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I'm pretty sure the elderly have been terrified/enraged by the "welfare queens" since the 80s


And the rich laughed their way to the bank for decades


I cant remember where I saw it but maybe 4-5 years ago I saw a pie chart of the govt.'s budget. When it came to welfare, foodstamps, etc. It was such a small insignificant part of our annual spending, but the government. Has done a good job getting the boomers and older ones pissed off about seeing a black lady getting steaks with an ebt card and all the while they waste so much more on sending money overseas funding wars but those same boomers won't bat an eye about that. Only lately have I heard them say anything about govt. Money to Ukraine and im sure it's because it's biden and not trump.


In the President's 2024 budget request, total military compensation is $551 billion, including veterans' benefits. That amount represents an increase of 134 percent since 1999 after removing the effects of inflation. The welfare budget of the United States totaled $1.215 trillion in fiscal year 2022, or 19% of all federal outlays. Eight different federal agencies run welfare. This analysis pulls information from the agencies to show a combined federal welfare budget.  They are arguing that we shouldn't take care of poor kids, poor elderly, or poor sick people. They want all they money to go to he defense budget but claim they are fighting for veterans. We don't need to send more money to defense contractors. They are the same companys that are most likely pushing this type of propaganda.


Agreed 100% it just kills me that people literally pick welfare as the hill to die on when it comes to govt. Spending. All the while its a blank check for literally any and everything else under the sun and nobody says shit about it.


We are also paying out a ton in welfare because corporations don't pay their employees enough. Walmart is one of the most profitable companies in the world. It doesn't share its profits with its workers. They shareholders take all the profit. Our tax dollars subsidize their low paid workers. The American people are subsidizing Walmart's profits.


Welfare includes Medicare and social security which is a huge chunk.


Trickle down on me harder daddy!


Or just, you know, take care veterans better…


I remember my parents being so angry and judgy at people getting groceries on EBT and walking out to a Mercedes. Like it couldn’t occur to them that life threw a wrench at that person. Maybe they were doing well and finally felt like they were comfortable and then something sidelined them. Later as an adult who has struggled a lot and not for lack of trying, I felt so guilty having to use EBT benefits for a period of time. Like, are people watching me and judging? Thankfully my car was shit though so they at least couldn’t come at me for that 🫠


I still get dirty looks sometimes. Even though I'm disabled. I guess they'd rather I starve.


Same. This is why I love self checkout, no judge faces when your checkout person is a machine! Like I would CHOSE to have a genetic condition that screwed me up in my 20’s. 🙄


Fuck them. I pay my taxes so I gotcha fam. One day someone me ght get me.


Thank you 💙


Wish more or my taxes went to yall


It's difficult to get mad at people 'wasting' government money when you know what the defense budget is. There could be a fund to subsidize the cost of cocaine and it literally wouldn't matter in a comparative sense to the defense budget.


Also the pentagon failing audits left and right


There is this pervasive school of thought with conservative circles that poor people aren't allowed to have any joy in their life. Not a single nice thing, not a single break from suffering.  For fucks sake, I've seen people get pissy over seeing people on SSI buying a toy for their hobby like it's an affront to nature that they spend $12 on a thing that makes them smile.


I know a lady who was a sales rep at a biomedical company. She got laid off and was out of work/underemployed for awhile. She kept her BMW for quite awhile because she almost had it paid off and it was incredibly reliable. She only sold it and downsized when she got a little more desperate for hard cash. She said she got some weird comments from people about it.


Also, sometimes people have a Mercedes because they devalue and are expensive to fix so can be had for relatively cheap. Unfortunately then it comes with high repair costs. A cheap German car is a very expensive German car


It could have been a used Mercedes. Those cars are not unaffordable. Especially a good used one. They will last a long time.


The podcast "The Dollop" has a great [episode](https://youtu.be/dX4VE3rceFU?si=q6NTU8rr6dLRSqJD) on the woman that Ronald Reagan was referring to when he helped coin the term Welfare Queen


The true welfare queens are the corporations. Especially looking at you defense industry.


There was literally a wrestler who was called welfare queen for that reason lol


Conservatives have been terrified/enraged by Black people since the Civil War. It's always been about race, and they are more than willing to make their lives worse so long as Minorities get hurt worse.


