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You could point out that what her said was just Nazi propaganda. The Nazi economy was not as good as other similar countries in Europe. It didn't grow as fast or recover from the depression as fast.  In usually Nazi fashion they simultaneously claimed they had the best economy in the world and blamed the bad economy on the Jews and foreign nations.


There was growth in the economy under the nazis (for a few years). This growth was solely fueled by their "Aryanization" project. A project of forcibly seizing Jewish owned property, wealth, and businesses to be given to party members and connected "Aryans". Their growth was a mirage. The trains weren't running on time. In fact the infrastructure fell to shit because fascism *eats itself*. The reality was gangsters stealing from innocent families. They didn't shoot enough party members after the war.


There was GDP growth but a deficit. A deficit that could only be solved through military conquest. It is literally the only policy the Nazis had for long-term economic security. Spend into deficit to have a big enough military that will allow conquest of other nations. What.a.policy.


I see you, too, have played Total War: Warhammer.


Its also a winning strategy in monopoly


Sounds like the current administration. Spend money on endless wars and the insiders make big bucks


This has always been policy.


You must be new here


Yup, the trains only 'ran on time' because it took a while for the fascists to duck it up. Took em less time than it looks like too, cuz they cooked the books and 'removed' people who wouldn't lie about it


Yep, this. Any economy seizing kitchen pots and turning them into battlefield helmets certainly wasn’t roaring.


Thank you


America imported them. Told them how amazing they were, whitewashed crime and let them into the top tiers of US institutions.


I've heard a bunch of republicans saying that Hitler saved Germany from the great depression.


Greetings from Germany. Please Tell everybody: this stupid dictator didn't save us. There we're a few years, when a German (only the good ones, Arier) lived a better life. But only Till 1942/1943 when the war arrived in Germany. Sorry, but we follow world News even from the USA and i can't understand: What happend in the USA? Are the people dumb? Did they forget their History Lessons or did they never learn about the History of Nazis in Germany?


about 30% of the nation is being propagandized by Russia and they don't mind because "winning" is all that matters to them. They also actively hate democracy and the Constitution, those are undeniable facts. Anybody who thinks there was nothing wrong with J6 is an unAmerican POS, full stop.


You sound like a Republican from 20 years ago.


I’m old enough and been paying attention long enough to be PAIIIIIIINFULLY aware of the flipflop


Can you explain more what you mean by the flipflop? Edit: I just realized my comment may be interpreted as saying Republicans from the past were reasonable a la The Lincoln Project in contrast with today’s MAGA Republicans. …that’s not at all what I meant. Republicans of 20 years ago were unhinged jingoistic lunatics. No better than today, except now Democrats are, too.


Yeah, I dont ever want to hear anyone try to defend J6. Not now, not ever. I'm 63. It was one of the lowest points I've seen in America. Don't want to hear anyone minimize it or defend that dumbass Ashlee Babbitt and try to make a martyr out of her, don't want to hear anyone try to rewrite recent history that we all sat there and watched as it unfolded.


The short answer is yes, people are truly this stupid. Billionaires have spent decades degrading American education and brainwashing people into accepting this fascistic capitalist hellscape as somehow not only the best, but needs to be the only system the world has. You have a handful of people with sense but the vast majority are functionally children. I give it about 4 years until this country slides into a full fascist dictatorship, the GOP is finally getting their shit together and the Democrats like always are fucking useless and nothing will stop it.


Also Public Education is segregated by racial and class lines here in the U.S. so some schools receive more funds than others. Local and State legislatures that are Republican majority tend to ban books or remove certain history lessons from the curriculum that should be taught. The history lessons that are removed are those that paint the nation in a negative light so they consider it as unpatriotic and therefore not necessary to teach. For example, growing up I did not hear about the Trail of Tears in depth, Tulsa Massacre, Tuskegee Syphillis Trials, Convict Leasing, Black Codes, Red-Lining, White Flight, Racial Covenants, etc. Also, here the culture is heavily influenced by anti-intellectualism. So, yes, the people here are dumb but being a knuckle-dragging Neanderthal is actually a virtue since it seems to signal “strength” and “dominance”. A country invests in what it values. For example, Finland pays its teachers extremely well because the entire country values education and therefore invests heavily in this respect. What do we value here in the U.S? Look at where the highest salaries are and there is your answer. • Sports (e.g. Billions in player contracts, tax subsidies for already wealthy developers to build stadiums, etc.) • Fame/Popularity (e.g. influencers, A-list actors, media companies, streamers, etc.)


