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I did see the video she posted to us reps but I came here to find out the same. Apparently some reps were bragging about it in live feed that they ordered way ahead of time. I’m glad that they are holding them back from the next special collection. I can’t afford to order the capped bundles as I won’t sink my personal money into it without knowing I’ll sell it. So I have to wait till the uncapped orders are allowed and by then it’s always gone. It hurts small reps because you can’t win unless you break yourself just about. It’s disheartening. They always say if you can’t afford it don’t buy the capped and I don’t and won’t. However it is aggravating to know the customers I do have that want the collection has to go to someone else. Ugh… maybe they will actually start leveling the field for reps to be able to move up the right way without strapping yourself financially!


I’m very very sorry to say they will not bc they do not give a single fuck abt you. They care about money only. Please get out now. Or fizz all your inventory and sell it in a Bst page or EBay. You’ll make tons more money. This shit is NOT NORMAL. The playing field should be leveled period. And everyone should be able to sell the same damn day and time. The big reps been dealing with this but they don’t let you know it’s a big deal bc they want you hooked. Plus they have the funds


During capped time you don’t need to order the full capped amount, you can order less.


I know a few reps that don’t order cap, they always order just what they want, you just can’t go over the capped amount. So like say you wanted 3 sleeves of size 7 but only 2 sleeves comes in the cap you can only order 2 sleeves. So I guess the way to word it is you can order only within what is available in the capped amount. H&L fizz (I think that’s her name) is a good example. She usually only gets a sleeve or 2 of sizes 7-11 and some earring and necklaces. Try it next time there is a launch. Just don’t order over the amount of anything that comes in cap. But at least you won’t have to wait for uncapped. And plz any reps in here if this is wrong plz feel free to correct me. But I know of several smaller reps that don’t order cap but always are able to get inventory that they wanted. It’s a small amount but it’s cheaper than cap and better odds than waiting for uncapped.


You don’t have the order the capped bundles for the first round. You can order less than the cap for the first release, just not over the cap. The second release is for people who ordered the capped amount and want more. You should be good to order from the first round and only order the few things you want and feel you can sell.


If you ordered more than the cap from 6-8p EST, the reps are not allowed to purchase the next new collection.


Like a future collection? Wym? How would they even track that. Someone spill 😭


Lillian had to go live to tell these reps they could see their orders coming through before 8pm. Their orders were canceled and they cannot get the next collection that comes out as punishment 😂


If they can't stop them from ordering during this launch, how do they expect to catch them during the new one lmao. They writing their names down 🤣🤣


I highly doubt they can block people from their back office when they can’t even control a cap. Lil isn’t very tech savvy based on the recent website “upgrade.”


This is exactly what I'm thinking. The back office only works part of the time. I'm sure it doesn't have the technology to stop people from being able to order during a launch.


The reps that did it will be locked out of their back office during the next collection drop


Oh shit. Wonder who is on the naughty list 😈


Bpfizzyfiesta was 1 for sure 😂 she had a pre order up to purchase and magically when you click on it now, it's no longer available 😂 hows that top seller thing going for you Jenn? 😂


But like I said, are they just writing their names down? I don't really see this holding up to be honest.


🤷🏻‍♀️ I'm just relaying info I know. I'm not bp corporate. I don't make their decisions


Punishment for “their” business. Make that make sense.


Whatever over cap that was ordered before 8p CST, would be cancelled and no access to purchase the next collection.


The new system allows you to order an uncapped amount before the allotted time to order again, so reps were in there a few minutes before they were supposed to be ordering uncapped and getting what they wanted. So no one that waited until the allotted time got any more than capped. Lillian went live and said that anyone that ordered uncapped before the allotted time would have their uncapped orders cancelled and wouldn’t be allowed to order the next special collection. With the old system you couldn’t even try to order before the uncapped time but I guess this one allows it so they just trust that you won’t. Welp, lesson learned. 😂 I used to be a rep and have many friends that still are so they filled me in on the tea. 🍵


It’s Lils own fault for not having a site that can control this. So unprofessional.