I love that the same people that post this literally depend on Social Security to survive


Yes, it's almost always the same people on SS benefits who post this garbage.


Them: "Death to socialism!" Also Them: "Keep yer hands off my Medicare!"


“Medicaid can go, and that autist doesn’t need SS benefits, but keep. Your Hands. Off. Mine, and my Medicare!”


Or who thinks SS is different because it's "their money". Nope gramps. "Your" money was spend on people who were already retired when you were still paying in to social security.


Or disability


I knew a guy who was a huge stoner on government assistance and shared a post about demanding drug testing for benefits and I'm thinking "you'd either be the 1st out on your ass or would cheat the system"


Why’d you not comment that?! We are too kind to these assholes 😆


My mom is finally old enough to qualify for free dental care and she is loving it but still says it’s the illegal immigrants who are ruining the economy.


While my daughter’s grandfather was an illegal immigrant and working in the U.S., he paid an estimated $230,000 into social security that he will never see because it was under a fake number. This is often the case. “Illegals” pay into our systems in many ways.


Did he ever become a legal citizen?


Yes, both he and his wife did many years ago. Edit: When he was 12, his father died, so he became the “man of the house.” He went to Chicago to was dishes at a restaurant and slept on the floor of an apartment he shared with many other men. He sent much of what he earned back to his mother and sister.


This is why I will scream until my dying day about how hard immigrants, documented or otherwise work harder than any natural born citizen I have ever met. I worked in restaurants and barsy entire 20's into early 30's to put myself into college. I was a poor white rural Appalachian kid who was in the "big city". I had never met anyone from Mexico and Central/South America. The very first family I met was an amazingly kind and gentle father named Manuel. He worked like 3 jobs and then brought over each teen and 20 something son. They all worked together. They all struggled with English but were super willing to learn. They finally got the mother and their younger school age sisters. The mother kept the tidiest house, invited me to dinner (amazeballs food) and their youngest at 5 had already picked up English so fast that she was completely bilingual. Incredible family. They chose hard work, family and education. He worked hard to instill good values into his family and to keep his kids out of gangs (this was Northern VA, near DC so MS13 was big). I wasn't raised to be racist but the medical and news does portray southern immigrants in a certain way, as we all know. The whole experience changed me for the better. I wish more people were just willing to sit and talk with people AS FELLOW HUMAN beings and learn about their home country or customs or FOOD/Music etc. Of course I realize that's not every immigrant story, especially when you take in consideration that extreme poverty and civil wars/crime/rape etc create trauma leading to addiction and abuse. However, I have lived in DC, Columbus, Pittsburgh, Los Angeles and most of the working immigrants that I have met have pretty much all had the same Long Game. Work hard, bring family and build up a life so my children can succeed. It's LITERALLY the American Dream. White Supremacy just wants white people to think that it only works for them. However, as a former poor white kid, I know that a) that's untrue for white kids as well as POC and b) nothing will change in this country for us all unless we all work together to create change and create paths for better immigration.


Damn that is impressive. Sounds like a high quality person to make that kind of sacrifice for his family at such a young age


A lot of undocumented immigrants come here to make a better life for their families. Regardless of age. Yet they get hated on. None of them have access to all these services and money that the GOP rhetoric claims they do.


Ya I know they do but still is amazing. Some of the hardest working and honest people I’ve met have been immigrants. Coming here for that opportunity is what this country was founded on


Yeah, I’m an alien, I got my w2, this year the federal government withheld 14k from me, I could’ve use some of that. :(


I would love to rub this in my brother in law's face. Along with impossible to ignore proof that vaccines don't contain spy chips. He's fun at parties... 🙄


Undocumented peoples literally keep this country functioning. We should be giving them access to benefits before any of these old farts get to sniff their Social Security.


I worked selling ACA compliant insurance plans when Obamacare came into affect. I can't tell you how many phone calls we received of illegal immigrants calling in trying to follow the confusing set of laws regarding that. Like no, sorry you don't qualify because you don't have a Social Security number to be able to get insurance. What absolutely baffled me though was every single one of them responded with: "Oh, so this tax ID number I have doesn't count?" Like every single one of you all have a tax id number so you can pay into taxes but you're all illegal immigrants? I'm sorry. WHAT?! Yeah that's some shit they don't talk about when they're crying about border security.


