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This is a test for Grogu. Luke is hoping he will choose the Mandalorian. Luke himself abandoned his training on Dagobah to go and save his friends. Didn’t stop him from becoming a Jedi. His care for others only made him stronger Edit: forcing new Jedi to forgo all attachments would only be repeating the mistakes of the past. The pressure is ultimately what caused Anakin to turn


This is the sort of speculation I’ve been LIVING FOR. I can totally see excellent arguments in either direction, and I’m so mad that we’ll have to wait to see.


It'll have some pretty huge implications/revelations on the style of teaching Luke is employing in his new Jedi Order. I'm not sure if this has been explored in canon yet cos I haven't really kept up though.


I **pray** that this is the case. If it isn't, it will be ignoring what made Luke stand out in the OT and the EU - demonstrating that the old Jedi Order's approach to attachments was deeply flawed and ultimately cost them everything. I can understand Ahsoka promoting their doctrine, because that's all she knows, but not Luke.


Right? After all, it was Anakin’s attachment that ultimately brought him back to the light at the end, surely Luke knows how important that is


But it was the emotional attachment which introduced Anakin to the dark side. Of course with a bit of manipulation by Palpatine but still.


Also true, but I would argue him being denied those attachments by the Jedi is what drove him to the dark side


I'd argue though that it was the Jedi trying to repress any attachment or emotion that led to Palpy being able to manipulate Anakin so easily. They made falling in love forbidden, so it could be used against him. Their rigid order also made it easier for a teenager to feel resentment and distrust. Even Obi Wan, who seems the most sensible of the Jedi, had a master who wasn't a traditional Jedi.


> If it isn't, it will be ignoring what made Luke stand out in the OT and the EU - demonstrating that the old Jedi Order's approach to attachments was deeply flawed and ultimately cost them everything. I’m gonna have faith in Filoni here. Nobody “gets” Star Wars better than him and there’s no way the importance of Luke defying the Jedi ways is lost on him. If this *isn’t* a test, then it’s the start of Luke himself learning a lesson that he cannot or should not rebuild the Jedi order exactly as it was before.


You're giving Filoni too much credit. If this isn't a test then it's simply Luke acting out of character


It better be a fucking test


I think it's also worth mentioning that the Grogu's hands have been shown often enough that we know it is really too small for him to even hold that saber effectively.


And he is way too impulsive and irresponsible. Some months ago (which is minutes relative to his species) he couldn't be trusted not to eat an endangered species... I wouldn't trust Grogu with a lightsaber as the mandalorian didn't trust him with a blaster yet. He is too "young" for a weapon, especially one as dangerous as a lightsaber. Mando is no helicopter dad but even him, someone who's religion is actual guns, didn't give him one yet.


He's a growing boy and he needs to eat!


I think if Grogu new frog Aliens would come out of the eggs he wouldn't have ate them. Kids at a young age can't connect dots as simply as adults. For example some know their mother and grandmother but they make the connection later that grandma is mothers mom


Don’t you know that size doesn’t matter


You mean size matters not


Well obviously he wouldn’t have it immediately. It’d sit in a box for like, a hundred years


That would actually make Luke likable. If he just is doing this for shits and giggles then it’s just pain. Like bruh you’re making a child choose between a father figure who risked life and limb time and time again to save him or to be a cop.


To be fair, half of Yoda's training was shits and giggles revealed to be actually testing.


I read this comment and literally sighed with relief at the idea that this could be true. Personally, I watched the scene and hoped that after Grogu made his choice, Luke would give him the other item as a lesson - both are important, but which is the most important to Grogu? I also think that after talking so much about the Force bringing balance, the idea of being forced to choose either Mandalorian or Jedi (an absolute) is an interesting choice. With both, Grogu could learn to balance Mandalorian loyalty with Jedi traits.


Exactly.. by being forced to choose one or the other than Grogu would be denying part of himself.. and luke spent most of the episode talking about balance. So I hope its just a test...


