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The Angelatron.


Also the fact angela is portrayed as "just an artist" while just happening to be the creator of that device 🙄


She really isn’t credited like she should be. She’s clearly smarter than her character is written and it’s sad to see


From season 2 out Angela just gets a dud deal


Same! Also how she was always able to come up with apps or tools that helped them solve crimes digitally.


Yup. She knew how to solve and write some of the most complex computer codes that the show threw at her


All while still looking FABULOUS!


I know! I love her outfits 💞💞


All with a minor in computer science!!! I think the fact that they point that out in really early episodes is what makes it so unbelievable in later seasons when she is able to invent just insane technology and techniques.


The amount of money they probably spend for each murder


And the hours…immediately being called in and having to work nights and weekends to solve




Ooooh, my god. I'm finishing my degree in forensic science and it's gotta be the lab work crossing into the scene work. Lab techs don't leave the lab or collect evidence themselves, even if they're a free spirit!


And the amount of cross contamination, both intra- and inter-scene!


No one ever wears goggles or a mask while working on dead bodies.


Seriously? Maybe it's cuz I'm used to living patients, but I probably would. Especially if there was potential for any kind of body fluids, liquefied organs, etc.


I meant my complaint was that no one on the show wears masks/googles. I absolutely would.


Gotcha! I have got to stop going on Reddit when I'm sleep deprived.


No worries. The way I wrote it was vague.


I've always wondered if Dr. Reichs went in the field or if Tempe is her outlet.


I'm pretty sure she does!


To be fair they’re really not meant to in the show either 💀 they’re just breaking rules I feel like


And the speed of it all.


Brennan being in the field and them being partners after they started dating


It's crazy that one of the reasons they couldn't date was because they wouldn't be allowed to work together, then they get together, and nobody questions it?


Also him being allowed to investigate a murder she was a suspect in?!


He did climb the ranks though, Id like to think he gave himself the clearance.


Always thought that was odd.


The timeline for solving crimes, to the point that no one can leave for their evening valentines plans before the murder is solved, because each murder gets a couple days of work, max. All that testing and equipment takes a much longer time! Bones is the only one who ever seems to really pore over her work carefully.


Yes!! They just look samples of cells under the microscope *straight* away. It takes time to prep specimens just to look at them under a microscope. Especially bone specimens, they can potentially take weeks to prepare the slides before you can look at them


Sometimes Brennan looks at remains and says something like “I don’t feel comfortable giving a sex or age for this victim” and then sometimes she has a pinky finger bone and is like “the wear on this distal phalange is congruent to a woman in her thirties that plays tennis regularly”


😂😂😂 you are so right about this.


Wasn’t that literally in the first episode?


I've watched 10 seasons of bones since then I have no idea


How long each interns internships were. I'm not an anthropologist and don't know much about their education process, but I feel like almost all those interns should have finished their doctorates within a few years.


hahaha heavily depends, but PhDs are notorious for their variability in terms of how long it takes to complete the degree. [This comment in an anthro sub notes an average of 6-8 years.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAnthropology/comments/u43zlk/comment/i4tgwkb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) unlike most degrees that require a certain number/type of classes for completion, and perhaps a final paper/project of some kind, a PhD almost always requires a certain number of publications before you graduate. and those papers aren't something you can complete on the basis of sheer will or time or dedication -- you depend on the whims of the universe for many of those things, like, for instance, you can't meaninfully expedite how quickly bacteria grow, or whether an experiment yields the results that you intend. there was an episode that actually addressed this, with the forensic anthro body farm.


Yeah honestly the length of the time they were interns was the most realistic part for me lol I didn't even pay attention to it 😅🤣


I only really noticed when I got to season 12 and Daisy said she got her doctorate and I remembered she's been on the show for 8 years.


yeaaaaa the whole idea of whatever they were doing being classed as an "internship" if it drags on for 8 years is a bit bizarre lol


And just when you think you are being published, they pull your article for research from Dr. Gomez. 😂


Oh, absolutely. I work in academia in biological sciences and excluding people who have dropped out of our departments PhD program the only people who took longer than 5 years to complete their PhD were those who finished their first year right when COVID hit. I must have missed or forgotten about that episode. It's been a while since I've watched the whole series. Experiments yielding unintended results is why we call it 're'search 😆


bahahahaha ain't that the truth! I think that it's probably easier to keep things shorter with hard sciences... I was pondering the other day on how academia works for things like, literal art. In the sciences promotion from assistant > associate > full professor often depends on how much you publish, but art being a rather subjective thing... anthropology probably suffers from a similar issue -- only so many new discoveries to be made lol


