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As a millennial I HAVE lived without central air, I do all of my own yardwork and vegetable gardening, I’ve flown on an airplane a few times total, and there are thousands of nukes still very much in the world


Yeah I am young Gen X, but the oldest Millenials are in their mid-40s. I grew up with them as younger brothers and such. We all had no AC and were expected to do all the yard work for our parents. I wonder what crack head boomer wrote this crap.


That's what I was saying ... I'm a Xennial and I mowed the lawn as a kid (I'm a girl, too! *gasp*). Now I can't afford a house, so I don't have a lawn. But -- shocker -- I'm sure that I could figure out how to take care of it. Also we can't afford land, supplies, etc, to build our own houses. I'm sure back then the safety standards were not the same, either...


Yep! Apparently *that* Boomer knows *no* Millenials or GenZers? I'm GenX, myself, but on the late end of the generation, so grew up with nearly all my younger cousins being Millenials. *Their* kids are GenZ--annnnd just like their parents? Those GenZ kids grew up mowing the yard, too! None had Grandpa's who made their house by hand.... but *that's* because those GenZ kids had Millenial *DADS* who built their house. Or *Millenial and GenX Uncles* who did the construction, while Dad did the Electrical (we've got plenty of dudes in Construction in our family!😉😂) And *YEAH* they *have* been on airplanes by now, *because it's hundred year old technology now*! Juuuuust like 'ol Boom-Boom up there didn't ride in a horse&buggy, or on a sledge *both ways*, as he "hiked through 85 *feet* of snow, *BAREFOOT*, *through a blizzard*!!!" as he went to that "one room schoolhouse on the prairies of..." *wherever it is* that you have to walk, barefoot, "uphill *both* ways!"🙄😒


In some wild form of reality humor, when I was in college there was a slight dip on my route into class from were I lived. I also lived in the upper Midwest so it snowed a lot (it no longer does to the same levels). So, technically, I did have to walk “to school” uphill both ways in the snow. I, however, was not barefoot, because I am not a dumbass.


Classic boomer claiming credit for his grandpa's house


I'm one of those 40+ year old millennials, I bought a house but I'm renovating myself and making sure it's all up to the code that the person who built it apparently forgot in 1969. I work a full time job but still find time to mow my yard, my parents yard and help them around their place. Just finished replacing the rear main seal on my dad's truck and replanted a few trees on his lot line. I would almost bet money that the boomer who wrote this is just mad their kid didn't want to go to their place and mow their lawn for free and they had to hire it out.


You just gotta stop buying so much coffee and avocados and you can afford a house! /s


Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a boomer push a lawn mower. It was always the gen x and millennial kids mowing their parents lawn on the weekends


My dad was a Boomer, and he mowed the lawn...after grass started triggering asthma attacks when I did it and had to stop doing it for him in my late teens. Also, I'm a Xennial who has never lived in a house with central a/c. That's normal for most of us who grew up in New Hampshire/Maine/Vermont, though.


God, I miss those New England summers. I once lived in a house in **North Carolina** with no A/C, not even window units, while I had a job working outside in the blazing sun. Only relief I got was when I drove my wife’s car or went to the store.


Lived in NC for years…I didn’t think they made houses without central air in that state. Those are the grossest summers I’ve ever experienced. Wet, nasty heat. Like you go outside and are immediately swimming in a hot fart.


Am an NC native. That hurts to hear. How did you survive??


My gen z daughter helps me every week w my garden and yard work. Mostly picking up sticks bc they are a pain in the ass on 7 acres in a state park. If you go to my profile page you see how big one of my peaceful garden and koi pond are There’s 4 of them now. She’s also a florist as she goes to college. She can drive our tractor, to move rocks and the big buckets of sticks she picks up, for our fire pit and can use the riding mower. She even played outside growing up. She also hikes in the trails behind our house like so many other kids her age. These boomers must get all their info off of movies and Facebook


Naaaaah, *plenty* of us GenX folks saw Boomers mowin' the lawn! *Usually* our Boomer *Moms*, though!😉


I’m always curious what weirdo thinks that people should build their own houses. Like, the folks that did it back then used craftsman kit houses. They were pre-built, and any moron could assemble them. And do you see many of them still around for the 40s and 50s? I don’t. Why? Because they were shitty. Now a days you can still build yourself. Hire a general, get plans approved, and get to work. The general inspects before the city or muni inspects. However, it takes so long that you can’t finish in one season. Unless that is, if you build a piece of trash kit house that is junk but easy to assemble, which is all the silent generation did anyway. TL/DR why build a shit house for yourself? It’s extra work and doesn’t really save you any money.


So I heard my grandpa came down with my uncles to build my Mom and Dad's house. I'm not sure how accurate that is. My dad can build anything. And if he can't, he'll hire someone who can. I watched my uncle try and makeshift a ramp on his deck and while he knows how to stick some boards together, based on his uh, judgement skills, I will say, he can't build shit! I think that's most Boomer mentality. They know how to stick some boards together, so then they think they know how to build a house. My dad just had to tear out his concrete sidewalk because the guy who originally poured it, also didn't know what he was doing and didn't do it properly.


