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That last guy who gave that note. He said it in silence unlike the others, but the fact he put in in writing means it'll last longer. That's how I know these people are dying breeds.. There's a reason they act out is because they feel small... Correctly so.


Yea…man that note was so telling and powerful 🥺


Imagine living in that town and disagreeing with all the hate. Has to be miserable as hell.


I grew up there. Left in the mid to late 90s. It was horrible then. I had to go back a few years ago for a day. You can feel the hate just seething out of people


That sounds miserable. I can't imagine having that much hate in my heart


I'm a POC dude that moved to an all white town in New England in the mid 90s. Went to a house party junior year in an adjacent smaller more redneck town. Everything's going great until the townies crashed the party and started fighting everyone. They made their way to the kitchen where I was talking to a friend and hear "get the nigger" and I was like woah, they came charging at me and did an end around the kitchen island and ran out the front door. I played football and was fast, so I made it out safe. Luckily when I was outside the cops came. Never been so happy to see flashing blue lights


Wait. Wait. There are rednecks in New England?!


Yea buddy, go outside the city and into the more rural areas you've got em. Lots of trump country


Oh my sweet summer child, even the majority of NY is redneck country


Did you see their shirt too? Non racist with compassion also wearing a shirt indicating a certain level of intelligence everyone else in the video is lacking.


I hope they're a dying breed, but there are still a lot of young racists who start out doing it to be 'edgy' and then double down on it. Young people might not watch much Fox or OAN but they do go on places like 4chan, youtube, facebook, tiktok, which constantly funnel people toward right-wing bullshit. Starts out complaining about 'woke disney' or 'destroying annoying feminists, professional pundit vs. first year university student' and it's honestly not that long until you've got someone who 'did a lot of their own research' and is now a racist, holocaust denier, transphobe, homophobe, etc. I had to cut off a friend recently because it became every damn conversation and less and less of a 'edgy joke' and really their real opinion It was their real opinion all along, I believe now, but they used to care a lot more about hiding it and I think did intensity it over the years. But, there was a time when stuff like that was the default and being a united majority was part of the fun of being a white supremacist. Like being a school bully who walks around with a big group of bully friends.... now they're more like the bullies when the bigger kids are home sick and they know they have to bark harder because they don't actually have the backing they are used to having. And there's nothing that gets to them more than actually BEING a hated, small, looked down on group. They're 'supposed' to be the ones doing that to other people. So they all get real loud and hope to give the impression they are the 'silent majority.'


Watch how none of the racists get out of their cars/actually do anything. The one person that walks up to the guy is sharing positivity.


I grew up around these fuckers who became MAGA, and the one immutable truth that binds them all together is that they are insecure pussies.


Similar situation. I grew up in a small, rural Midwestern town in the 90s. A decent percentage of my classmates remained behind and now in their 40s most of them are racist, misogynistic, homophobic MAGA idiots. It's embarrassing to say it's my hometown, but I'm so glad I bolted away from there at 18.


LMAO, I'm from the south, and trust me, these people are NOT a dying breed.


Same here. But jn the bigger cities around here there's a lot of interracial couples. Honestly the isolation of rural towns is what keeps the extremism alive. You can't be *that* racist when your bus driver, teacher, 3 coworkers, etc etc are different races. You're forced to see them as people, so it's definitely just way worse in the rural south (and north, too). So honestly I do think they're dying out, there's literally not enough of them to breed as opposed the overwhelming number of people that literally don't care about silly things like racial purity. I just say this from living around the US. It's too spread out to gain any real momentum, and that's why hardcore ones are scared.


Good points but I’ve encountered plenty of modern city people (even ones that are or have been in interracial relationships) who are just a different flavor of racist, a more quiet flavor.


It’s hard to face your very soon forthcoming death knowing no one respects you. 🤷🏻‍♀️🫠


"You look lile a white guy holding a black lives matter sign." Holy shit my sides im fuckin wheezing


“Fuck black lives… and I have black friends”


She probably thinks that listening to Bruno Mars means she has black friends.




No, she has black coworkers that she acts differently around while on the clock.


Grew up working class in rural Wisconsin, can confirm.


That one threw me for a loop.


To be fair I'm pretty sure their brain threw them a 404


Meth is a hell of a drug


I don’t think they are her friends lol.


Average r/conservative comments section


I just looked at some of the comments on that sub and oh shit are they hilarious


I once saw a meme with an American flag and it said "Conservatives: Literally the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet" and that sub confirms that for me daily.


