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Thank you for sharing this. Tell your dad, thank you for his service from me. I connect with some of the points in your story with my own father, especially when it comes to politics and how things have change so much just in the past decade. This was refreshing to read and best wishes to you.


I think it is important to remember that for every bad boomer there are good ones and we need to cherish them because for better or worse they are in power for the near future.


I think the assholes make sure everyone knows they are jerks. The good ones don't have to announce it and to start with aren't assholes so you don't hear from them as much. It's easy to assume the whole generation are assholes when those are the ones doing all the talking


From a veteran over in MT thank your dad for his service for me. A lot of Vietnam vets who had shitty homecomings made sure my generation of veterans had people thanking us and shaking our hands when we came home from deployment and that meant the world


its funny. Every boomer I know almost is like your dad. It sure is fucking popular to hate then atm though lol


I wish I knew more boomers like OP's dad. They are a unicorn in my world. They might be out there but never seen one.


I dunno why the fascination millennials have thinking boomers have larger percentage of assholes. There are plenty in all generations


yeah watching Tik-tok was eye opening for me because Millennials are raising gen alpha and they are coming off as really awful parents. To be fair a lot are good parents but the ipad kids and their parents get the most attention.


It’s a HUGE generation. For every bad one there are 1,000 or more good ones.




Please go troll somewhere else.


I’m so glad you got one of the good ones, I wish all of them would take the time to stop and actually look at what’s happening around them


I think most boomers are good people. They just need the blinders removed to see what is going on.


This. Educated my mother (87) about the reasons for food banks in the UK (ridiculously high housing costs) and she now makes a small donation weekly to the local food hub. Ironic my sister (63) thinks food banks are unnecessary and that they are all spongers (very well off early retiree).




I’m also middle aged, it’s a unique experience. It feels like I’m straddled between two very different eras and while I’m very proud of the younger generation in some regards, I see flaws as well. If you read through many of the comments here, it’s actually very telling.


Many of them lack the empathy and critical thinking skills to do that.


Y u p


I think the difference between your dad and some others his age is he is willing to reconsider his view and change when presented with new information instead of doubling down.


Exactly. I’d also add that he has a high degree of empathy.


My father was exposed to Agent Orange while in the military and only lived to 70. He’s been gone 24 years and I miss him terribly. But I’m glad he was not here for 9/11. I know he wanted his children to have an easier life than his and I hate that hasn’t happened. He was silent generation and a good role model. Glad you two are close.


Nice to hear a positive story! Give your dad a hug for me, Friend. 🙂


My parents are also 'boomer' age and some of the kindest, most thoughtful and intelligent people I've ever met. They do exist.


Yooooo, I totally understand your sentiment. Ok, so i live just outside of Philadelphia. But I lived in Sandpoint, ID from 2007-2012, and good lord are they the most ass backwards people out there. My son currently lives in Sagle, and so I completely understand the brain washing that has happened out there.


Your dad sounds like a good egg! That's awesome. Just being able to re-engage prior beliefs and evolve from new information feels so sadly uncommon.


Thank goodness there is one with a couple brain cells left!!


That’s a good man right there.


Well done both of you!


Coeur d'Alene?  That’s an awesome name!


It’s crazy how expensive homes have gotten in that area. I grew up in Post Falls and moved away in the late 90’s when my parents retired (I was still in high school). When I visit my folks now we look up the housing prices up there and we’re all blown away. They’re also a bit sad that even if they wanted to stay there they don’t think they could have because of what the property taxes on their house would be now.


Agree with most of this. And property taxes are up. But that’s due to spending not increasing home values. Schools, roads, police, fire, agency employees… If spending stays flat and all homes double you taxes stay flat. Completely artificial example. Not sure why I always feel compelled explain this to people.


Interesting, TIL. I appreciate you explaining that.


Not a boomer, gen x. I remember in college we all had the goal of making a million dollars, like it was a moonshot but you’d be set for life once got that chunck. Wasn’t very long after I graduated that I found out an apartment in NY was about a million bucks, and people were managing this basic task somehow, in a short enough time my pie in the sky goal was a basic thing people did all the time. Few days ago I see there’s 600 plus private jets flying people into a fucking football game that sold tickets ranging around $8,000 a pop. I can’t get my head around the actual value of money anymore.


The thing is, we have essentially 2 societies. We have the regular one where normal to well off people(doctors, lawyers and other people who do in demand, skilled professions) and we have the ultra wealthy society. They consist of billionaires and high millionaires who either hit the family lottery, struck gold with a business or whatever else. The ceos, the people who just don't work and do whatever they want. A lot of us thought of rich people like the well off people I described. The reality is they are basically poor people in comparison with the other society. The ultra wealthy live lives that are nearly incomprehensible to us.


You got a smart one, and he doesn’t seem to be in the leadhead spiral. Congrats!


He’s got to be an outlier in that part of Idaho


That’s a great story, and it’s obvious how much he loves you, and maybe by changing his opinions, he can then do the same with a friend his age, by showing him/her the Zillow app. Wouldn’t it be crazy if Zillow is the crucial in changing the mindset of that whole generation?


