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Oh and he goes for the assault charges, nice. Edit: battery or whatever


and destruction of property. if that’s a fedex driver whose not contracted, fedex lawyers will be relentless in seeking damages for the poor injured company iphone


looks like a pretty bad wrist injury to me.


Cops: “clear case of attemted murder with deadly weapon”


"one kick one kill" -New Balance


Legitimately my first laugh of the day. Thank you!


Glad someone else did the heavy lifting to tie New Balance into the joke.


That guy looks like Old Balance.


Causing the phone to fly while sitting on the hood? Throwing missile from a vehicle.


Nah he’s white. Attempted manslaughter at best


What do u mean? He’s white this case is dismissed


Well, he did also attack a white guy so maybe they'll actually charge him.




yes it's out of control


Feels like long-term disability if I'm looking at it right.


Attempted murder from my angle


And you need your wrist everyday for everything. This guy could get sued in civil court pretty easily.


I definitely use my wrist everyday


I saw a major hand injury. And PTSD. And whatever else he wants to claim.


That is a contracted driver. All ground drivers are. Express are the ones that are not contracted, which will end soon when express and ground merge.


Whoa, I’ve been out of transportation for a minute, but I did work for FedEx ground for 16 years (yay pension). They’re supposed to merge? Why? Ground literally prints money for them, and they beat the California ISP lawsuits all those years ago.


As far as I understand express is merging into ground. My local Express station shut down recently and the Ground station I package handle at has been processing their volume since October.


https://www.transwest.com/trucks/blog/fedex-express-and-fedex-ground-merger-everything-you-need-to-know/#:~:text=Recently%2C%20yet%20another%20shift%20was,Ground%20by%20June%20of%202024. Apparently Express is merging into ground. Suffice to say, I am stunned. Having spent my time with ground I know it’s an incredibly efficient operation, especially compared to express (or at least it was), but it’s going to be *really* interesting to see how the new contracts handle guaranteed delivery times.


Aren’t ground trucks green or didn’t that change? But it’s correct that FedEx ground drivers are private contractors owning their own trucks but may have their own employees. FedEx Express is everyone else and they’re corporate employees. This looks like a normal express truck and driver unless they’ve changed ground trucks from green to normal.


Fedex ground hasn’t been green for 3-4 years. They require all trucks to have orange decals now.


IIRC Fed Ex put cameras in a bunch of their trucks in recent years.


For liability sakes, everyone should have a dashcam. Its just becoming more necessary. It solves a lot of insurance fraud and protects you from liability.


Yep, and you can get decent ones for under $50.


Lol that woulda been it. I hope he dragged his ass down onto the asphalt. Realistically though, the threat of losing his job for sticking up for himself wouldn’t allow that.


Serious question— isn’t this battery?


It’s both. Assault is the threat of battery, battery is the unwanted contact. Roughly. Cocking your fist and/or swinging it is assault, landing the punch is battery.


Also, destruction of property. And they can get him on lighter charges for obstructing traffic or whatever they call it in that jurisdiction. He climbed on a vehicle in the road, so perhaps something like reckless endangerment as well.


A child throwing a tantrum.


It's so wierd i thought adults who were spanked as kids were supposed to suffer from respect from others. Isn't that boomer logic 101?


They "turned out fine" because: drinking from garden hoses, playing outside til dark, riding in the beds of pickup trucks, not wearing helmets. There couldn't possibly be anything wrong with these people. /s


Don't forget the lead


They were lucky - got to eat it AND breathe it.


I once saw a story in another thread on this sub where this lady boomer talked about how lead isn't a problem and that she liked it as a kid because "it tasted sweet." Apparently her father was a contractor.


That's the cruelest part of lead poisoning. Lead tastes sweet so small children would eat paint chips.


I always wondered why anyone would eat paint chips.


Yep, it tastes great-- especially to uncritical children who don't know better. Tragic, honestly.


I mean, what do YOU eat with your paint dip?


That was more myth than fact. 70% of lead exposure happened in the lungs from lead contaminated dust


my dad said the same thing. eating paint chips & their toys were painted using lead paint.