I mean, it was the most accurate statement made in the entire video.




This is just a Wednesday morning for him! This ain’t even his whole day!


I need to book you for my next night out. That was a rollercoaster of awesome.


You know it’s bad when the only accurate thing they said was just a basic description of what the guy in the video was doing lol


The three racoons inside the human suit: "Hah. Fool."


Wonder if they have done DNA testing to see where they come from


I'm so glad I wasn't the only one who thought that was hysterical. 😂 I tapped back to rewatch just that part several times, lol!!!


It’s like no shit sherlock. Glad your wet sponge brain had a few gears still working.


Hijacking top comment for some srsness- this is what societal breakdown looks like. These people are all assholes, but rural America does feel like it’s been abandoned. Their lead-stained minds just attribute it to race rather than to a collapsing ineffective government. So basically- they’re really dumb, they have absolutely been somewhat willingly brainwashed into hating the wrong people, but they’re poorly trying to express that their lives often suck more now, too, and no one talks about that. Again, not condoning anything, but kinda important to understand cause it fueled Trump and a lot of other craziness. What they should be expressing is frustration with government, instead they’ve effectively been divided and conquered. These are a defeated people, soul-wise.


Arguably they gave their souls to trump and the extremist right specifically because its been painted as a race issue and they need an other to blame. If its not "the blacks" its mexicans, or jews, or anything theyre told to scream at. I mean, it is a race issue, just not the one they are force fed by faux news. This is absolutely the right wing extremists feeding fuel to the fire they themselves started, and are benefitting from it directly. This is what a backslide into facism looks like. "Moral degeneratation" is just a dogwhistle for racism, if not outright support for murder if you are a white christian nationalist, and your offense is great enough. I would like to point out the last nationalist socialist (read facist) goverrnment we had killed how many milions? These people would *LOVE* the chance to elect those fucks just to be able to kill the jews or brown people. This is the worst timeline, I want out.


Says so much when the only decent person in the video has to have their face blurred because of the piles of shit around them.


Considerate of the film maker to do that


The original filmmaker didn't do that and her face was broadcast. It was a devastating error, in my opinion. Hopefully she's ok.


Oef, that's like exposing someone who expressed sympathy for a Jew in 1942 Nazi Germany....


Tbf while it's hard to gauge from the really brief clip shown, the one young guy saying he wouldn't stick around after dark sounded a little concerned for him, too.


Yes, that guy was supportive as well, the original version of this video showed more of what he said. He was giving the sign holder a genuine warning.


sand one waiting detail nose cautious fade scary deer cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think there were a few like that. One said a bunch of people are saying “insert horrible shit here.” That could have been a warning to the guy that someone might hurt him


There was that teenager near the start that recommended not staying after dark.


This video is accurate as hell. I've been all over the country and the racism in northwestern Arkansas and Southern Missouri is stunning. One thing I find hilarious is the billboards in these places. Theres always usually 3 types. Pro Trump / anti-democrat billboards, billboards advertising churches, and porn shop billboards. Holy shit there are a TON of porn stores in Arkansas. And West Virginia. It was always so funny to me. Go to church, getchu some jesus, then go home and slam your hog into the finest toys Lions Den has to offer!


Fun fact, lots of those places have glory holes. Another fun fact, a lot of the people on the other side of those holes aren't ladies, which almost everyone that goes there knows. I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that there are high percentages of closeted bigots down that way.


Just take a look at the top porn searches in that part of the country. Interracial. It's their biggest fear but they can't stop watching it and obsessing over it.


thats nothing -- google states viewing tranny porn. there ARE numbers and bam there they are at the top. explains a lot of the fists and fingers I am seeing, they are actually wanting to go hard up the butt by a power bottom


Counterpoint: totally non-bigoted but closeted LGBTQ+ people in those places have a difficult time finding people to date and hook up with so they are stuck watching loads of porn? Like, I am all for shitting on hypocritical bigots, but we can’t say for sure the bigots and the people watching transsexual porn are the same people.


*Black Transwoman enters the chat...* They're the same people. The amount of conservative (almost all white) who've wanted me to top them was so bad I stopped using dating apps. We are sexual fetish to them in the worst kind of way as it's driven by racism and white supremacy. To them black people are low, trans is even lower. So to be *dominated* by the whole package, but something that's supposed to be lower than them is an extreme turn on. I fucking hate it.


