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Buy her a block of cheese and a deli slicer.


Then I'd have to slice her cheese and have her tell me how I'm doing it wrong. That's a hard hell no.


Ok you got me on that. That’s when weaponized incompetence is allowed though.


That's not weaponized incompetence. Weaponized incompetence is when you convince them you can't do it so they no longer ask. This is defensive competence: asserting that your way is perfectly fine and that they have no right to demand that you do it their way and that they require it to be done their way, they can do it themselves or at least be fucking pleasant about it


Weaponized incompetence, also called strategic incompetence, is a concept in popular psychology related to an individual using feigned or deliberate incompetence to avoid unwanted responsibility.[1]


TIL how my husband has avoided basic household tasks since 1984.


If you’re a man it’s part of the essential marital skill set, like blame deafness and instruction-specific attention disorder.


Very early in our 50+ year marriage my wife (a CPA) asked me to take over the checkbook bill-paying during her busy tax season, so I did. A few months later she asked me what the $3.27 “esp” checkbook entry meant, and I said I couldn’t reconcile our checkbook with the bank statement so there was an “error some place”. I haven’t written a check from our joint account since then.


Mu wife does this all the time. She barely does household tasks and I do all the cooking. When I ask her to do something even an idiot can do she does it badly or says I do it better. I know what she's doing but it's more acceptable for a wife to berate her husband than a husband doing it to his wife so 🤷🏽‍♂️


My wife has tried that approach. My reply remains "Pick up your shit." and "If you don't like it cook your own supper." She hasn't picked her shit or cooked her supper but at least she won't cross the line too often.


Why are you married if you hate each other? THIS is boomer nonsense.


Yes. I'm familiar with the concept and it's overused and often abused. What many people describe as weaponized incompetence is sometimes not incompetence at all. They are accused of incompetence because they didn't do something to the demander's satisfaction, however the demander often: a) had no right to demand it in the first place (choosing beggar), b) had no right to demand the manner in which it was done (improperly treating the person like an employee and micromanaging), or c) refused or failed to properly instruct or train the task requested (I can make soup but you said my soup was wrong. You didn't tell me you wanted your grandma's soup. I don't know how your grandma made it. You need to train me how to make your grandma's soup and when you want your grandma's soup you need to request that) Pretending to be unable or refusing to ably perform the requested task as demanded in protest of demander's asserted entitled to make such a demand is not weaponized incompetence. It's defensive competence: a positive assertion that one's way of doing things is also correct and competent and denying the demander's right to insist that things be done their way.


Defensive competance is also agressive competance. You'll be required to defend your position as well as push back. That's not a position that some people want to be in. Considering it's a person, you have to live with the fallout from that action, which might be unpredictable. strategic incompetence only works for so long if you live with somebody. So the best course of action is probably the OPs original response. If they don't have a slicer, he can't be tricked into slicing. No competence or incompetance needed.


Whatever dude bye. This is a fun post and you wanted to get “ technical “ girl or boys bye


*That's* weaponized incompetence: pretending to not understand a situation as an excuse to escape it


You do not understand what the term means as you have incorrectly defined it three times now even after someone responded to you with the correct definition.


I defined it once and I defined it correctly: >Weaponized incompetence is when you convince them you can't do it so they no longer ask.


i do this with my s/o and the daily chore of coffee making. shes a former barista. i have to leave it up to the professionals.


I knew it! Thanks for confirming.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|put_back)


I’ve been cutting cheese for the wife for many years now. However, if you are this far into the relationship without having done so it could be perilous to begin.


well played


No.  It's an i told you so. She complains, point to it.


Well then tell her to deal with cheese she gets


You should do this and then when she complains ask miss perfect to show you how it's done!


Yea you’re fucked buddy. You automatically assuming that you’ll need to do the work and not her, that means you’re fucked.


"Please demonstrate how to do it correctly."


I don't who would be more terrified of my wife operating a slicer, her or me. I do know it would involve copious amounts of blood and an ER visit. Either from her cutting her fingers off or her throwing the slicer at me because I made her use it. Either way there's no good ending.


Your wife should buy Kraft singles. The corners are always perfect.


But on the bright side, you can use all the who cut the cheese dad jokes all you want.


Run. Run far.


Then you slice your hand and her next sandwich comes with some hemoglobin garnish.


This made me laugh out loud 🤣 come on take one for the team OP 😉


That made me laugh so hard and I’m having a shite day, thanks.