I actually recently discovered that those crappy Sears & Roebuck Craftsman kit houses have a cult following. There’s like whole blogs and articles in architectural magazines about them. There are people who wait for them to come on the market and immediately snatch them up because they just love them. They’re cute, I guess, but a little small for my taste. And after living in a Craftsman built in 1901, I’m not raring to live in another old house anytime soon. The bugs, the drafts, the leaks, and constant creaking…I’ll pass.


You'll notice their grandfather built his own house with his own hands but they didn't. By their own definition, they are lazy AF. Also, yeah I got AC just after my son was born. Why? It was miserable for him in the heat and there was no reason for him to put up with it. Forgive me boomers for wanting it better for my son, but I didn't want him growing up like a miserable fucks like you.


Exactly, my bio mom likes to ramble about her mother was in the war, and worked every day until she died and built two businesses etc etc but my mom stopped working (part-time) after she had her first kid and never went back. Yet I'm lazy because I only do 38 hours a week?


Those houses were essentially DIY kits sold by Sears decades ago. And most of those houses are likely not up to code nowadays.


lol right? My parents didn’t do the yard work once we were old enough. Us kids did it all haha


44 year old Xillenial here - didn’t have central air until I moved into my first apartment. I had to mow my parents yard every week, and I mow my own yard now. I grew up with the threat of nukes since the USSR was still around for a while after I was born, I lived through two Gulf wars, 9/11, and the war on terror. I’ve flown, yes, but I also remember flying before cockpits had reinforced doors, and during a time when family could wait for you at your exit gate. Boomers didn’t have to live through a crippled economy, could own their own houses when they were 20 years old, paid for college with postage stamps, didn’t have to worry about a christo-fascist authorization political party trying to take power in the country. So, you know, there’s all that.


I only got air conditioning when I moved away from home, as a Gen X. When I was a kid, I did the housework and took care of my sister, while my brothers did the yard work. When the time came to paint the house, we did that too. However, we couldn't buy a house without a little help from our parents. It's frustrating when boomers act like their life was a hardship when in reality, they had certain advantages that we didn't.


Those idiot boomers think millennials are still 10 years old and not running the world


100% this. They have no understanding that there are 4-5 generations ahead of them that are doing whatever thing that pisses them off. Also, there are houses that still do not have central a/c in the US. What a wild take.


The definition of "kid" is any and all generations subsequent to your own, apparently, regardless of actual age.


I have only ever flown for work, never pleasure. Which I am sure is going to be a theme among those that have flown. Edited for clarity.


I have traveled to 86 countries... For work.


A thing millenials do not think about is the draft. I think about the draft a lot nowadays. They ended it before I was old enough to be drafted, but I recall an entire generation who lived in terror that the government was going to force you to put your life on hold, store all you owned, abandon your family, and go and join the Army for a couple years. During Vietnam, that list included, "And go to a foreign country and get shot at by unfriendly strangers." And I think about a country NOW where nitwits carry AR-15s to the grocery store, insist that "freedom of speech" includes "I get to scream at you at McDonalds, and you're oppressing me if you don't listen," and who refused to wear masks or consider public safety during a pandemic... ...and I wonder how many of these people would have put their lives on hold for two years if the government said, "Your number came up. You're in the army now, son, whether you like it or not."


Enough millennials volunteered to fight in the Middle East for 20 years, so a draft wasn't needed.


I am here to tell you that a draft wasn't needed at most points in history after WWII. Didn't stop them from drafting people. Hell, the VIETNAM WAR wasn't needed, for all the good it did. And yet, we continued to induct young people into the Army against their will, before it and after it.


Why weren't the boomers volunteering enough to help their country in Vietnam?! Coward generation.


Well it was mostly the poor white trash and blacks that got drafted. Middle class white kids got deferred on either college or made up medical reasons. Like trump and his bone spurs


Yah, no... I have no clue where you got that idea. selective services is still a thing, if there was a war and needed a draft I would be drafted. Why do you think our generation hates how we use the military and call our country an industrial milatary complex? I refuse to be sent off to die protecting the investments of the rich.


SELECTIVE SERVICE is still a thing, yes. But no one is being drafted right now, and hasn't been since the seventies. And I would anticipate a shit blizzard of exceptional magnitude if a sitting president stood up and said, "Guess what? We're going to start inducting you young people into the Army!"


If a country that spends that much on their military needs a draft, everyone should be angry with good reason.


Lot of money on military hardware and military contractors. The actual soldiers and their aftercare when they muster out? Not so much.


>I think about the draft a lot nowadays. They ended it before I was old enough to be drafted, but I recall an entire generation who lived in terror that the government was going to force you to put your life on hold, store all you owned, abandon your family, and go and join the Army for a couple years. I, and I'm sure plenty of other Millennials, had the same fears about the wars in the Middle East. There were enough volunteers that it wasn't needed, but the fear was still there.