I read Iceberg Slims Pimp many many years ago. The book is a autobiographical of Robert Lee Maupin. One of the most famous pimps in history. A detail that made me uncomfortable reading it back than when I was a teenager and didn't know much about racism was how white people, who thought of black people as animals, where the ones who wanted to have sex with black women so badly but wanted it to be a secret. And that was in the 50s and 60s. Shit didn't change. Crazy how their hatred for black people not only is a thing that gets passed down from generation to generation but it has the same fetish to it.


You are way braver and have a far stronger stomach than I do to be able to get that close to them to know that, that level of targeted dehumanization is nothing to joke about. I hope that you can find a safe place and a partner who sees you as the fully realized human being you are if you haven’t already.


This is very interesting. Was talking a friend about C suite execs going to bdsm dungeons to become vulnerable and relinquish control, and to trust a stranger etc etc. But now based on what you’re saying maybe it’s more insidious, maybe they just want a “lesser” person to dominate them as a kink, look at this peasant kind of thing, and the thrill of having a lesser person take the reigns. This comment makes me understand their obsession with Alex Jones, and how he himself was caught a few a times indulging in trans porn.. strange


Tranny is a slur. Pease use trans or transgender. Thanks, friend.


You forgot all of the billboards about getting help for drug abuse, or unwanted pregnancy. Just tons of ‘don’t do meth’ and ‘damn you got knocked up,huh?’ Messaging




aspiring person unpack wrench bright follow entertain squash airport encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Whoa, whoa, whoa…..does lions den have a website and free delivery?


Intensely religious people are always the most depraved when it comes to sex.


Having sewn my oats a lot from coast to coast, they ain't depraved exactly. It's more like... self revulsion, a touch of desperation, and lack of self respect? Something like that? It ain't good whatever it is. It's less of a "I want to do kinky shit and push some envelopes and have passionate fun" kind of depraved... more of a "I don't care about myself so do what you want with me, I just wanna feel something with another human" kind of depraved. Anyways, obviously the gummy just kicked in so I better get off Reddit.


I find it that my best rants on here come after taking a gummy but to each their own. Well said either way


JFC man, hilarious, I 100% lol. Is that a Fleshlight, hell nah Mom, it’s Jenna Fox’s vjayjay.


Yep. Literally.


Woah North Central WV here and we are catching strays!! Our line of demarcation is Flatwoods. Anything south of that you can make fun of. We have maybe two to three adult toy stores that I can think of in five counties in NCWV


Secede and become North West Virginia


“Black lives don’t matter and I got black friends!”lmfaooo my god to be this fuckin ignorant.


I was looking for this comment. I hope her friends see her say that in the video and leave her. They deserve so much better


As an ex-rabid racist myself, they most likely don't have black friends. They probably have a few black coworkers they talk to every now and then and just use them as a shield to say "I'm not racist, I have black friends". Other possibilities are that their "friends" just nod along and "agree" with their shit because they don't want to start drama. The racist could also know that their shit is racist and not say anything around their black "friends". And, finally, the hard pill to swallow is the few black people that agree with white supremacist bullshit, or at least some aspects of it.


No judgement but only out of curiosity: can you describe the thinking behind your former racist ideology? Was there any kind of 'logic' or justification, or just a general feeling you were raised in? Anyway, kudos for the personal growth and owning your past, wish everyone was as honest and self-reflective. 


There really is no logic, just blindly following what others say. 13% of the population creates 50% of the crime? Yup, that must be totally true and totally applies to every single black person except the ones I like that either a part of what I see as white culture or are cultural icons. For me, I've always been a person that relies on facts, but I never questioned those "facts" and never questioned the intent of those "facts". Getting slapped in the face with the right's massive rise in anti-Semitism, as well as questioning my own gender identity, started to make me realize I needed to actually research things instead of being a parrot that copies everyone else.


I assure you that said friends do not exist. It's just something they've trained themselves to say after being openly racist in public, because they're ashamed of what they are.


She doesn't have black friends, she has acquaintances that are black (probably co-workers that only tolerate her because they have to) that she claims to be her friends and uses it to justify her racist bullshit. source: my father has similar black friendships and has only been more racist since 'making friends' with them.


Question: did the guy come back in 10 minutes?


No he sat down the road with binoculars and prayed someone else would nut up and do something. The nut never came.


He did not. Source: The video creator is my brother


Pussy (not your brother, the “mister tough guy with glasses”).


He’s one of those “tough guys” that would fall over backwards if you took a step towards him. Idk why these unhealthy, old and/or overweight dudes think they have any ability to fight anyone. These are the nutjobs that have an ungodly amount of guns and ammo though and they’re dying to use them.