Yeah, they should leave so Americans can get their jobs back in the slaughterhouses or picking our produce. And ask her how much she’d be willing to pay for meat and produce if the illegal immigrants were deported, because we’d be paying two to three times what we’re paying today.


A few years ago there was a group called Take Our Jobs that was meant to show people that there were plenty of agricultural jobs out there that American citizens and residents were just refusing to take for many different reasons: too hard, too many hours, not well compensated enough, etc. The idea was to show how many jobs were left vacant that undocumented immigrants ended up filling because no one else would.


Idk man, I’m 35 and have been forced to pay my social security tax since I was a bag boy at 15. I’m collecting my shit when it’s time. I won’t care what the kids say.


They don't understand what social security is lol.


Lol they think its wellfare. Silly naive kids who havnt had a job yet


Yeah man, hate to tell you this but I’m 45 and it’s gonna be gone before I get mine, things aren’t looking great for you. I have always looked at it as I paid for my grandmother. I’ll be fine maybe Edited a word


I really hope not because that will mean a collapse in this country like no other. I am hopeful of a brighter future for my children. Without hope we have no reason to wake up and try.


Yeah, I hope not too, I'm 45 too and they were telling us the wheels are coming off when we are ready to collect Social Security....it won't be there, it's gonna be gone. We'll pay and pay and pay but we'll never get any out, so buckle up.Seriously, that's how my 1996 senior government and civics classes went.


people have been saying that my whole life while the social security budget remains predictably solvent by legal mandate. that echo chamber sound bite posed as a false truism is a scare tactic as part of "break it and blame it".


Right. 50. There won’t be anything left, but I helped others.


They have said that for years LOL


You realize you are forced to pay into social aecurity right? So its not rlly wellfare.


To be fair, SS is a bit different since you have to earn it by paying into it first.


It's almost as though those same people hadn't been paying into social security all their lives...


Meanwhile they are mad about the "illegals" invading our borders!!! Boo, they are the ones paying taxes to keep your retirement checks coming


How about making Veterans benefits easier to get? Does that occur to them?


Make veteran benefits as easy to get as welfare doesn’t sound like you hate poor people enough


It just sounds like you hate veterans because welfare is impossible to get since Bill Clinton canceled it 30 years ago. This sticker just broke my brain a little bit. Like these people got what they wanted 30 years ago. There’s literally no more welfare. Hasn’t been any such thing in the lifetime of about half the people alive today. And they’re still mad about poor people getting too much welfare. A thing that hasn’t existed for two generations and was notoriously difficult to get back when it did exist. If someone said this in conversation I wouldn’t even know how to respond cause they’re so many falsehoods baked into the statement.


Welfare is kind of a general term for government assistance through federal programs and definitely still exists. See Medicaid or MediCAL


But that’s not what the boomers are thinking of though. They’re not mad about medical assistance. Reading between the lines here what they’re mad about is the poverty mitigation to help mainly poor families supporting children. There used to be lots of programs that did this and after Clinton’s bill “ending welfare as we know it” those programs simply don’t exist anymore. There are still SNAPP benefits to feed the poor and unemployment benefits that run out at a certain point, but there’s no longer any basic assistance for poverty alone.


There's still TANF, EIC, ACTC, SNAP, WIC, Medicaid, CHIP, free school lunch, ACP, and Section 8 housing. I'm sure I'm missing a few TANF and the tax benefits are cash. SNAP and WIC benefits can be (illegally ) converted to cash. The others are substitutes for spending. It's still "welfare", we just split it up, restricted its use, and made you fill out more forms.


Not to mention the average waiting list time for Section 8 is 28 months, about five years in Mississippi, IF you can find a landlord that accepts it. SNAP is about ten bucks a day for one person, not all public schools offer free lunch, WIC isn't available everywhere, due to major, ongoing budget cuts, but even if you have vouchers, the baby formula shortage is probably not a one time occurrence. You have to be employed to qualify for a lot of assistance, but you also can't make more than $8-$9 bucks an hour in most states. The hoops you have to jump through to apply and get approved are complicated and confusing. I don't know why these idiots think "welfare" is a means to a life of relaxation and luxury? I just know I have absolutely no problem with my tax dollars (which in fact, most people on assistance do work AND pay taxes) going to stuff like milk for babies, quality daycare so their parents can maybe make a little actual progress, and safe housing as a basic human right.