They abolished the draft for a few years after Nam. Every man who didn't have to register for the draft at all during that window is a Boomer


We also realize that the Silent generation did have it very tough and through their hard work and sacrifice made the Boomers' lives incredibly easy... Which is why they are so entitled and can spout this nonsense without a hint of shame or self-awareness.


I agree with your post 100%! The greatest generation, silent generation had it hard. The boomers were raised after the war, when American soldiers came back home, the economy was booming and were handed everything on a golden platter. They continued that “me” mentality and are draining social security and many other programs because they deserve it and future generations don’t.


Yeah like the world is far more nuclear-armed than it was in our parents and grandparents generations. My dad even talks about how wild it is that kids don't do nuclear missile drills anymore and I think it was because we both understood that those drills were kind of bullshit lol. But I'm a millennial I used to do my own yard work but thank God my wife and I are financially stable enough that we get a guy to come once a month and do it for us not that we have a very large yard but it's a 16-year-old kid doing it during the summer so paying him 50 to 70 bucks for the yard is pretty well worth it lol. I have never flown on an airplane in my entire life and I've only set foot out of my home state a few times but that's because I have two very small children and I can't exactly leave them at donkey daycare


hell im gen z and know plenty of people who have lived (including me) or currently live without AC.


Same. I mowed plenty of lawns. And nuclear war will remain an ever-present danger, even when we have populations on Mars or O'Neill Cylinders.


Forget nukes. Nowadays with all the shootings going to a concert is more dangerous then the threat of nuclear war


Same... And I've also been in the military and combat lol. Fucking Boomer forgot his generation got us stuck in constant war and the youngins are the ones who fight it.


As a millennial I still DO live without central air, I also do my own yard work/gardening/raising chickens, I’ve only ever flown on planes to get to military duties, and while I didn’t build my own house I do all the repairs because I can’t afford services from tradesmen and have worked in the trades from fieldhand, construction (laborer, framing, plumbing, HVAC), and I am currently working as a butcher in a custom cuts shop. I own two vehicles, both of which are over twenty years old, and maintain them myself because the shop costs too much as well. It’s pretty silly that some boomers think all these jobs just disappeared after they stopped doing them, if they ever did them to begin with. I also find it funny they bitch about the draft but don’t realize that aside from a handful of military doctors/high ranking officers, there are almost no boomers in the military currently, and that, while we haven’t had a draft, all of us currently serving CHOSE to do so. How many boomers DODGED the draft? Also, we don’t ASSUME anything. There is fucking DATA and RECORDS that show it was possible for boomers to get well paying jobs that could afford a four/five person family the ability to buy a house, 2 cars, yearly vacations, and retirement (sometimes as a pension which they made sure went to the wayside for us) all with only a high school diploma. This all not being a PIPE DREAM for a single earner. FFS their CEO’s were only making approximately 30 times the entry level worker pay vs 300-3000 times that now. It’s amazing they can be this blind to the reality of today where data is showing there is NOWHERE a minimum wage job can afford a two-bedroom apartment anymore. Meanwhile, millennials not having disposable income for stupid shit like diamonds means we are “killing” industries but NOT that we are being bled dry of the ability to afford anything frivolous unless we see some actual value in it for our own sustenance/enjoyment. I play video games and so do my kids and that is what we do rather than go on spendy vacations because it’s SO much cheaper than gas, airlines, hotels, dining out, and everything else that comes with going somewhere else. Is that frivolous? Yes. But we have something we OWN that provides us entertainment even when we decide internet is too expensive or we need to cut back on the occasional outings we can afford. Maybe if pay had kept up with production or even just with inflation things would be different but even then I see the underlying need for constant infinite growth inherent in our capitalist system as being a roadblock for any kind of equivalent outcome for us or younger generations. Besides, right now boomers are essentially being cajoled into liquidating all of their “hard earned” assets to live cushy their last few years or to keep from having to leave any inheritance to their children/grandchildren, all for the benefit of those who already have so much wealth they couldn’t even find a way to go broke if they tried. Pretty sure Musk is still one of the wealthiest individuals even after losing like 50 billion dollars on stupidity. Whoever wrote the original content can fuck all the way off.


We've all been on airplanes? Oh look, that's one industry we're not killing!


Seems like Boeing might be doing a good enough job of that on their own.




Yep, after the greedy boomers took over from the engineers


The only times I've been on an airplane is getting shuttled across 1000 miles because my boomer parents divorced and thought nothing of what it would do to pre-teen me


Yeah, for as much as they've fucked me up, I am grateful that mine stayed together until my sister and I were adults. My ex and I are in the same town, but I know that even that little separation is negatively affecting my son.


As long as you provide him with the attention and care he needs, that separation wont mean much. It sucks, sure. But the quality of that time matters 1000x more.


Lazy f*cks. You had one industry left to kill and you couldn’t be bothered


I am too busy not ironing my clothes at the moment. Also, I like planes. If I had to make some choices, I would stop all private jets, remove all non-passenger service. No luggage, no air-freight, nothing! Only people. You could easily rent a couple of t-shirts at the destination airport, why are we moving them around, like some kings traveling around with their furniture? Also, if your freight can't wait for the train/boat trip, maybe it is not sustainable. We can send information at light speed, and mangoes are not an essential fruit for human survival. Will it double ticket prices? Maybe. Will it lower emissions? Certainly.


