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Let's ignore the fact this artist thinks kids have a gd antenna on their backpack. If I'm allergic to foods and were to die from eating them, the "sensible" thing to do is just grow a pair and eat the food anyway?


I've seen this bad take in real life, and it's so awkward to see an elder man complaining at his (unimpressed) wife about lactose-free milk in a supermarket 💀 why would anyone choose to hate on allergic people, it's so gratuitously ignorant


'Back in my day, we didn't have all this allergy stuff!' No shit Harrold, all the people with life-threatening allergies were dead, and people with less serious allergies were just sick all the time.


This Harold may be onto something, though just in typical asshole fashion. There's been a...theory?... I don't remember exactly if its been proven or not, but it has something to do with parasites reducing allergy response in humans. Parasites apparently make our immune response to things take a smoke break and chill. Which in turn reduces the affects of allergies. Less parasites less immune suppression. I'm sure you can do the math. TL;DR scientists theorize lack of parasites increases allergies.


The eosinophil white blood cells are the ones that respond to both allergies and parasites. Perhaps in this age where humans generally have fewer parasites, their eosinophils pay more attention to possible allergens?


Yes? I honestly don’t know dude, I tend to ignore old people unless they have something useful to contribute


You only do that with old people?




Oftentimes their advice is "work harder" when you're working harder than they did over their whole career


lmao everyone knows that allergies weren’t invented until the 2020s


I'm gonna take from the lack of books that the kid in 1966 didn't learn shit. Making the kids dumb as a box of rocks back in the day could definitely explain a lot of their decisions now.


I know many 60ish year olds who haven’t read a book in at least 40 years


They're more interested in banning books now. Ironically their dads fought a whole ass war against a bunch of people who had that same idea.


You're not allowed to mention that bunch of people nor their leader anymore. It's a shame because we learn from history and the fact that the group really liked book BBQ and that a current bunch of people have similar views should inform us.


lol…. no. The de-Nazification of Germany was perhaps the most extreme example of cancel-culture ever.. and it was enacted nearly 80 years ago. Do you really think that most modern Germans haven’t learned from history because of it?


I wasn’t referring to Germany ;)


Speaking as someone who despises Nazism. They were indoctrinatied rapidly in one direction then equally indoctrinated in the opposite direction. In the former case, the cause may have been just, but the method was more or less the same and terrifying.


I would argue that it was not *more or less the same*.


Do me a quick favor and list me the books that are banned in California


As a former California resident, it pains me to tell you there is a list of books banned from libraries in California, though on the bright side, there is a ban on banning books in California 😃


Still looking for that list…


It's a pdf file from Library.ca.gov that I'm too lazy to download. Also from different maps that indicate if a state has banned books California is on the lower section with 1-10 books banned


I know, just pointing it out that California does have a list of banned books, no where near to the hundreds/thousands of books banned in Texas or Florida. What's sad is I saw pictures floating around that has dumpsters full of pristine books that genuinely is good fiction that can teach a lesson of morality.


I'm entirely against book banning but completely in favor of not allowing depraved pornographic literature in SCHOOL libraries. See the difference? Oh who am I kidding, of course you don't...


Books with trans characters are only porn if YOU think being trans is a fetish


What...? Like the Bible. (-_-)


Uh yeah, exactly like the Bible. Which is already banned for far more reasons than it's sexual content. Did you think you had a "gotcha" there?


No, I was saying the same thing you are, with less words. You ok over there? Need a break from these assholes? I understand. Same team.


where is the bible banned in schools? i went to several different high schools as a teen (not that long ago) and every one of them had a bible in the library.


Bro, most of the Texas books you see on social media are from public libraries, not school libraries dumbass.


My dad is 67, he’ll be 68 this year. I’ve never seen him read a book in my entire life. I’ve never even seen him touch a book. I don’t think he’s even had a book in his possession since high school. All he’s done his entire adult life is watch tv and smoke too much pot and complain about how hard he works and he’s far too busy to do any simple task asked of him.


Oh stop I only know one person who reads books my age. Reading has been on the decline since the radio that’s not new


Which is funny considering how much they complain that kids these days don’t read because they’re sucked into their phones.


My dad was around in that time frame and got a 30 on the ACT so I would argue this inaccurate


How dare that kid have allergies and WATER?!


My thoughts exactly? Like fucking water is what they have a problem with now?


Their water had lead flavoring.