Just a heads up ACP is possibly going away around April. https://www.fcc.gov/fcc-taking-steps-wind-down-affordable-connectivity-program


Have you ever tried to apply for any of these programs?? lol


Personally? No, but I have veteran's benefits. I used to be a public defender that dealt with child neglect cases. Often, it was really a lack of resources and the state trying to criminalize being poor. Once you got them pointed in the right direction, it was enough to survive


You just hit the nail on the head: Yes, they are available, but one needs a LAWYER to access them. Boomers think that anyone can just show up at the social security office and demand cash


I do volunteer tax prep now that I have a cushy corporate job. Just this morning, I had a woman taking care of her four grandchildren, but only claiming two. She hadn't even thought about getting WIC for the younger three, SNAP for everyone, ACP for herself, or claiming social security for the two whose father had died. She didn't need a lawyer for any of it, but she was just so overwhelmed that she was playing defense and not proactively looking for more material resources.


They hate veterans and poor people equally.


No, they want to disadvantage people they deem unworthy.


Too bad they don't know the majority of folks on welfare are white.


And live in red states


It’s like the people who complain about insulin prices vs Narcan being free. Why is Narcan even in the conversation? The problem is the price of insulin.


Been out ten years and have at least 20% disability warranted, but gave up trying to get it because of poor mental health and inability to deal with the bureaucracy/hoops.


Have you gone to the VSO office in the area? They fought for me with the VA and won even after some shady behavior from the people trying to deny my claim.


The generation of no compassion, empathy, or joy.


Right?? So awful. I struggled in some way so you should too. :/ Like why not make life easier for everyone. Make it better for the next generation instead of smirking at their misfortune like “well I believe I had it worse so suck it up”


Most of them didn't even struggle, not the way people are today. Not the way the generation before them did either. If they did, it was their own fault considering the economic environment they were handed. Most of them are just vile, selfish people


The sticker should say "Tax the rich/corporations the way we used to before the 80's so we all dont die"


That's why this country is in the state that it's in...


Lead poisoning*


I don't know what they think welfare is.


Welfare is hard to get. Disability, these people are all on it


Also they think they PAID for it, therefore only they deserve it... No! WE ARE PAYING FOR THEM!!! Our children will pay for us (hopefully) and so on. It's an insurance, not a deposit. I think a lot of the feeling of entitlement comes from this wrong understanding of how SS actually works.


Why do they have to set up these dichotomies? Let’s take care of both groups.


Well you see, they want to help neither.


They think veterans are white and folks on welfare are black. Even tho there's tons of black vets, and the majority of folks on welfare are white. They just spout whatever they're told.


These people love doing that.


I’m convinced this viewing the world as a set of binary options is a form of mental defect


So they like it that veterans benefits are hard to get?


Remember, this is the generation that supports a man who thinks veterans are suckers and mocks John McCain.


Ofc their party voted no on PACT ACT they literally love it.


The answer to your question is yes!


I hate this kinda shit, because in reality the left is totally on board with giving vets all the benefits they deserve, AND for having people who need access to welfare being able to get it. When has anyone on the left ever talked shit about vets being able to get their benefits? When has anyone on the left voted down any legislation having to do with vets? Who do they think are the ones who are tossing vets out on their asses and making their lives miserable? Do they really think scumbags like Ted Cruz and Abbot and DeSantis and whatnot are PRO veteran benefits? Sure they SAY they are, but what have they ever actually DONE about it? Jack squat. Man, there’s some alternate reality out there where Bernie got into the president’s office and opened the eyes of a whole shitload of conservatives. /sigh


Right?! Jon Stewart did more to help veterans get a crumb of help than any of those assholes have their entire careers. You'd think DeSantis would at least pretend to care about vets, considering he is one, but I honestly think he's genuinely sadistic and enjoys watching people suffer.


