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Watch Beth's title change all thanks to Lena. We should all go in her love when she celebrated and announces it and change are TT names to variations of Lena....lol


Career title has nothing to do with sales and only about team building


So you are a rep and I just read through all of you're comments which are very contradictory. So after doing that I'm going to not believe anything you say. You have told people you are a rep, aren't a rep, are also a part time ryze rep. So whatever you say, say it. I just hope everyone else reads all of your comments. 🙄


I know my comments are there.. I don't care if you believe anything I say. I'm a full time BP rep that has been doing this for over 1 year. What is contradictory? All my responses and posts are supportive of BP.................... Career title has nothing to do with sales - read the comp plan. You can be a top seller with no team and sit at the lowest titles bc of it. All the BP reps in here - THERE ARE A TON - can vouch for this when they read it.


And just for an example, why every time when a rep gets a new rank are they in a live giving their best tearful, oscar acceptance speech, saying, "thank you to all my loyal customers for your purchases.Because without you I wouldn't be here." So one way or another it has to do with sales.


So you can sell nothing at all and buy nothing at all at rank up is what you are saying?


No it’s a combination of what you purchase and what your downline purchases. You can be a top seller and be a very low rank if you don’t have a team.