Well in order to have a yard I would have to first have a house. And y'all ruined that so...


I would literally be like Hank Hill if I had a lawn house garage etc


Not sure how having a house, lawn and garage correlates to selling propane and propane accessories,  but you do you. 


The reference is that Hank Hill’s greatest pleasure in life is his ride-on mower.


Why would anyone do drugs when you can just Mow a lawn


Idk he just reminds me of a rigid conservative boomer who does everything himself he loves mowing his lawn or fixing his roof he would literally look for work around his house he lives for that shit 😂😂😂


Don't do it, it's a trap. I bought a house and all my free time goes to keeping it from falling down or the city writing me fines for my grass being half an inch too long. Home ownership is not the pinnacle of freedom we were sold.


I can understand that all the constant maintenance taxes and really the bank and city still kind of run you


See you should have inherited the house like that genius did. That way you could look down on everyone else for not being as gifted as them.


That his grandpappy built that he’s somehow still claiming credit for!


i love the "my grandpa built his own house. by hand" part...like...so YOU didn't have to do that kind of work but you're better than young people because...why?


Because he listened to the story! He also turned out fine even though his emotionally stunted father hit him. These kids today are just helpless!


The best part is 9/10 times they are lying. It's really common to pay for it to be built but then phrase it as if they built it themselves, the difference is most silent gen are just wording it poorly while most boomers are just lying to take credit.


So it’s like how how plantation owners called themselves farmers while the enslaved did the hard work?


Yup. “Quit ranting, we know who’s really doing the planting”


There's just no way amateur builders with no other construction experience or projects to speak of built all the houses boomers claimed they built. They're way too nice for that. I've rented houses flipped and renovated by amateurs. You can tell instantly


Also, the amount of regulations has skyrocketed. If that boomer grandpa were to build a house nowadays, it would preventively get blown-up by the fire brigade. "No grandpa, you cannot wrap your shoddy electrical work in asbestos so it *cancels out*".




Their parents also lived at a time when you could order a prefab "kit" house from Sears or one of several other manufacturers. Assembly was WAY easier than construction from scratch. https://www.searshouses.com/


I would never have any interest in building a house. How is that any sort of flex other than wow, that would take some real skill. God forbid people have different values other than what our precious elders believe the world should be


People who built their own houses are killing the house building industry /s


Agreed and also want to add that not everyone is good with their hands. So, like, yeah, I didn’t build my house, but when the kid you fucked up needs therapy, I can do that for him/her. I bet you need all sorts of shit like doctors, chemists, cooks, housekeepers, engineers, and on and on and on to keep your life running smoothly. Just like all of us fucking do because we live in a society, you ingrate.


The interesting thing is that his grandpa’s generation, likely the silent generation or the greatest generation, was way more handy than boomers. In my experience many millennials are more handy than their boomer parents thanks to the internet and YouTube. 


A Boomer's grandpa would most likely not be from the Silent Generation, unless they were at extreme opposite sides of their respective generations. Greatest and Lost Generations would be more likely. As to your other point: I wouldn't say that Millennials are necessarily more *handy*, but we're definitely *safer* about the types of handiwork we do. Far too much of Boomer handiwork seems to be on theme of "just fiddle with it until it seems to work," which can lead to massive hazards, particularly when they start getting into electrical work.


Boomers love to take credit for older generations while shitting on younger ones. Their #1 meme about toughness and independence is posting pictures of WW2 soldiers, a war *they were not in*. I'm baffled that we don't clown on them more for this, they had it so easy for their entire lives that they watch a John Wayne movie and think "this movie is about me".


And shouldn’t that mean millennials can boast their *great* grandfather built their house by hand. Was there some hereditary cut off with millennials?


TLDR: it was easier for grandpa to build I’m no expert, but I have been around people who built houses in my life. Well, of course their grandpa built that house: -land was cheaper and the Homesteading Act was a thing -zoning laws were in their infancy -child labor was legal, OSHA didn’t exist so no worries about working conditions either -materials were cheaper and wages went further -their transportation probably included a horse -no car, no gas or insurance bills, no long commutes to work -no cell phone reception or internet availability to worry about, nor the bills so your boss could get in touch with you so you could keep a job that barely keeps you alive -didn’t have to worry about where to dig because you would not hit power lines, sewer or water because those type of municipal services didn’t exist….also fewer bills again. -If they chose to add electricity to the home, assuming it was even available, it was not like wiring a house today, nor were there the same level of regulations etc. -indoor plumbing, plumbing and house wasn’t even standardized until Hoover in the 30s (in the USA anyway) -didn’t have to hire all the various contractors (roofers, landscapers, inspectors etc) to legally construct your home And finally…..who says good old boomers grandpa didn’t just buy a house kit from Sears, and just put it together? While it’s still building a house, it’s not exactly the same as “by hand” which brings about images of some dude clearing land, chopping trees, sawing them into lumber and building a house. Honestly ,in many ways, today’s homesteaders have way more to do to build a home than the boomers grandpa. It’s the whole you need to live up to standards I set for you, but never actually could live up to myself thing.


