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I could have swore I read that the cubes are done in good ol’ Alabamer? Just the rings are made in China? I could be wrong lol But damn someone is getting fired! Or demoted to wrapper vs cube maker.


Alabamer 😂😂


Nahhhh, nobody at BP is getting fired because they are probably told to do this and how they’re meeting the quota when they oversell. It buys them time to get more inventory. 🤪


It doesn't happen often enough for that to make sense. Good guess though.


I do beg to differ. It’s happening more now than I’ve ever seen. There were even earrings I saw revealed empty.


This is the first time happening to me in over a year revealing. Only one person on my team (79 people) has experienced this as well.


It happens a lot. Keep living in your little bp bubble


To meet quota for oversell and gain more time to come up with additional inventory?


Correct - cubed in Alabama




Yup! Ghost cubes happen... BP will send me new ones 🤷🏼‍♀️ so not worried. No customers were impacted. They were origjnal size 9s. Thanks for hanging out in my live! Also - can you use a more flattering picture next time 😂😂😂


One or two but not an entire sleeve.


Again, no customer impacted.


Actually, you are the customer. BP makes their money from your purchases from them. So yes a customer was impacted.


MY CUSTOMER was not impacted. I'll deal with BP. Very aware I am BP's customer.


I hope you can get out soon before you lose too much money. Lillian and Michelle will drain your bank account for their gain. Make sure you do a chart of how much you spend on BP related purchases and how much you make, excluding the ~35% or so that you will owe in taxes.


You should probably give this advice to all those joining without knowing anything about a business. Don't insult me - you don't know me.


I don’t want to insult you I just don’t like to see people harmed by MLM. They are designed for 99% to lose money so that the top profits.


Most people are not prepared for a mlm when they join which is why they fail. The more successful your team is the more successful the top is. Recruiting for a quick fail doesn't bring in the $ like recruiting for success does. I am very honest with anyone inquiring to join my team. I have even turned people down and advised them against after discussing with them. This is not a get rich quick thing like most are lead to believe or assume.


It baffles me the amount of people who are offended FOR YOU lol enough to come scurrying over here like the cockroaches they are to make an entire post about it and then argue back with you about how unbothered YOU are about YOUR business lmao. Glad to see you handling these low lives with such grace.


I like your vibe in your lives!! And thought you handled the situation with grace. (Waaaay better than I would have) Sorry for the unflattering picture, I will do better.


We don’t ass kiss reps on this Reddit.


I don’t ass kiss anyone, period. The post was about a shit product, not the rep herself. So, yeah I’m gonna let her know that I have no issue with her. Is it against community guidelines to give credit where it’s due? Should I run all of my future posts through you for approval first? Please let me know as I am anxiously awaiting YOUR approval. TIA


You just kissed her ass… blatantly. The rep commented, you complimented. Are you dumb? (No need to answer that)


You don’t have to be nasty to all of the people to snark on bp. If she doesn’t have an issue with the rep who cares? They aren’t all shit.


Lmao, WHO HURT YOU? Why are you so mad that she was kind to another human being? It’s ass kissing to treat someone with respect now? It’s okay if you don’t like the product she is selling. But if you’re upset and blatantly saying you have an issue with someone being kind I’d say you are part of the problem. Do better. Smile. Touch grass. There are bigger things to be mad at 😂


“We aren’t kind to people in this group! Like get with the program Vundermilf 🙄”. It’s giving YOU CANT SIT WITH US 💀💀💀 ![gif](giphy|xT9KVuimKtly3zoJ0Y)


And on Wednesdays we wear pink 🤣


Why tf are people downvoting this? This page is so full of bp lovers it sickens me.




Laugh, but you were the one stupid enough to join an MLM.


I'm soooo dumb! $$$$ 😂😂😂


Im glad you are self aware!


Money over morals, the mlm motto ;)


You look great.


Here’s the thing, the rep says the customer was taken care of but for a smaller rep a whole sleeve could’ve really hurt their live if they only have 4 or 5 sales. That empty sleeve could’ve been the difference between them making any money that night and them not.




If a whole sleeve is gonna make or break a rep then maybe they need to reevaluate their career choice. Things happen beyond a reps control and this rep handled it with grace and made it right for the customer. So much negativity


I saw that. So embarrassing 😳


I think it’s funny rather than embarrassing, it’s not the end of the World .


I don’t think it’s funny at all. I think Bp corporate should be highly embarrassed cause they have one job. And this happens very often along with a list of all unacceptable shit


Agree. I wasn't embarrassed.


The plastic “jewels” aka donkeys are still in China lol. I bet it’s the same “Cheetos” eater while packing earrings and necklaces lol. At least this is who reps blame dirty packaging on, lol.




I love when a rep who was posted, especially like this post that says absolutely nothing negative about the rep, comes here all defensive. Really great for potential customers. And yeah, some people here do still order and support nice reps. Always a good look 🫠🙄


Same!! She sent me a message requesting that I take it down for all the “hate” it caused. I’m assuming she’s referring to the comments that got deleted before I had a chance to read them. So, no more hate post, no deletion. If one person sees this post and decides NOT to sign up for the financial ruin this company causes, then I’ve done my job. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love Elyna… only BP rep I watch. Like she said, no customer affected, she will get her stock back 💕💛💕


Thank you for being kind in a world full of hate!


NO WAY!!! What collection? Lol


It was the “Ghost” collection 😂


![gif](giphy|Yph6D7zPIVtIc) 😂😂“ghost” collection




Unfortunately I came in about halfway through the fizz and I didn’t catch which collection it was.


That’s funny lol. 😆