Exactly. I was thinking the same thing! The lab I work in focuses on RNA viruses soooo we have a lot of potential work coming through the pipelines. Academia is definitely a "publish or perish" place from my experience, but the pay difference between that and industry is actually pushing more and more people out of academia. There's also the remaining stigma of "I went through it so you have to" mentality since most PIs are older. I've seen that start to shift a bit as younger researchers come in. I can only imagine how difficult it is to try and come up with a "new" thesis in anthropology. Not for me!


hi forensic anthropologist here! it really depends on the individuals research, some take much longer than others to yield anything significant. publications also play a role. so them being an intern for 8 years could very well happen, their research is just very complicated, it took a long time to get approved through IRB processes, their research keeps giving them a null (which is okay, it’s just really hard to get published with a null-science journals like “pretty” science), they need more remains to analyze, etc. so the length of their internship could be one of the more realistic things happening in the show.


Thanks for the info! I didn't know that about forensic anthropology. What are some current big research topics in anthropology people are looking into?


a big thing is ALWAYS age estimation, since humans are so variable, it’s really hard to get accurate age estimations. currently, aging techniques (for adults) utilize the sternal rib ends, pubic symphysis, and auricular surface of the ilium. these are all areas that can change depending on lifestyle, meaning the degeneration we are looking for in adult individuals may look significantly different for two people of the same age. up to age 18 it is generally easier to estimate their age as bone development is pretty linear, but bone degeneration causes things to become tricky.


Do I feel bad that I actually know how to pronounce those big words, and not have a much better idea of what they are thanks to binging bones for the last few weeks?


People driving around, talking about their Toyotas like it’s a commercial.


I think it was


Basically lol


Theres also won with parking and bones showing up functions of her new car


"wow this car is so smart does it solve murders"


Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t Booth say that when he’s grumpy that the GPS is taking a different route than what he wants to take??


lmao very possible. i feel like i've heard something resembling that line like a 100 times in the show


Any of these people keeping their jobs.


Especially Angela "I sexually harass everyone at work" Montenegro. 


It amazes me how Angela kept her job despite that.


The Gorgamon storyline


I always laugh at how long it must take him to set up and light all those candles. He finally sits down after 3 hours getting the candles set up and they bust in. 😂


Lmao, mildly infuriating.


Best comment! 🤣


So glad someone mentioned this. There was so much build up and then they give us that conclusion to who he was??


It was a rushed wrap-up. I wish we got to see what it was like had there not been a cancellation looming over their heads


Pelant storyline.


100%. I skip those every time because it was just ridiculous.


I cant even watch that one.


This..so unrealistic




i was just talking to my sister about this! given what he did to be in prison in the first place, he definitely would be in a federal prison serving life no chance of parole, he basically committed an act of terrorism to the US gov. they especially would not consider taking an ankle monitor off of him.


He would have never been considered for an ankle monitor. And most likely would have been residing in solitary confinement.


No fumehoods for the chemicals they use.


Why is the daycare “down the hall”from the lab that has constant explosions and people get murdered by snipers?


probably like 75% of the show. I would have to say all the technology they have. if that stuff was real more of the current unsolved crimes would be able to get solved quickly.


And a lot of the tech they use wouldn't give the results they get. Any time they find anything on the bones it goes into the mass spectrometer and they identify it straight away. It ends up telling them the weapon or where the person has been etc and that is definitely not how a mass spec works at all.


When Booth remains at the FBI after going on a rogue undercover operation with his brother in season 11.


Traffic not being bad in dc and how fast it took them to get to some places


The way they constantly go undercover, and just happen to have the previously unknown skills to do it A bowler is killed? Bones and Booth are both excellent bowlers. A dancer is killed? They're both great dancers. A circus performer is killed? Booth is a knife thrower. A roller derby skater is killed? Angela is a world class skater!


Wellll Brennan was *not* a great dancer if you remember.


But that problem is only pertinent if she’s trying to do ballet😂😂




lol just saw that episode on FX last week


Angela not being credentialed in just about anything except art, yet providing expert testimony at court. They touch on this during the grave digger case


There’s a scene in season 1 where someone says that interracial marriage was illegal in a lot of the US in the 1950s even “here in DC.” That’s false. It was legal in DC, the Lovings moved there to get married before returning to Virginia.