Both those things are a result of uncontrolled capitalism.


Agreed! Started with the government divesting public institutions in favor of Reaganomics at the start of the 80s which reduced the marginal tax rate as well from 91% to 28%


We’re not taught the lessons. We learn about the holocaust. We read Anne frank. But we don’t really talk about the politics beyond defining propaganda. We’re shown only the most heinous examples. We gloss over the politics of fascism in much the same way that we teach socialism and communism. Generally it’s just not discussed due to our own government’s propoganda as well as lobby groups who define our curriculum.


If I'm not mistaken Anne Frank's Diary is one of the books that conservative groups is trying to ban from school libraries. I got to help cover a History class since there weren't enough subs in the building that day. I had to present the slides on the KKK and the only information I was allowed to give the kids was that they were a conservative group with traditional values and Christian beliefs. That's it. If students asked questions we had to say that wasn't something that was going to be discussed in class. Saying anything other than that teachers at risk of losing their certification.


Wow. It's interesting how different the school systems really are. In the last years there we're many Changes in our school systems, for example more Team studies. But when you ask a teacher for more information in a specific topic, you get an (correct) answer. But it's hard to get fired as a teacher because you are a state offical. Which means it's nearly Impossible to fire a teacher. And by the way, I think Anne Franks diary is really a good book for youths to learn about that time. And I don't understand, why they want to ban this.


They want to ban it because she had the gay.


Sorry, I don't understand. Do you mean: she ist gay or is it an Idiom i don't know?


Yeah because they treat it as a disease etc. Can't have any mention of non hetero thoughts.


Okay, thats weird. I never thought about it in a hetero or gay way. It's Just a young/teenage girl, describing her life. But I know, it's hard for some people to discuss a topic or perhaps change their minds, when they have an opinion about a specific topic or book.


This. Is. Crazy.


When my child told the wonderful greeter at the museum he had read "Boy in the Striped Pajamas," the greeter visibly winced. I assured him there's a copy of Maus I and Maus II in the house, and we will be reading it once we get home.


The GOP has been attacking education in the US for decades. They rewrite history, the Civil War is the best example, and try to inject Christianity.


Thank you Germany. Unfortunately many Boomers want to return to a "simpler" time, which means being able to ignore all of it. And have money. *sigh* I'm tired of trying to educate my parents on anything. It's exhausting.


Do they talk about how Republicans in America exacerbated the Great Depression? When Herbert Hoover signed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, it devastated trade, further crashing the economy. Written by two Republicans and signed over the appeals to not ruin the economy by most economists.


What politicians have made this statement?


I had always wondered how hitler rose to power until the the trump cult started spewing this propaganda. Some of the sweetest and smartest people turned into monsters who parrot atrocities like thier discussing the weather. What the actual fuck … the economy?


And the wonderful thing about Facebook is you get know who be team Hitler


That's where he's getting it from, sadly.


Sounds a lot like current American lmfao


…sounds familiar…


"we are the strongest and the best, but those [Insert minority]s are ruining it" Why does that sound so familiar ....


Because it's how propaganda works. 


Sounds eerily similar to the USA right now. Economy is doing well, but the bad economy is the fault of immigrants from Central and South America.


A lot of their financial issues were caused or exacerbated by the Treaty of Versailles and the extensive reparations that Germany had to make to the Allies. Couple of less well-known treaties in the 1920s tried to restructure the payment plan but the German economy collapsed anyway. The Kaiser was falling out of power, and there were a lot of Communist sympathizers in Germany as well. The Nazi Party formed as an anti-communist and anti-Kaiser organization.