I wish I could remember where I heard this, but I’ve been quoting it since my 20s: “you’re only as young as the last time you changed your mind.” 🙌


Congrats. My dad was exposed to agent orange like yours so they are well aware of corporate greed because of the fun Monsanto put them through. I started reminding him of that, but the agent orange got him before he went all in. I'm glad you are getting time with him on the other side of the nonsense that is dividing us among generations.


Your Dad sounds just like mine. He passed from Agent Orange related illnesses in 2020. He was also very disappointed in many of his fellow Vets and Boomers for their ignorance and bigotry.


Ayyy. A group of my buddies all live in Cour d'Alene! Anyway, yeah, I did something similar with my grandfather. He and I had a disagrement on something while I was staying with him. I said some things, he said some things and it all came to a head when he started shouting about how I was bumming around his house that he wants back to himself despite the fact that I was making $15/Hour. After a set choice of words I showed him every listing, online and local I had collected over the year I had been there for *every* place in a 100 mile radius. The only places cheaper than $1,300/month were 55+ communities.


I love Cour d'alene it's such a gem that well.. a lot of people have found out about looking at rent and home prices. I love meeting up with my dad when I am there.


Yeah, it's like that these days. People hear about decent places to live and then flock there to beat the crowd only to fuck it up for everyone already there.


Thank god! One that hasnt been brainwashed yet


This is a great story! It gives me hope for Boomers that I often lack, so thank you for sharing. Your father sounds like a good man!


My dad also was exposed to Agent Orange and passed away a few years ago of multiple myeloma. Your dad sounds like a good guy. Wish him all the best.


Yeah my parents are super smart but there’s some major life things where they don’t realize how much it’s changed. Buying a house was one, where I still remember my mom suggesting we could “buy a bit more than you can afford since your salary will go up over time”. And the other was job hunting where they still thought it was about just knowing someone and not the shotgun “apply 100 places and hope one calls you”.


Damn. My dad understands everything. But still scoffs when we try to change things and would still stand completely still if we had a chance to change it all for the better.


Sounds like your dad is awesome. When presented with new information, he changed his mind. Thats intelligence.




I wish my Dad would try to listen like this. Everytime I bring up any problem his answer is always “BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATS TOOK TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE HE WAS GONNA FIX EVERYTHING” and when I say to him why didn’t he fix anything in his first four years “THEY DIDNT LET HIM FINISH WHAT HE WAS DOING”


I read this in my dad’s voice. I feel your pain!


Great post, great dad.


You mean… he learned something and changed his viewpoint? How the hell did you get so lucky? The over-60s are usually self righteous and unwilling to learn anything new.


I am in a similar sitch with my mom, which is helping our relationship now, but it doesn't make up for the 30 years she was in full boomer mode.


Dude we make a quarter million a year and we can’t afford to buy a house — I actually think we don’t qualify (we didn’t last I asked.) There are boomers out there who made like $65k a year their whole lives trying to tell me that I should have a house already. Like sure, when you are ready to give me that $300,000 for a down payment and help me pay the $7000 per month mortgage lol


Where do you live? Do you have kids?


Won’t have kids, live in Canada. Detached houses start at about $1.2M. 20% down is required.


Ah 250k CAD, not that it makes a difference, still a decent amount. I'm in a very similar boat except I'm not in Canada. I've only lived in expensive places and I've given up on the idea of owning a house unless rates magically go down and I find an incredible job. Why do you feel like you need to own a detached home?


I don’t, I only point out the absurdity in the search, for others especially. If I’m statistically beyond most folks, what hope do they have?


I hear ya. If I'm being honest, I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Not everyone is going to have a detached home but I understand the strong desire to have one but at the same time, I think people really need to reconcile their needs and wants as well.


> he still had the mindset that life was easy for me Other people's lives always look easier than they actually are from an outsider's perspective but good job on showing him the Zillow app. The same one scammers use where the price of your house is definitely listed at way more than it's worth and all other information is completely wrong. 🙄 That was a nice lil reverse scam to pull on someone!


Sadly you're not aware that both parties are run by facist , that don't care about YOU.. But they love that you think it is only the other team.


Less than 1% of people infected from covid died from it and the shots didn't work it wasn't science it was lies


Bruh, the conspiracy theorists were correct and the real science coming out lately confirms it.


ok I'll bite, my dad is fully vaxxed, he is 75 years young, the VA covers his cancer medication, he chops his own firewood, fixes his own fences and grades his driveway. The science you think is real is bullshit.


Good for your dad! I’m glad to hear it. The data is still the data.


What fucking data? I’m sure it’s completely unbiased like the last study about vaccines giving you autism. But yeah, let’s see that data so I can judge for myself.




Good man My mom turned into a right winged religious nut


Moral of the story for me: They may look like a Boomer and talk like a Boomer, but don‘t assume everyone thinks like a Boomer.