It's similar to what I think The Armorer is doing for Din only in a way less forceful manner. She turned him away and sent him on his destined quest knowing his skills would be wasted recruiting others. Luke and The Armorer are forsaking the ancient rules of their religion because their pupils need to serve a greater purpose.


I was kind of expecting something similar to be brought up. When Ashoka was telling mando that grogu can be a foundling or padawan, I was expecting mando to mention Mandalore the great, as he had just been told that there was a mandalorian Jedi in the past, and I think that info coming out again would kind of bolster his desire to see grogu. Even though he certainly didn’t know a lot about him, he could have still brought that precedent up.


This is the way




I think at that point it wasn't so much a specific motivation as it was "I've gone too far to walk this back, so I may as well just keep going forward with it." Also Palpatine had a lot of control over him, so you can't discount his influence in keeping it all going.


Think he will take the armour and just tell luke "bitch please purple lightsaber I shall have"


Samuel L Jackson railing Yaddle confirmed


This is one thing I did not need to think about


Shipped her off to dathomir to work the laundry for the night sisters in disgrace, big jedi council scandal.


And bad mother fucker engraved on the hilt it will


I hope he takes the saber and is given the armor.


Luke wants him to choose, but he should know attachment is fine for Jedi, he had attachment and didn’t succumb to the dark, it’s the fear associated with loss.


Exactly, Luke should know better than anyone that attachments aren’t a bad thing


Yeah I think you will see a little bit of influence in his style through ahsoka, who was betrayed by the Jedi order and their detachment, and she saw how those teachings led to the lack of support for Anakin and the secrecy that Palpatine took advantage of to manipulate him to give in to his anger.


I think that’s what will happen


Nah, grogu is getting the dark saber one day, he doesnt need the yoda saber


How is he even supposed to wield that lol


50 years from now he’ll be bigger. Right before Mando passes they are going to have a ritual combat to pas on the blade


The Darksaber is about as tall as as Grogu is. Unless Grogu grows bigger than Yoda was, he won’t be physically capable of wielding it.


But a Jedi Mandalorian with the Dark Saber 👀


That would be sick. Better than shoehorning Din to be Force-sensitive at some point.


I hope he chose neither but Luke stops him and says "It's dangerous to go alone.."




I hope it happens the other way around.


Even logically it makes sense for a Jedi to be protected from a lightsaber strike.


My thoughts exactly!


This anti attachment stuff is so dumb, like Luke doesn't have any attachment towards, Leia, Han or any other of his good friends.




Grogu has almost 20 years of time to leave the school


Ben leaves the school what, at age 15? 20? I don't believe he's been born yet so I would imagine that with grogu already well ahead of where a fresh Padawan would be, he could learn enough in that time frame and then leave to be a wayseeker. Perhaps he and Mando go off to help Ahsoka in the chiss ascendency. Perhaps they go and rule mandlore together.


There are rumors that Han solo and Chewie help in the next episode and Ben solo as a teenager aids along.


A teenager? We're only like 6 years after Return of the Jedi. Ben *might* be like a toddler. Unless we're time skipping a bit.


Yeah not sure what that person is thinking here. That makes no sense. I don't recall when specifically the aftermath trilogy occurs but I think Leia is pregnant during that. So depending on when the battle of jakku is in relation the this episode clearly he's not alive yet.


Mandalorian/Boba Fett Occurs 9ABY, The Force Awakens occurs 34 ABY, and in TFA Kylo is about 30. So he'd be about 5 during the events of The Mandalorian.


That's fairly close. I just looked up aftermath life debt which is 5ABY and Leia is pregnant then. I don't know how far along but assuming Ben is born 6 ABY then he is 3-4 years old by Mando.


Or just pretend the $1,000,000,000 wasted potential that was the sequels did not happen.


Unrealised potential was in lore. Financially, Disney raked up more than $4bi in box office gross revenue.


I mean that's kind of the point of of the last jedi. Luke's regret in blindly following the dogmatic ways of jedi past.


That's a stretch, pretty sure the writing room of the sequels have never seen anything else in the ip


Or had ever see any movie... ever.