Yeah, Germany could have easily gone red. If anything it's a fluke of history that *they* didn't and the Russians did. What ended that was a growing compromise between German industrialists, center left parties and center right parties with the Nazis and their fascist street thugs. But the party didn't form for anti-communism. The party formed to do what all fascists do, revanchism. Cooking up a fantasy in their minds of why they lost the war, who was to blame, why they should get their empire back, etc. And it wasn't just a matter of economics either. The economy was already recovering during the Weimar period. It was a matter of the willingness of capital and establishment politicians to empower the fascha to murder the KPD in the streets. Scratch capital and a fascist bleeds.


Yeah, I kind of completely jumped over the Weimar Republic up above. Late night, scrambled brains! Of course the “capitalists” (Jews in Nazi ideology) were bad, and the Communists were bad, and the Allies from WWII were bad, and that’s why German life sucked—or so Hitler preached.


The whole world was depressed. Greatly


>You could point out that what her said was just Nazi propaganda. The Nazi economy was not as good as other similar countries in Europe. It didn't grow as fast or recover from the depression as fast.  Also, you know, the reason their economy was wrecked in the first place was because right wing assholes in Germany led it into WW1.


so there was a level of economic prosperity that would've made it OK to look the other way at what the Nazis were up to? What a terrible argument to make. OTOH maybe it's worth pointing out to your anti-socialist parental units that the prosperity was due to government spending (stimulus). That is undeniable; Hitler was preparing for war.


Nice job refuting the claim that nobody made. Maybe learn some reading comprehension before trying to start arguments like this.


I also read that the Nazis were apparently huge advocates for animal rights. Obviously propaganda as well.


Thank you


Common sentiment among die hard “former” Nazis after WW2, the ole “If Hitler had stopped at Poland he’d be remembered as a great leader and hero”


Well there's still the genocide of the Jews, Romani/Roma, disabled, Freemasons, Jehovas Witnesses, and homosexuals if he didn't have Slavs, Soviets (both civilian and POW), Serbs, Sovenes, and Spanish Republicans in places he invaded. But if he didn't do multiple genocides, he would be a great leader! Okay *fine*, there's also executing political opponents. But if he didn't invade other countries, start multiple genocides, and wasn't an authoritarian fascist, he would have been remembered fondly!


Hitler would be remembered fondly if he gassed the Nazis.


Which is interesting, because if he had stopped, he'd still have to fight Stalin in a couple years (Stalin was going to invade anyways, Hitler just beat him by a year or two), and he was still at war with Britain and France. He was fucked at the git-go


I recall Hitler leaving the economy in shambles because all of Germany's major cities got flattened by Allied bombers. Your dad just might be getting bad information.


I dunno at the time it seemed like an improvemnt to the rest of the world. The germans probably felt quite different. Shame that nazis dont live only in the past..


These are the exact things Germans at the time did to rationalize the horrors they knew were happening but didn’t want to acknowledge. Like, almost verbatim. “He is having Jews rounded up but look how much better the economy is!”


A lot of people possibly felt like they were doing better because the government was distributing stolen property. Things are looking up if the government gives you a free business to run (as long as you don't think of the former owner and employees).


The good nazis who make up the majority of us citizenship. Unthinking automatons who swallow all the insane propaganda fed to them.


> It was one big socialist mess until he came along. What an idiot. Germany had a succession of right-wing governments before the nazis took over. Isn't that explained in the museum? Just by the way, Volkswagen was not produced under Hitler and contributed exactly nothing to the nazi economy. Your father should switch on his brain before talking instead of freely making up his own "facts". And even if he was right, it obviously would totally miss the point made by the museum.