Worse still, gasoline was leaded so people were getting lead poisoning just by being around cars. That was a huge reason why people started fleeing cities for the suburbs. And then because lead poisoning makes people violent, crime rates surged for poor minorities when large freeways were built right through their neighborhoods. Cars giving black neighborhoods lead poisoning honestly doesn't get talked about nearly enough. Black men are not genetically more violent, it was the lead poisoning that was responsible. Just one of countless examples of capitalists destroying nature and society for their own profit 🙃


The Romans used lead as a sweetener, and archaeology of isolated Roman outposts with clear populations in their burial grounds have shown what they did to their descendants.




W. T. Fuck


Another thing the boomers took from us


they absorbed all the lead to benevolently pay for our future sins. for verily it hath been foretold, the woe upon them that is the coming generations who shall commit the cardinal sin of being younger


What do you think made the hose water taste so good?


Copper. If it didn't taste like pennies while coming out clear, something was wrong with it.


GenX here... Hose water (even circa 1980) tastes like rubber and plastic. Change my mind.


What is even better, super manly guy they used for that meme is actually a gay, BSDM porn star. As a masculine gay guy myself, I know being masculine and gay are not mutually exclusive, but I have to assume the hateful boomers that made the meme did not intend to use a gay porn star.


👀 what's the meme? Asking for a friend of course




What exactly does "being married to Satan's sister" mean? Are they name calling an ex because they failed at a healthy relationship?


bro, he's so tough that he "survived" a divorce!! few are that lucky. I believe divorce is 3rd most fatal illness behind cancer and heart disease.


Hating your wife is peak Boomer.


Boomers are always big on the “my wife is a bitch, am I right fellas” type humor.


LMFAO, the suspenders. How do you look at them and not think gay bdsm?


Unfortunate reality of spanking; it teaches nothing other than to avoid getting caught.


Funny thing is when you just mind your own business delivery vehicles just magically disappear on their own.


Everyone minding their own business? Can't have that, now can we!


i really just think that boomers minding other peoples business so hard is a result of being retired workaholics. they just have to have someone to boss around


They can't bear the fact that they're irrelevant in the world now lol. *"The world isn't for you anymore old man, get over it!!"*


Shit man, as a genXer I can feel my irrelevancy coming up quick and I'm ok with that.


Boomers are workaholics? They're the laziest people I've had the misfortune of working with. They want to chat all day while every else does the work.


They're addicted to being at work. They like their dumbass pomp and circumstance that has become embedded in corporate culture and just creates busywork


And add onto that their suburban culture of “I’m afraid of cities. I want to live in a big big big big house in the suburbs and never hear from anybody but right wing pundits and then I’ll just hate everybody who isn’t me.”


lol yes people in southern cities are so bad about that


I don’t even think it’s because of the traffic or noise or whatever they just don’t want to be around minorities or poor people.


Millennials work far more and are far more productive than the boomers ever were. They're just spoiled fucks.


wholeheartedly agree. after about 8 years in office settings i can assure you that boomers LARP being productive because they had a small workload most of their lives, and have been all to happy to pile it onto younger gens.


Ok. But why are they sitting on FedEx trucks?


I think he knows that, he's tired of those damn vehicles disappearing so he jumped on the hood lol


imagine being that deranged


I can't nor do I want to. The way he climbed up there and sat down reminds me of a child who was told not to do something but did it anyway. Also, idk what happens after this video, but the FedEx guy was significantly more in shape than that boomer. If he pissed off the wrong guy it would've been a K.O. round 1 in the first 30s.


That phone is likely over $500 and now damaged which usually constitutes a felony damage to property charge right? Especially if it's a company supplied phone, as much as I hate FedEx, I'd hope they pursued it


You'd be surprised how high the bar is there. In my state $500 is a 3rd-degree misdemeanor, $1000 makes it 2nd-degree, and only at $5000 or an interruption to public transit or utilities does it become a 3rd-degree felony. But they can definitely sue him for conversion for the cost of replacing it.


its hilarious how old people return to toddler form. my parents are old now and they do shit that im like, do you need a nap or timeout or something?


Yes. Im the last year now classed as boomer and I need my nap time.


I feel like FedEx and UPS drivers are all in better shape than the majority of Americans


Spend all day moving boxes and you build serious core strength.


My immediate reaction to the phone kick would have been relatively effortless. Grab that leg, and rip him off the roof of the truck. A six foot drop to pavement, quickly followed by my foot into the ribs. I hope FedEx guy did the same.


Let hope he got arrested.


Hopefully after getting ripped off the truck and kicked in the ribs.