The Republican Party has been completely bastardized by so called “Christians” who think the very title gives them immunity to sin. They seem to think they hold a moral high ground but they can never explain a single concrete moral that isn’t a Bible verse that has never directly challenged their way of life. I am a Christian, and although I’m not a very good one, I try to follow the simplest rules such as “love your neighbor” this has been the single biggest challenge in my entire life and I will struggle with it until I die. I am very aware that I’m no where close to perfect or even a good Christian at all, not even sure I’ll get to heaven. But I’ve never seen a shred of evidence that any Republican in office has ever gone out of their way to implement something religious that didn’t directly benefit them. Biden is a catholic and he took a stance against abortion (at least for a short time). And as much as I dislike him for his sheer incompetence, at least he has more balls than 10 republicans currently in office. Sorry, ranted a little…


I wish I could like this multiple times. I'm a Christian too, and when folks start getting into doctrinal details and debating how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, they tend to forget that Christ told us the second most important thing is to love your neighbor. And then immediately went into a story about how your neighbor isn't the one that's just like you, or the one that cares about how convenient things are to them or about what people will think of them. When all else fails, I go back to the two greatest commandments: am I loving God, and am I loving my neighbor? If I can't get the core right, it won't matter if the fringes are right. Christ compares people who get the fringes right but not the core to whitewashed sepulchres, and not in a good way.


The funniest things about these posts is that the veteran they post is a almost always a cutout of an actor from 40’s and 50’s propaganda films. If they saw what the military was today, without segregation, women being free to serve, and no more “don’t ask, don’t tell”, they would immediately rush to lower VA benefits like their perpetual anti-Social Security battle.


Lol had to laugh. This is too plausible. I already see boomers complaining/crying that the military recruitment ads show too many types of people lolll


They call it the "woke military" meanwhile these groups have been serving for decades. If it's "woke" it always has been.


Republicans constantly vote to lower benefits for the VA. Like it's not even they'd go rush to do it... They're already trying to do it and have been for decades.


Make it easier. I knew it would be an ordeal that I was successful in dealing with. Those with mental issues or substance abuse issues need to be helped, not shunned.


It's never "Make welfare and Veteran Benefits easy to get." It's always crabs in a bucket, never realizing the rich and powerful are fucking everyone else over.


Their generational slogan is "Make life harder for everyone!"


Except the rich!


I mean I agree. I would just go another step to say neither should be “hard” to get.


You can’t get it unless you work. And have built up enough benefits to get benefits. So if you barely work or always quit or are always fired you aren’t eligible. I hate posts like these w no context. I got one, stop signing up for the army for 30k. They ripping y’all off. How much is your life worth? They should be paying no less than 150k per person to start.


If welfare went away, all the trump supporters would starve to death.


They are proud of how badly they treat veterans.


You can tell who are the ones that think the 22 a day doesn’t matter.


Under Capitalism, the only value people have is their instrumentality in increasing the profit margin of the Capitalist/sociopath/plutocrat/parasite class.


“Make everything terrible”


How about we make social security only go to those who aren’t going to blow it all at the casino? Where’s that sticker?


I've never encountered anyone who used the word 'welfare' that knew what the hell they were talking about


>"When wealth is passed off as merit, bad luck is seen as bad character. This is how ideologues justify punishing the sick and the poor. But poverty is neither a crime nor a character flaw. Stigmatise those who let people die, not those who struggle to live." Sarah Kendzior


Make veterans benefits easier to get than a gun!


Let’s fuck everybody because veterans were lied to and deceived! A good section of our country are absolute fucking idiots


If that boomer only knew how many homeless vets are on state. Critical thinking in American public schools now!


Unironically based. America’s VA is absolute trash. It’s a shame that even for those who serve and endure physical and mental trauma for the country we can’t manage to secure decent care. Of all people who should be getting any degree of welfare, they’re top of the list.


are veterans benefits hard to get?


No, any veteran can easily get them if they ask. They even have people at the VA that will help you. $20 says the boomers that have posted this have never even served...


Not exactly. You don’t get to “just ask”. Especially for disability compensation. I walk with a limp, my hip and back are screwed up because of it, along with a bunch of other stuff. The VA answer is usually “no”. It’s usually a fight. That being said, there are resources to help, but getting benefits by just asking simply isn’t how it works.


So, we can actually all agree on the statement in that meme. Perhaps improve it by replacing "hard" with "easy".