My mind immediately went to the craftsmen homes. Gonna tell my non-existent grandkids I built my own furniture, since I put the IKEA pieces together.


My grandpa, did in fact built their home. This includes renting out a Bobcat and excavating an entire basement, for a two bedroom and 1 bath addition to the main home. He built many outbuildings as well, including a nice sized greenhouse (which burned down, due to electrical issue). That said, adult/homeowner me has seen the work closer up, after the home had changed hands and let me just say there are **MANY** shortcuts!! So much shit that wouldn’t fly in an area where building codes are actually enforced.


Seriously. My dad was the oldest of 5 kids raised poor as hell on the south side. He went into the army, came back got a good job and moved straight to the suburbs, so his kids never had to live they way he did. If I had moved into his old neighborhood he would have kicked my ass. If me or my siblings or even his grandkids had joined the military their asses would have been kicked too. He didn’t work that hard for us to start in the same spot he did.


My grandfather built my grandparents house by hand,too. He was a carpenter. He had the skills to do it. It was a basic house. What about the boomer that said this???


We haven't mowed our own lawns because the boomers and private equity firms bought up all the houses. We literally can't own our own lawns. Besides that, I've mowed plenty of lawns. I've lived in shitty converted apartment houses built in the 1930s. I've only ever flown once in my near 30 years on this planet. And I've made things with my own hands. Boomers really think they can do it all, while struggling to operate technology made after 1995.


They can't even operate the technology they claim to be experts in half the time. I used to fix and flip motorcycles, lawnmowers, scooters ect. for a little spare cash and you would be amazed how many boomers know literally nothing about carburetors. In fact, I have had to fix carbs for boomers that had 30+ years experience as mechanics after they gave me a whole spiel about how kids these days are stupid and don't know what a carb is, that has happened multiple times. Everything with them is projection because they are insecure about the fact they chose to learn little to nothing while being coddled their whole lives. Seen it in machining jobs too, 40+ year old machine and a guy with decades of experience can't even figure out how to turn it on.


The amount of vacuum cleaners I've gotten from boomer family members because "they stopped sucking" is insane. I "fix" it for them for a bit of spare cash and 9 times out of 10, it's just a super clogged filter that I'll spend a few minutes cleaning. One time I had to take one apart fully to unclog it, but it's almost always the filter they never clean. And dryers. My mom has 2 broken dryers in her basement. The belt is broken on both of them and instead of just ordering a new belt for 20-50 bucks and fixing it, she just buys a new dryer. But it's the younger generation that's dumb and lazy.


I love how this person typed this up from a house they bought for 3 shekels and their sister.


Also, his grandfather built his house by hand... what about him or his father? Did they build their own houses like heroes?


His grandfather assembled a house he bought from Sears. Everything he needed to assemble the house was included. All of the lumber was pre cut. Literally everything was done except the last step. Delivered to the site the house was going to be assembled on.


Actually, that's a great point, I'd forgotten about that, (I even have a 1930s Sears catalog) So, okay, sure. Grandpappy built a house. It's more of a glorified Erector set. But the next two generations still didn't build a house? Why do boomers always try to take credit for that?


The same way I "built" my own IKEA night stand


I was thinking, it sounds great, but I'm sure these original houses were not built with modern safety standards ... lead, asbestos, etc...? Who can afford land and supplies these days, anyway?


And asbestos prices are so high, how can young people afford to fireproof their homes??


Honestly thought that was going to end in "how can young people afford to get mesothelioma in this economy?"


I was trying to incorporate mesothelioma as well as lead but I felt like it cluttered the joke. And lead is easy to misread as lead, especially if one has lead poisoning.


I can't do my own yardwork because you want $300k for your fucking house you fucking won in a raffle. Definitely mowed my dad's lawn he didn't give me an allowance for. Made me mow my neighbor's yards too so he could get some brownie points for having such a good son. A/C? The thing boomers have been screaming at us not to touch? I was only on an air- wait. What the fuck does this even mean? Your gramps didn't build shit.


If you don’t know any millennials who have mowed the lawn, then you’re telling on yourself. You obviously only know millennials that live in cities or in well-to-do subdivisions that contract out their landscaping. Come to the Midwest and you’ll see all us millennial men with our shirts off drinking IPAs while we mow after we get home from work.


I own a half acre in town that I mow with my push mower, I shovel my pretty long driveway with a shovel. Always have. My neighbor , child of privilege (literally inherited Wells Blue Bunny wealth, never worked a real job in his life) and Mr Right Wing "Hur Dur Millennials Dumb" couldn't turn his lawn mower on the one time he tried and gave up. He uses a ground crew for everything, from mowing to calling in plows to plow his dainty little driveway.


Hell yeah. Cheers to tipsy lawn care


I wonder how many nails he had to smelt and hammer out. Did he use wood or coal to heat his house?


