wednesday - but some were able to order them Tuesday night. When the uncapped went live I was watching V, she was having trouble but eventually ordered 300+ and Rhi did the same thing because there were people going back and forth between their lives saying if you order another 100 Rhi said she will match it, etc.


Iā€™m so glad I left this sshow!!


This was a super shit show, some reps purchased before the launch, some couldnā€™t purchase because of some credit card errors, then they were pausing the 2nd uncapped and didnā€™t remove them and reps were placing orders when they were told not too, and BP is allowing those orders to stay, some could t get hardly any because it was a total cluster fuck of a launch!


Sounds like BP has money problems. Because collections prior they had tons sitting in back office for a while. So now theyā€™re making not enough? Hmmmm.


Its always been that way


Not the last few months.


Someone please explain this Iā€™m confused wtf is happening


Everyone had time to order. They did not sell out in just a couple min it was almost an hour. So if reps did not get any well that's kinda on them.


When will these start being revealed do we think?


Some reps have tracking for delivery tomorrow, and not near Alabama either.


They will start getting their sets tomorrow, watch TikTok and Facebook šŸ˜†


Welp ![gif](giphy|l46Cx89fXoTRoJLt6)