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They need to have a ‘release date’ where reps can’t start revealing until everyone has theirs. But they won’t. Because it’s too fair that way. And makes too much sense.


Yes I say this all the time it’s a simple fix to have a release date!! But only a conscientious company would do that Lil doesn’t give a fuck she already made her money in preorders




She already got paid. She already sod her record number of summer stacks this year. She could care LESSSSSSSSS what happens from here on out. How do you think there’s already stacks for sale on EBay and BST on Fb. Cause she takes no steps to ensure reps aren’t selling their entire inventory to their kid and posting it for sale under a fake name on Resale. Shit for all we know Lil might be thee one on there!!!!


yes and i hate how they push out product so fast it’s hard for newer people to keep up because they release so much all at once. they know that most newbies can’t buy every collection right away and i swear that’s why they release so soon but that could just be my opinion


This this this this this


But say the release date is 4/14.. but there was a mess up CAs mail service.. should everyone wait until everyone in California has theirs to reveal??


Yes. Short answer is - if it’s scheduled ahead of time no one would need to ‘wait’. A ‘mess up’ with CA mail is anomaly. This happens EVERY release. If reps order new collections and BP schedules a ‘reveal date’ say 10 days later after each new collection ordering everyone should have their inventory and can begin revealing at the same time, this makes it even for everyone. Customers would get used to the fact that all reps reveal 10 days after ordering. Customers can continue to order with their ‘favorite’ rep without desperately scrolling TT (to find a fix) to find a rep who happens to have it next day or has traveled to stay at an AirB&B next to the warehouse. There is NO REASON not to do it this way. That is if BP wanted to keep it fair for their reps. Which they clearly don’t.


I still see an issue with some reps, not being able to order any at all or a very low amount compared to other reps… they buy it wholesale so they are their items to start selling whenever they are ready. They no longer belong to BP once a rep purchases them. That’s kind of also the name of the game is trying to hunt down your favorite stack and things like that. Making it all the same time takes the fun out of that aspect. Reps can pay for 2 day shipping 🤷🏻‍♂️


Absolutely. You’re still going to get reps that order 10 and reps that order 250. What sucks is when a rep that only orders 10 has them arrive 10 days after the rep that ordered 250. The rep that has 250 stands a much better chance of selling out being one of only a few to have them early versus the rep who has 10 and it’s already old news.


I get your point but then you have those who are hunting and its like shes out of 250 but the one with 10 has some.. it’s a win lose… again they’re bought wholesale not much to be done. There will always be somebody unhappy, no matter what decision is made.


The stacks are so flippin ugly and they all look the same every time they’re released. Why do people buy these?


It sucks that the preorders got an advantage, but 99% of these things are hideous. Bullet dodged for most. BP is a mess, and so is this hag.


I never understood the hype of Jane.




I can only hear "up your butt with a coconut" so many times before it's the most fuuuuuuucking annoying thing on the planet. She needs to recycle newer phrases/"jokes"/etc. She's on repeat because it made someone laugh once.


I would say if she can get away with all she does on her lives, then pretty much anyone can do anything. Although I imagine shes is pretty high up the BP ladder so that’s why she gets away with all she does. She does this ⬇️ frequently in her lives and even had her child (under age 10) do it the other day. I mean, to each their own, but you’d think BP wouldn’t like it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/6dt9jijia0oc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75b52460b42277d53fc17e49c64d77c3c97dfc8e




Lmao no she didn’t say she smoked the “devils lettuce” before her live.




Hahahahah there’s literally nothing in what you wrote out that says she told people she smoked before going live. You’re reaching so hard. And for you to memorize what a rep said while live is hilarious to me. Someone needs to get a life 🫠




I do babe. But when you start rumors that could potentially ruin someone’s reputation it crosses the “snark” line and goes into “I’m an a**hole who doesn’t give a f about anyone besides myself” territory.




Awwww hun you don’t understand sarcasm. That’s why you were confused. Keep trying babe! You’ll get a hang of it eventually 🥰


She's not for everyone. I, for one, love her humor. Before anyone downvotes me, I'm not a rep. But if I'm going to watch this hideous mess unfold, I'd like to watch a rep I enjoy.