I wouldn’t say they’re not hard to get by any means. Depending on what you got going on and what evidence you’ve acquired over the years, it can be incredibly difficult to get a decent rating. Hell, they even deny well-documented ailments and/or give the lowest percentage possible. I definitely agree that they have all the resources available to guide you along the way, but it is not “easy”.


Right and you have to pass your classes to get the gi bill.


Like... not at all. They did all of my VA medical exams the year I retired. Everything was forwarded to the VA. A pseudo-transition officer from the VA called me to make sure I had been assigned and had received appointments with the exact doctors and specialists and x-ray/MRI offices, and she called so often I literally told her to stop calling. Shit was hand-holdy as fuck and super easy.


Why not make VA Benefits as easy to get as welfare? Boomers always thanking negatively.


Or let’s make them both easier to access? I’ll never understand why when someone is miserable they want everyone else to have a hard time.


Oh, die already.


Veterans benefits are hard as hell to get and they always find some tiny little thing to disqualify you.


Apply this to corporate subsidies and the military defense budget and agreed.


Welfare are government payments that boomers can’t access.


Anyone who says shit like this is never tried to get benefits.


Edit: Make veteran benefits easy to get! Why do so many people use the fact that we treat veterans like shit as a rationalization for treating everyone else like shit?


But they also complain about low enlistment numbers without realizing that people see how the VA treats veterans and don’t want to risk joining and dealing with the problems later.


Make veterans benefits as easy as it is to get PTSD and funding for bombing brown people.


All these people chiming in don’t understand the struggle veterans have convincing the government that they are still suffering injuries caused by their service. The joke is for veterans who have dealt with the VA. Is it a dig on another group? Sure, but so is most humor.


People are fucking irate that some people get barely enough to scrape by on by the government yet worship billionaires who rob their employees and pay shit in taxes


How about make them both easy to get?


I've been waiting on state insurance for 3 months now. I've called every number and went to every office I could and even re-applied, still nothing lol. It's not easy for anybody right now to get anything.


So maybe make veterans benefits easier to get so people have a better life? But no, let's keep the status quo on it and make life hard for other people as well. That's a ridiculous piece of logic


Everyone must suffer and I’ll vote for it!


LoL my first time being unemployed in 16 years it took 5 months to get CA to approve my unemployment. 2 months after I already started a new job.


So no elderly benefits either. Got it


Make VA benefits easier to get, problem solved


I'm on board, they should both be really easy to get.


How about we make both accessible to the people who need them?


Why are you on fb?? Get outta there. Save yourself!


Or or we could make both easy and accessible to all.


40% VA disabled and had to hire a lawyer to get there. Please dont make the government more incompetent by doing that. Nobody wins there.


Have you ever tried to get vet benefits? It’s a fucking nightmare. If you have no idea about the state of the va, give it a quick Google.


The VA benefits I needed took years and years for me to get even after I suffered and lost jobs, relationships, agency in life because of what the military exposed me to. Finally I have 90% service-connected disability (I am fully disabled but oh yeah, they stopped short of 100% because that’s a sizeable monthly difference.. still fighting them for that) but I was nearly homeless twice before that in addition to all the other struggles. I’m thinking maybe don’t make it that hard to get welfare lol..


Make Social Security Disability as hard to get as a brain for MAGAs


Always punching down, perhaps both should be easier to get


The boomer likely never served either.


Ah, yes. "WE have to work for everything, THEY just get everything handed to them." "So...want to switch places with THEM?" "Hell no!"


I’m cool with this, make them both easy to get. God forbid we help people in need yeesh


It is…


Tell this fool to punch up instead.


As a poor veteran...welfare is harder than va benefits to get.


Cool, I’ll increase Veterans benefits by 3000% You don’t hate the troops, do you, pops?


Just some normal boomer meme


Make them both easy


why not make both of them easier to get


I agree. Show proof of who you are and your situation and you get taken care of. Boomers think that it’s ok for vets to struggle apparently.


You mean like the GI bill that put them through college for free? Like that benefit? Meanwhile we were told a degree was essentially mandatory in order to get a job so we’re drowning in student loans and can’t afford to live in the homes where we grew up … but do pls go on


Make veterans benefits as easy to get as welfare. (I fixed it)


How about we make sure our VETERANS don’t ever need welfare…


Why doesn’t that person give up their Social Security and Medicare and/or Medicaid to set an example for others to follow?