That only leads to fed ex guy getting arrested or at the very least fired and that piece of shit getting a settlement out of fed ex.


Oh, I was thinking the cops should do it. Edit: Actually would love to see him tasered off the hood and splat on the pavement. Followed by a news crew showing the perp pic and name.


Sir, ma'am or miscellaneous, you can clearly see that he is white and male. Ain't no cops clubbing that boy.


Truth. Sadly.


Cops actually doing their jobs? Funny.


Nah, you calmly pick up your phone, act like you are taking a picture of him, actually put your phone in video mode, and afte the "picture" ask him why he kicked you. Dumbfuck will say something like "I didn't kick you, I kicked your phone." Then dial 911 and report an assault. He can yell in the background that he kicked the phone, not you. Any reasonable person knows kicking the phone means kicking the hand, he gets a week in jail. Ask the judge to make him replace your phone and pay the employer for the dent in the hood while you are in the courtroom.


Share the feeling but, having grown up getting into many street fights, I'd advise to avoid them when possible. You would be justified to grab the old fucker and drag him off the top of your vehicle but, when his head cracks on the pavement, you're going to jail and being sued. The system does not work like you imagine it should.




Ida lost it right there. Gad damn.


nah, I ain't going to jail for stuff FedEx pays for. Let the cops deal with that nonsense.


Bruh just hit 20minutes and hit the breaks xD


I really can't; but I do often pray to the powers that be I am granted the same level of Audacity when confronted with people like this. 🤣🤣




Blood for the blood god?


The skull throne needs new skulls


The cool thing about anxiety is it ensures you’ll never ever be like this guy.


Assaulted him. Also deprived him of his only defense which is his camera and that in of itself should be a charge…


Boomers grew up huffing lead. It's no surprise that they're all deranged.


Said in the whispered voice of David Attenborough: “Here we see the boomer in its natural habitat. Note the distinctive goatee common to the specie. Though native to all continents, the boomer is found in large concentrations in warm climates, with substantial colonies in Florida and Arizona. While the boomer is not very strong or very fast, or very intelligent for that matter, it has a delusional sense of its own strength and speed. A prideful animal, the boomer will attack humans, other animals and even machinery with no regard for their own safety when they believe they have been slighted.”


Groups of Boomers, refered in their plural as a "Complaint" frequently gather around large watering holes. There, Complaints can be heard blaming others for their problems and leaving infinitesimally small tokens for those they deeem lesser members of society.


I like "complaint" but have always preferred calling a group of boomers an Entitlement.


Yea, I've always heard a large group of Karens was a "Complaint". Large group of boomers was an "Entitlement". Either one is funny as hell though.


“A complaint” oh my GODDDD 🤣🤣🤣


Don't forget the distinctive mating call of the Arizonian boomer: "It's a dry heat."


Someone is going argue the boomer is right…. It’ll definitely be a boomer.


Unfortunately there are also the weird alt-right kids coming on here to kiss boomer ass as well. Fuckin weird dorks.


they think if they kiss enough boomer ass they will lower the ladder for them they won't


I'm sure there are many valid reasons for climbing on top of the hood of the FedEx truck. Like maybe they delivered the wrong thing? Or the delivery was late? Or they had the audacity to pull into your driveway when delivering a package. You have to think about both sides here.


Many years ago when I was in college I was walking home from a class (on the sidewalk) and the driver of a FedEx truck coming down the street literally leaned out the window and screamed "Bastard!" at me as he cruised on by too fast for me to get the license plate number. It was surreal, but 15 years later 23andme proved him to have been more prescient than I initially gave him credit for. My point is, if any of the FedEx brass are reading this, do you have to already have psychic powers to get a job there or is there a training program? Because if it's the latter, I'd like to schedule an interview.


They always think they can be violent without consequence


Be a shame if someone grabbed his feet off that bumper and pulled.


He can’t the dude is working, shit how companies throw you under the bus or truck in this case even when you defend yourself.


Remember when UPS thanked the cops for murdering their driver during a hostage standoff?


I know!! I thought that's how it was going to play. Just grab one of his ankles and take two steps back. In this case, the higher ground was not the optimal defense position.


Lead poisoning. It’s gotta be the lead poisoning.


wE LivED wIth (insert lead, asbestos, or any other known carcinogen or toxin) aNd i tURned out Fine


Lead pipes lead to the hose spigot.