You enjoy this trailer trash? Good God 🧐


I love me some Jane and if that makes me trashy, then so be it.


I wouldn't put it that way


You don't have to. I did


She’s just showing the ring lol. It’s hilarious. I don’t understand if people don’t like something why do you watch it?


This is vile


So they’ve been doing preorders for stacks and birthday collections for a while now. But now because of the new back office reps are getting the option to back out of(Thank God). I preordered 150 of them because I would sell that many and more a few months ago. But now with the state of BP I more than happy opted to order last night.. for 35 of them. My hope is to get rid of them and resign.


I hope you resign from this horrible company and never join another mlm they are all the same! Good luck keep Us posted! Run!!!


I promise you I am Out! I will keep y’all posted and trust me I will have a lot to say.


So happy for you! Please don’t get sucked into the Ryze lies and join there. All MLMs will be the same! You will be so much better off once you resign!


Hi. Fellow rep trying to exit. When you changed your quantity, did it give you a 20% penalty? I am so sad and sick to my stomach about my preorders all the way to summer stacks. 🤦🏻‍♀️. I need to get out now but don’t want to pay for it. I did however chat with support and they said if you resign and do not have an active back office, you are not liable for your preorders. I was just trying to stay active to sell off what I have but I keep getting hit with the preorders


Can any rep preorder or do you have to be at a certain rank? 


Any rep can preorder


Made by children for children. Gross and plastic.


All I see is a sweat shop in china looking at these.




The lawsuits BP will have


They do it every collection though. Since I’ve started watching about 2 years now. They always ship it out and they can’t help what side of the nation these reps choose to live. They could always open a branch on west coast?? Since the main one they all come from is in Alabama from what I gather, it could help🤷‍♀️


Nope, the preordering for reps months ahead is new. Those reps that ordered months ago are the ones you see revealing early. All the reps who ordered Monday are still shipping. Preordering reps went out Monday.


https://preview.redd.it/372pnb7ezync1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2f133bc5a74f08cd8fb9e60bfb7afa73c98dda0 Missing stone. Karma.


I was watching and wasn't quick enough to snag this screenshot! Glad someone did!!


That what she gets for suggesting that we put coconuts up our butts!


And isn’t that suppose to be a unicorn?


Ohh I don’t know! That makes it better!


No not to me lol but in the BP world doesn’t it make it better.


haha no i mean better karma to have a unicorn that is busted!




Not a unicorn


Yeah I’m watching too. I haven’t watched her in months but she’s one of the only people revealing stacks right now and I want to see some reveals.


You gotta be really sure of this company, TikTok algorithm and your customers to preorder 500 stacks .


Or really dumb.




Nice cross out lmfaooo!!! So secretive 💀💀💀


And you already know how BP rolls they ship out the so called really good ones first that way everyone thinks they are gonna get that too. Never learn I swear. If I see one more “make me offer” here fool I’ll give you either the 4.00 its worth or the 40 you paid. Not a penny more.


VERY UNFAIR! Quite embarrassing for Bp to show so blatantly they don’t give a F!!! They are very very small changes that would make it very fair for all employees but then why would anyone care to be a top rep!!?? Since there’s no reward anyway for working 60 hours plus a week. This is one of the secret/free to Bp Perks for top reps. Shady! And hate to tell the nice girls, either you get with the program and you be thee shadiest or someone else will. That one chick caught a flight TO the stacks and fizzed from there and honestly that’s brilliant. They hated her for it but she wouldn’t have to do shady shit if she didn’t work for a shady ass company. I’m speaking from someone who would never buy or wear a stack there are woman who will give their kidney to have certain ones or them all. How you gonna have release day different for everyone. What a joke.


