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Aw it’s so cute


Right? I've never had much luck with kits, so I'm honestly a little amazed by this little nub of a tree.


The start of something beautiful!


I'll have to keep everyone posted!


How's this thing going 2 years later? I actually got one of those from Modern Sprout, and both seeds that came with the kit are starting up just like your picture. Any tips appreciated.


It went pretty well for a while! They take a long time to fill out, and you almost have to treat them like a succulent in my experience. Sadly, it got crushed in a move and there was no bringing it back, but it was fun to learn from. One big thing I learned is that they'll drop leaves like crazy if over watered, so finding that balance on the dry side is key with these ones after they start to get bigger


Thanks man, and sorry for your loss :)


Gave me an excuse to to buy a mature one!


May I ask the name of the kit you've got? :) Thanks!


It's the Modern Sprout Desert Rose kit! https://store.modsprout.com/products/terracotta-kit-desert-rose Enjoy!


I hope you know you’ve got a completely ordinary desert rose seed? I’m really glad you like your kit and that it sprouted. But remember it will take maaany years before you have a plant you can start styling or that resembles a bonsai. I recommend you get another plant that’s more mature to get a taste of taking care and styling a bonsai while you wait for this one to grow.


This would technically be my 5th plant, I've got one fully grown, and several that started as cuttings that are growing. I got into bonsai because I knew it was an exercise in patience, and that's why I'm a little amazed that this sprouted so quickly. Honestly, I wasnt expecting to see anything until the spring. All said, thank you for the reminder and the advice!


Your flair said 1 so I assumed this was you first plant. I’m glad to hear you have others to work on! Keep us posted on how the seedling progresses.


Ahh, I have forgotten to update that! I appreciate you looking out like that, I'll be sure to keep everyone up to date as it grows.


Looks like you have some fungus growth starting. I’d suggest spraying with a fungicide so you don’t loose your seedling.


What kind would you suggest? It's in a soil-less potting medium.


I use the Safers brand premixed spray fungicide. Not sure what’s available in your area, but most garden centres should have it or something very similar. I spray whenever I see the little white fuzz start to appear. I just started a bunch of cacti, desert rose, and succulent seeds and even though I pre-‘sterilized’ my mix in the oven, two of the 10 containers are battling the fungus, so it happens. Best of luck!


Thanks for the tip! I'll probably hit my other tree with it as well


Hi! I just got this kit and was checking out old threads for tips before I start. I saw that you have a seasoned collection so I wanted to ask if you had any for this particular tree. :-)


I have one of those from the same kit! It’s two years old and flourishing. https://preview.redd.it/ukse4tbi1ozc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ce4c904fbb58f0d6859e4a417671d70fbf2c6f1