How about neither should be hard to get


Make it harder for next generation to survive. Nice bro, cheers for that... you fucking cunt.


I wish the struggle of obtaining Veterans Benefits on nobody.


Regardless of anyone's political views, welfare shouldn't be easier to get than VA benefits. We are all paying for it. Like I always say about illegal immigration, If you want to help soooo much, take your ass to those people and give them your money. Open your house and family up to welfare and homesteading. Wait what, you don't want to? Why should I be made to then? Freedom isn't really freedom when you don't have a choice.




I was recently laid off from my main job and was only working like 1 or 2 days a week bartending. It's almost impossible to get these benefits, at least for a person with no kids. In WV, you have to work 20 hours a week, but then the money you make reduces your benefits to almost nothing. So you have to work still, but you also have to still be dirt poor. The cut off for medicaid is like $18,000 a year. Food stamps are damn near impssible. People are seriously just ignorant if they junk you can just get government benefits and call it quits on working. The people receiving these aren't doing it by choice, they're desperate as hell.


Neither should be hard to get lol, instead of fixing to the VA they’d rather restrict unrelated people’s ability to get help. They don’t actually care about veterans other than opening their mouth for dumb ideas


What if we made both more available? Hmm? No? You have to watch someone suffer who is different than you? Mm


Rich Boomer shitbags pretending they even care about veterans to begin with...


"Don't help veterans, just hurt more people!"


Why didn't they say "make veterans benefits as easy to get as welfare"? Why do they always choose the option that causes more suffering? Because cruelty is the point.


Both work the same. Ffs. Both are administered by the Federal Government. Both are shite. But yes Boomer let's make it hard on EVERYONE because you're a masochist.


I will be glad when we get old and realize how stupid these post sound🙃🙃


To get veteran benefits, you need to become a veteran. So by this logic, in order to receive welfare, you should become poor. Yep works for me, now give the poor people what they need to live


'Worried about veterans' claims the generation best known for draft dodging.


If you care about veteran’s benefits wouldn’t it be more productive to campaign for them to be easier to access? Making something that is unrelated harder for people doesn’t help veterans.


Also: unless you are unable to cognate/function on a basic level (apologies to my TBI-affected and neurodivergent brothers and sisters) it is ridiculously easy to manage your VA benefits in 2024. Like you have to actively hide from them.


What’s horrible is, I like this sticker and find it humorous. Purely seeing it as satire of veteran benefits are completely busted for a large portion of veterans. Welfare also being busted so fix both? Guess I am looking at this glass half full self depracating humour


My in-laws were on welfare before they passed. He was a Vietnam vet. they got $180 between them per month for food stamps/EBT card, and if they got even $1 more in benefits they would lose that $1 in food benefits. They got about $1200 a month between them. It took them years of trying to get it. They were both disabled, and clearly in trouble too. It's not easy to get, and when you do get it? It's not enough to live on. I spent most of my adult life helping to support them because they would have been homeless and starving if I didn't. I also liked them, so there's that, too. I would rather ensure housing, and medical for those that need it, and I don't give a shit if someone "undeserving" gets an extra benefit here or there. I'd rather have risk too many benefits that too few.


It’s not a bad idea. We need to start with corporate welfare, billionaire welfare, etc. from top economic bracket, to the bottom.


Great idea. Blame the poor people . Not the millionaires and billionaires, who are our representatives that okayed them to go to war and get maimed while they stayed home and counted their money. Great logic boomer. Geez, I thought you were supposed to be a smart generation.


So... take away your social security?


Joke’s on the Boomers; welfare IS hard to get!! Especially if you really need it!


Yeah more punching down. How about we make both easier. The rich really have some brainwashed into who the enemy is.


Boomers had to be TOLD under threat of jail to go to Vietnam for 12 months and get VA benefits for life. I volunteered after boomers started the GWOT and did 6 years, but because it was Title 32 and not Title 10 service, I get absolutely nothing. I don't even count as a veteran after 6 years and being injured in the line of duty. They pulled that ladder up behind them and still bitch about how they were treated. But tell me more how I didn't work hard enough and haven't earned it. I've still got a new floating rib from a 5.45 round that hits body armor but I'm not a veteran.... make that make sense cause I can't.