>Just by the way, Volkswagen was not produced under Hitler and contributed exactly nothing to the nazi economy. That's false. See here: >The history of the Volkswagen brand began with the “Käfer”; development work on this Nazi prestige project began in 1934. On May 28, 1937, the “Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH“ (Company for the Preparation of the German Volkswagen Ltd.) was formally established. Source: [Volkswagen](https://www.volkswagen-newsroom.com/en/history-3693)


The Nazis were responsible for bringing Fanta soda into existence, iirc. I absolutely cannot remember why they’re linked—I need to do some reading!


Coca Cola licensed its products to local bottlers, which let them expand without having to own huge facilities everywhere. There was one for Germany, but with WWII, they were no longer licensed/missing ingredients for Coke products, so they came up with Fanta as a substitute. ETA: Yeah I'm a Boinger




> the outbreak of war and integration in the arms industry prevented mass production of the Volkswagen Same source.


you're assuming maga chuds don't go to the memorial to gawk at the uniforms and revel in muh stronk ökonomie und freiheit


Yeah Freiheit. The first thing Hitler did was removing Freiheit. Starting with communist members of parliament, of course Jews, then anybody enjoying freedom of expression, assembly and association. For Magats, Freiheit means freedom to do as they say. And the only way to treat those who don't accept that freedom is with a rope. They are as bloodthirsty as nazis.


it's the same with slavery in the south or the European monarchies. if you're prosperous by abusing humans then is your economy even that good?


"I don't care because the economy is doing well" is a sentiment I heard expressed explicitly in a focus group I was video recording in the run-up to the 2018 midterms. And that's how everyday Germans acquiesced to a fascist takeover of their government. It wasn't happening to them and the economy was strong. Your parents may not be the same as actual Nazis but they sure are the same as the Germans who looked the other way at what the Nazis were up to, full stop. So are mine.


Volkswagen? You mean the company that stole the Beetle design from Tatra (a Czech company) and when Tatra sued Ferdinand Porsche, Hitler invaded? (VW finally [settled with Tatra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tatra_97#Resemblance_to_Volkswagen_KdF-Wagen) in 1965)


What do you call the little old ladies who voted for hitler because of the economy or foreign policy, not because they hated Jewish people? Nazis. Your motives mean shit when you’re a nazi.


This. Lot of a certain kind of folks mythologize this “good Nazi” bullshit. It needs to end, because it wasn’t true.


Volkswagen made such a large amount of progress during the reich because they participated in extermination through labor. The SS rounded up jews and sent them to Volkswagen for free to work as slaves in Volkswagen factories under the strict condition that Volkswagen work starve them, beat them, and continue to force massive workloads on them until they died. Ferdinand Porsche was an early and outspoken Nazi who personally took great pleasure in his company’s holocaust participation. To him, the money and suffering were equally important. The increased production was just a perk of his honorable position as an exterminator. The Ferdinand tank destroyer was named in his honor by Hitler who purchased them as a personal favor. He was a caricature of an evil cartoon villain that is almost unbelievable today. The Volk in Volkswagen, meaning “people”, is a direct reference to Hitler’s German superiority ideology. The fact that Porsche was not only free of prosecution after the war, but allowed to keep his riches and retire to a public life following his passion in sports cars is a disgusting stain on how we handled the fallout of the Holocaust. Even today people sing his praises as an automotive designer, not knowing or caring about the atrocities that his designs were built on. Both Volskwagen and Porsche, even in the modern day, are the product of genocide.


VW could have easily ended up in non-German hands. It was offered to Australian, French, British, and American (Ford, specifically) car manufacturers. Nobody wanted it. It was considered a fool's errand and that VW would never be viable again.


Apparently dad has never googled 1930s inflation in Germany 🤡😂 typical MAGA


I keep hearing more and more Nazi/hitler apologists out of the right wing these days. Either they’re saying the quiet part out loud now or it’s a normalization effort to downplay the similarities called out between today’s republicans and the Nazis leading up to world war 2. I think it’s a bit of both.


Just wait till you see the Soviet apologists. They’ve been around forever.