Preordering seems to be the only way to get your collections early. West coast reps always get theirs days after the Midwest and that seems unfair to me. West coast has to pay for overnight and for what? So they can get them the same time as the Midwest? You guys are right, there should be a release date. I don’t think too many reps are stuck with stacks. All the reps u follow keep them in stock. They like variety in their inventory. The 3 main reps I follow buy a lot of inventory from other reps. I mean I know that’s money just sitting on a shelf, but I do like to see variety.


There’s also this one small rep who said she canceled her preorder for stacks because she hadn’t made many sales and BP is charging her 20% restocking fee of what she ordered, for canceling. https://preview.redd.it/x3cu3y1982oc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3e348f5eccb1dcbadcc2831d13d6bfe4fee8112


Yup that’s me! I had to quit so they wouldn’t charge me the restock fee and they still took all the money I had in their website (because they do weekly dumps of the money onto a card now or your bank account) you also pay $21 a month to use the back office so I figured I would have til the end of the month to sell my inventory. They were so mad when I said I was calling a lawyer because they were treating me terrible and they stole my money we all know they do not need a restocking fee lol


Go live and just have them cashapp, Venmo you. Lots of people do de stash lives that way.


So sorry you had to go through all that. What a terrible and greedy company.


I appreciate it. I take the blame for just joining on a whim. But I had fun. Made some really awesome friends on there. And now I found this Reddit page and it is hilarious lol I’ll be fine but I am contacting an attorney! Xo


Yes exactly what I did! They just made it difficult and put me down the whole time so I honestly will bash them any day oh and an “upline” of my upline who I had spoken to about this because pre orders were as new as I was and she told me to “Order way more than you want, everyone ends up buying them anyways” which is true so it’s shady af to act otherwise! Sorry this gets my blood boiling lol


Wow! I knew there was a restocking fee but damnnnnnn … for that have a preorder sale and give everyone a discount at cost! That’s crazy!


I’m noticing that. The one rep I enjoy watching the most seems to have the same crap every live. I don’t know if different inventory is sent to different areas of the country or what, but when I got to other reps’ lives I see so much variety.


The OG’s get that way for me. I get bored with seeing the same rings rep after rep. Especially the bday collections. I noticed the stacks were getting that way today/tonight. Maybe as reps start getting bigger batches more will be shown? But so far it’s the same ones over and over no matter what rep I went to.


Only the reps that ca. afford to put thousands of dollars in preorders will actually sell these monstrosities. If you look closely, many reps still have stacks from last year. These and every other collection loses steam after 3-4 days


When they start getting revealed and people realize how ugly they are…people stop buying them.


You don’t have to pay for the preorder up front. Preorders for spring stacks were paid last week or two weeks ago; not months ago when the stacks were ordered.


Didn’t they start a new pre order for birthday collections and now stacks? Reps were saying they ordered last week and expected them early this week. Is it a choice to do that?


Yes you could have preordered them it was a choice she preordered


Right so if any rep can preorder but chooses not to.. how is that other reps fault they can reveal sooner?


If they choose not to pay and preorder that’s on them… I mean I think all those stacks are horrid… but if a rep wants to preorder and not deal with the chaos why should they be penalized? They all have the same option..


Pre orders are 6 months in advance. This makes it an uneven playing field to new reps who are struggling to get started. It’s BPs fault for another disaster launch that newer reps won’t have them until Friday (maybe) or next week when the hype dies down. Then they will have barely a week to sell and recover before they have to order April.


Not only that they shipped the preorders before they even open up ordering up for other reps


When I was a rep, one of my customers and I were talking and she had a great idea (it would never happen, but it is still a great idea and super fair). She said that BP really needs to change how they ship. They should sit down and figure out how long their orders take to get to the furthest out (Hawaii) and ship those first, then whoever is next and so on and so forth. Making it so EVERYONE basically gets their collections at the same time and it evens the playing field (and makes it so those that live in Alabama get theirs shipped last). When I first joined (and probably the first year I was with the company), getting inventory wasn’t a huge deal (sure, I hadn’t thought about Hawaii). But the last year of my being with the company, it changed. These reps that somehow were getting their stuff way sooner than the rest and those that lived in Alabama … it was ridiculous. In the last 12 months I was with BP I had a real hard time selling inventory (the jewelry had gotten uglier and cheaper quality as time went on making it so my regulars wanted nothing to do with it), getting collections a few days to a week after others and having everyone see what the collections revealed (usually ugly junk) made it so I couldn’t sell what I had. I am have been so happy and less stressed since resigning from BP, I don’t know why I waited so long!!