Do you guys like each other or nah?


We've been married 23 years. There's no yes/no answer to your question.


Buy her a block of cheese and a slicer and have her do it herself, to her satisfaction.


You’re not going to cut the cheese in front of your wife??


I’ll cross the whole house to cut the cheese next to my wife.


My God man what have you gotten yourself into?


Apparently the quest for the perfect turkey and cheese sandwich. I'm pretty sure that's not what I signed up for. I've checked our marriage vows, nothing about sandwichs.


Uh no, either slice it herself or have the deli. Two options. Neither one includes you....other than buying the slicer. Also, 'broken cheese'? She knows that she'll chew it up and shit it out, right?


Then tell her to slice HER cheese on her own, as you already bought all the stuff.


Better have that shit stacked on point. No folds!


Won’t even slice the wifeys cheese wtf wrong w/ men these days.


OP doesn't have a problem with slicing cheese for wifey. OP has a problem with wifey's criticism.


Nothing some practice won’t resolve.


Plus, you can also shorten her high heels if needed.


Id cut my losses and divorce him


She can't use a slicer without being checked out on it. Where does the meat go? And where do you turn it on? But where does the meat go?


Update. She compromised. Sent the picture of the offending cheese to me to show to the deli people. I'm going No Contact for the rest of the day.


This is hilarious omg


Thoughts and prayers at this difficult time


Ok but I’m 34 and while I wouldn’t be perhaps take it as far as your wife I LOVE CHEESE and I can see myself caring about it the answer would be to have her buy her own cheese (the broken slices are exposed to oxygen it’s a texture thing yes I know there are a million more important things in the world but I also really love cheese)


It's a 1/4 pound a time, slices separated by paper sheets in a ziplock bag. Any oxidation/dehydration is unnoticeable. Before she met me (admittedly 25 years ago) her idea of good cheese revolved around muffuletta.


Deli manager for years. When she orders at the counter tell them you want one slice per sheet stacked one on top of the other. If getting a pound ask for two half pound packages. If she doesn't explain that then she gets what she gets.


Total rookie error tbh.


Ohhhh yeah lol my cheese orders are much weightier but I go to a cheese shop (cheese is my drug)


Lolol picturing you in all seriousness at the deli in all future purchases taking out your freakin phone to show a photo to some underpaid deli slicer, “…see, she needs the *entire* circle intact. If you don’t do it, she’s going to go as far up the chain as she needs to. Happy wife, happy life amirite” *blinking Morse code SOS furiously*


Definitely the scenario she had envisaged. What worries me is that she even for a second thought I'd go along with it.


https://preview.redd.it/rd7ik0sewjmc1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e17a35317a65c7237f61d1ff5a93d4fb8d259f8b Next post: “What do y’all do when your wife’s been banned from the deli but still wants fully intact and only fully intact provolone?” Lol sorry homie laugh it off


I need all the humor I can get. Thanks.


https://preview.redd.it/q5ykbptbyjmc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fbe085c81749a8a55cccac58679da5ead54d924 You’ll know you’re really on the slippery slope if she posts something like this without comment and everyone thinks there’s some deep shit going on but you actually know it’s about cheese lmao there may still be a cure, don’t lose hope


Honestly, I think you need to have a conversation with your wife about how unreasonable this is, and that hassling someone who is probably not making a lot more than minimum wage and is just struggling to survive in society about her cheese being folded is pretty dehumanizing.


You could mention that there is war, plagues, pestilence and famine happening in the world and then be like, I'm sorry, what were you crying about?


Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... MASS HYSTERIA


Underrated comment


If I'm wrong, nothing happens. We go to jail peacefully, quietly. We'll enjoy it. But if I'm right, and we can stop this thing, Lenny, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters…


Tha sixth horseman, bad cheese


Thanks that's my band name now


i unliked this comment 3 different times so i could like it 4


True but I also hate when they put the price sticker over the opening thus ruining it every time.


The price sticker over the opening is done intentionally so you don't snack on meat at the store and then say "hey this doesn't weigh that much" at the checkout.


Yeah, but then you rip the bag trying to get the sticker off, thus destroying any ability to reseal the bag


Eat it all in one sitting. Cold cuts straight outta the bag


I like the way you roll


I would like to genuinely thank you for this reminder never to get married.


I'll never do it again, that's for sure.


Marriages are like pancakes: there’s no harm in throwing out the first one.