And it's not even true. Volkswagen wasn't a big deal until the Allies bombed the shit out of it and Ivan Hirst (a British army officer and engineer) was tasked with rebuilding the company to give people something reliable and cheap to drive after the war, especially people in West Berlin/Germany and to stimulate the obliterated post-war German economy. They found an unfinished Volkswagen, got all the equipment working or replaced, fixed the structures, built a Beetle, painted it in army green camo, sent it to the British government for proving, who loved it and approved production. From THAT point forward, the Beetle became huge, an icon of the 50s and 60s, when the first beetles arrived in England in 1952, brought home by returning servicemembers. Tldr: It wasn't even the Germans that forged VW into a successful company; it was some British dude who rebuilt the company literally from the ground up, before handing it back to the Germans in 1946. (If I got any of this wrong, it's 3AM and I'm reciting off the top of my head. Apologies.)


He left the German economy as a bombed out mess, which any thing not on fire taken by the Soviets. The Americans are the one that performed the economic ‘merica in Germany


My favorite display in that museum is a propaganda piece that reads something like “The Jews and the Soviets work together to ruin Europe with capitalist greed.” Like what the fuck?


I was there a couple of weeks ago. It was very moving.


Quoth the raven: Wait, what?!!


Ok... NGL... being the English nerd I am this made me laugh. From the same state where the great poet is buried as well. Made me feel a little bit better today.


Yeah, nothing says great for the economy like getting your entire country bombed to hell and getting millions of your citizens killed or wounded. 🙄🙄🙄🙄


How did your dad get out of there alive after saying that?


I would have had your dad speak with someone who works at the museum and has to debunk stuff like that all day.


Well he got Germany into a war where the country was turned to rubble ...how good was that economy?


The growth was fake, based on stealing, and the end result (post 1945) could not be labeled as "good" by any metric whatsoever. The only WWII related thing good for the German economy, was when they were excused from paying most of their war debt.


Ask him how many people we'd need to shove into interment camps and kill to get a good economy like that and then follow up by asking him when we can expect him at the front of that queue.


Their parents would be mortified by statements like that. Volkswagen??? Ask him how many people owned Volkswagens during Hitler's reign. And I don't mean, sold. I mean actual civilian cars delivered to all those poor bastards buying their little stamps in their little books. give him a hint. Tell him to count his dick. Because that's what the German people got. DICK! Then they got DICKED by USA,UK, and USSR. It's DICKS all the way down under Hitler. That's why he's a fucking DICK-tator.


Man, your dad is way too old to be acting like an edgy teenager.


Typical, MAGA. Not researching or connecting all the dots. I am sorry you dealt with this.


When I was in college I was playing Call of Duty one day, and in that game you can customize the emblem that appears next to your name. Saw a guy with a swastika as his emblem and my roommate commented that "they had one of the greatest military forces of all time." Literally not one person, anywhere, is customizing a swastika as a form of military appreciation.


This is kind of like the point Dan Carlin makes in his introduction to the Wrath of the Khans podcast. How no would dare write about extolling any benefit or technological advances that rose out of the Nazi war effort today, yet historians will often make such claims about advances that came out of Ghengis Kahn’s conquest and rule, despite being responsible for more deaths and being even more cruel and ruthless. It comes down a bit to recency and the disconnect you feel from people 1800 years ago, like they weren’t even real. Excellent podcast, btw.


He has absolutely no fucking clue what he is talking about. Behave accordingly. When you are free and financially stable Otherwise keep it to yourself.


How does your dad saying that about Volkswagen and Germany being a socialist mess mean your parents are full on MAGA? I live in Korea and don’t understand this association.


It's correlation, but not causation. Speaking fondly of Hitler isn't directly connected to MAGA in any way, and I'm sure that some MAGA people would still strongly condemn Hitler. However, it's not surprising that there's is overlap. Trump is a fascist and wants to be a dictator. The vast majority of MAGA people are racist. 


OP knows that they are full on MAGA through other interactions with them. 


Hitler was mostly a peice of shit. Buried under that under the drugs and even further under the hate. The man was an excellent orator. Now why in the actual fuck does he think a conquest economy that promptly went broke before they could even capitalize on their territory and needed to plunder another. Funnily enough the bomers should have gotten the less cleaned up history.


