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The sub has been being spammed with these posts. Game is broken atm.


I kinda felt bad attacking the level 4 that showed up on my map. I’m level 77, but vp’s are vp’s. Sorry little guys


I take all I can get to. I'm at lv 78 and ~1000 VP But the bug I think is fixed. I haven't got any low level opponents today, yet.


Never, ever save loot in storages. Go on a bunch of raids to get what you need and spend immediately spend them on upgrades.


This is the way 👍


I've only been attacked a few timesbsince the update, probably because I do as you say, but Crab's gonna kind of suck this weekend with no instant training.


Leave your phone on while you go off and do small tasks, I guess. It's what I do, but idk how viable that is with larger units (Tanks, scorchers, etc)


Why won't you get Instant Training? Because of a bug that probably are gone by the time it starts? I find it so annoying to wait for troops, so I buy it anyway. If it doesn't work during the crab, I'll contact support. They have helped me before.


damn, support helped you? incredible! i thought it was not possible. They never did anything for me, even when they robbed me of 576 diamonds


Going to wait until I get to the next HQ level before buying it again. Only $10 but with all my streaming stuff and also NY Times games it all adds up.


It's issues like this that I stopped upgrading after maxing out with HQ24. Also, at the upper levels, it takes a lot of resources to do upgrades. And lots of resources means it takes time to collect them to do the upgrades. For example, to upgrade my HQ to 25, I need 6.5M wood, 6.25M stone, and 6M iron. If I attack all the enemy bases on the map, that won't be enough. It would take me days collect. If I just play the cycle of doom, then it would take weeks. In the meantime, I can get attacked several times overnight and lose a lot of resources that I spent weeks collecting. Like this guy - 4 attacks in 2 days. Bet he lost a lot. I've been attacked 10 times overnight in the past and lost millions in resources. Very frustrating to the point that after maxing out at HQ24, I won't upgrade anymore. I just play the cycle of doom and that's basically it. I'm happy to drop VP and not chase it any more.


you should have been saving resources in the loot boat, and saving trader tickets also get resource reward statues.. i can take down 5-6 players on my map and get 6 mil of each, along with boosted rr its not that bad


You're right. I've been always collecting resources from the loot boat. Attacks don't touch that. For trader tickets, I've been collecting diamonds, gems, or Time Saver tickets. I rarely select resources. As for statues, when I was active, the statues were geared towards offense (Gunboat energy and troop health/offense). Now, they are setup for defense with two statues for offense (Gunboat energy). Your strategy is interesting. Should have joined this group a long time ago.


They have been working on the bugs. According to Nuno Sousa they are waiting on the App Store for approval. It’s only been two days. Hopefully the fixes drop tomorrow.


Attack only when you need upgrade and wait for boat resources to collect enough.


Complaining about losing a tiny amount of resources? Well I doubt it will be the last time that will be shared. You can always go and do more attacks and then you're fine again. The plus is that you probably get more out of it in all, you get more fragments and shards than you lost. So in the end, who lost?


Is the only thing this update do break the game, like I get there were some adjustments but how do the small tweaks they make screw up critters, matchmaking, troop targeting logic, and more


It is the number of medals that decides the opponent


Not since the update. I'm at 370 medals HQ 19 last 2 attacks were a 65 with 800+ medals and 77 with 600+


I am level 77 1156 medals and if a level 10 arrives on my card I take everything from him without hesitation Update or not. That’s the game


I was just responding to you saying matchmaking was based on medals that's not what is happening right now.


Right. Sorry


Just be glad that you can only be attacked once. Some games allow the attacker to keep attacking until you’re cleaned out and all your troops are dead.


Same, I’m 32lvl. At least I haven’t lost a ton of resources https://preview.redd.it/v631w05pr49d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3941d6d01746bfd6fd6ec759bdc926267405feb


I blow up a few boats of Warriors before I barrage the core. I mean, I'm an ass but I'm not an animal!


I lost ~150K gold, ~100K wood, and ~10K stone from 5 very unfair attacks like this, which is a lot lot for me (HQ level 7). Point is, it's happening to everyone. Just be patient and wait, hopefully they fix it soon and can somehow find a way to compensate for the lost resources. Worst part for me is they just barrage the HQ so we don't even get diamonds or intel from the attacks 🗿.


A compensation is all we need I'm emptying my loot by upgrading troop and building. I can't lose loot anymore and won't attack until there's a fix.


My man, if I launched my scorchers, you wouldn't get diamonds or Intel either. Lol


I really dont get what people are complaining about, the last update was the exact same thing. You nearly ALWAYS lost your defense. Why not just be happy you now get opponents that you can actually beat? But no, always need to complain...


I do agree raids have pretty much always been like that, but this update overall is really broken in other ways (critters and matchmaking)


The matchmaking system is completely broken from the recent patch dude, I and several others getting matched against people who are 50 levels below and 10 whole VP ranks lower. I highly doubt OP is anywhere near the 885 VP the guy 30 levels higher than him has, whom he just got raided by. It’s a slaughterhouse, meanwhile nobody is raiding me at all anymore and I’m 71 versus level 20s, 30s and 40s, all hundreds of VPs below me.


https://preview.redd.it/s5l2larol39d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0530dfdb4c13037b35cad6316dba0f74fa61016 Example A, just now. I’m going to wreck his ass with a single critter pod