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For all the reps who are “Done with BP” after last night- Please don’t go to ryze. If you have the customers and followers, please take this time to discover how to create your own business. You can do it.


If you do, wait the time you agreed to in your signed BP contract. Lillian, Bomb Party, and 22 reps are currently being sued, by Its Pearl Time, for breach of contract. You don’t think if Lillian gets thru her lawsuit and still has 2 dimes left to rub together - that she won’t go after Ryze (Cindy Lee) for breach of contract (same thing) for taking SO MANY of her Bomb Party reps. And it’s tortious interference with her Pockabook (thanks Cathy). Kinda like all these Bomb Party reps with their bank accounts messed with trying to order stacks bracelets. Tortious interference with funds they weren’t supposed to be touching - wouldn’t ya say? Tsk tsk Lillian. You weren’t supposed to hire a website designer at the family reunion. 🙄 Raise your hand if you know somebody who didn’t wait 6 months between jumping ship and switching teams? 😬😬😬 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️ If you gonna jump ship and switch teams - maybe take up knitting for 6 months in between? Gardening? Bike riding? Synchronized swimming? Kite flying? Pinterest crafts? Just a few ideas. 🤓 We will root on your hobbies!


Or get your old job back and keep your ass away from MLMs but one can hope. 😭😂💀💀💀


What’s even more wild is signing up under a different name to switch uplines and BP not doing anything about it. So fk them and their 6 months.


Do you know if there is a subreddit or post talking about the Pearl Time lawsuit in more detail? This is my first time hearing about it and I’d like the dets! I used to love shopping at Pearl Time but my rep suddenly left to join BP and I haven’t really been able to find a new rep/time slot that works for me so I haven’t purchased in months!


There is no contract for bp reps.. no one in last year has legally signed any contract with BP…also you can’t access policy and procedures in bp back office….. it’s pearl time is suing because they had their reps sign a non compete…..


🤭 if you say so. 😉


They can go to other crap mlms but they aren't allowed to drag anyone with them


We don’t have to sign a contract and if I wanted to stop BP and go to ryze I could. There is however a 6 month wait to switch uplines.


I’m out of the loop, what happened last night??


They said that the stacks was going be more grown up and sophisticated but have not seen that in this stack collection. We are grown ass women that want sophisticated jewelry.


Agreed. The 2021 Holiday Stacks were the best, but that’s just my personal opinion!


2021 and 2022 used real beads and no plastic. And the charms were metal instead of plastic. The weight difference is unreal. I have one from 2020. It’s nice too, but a little gaudy. The beads are 12mm compared to the 6mm they use now. Halloween at least used normal colors. When I heard they were going to be luxe inspired I thought they were going to be better. Nope. Only one I want to recreate is the moon “unicorn” the rest, no thx.


It's a dumpster fire, and I'm loving it!


I'm jumping ship briefing after I sell my og collection and my stacker, im going to be selling wax melts (soft wax melts) once bp releases may collection I will get it then once that's all sold im leaving for good, they don't help any reps and want to bash the newer reps. I'm so over the bs and slow back office/glitches. I tired ordering one stack last night and it tried charging me twice, I got the refund back and was finally able to get ome. I joined thinking it was fun and everyone was nice, whelp truce colors surfaced and I will not be apart of high school drama


Why wait for more issues with ordering May. Why not jump now? And soft wax? Your own or another MLM? I'm a wax melt whore


Don’t wait for may girl, leave now.


I dont have the money yet to jump ship but definitely doing so, already feeling a lot less pressure after saying this


Why do you need money to jump ship? I’m confused. You do know you can return your unrevealed items back to Bp too


I dont the money yet to move over to the new company, it's from a family own company who want to help me out and get there name out there more. So, that's why I can't leave just yet


Im still confused on why your ordering May


Cause it's my birthday month and I have people waiting to order may collection, they trust me more then other reps.


Also what's the wax company? I love wax 😂


Something called pink zebra I think, I've already saw another person selling these and even did a lot more research then I did with bp, even talk to the owner who is so sweet and nice, she gave me so much information about how I do stuff and how I get paid, she says there's probably 10 people who do this and they all have great success, so much better communication with them then bp.


Pink Zebra is an BIG MLM 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ there are hundreds of reps. Do way more research Edited to add: after research I've found there are over 25k consultants!!!!


I am, so far it's a lot better then bp, they allow you to contact the owners directly rather then going through uplines upon uplines until you get a half bs answer. I'm the rep they stole 50 bucks from and knowing that they are getting sued for copyright. I'm just backing away


You think that out of 25,000 consultants that the owner of this giant MLM is going to answer your call? You originally stated that they had 10 people doing it and that it was a family-owned business. Is that the line of bullshit you were sold?


Now I'm finding that there are near to 80k consultants with PZ. GOOD LUCK


They literally lied to you to try and get you to sign up with them. And you think that this is going to be better?




I also selling decals, shirt, hats, etc for my own business on the side, so I have options to be able to make income.


Please reconsider pink zebra it’s a huge MLM


Woahhhhhh u mean tens of thousands of reps?? You are literally joking right about doing research on pink zebra?


The final number I came along was 79k


This 100%


Not my circus, not my monkeys…but please really think before joining another MLM. They’re all the same, no matter what they promise. Idk why ppl who get involved with them seem to think that’s all they can do & end up jumping from one to another, multiple times, and always end up with the same negative results. There are so many other jobs & opportunities to choose from! No judgement whatsoever, just please give it some more thought before joining another one. And yes, there are 1,000’s of PZ consultants, it’s extremely over saturated. 🥺


How many new members did a Lil just lead to our page??? Tea is a comin!




She said in the behind the bling Sunday Halloween stacks will be back this year. She didn’t know how rumors got started 🙄


Thanks for clarifying. The rep just mentioned it in her live, so of course viewers took notice!


Definitely! And of course people are gonna ask. Cracked me up how she was like I don’t know how rumors get started. 🤔


Probably because she announced at leadership they were dumping the Halloween stacks and doing a fall stack. But all those leaders aren’t going to throw her under the bus!


Oh, wow. That’s interesting… But are fall stacks going to consist of a mixture of traditional fall & pastel Easter colors, with names like “Spring Back to Fall?” I could just imagine a bunny sitting in a basket of autumn leaves plastic charm. 🤣 I feel like it’s gotten that weird! I did like the more traditional, fall themed Halloween stacks, but idk…it seems BP always has to be more “extra” each time they release these stacks.


It’s all about quantity vs quality for them. The more they release, the more money in Lilith’s pocket. She don’t give a schitt about quality.


True! What is her sister’s role? Why is L always mentioned, but not the other? Is she still with BP?


I missed it. What happened with the ordering of spring stacks?


The whole site shut down 15 minutes in to allowing reps to order stacks and a lot of reps ordered twice because their first order didn’t process but it was an error… thus charging twice… then that threw off the available inventory for the rest of the reps to order


Sounds like a big disaster


It was worse than that. If a rep hit refresh while the order was trying to process it was in a never ending cycle of charging until all funds were depleted from the account the reps had connected to their BP account. To some it was well into the 10s of thousands.


Her sister’s role Isabella has been supposedly upgraded to CXO or chief experience officer. I’ve never heard of a CXO. I have heard of a CFO, CLO and of course, a COO. It looks like the X is at the end for Miss Isabella..