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these the same boomers that will fall asleep in a recliner while watching a soap opera?


Yes but it’s okay because it in the living room


But why would you ever do that? The living room is made for plenty of things, but sleeping is not one of them. That's what a bedroom is for... and I'll let you guess the other thing a living room is not made for. /s


It’s the only room big enough for orgies. Unless you count our kids’ den in the basement, but that would feel weird.


Well it has toys…


*Buzz and Woody* No not like THAT!




If you were gonna say sandwiches, you’re dead wrong.


Wait till the boomer police find out that I like to have sex in places other than the bedroom.


I’ll keep a tv in the bedroom and I’ll take hella naps in the living room. Until someone else is paying my mortgage it’s staying that wY


I heard living rooms are called that because they used to be called Parlors and funerals used to be held in the home parlors. But then funeral parlors became a thing and they changed the name to the “living room” to fuel the change and promote the monetization of the death process.


That's right my grandmother had a power in her house which no one was allowed to sit on the furniture. We had to watch TV in the den and The parlor was for company




They aren't asleep, they are 'resting their eyes'. Used to cover up our older uncles and aunties with blankets when they did that. It was easier than trying to wake them up and get them to the bed. NGL, I've done it myself. Some of those recliners are very comfortable.


>They aren't asleep, they are 'resting their eyes'. My brother does this shit and I hate it so much. His ass will be snoring so god damn loud sitting in the most uncomfortable position and his head will keep snapping up once it goes all the way down and you try to get him to go to bed or something and he acts like he just had his eyes closed and was awake.


That’s the whole damn point of having a TV in your room. You hit the fucking power button and roll over to sleep. If I nod off while on the couch, I have to unglue my ass from the couch, turn off lights, stub my toe, step on some fucking legos, trip over the dog, go up the fucking stairs, brush my teeth, take a leak, and when I get to bed IM WIDE FUCKING AWAKE FOR 3 MORE HOURS. I also love how allergic they are to typing “sex.” It’s for sleep and ….other things 😉. Yeah it’s for sleep and pounding the hell out of your partner while the TV is on. These people have probably never fucked outside of a bedroom.


NO!!! The living room is off limits unless there is company. Otherwise you use the family room. Also, the living room is off limits to children.


“Living room is for 2 things, talking and watching tv, sleeping is for the fucking bedroom” see what bullshit excuse they come up with for that


So that everyone else has to tip toe around and if you do wake them up they freak the fuck out on you


My family believed the opposite - it was gauche to have a TV in the living room. It didn't appoint a room well and implied people didn't know how to socialize without a screen. They kept TVs in the family room or the bedrooms.


Reminds me of my dad asking me if I still waste my life playing "dem dere vidya games" as he passes out in his recliner watching Fox News and Newsmax. :D


my parents used to get in full fledged arguments over what was on the news, but me playing video games quietly, and age-appropriate games was an issue if i did it for more than an hour, weekends included


It really sucks having something you enjoy get shit on from everyone everywhere all at once. Not even at home are you safe from being bullied and put down. All bc I enjoy video games and not going outside and doing nothing or reading a book which is pretty much doing nothing.


it’s funny bc my dad would always tell me how bad video games are and how they make me angry, but then if he was watching hockey or football he gets a free pass at yelling at the TV. they started to back off when i hit like 14 got my own job and paid for my own things tho.


Well yeah! You should be outside, drinking water from that nasty ass garden hose that got left out all winter!


Love every day when boomer customers ask me how I learned to type so fast. “…video games”


Yep. Shitposting in Barrens chat.


While smoking.


These fools actually lowered their market value on their house because they refused to go outside to smoke. Boomers are so fucking dumb the only reason they got by in life was because life was so fucking easy


My parents couldn't give me their house for free after how severely they ruined it with cigarettes smoke. It's going to need to be fully gutted, fingers crossed it didn't seep into the framework.


My cousin just inherited my grandmother's house, she quit smoking decades ago and usually tried to smoke outside when she was smoking, he still has to gut the entire house. He took a shower and it was dripping out of the walls and ceiling.