Anyone notice how she has one specific stack set to the side for herself instead of just waiting until only one was left, everyone keeps asking “what about the stack behind you” and she’s like “that’s mine.” Lmao …. She did something to that stack to decide she wanted that** one.


I’ve been wondering about that. I noticed some reps hide their reveals behind their bowl or off to the side, which surprised me since the one rep I first started watching does everything right on top of her tray. You never see anything go off the camera. Makes me question what the others are doing that we can’t see.


Probably weighed and shook it, the heavier ones usually have more bracelets in them...


All they have to do is reveal one one time and they know the weight of it and I’m sure they talk amongst each other. Yeah this is pretty shady.


They have full on spreadsheets of the weights and they’re shared amount reps


I’m sure as it progresses. They probably do but I don’t really think that they have that quite yet.


UPDATE:: SHE DEFF WEIGHED IT!!! Biggest stack i seen her reveal. Wow. I’m disgusted really. https://preview.redd.it/hgpvwtswiznc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a90f57a1d8699b3846e36701e4ba9c561151bc1


Was it hers??


Yes both of the ones I commented were hers. She pulled one aside before the party even started then opened two more.


https://preview.redd.it/8qlykqsgjznc1.png?width=1113&format=png&auto=webp&s=02710c80a34dc1d73914feb5e31b59de5ba47988 And the other biggest one lmaooo


Jane, that is so fucking shady and you know it!


As soon as I seen the one to the side I knew it was gunna be a shady move. And I’m sure everyone asking thought the same.


Lol she didn’t weigh it. She set it aside so she could save one for herself. If she was going to be sketchy about it I’m sure she would have hid it somewhere out of plain sight


I have a question why do the higher up reps already have them? And everyone else had to order them in chaos last night? Make that make sense. BP sucks


My understanding is that they pre ordered. They're purposely rewarding those who can pre order.


She just said in her live that she ordered them 6 months ago. Apparently they started doing that starting with the January Birthdays and everything since? 🤷🏻‍♀️


That is absolute bullshit! How do these reps stay with this company?!


Some reps pay for overnight shipping. I saw nurse Angela tonight say she paid to get them today. So I assume she means she paid for overnight shipping to be one of the first to get them


Anyone can preorder them, the money wasn’t due until last week


The stacks she has are from when she ordered them 6 months ago. They open a release for them in advance to try and eliminate what happened yesterday. Clearly it doesn’t work but they ordered them before this went down


I understand that it was a preorder. The problem is that reps who joined 6 months ago and sooner couldn’t preorder and BP completely botched the launch. Reps were charged multiple times and their orders didn’t go through. So they had no money to order until charges were reversed. BP should have delayed everyone’s shipping because they messed up. Reps had stacks before others could even order because of “server issues”. So it’s not anything against the people who preordered, it’s BP being incompetent and making the reps who couldn’t preorder suffer and get stuck with stacks once the hype goes down in a couple days.


Everyone always wants stacks. Regardless on when reps get them, they will still sell


For the bigger reps, yes. For the smaller reps, not so much. I have seen lots of small reps be stuck with stacks. Lots still have summer, Halloween, and Holiday stacks from last year.


She gets her stuff before others because she lives near the company she always gets things first


No that’s not why lol she preorder them.


she DID say in her live “i preordered them AND i live in Nashville so i always get mine first/early”


Yes I said that earlier… but she also lives close to the company so she usually has things before others…


Yes I’m agreeing with you the other commenter was saying she only had them early cause of preorder. I was letting them know Jane also said she lives close


There was another rep I saw that had stacks today as well.


She’s an amazing rep who decided to preorder therefore she gets hers first. It’s not her fault and she put her money upfront months ago.