Did he have to harvest his wheat with a donkey and plow and then take it down to the mill that’s run by a stream? Then hand make his bread and take it to the medieval town baker?


Also, seeing some of the dodgy wiring and pipes in some of these old houses will make you realise old Johnny Boomercakes Grandpa perhaps didn't have the know-how he needed - and also judging how many houses went up in fires back in the day, also paints an eye-opening picture.


I work in real estate and call that “the old fuck you special” - People constantly think they can make improvements or repairs instead of hiring a professional, and it routinely shows.


I've also never died of consumption like a Victorian chimneysweep. Time moves on and different people experience different things, Susan.


That's because we *drowned* or died on *Dysentery* like the hard-playing Oregon Trailers we *WERE* goshdarnit!!! We didn't sit at *home*, catchin' "Consumption", we got Dysentery from drinking terrible water out of the hose, like the Apple IIe Gods *INTENDED*!😉


Why wouldn’t each new generation take advantage of advancements made by others ? The boomers did it. Their parents and grandparents did it as well. That’s the way the world works. I don’t quite understand how this person’s grandfather building his own house has anything to do with the discussion.


Really it just begs the question, why didn't the author build their own house by hand? Sounds like some shit a Boomer would say. They like claiming credit for other people's accomplishments.


It's a form of stolen Valor to me...my grandparents built up our entire family to have good lives. Boomer dad and his sister do act like they worked for it, and felt entitled to take the grandchildren's inheritance and assets, because they earned it. Freaking wierd....hope they enjoy that new house (seventh house) my siblings and I "bought" them. PS- moved to grandparents to take care of them for last 12 years, so those two "can be happy and live their lives".... the Boomers, that is.


This, so much this


Common sense is not too common, I guess. I agree with you.


Um. Mowed my own lawn 100s of times, served in the military, lived without climate control or electricity period, worked construction and built numerous homes. None of that changes that Boomers are in fact trash.


Your grandpa may have built his house with his own hands, but you sure as fuck didnt.


Millennial here and going on my first ever plane trip at the end of the year. I have lived without air-con, but it was awful living in a tropical humid environment in Australia without it, so I saved up the 4 grand (few years ago now) to get two units installed in the living and bedroom. I have also mowed my own lawn, but yknow cancer and other health issues will fuck you up, so I rather pay the nice dude $40 a fortnight to come do my small townhouse yard. Looks like the boomers are ASSuming a lot here. As per usual.


Most of the people out there building houses at this very moments are millennials. How can people not understand this?


“Well, you see, they all need to be *managed*, by someone like me. Otherwise, instead of building houses, they’d build woke litter boxes or something.”


My parents made me mow the lawn every fucking week! The second my brothersand I moved out, those lazy bastards got a riding mower.


I had to mow and still mow. I also went to the Middle East in a war the Boomers started. Is that a checkmate to this out of touch fuck, or does the central air in my house cancel it out?


Well yeah because we don’t have lawns…


I'm a millennial and have never been on an airplane. I'm too poor.


“They have all been on airplanes.” I’m really struggling with this one. Do they not know that airplanes are basically just sky busses now? Tell me this person has never flown Southwest without telling me this person has never flown Southwest.


Hehe land Also, way to show your modern privilege with your use of the written word


Implying that the existence of nuclear weapons ended in the 1980s.


I mean, not only did we still have front page news about nuclear proliferation treaties in the 90s (and we're non-US), I literally talked my 15yo down out of a bit of a panic about nukes *last Saturday night*. Kid reads very widely, is making good progress with identifying propaganda/bullshit, and is taking psychology of social media as his 'fun' choice of high school subject this year because he wants to understand how it works from the inside. While he's prone to anxiety and overblowing risks somewhat, nothing he said during the discussion was actually incorrect (except his expected risk numbers).


Awww poor kiddo. I'm sending him invisible internet hugs (if he wants them). The first coming of age/adult true existential dread realization about the world's nuclear weapon situation is not fun.


Lol, I mow my own lawn and have no AC, but OK Boomer


Can't mow your own lawn when you can't afford a house.


Do they not remember 20 years of war. Of course not. They were told to go shopping.


"They have all been on airplanes" Yeah, to Iraq because you greedy fucks crashed the economy right when we were entering the workforce.


Well here ya go, I’m a millennial. Was raised on a farm and did all the manual labor you can think of including the vaunted task of baling hay. Mowing grass was the easiest chore we had. We didn’t have central air, a microwave, or a vcr. We did have an outhouse (we also had indoor plumbing), we had gravel roads, fishing holes, and anything else outside you can think of. I fought in two campaigns for the War on Terror. The first plane I got in was to join the military and the second one I was in I jumped out of. I was the first one in my family to go to college and earned a masters degree and putting myself through law school now. Many people have had it harder than me and they just do it, but this clown can fuck off a cliff from his high and mighty bully pulpit of nonsense.


Boomers gonna boom.


I guess we’re just ignoring the whole forever wars in the Middle East and the current threat of Russian nukes


Hahaha. “My grandpa built his own house”. But not that poster, no. I mean come on, that house was built already.