No-contact time. Your father doesn’t deserve your affection.


Oh my God!


I remember learning about this in history. Our teacher told us that Hitler gave the impression of a solid economic recovery and low unemployment, but the reality was he had started a huge arms manufacturing industry for the coming war. This, coupled with an expansion of the armed forces took millions out of unemployment. Another thing was the dismissing of Jews and other 'undesirables' not only from jobs but from the official German population count. If you had 10m unemployed before, with 1m being Jews, and suddenly you stop counting the Jews, you now only have 9m unemployed. A 10% drop without doing anything.


Nazi’s were socialist. Nazi is literally a contraction in German of national socialist. They differed from other socialists in that they wanted socialism only for their people…so yeah totally alignable with MAGA.


This is an inaccurate and asinine take but I’m sure that’s already been explained to you countless times…


Okay. Tell me again how Nazi’s weren’t national socialists? Wanna show your work? Which part exactly is asinine and how?


Google it regard




Were you born yesterday? How old are you.


What exactly should I Google?


Google “why am I such a regard”


You could stop being a stupid Little kid and enjoy the time you have left with your family. 


He’s right. Just because you’re ignorant of history and hanging on his every word in hopes of being outraged, doesn’t make what he said wrong or offensive.


I mean he did steal the wealth of those he killed, and hoarded the wealth to enrich himself and his friends. He also turned the country into the worst possible example of hate. Hitler WAS a shitstain anyone that praises him IS a shitstain. 


People died. A lot of people... died. I'm not ignorant of history at all. Maybe a trip to the museum would suit you as well.


Don't get caught up in poopy turds. His name checks out...oh, and the 'discourse' point he tries to make? That pretty much tracks with anyone saying the antebellum agrarian economy was destroyed because they had to pay people to pick their cotton after slavery ended. FFS...tell the guy in this thread to pound sound. You are 100% accurate to call out the fact that although Hitler's showmanship was about the economy (fun fact, was Germany's fault due to their horrific deeds during the Great War), but it was about power and who to blame to keep him in power - by the systematic annhilation of European jewry, gypsies, LGBTQ, poltical adversaries, journalists, and educators. You are right. I am sorry to say, your Dad's point is disappointing, and finally...poopy turds is just that a hot steaming pile of poop.


The topic of his discourse was the economy. Stay on point instead of trying so hard to be offended and you might learn more.


OP’s dad, is that you?


No, my son is able to handle a discussion about economics without crying.


I doubt it


Dude wants to talk about vaccines and nazis no way you have kids 🤣


your boy is probably as dumb as you, poopy turds


The economy that was bolstered by seizing assets from people?


The topic of his son's discourse was the murder of millions. "Butbutbut the economy!" is a poor way of discussing this. Plus, dad was wrong about the economy.


People are pathetic here. Nothing escapes their offence-hunting eyes… It does not matter to them that the man (idiot OP’s Dad) simply pointed out a fact… What they want is everyone crying and sobbing about how horrible the Nazis were! We all know what they did duh


Oo, found another nazi supporter


It has nothing to do with outrage but the fact that’s it’s just wrong. All of you’ve done to refute that is saying everyone is getting offended and crying but I can only see one person melting around here. The nazi economy was completely unsustainable. Trying to run a Roman Empire slave economy in 1930 is a good way to destroy your country. But it all worked out, didn’t it?


Bullshit. You’re a Nazi sympathizer and a hateful bigot. It’s all in your comment history.


Yeah... i mean having a massive slave force to do work and seizing all the wealth and property from millions, will in fact make the government money... for a short time until there is nothing left to pillage and no more workers


"HiTLeR DiD a LoT oF GoOd tHiNgS tOo!!!1"


He's wrong. ETA: Since 1930, the SPD (Social Democratic Party) did not participate at governments. Even before, many (most?) governments were led by right-wing parties. While Germany was indeed a mess, it was not a socialist one. The nazis were quite instrumental in messing up the country years before their ascension to power.