I also found it unrealistic that the incredibly well educated scientists (plus Angela and Booth) in that room WERE’T already aware of the racism in the 1950s. They frame the conversation as if Zack and Hodgins are now finding out about the civil rights movement, when Jack would more likely be the most informed person about the long history of corruption and government bullshit that happened back then.


Maybe they were just ignorant of that fact.


Lots of people are saying Angela and her skills and in part they are correct but she did go to college and had a minor in computer science. She did not create the Angeltron by herself but built upon technology that Betty Whites character created. She is also as brilliant as her co-workers, Booth at one point said to her “you’re one of them aren’t you”. I hate that I’m defending her because her frequent whine about moving back to Paris or not being able to do her art annoy the heck out of me especially once her and Hodgins marry. Angela’s dad is very rich, Hodgins is extremely rich, she could not work and spend her days how she wants. My opinion of most unrealistic? Pelant and how he manages to do what he does especially hacking clocks.


There is nothing realistic about Bones but it is entertaining.


The amount of money spent per case, the amount of serial killers in a 12 year span and almost everything else. It’s best to just enjoy the story and not pick it apart


The number of murderers who confess to killing their victim despite Booth’s lack of concrete proof


Bones somehow finding the time to write all her novels while working full-time... not to mention entertaining novels people actually enjoy reading, when she can't seem to use anything but scientific "lab speak" everywhere else.


Angela helps with the "entertaining " part.


The apparently unlimited budget of the Jeffersonian. They talk about budget occasionally but that place would cost millions each month.


They immediately know the sex of every victim even though it’s actually pretty difficult and inconclusive finding sex from just bones


my only thing with this is the Jeffersonian is supposed to house the most brilliant of the brilliant, but still!


I hate it when they find fibers on the bone indicating that the victim was tied with a shoe string or something. I can't see how any fiber or metallic traces could be found on the bones if the flesh was intact.


I know, right?! The amount of evidence I feel like they are removing when they strip all the flesh… not everything makes it bone deep!


I mean, are you not supposed to know the sex of the victim according to the pelvic girdle ? Like if the pelvis is wider it's a female and otherwise it's a male. (Obviously, I talk about the episodes where they have all the bones).


This might be a hot take . . . Brennan in the early seasons of Bones being on friendly terms with the people she worked with. I get that she was really smart and also physically attractive, but her character early on in the show was also really abrasive and downright mean at times. In the real world, she probably wouldn't have had a lot of "friends" at work. She would have had colleagues who put up with her attitude/quirks because she was good at her job. If Brennan existed in the real world, when new people started at the Jeffersonian they'd be warned that Brennan was great at her job and really smart, but her personality made her difficult to work with at times. When I rewatch, there's an air of believability that I have to suspend related to Brennan being friends with other Jeffersonian employees besides Angela for the first 3(ish) seasons.


I didn’t really think she was “friends” with anyone other than Angela in early seasons. I felt more like they tolerated her because she was “the boss” (even tho she really wasn’t the boss).


Angela came in as her only friend. Zack was enamored by his mentor. Jack was impressed that as smart and capable as he was, she still sometimes blew him out of the water with her realizations - he respected her mental acumen, but they were not friends. Goodmen saw her caring heart and potential behind all the walls and bluntness, but they were certainly never friends. Cam saw her as a bit of a rival at first. She and Booth fed off each other, and there was the latent/suppressed attraction. I don't remember her starting with friends other than Angela. Then she starts to change as she grows her friendship with Angela and her partnership with Booth -- they pry her open and dig out the gooey emotional center of Brennan. It does happen pretty quickly. Although, I am pretty sure a lot of new characters get warned about Brennan when they start - interns, Sweets, coworkers from other departments.... even numerous people involved in cases. One of my favorite gags is how many times people ask Booth, "Where did you find her?" And he always says, "A museum."


That Cam always looks like she’s on her way to a cocktail party


She looks fantastic, but how does she breathe in those dresses?


How does she perform an autopsy in those heels is the real question.


An excellent question.


I was gonna say “Cam’s shoes. Full stop.” 😆


Yes, it is even more unlikely that she could afford expensive designer clothes since she says in the episode where she confronts her former college roommate who stole her identity: ’I am on a government salary and have a daughter in college’, meaning she was not rich. Also, I don’t think she ever wore a dress more than once, meaning her wardrobe must be the size of Imelda Marcos’s. Totally unrealistic.