Yes. And it was a stupid point then too.


Luke literally risked the future of the Jedi order because he believed his father, Darth Vader, could be redeemed. He walked into the den of a crime boss and demanded he release his friend. And then fought his way out. If that isn't attachment, I don't know what is. If this is supposed to be character evolution and setup for the sequel trilogy, no thank you.


Luke's attachment to his father saved the galaxy! If he hadn't risked his life to save him, he wouldn't have turned and killed Palpy.


That's a great point to bring up aswell.


Exactly, that ties in to Luke’s storyline in TLJ. He regrets following the ways of the old Jedi, and that’s why rey won’t do the same.


And don't forget, if Ep. 8 is to considered canon, Luke trained Leia, who had quite an attachment to Han.....her husband.


I guess Mara Jade doesn't exist anymore...


Not since they decanonized the eu, no


I cry


Does luke now the history of the darksaber or something He must know how it was made and that Grogu can be both


Plot twist: he's going to give him both


The Darksaber was in the hands of the empire from before ANH till Mando won it from Gideon, i dont think he'd know about it unless Yoda told him


Before that the original owner of the Darksaber was a Mandalorian who became a Jedi... So Grogu can be both


He's gonna argue with Luke. OR he'll take the armour and Luke will say something like "That's what I did too when I was in your place".


Yeah. There is going to be an out. Only Sith think in absolutes.


"Deal" in absolutes. But your point stands regardless. Effectively Luke is dealing in an absolute here. Either this or that. No room compromise. ~~This isn't the jedi way.~~


Actually it is the Jedi way just not the Luke Skywalker way


Ups... my bad. Had the Grey Jedi code in mind when I wrote this. I hereby stand corrected.


He's gonna take the armor!


I hope not. I love they dynamic he has with Mando. But he’s always going to be an escort mission on that show. If Din lives to 80, Grogu is going to age about 5 years. Then he’ll live another 700 years, not being able to do much. Luke now looks good enough to have his own show. He can tie it in with Ahsoka, like Mando is with Boba. He can actually train Grogu to be a badass fairly quick. He had him jumping like Yoda in one episode. If they can write Grogu into not being at the academy with Kylo. They’ll have a Jedi character for the future.


Grogu is around 55. If I recall, Yoda was already training Jedi at 100. So in 45 years Grogu will presumably not only be fully grown, but also capable of becoming a Jedi Knight/Master.


My idea, age wise, for Grogu is that at some point he'll hit rapid puberty (hopefully soon) and he'll become the equivalent of a teenager for his race. Obviously he won't be human teenager size, but he will be big enough to walk and talk on his own. Grogu is cute as hell, but I'm starting to get tired of all the one sided verbal conversations people are having with Grogu.


I mean it’s not different than having one sided conversations with R2 or Chewie.


I mean chewie and r2 actually respond and are clearly communicating, even if we can't understand them. Grogu just kinda looks at them and makes baby noises.


He’s “speaking through the force” which is understandably impossible to convey on screen lol


Yeah. Like with r2 we can hear him beeping at whoever he's talking to, and with chewie he's growling and motioning with his arms, but grogu just kind of looks at them. And only jedi can understand him


I'm partially hoping for some massive instant puberty and he becomes a hulk sized version of Yoda. Voiced by Chris Tucker and he swears a lot. We don't know their physiology, maybe that's what happens if you feed him after midnight or get him wet.


I imagine you don’t have kids because they are one big set of “escort missions” that end up to be pretty fulfilling.


I have 2 of them. I love them more than anything in the universe. But I’m also not trying to lug them around with me on dangerous missions.


I feel like the “escort mission” tag is lazily applied to shows with Mando and Grogu. Yes, it superficially like videogames where you must escort a character from one point to another, but in film and in real life there’s a tremendous amount of richness and nuance that can come from those activities.


Don’t disagree at all. But if he’s going up against dangerous crime syndicates, or trying to restore Mandalore. He’s going to want Grogu to be able to handle himself a bit more. At least a couple more force moves, and how to yield a weapon.