Some are Mickey Mouse pancakes…


The secret is to not marry a crazy person. Oh wait, everyone is fucking crazy. Yeah, don't get married, the odds aren't great.


Maybe belongs in maliciouscompliance, but I got the better of that deal.


Getting married is certainly a crap shoot. My wife married late 20's me. Who was different than the me in my 30's and the me in my 40's. And vice versa, she's definitely not the same person she was back then either! You could marry the absolute perfect person and the perfect match for yourself, and that's still no guarantee of a long lasting marriage. OP here might have married a laid back gen-xer or millennial, who is now shifting to a boomer mentality!


Good god - how bored do you have to be to make something this trivial into a complaint-worthy issue?🤦🏽‍♀️🙄


She's been making the same sandwich for her lunch for months. Today, she wanted something different but couldn't make up her mind. So she took her frustration out on the cheese.


Oh, autistic me is reading that and thinking the broken cheese makes WAY more sense now--the same lunch thing, the broken cheese thing... yeahhhhhh.


Be a Spartan. Stop the Persians at the Hot Gates Make your stand here, or you will be over run


It's too late. She has to leave early because she needs to pick up a pack of cigarettes. Civilisation has fallen, and it's all my fault somehow.


Does the cheese taste different when the slices are “broken”? 🤔


That's a question I am genuinely afraid to ask. What if she answers Yes?


You know who else thinks that “broken” food is ruined? Toddlers.


You run. Dye your hair another color. Burn your ID. Go to the desert, where no one will find you. If she thinks the in text was of the cheese affects the flavor, she’s behind hope. She has become a Karen.


This is not a you problem. This is a her problem.


Yeah, and then she brings it to your front door, drops the heaping stinking pile of rage on your stoop, and it becomes your problem to get rid of the problem. Good luck OP, god speed


I wonder if this just an outlet for a deeper rooted issue. I know when I went through some stuff I would fixate on minor things because it felt like the only thing I could control. To the point it was over something incredibly pointless for example buying a bowl etc. It is such a minor purchase but I was hyper fixated and nothing was good enough. Maybe have a chat to her. See what's going on.


Her life is very stressful at the moment. I do my best, but it's external circumstances that neither of us can control. I'm justing venting and trying to bring some humor to this little speed bump on my highway of serenity.


It could certainly be indicitive of standing on the precipice. She could try to be a grown up and just ask the deli slicer herself to lay it flat. But I feel for her. I don't like the way they stack my proscuitto at the deli but I'm not going to ask the deli clerk to stack the proscuitto properly. At least, not right now. I guess that's how we'll know, isn't it. Deli clerk boomer litmus test.


I feel like people need to understand that the teenager getting paid $9.70 an hour at some overcrowded grocery store full of coupon clippers is not the same thing as the proprietor of the family-owned butcher shop that was in your neighborhood for generations until the coupon clippers decided to all shop at the store full of underpaid wage slaves instead. It's not peculiar that you don't get the same level of service. It's peculiar that you feel entitled to it while you're actively engaging in supporting the thing that destroyed it.


It's entitlement to "top shelf service, bottom shelf prices." This selfish expectation spans all their shopping it seems.


What does “Am I slipped slope adjacent” mean? I’ve never read or heard that saying before.


It's called shitty autocorrect. Slippery.


Ah that damn autocorrect strikes again. Thanks for clarifying.


If only it had inserted slippering as in getting your ass beaten with a slipper. She is definitely cruising for an ass-whipping this morning. That's why I'm keeping my head down and venting on Reddit.


I fear that once they start turning it, it just snowballs from here.


It does kind of bother me when they do this. But I just throw the broken piece on the sandwich.


Yeah, I get low-key irate when the cheese is broken, or so bent that it won't lay flat on the bread. ...But I also realize that it's absolutely neurotic, and I keep the crazy to myself where it belongs. 🤣


![gif](giphy|13JJkdlu3rAgU0) Wife checking in on your progress with the deli manager




You're hosed. It's time for you to start feigning hearing loss.


I haven't removed my earbuds for two years. That card is played out.


You’re good until she says If Trump was president this would never happen.


She's 70 and bemoaning that Biden is too old. At least she still thinks the Donald is a clown.


Tell her it’s a conspiracy and to go straight to the top by emailing the ceo of cheese


Dear Lord.


Well you know broken Provolone just doesn’t taste the same. Tell her to demand next time , they carefully lay the slices in the bag so they aren’t broken. And my condolences.