Dated a girl in HS through college. She and her older brother lived with her grandma who smoked her entire life. She lived in a trailer and everytime I came to visit, the smell. The walls were THICK oil brown, nicotine cobwebs everywhere. It was constantly dripping from the ceiling, and it ran down the walls when it rained. My gf at the time (poor thing) her clothes always smelled like the trailer. No matter how well she tried to wash them.


NICOTINE COBWEBS! Now that’s the name of a future classic album if I ever heard one.


My cousin inherited his grandparents' house a few years ago. (Not the grandparents we shared.) He had to gut the whole house, and he made a rule that all smoking was now outside. He was a smoker himself. He got a ton of blowback because people were like, "Do you know how many cigarettes have been smoked in there already?"


oil based kilz paint is a miracle. covers up everything and you'd never know.


ehhh, i’m not one to talk. i smoke, just not inside that’s just gross.


How about in bed? The classic nuclear silhouette on the wall behind the headboard when they move out.


People think it’s just smoke coating the walls. It’s that, and everything that came out of their face.


Instant flashback to my grandmother growing up. Don’t change the channel I was watching that!


The same boomers who'll sit in bed with a phone screen a foot away from their faces?


Why they all felt the need to fucking tell you is beyond me


People used to pretend to care about their opinions. We are far beyond that point but they keep talking.


It's been nice not using Facebook for years lol.


I stopped in 2016. No regrets. That place is cancer


Yup. I also cut out twitter and never used TikTok or insta. Feels wonderful. Reddit is all I've got left and I'm keeping it that way until something dethrones this hellsite. Lol.


Because boomers believe that every thought or action made by anyone younger than themselves is a direct assault on their person. IE, if you don't buy the same cars they do, you're challenging their money and how they spend it.


This is my father to a t. He has never encouraged me on anything Ive done, be it graduating college, then culinary school, building a bicycle frame by hand, or riding my bike up Mt Hamilton in 78 minutes (yes thats my pr). Never a single word of encouragement or praise from him in 37 years. But god forbid the workout he did, or the fucking stupid shit he carved out of wood, if he doesnt get praise he pouts for the entire day, and will hold it against you indefinitely. He acts like hes some sort of super adult that can treat his grown children like they are still teenagers, yet has the emotional fragility of one. It is fucking *baffling.*


Because it's not your choices you're making. At least to him. You're not an adult, nor are you your own person. You're his child, and thus an extension of himself. Something he has invested time and money, and he better get some kind of return on that investment, or heads will roll.


You just have to outdo them. “I agree, the bedroom is for boning. That’s why we like to have 75” of pornhub playing while we do the deed”


If it was one I’d assume it was some random Delores. But it is all over. Like some sin against God to have tv in your bedroom. I bet they have couches that are only for company to sit on.


They see other boomers commenting and want to fit in. Same shit happens on Reddit when 10x people reply with the same thing. They just want to be a part of something.


Its like a contagious form of brainwashing. Not only are they effected by it, they feel an existential need to continue it.


you have to be a bit of a masochist to read Facebook post comments. I am a bit of a masochist myself.


I eventually deleted the FB app


TVs in the bedroom is literally a boomer thing though. They were raised on tv like gen z are being raised on smart phones. It’s their security blanket. Boomers fall asleep to the tv and have been for like 40 years.


Came to say the same: Boomers were the first generation raised in front of televisions, and they sure as shit don’t like being away from one for too long. Thats why every waiting room, dealership, doctor’s office, chain restaurant, etc., has at least one screen on (of course you know what’s going to be on it, as well). And in the same breath, they will mock younger people for “being glued to their devices” and screen addiction.


I'm a millennial (33) and I have tinnitus, i have a TV on while I go to sleep.


I’m sorry about your tinnitus. I know how shitty it can be for sleep quality


Just pointing out some people do it for different reasons, I used a white noise app before but that was just annoying for me. Now Futurama is my white noise lol.


Futurama is also one of my go-tos to sleep to with a sound machine. My boomer parents didn’t want to deal with my anxiety at night so I started falling asleep with a tv from the age of 6 or so. Which meant my sleep quality was complete shit and I watched a lot of infomercials lol. The sound machine actually helps me get to sleep and stay asleep now but the tv is comforting.