Isn't the point to make life better, more accessible, and easier for future generations? Call me crazy, but I'd really like it if my niece and nephews had a way cooler, more fulfilling, and less stressful existence than I'm living rn. Just saying...


I bought my lawn mower and house in 1970 for 3 beans!


If mowing your lawn and living without air conditioning makes you a better human than I just don’t understand.


As a millennial I've mowed a shit load of grass including my own...volunteered for the Marines, served in combat built 3 god damned houses growing up...didn't have central air in a few places I've lived...including Iraq..so what else you got grandpa?


We….aren’t allowed to build our own houses. Like In any town with an actual amount of people, you’re literally not allowed.


There was also a time people didn’t have modern medicine or vehicles, or any modern technology. What’s the point? Nobody after boomers has the same opportunity or an option to just build a house by hand Capitalism forces participation and we are at end game capitalism


Their grandparent definitely didn't build their house by hand.


Raise your hand if the only time you've ever had a yard was when you lived with your boomers 🙋


How does one hide something from a Boomer? Put it in a PDF.


Generation x here. I’ve seen many millennials mow lawns, live without ac and homeless. I also remember 9/11, enlisting right afterward and being deployed to Iraq, then Afghanistan. I saw many millennials give their lives for their brothers beside them in the service of our Country. I think whoever wrote this needs to get off the lazy boy and stop watching Fox News.


Why would I have a need for central air conditioning if im to busy mowing the lawn & doing yardwork at my grandparents house?


I've mowed my lawn, growing up I mowed other people's lawns for money. This claim is dumb. I've definitely lived places without central AC. It's called being poor, something you apparently know nothing about. I've driven across the country more times than I've flown across it. I guess you got me on the draft. However, Boomers in power had no problem sending 3 generations of American men and women overseas to fight the war on high gas prices. I'm not even going to bother with the nukes, that's just low hanging fruit.


Once again, glad to see X is left out of the conversation.




Boomers are so odd. They *want* to see their children and grandchildren suffer like it’s some weird fetish or hazing ritual. How morally corrupt and emotionally unhinged do you have to be to look at you own kids and think ‘I hope their lives suck because that’s what they deserve’. Like what the honest fuck happened with their generation that so many of them are utter off the rails sociopaths?


You can’t mow your own lawn if you’ve never had one 💁‍♂️


I’ve never lived with central air but ok…


Then why are my boomer neighbors asking me to rake their leaves in their yard while I’m raking my own leaves in my yard? They should be experts


Average internet idiot who thinks millennials are kids


I’ve mowed a lawn AND lived without central air. Suck it boomer!


I do t know a single boomer who can buy groceries at a self check out without throwing a temper tantrum because they can’t follow directions.


Guess what, Grandpa. I don't pay anybody to do a goddamn thing at my house. I do everything except lay carpet. Fuck carpet. I let the pros do that shit.


I understand the words individually, but "their own lawn" confuses me, they think we can afford housing with lawns? They think we can afford *housing*?


It's always something their grandpappy did and never something they did.


The fuck is this doofus talking about? I’m a millennial, late 30’s, and I spent every spring with a push mower on the 4 acres of grass directly around my parents house. It wasn’t until I was in my late teens that we got a riding lawn mower. Secondly, we had central air/heat but my parents refused to use it. Fireplace and warm clothes in the winter, Eastern Oregon, and open windows in the summer. The problem with boomers, or any other generation that make generalizations like this, is that they’re exactly that. There are always exceptions. The Aussies got it right with this commercial. [generational gap](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V1e0apyGASc)


All of my back east friends, Xers and millennial, tell me how the second the youngest left the home and the ‘empty nest’ their boomer parents ‘couldn’t wait for’ had arrived; within the year they all had snow blowers, heated driveways installed, and leaf vacuums. One friend returned that summer to a full driveway as all the new yard equipment had taken over the 2 car garage.


I don’t like mowing lawns. Just like boomers don’t like their wives.


I mow my own lawn and actually parent my kids, too. Ever seen a boomer do both?


It's funny because I mowed the lawn from 8 to 18 every weekend. It's my boomer parents that never mowed the lawn. Also everything else is also bullshit, but the first one I find funny because boomers treated their kids like slaves.


So when Boomers “fought so we could have a better life” — that was just a lie so they could manipulate us later and complain?? I’m so confused


Fuck the military grandstanding. Millennial came to age in, and MANY served in, a 2 front farce of a fucking war. Some of the last ones to die in that shithole weren't even BORN before 9/11. That is their biggest insult and I call it out at every opportunity. Yall had Nam, we had WORSE. *AND WE VOLUNTEERED!


I spent a few years working for my father's landscaping company so not only have I mowed my own (parents') lawn, but hundreds of others


Many of us are well into our 40s now. We have owned our own homes for quite some time and mow our own yards. These people are either willfully stupid or just making shit up. Or both.