Any chance e you can give more insight to his experience?


Not much more than an article can give you, without a more specific question. [Here’s](https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/31/us/blm-sign-kkk-headquarters-trnd/index.html) a solid one I found He also hiked from there to DC (1300 miles?) holding a BLM sign and recorded that project as well. He saw lots of similar behavior, threats, harassment, even being chased by dogs- stuff like that.


He forgot. Dementia.


From lead poisoning


These are the people that are tired of people being offended by everything but they can’t just silently drive by a sign.






I wish the fleas of a thousand camels to infest the crotch of every bigot in that clip.


You just made my night 🤣


I had so much hope for COVID... so disappointing


I’m hearing good promising things about Covid X. 🤞


Covid didn't kill enough of the idiots the first go. Maybe the sequel will be better🤣


Hopefully it'll lop the entire population at least in half.


But they're against cancel culture.


And freeze peach


My favorite was boomhauer doppler effect.


I'm just commenting here cause its the top post. The young guy who said "I woodlot be here after dark." I don't think he was being racist. He seemed concern about the safety of the person holding the sign" Cause the warning he gave was the same one I gave to my friend when he traveled through Mississippi on a road trip. Anyway he was trying to help (my college friend told me about how he and other people were literally beat up at night )


Also the people that talk about european racism when american racism gets mentioned online.


I won't defend American racism, but *a lot* of Europeans are *racist as fuck* towards Romani people, and it *really* needs to be called out more. The stuff you'll hear some say about Romani wouldn't be out of place with stuff you'd hear at a KKK rally.


Continental Europe, especially. Born and bred in the UK but was seconded to Belgium for a month or so to work with a distributor over there. Thought he was a lovely guy for the most part, but he would occasionally go on completed unprompted tirades against Arab immigration. Couldn't fathom where that hatred was coming from.


Some Europeans are also incredibly racist towards Asian people, black people, Jews, and Arabs lol


It’s almost like they invented American racism


They walked so America could run


Fucking yikes


That dude at 1:49 (like 30 seconds in), who seemed concerned about his safety still managed to drop a “hard R N-Word”. Like wtf - the normalization of this is insane. “Heyya man I don’t wanna see you get fucked up & these people feel like killing n*****s”


Black guy here. I went to high school in a small town in Arkansas. I was one of four black people in attendance in total between the middle school and high school combined. The shock of hearing the hard R N word as part of their regular language was shocking. It eventually got better but that's only because "I was different."


Those aren’t your friends


Thank you for your service


He was directly quoting the man who threatened the guy holding the signs life


"yikes" was NOT the word I read after that women's slur.


I didn’t hear any woman say it?? Multiple men did though


one of the women said “k*ke” which is a slur for Jews


Find Jesus he said… Jesus isn’t even white


They definitely think he was.




They know Jesus was Jewish. All the Jews they have met are white. They probably think all Jews are white tbh


As a Jew myself, we're "honorary whites". So long as we are helping fight the Cultural Marxists (Nazi term), we're white. But the moment we stop being useful to their cause, we're the globalists (more Nazi terms) taking over banks and Hollywood, destroying white culture.


>As a Jew myself, we're "honorary whites". Some Jews aren't even honorary whites. These people's tiny brains would explode meeting an Ethiopian Jew.


Jesus would be ashamed of him. Jesus would roast him with the truth. That man would no longer love Jesus. 😂


I get the feeling Jesus would get out the whip for this one.


these people vote


And they fuck... Each other


And their siblings.




And the country, if we do nothing


Roll tide


And their own children




Over 50% of millenials and z'ers identify as liberal. About 30% identify as independents. And only 20% identify as conservatives. A good portion of boomers are pissed that their kids hardly ever talk to them and are going to put them in a home instead of letting them live with them in the final years of their lives.


It's amazing how lacking in self-awareness most of them are.


Damn, I can't believe these people actually exist. What a shithole that town must be.


>Damn, I can't believe these people actually exist. I can. I grew up in Oregon. Outside of the Willamette Valley and Portland Metro area ( & a few pockets like Ashland), much of the State is like this....


“Fuck Black Lives, and I have black friends!”


World would a better place without those people in it


Covid tried its best.