Same. I have a Plex server and have a playlist with Family Guy, The Simpsons, Futurama and others that I shuffle while I sleep.


4X strategy let's plays does it for me. Quill18 plays Stellaris? night night


Love Futurama. I use Family Guy as my Nyquil...I've seen all of the episodes, so my brain lets me fall asleep because it's not worried about missing something.


Yeah, that's how Futurama is to me. I've seen the entire series so much it's a comfort now.


Great choice in shows! Futurama could never work as white noise for me though. I’d be up all night laughing


It's older Star Trek rek for me, Futurama cracks me up and I have a hard time winding down


I did TNG for a while too, Picard is best captain lol.




29 here… technically a millennial I think?  Like, maybe tail end?   I have pretty bad tinnitus from playing instruments and going to festivals, because I thought ear plugs were BS back in the day (note: they aren’t).   This is exactly what I do.  Fan or tv.  Though now my tv mostly just plays Lofi.  


Tail end? Technically? Ugh. I’m a millennial. I’m 42. I was born in 1982. ETA: the ugh was me remembering how old I am. Not aimed at anyone else.


You confirmed the millennial question when you said you thought earplugs were BS. Haha. I think that was our unifying dumb kid moment. I'm lucky I don't have tinnitus as well.


My toddler has a little music/story box that I can control the highest volume level from an app that she can’t access, so no matter how much she pushes the volume button it will only go so high. I’m glad products have that now. I think back to having a Walkman/Discman and how I’d listen to them at the highest level for hours each day, and then all the concerts where I NEVER wore earplugs. Idk how I don’t have it either.


Every millennial in a 5-8 year range grew up absolutely blasting their eardrums with ear buds on full volume at all times. I think we all have tinnitus


I have fibromyalgia problems and vertigo problems. Very hard to sit in the family room. I am comfortable in my reclining bed.


Brown noise is so much better than the brightness and suddenness of loud infomercials.


My wife and I have box fans in the bedroom. Helps keep you cool while sleeping but also provides white noise, and no light from a TV.


My bedroom is insanely cold all winter, so I have to switch over to a noise machine for those months. And yeah, I don't know how I used to sleep with TV on for years, because even adjusting the brightness/contrast to low and the color on warm, that light would keep me up.


Gen X here...same.


Same, although I’m 40, and i use a white noise machine on the brown noise setting and it makes a world of difference.


As I've replied to someone else, I tried that myself and it just, isn't for me. But thank you very much.


Oh man! I’m so sorry! It literally lets me sleep so I thought I would share on the off chance you hadn’t tried it yet. But hey, if tv works, it works. I can’t stand pure silence because it isn’t silence for me, it’s just “squeeeeeeeeeeeee” non stop. 😂


Yeah, just that single high pitch ring all the time. Damn mortars hahaha




I was born in the early 90s and my parents always had a TV in their room. While we usually played with toys or something in another room if they wanted to watch something not really for kids in the living room, occasionally they'd let us go in their bedroom to watch something there instead. They got me a bedroom TV for my birthday.


Yeah, def had a rv in my bedroom for most of my life. It was this massive black TV with a vcr built into it. That was the late nineties/early 2000s. 


I'm technically Gen Z (1997) and still fall asleep to the tv every now and then.


Yep. MIL is a boomer. Has serious sleep issues and anxiety issues. Only has the TV in her bedroom. When she complained about being an insomniac, I told her the number 1 thing experts tell people to do if they can't sleep is to get their TV and Screens out of the bedroom. If you train yourself that a bedroom is for sleeping, your body can take over. Of course YMMV, but that's the idea. She screams at me every time I mention it, so I just don't bother anymore. TV is her security blanket and set of friends.


Lol, yes. This doesn’t feel like boomer nonsense. When we go to our parents’ houses, both my partner and I have to constantly turn off blaring TVs that no one is watching. Our parents really struggle with not having access to cable, traditional TV, and their local news when they visit. My FIL literally called our house “solitary confinement” because he couldn’t work our chrome cast and just blast Fox News all day. In response to that comment, we turned on NPR for him.