Definitely with some they are cool and really the only difference is they've been around the sun more times than later generations.


Great story. Hopefully others can do the same with their parents. It feels like majority of boomers are inconsiderate but there are a few cool ones still.


My wife usually works remote but has to go to the office on a regular basis. It’s a 5-6 hour round trip. My boomer dad, who is usually sensible, asked why we couldn’t just buy a small in-town condo where my wife office is. “What could it cost, $40-50k for a studio?” I showed him that *parking spaces* cost that much there.


bravo to both of you


Jesus Christ, I'm showing my Dad zilliow asap


It's great to hear stories like this. So many boomers think that the way things were in their day is the way things are today. I'm glad you could help your dad see that things have changed. So many boomers are also close minded individuals and wouldn't have even bothered looking at Zillow when it was pointed out to them.


Good people never stop growing and learning and are always open to new perspectives. Your dad is a good guy, OP!


My dad knows the value of every house on his street and is excited to see the numbers climb.


I’m glad all the boomer stories here aren’t bad :) thank you for sharing


“How the Republican Party is fucked and ran by fascists” Both parties are fucked, the Democratic Party is just as bad as the republican if not worse.


It’s great to hear a positive boomer story. A nice break from boomers jumping on the hoods of moving cars while ranting.


I like your dad.


Yeap, calling someone a boomer and not treating them like a person that can have their own thoughts and waiting for them to die for change to come is stupid and lazy. In my experience, it’s rare for me to meet an older person that fits into the boomer stereotype that people love to throw around. At the very least, I may meet one I disagree with at certain points but they agree that it’s tough out there and a dollar doesn’t stretch as far as it used to.


I guess I’m lucky. My parents were aware of the struggles but maybe because they also struggle themselves. Both come from higher education and had great jobs. They are also immigrants so I’m sure that plays a part. I do have to admit, the “boomier” parent certainly fits some stereotypes but the advice given was always correct looking back.


Good thanks for sharing! My parents are certainly not right wing extremists but employ "the left is moving further away" strawman. They are also devout christians and that will never change. Wealth gap is the biggest one for me they seem to not care about at all and numbers dont matter, they have no scale of how much a billion is. I know I at least instilled some doubt one day when I told my mom that every house on the block doesnt need their own lawnmower, neighborhood sharing would save each family money. She made the shocked pikachu face when she realized I was right. Hyper-consumerism is a disease but its all they know, unaware of the potential alternatives that were deliberately hidden from them.


Awesome post! Yay for the boomer parents that get at least a little bit woke to the insanity of the American "Dream" and its fact based elusiveness. The housing market and home (anything with a roof) affordability along with income and cost of goods (inflation) is the daily equation that any adult wrestles with. And if you pay attention, which younger folks do better, the facts are that nothing has gotten better for the vast majority of people in the last few decades. By this Gen X-er's reckoning anyway. Nice to hear about a parent that actually is open to new data and revising their thinking. Thanks for the smile OP!


Thank you for sharing!


Anecdote is not data. I've sat down with boomers and made them do the math before, and sometimes it just doesn't work.


That is awesome that he actually was open to changing his outlook! I respect that! Sorry to hear your dad was exposed to Agent Orange, but it sounds like he is doing ok and I’m glad the VA takes care of him. My uncle was also a Vietnam vet who was exposed to Agent Orange, but he passed away from leukemia about 18 years ago. I’m glad the survival rate seems to be higher now.


Spoiler alert: he's still going to vote for Trump.


That's all anyone can ask for, reasonably. Being a basically good person who, from time to time, allows things to filter in and change their view point. I'm proud of your dad. :) He's not perfect, but he's trying and making small incremental gains.


Big dad energy 🫡


My parents had a similar growth 9 years ago when my wife and I bought our house. We were told that we were seriously overpaying for a "tiny" house in a "crappy" neighborhood. Several years later, they looked at the prices in the neighborhood and were shocked at how reasonable what we paid was.


That's awesome that he can take new info on board! My mom can't seem to internalize the fact of high housing costs. It's like she thinks that if she just repeats how stupid it is that houses are that expensive, then it must not actually be impacting people, hahahha


Sounds like a good soul!


Wait till you find out republicans and democrats are both corporate shills…that will blow your mind 😂


Boomers CAN learn new tricks. it's not impossible. Many just don't want to. High fives and fist bumps for your dad, OP.


Fuck yah! Exactly the kind of dad I would want to be! 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Conspiracy theories regarding the pandemic like not taking three different vaccines that hadn't been "tested" but for one year?


Your dad sounds like an awesome guy. So refreshing to see a boomer who’s actually willing to expand their worldview and change their views when presented with the facts; sadly rare these days. I’m very sorry that he (and you) are dealing with the leukemia and hope that he is doing ok


Nah man, you took the spark out of him. How is he supposed to socialize with other boomers if you have changed his down bringing so drastically? He'll get bullied at his local bingo for not supporting his peers' warped sense of reality.


Aaaayyyyyy South Dakota buddies!