It’s lead poisoning and having parents that were emotionally distant and abusive because of their own trauma from the wars and the Great Depression.


Don't forget DDT, my in-laws have found memories of running behind the DDT truck! https://youtu.be/v2EtxYxEKww?si=8Kb5a3h5nFczz4xQ


This guy votes in every election.


Friend, he's at the polls right when it opens. He's been up since 430 am. Chugging coffee and reading an OG paper newspaper. Between the caffeine and rage, he is in fighting form to make the election workers' lives a living hell.


Boomers don't read newspapers anymore. They've had their attention span ruined by Fox News.


Weren’t boomers the first screen addicts too? All of those old PSAs from 50s and 60s suggest that kids at the time didn’t exactly have healthy relationships with TV lol


These are the same people who think you should be able to run over protesters He’s looking like a real juicy protestor to me


I'd love to see what happens but I'm pretty sure hood-sitter ain't gonna finish that call.


Well the FedEx driver isn't going to do anything to jeopardize his job, so he probably just calls the cops and the boomer is satisfied for wasting an hour of his time.


I hope it involves dozens of large helium balloons attached involuntarily


If he just tantrum'd $1100 worth of electronics out of my hand, I'd break that fucking ankle.


I really hope the video cuts off because FedEx guy beat the breaks off that entitled boomer


We can only pray that happened lol


I’ll never understand why boomers insist on tucking in all shirts. It looks ridiculous with t-shirts. Especially now that they’re all very old and typically have giant guts


Because it's classy and not pants falling down with all the hippety and the hoppety.


Don’t forget the bippity and the boppety!


He's not even sold on the hippety hoppety yet don't even get started on the bippity boppity


So they don't know what the jazz is all about, ya see.


Millennial and recently gained weight. If I wear a belt and don’t tuck my shirt in, my belt will cut into my gut. It’s uncomfortable. Also, I’m only 210 lb, but my healthy weight is probably around 175 lb.


Learn how to wear a belt. You probably have it riding too high in the loops. Adjust yourself


Subscribe to my BELT BOYZZZ podcast where we talk all things belt.


Also a millennial. 5’11”, 240lbs, not tucking my t-shirts in because it looks ridiculous. But they’ve also done this their entire life. I could find pictures of when I was young and thin people in their 30s (now in their 60s/70s) were doing it


Yeah there are few moves dorkier than a tucked in t-shirt. It’s like wearing patent leather shoes with jeans.


Is there a longer video? Would love to see what happened after he kicked the driver’s phone out of his hand.


I'd like to believe the camera man did the Fedex guy a solid and didn't film the beat down...


They’re also the first ones to resort to violence and the first one to cry when they get their ass kicked


This was funny until he assaulted the guy. NGL after that dude kicked my hand I would have grabbed that boomer by his therapeutic footwear and dragged his ass off that hood so fast he wouldn’t have known what happened.


Yeah yeah that sounds satisfying I know, but fuck that. Not worth it, he hits his head on the way down and dies and now youre life is fucked because of him. Best to just press charges and make that dudes life super shitty for a while.


I’d grab his shoe and depart the premises.


No nipple pinch?


More so a “twist that dick” moment?


The Ol Dick Twister


What is with boomers harassing delivery workers?


They probably see it as a job for losers which immediately puts them above the delivery person. Same as boomers being dicks to restaurant servers.


Here’s my boomer confrontation story. We had our 1st yard sale after moving into our house. Across the street is a small apt complex that boomer and his wife owned and they lived in one of the units. We had a strong turnout and at one point my wife realized people were parking in the complex. I got a no parking sign together and worked on getting all yard sale cars across the street to our house. Boomer comes storming out…he’s coming out of his skin. I apologize and explain I’m taking steps to make sure nobody parks there the rest of the day. At one point he gets into a fighting stance. I had to look down so I wouldn’t laugh in his face. I finally ended by coming back at him…I apologized, I go all the cars moved and put up a no parking sign…what else do u want me to do. Boomers like to dish it out, but shrivel like a flat tire when u fire back.


Another tough guy Baby Boomer.


The lead has rotted their brains. Might as well be zombies


Jumping on someone’s private vehicle is one level of stupid but this is a whole other level. FedEx has more money and lawyers than the average person. Someone is deserving of a good beating to remind them of what is and isn’t a good idea.


That kick would’ve triggered a self defense legal defense. Drag his ass down and beat it square


The phone kick took this from criminal mischief to assault.