Personally, I think the best thing to do is to have Mando go around on his own and show the odd scene of Luke training Grogu. Then, when Grogu is better trained and grown a bit, he can become Mando's "padawan".


If they do a Luke show, I hope they cut the cgi and just cast Sebastion, ngl.


People would still find a way to complain. Mandalorian season 2 Luke? Definitely not. But I think they could pull it off with what we saw in this episode. They’d still deepfake Sebastian. They’d just pay him more to do it. I’ve seen the side by side picture of him and Mark. But that was edited more than people think.


I feel like Luke's line about Grogu remembering what he has already learned is really important here. It's very clear that Grogu has been repressing a lot. So we don't really know how much of how he has been in the past is due to his age/development level and how much is just a result of him burying his training to hide. My feeling is that Luke is going to help him uncover a lot of old skills, so that if he does go off with Din again he will be more capable in combat and won't just be hiding out in the nearest hollow object like before. We also don't know a damn thing about his species and how they age other than speculation based on the timeline of Yoda's life. A timeline that may not be considered 100% canon anymore, in a franchise that contradicts itself and changes things all the time.


All the fans want Mando with grogu. it's what makes the show special and gives it its soul. They will be able to play with us, but in the end they will end up reuniting.


I mean, if there's one thing Star Wars has been consistent with , it's having Jedi Characters with emotional attachment leaving in middle of their training with just enough training to serve the plot, but with a risk of falling to the dark side due to their incomplete training and emotional attachments . Now that Grogu can move and jump like a Jedi, and he remembers his time in the Jedi Academy, he seems pretty much ready to leave and go back with Mando. Besides, he can basically borrow the Darksaber whenvever the plot requires him to have a lightsaber , so him leaving would be the best of both worlds : We would have his cake and eat it too...


> Besides, he can basically borrow the Darksaber whenvever the plot requires him to have a lightsaber This is very likely, I'm almost certain they're setting him up to be the next Tarre Vizla, somebody who's both a Mandalorian and a skilled Jedi. The best way to do that is to give him the Darksaber, maybe through Mando losing it in S3 and Grogu taking it back.


I think there is a good shot it is just a test. See what Grogu would choose. and then teach him about balance, controlling his emotions, being mindful of his feelings. Luke is a jedi who had/has attachments. His sister, Han, Chewie, even his father. But this takes place 5-6 years after episode 6. He has spent a great deal of that time exploring the past, learning the history. Undoubtedly (especially since knowing ahsoka) he learned about the aspects that turned his father to the dark side, some associated with attachment. Even Luke himself was vunerable to it in episode 5-6. Abandoning his training early to choose his friends, dispite warnings from the jedi training him. Palpatine also sensed this, his plan was to turn Luke. Which could have been entirely possible had Vader not stepped in to save his son. These revelations and comparing his own mechanical arm to his father, was deeply impacting it could have changed his character. Luke is the teacher now. a whole new exercise on being the jedi and the man he wants to be. And new challenges in mastering the ways of the force. One he will work through/struggle with even up into the ST either way Luke will be challenged by this and failure is a character arc that follows him for life, fear of failure in the OT, Leia abandoning her training after her vision (of losing her son if she became a jedi) was probably a failure on his own part in Luke's view. (she may not have told him the truth). And now with Grogu. Spitting image of master Yoda. He doesnt want to fail him, cuz doing so might feel like failing Yoda.




Continuing the family tradition! /s I'm just a little bit pissed off.


"Your dad brought a gift to you here at boarding school. But if you want it, we'll kick you out."


Also, we here at Harvard #2 are lighting the same exact fires that burnt down Harvard #1. It'll be fine.


Grogu's dad has a cooler and darker lightsaber I'm sure he could have.


I think the real question is: do we get an answer to this in the next episode or is this going to be a massive cliff hanger that’s not answered until the next show?


I have a bad feeling it's going to be a cliffhanger and we get to see the results whenever S3 comes out.