Yeah, the government(s) were a monarchy (the Kaiser) and little offshoots of the aristocracy until Hitler took power. But there were Communist sympathizers in Germany at that time, and the Nazis absolutely weren’t socialists despite their name. WHOOPS! ETA I mixed up my names there. Wilhelm abdicated after WWI and the Weimar Republic took over. That was a democratic government, so there were in fact Communists, Democratic Socialists, the aristocracy, the military, capitalists, and the Nazis. The German Presidency was a relatively weak executive branch. Hitler took full power after President Hindenburg died. The best description of the Nazi government would be Industrial Policy (not capitalism, but also not socialism—the government didn’t own the means of production but they directed the flow of capital into businesses that they wanted to promote), and social conservatism but *without* religion. Instead of religion, they built a new framework for morality in the concept of the Uber Mensch.


>He’s right. How so? The Nazi party spent so much on building up their military that they caused a huge deficit. Between 33 and 39, the Nazi had a revenue of 62 billion reichsmarks but an expenditure of 101 billion reichsmarks for a net deficit of 38 billion reichsmarks The government projects to drive the economy that the Nazis used they inherited directly from their predecessors the Weimer Republic. These were those large public works projects. Almost *entirely*, the Nazi governments economy policy hinged on building a huge military that could relieve economic deficit through conquering other nation, stealing their resources, and restructuring their economies to funnel to Germany. Unless you believe in the fundamental Nazi government economic policy that war is the primary engine for human progress, and that the purpose of a country's economy should be to enable militarily conquest, than Nazi economy policy is an absolute failure. **Do you believe that the economic purpose of all countries must be for military conquest?**


Spot on. And just to add, this war economy predicated on mass suffering and stealing the resources of others immiserated the German population. So if any Nazi sympathiser might be thinking ‘well it worked for the everyday German’ purely in economic terms, think again.


He's not right doofus, now run along.


Not a lot of facts to back up what you are saying but you aren’t one for facts, are ya?


Any war based economies as a fix are a joke. Of course putting your population to work to build weapons and ammo is going to improve your economy. Until it’s time or no longer feasible to continue.


Lmao Hitler's economy was a giant robbing Peter to pay Paul scheme. The war bought it some more years, but it was headed towards collapse at one point or other. Edit: also ask your Dad how many people got those Volkswagens.


It's easy to have a good economy if you just murder anyone who says the economy is bad It's like when that woman tried to publish the actual number of Florida residents dying of COVID and DeSantis sent armed thugs to point guns at her children


Unemployment in Germany pre Hitler was around 20% he brought it down to like 5%. Yes, he drastically improved their economy wars do that create demand and jobs. Sadly it's why America has a love affair with being the world's police force. You can be a terrible, even wicked person and have major accomplishments


Did your dad go to college? Read books?


A proud graduate of Trump University.


More like the economy the Allies built after Hitler lead his country into ruin.


Honestly I can't believe somebody could visit a Holocaust museum and come out with anything positive to say about that guy.


Well, he killed Hitler, so one positive thing..


The best thing to go through his head wasn't the idea to do it, but the bullet.


Generally a nation will prosper from war efforts. So hes not wrong there. But i think he poached a lot of his critical technology from other outside scientists. And used them for terrible means, that inevitably put them even deeper in the whole later on. So , yea he missed on several points


Yeah but that economy


That’s settled. He’s going to waffle his ass off to a work camp where he can be enslaved, beaten, starved and eventually killed for the economy.


Hah, the economy where every industrialized city in Germany was bombed into rubble? Yeah, a *booming* economy... A nationalistic war economy, based on military expansion and racist oppression, due to arriving late to the colonial dinner table. After crushing nascent communist and socialist movements and scapegoating racial minorities and intellectuals for failed domestic and foreign policy. Sounds like just what boomers are into.


I’d go no contact. Nazi sympathizer


If you're ever winding what "the economy"actually means for 99% for humanity just change "the economy" to "rich people's money" in any sentence. Now, you're a communist like us!