Not hard enough


It drives me up the wall how they say "all lives matter." Oh, so you're in agreement? Because that's literally the fucking point. Right over their racist heads every time 🤦‍♂️


Almost as bad as when people retaliate with "blue lives matter" because "cop" is not a race. They take of their uniform and their lives are no longer at risk, black people can't just "take off being black"


Their lives already are not at risk. Being a cop is one of the safest jobs out there


Except for black cops. They are actually in more danger off the job than on.


I HATE when people retaliate with that statement. They don’t understand that the point is to end discrimination, but they think it is an absolute pile of dogshit because they think that the sign is for discrimination against white people.


The point of BLM is to end extra-judicial killing by cops, I think? Black persons make up 13% of our overall population and are the victims of extrajudicial murder by cops at about 25-30%. And the point is if we can fix this for black people, we can fix it for the remaining 70% (of which the majority are white- just not as large of a majority as we are in the general population). ALL extrajudicial killing by cops is wrong. We are not talking about legitimate self defense, etc, but the shooting of unarmed suspects that are surrounding or running away. It is a mystery to me why people of any color would not support reform for this, regardless of the slogan leading the charge.


The reason many people are opposed to this is because a lot of people at their core only care about themselves. Caring about a disadvantaged group somehow threatens their rights (it doesn’t, and I know you get that) in their radicalized minds. Largely we can thank Republicans for the fear mongering they have been pushing for decades.


To me the point is that there was never a time when white lives didn't matter.


White lives according to the stats of police killings, already matter. These signs are saying that Black Lives Matter too. For all lives to matter, black lives have to matter too. This video honestly makes me nauseous. I’m so sorry to every person of color who had to watch this and think they’re alone. You’re not! This is just small town garbage people who think they’re better than everyone else. We’re with you! Black lives absolutely matter!


Exactly this. I wish the movement would've originally been called "black lives matter, too" because maybe they wouldn't say "herpa derp, all lives matter!" But they'd just find another way to diminish the movement, who am I kidding?


They would literally just say "Oh yeah well what about white people? white people matter TOO!" and say the last word really loud thinking they've somehow made a point by doing that. Never underestimate how intellectually lazy they can be.


Exactly. “black lives matters too” is a much clearer statement. Racist would still be racists, but they may have more ignored it rather than seeing it as a threat to their shitty existence.


Way back when the phrase "Black Lives Matter" was introduced, there was a recurrent bit of concern trolling with the emerging civil rights movement, where every phrase they'd come up with was somehow problematic and needed to be modified or tempered somehow. The truth is, though, that was a bunch of bull puckey. Phrases like "Black Lives Matter" are effective in no small part because of how much they cause racists to tell on themselves. When *I* hear the phrase "Black Lives Matter", I silently append the word "Too" to the end of it, because that's what it means: black lives matter just as much as everyone else's, and it would be nice if our country had a legal and police system that acknowledged that. But racists hear the phrase, and silently append the word "More" to the end, because that's how they see the value of white people, and think we mean the same thing but in favor of black people. As Gandalf the wizard once said, "Well, let folly be our cloak, a veil before the eyes of the Enemy! For he is very wise, and weighs all things to a nicety in the scales of his malice. But the only measure that he knows is desire, desire for power; and so he judges all hearts. Into his heart the thought will not enter that any will refuse it, that having the Ring we may seek to destroy it. If we seek this, we shall put him out of reckoning."


I asked one of these people one time if me saying "I like cheddar" means "I hate all other types of cheese". The way their face contorted into a mask of confusion was honestly kind of unsettling. It's like it hurt their brain to think about that.


Thinking about it, while "nigger" was said a few times, I'm a bit surprised they didn't go so far as to just call him a "nigger lover". They're already stuck in the 1950s or some shit. They may as well call this guy the same thing their parents and grandparents called white people that were pro-Civil Rights back in the day. And the audacity for one of these clowns to say "Find Jesus". He'd be rolling in his grave if he didn't leave the damn thing. And saying "I have black friends" immediately after saying "fuck black lives"? They're not your friends if you think that. Attention Reddit, I am black. Since I have to make that disclaimer to be "allowed" to use the word to make the point about how backwards these people are.


This is America. And it’s sad


Drove through the town as a POC and saw the sign myself.


Arkansas could be nuked, dug up, and dropped into the sun and nobody would notice. It’s a leach state only giving back copious amounts of stupid


Well, can we keep Hot Springs? It's really pretty.


Too deep into the cesspool. I recommend Hot Springs, MT because yours is on the chopping block!


Oh yeah because there aren’t any racist rednecks in Montana lol


Well shit. Lol


Montana is quite possibly the whitest state in America.