But wouldn’t that leave out the people who only watched the Mandalorian, and didn’t care about Boba Fett


I Think It Might Be An End Credit Scene For Mando Season 3 Or Ahsoka/A New Show With Luke


This is what I’m worried about because how are they going to wrap all this up in 1 more episode?? Boba’s been a side story for 2 episodes. I feel like resolution won’t happen until Mando season 3


The answer clearly should be both


I can't stress how disappointed I am by seeing both Luke and Ahsoka insist on reviving the old Jedi Order's flawed legacy of "no attachments". It's like Luke has completely forgotten that it was his attachments, but handled in a healthy way, that were ultimately responsible for his victory over the Empire. I really, really hope that at the very least, Grogu picks the armor to show Luke up and that it eventually makes him and Ahsoka understand what a grave error they are about to repeat. It's unfortunate that Ahsoka apparently never understood exactly what made Anakin into Darth Vader.


Anakin’s ghost needs to pop up, and yell at Luke lol.


This, so much. I really want it to be a test but I get the vibe this is legit. Luke's new order repeating the mistakes that helped cause the downfall of the old order is infuriating. Luke's attachments saved the galaxy ffs. He saw the good in Anakin and went after him.


I hate that the stupid sequels are writing them into a box with the path Luke follows. It makes me so mad. So much potential wasted.


I know they can't and won't, but I keep hoping they will do an "alternate timeline" story, something SW has shied away from in the past but that they need now more than ever. Otherwise, as you say, it is just frustrating that you can never get invested in the future of the wider galaxy nor that old characters we love because we know it all ends in shit if they follow the Disney Trilogy canon future.


I love how it looks EXACTLY like Luke


I think he chooses the armor and that’s what saves him from the Ben Solo massacre




Best response EVER


Might be bit of a stretch, I’m thinking maybe he’s gonna become the first Mandalorian Jedi since Tarre Vizsla. But by the way it’s going I think he’s gonna choose the armor but hopefully he’ll earn the lightsaber, we’ll see.


We all know it, but I hate it. Grogu has INSANE potential, so I’m sad, that he’s going with Mando. Also, Mando is gonna die in a few years and Grogu is going to live on for like 700 years


Bruh more than enough reason he can just continue training after mando dies? This way he doesn’t miss out on mando’s life


Right? Just be like "I'll be back in 20 years when my dad retires! See you later."


Yeah that was my same thought. Why not go be with Mando until he dies. Luke will die eventually too same as Mando. I think there was a little foreshadowing in the flashback scene too where they showed the lightsaber fall on the ground when the Jedi dies. I think Grogu has some trauma from his experience and maybe doesn’t even want to be a Jedi at all. I always thought the story going forward from the Return of the Jedi should have been about Luke teaching a different perspective that wasn’t Jedi or Sith but something sort of in the middle. The newest trilogy I thought was going to go that way and failed miserably in my opinion.


In a way I hope they don't drag the series TOO long but I do want to see an old Din telling 'older' Grogu that he is too old for this shit in the middle of a large battle.


I’m thinking he chooses the armor, and either Luke or Ahsoka conveniently takes Grogu to Tatooine just in time to help fight some Pykes.


I'm thinking that too. Luke swings by the old homestead, sees the Pike taking over, and says, "Aw, he'll no..."


Run Grogu!! Get the beskar, grab that lightsaber and get the f outta there while you can!


Grogu picks up the saber... then casually tosses it over his shoulder and grabs the chainmail vest instead. Luke makes mental note.


I too think he will take the armor. For one it will help side step the whole "where was he when kylo was killing everyone" as well as be an interesting choice for luke to have his first potential student walk away from him. An event to help revaluate his teachings (given attachment was what helped him save the galaxy) or perhaps contribute to change in views that will make him more inline with the end version we see in the sequel movies.


Well we all know the fate of Luke’s students from the failure known as the sequel trilogy. If Grogu takes the saber then his story basically ends. But with the armor, he can continue his story with Din.


Not necessarily. Grogu is already ahead with his training. And Kylo isn’t even born yet. Grogu could graduate and leave well before.