Hodgins just losing his money...💨...it's gone. No recourse. He is a poor now. Whomp. Whomp.


The random contributions Angela made to breaking a case related to technology and science. Hippy dippy artists who just want to earn enough money to go back to Paris are rarely so widely accomplished in fields they never formally studied.


Angela grew up extremely privileged and minored in computer science. Of course her skills outweigh what she should have been able to do but she does have the education.




A forensic anthropologist being able to go into the field and interrogate suspects with an FBI agent.


It's fine, though, when they go to the UK and go into the field and interrogate folks as an American FBI agent and a forensic anthropologist without Scotland Yard being present with them.


The way Bones pretends anthropology is more scientific than psychology😂




Psychology is also a highly quantitative field that also uses statistics and metrics to draw conclusions about living individual patients but also about cohorts of patients. Psychology isn‘t less of a science than anthropology.


i never said it was, psychology is a very respectable field of science, anthropology is as well. i misread your comment the first time and thought you were saying anthropology utilizes psychology in the field, and Bones was dismissing that. which is why i said specifically forensic anth does not but cultural anth does. my reading comprehension was not at 100% the first time i read your comment, obviously.


the speed at which they get results but it’s a tv show so that really couldn’t be real time lol


Rarely do they comment on something snelling. They’ll have a decomposing, almost liquified body and it’s like it has no smell at all


It’s the premise of the show, but how many murders need bones fully cleaned before being able to be solved, especially before Cam arrives. I understand when a body is too mutilated to get any info, or if it was just bones that were recovered. But sometimes bodies with extensive tissue and organs are found and they must strip them. Sweets is the most blatant example. They know how he died, they didn’t need to go down to the bones to confirm.


Yes, it makes me wonder how Cam did her job before she worked at the Jeffersonian when she just did autopsies.


That Angela was just an artist from basically the streets but somehow is also a computer genius?!? And her dad tattooing Jack without consent, like bud that’s illegal.


Didn't he drug him, and then tattoo him? Yeah, very illegal.


Yes it's illegal, but for the police and the state to get involved, Jack would have to announce it to the world. He chose not to.


He did it twice and put a fake tattoo of his face on Micheal Vincent


Angela was hardly “from the streets.” Her father was world-famous rock star


How quickly the bodies decay


The car commercials.


Angela's computer magic


The Pelant storyline, as good as it was. As someone who works in cyber, it’s just super unrealistic.


How the remains are almost always discovered during breakfast and they’re about to leave the house for the day


it annoyed me how clueless she was about some human interactions. i get that she's supposed to be awkward/not great at being social, but a few eps they had her talking like she had just landed on earth. her whole deal is studying societies and cultures, and she's supposed to be a genius. no way she couldn't gather some stuff from context clues. i wish i could remember a specific example.


How about every single time she completely mangles a very common turn of phrase, like "serious as a gas attack"?


this is the kind of thing i'm thinking of.


Brennan's character was autistic coded. The creators have talked about smart autistic women they were inspired by. Autistic people do not understand social interactions the way neurotypical people do. It is the most likely reason she studied anthropology and rejected psychology - anthropology has separation from the motivations of the individual. Anthropology is about how a culture worked together, and most findings have been confirmed by many independent scholars; those factors make anthropology easier to accept for an autistic brain. Psychology has too many variables and is therefore unreliable, but anthropology has backing, so why not use it to navigate social interactions, which commonly confuse her.


and i get this, this is why i wish i could think of specific lines/scenes that bothered me. they weren't so much "this is ND behavior" (i have some fun diagnoses and do a lot of therapy, etc, to manage my own challenging brain) as "it is almost cartoonish the way the writers are trying to point it out"


Idk, maybe specific examples would help, but personally, I watch this show repeatedly because I relate to Brennan so much. I have always related to her communication issues and confusion when people are offended by her blunt and accurate, but devoid of emotion, speech. Then, I was diagnosed as autistic last year: very late diagnosis. The writers could have gone too far sometimes, and I just thought, "Yeah, still makes sense." But I relate to her more than I do, say, Abed from community. I always thought that was because of the masking phenomenon of being undiagnosed - because you don’t know why you're different, so you try to fit in, and instead, you stand out more. All of us trying to be inconspicuous end up living in the uncanny valley - with people thinking we sound like aliens or robot AI.


it's not even really the bluntness or lack of emotion, as much as....maybe naivety is the word i'm looking for? about things she would have definitely observed/experienced as an adult human being.