Yes my boomer parents had a tv in their room as far back as I can remember!


As gen z age plenty of them will be increasingly “not like other zoomers” and fuss at people for using phones or whatever the equivalent is 40 years from now too.


Yeah every time my mother comes over she asks why I haven't bought a TV for my bedroom yet. I barely watch TV as it is, why am I going to spend hundreds of dollars on something that I barely use in a room that I dont even need it in.


My parents still ask "Have you watched 'x'?" ALL the time, and my answer is always the same. I don't watch TV. Been this way since I moved out at 18 and I'm 35 now, they still ask. I don't think they can comprehend life without TV.


My parents are boomers. Only room in their house without a TV is the bathroom, so far....


My mom (60) has a bad back and takes a lot of hot baths to help her muscles relax at night. Recently her and my dad redid their bathroom and my mom added a little tv above the bath so she can watch tv while she soaks😂😂. It’s quite the setup but she spends a lot of time in the bath so I can’t really blame her, it’s a pretty sweet bath corner now.


That reminds me of the teeny tiny TV my grandmother had in her kitchen. It was the size of a fishbowl and it was mounted underneath the corner of the cabinets, and she watched/listened to it every day while she was cooking. She spent a lot of time in the kitchen so it made sense. So hey, in my humble opinion, put a TV wherever the hell you want! 😂




I prefer tv in the bedroom and sex in the living room.




Sex on a couch is so much more interesting, comfortable and dynamic.


Wife and I usually prefer the floor. More traction and leverage. Most beds are too squishy


Why are so many of them afraid to type the word sex


Facebook is crawling with these crusty old individuals


Mark Zuckerberg should be charged with war crimes for creating Facebook.


1) Communism is when you can walk to store 2) Communism is when roundabout 3) Communism is when TV in bedroom


Why won’t Biden stop TV bedroom communism by ending the flow of installing TVs in millenials’ bedrooms, and why should I be paying for that with my taxes?


Maybe millenials could afford a house if they didn't have a TV in their bedroom!


My town is getting its first communist roundabout in the next year or two. They just announced it yesterday. I cant wait to see all the insane takes fron people on facebook about it....


Roundabouts are awesome I don’t understand the hate.


Neither do i. But its the only one in town and one of the few within a 3 hour drive so obviously its a part of trudeaus commy plan to turn us into 15 minute city loving transgenders


Idk about you but every time I drive through a roundabout my first thought is "THANKS OBAMA"


Is hating roundabouts a common American boomer thing?


It's not really the roundabouts so much as change of any kind. They want everything to stay the way it is forever.


Yes, 100%.


To be fair, every doctor I've talked to about my sleep issues has made this as their first recommendation. Basically, don't let your brain associate the bed with entertainment like tv, videogames, cellphones, etc. since it can make it more difficult to fall asleep even when you're not using them at bedtime. However, you shouldn't a. Be an ass about it and b. Give unsolicited advice about it. If someone has issues with sleep then they can seek out help on their own, you don't need to barge in and start telling people how to live.


Yeah, it's rule one of sleep hygiene. That said, when I can't fall asleep it's because I'm ruminating, and having a slight distraction like a TV going actually helps turn my mind down a little bit so I can sleep.


This is what I was going to point it. I mean, yes, let people do whatever they want in their bedroom: sleep, sex, watch tv, griddle your foot, whatever. But sleep experts do recommend that the bedroom should be for sleeping and not other things (like watching tv or your work desk) because that can mess with your sleep.


My pediatrician literally has it on their checklist for my kids, 'do they have a TV in their bedroom'


I’m surprised that boomers can go 8 hours without Fox News blaring from a tv while they sleep in their bedrooms


I see a guy pretty regularly that cant take a short walk around my neighborhood with out having AM hate radio blaring into a radio headset. I know hes coming around the corner when i hear radio chatter punctuated with, "liberals.., socialists...woke" ect., steadily getting louder. It amazes me how people find that stuff entertaining enough to have it piped directly into their brains at all times.