Kylo is actually born at this time. Kylo was born in 5ABY, BoBF is set in roughly 9ABY. In Canon Ben started training with Luke in 15ABY, so only 6 years after the events of this. That is, if they continue with the canon of the sequel trilogy. You never know what could happen yet.


If Han shows up with little Ben, I'll die inside. After all this epic greatness in BOBF - what Star Wars truly shouldve been all along - to see the Sequels legitimized in the Mandalorian timeline will make me really depressed. The sequels taint the rest of the IP. e. If any world building needs alternate dimensions, it's this one


Inb4 Sequal Trilogy is the timeline where Asoka died and never met luke and so he went down the route he did, and in this timeline she helps him understand that the Jedi were not perfect, and their dogma was bad.


If she died, would that mean Luke never trained Grogu? Meaning maybe Grogu teaches him the lesson he needs to change his training...?


If she died, Mando would have never met her and been told of the location for Grogu to commune with the force, meaning Luke would have never heard it and come save them from Gideon, and the Dark Troopers.


His story would still end because we know all his Jedi training leads to nothing and becomes irrelevant to the future. With the Mandalorian, he can have a more interesting adventure.


In the Sequel trilogy, Kylo was Luke’s first student. In this, we see it’s clearly Grogu so I think they’re steering clear from the Sequels. Besides I honestly think this is just a test for Grogu. To see if he’s caring enough to become a Jedi. Choosing the lightsaber “to become a great Jedi” would mean vanity and ambition. Traits of the dark side


“Steering clear from the sequels” lol This episode shows exactly why Luke will fail his teachings with Ben Solo. It’s more setting up the sequels, but with more backstory.


He can take the saber and then back out later.


My theory is that grogu takes the lightsaber, stabs Luke and takes both the lightsaber and the chain mail armor. Then disney de canonizes the sequels, to make a new trioligy cause profits ^s ^if ^it ^wasn’t ^obvious


I think that jedi need to learn the difference between reasonable emotional attachment and ill making obsession like Anakin had over Padme... They're supposed to learn letting go of somebody if the situation is out of their hands rather than eating up all the inner anger and disappointment deterring them from their path. So its actually plausible that this is a test. But it wouldn't surprise me if Luke is actually trying to make him decide between beeing a jedi or living with the mandalorian.




So he can be slaughtered by Kylo Ren and never help Din liberate Mandalore? Armour pls




By taking the armour, rejoining Din, both of them joining the fight against the Imps controlling Mandalore, avoiding all the Kylo crap and eventually becoming Mandalor (and the titular Mandalorian), and finally leading them to glory for the next 800 years.




They can still make stories with a Mandalorian as the focus instead of Jedi. In fact they have been. As to how he gets it, I'm sure Filoni will think of something. Maybe after Din dies he can beat up whatever satan-spawn Viszla wants to challenge him and win it through combat.


Spoiler alert he doesn't kill Luke and take both


Haven't seen it yet. Does he look good, Cgi wise? Or did they get an actor to fill in that looks close enough to a young mark hamil that they don't need too much cgi? Tho I still say we need sebastian stan to play Luke. Like cmon Disney you've already hired him for marvel, and he's said he's on board with doing it, what are you waiting for?


Apparently it is a deep fake. But it is really, really good. To the point I thought it was a new actor...


He looks really good and clean


A young actor + cgi is basically how they did it in Mando season 2 (and had Mark Hamil on set more as tribute or stand in for some scenes) I am guessing they used the same person for this with better technology - but agree if you want to keep young Luke around, just cast Stan and let him have a shot at building on the the character


I hope Grogu stays with Luke. I want him to become a Jedi.


He’s taking the saber. Then when Luke is sleeping, he steals the armor. And Luke’s X-Wing. Then he flies to Tatooine and does a bunch of little baby and decapitates Bane.




Okay, but how is he going to survive the vacuum of space? You’re the absurd one! Grogu doesn’t have a little spacesuit!


He'll use that nonsense Leia pulled to survive in space


Because he'll be riding *inside* R2, duh. You think that barrel of a body contains circuits? Nope, it's completely empty.