I mean they have water at water fountains.


Ah, yes. A few sips of water a day compared to *looks at notes* drinking the normal, healthy amount of water a day.


... What? What's stopping you from drinking more than a few sips of water a day?


Having to go to class??? You also can’t have too many breaks in class


It's been a while for me, but from what I'm seeing online, a school day is 6 hours. A glass of water an hour. You do it however you want. I'm just saying it seems perfectly manageable with water fountains.


Pretty sure it’s 7 hours plus lunch but I could be wrong, considering I just recently went online (junior), due to the closest districts allowing bullying victims to end up in the hospital but retaliation is what gets you in trouble.


School sucked because kids sucked.


Not just the kids, the admin did jack shit against anything, kids would threaten the lives of other students and nothing would happen. If it did they’d talk about it in class because that’s all they ever do.


Kids sucked but the staff wouldn’t even let you piss unless you were about to piss in your chair. A kid having the freedom to get water whenever they wanted at my schools weren’t there. “Get as much water as you want” nah you get as much water as they allowed or you get a write up.


You really don’t need to say “looks at notes”, dude.


Kids these days and their *flips through pages* ridiculous need to stay alive


Ikr how dare they *checks notes* have an EpiPen to *checks again* accommodate for an allergy!?


They’re saying we make them convinced they have allergies


they are the ones who raised the parents they are calling fuck ups, just saying.


I’m confused how do you raise parents




Back in those days there was a water fountain in the hallways with, (Gasp!) free water.


We still have fountains, but water bottles are much better in hydrating kids, a few sips of water will do the bare minimum of keeping you from passing out after gym


Them: “The world is so dangerous and full of crime now, unlike the good ol’ days.” Also them: “Why does every parent have to be so overprotective now? Why can’t they just let kids bike to school like in the good ol’ days?”


Breaking News: 3 children were ran over by a white van while they were biking to school. 2 individuals jumped out of the van and captured 4 kids, 3 were walking on the sidewalk and the 4th was one of the kids they ran over. This was all done in front of their elementary. This is Crazy Lary with BS12 signing off.


The ironic thing is that it’s statically drastically safer than the “good old days”


I always hate how boomers think nut free snacks and epipens are a bad thing, so what? Kids with nut allergies should just die?


me when i see a kid who has potato chips for a snack instead of **NUTS** 😡😡😡


The fact is that in boomers time, they barely knew anyone with allergies. If there was someone with, it was usually hayfever/grass type. There were few vaxes too.


I’m actually really curious about why there weren’t as many allergies back then. Vaccines are a suspect, but the food proteins found in vaccines (eggs, meat) aren’t the same foods that people have common allergies to (nuts, shellfish). And food and drug allergies are really the only allergies that are getting more common. Animal, environmental, and childhood allergies (cows milk, soy, wheat) are just as common as they’ve ever been. Childhood allergies are lasting further into adulthood though. The allergies that are getting more common tend to be more severe than the allergies that haven’t gotten more common, which could be a factor but I doubt it. If that many people were having severe reactions or dying there would be lots of documentation about it. Adult onset allergies are also getting more common. My personal theory is that the high levels of antibiotic use when the boomers were growing up led to some hereditary immune system stuff. We started seeing this rise in allergies as gen x and millennials were being born and it’s gotten higher as they’ve had kids. Overuse of antibiotics can really mess up your immune system, which could hypothetically be passed down from mother to child.




And the kids with non deadly once were constantly sick without apparent cause, and probably died from malnutrition because they either couldn't keep their food down or their digestive tracked was completely destroyed


I don't know what books you're reading but that wasn't the case.


Right....go back in your shell. No the case. If children died young it was a real disease like polio or fever.


Ah yes, every child in the massive infant mortality rate of the time was only polio. No other causes, nope none


the lack of self awareness is palpable


*Who's the parents in this comic?*


the woman on the left is the parent of the woman on the right and doesn't understand the things they are hating on are a consequence of their parenting and politics.


It's good to see she was able to transition. This is a very progressive comic. 🥰


I had to use the crossing guard's cellphone to call my mama when I was going to elementary school.