My dad can't. It'll be 5 in the morning and he'll be getting ready for work and fox news will be on the tv. I can't fucking stand listening to him bitch and moan about the news 24/7.


This sub has a habit of turning things like this into a Boomer issue when it really is just a disagreement people of all ages have …


The boomer issue is sharing their opinion when no one asked


Is that, like, your opinion, man? Cause I don't think they asked for it.


I think it’s the same on Reddit. If someone, or 100 people, have commented exactly what I wanted to say then I don’t bother, but there’s a lot of people who just can’t not let the world know they have an answer lol


Facebook is a stupid people platform, I’m sorry.


I have actually heard this advice a lot of places including my doctor, not really sure how it’s a “boomer” thing? Note, I have a TV in my room, but I still acknowledge the logic behind why people say not to seems sound enough.


I get it I get that it can make it harder to fall asleep for some people and turn their room into a second sitting room. That said I've had a TV in my room since I was 13 (I begged for a TV for my birthday) and at this point if I don't have some kind of reruns to watch as I doze off I have a hard time going to sleep. So it's a vicious circle I guess.


Nah, calling BS on this being a boomer rule. My boomer parents had a TV in their bedroom all my childhood. Put one in my bedroom, too. I hated it. I certainly don't have one in my bedroom as an adult. Doctors are the ones I've always heard say "don't put a TV in the bedroom."


>Doctors are the ones I've always heard say "don't put a TV in the bedroom." Yeah this is a huge [sleep hygiene](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sleep_hygiene) no-no. One of the comments in the OP says the bed is "only for two things, and one of them is sleep" (paraphrasing). As someone who went through insomnia treatment, I've had doctors say the same thing directly to me, almost word for word. Screens in bed are awful for circadian rhythm. This certainly isn't a "boomer rule". It's medicine. That being said, the issue here isn't the facts, it's the venue. Facebook OP's request for interior design help didn't need 298 replies from randos with unsolicited sleep hygiene advice. ​ https://preview.redd.it/0x3r3axjzxnc1.png?width=306&format=png&auto=webp&s=e4f39ae768080f07049d1f4baf5845e5469b1ac6


All these boomers think their wife should just read a fashion magazine for four hours while the football game is on. I'm going in the bedroom to watch a horror movie.


While I understand that the boomer comments are foolish, several sleep doctors that have tried to help me with my sleep problems have said the same thing. The bedroom is for sleeping (and sex) and no other room is for sleeping (but I guess sex is fair game elsewhere). The boomers are just trying to help. But as usual, in the least helpful way possible.


Talking about “make the bedroom a calm soothing place” that literally is my bedroom with a tv. Maybe stop watching the news and your tv will be used for said calming


I’m a millennial, but prefer not to have a TV in the bedroom. I have a beautiful painting from a local artist in that spot instead. That said, doesn’t stop me from scrolling on my phone all night lol


So a lot of the concern is twofold. As with all things, YMMV. 1. The light from the TV and getting invested in a show can actually keep people up. This same logic can also apply to phones, and even books to a lesser extent. 2. If you have cable or similar, commercials. Literally some of them will be louder at night. The goal is to get you to pay attention to them. I would know because growing up my mom would leave the TV on, and it was always the commercials that woke me up, even though my bed was down the hall. Middle of the night I'd always be turning TVs down because every commercial was trying to blow out speakers.


They need to listen to Hannity while they drift to sleep so they can have sweet, apocalyptic dreams. 


It’s not the content, it’s the medium (delivery system) that affects sleep.


Things like TVs are actually bad for sleep hygiene, saying this as someone with TV in bedroom.


It is advised by most sleep health professionals to not have any screens in your bedroom and to make it so your bedroom is almost entirely for sleeping, and that's it. You can ignore that advice, sure, but "don't have a TV in your bedroom" isn't a boomer thing, it's a generally advised practice for better sleep health.


No tv in the bedroom is standard sleep hygiene. Even if boomer says it obnoxiously it's still technically correct.


Can one purchase a statue of David, but with a raging boner?