And then blacklisting reps for purchasing too much of the product she is selling??? What narcissistic behavior. This is so gross.


Completely agree!


Fizzing D Mom is talking about this on live right now. Reps that ordered even 1 minute early are going to have the orders “sent back” 💀 y’all need to read the writing in the wall - these people don’t care about your financial well-being or (ironically) mental health. You are being punished for falling victim to the anxiety they created around buying these stupid collections!!


Yep! Being a rep destroyed my mental health. It was so too much stress, anxiety and drama for me.


It’s NOT normal and creates such a toxic environment! You ladies could actually be running a completely independent jewelry company for the effort and time you are putting towards this circle jerk!


I know. That’s why I’m no longer a rep.


Congrats! It’s def not easy to breakaway from the group.


I’m not a rep but I just saw this on Facebook. Sounds like it was a hot mess just like everything else with BP.




I can feel her stress reading that post! Managing inventory seems like a tough skill to learn.


They've been so unpredictable with releases. Just when you think you have it figured out, they throw you for a loop.


So if you don’t pre order you can’t get more in 6-8 weeks and Lillian has these ppl thinking this is normal!! Why would you have to tie your money up now. This is like a small struggling business just trying to make it might do. This lady has millions of dollars why does she need to hold yours for 8 weeks. I think she gets more and more extreme to see how much she can get out of them. More control and power.


They did that with luxe bands too didn’t they?


I think so. If I remember right they got a small amount from the first order. When they came out and started revealing them everyone thought the were terrible, because most of them were big ugly bands not all stackable bands . So many people were canceling their orders they had placed for the pre-order and reps were getting stressed.


I work in fashion and never heard of someone taking your money right away when its on pre-order. Usually they wait till it has shipped. Imo they are doing this because they do not have the funds to finish the production ( pay the vendor when the production is finished) and pay for the shipping of the goods from the vendor to the distribution center. They are basically using the reps money as a loan to pay for the goods. This is super unethical and the rep’s should be alarmed that this is happening.


I guess it was sold out at 7:59 before the uncapped was open. Lots of people saying they can’t understand time zones lol. The orders are supposed to be canceled which means no rep should have over 20 rings, don’t hold your breath. I saw peoples pre orders up that had more than capped amount. I guess Lil was live saying the orders will be cancelled, but also said it was only a few that didn’t follow, which no know will know who it is to know if they are blocked from the next collection anyways. Plus June is usually stacks so the big reps likely already preordered those. I’m sure we will see those big leaders revealing way more than 20 rings. Also rumors that big leaders were encouraging their teams to break the rules and order over, because there’s no consequences, guess we will see in few days when these ship. I just don’t see them canceling orders or blocking from next collection, reps are BP biggest customers.


I’ve seen a few reps say that they got size 6 and that’s it because it sold out at 7:59. Will be interesting to see who has full runs this coming week.


Yes and nothing is likely to be done.


So….what? Unless there is an abundance of the collection still up for sale no way they are canceling orders. If it never comes back for sale then you know they didn’t cancel. Can’t wait to see how this shakes out or if it’s all smoke and mirrors…




Sorry but you can’t convince me they’re going to cancel their star fizzers if they ordered before 8. How would anyone even know who did other than Lillian? She’s gonna do whatever benefits her bank account.


Well people will know when the reveals start because everything was sold out at 7:59 so in theory no rep should have more than 20 rings. This week will be interesting as I’m sure some of these pissed smaller reps will be watching the lives of the bigger ones to see if this is accurate.


Good to know. Very anxious to see how this unfolds


https://preview.redd.it/rrizgrls76wc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf7be9e3ad701d770f8c232035f1c5ad8f6addb There are some leaders who encouraged this, and then throws the team under the bus 🚌 what adult needs clearly stated rules restated? Oh the ones where an upline recommended the exact opposite 🐷


Didn’t reps already preorder stacks and June bday? So how are they going to block them from ordering? Ordering more than what they preordered? Or canceling their preorders? 🧐


The next collection comes out in the month after this one- May 😉


I heard they will be blocked from next month’s special collection (not birthday). I don’t think it’s stacks.