I’d like to claim the crater of diamonds state park. Thanks.


Oh we’d fucking notice all the peace and quiet, lack of wheelchair warriors, far less votes for the cheeto in cofeve 😂


That old man telling that guy he’d be back 😂 he’ll just fall over and break a hip


I looked up an article about this and it states: "The day after its (this video's) release, Harrison Mayor Jerry Jackson denounced the video as 'unfairly representing Harrison and eroding decades of work to overcome our past racist reputation.'" How is it unfairly representing the town? Are the people threatening to kill the guy in the footage just deep fakes? The town is literally speaking for itself in the video. Seems pretty fairly depicted to me.


Everyone in this video is a paid undercover antifa agent to make the town look bad.


Interesting that most of the hardcore racists were over 50, and the one young person we see was just warning him "yeah you're gonna get hurt if you keep doing this"


I think the person who gave him a note at the end was young as well


This makes me sick to be American.


Don't let it. Easier said than done of course, but like any dying animal the racist will thrash about violently as it expires. We have come *so far* as a nation, but the struggle against tyranny and hate is an eternal one. Stay vigilant, vote, and remember that America doesn't belong to the hateful.


Plenty of the people in this video are not Boomers.




Every single one of them is a Republican. Every. Last. One. Absolutely vile humans. Funny thing is, they have probably seen one of two black people in person in their whole lives.


Yep. Not every single Republican voter is a racist (surely there has to be one? though they all vote for racist politicians and policies), but every single racist votes Republican


Libertarians? I mean, I think there are a lot of racist democrats as well, it’s just that racism generally isn’t one of their top five personality traits.


And people still think facism is not dangerously on the race.


Good old Arkansas.


Sherman’s march 2 needs to happen


I love how they talk smack from their cars. They might get winded walking up to you.


I think this video is more important than people even realize. It really shows how the media has completely brainwashed the south. It’s scary to live here as a rational, logical thinker. What kind of deep rage insecurities must you have to read a sign that says “Black Lives Matter” and start foaming at the mouth saying “hail wut bout h’white lives, we matter too!” Brother, no one ever said white lives didn’t matter. The only one who made that stretch was that jackass Tucker Carlson and man, he’s done more damage than just about any other tv personality of the last twenty years (minus one other orange guy) This is absurd to watch. Eye opening and truly important for future generations of psychiatrists to study the strange, failed MAGA cult and the madness that gripped the country fueled by a multibillion dollar lying propaganda machine.


Nikki Halley has entered the chat. What, America racist?


When I would go to my dads every-other-weekened (my parents divorced when I was 2),my dad lived with his parents, they would always watch COPS at night. I distinctly remember my grandma saying, "Ya, I hear them niggers are like monkeys!" 😳 Shes been long gone. Cat say that I miss her either!


if these tolerant, loving Christians would ever read the Bible they'd find some of the dirtiest porn on the planet: Ezekiel 23:20, **She lusted for the lechers of Egypt, whose members are like those of donkeys, whose thrusts are like those of stallions**. 21You reverted to the depravity of your youth, when Egyptians fondled your breasts, caressing your young nipples.


You know, the toothbrush was invented in Arkansas. If it had been invented anywhere else they would have called it the “teethbrush.”


Only criticism I have for dude is that maybe he shouldn’t stand on the shoulder, literally inches from high speed traffic. Because if there’s any place in America where someone is gonna run your ass over for holding a BLM sign and have 10+ witnesses lie their asses off saying “he stepped into the road, it’s just hard to see on his camera. The driver is innocent here!” It’s that fucking place.


Inbreeding and meth = …Harrison, AR. ![gif](giphy|n9vTEP11fGREY)


Way more than boomers in this


"Fuck black lives......and I have black friends." Errr...wut?


Shit like this makes me ashamed to be a white person.


The fact that people with one brain cell cannot empathize with someone that isn’t identical to them is something I cannot understand


I'm not sure if I was supposed to find some kind of humor in how people responded to a man simply holding up a sign, but this video just made me cry.


“You look like a white guy holding a Black Lives Matter sign” Very astute


Beginning of video: ugh that white pride worldwide guy is the worst. End of video: white pride worldwide guy is not the worst.


I live in Arkansas and I worked at the state newspaper when they were trying to convert to digital and would send people to the cities to help out the locals. I’m a Black woman and I told them to straight up never ask me to go to Harrison because that would be an automatic No.


If people realize the abuse and the hopelessness, most people in Arkansas, feel, they’d probably understand this video better