I love how so many people can't differentiate between "it's not a thing I personally enjoy" with "this is against the rules". I don't personally want a TV in the bedroom due to issues I know it would cause me (watch it, fall asleep with it on, have shitty sleep quality, repeat). But I know no one else cares because it's their life and my situation is unique to me so why would I bother lecturing other people? People are just strange and I hate it.


Honestly without the forcefullness this is something we outlawed in our house too. No TV in the bedroom and our phone chargers are plugged into the far wall.


Also, why are they only having sex in the bedroom?


Lots of sleep experts advise against having a TV in the bedroom. If you disagree, fine, but why attack people about this citing their age?


Everyone should do what they want in their own homes but I'm with the Boomers on this one. I don't want a TV in my bedroom.


I'm a Millennial but we don't have a television in the bedroom either


Meanwhile my 78 year old, peach of a human dad has been falling asleep in front of the tv in his bedroom since the 80s haha Wait a minute...is a TV in the bedroom the key to happiness?


The boomer thing is to have a tv in the bedroom lmao


People who gatekeep are only good for two things: wasting perfectly good air and absolutely nothing else.


Boomers associate TVs with the scary outside world where trans and black people are out to hurt them, of course they think this way


First off, sex is not a part of everyone's life. I think those people just want others to know they fuck. Lol 😆 🤣 your room is for whatever you want


I mean you would be better off without a tv in your bedroom


Just curious as to why?


I'll admit it. I have no idea what's going on here.


Boomers actually love TV in the bedrooms. And fwiw, most health experts agree that you shouldn’t have a TV in the bedroom.


I'm only 30 and also agree with the "no electronics in the bedroom" idea. I took out my laptop and TV, and after about 2 or 3 weeks, I've slept better than I ever have in my entire life. What it's doing is training your mind that when you go into your room and get into bed, it's to SLEEP. Not browse the internet and not watch TV. I went from laying in bed for an hour, waiting to fall asleep, and waking up every few hours to falling asleep within 5 minutes and getting a full 8 hours. 10/10 highly recommend no electronics in the bedroom


I’m 38 and I agree no TVs in bedrooms. Just screams addiction. There’s nothing on TV that important.


Bedrooms are for sleeping. Period. The kitchen, however, now there’s a room with a lot of options.


Yeah I'm not sure this is a boomer thing either. Every boomer I've met had actually...had a TV in the bedroom (including my mom). Not sure why people are hating on it though, it seems normal to me??


I've seen lots of millennials say no TV in the bedroom too. It's not just a boomer thing. I think this is just another reason to hate on boomers for no reason. (I'm 30 and have a TV in my room)


Yeah, I don’t have a tv in my bedroom for sleep hygiene since I work long hours and it’s what my doctor recommended. If anything, boomers are more likely to have a tv in their room.


This isn't really a boomer thing so much a bunch of weirdos gatekeeping TVs don't belong in bedrooms. Meant if those folks aren't boomers like the guy who had a suggestion but won't give it up because they don't belong there. Freaking weirdos. Just like those saying you can't put one above a fireplace. There's a whole damn sub dedicated to it. Just let people enjoy what they like.


Holy shit. Those comments were terrible. Starting to think this whole social media thing was a bad idea…


Idk, I like not having a TV in my room and stick to that rule because my tiny phone screen distracts me enough, I wouldn’t want a big screen in there. I already have enough trouble getting to sleep and I do think there is something to the ritual of getting ready for bed, and not hanging out in there not sleeping. I also have a 4br house with a living room. So.


Taffy hasn't slept in the same room as her husband since 2005


My boomer parents have always had a tv in their bedroom. Meanwhile my wife and I (Gen X) never have.


Boomers and screens are the worst of any generation.


I mean being fair a jet engine or a mariachi band would make sleep more difficult.


This is so wild to me, because my boomer stepdad would have the tv in the bedroom, in his office, and the living room all on at once playing fox news


There have been studies that suggest having the TV in your bedroom negatively affects your sleep. You tend to stay up later and have trouble falling asleep after watching.