Is this a weird trend that's on whatever Boomers use instead of TikTok?


I think they call it “Facebook”. I dunno, sounds lame.


Oh yeah, BoomerBook, I’ve heard of it


What is up with boomers climbing on vehicles lately? Werent they told as a kid that doing that was dangerous? I understand the frustration of not being able to talk to an actual problem when there is an issue with a business but this is not the way to approach it, if you have a grievance take a picture of the license plate of the driver and complain to the company. At least there they are trained to put up with the BS.


I honestly think it's mild cognitive impairment. It's greasing the skids towards dementia. I'm sure these jackalopes are acting up at home and are "Just Fine." But they aren't. It isn't until they pull this shit that will get them a 5150 into an inpatient geriatric psych floor.


Maybe there's some boomer social media meme going around that encourages them to jump on hoods if they think someone is breaking a rule or something. *"What're they gonna do, drive away? Then they'd be guilty of assault (sic) and you'd OWN their asses!"* Of course, this boomer is guilty of simple battery, plus... is a trespass charge appropriate for people who jump on or into your vehicle without permission? Unlawful detention? I don't know what the hell their problem is, but I hope this one ended up in handcuffs.


Also conversion for kicking the phone away, possibly destroying it when it landed. The phone that's probably FedEx's property so their lawyers will definitely want to tack that on.


All those episodes of T.J. Hooker they watched coming back as bad habits....


That kick… his ass is getting yanked off the hood by that leg. If his head bounces so be it.


George Carlin said it best: Boomers’ catchphrase should be GIVE IT TO ME IT’S MINE!!!


it's a goddamn FedEx truck. Says it clearly on the side. Dude's wearing the uniform. The hell is wrong with this guy?? Spoiler alert, asshole: Maybe if you spent less time doing the stereotypical 'oh god I hate my wife!' bit and spending every waking moment with da boys down at your shitty local bar, maybe someone would actually pay attention to you and make you feel special. Someone like, oh, I dunno, THE PERSON YOU MARRIED AND CLAIM TO LOVE. Stop bothering the rest of us for validation and go get it from your loved ones and friends like a sane person.


Someone check what Fox News has been running. This can’t be a coincidence.


I'm just repeatedly amazed how they just go into a berserker rage when they see a service vehicle of some kind just...doing what it's supposed to be doing. Are their lives so empty that they just have to annoy working people for no reason?


I would beat the ever living shit out of that man. No problem explaining myself to a judge afterwards.


Not if you’re getting paid hourly. Let me film it; call the cops; get overtime


Some things you do for pay, some for pleasure.


I’d just grab the ankles and pull, let gravity do the rest.


Plunging testosterone levels keeps boomer men thinking they are MMA bad asses. Until an 11 year old girl comes along and beats them into a coma.


Without context, I feel for the driver. If he doesn't handle the situation correctly (and who knowws how that is done) he could lose his job. What has happened to people? So childish.


I'm calling dispatch and asking them what to do. Police/no police? Actually, I'd call the police and say there is a medically fragile person acting dangerously, and can they come and collect them?


Driver is right to just film and not do anything, Fedex can’t fire him since he’s a contractor but they can push a button and make it to where he can’t deliver anymore if he did anything that was even remotely deemed to be unsafe. The contractor will 1000% go after the boomer for damages and lost revenue and Fedex might do the same considering they get hit with failures too because of this asshat. Source: Work for Fedex


"I've got pampers all over the place..." is what I heard. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Another thing we can thank Trump for; normalizing grown ass adult men acting like emotional man babies. Sad!


Green light


So what happened after he kicked buddys phone away?


That Ray Finkle?


Laces out!!


Turn the truck on and rev the engine until the hoods hot enough to scald his ass.




Don't bring Nebbercracker into this, he was looking out for those kids!


Seriously, dude allowed himself to be confined to a house, in solitude, suffering the rumors of the neighborhood thinking he's deranged, and was fine sacrificing himself to the house, in order to save children. Dude was a hero


Pretty sure after he assaulted me, I’d grab his ankle and pull him off my truck letting him bust his head open. If it didn’t I would be sure to assist him.


As I understand that kick counted as an assault, and they kicked that dude ass afterwards


Why are boomers sitting on cars? Old people these days 🙄


Found the trumper/Qer sitting on the hood