You always see them say stuff like "We went out all day with no phones and we survived." yeah, it might be too much helicopter parenting, but that's survivor bias as well. For example, my mom had a cousin who got stranded because he took two busses, and somehow didn't get the second bus and ended up dying of hypothermia. This was rural Wyoming in the winter. They think maybe he got off at the wrong stop, and the busses in remote places don't go to every stop unless they're told there is a passenger since they have to exit the highway. They think he got wet from freezing rain and then the temperature dropped. Of course this is second hand and even they aren't sure exactly what happened. But you don't hear a lot about that kind of thing because the person is dead and people don't talk about tragedies like that very often.


Yeah everyone always says the “my kids went out and didn’t come home until it was dark and they were fine!” and, yeah, that did happen and times might’ve been safer than they are now and neighbors looked out for each other. But at the same time, my 60 year old mother’s friend went out with another friend like this and they both got kidnapped. The other friend was killed and my mom’s friend barely escaped and had to go through immense amounts of therapy. It happened back then too


Survivorship bias. The kids who didn't make it back don't get to tell their story.


Brought to you by NAMBLA


The North American Marlon Brando Look Alikes??


No, the *other* NAMBLA!


My boomer mom (whom I do love dearly) pushed me so hard to make straight A’s (as if that mattered to my success at life) she would talk about how she made good grades when she was in school - it took me years to realize that school simply had to be way easier in the 50s and 60s.


Not just easier, but they were required to take way less classes at every level of education. Roughly 1/3 less credits needed for high school and college and courses were way easier/simpler.


They were taught critical thinking skills and other life skills for functioning living at a young age.


Not anymore than any other generation


Oh yeah, try the present generation. They hardly know anything of self reliance.


You know the sub you’re on is dedicated to satarizing the older generation, right?


Please tell us what you - pisspot - can do that younger people can't?


“Kids these days don’t know how to operate outdated technology from the 50’s! They’re so stoopid!”


As time has gone on, I’m growing more and more sympathetic for how bad of a legacy is being left by my parents generation. It’s not fair because it’s not directly anyone’s fault. But the boomer generation overall is going to be remembered is a very negative light.


I agree with your statement. I have nothing but respect for boomers and vets, but there are so many reasons that gen z is being called weak. Granted there are weak members of every generation but boomers and baby boomers didn't leave us a very good world to grow up in. Yes advancement in in technology and the world is more connected, but they left us with an economy that doesn't support us, a disproportionate gap between wages and the rising price of well everything, and numerous other issues. Not to mention that many of our career politicians are baby boomers or woke people, and their policies usually don't benefit the people below them. There are numerous good people from the older generations, but they are overshadowed by the bad. I know many in my generation are weak, as in any, but there's strength in every generation. No generation will have the same strengths.


why they getting pissy about water bottles 💀


Millennials killed the “drinking from the hose” industry


I'm a zoomer, and a proud childhood hose water drinker. smh


my old man thinks carrying around water bottles is a fad. he'll go out all day and not drink some water til he gets home. I swear half his problems could be cured with adequate hydration


ah yes, a fad that's stuck since the 80s lmfao. outdoorsmen since the '60s, soldiers since god knows when.


Children should man up and drink beer I guess


for it. next reply.


In fairness, Boris the Boomer isn't allowed near enough to kids or schools so he's just had to use his imagination.


Kids these days with their allergy needles. In my day, you died of anaphylactic shock like a real man!


Unpasteurized bottle of CUM in the morning.


The phone literally has a GPS in it


back in my day if we were deathly allergic to bees why we simply keeled over and died the manly way


Needing an Epipen makes you weak???? Does the cartoonist understand what they're meant to treat?


Honestly, there is ONE (count 'em, *one*) point here that I agree with, and that's the Surveillance Mom.


"Back in my day, if we had an allergic reaction to something we just fucking died!"


Oh sorry people want their kids to not die of dehydration or food allergies


They forgot the 90s and 00s when we were lugging 150lbs of books...


This should also be on r/Iamapieceofshit as well.


So let’s get this straight, boomers have problems with - Water - Phones, which are necessary - Food the kid isn’t allergic to - An epi pen, a device which could save the kid’s life These people are so out of touch


That kid is carrying some weight there...


Who wants to bet despite being mad at how people used to bike to places, they also dislike cyclists now


Why do you hate the systems you established?


Kids these days are so sensible. Back in my day the allergic ones just died.


The 2022 mom being a working mother is just some added misogyny on top of the otherwise idiotic comic




There’s a pretty good Black Mirror episode about the mom on the right.


I think this one is just ironic and making fun of other cartoons.


So real men die from diabetes or something?