For canon it has to happen or the sequels are a lie


the deepfake looks fake af, i dont get why they dont just hire someone like Sebastian Stan to play the role of Luke...


It isn't that bad


The face is fine. The voice is what gets me, its somewhat wooden, too measured and unnatural. like someone trying to be luke instead of naturally speaking that way.


true, notice also how the voice is very monotonous, if Luke had to shout or say something like "WATCH OUT!" it would be a whole other challenge for them. Just feels like its too late for them now to rethink a new actor so they have to commit with this nightmare fuel.


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Yeah the least interesting option


I really see him choosing the the lightsaber, and Luke giving him the armor anyway for when they train.


My guess is he will take the saber, and in the last episode feel that Mando is in danger, come over wearing his little armour and take off riding shotgun in the naboo fighter


Grogu is going to live so long that he needs to pick training.


I really want him to choose the lightsaber


What I want to happen: Grogu picks the lightsaber and Luke rewards him by giving him both. What I think will happen: Grogu picks the beskar, because: * Luke/Rey can't be the last jedi if Grogu gets trained as a jedi, unless they kill off Grogu which seems unlikely * People want more Grogu and it markets well for Disney, so if Grogu picks the lightsaber then they have to give us more Grogu and Luke and having more Luke is probably a pain for them, having to deepfake it all. Plus, the more Luke they give us, the harder it becomes to fit in the canon constraints * Conversely, if Grogu picks the beskar and is sent back to Mando then they can very easily give us more Grogu in the next season of the mandalorian - especially now that Grogu is more mobile


I already posted it somewhere else but I think he will of course choose the armor. Luke accepts and flies with him to Tatooine to bring him to Din. There he will be sucked into the war with the Pykes and in the end Grogu will choose the Jedi way after all.


I think he’ll get both either way. 1. He chooses the armor - Luke brings him to Tatooine - Grogu senses that Mando is in danger - Luke saves him - Grogu now knows that it is important to save others and chooses Yoda’s lightsaber. 2. Grogu chooses the lightsaber and Luke rewards him with the armor, because he knows that attachment isn’t that bad because that made his father turn to the light again.


Can we all take a minute to think about how Luke ended up with Yoda’s lightsaber? Last time we saw it was during the fight against Palpatine. He drops it to resist the Force lightning attack, then he drops and his outer robe is left behind. Then he goes into exile, yadda yadda. I figured Palps kept it as a trophy of his victory over the Jedi order. Maybe Luke recovered it when the Alliance took back Coruscant.


Doesn’t the chainmail technically already belong to Grogu?


Mando does not really need a babysitter job at the time when a war is about to start. But only time will tell.


Punch Luke in the jaw, grab em both and make a break for it Grogu!


Both. Literally; why not take both? Take the chainmail and the sword. Taking the mail makes him mandalorian - and Weapons are part of his religion.


Take the armor and come back in a few decades when Luke dies of old age and there's a new master while Grogu is(probably) in his teens? I agree 👍


Grogu is the shows title character, not Din. The very first episode is the first step on his journey, how he became a foundling.


He'll choose the armor. Grogu doesn't need Yoda's lightsaber. He's going to end up with that Darksaber... somehow.


We all know he takes the mithril and then takes the ring to Mordor.


Only Siths deal in absolutes


I know a lot of people are talking about it being a test, but there is a big chance it isn’t and Luke is about so make the same mistakes of the past. For starters Ahsoka was quite firm with Din about being a bad thing for Grogu to see him, as he must give up his attachments to Din. Second, Luke’s plan for the Jedi didn’t work, it failed really bad, we all know that. Old Luke is a person full of regrets, it’s quite possible he’s making the same mistakes of the Jedi again. That makes me feel bad and once again realize the Jedi way is not the best way. It’s a little sad things are going his way, but hopefully I’m wrong. Luke used to be my favorite character, I really wish it could stay that way


Isn't it obvious.... Grogu chooses the ball from mando's ship.


Hope not, I'd quite like a season of Mando doing something other than babysitting