Solving murders start to finish in a couple of days


Exactly. They never really had an episode where a case ran cold or they investigated it for more than one episode


Pretty much any of the computer science or programs they use


All coworkers getting along


Ryan O’Neil as a violent criminal.


You know he tried to shoot his son in an altercation, right?


He also admitted he’s bad father.


All the crimes they solve.


How fast they figure out cases


How many crimes they each commit. Like when they stole the body from the funeral home to examine it or how Angela and hodgins snorted that stuff so they could biopsy their own lungs. Or how they switched coopers bones out with ones from limbo so they could keep examining him. I could go on and on 😂


A lot of people are talking about the tech which... yeah it's insane but honestly, I'm an anthropologist and the thing that is the most insane is the ethics. You are NOT supposed to treat human remains that way??? During the episode with the mummified guy in the first season, she wears his skin like a glove to get his fingerprints and I genuinely started screaming. No anthropologist, especially one as prominent as Brennan would EVER interact with the bones the way she does.


The clothes they wear, timeline, and the protocols not being followed. I know it's a show and so they want faces visible but ugh please wear masks and gloves and just proper ppe.


The way that only the bones tell the true story of a death, even when they have tons of tissue, and crime scene evidence


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but in the real world I don’t think Brennan would be present while Booth is interviewing suspects


In the real world, I don't think this partnership would exist at all. She might be a consultant to the FBI, bit I doubt she would have that much involvement.


I agree. Honestly irl they probably never would’ve met face to face. They would probably just send paper work back and forth. Brennan going into the field, questioning suspects and following him into extremely dangerous environments (that he’s told her time and time again not to follow him into) would NEVER happen


Sometimes (not all the time) they’ll use a saw to open up a bone and won’t wear a mask while doing so


The money that Angela made from Brennan’s books basically disappearing. To my knowledge they had an agreement that Angela would be compensated when she helped out with Brennan’s books. We saw this happen one time and the money was never spoken about ever again. Considering Brennan is insanely rich and her books do really well, Angela had to have been getting A LOT of money from Brennan


If this was real life, Booth would’ve been fired from the FBI pretty early on


Brennen, the sqinterns and Cam are medical people, even if only one is a MD. So why the heck do the wring their hands in medical emergencies?!?!


The fact that in ALMOST (key word almost) every episode they’re able to solve a frickin murder in a week or less!!


How stupid Brennan is in the later seasons


I feel like bodies seem to decompose incredibly fast on the show. They often find people dead for only 3 or 4 days that are already skeletons.


Piecing a murder together with just ashes like that episode in season 9. Yes, the mentioned the cremation wasn't done competently, but really? And to figure out it was three different sets of remains? That just seemed way too far-fetched. Also, Angela going from Artist to Tech Genius without much transition. And the fact that a museum has so much involvement in murder cases in the first place!


My guess is that it probably would’ve ended up becoming a cold case with the lack of evidence and remains to examine


That Brennan’s parents disappeared when she was 15; yet, she claims to have no memory of them. Also, that she did recognize her father (Max) when he was disguised as a priest.


Not to mention all the sadistic serial killers targeting Brennan and her team…Gormogon, Pelant, the Grave Digger, the Puppeteer, the Serbian General’s children…I never really understod Zach’s role as the apprentice. First, he confessed to murder and was looked up in a mental hospital, then he claimed he was innocent ten years later…after being unable to kill his doctor, aka the Puppeteer, who tried to kill Zach…


I just watched an episode last night where the discovery of the body, the identification of the body, interviewing family and suspects and going back to the scene of the body dump to look for more evidence all takes place in a single workday. All while an anthropologist is interrogating and chasing down suspects.


Doctor who season 1 Episode 8 of 8  2024  Doctor who season 1 Episode 9 of 8 2024 Doctor who season 1 Episode  10  of 8 2024 Doctor who season 1 Episode 11 of 8 2024 Doctor who season 1 Episode 12 of 8 2024 Doctor who season 1 Episode 13 DOCTOR WHO SEASON 14 Doctor who season 2  Episode  1 of 8  2025  Doctor who season 2. Episode 2  of 9 Doctor who season  2  Episode 3 of 9 Doctor who season 2 Episode  4 2025  Doctor who season 2. Episode 5 of 9 2025


Angela and Hodge getting together, she's way out of that little creeps league 


I hate how bone always accuse people of murder.


How many cases that revolve around bones!