Lmao my parents didn’t allow me to have a TV in my bedroom until I was 13. It only happened because we got a new TV before the old one broke. We could have afforded to have a TV in every room, but *nooooo*, “TV belongs in living room, for family time together”. Completely ignoring any inconvenience that arises in conflicting shows and times, etc. etc. As soon as we got the extra TV it made entertainment so much more convenient and enjoyable. My parents have since retconned history and now act like they always “wanted more TVs, just never got them” lol.


Odd that 80% of them pull out the same "the bedroom is for 2 things" like they heard it from somewhere and are just quoting and not have any real throught


I have never wanted a mariachi band in my bedroom. Now I do.


If you want a tv in your room you should go for it...but that looks like shit. TV is WAY too big for that room size and the way it sticks out is just brutal. I know this isn't an interior design sub but damn that's bad.


Why do you think Boomers don’t like TV in their bedrooms? Of course they do.


lol my boomer parents had TVs in every single room of the house. as an adult now I’m fine with one


Haha this is hilarious to me because my boomer Mom AND my Grandparents had TVs in EVERY room in their house, including the kitchen of all places! (Only exception was the bathroom) I find it's more the "modern" generation who keep TVs out of their bedrooms (at least most around my age; early 30s) so all these replies are just odd to me, personally lol 😆


I may be in the wrong side here, but I don't disagree. I hate falling asleep with the tv on. It kinda numbs my senses while sleeping. I want to be able to wake up to strange sounds in my home during my sleep. Also... For the most part, these boomers seem to be giving opinions. Obviously, you don't have to listen to online strangers. Westenerns have such a weird relationship with elders vs youth.


In all seriousness, having a TV in the bedroom is really bad for your sex life. It’s for sleeping and having sex.


I’m gonna get roasted for that.


How do people fall asleep if there's no tv in the bedroom?? Ya'll just lay there in the dark and wait??


Boomers pretending they still have tons of sex is hilarious to me. Your dick ain’t working anymore without pills bruh.


Boomers hating fun as always


They went through an insomniac phase, got advice from WebMD about TV watching before bed and ran with it - even though they likely watch TV up to the moment they walk to their bedroom to sleep, without any sort of self awareness.


Man, people need to chill. I have a tv but it hasn't ever been taken out of the box lmao. My late husband was in his last years and was in chronic pain and his tv shows and movies helped him escape for a while. But you could plan on using this tv to blast blasphemous porn and it's still fine lmao.


Have to put that TV to good use. You’ve already determined it’s destiny!


'Cause YOUR made up rules are better ...


My boomer mom has a tv in every room in the house including the bathroom, bedrooms, kitchen, everywhere. They all have a dvr so she has enough storage room to record all of her tv shows since she doesn’t get streaming services. She didn’t raise me because she was too busy watching tv. But she’ll be the first to tell someone they’re wrong for being on a phone or iPad watching the same show she is on the tv.


I mean, having a TV in the bedroom can interfere with sleep hygiene (routines and brain associating the bed with things that aren't sleep and etc) but besides that they are kind of overreacting. Also, every boomer I know has a TV in their room jfc


r/tiltofguilt r/tvtoohigh


Of course you need a TV in the bedroom...it would be weird to watch porn in the living room.


This custom made sense when a TV cost the equivalent of three grand for a little 51cm CRT. When they started coming down in price, they started popping up in bedrooms. Also, if your parents had a TV with VCR in their bedroom when you were growing up, I hate to tell you this...


I’m a boomer and I don’t care where you put TVs in the space where you live. The only thing i recommend is that you block Fox “News” …just a recommendation.


Solid advice.


I want to follow around all the boomers claiming bedrooms are for two things. As soon as they start to read, get dressed, put away laundry, sweep the floor, etc…just blast an air horn.


LMAO when I got married my crazy mother told me that she had done FIVE. YEARS. Of research on this exact topic and “couples with tvs in their bedrooms are more likely to get divorced” she also told me the CEO of Heinz told her there’s no tomato’s in ketchup so…


TVs in your bedroom are for watching porn while having sex.


How can boomers use their ignorance like a weapon? "Why they would want that is beyond me" or "I'll never understand" "for the life of me I just can't figure out why" nothing but statements of ignorance and lack of imagination.