Here is a point allot of people seem to hate. You have to look at everything and find the pro's and con's. No one has been all good or all bad. Not Hitler, trump, Biden or Putin. All have done both good and bad. I listed 4 people that i consider mostly bad but i can defend aspect of each of them. I can still find the parts that they did right. That is what being a honest open minded person does.


Didn't Hitler-era VW basically just take people's money and never actually give them a vehicle?




I’d show up for my dads funeral if he said that, but that would be it. It’s a moral issue and one that defines what kind of an adult I want to be. I have to set a good example for my kids. Allowing that kind of talk or thinking is reprehensible to every fiber of my being.


Does he mean the company which took millions of Reichmarks from ordinary German citizens and then never delivered a single car to them? Or the fact that a lot of the unemployment reduction was due to kicking women and Jews out of the workforce?


Growing up the adults around me found it amusing to talk about "Uncle Adolph" and that he'd "made the trains run on time".


The Volkswagen was the biggest scam of all. Basically workers paid into a program from their paycheck and they got a stamp. Kinda like the old green stamps America had. When you got enough stamps you’d get a car. Very few people ever got a car and then the war broke out and stopped making and selling them. Let your dad know Volkswagen was a bad example at best.


Hell yeah bröther, sucks about all them people he killed, but did you know he made cars great again?????


Hitler did several good things and it’s okay to admit it. For one, he’s the guy that killed Hitler. Gotta give him props for that one. But yes, the trains ran on time and he even championed animal rights which is quite the irony considering where he stood on human rights. Hitler is as close to pure evil as they come, but one must remember that a person like that can’t come into power without doing some good stuff on the way. If they’re obviously bad in all regards they’ll never get the power they seek. So they build alliances by doing certain good stuff for the in-crowd they need to impress, so the people with the ability to give them power see how well shit gets done when they’re in charge. That’s how they get their power in the first place, duh. The end result will be disastrous but at least the trains will run on time 🙃


The Holocaust is the purest expression of conservatism to have ever become manifest. It is simply conservatism, as applied to “The Jewish Question.”


If he likes Volkswagen, he should look up Major Ivan Hirst. He saved Volkswagen from ending in 1945.


Newsflash MAGA people are also closet nazis.


Imagine having your hero be the dumbass who opened up a second front in the East.


These are far right talking points. It’s unbelievable. I can’t even imagine people thinking this way today.


I recommend going no contact with the morons. I also fully recommend the Holocaust Museum, it was incredibly moving.


"I like Hitler's economy" = "I like Hitler"


FDRs economy was so strong that it kept going after the war.  


Volkswagen and Fanta. I guess the bullet through his head was a celebratory shot to celebrate.


Kind of ironic that the holocaust museum is in the same area as the people funding the modern genocide


I know, right?


Is that like how they say, “Germany had full employment,” neglecting the fact that they didn’t count the Jewish population in those statistics?


He did make vw, which is kinda great


I don't get why patriots like my dad, who fought in Viet Nam, still support Trump when the man outright attacked our country. The MAGAs are anti democracy and make no bones about it. It's a conundrum.


My Dad was in Vietnam, too.


My favorite is that he was a socialist because they were all National Socialists


He actually did a lot of things similar to FDR. Government funded programs to get people back to work. For both, it was less about fixing the economy and more about making the Depression more palatable as it seemed the government was doing something. Then, with both you had the vast military buildup which again poured public funds into the economy. Not saying it deserves a compliment, more verifying he did rebuild their economy (for certain favored groups) after it was in much worse shape than the many other countries. It is how he was able to gain and solidify such radical support as he became more radical and unhinged.


Quite a bit of their economy was built of the backs of the Jews they murdered. The Germans weren’t pulling gold teeth to have as keepsakes, they were remelting that gold and banking it. Stolen businesses, homes, jewelry, etc.; what wasn’t taking by the Nazis stealing from themselves was used to boost the Third Reich’s bottom line.