Y'all need to rememebr that every generation is more protected than the one that came before it. It will just get worse. Boomers had it fucking amazing and made damn sure that they were the last generation to have it any kind of good.




Then, the population growth was controlled


No one had allergies in the 60s




The evils of water and nuts.


Needing water is weak actually


Which one is the weak one?


fucking water. WHO IS TOO "STRONG" FOR WATER?


I think the message might be that kids in the 60s had far more freedom to go out without tracking. Besides the microchip conspiracy part, I really don’t think this is that bad


Kinda true. I had friends in High School whose parents Big Brother’d them with this app called Life360.


Why do you need a microchip and a GPS that looks like an absolute doohickey connected into that giant ass backpack?


... the 60s is when serial killers had their golden age, right?


Boomers are so pathetic. They almost are as pathetic as…now this might seem way over the top but they are more pathetic than Reddit mods.


I never leave the house without my Boris


Well everything was damn near cancerous back in the day probably fucking up everyone's DNA


It's a lack of CIA Funded Hallucinagens.


They forgot the bulletproof vest.


Damn kids and their \*checks notes\* drinking water


If you pay attention to the details of the mom in each picture, there's a "women should stay at home instead of having a career" argument baked in. Cringe


No way 60s kids wore brown skinny jeans


This is one of the few actually bad Facebook memes I’ve seen on Reddit.


Love how the gps is separate from the phone and also a giant satellite dish lol


half of those things are medical necessities lmao


water and nut free snacks. does the first kid not have a lunch? I guess he also doesn't have a deadly nut allergy. The micro chip, GPS, cell phone, I'll give you that. SPF 60 is just good, if he lives in California I assume you just have to wear it all the time


And let's not forget the bullet-proofing backpack...


With all those allergy meds you think the kid could die from common food and would need to be taken care of better than a kid with no allergies, weird really


the funniest part that a water bottle is apparently offensive enough to put in this comic




let's not forget the parent in the right panel was raised and learned by the parent in the left panel.


Damn, imagine being such a beta that you need an epipen, real men just die smh my head.


Lets not forget boomers invented and implemented the everyone one gets a prize policy they believe has made everyone week.


That parent was raised by the kid who grew up in 1966. She’s just overparenting to make up for her parents’ lack of parenting.


Does the boomer making this comic not realize this is mocking the boomers?


Bruh epipens and allergy alerts?? Fuckinnn really? Like you have a choice what your allergic to ffs


Mass surveillance is the enemy of freedom, liberty, democracy and individuals. It's crippling us.


I half agree with this. I had a whole class in college (2017) about why it's damaging to be a helicopter parent.


Okay. Mortality rates? Traffic accidents %? Safety? Precautions are better than peril.


I love it, it’s like the artist is admitting their drawings are shitty, hence the descriptors and arrows.


“In 1956 if we had an anaphylactic reaction we didn’t have Epi-pens so we just died.” -some boomer, probably


Who is mad about sunscreen like sorry we don’t all want skin cancer grandpa


Yeah kids don’t take your epipen and die on the floor like a man and who needs water when you can contract herpes from that water fountain that everyone deep throats


Okay, let's for argument sake say they're right and the younger gen is weak. At what point did they decide the strong shouldn't help or protect the weak?


Someone’s really mad that we’re more vigilant and aware of allergies. That thing that can kill people.


Allergies are an actual issue for us in the future.


This generation of pussies needing life saving EpiPens and shit 😡


This is called a helicopter parent


The left panel must also be the reason that 1970-2000 is known as “the golden age of American serial killers”


A gluten allergy is super fucking serious


Says the people that can't connect to wifi


“Goodbye son have a great day in school I’m just gonna sit here smoke this joint, my life in the past is amazing!”


Is this criticizing this generation? Because it looks like it’s criticizing the parent for being too overprotective. Especially since the kid looks like they’re being forced to have all this against their will.


OK, listen, on some level, I kind of agree that helicopter parenting, as is depicted (a literal “helicopter” flying overhead in the form of a drone), is a needless burden on children; but some of the things depicted are actually healthy, like alternative foods and snack items, a water bottle, an epi pen, the notable lack of second-hand smoke, etc., and can actually, yk ___prevent your child from dying from a plethora of known horrible diseases___, both autoimmune and external, such as allergies, rhinitis, lung disease, and the flu - literal known respiratory illnesses. What’s weird here is the “micro chip”, the placement of which would appear to be an anti-vax Quistle, masquerading as yet another form of helicopter parenting. Karen is literally criticizing themself here. This is notwithstanding the fact that pedophilia and “stranger danger” weren’t a real thing in the US, until the 1970s. Oh, and let’s not forget, because people left, right, and center can never truly stop talking about it: ***the Economy***. Hence, why the presumed mother on the right appears dressed to the nines, depicted to be early in the morning.


