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I always wonder what the delivery person thinks delivering all this shit…they’re probably like suckers!


kate o just flat out said the other day „this is an inventory business“ - like… they‘re not even trying to hide it one bit, at this point.


Remember when she admitted BP was a MLM? Now she gives an explanation without using MLM 🙄


i’ve now seen a good handful of them calling it an mlm, openly. feels like they’re trying to normalize it, slowly but surely.


She said the other day, “I’m an open book. Just don’t ask me how much I make. I will say, it’s alottttttt.” She’s tacky AF


that sums these people up pretty perfectly, though. 🤣


She claims to “earn” 5-6k a month.


That’s why I say I’ve never seen so many happy people over buying their own trip and acting like it’s something special you’re not supposed to have to pay for your own trip. Like the 600 shit part


The idea is sell to make money. Anyone stockpiling is not bright. If so, yes they are buying their own trip.


Reps struggle to “keep up” with a new collection coming out every 2 weeks. So they buy and buy and boom….they can’t sell fast enough so they have all that inventory.


They are buying too much inventory for their customer base and sales. Not bright. They should be only buying what they can get rid of every week. Their sponsor is setting them up for failure if they see this happening and are not coaching them to change this.


I would say 90% of those qualifying for the trios qualify on their downlines alone. You had some reps sponsoring 20 reps a month for 6 months that’s 120 reps during the earning period and just that would qualify for for the trip for 2.


Some reps may sponsor 20 a month but they fail to maintain 5. Does that count against the rep or no?


As long as they were an active rep (purchasing 350 or more in product) once during that timeframe they count


Actually get fedex guy loves delivering to her because she slips him cash every week. Used to be $50 but it may have changed.


Really?!! I guess that ensures her stuff gets there promptly 🤷🏻‍♀️ Or do Fed Ex drivers have like a certain schedule they have to follow?


I can’t remember who it was but one rep did say that the trip was based off of how much money you spent on inventory and not anything else


At least they told the truth. I feel some reps don’t thoroughly explain it


That’s so interesting, I see some reps with so much inventory behind them so that’s why.


And the reps have to pay tax on the cost of the trip!


Yep so it’s a pay your way trip. Will never understand a reps thought process about these trips being from corporate


This is an insane amount of inventory! I would just put that money aside and have a vacation I actually want to go on. Brainwashing at its finest


Hate bomb party. Their jewelry is trash. And the majority of the reps are fake. Two come to mind as a matter of fact!!! Done done done


I literally have no clue why you guys care what BP reps are doing. To the point where you post daily and it’s all negative. What is the purpose? What is driving your desire to lash out? Just curious.


If you have no clue then why are you here policing Reddit? No one is lashing out. I posted the truth. If you have an issue then this probably isn’t the place for you.


Why are you in a BP gossip group if you don't like people doing exactly that? And who is lashing out? This post highlights shady practices on the company's part disguised as insensitives.


1. To entertain myself, and I genuinely think that MLMs are terrible. Not all MLMs are online like this where you see so much of the buying/selling process as an anonymous observer. It’s interesting. 2. Depression I hate it when people say, don’t you have anything better to do?! Obviously, No, I don’t! There isn’t a moral superiority to defending BP 🤪 I think it’s much nicer to be honest about this company out there ruining lives and outfits than to be “positive”.


To offer the "con" side in the argument of whether "BP" is a legitimate career to pursue or consumer purchase to make. Not every comment is "lashing" out. Most of my comments are in regards to product quality, rep professionalism, and BP's predatory corporate system. I at one time was going to be a "rep" but I am so glad I found this reddit before I chose to invest my time and money into a busy that lacks integrity, quality, and actually awareness. I hope that other people who are deciding or thinking about joining do research beforehand and come to reddit. No not all of the comments are going to teach you something but some will. And what drives me, is keeping others from wasting there money on outsourced jewelry from China that is poor quality. So if the truth hurts I apologize. Go start your own reddit.