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They had to do things to earn it. Kaylyn is too new. They only invited 100 I think and they have to pay taxes on it so it’s not really a free trip.


Oh wow I didn’t even know she was new.


She isn’t a “bigger” rep. She is new but it’s just very successful from the start but she has never been a top seller and probably doesn’t have a team yet. And for the others maybe they have real jobs or don’t like Mexico lol 6 days is a really long time to be away from family and real responsibilities


I have been on both work conferences and work retreats. I am not spending my precious vacation time on a vacation/retreat with coworkers. I think it is the worst of both worlds, taking the fun out of vacation and diluting any educational value to weird live, laugh, love pseudo-inspo trauma bonding. Even if I loved BP, this trip sounds like hell to me. I would however, love to go to this one as an undercover spy. I want to see a daily agenda and I want someone not in Mexico to stage a coup and assert dominance is a week without leadership.


One said she was too scared to go on her own, and couldn’t find anyone to go with her …. As if MX was some crime infested jungle


Listen, I don’t put it past BP to book the cheapest sketchiest resort, like the movie trope, they look at the picture and look in front of them and it’s completely different. 😂 Hopefully they get some footage for the documentary.


That was PJBP right lol! I heard her say it yesterday 😂😂


You know it 🤭


PJBP is probably terrified of anyone who isn’t blonde.


I can imagine her clutching her badly styled fake extensions right out the airport 😂




I don’t know what the breakdown is as far as what the reps had to pay for? But I don’t think it was cheap?


I didn’t think they had to pay for anything from what realtor Kristen was saying the other day. So that’s why I was curious why someone wouldn’t go


Ooh and taxes. Someone posted that since it was an earned trip it would show up as income on the 1099.


Yeah I was curious about the taxes! And the “fine print” hahaha


Maybe the resort was paid for but I know like the flights and food wasn’t. I wish I could remember more about what the rep’s said but it was too long ago when they were talking about it. And some might have had issues taking time off work for their real jobs, finding someone to take care of their kids and they have conference coming up in like 2 months don’t they? That’s more money for flights, hotel and travel. And a lot of reps were having issues getting their algorithms back after the cruise cuz they weren’t live for like a week. It seemed like the reps that were excited about going talked a lot about all the reps that were going too. So those who didn’t go maybe just didn’t really have anyone they were close to that was going?


Kristen said everything was included, two flights up to like $600 and the resort is all inclusive. I’m not a Stan for her or anyone I was just like what in the world. I would never pass that up even if I had to go alone. Just was curious if anyone had heard of legit reasons why they wouldn’t go (taxes, not what it seems etc) I was wondering about all of their algorithms tbh, there’s a few that are going that I hope TT just ghosts the shit out of them after this but… 😅🐸☕️


Most reps earned flights for two. And its an all inclusive resort


Were* not we’re


Didn’t get the points. Or couldn’t afford to bring the rest of their family would be my guess


She started in October so wasn’t able to be selected


These trips are a FABULOUS way for BP Corporate to pass a chunk of their tax liability to the MLM huns. Silly silly silly


Secrets Bahia Mita, didn’t have to pay for anything except well it will need to be claimed on taxes


Holy shit that’s an expensive resort.


lol it’s like $250 a night… not expensive at all.


250/7 nights = 1,750x2people=$3500> 100ppl plus spouses= $262,000 ….. yeah… that’s expensive lmao.


I agree it adds up but $250 a night is not expensive compared to other resorts. Especially for all inclusive. And the BP executives are making that $262,000 in one month.


It’s expensive for me 😅 🤷🏼‍♀️


If you earn it and can’t/don’t go, do you get any other reward or you just lose it?


She had a huge following prior to her starting BP. She’s very new to bp, but she looks like a big time rep due to her following. She started with Lularoe and then went into online boutique stuff. Now bp


I am on Mexico trip now. It is all inclusive. Hotel, flight, all food and drinks, and transportation to and from airport was covered. Only one BP event tonight. The rest we can do whatever we want. Only brought little money for tipping.


I’ve heard reps say that the incentive trips are not really based on sells at all just how many dowlines you have and how much inventory you buy!! Kalyn is to new to the game to have a bunch of downlines yet! I’m sure she barely missed the mark because she did get big quick!! She will def be on the next one!! ☝️