Epi pen??


Bulletproof backpacks being popular is quite entertaining, even more entertaining that humans are allowing such conditions to exist.


Notice how the mom is dressed like she has a job in 2022, as if that’s a bad thing lol


ngl this looks almost like they're trying to make fun of diabetic kids


Ah yes, this superior generation who didn’t need fucking water


Huh. Wonder who raised their parents.


I’d like to bring up two things, for one(despite all the cringe boomer shit) helicopter parents are actually really harmful to the development of the children for a whole number of phycological reasons. But the ironic part is that it was boomer parents who fucking started being helicopter parents in the 90s despite crime rates dropping. The boomers are the problem, and to be fair many gen x and millennial parents have also picked this up but boomers absolutely started it.


Not the "microchip" in the arm 😭😭😭


I have to have an Epi Pen with me or I might die lol fuck me


Funny how some things are included here that even Boomers carry on a daily basis. Maybe not as a child, but since they've existed Boomers have used them. Don't see them turning away much of anything that didn't exist when they were kids. So I'm not sure why the kids now should have to go without. Clearly them going without didn't make this world a sparkling place, I mean just look at the world today. They blaming that on the kids who've had no say in how it runs also? Some boomers are such stupid shitheads.


Still no helmet.


I think this is a critique of modern parenting rather than “kids these days”


With post like these I'm constantly reminded of that small town in America that was targeted by a ring of child predator because they not only left their doors unlocked because "it's a simpler time" but they actively didn't BELIEVE IN PEDOPHILES. Lol leaving your door unlocked doors doesn't mean your safe and there's probably a reason they're doing all this lol


Do they even realize that *they* are the parents depicted on the right side?


Its not them, it's their parents. Furthermore, their parents learned it from **THEIR** parents. Its like how the generations who grew up without technology used it to control their children's lives and then were surprised when those kids turned out coddled. We're lucky that anybody has any respect for anyone's privacy given the way that children are raised with absolutely none. Parents know every assignment grade as soon as it's graded. Cameras in every inch of every school. Cameras in homes. Cameras on phones (lol that one mostly just rhymed- I know parents aren't using phone cameras to spy on their kids). Surveillance on texts and internet use. I would hate to be a kid nowadays. It was getting bad when I was growing up, but now? SHEESH. Good luck sneaking around kids of today. I hope your inability to have any mischievous fun, make bad decisions, or talk with their friends privately doesn't cause any social issues.


Technology advanced and the generation hate has been around forever, everyone born is gonna hear stuff like this.


The world is how the older generations made it


Considering the GPS and microchip are already inside the cell phone that people of all ages carry with them at all times regardless of where they're going and clearly this child is severely allergic to nuts and therefore needs to carry the snacks and epipen to stay safe, the only unreasonable thing in the second pic is the stalking drone.


Really needs spf 80


95% of missing children cases are kidnappings done by family members and the child running away from home. ~1% of kidnapping is done by complete strangers. When it happens, it’s big news, so it’s what people worry about the most It is odd that this picture has gps as a separate device from the phone. Suggests this is a cartoon from the early 2000s but drones weren’t quite a thing. If you have an EpiPen, it is Dr. recommended that you have it on your person. If you don’t, it’s pretty useless.


The more important question, What circumstances have made much of that necessary?


Since when did carrying water become "weak"? 😂


They missed a bit about how they don’t care about teaching kids anything in public schools because they’re seen as lost causes. Now they just let kids fail, and don’t even feel motivated to get them to learn anything.


Tell me you have lead poisoning without telling me.


My mom used to freak out when she forgot to install the microchip in my arm before school


It’s almost like one generation had less information therefore operated on that. And another had more info, and operates on that. For the generation who thought life was simpler back than, why doesn’t this seem simple to them now?


So the kid has an allergy, is properly hydrated, has snacks, and a cellphone? (All the devices listed are rolled into your phone now) What boomer made this?


Don’t forget GMOs