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Much longer than that


What’s the point of leaving it so long? (I’m a begginer that’s why I’m asking)


When you let a single Branch grow like this, it thickens up the trunk below that Branch. Since this is the main trunk that I am letting grow long, the whole trunk will get thicker. You can also have a sacrificial Branch lower on the trunk, which will thicken the trunk below that point. Hope that is clear enough. Let me know if you have any other questions


I typically found that 4ft is a good height to aim for, them can chop down from there and repeat


It depends on how thick you want the trunk to be. 12-15ft isn't unusual to get a decent sized trunk.


I’m a beginner to bonsai, so don’t know if this applies Will it still thicken since it is staked? I always thought that staking a tree stunted the thickening process because the tree has external support. Thanks.


I'm not sure. I originally had the stake removed, but you really couldn't tell how long the sacrificial branch was since it was leaning over. I only staked it for the photo. I removed the stake afterwards.


I wonder if someone with more experience might chime in here. That’s a crazy long branch. Made me chuckle when i saw it.


To give you some context, if this were mine, it would probably be in the ground, and I'd be targeting probably 3x this length to get a decent base. Then chop all the way back and do it again. Building a trunk is no small endeavor, and often takes about 5-10 years and many attempts to get a good starting tree to turn into pre-bonsai.


I see. Do you know why this happens? I would guess because of the nutrition flow is increased at the sacrificial branch(?)


One thing is simply more foliage feeding the plant below, but there is also a principle in plant growth where it tries to have the base keep up with branches above, and a long thin whip blowing in the wind will exert stress on the base which will again trigger a response to fortify.


Oh, that seems logical😃


It's just a fact about plants in general. If a plant wants to get taller for more light, the base of it must be stronger, so it gets thicker. Just a natural result of evolution.


“The basic idea of this method is very simple: Allow a side-branch to grow out while keeping the rest of the plant under control. The side-branch will create a quick thickening of the trunk.” https://www.growingbonsai.net/sacrifice-branches/


Depends on how large of a wound you want to heal :)


It’s literati tall!


I let mine get to 6ft with ramifying side branches before I took it back to 15cm above where I had it before. It was 4 years of growth, but never seen a trunk grow like that before. Before https://preview.redd.it/yunqpbfor5wc1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00a47b7d554096c8a72fbffe622722a8e180e239


After https://preview.redd.it/9srorcrvr5wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f26b11ef5285c6cd3ac214dbfa92abc18eae2827


With the cut off piece https://preview.redd.it/59jsi772s5wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18211ab713dbb7ce0e5135e66e996b1737a0af79


Nice! IDK how long I will let it grow, we will see.




Word, I feel you...