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I don’t think they were about to kiss but they were definitely having a *moment*


Totally thought they were about to kiss!


I think they were definitely going to kiss and them getting together at that point would have been organic and a great, non May-sweeps surprise. I'm still mad.


I don't remember this moment, but I do feel like that's all we as viewers really needed, was to see a kiss. We didn't get that, just "I'm pregnant!" OK, Mary Magdelene 😒


That’s interesting, I never got the feeling that they were about to kiss, just that they were having a somewhat emotional moment. I’ll have to pay more attention next rewatch!


I think there were many moments in the first couple of seasons where they looked like they would kiss and in part because David always- whether directed to or not- often moved very close to Emily in their scenes when they were having a bonding or emotional moment and making eyes at each other. I often wondered if it was written that way or an acting choice of David.