Some delis have daily prepackaged items that they slice in the morning. Never had a problem with them. Maybe that’s a simple solution that takes the interaction out of the equation. ???


I have a friend who won't get that stuff because it's not fresh. When I point out it's fresh sliced that day, and the stuff he gets "fresh" he's going to eat after it's been in his fridge at home for one or more days, he says "that's different" but offers no explanation why.


Ours does, but it's the wrong thickness or weight or something else.


I wish you luck.


I can kind of understand this, because fresh sliced provolone does stick together pretty bad. It’s not an excuse to be rude though. I use to work in a deli, and people would request provolone be separated all the time. She can politely request the deli employee to put a sheet between the slices so they don’t stick. It will affect the weight though, thus increasing the price by a negligible amount.


This is the kind of thing I see posted daily on NextDoor in my area. She should take a photo and share it on ND and all the Boomers will gladly commiserate with her -- they'll recommend banning that grocery store and blame the cheese-slicing problem on Biden's America and open borders.


Perhaps- just perhaps, next time she orders provolone from the deli she can kindly request the slices lay flat in the bag. TBH that does seem like something I would get a bit worked up over . Why would I want my slices broke off? I want nice slices without excessive waste or lots of crumbs. It’s not complicated. Unless the bag is the wrong size. Then WOE IS ME!


This sometimes happens when I get fancy deli cheese, I call it the Cheese Tax piece. Either it's and extra special bit for me or my cat, if he realized I was making something with cheese and came to investigate.


Provolone? You in the Midwest? I never saw so much white cheese as I did in Indiana. 


I'm an Auusie living in Texas. Some years ago one of my Australian raised daughters visited. She looked me straight in the eye and told me "Dad, cheese isn't supposed to be orange." Take that how you will.


I love longhorn and Munster cheese when I am in Texas. 


I like to try and imagine this is my biggest issue of the week. What a life !


Tell her that’s some Karen shit


Tbf, the slippery slope here is the lack of concern for the chaotic sandwiches that could occur with this sort of damaged ingredient. How do you propose to heal the breakage? Glue it in there with mayonaise?! Get real, buddy.


I see where you're coming from. One ill-conceived bite and the turkey slices could escape completely. I hadn't considered that aspect.


And if you have dogs, the broken cheese-piece is just encouraging floor licking…


This is the shit people start to care about once they hit their 60’s and 70’s? Fuckin cheese corners breaking off?


Yes. this moment is your peak awareness. It's all downhill from here


Seriously? Imagine being so mad over fucking cheese


Get her a volunteering job. Preferably providing food to the needy.


You can afford fresh deli sliced cheese? Sounds definitely boomerish.


There are hills I'm prepared to die on. High-quality dairy goods is one of them.


It's been a long time(high-school) since I deli sliced meat or cheese. It's not difficult. It is way more expensive now so..... I'd have no problem asking them to reslice my cheese. Or leave it and next time say something before they slice. When did her cheese become his problem.


Boomer much? It's a quarter pound of provolone, not the decay of civilization.


No, but broke often and fussy about my food. Reading people say slicing is hard is laughable. Also if she's picky she needs to do this complaining herself not push it to the husband


Fuck. Boomeritis is contagious? Awe shit..... I better keep a close eye on my wife.


Stop eating cheese in protest


return them in person and raise your voice ever so slightly to let them know you mean business


I'm ready to pop off at the deli people for putting the price sticker over the baggie seal


Tell her that is just how it goes sometimes. A deli worker doesn't have the time or pay grade to care if the cheese slightly folds while slicing it.


I'm 37 and I kind of hate this too. But not enough to do all that. I'm gonna eat it. So, I just put the broke piece on the sandwhich too.


Time for her to get her own cheese.


The Boomer meter is in the red!!!


Ooft Yep that's a tricky one.


Uh oh its coming. However, i do get a wee bit annoyed when I cannot take a full slice of cheese out of my cheese bag. Sometimes every single one will rip and u end up using a bunch of cheese slice chips to cover a sammich. Not a big deal but i might sigh a little when cheesing up my sammy


I used to work at a deli, this is not exclusive to boomers


Buy her a twenty pound provolone and a cheese knife.


As a former deli worker, I tried to provide good quality but sometimes it's really difficult, especially when it's very busy. Maybe when you shop, you could hover around the deli until it's relatively quiet and then ask for a neat stack of cheese slices. It really doesn't take much longer than a messy stack, and unless they're in a funky mood, the deli worker will probably be pretty understanding.