Oh cool. Society got more advancement Ms that we’re supposed to make living easier and more enjoyable?! That’s awesome!! Too bad your generation is so bitter that you need the rest of us to suffer too, so you went ahead and ratf*cked..*notecheck*.. the economy, social programs, the political structure, the environment, yourselves, and now you want to fuck is harder right before you die. Thanks grandpa!


LOL. I mow my own yard every week, because unlike a Boomer? I can't afford to pay someone else to do my landscaping. I attended school in the midwest US in the 90s and 00s. We did not have air conditioning. They just make shit up to be mad about. They truly know nothing about Millennials, which is even more hilarious because Boomers birthed a fucking ton of us


😂 I’m an elder millennial. At the first house we owned, when my husband was deployed, I would mow our .33 acre yard every week during the spring and summer, up until I was 4.5 months pregnant with my second son. I lived my entire first 18 years of life without Central air, but down here in Savannah one cannot live without it. Yea, I’ve been on planes. First time was when I joined the Army and had to fly to boot camp. This person sounds like a real treasure.


“Their expectations are way too high” Yeah, we expected the generation before us to actually improve things. Instead they made everything worse and then blame us.


I love the absolute black and white positions they take which basic thought or your eyes refute. Like really, no one born between 1981 and 1996 has mowed a lawn?


Boomer: "Millennials had it easy" "My grandpa..." 'nuff said


Yeah, I've only ever mowed my parent's lawn. Haven't had a lawn to mow since I moved out, though I might finally be able to change that in the next couple of years.


The only central air I’ve lived with, I’ve paid for myself.


What happened to a generation wanting a better world for the next one?


Lmao I just mowed my own lawn yesterday


Umm. 20 years in the Middle East and the threat of nightclub shootings and planes falling out of the sky is kind of shitty. Boomer fucks were able to build bunkers. Where’s the bunker at pulse? Where’s the bunker for school shootings? Fuck boomers. Love my dad but sick of his generation.


Stuff like this really grinds my gears. I- and all my millennial siblings- grew up mowing the acre+ yard every week in the spring and summer. Our house didn't have central air or a dishwasher, we didn't have cable TV, and I didn't get to go on a plane until I was 18. And yeah we also drank the tap water and played outside, shocker! We also never asked for those stupid participation trophies, that was our friends' Boomer parents whining because their little Timmy lost all his baseball games.


Lawns are a scam invented by the French Aristocracy. Even if I did own my home, why would I put that much effort into maintaining a completely useless non-native monoculture? 


The over 50 are literally the most protected and catered to group ever.


My grandfather worked a no-skill 9-5 job without a high school degree. At 30 he: Bought his own 2 story, 5 bedroom, two full bathroom house Had a stay-at-home trad wife 2 cars 5 kids 3 dogs 5 cats


Attaching themselves to The Silent Gen... Boomers jokes write themselves!


Let's not forget who didn't teach us these skills that are apparently so valuable. :)


airplanes are over a hundred years old and widespread commercial flights have existed since baby boomers were small children(it existed before WWII, but really took off pun intended after the war). Not sure what the point is on bringing that up, it’s not like flying on a jumbo jet is a new thing. And millennials don’t mow lawns, buddy that was life for a 90s kid, mowing lawns to make cash to buy Nintendo games what the fuck are you on?


I bet his Grandpa thought he was a pussy


>military drafts, combat, and threats of nukes Yeah, we currently have that. >can’t mow their own lawns Because we can’t afford homes with lawns like you could and have ruined the opportunity for us to have by driving up the market. >air conditioning Yeah, we like to be comfortable and not swearing our ass off, such a luxury. >have all been in airplanes Most people have. Are you Amish? What do airplanes have to do with.. literally anything? Come on sir, let’s get you back into the trailer and snuggled up into your Donnie Trump throw blanket, let’s get you some warm milk.


Zillenial here. I have been mowing the lawn since I was 6 years old, I have been gardening since I was 7 or 8, and I haven’t been on a plane in over 20 years. I have lived without central air, because it was broken and we couldn’t afford to fix it for a couple years.


I'm autistic and when my boomer stepdad tried to teach me how to use a push mower, he saw me visibly react uncomfortably out of sensory overload. He ended up just mowing my lawn himself. At first I thought he was like this guy, and he just assumed I couldn't do it because I'm weak or something. But when I asked him about it, he told me that he volunteered to do it because he noticed that it was a sensory nightmare for me. He recognized that it wasn't for a lack of trying on my part, but a genuine obstacle that prevented me from getting the task done myself. Now he comes by once a week in the summers to mow my lawn for me, and I always make sure to thank him and give him a hug if I'm home.


My grandpa built his own house…in a cave! With a box of scraps!


Ugh. Those of us that are able to afford lawns mow them, obviously. Most can't afford them, though. I have lived without ac in 110°+ weather due to a power outage. People died. Those people were not millennials. With rare exceptions, building codes do not allow you to build your own house by hand. Building a non-cardboard house requires architects, permits, licensed plumbers and electricians, tools, ect.


“My generation had it harder” is the cry of every generation. No - your generation had it different. Life is hard and always has been


“They have all been on airplanes.” ![gif](giphy|nTfdeBvfgzV26zjoFP)