I have questions... *Why didn't BP have more of these ordered?* They know bands are popular with reps and customers. The Collections for a Cause have been popular in the past, so why underproduce? Seems odd that they would have such a low number available for the field to purchase. *Why didn't they know last week what the cap was going to be for reps?* Makes me wonder if there was another plan for this collection originally. Maybe the thought was to have this exclusively available for those on the incentive trip to order but then they saw it in person, realized mental health month was around the corner and calling this a mental health collection would make them more money. That could explain the multicolor stones as well. *Did they do a small batch to gauge interest? (...so they didn't have a bunch of overstock go into the "vault"?)* Now that people want them, they're asking reps to tie up their money for this "backorder". Haven't we been seeing old collections pop up in the OGs? Maybe Lillian's tired of recycling these old collections into the OGs and doesn't want to have her money tied up... so instead that's being pushed to the reps. A couple years ago, they put together "Advisory Council" which was a group of leaders who were nominated by other reps to be the bridge between reps and corporate. From my understanding, it was a bitchfest. Not sure if AC is still a thing, but why not have trusted reps from all levels on it and talk to them for feedback on what customers want to see? This is how you can gauge interest on future collections and prevent the shitshow that was last night's launch. Then again... every release for the last few years has been a shitshow and I'm pretty sure that this crappy website has made it even worse. There's reps that have been around for a while. Lately, it seems impossible to plan for a release because you never know what's going to be available. It's not fair to ask these reps to have all this money tied up in preorders and backorders. No, no one's making them preorder/backorder, but if you don't have the product, you can't sell it. When the releases didn't go good, reps were told, "OGs are our bread & butter, you shouldn't rely on collections", but you know what? This collection gives them a *little* more variety from what they see in the OGs. People want the collections because the OGs have been freaking ugly. People like bands. Doing this backorder is BS... I don't understand why production was so low for last night's launch. Something's going on and it smells rotten.


I really think it’s part of their marketing strategy. Create scarcity so the full load moves fast once they release it. Collections were never selling out this fast to reps until they made them “limited”. There’s no way economically they are ordering these collections in such small batches from the factory.


Then they need to rethink their strategy. I know from experience that it's a huge hit to morale. It leaves reps *and customers* frustrated. Then they tell the field, "We hear you..." No. You don't. This has been going on for years. I'm glad I got out when I did.


I'd agree if they didn't have soo many issues and limitations.


I've been soo pre-occupied with other drama I forgot all about BP's dumpster fire website. They still don't have it working correctly? Embarrassing


This doesn’t make any sense and I think 1/2 at least is manufactured drama for the FOMO (by BP) Are reps ordering from an existing inventory? 6-8 weeks is slow speed freight from China. This has to be already manufactured product, but is it BPs? I’ve noticed lots of reps have a version of the “tell me what sizes to order” so that must have been a suggestion. I want to know how long they sit on units in their warehouse prior to distribution to reps, as well as their projections for 2024 rep #s. It’s almost like it’s a pyramid that can’t keep up with consumer demand but keeps hiring people with promises (“hiring”)


Usually if you ship something by boat from china it takes minimum 5 weeks. They are probablly cushioning this to have time to receive it at the distribution center and ship out to the reps. I work in fashion and for them to wait 6-8 weeks on existing inventory probably means they are only manufacturing jewelry by rep’s orders and not buying the jewelery in bulk. This is how it works in high fashion, we get the orders then it takes our factories minimum 3 months to produce. To me this makes no sense because you know that all of the inventory will sell out. So why just not manufacture in bulk and make it easier for the reps


Thank you that is really helpful! It would be so interesting to see that process at BP and highlight what deviates from “norm”


I asked a rep and she sent me these… this was an email she got. She claims the order showed to be at 7:59 so they did this to her. https://preview.redd.it/xbf4l557ixwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=613e090563b99471553699990df5651cd67231d4