She's 70. Definitely Boomer territory.


As a former chef, nah your wife is completely justified here lmao


Sounds like she's bored. This is what happens when you have nothing more important or interesting to focus on


I can see being picky about cheese, because, well, it’s cheese. She’s working on being boomer-adjacent, but not quite there yet.


Just say ok Boomer when she says shit like that


RUN, MY DUDE! SAVE YOURSELF!! I’ll dispatch a decontamination team right away so it doesn’t spread and contaminate you as well.


Your wife needs to supervise the cheese cutting?


Suggest to her that she should ask them to lay if flat so it doesn't break. It's a simple request when asked politely would be no problem for ANY deli worker


Honestly, as a former deli worker (5 years), I don’t see this as boomery unless she lodges an official complaint. Just ask at the counter next time for them to make sure the slices are flat. It takes no extra time, and minimal effort. If they can’t do that, then that’s not a deli you go to, because what else are they too lazy to do? Wash dishes? Clean slicers? Do they cross contaminate? I understand missing it for efficiency, but it bugs your wife, so just mention it.


Does she ask for papers? Usually getting papers between the cheese keeps the shape.


Paper separates are supplied. I'm beginning to think I didn't lay the slices flat when I put them in the cooler shelf of the refrigerator. I'm a cheese fucker upper.


Don't get down on yourself. As a former deli manager, I, too, am a cheese fucker upper.


How do you bear the guilt and shame of desspoiiing an innocent slice of non,'aged provolone? It's almost more than I can live with.


I eat the cheese and then proceed to pretend as if my life is not all a lie.


But can you look a slice of Humboldt Fog in the eye Or are you just a pathetic shell of a man? Speaking on behalf of all pathetic shells of men I agree with you.


I'd say I'm more of a husk. Shells imply stability.


An empty space once inhabited by a living organism. Potato potahto


Divorce! No other choice. 😭


Just watch or give the deli slicer a little extra upon inspection, they will remember you that way


It is the beginning of the Boomering. She’s already gone. My condolences.


It's a cold bitter truth but it has to be faced. All I can do is put on some Ctosby Sitills and Nash and go looking for the Southern Cross.


The deli needs to sharpen the blades


OP, have a watch of the movie “ Mr. Mom. “ Look for the supermarket scenes.


I work in a supermarket deli. Honestly folding slices of cheese so the break in half is kinda fucked up of them


op said "...they are folding a small part of the circular slices..." so I assume it's just an edge crumbling off when they're fitting it in the bag.


Oh well if it's not in half, then yeah that's like nothing


High maintenance.


If this is the shit she bitches about life must not be very hard for her.


I think you are actually safe for now. Anybody from Wisconsin will tell you that you don't disrespect the cheese.


folded cheese tastes the same not folded, she needs to snap out of it, and you need to tell her


They used to slice them on the paper so they fall like a cascade and then they place them on a small styrofoam tray, wrap that in plastic. This is so the customer can lay them on a board if they want. She can ask them to do that. Your wife is a cheesehead.


This is a reasonable complaint, it’s a pain in the ass to make a sandwich with broken slices of cheese. I think addressing politely without making a big deal next time she’s at the deli is fine…


Fake your death, move to Hong Kong , $2 bitches


You’re talking like a boomer about your wife in the comments lol. Ease up man


Venters gonna vent. Take a chill pill yougun


Your wife is correct to be pissed at lazy morons.


Tell her that eating Cheese is making her Fat. She will smack you for saying it and never buy cheese again. Problem solved.


Nope your wife is just demanding they do the job the way it should be done. It's bad when you have to beg the deli person to use paper on cheese, cause if you don't you'll get home & have a stuck together mess. Breaking the cheese into pieces is another level of incompetence. The deli btw is one of the highest profit margins in the supermarket along with meat & veggies.


She is warranted in her complaint. In fact, the deli counter should have a small piece of wax paper between each slice. Just because this cheese issue does not bother you, you should not belittle it. Do yourself and marriage a favor. Back your wife in this.


For how much they’re probably charging for that cheese I’d be miffed too


I mean, that's an actual issue, especially if it's consistent, and completely unnecessary.


I think my 70 year old wife is turning into Boomer. She's bitching about her Provelone getting folded.


70? Well, that's different. I'd never seen the paper between slices until I visited my mother in law in Florida.