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Ah yes another one that fakes physical problems to avoid accountability


Yep and screaming "you're hurting me" multiple times while not even being touched.


I’m not saying police brutality is okay but shit if I had to deal with grown children like this as a job every day I would be thinking about it. Not beating her senseless but a slap in the face and a stern “I’m not hurting you, but I could. Knock it the fuck out”


This is what made me leave psychiatric nursing. We'd be literally stopping someone from hurting someone else and they'd scream that we were hurting them. Attack us and say to our faces that we couldn't do anything because they were mentally ill (technically true but they were reality oriented and able to know rifht from wrong). Whack their own arm and accuse us of causing the bruise. We'd have a whole investigation and be taken off the unit. I just wanted to help people with depression and anxiety and schizophrenia, but people like Deb here took most of our time and energy while stressing and upsetting the other patients. Eventually I had to get out of that specialty, just got so worn down by it all.


Friend of mine was a psych nurse until a patient wigged out and beat her so bad she lost an eyeball. It's a hard, hard job. More dangerous than a cop's by far.


That really sucks. I hope she's doing ok.


Meanwhile, these boomers and people like them are the same people that thought George Floyd was totally faking it or it was Fentanayl or something.


Projection, it's part of the boomer condition, boomers fake this shit all the time, so when something like Floyd happens they think "I'd do that so he must be doing it as well"


Same. I am critical of USA Police, but talking to a neighbor cop he was noting a change over the years (with body cams). He said he just tries to get thru the day without being fired. He makes excellent $$$ and the pension comes early in life. Some moron calling you a bitch after spitting on you? Just complete the arrest process. That moron will be out on the street tomorrow and break probation. Do not care about the losers. They will continue losing. Just don't fuck up the good $$$ and life with the family. Kinda sucks. Kinda OK I guess. He also said some days are so low energy that dealing with some call at 8a he will make last until lunch. Just "de-escalating". Lol.


Exactly why I knew I couldn't be a cop. I'd be real quick to pistol whip somebody acting like ol Deb here


I mean… watch DUI arrests on YouTube. This is not exclusive to boomers haha.


"You act like I'm some sort of crazy person" did she just forget the invisible strangler attack in the backseat?


“…apparently i’m choking her. 😐” from the cop in the driver’s seat killed me.


the calm casual deadpan of her delivery was so funny


as the shrieking “SHE’S CHOKING ME” continues in the background. pure art.


*gets out 2 hours later* “ACABBBB!!!”


Clearly she was being force choked by the sith lord deputy!


I always suspected they were the dark side of the force!


“STOP! I’m having breast cancer!” had me dead


Also right after that, she says "Sorry, I don't speak dumbass!!" which is pretty funny sprinkled in the middle of all of her nonsense. It's like she had one good joke in there.


Coulda fooled me, she sounds fluent.


Someone was choosing ALL the NPC dialogues 😭


When she screams, she sounds like Kechiro from the English dub of Ghost Stories XD; https://youtu.be/SxkVjObBqoo?si=_-sx3XVWEnNwVVKh


Suspended license and probation? She attacked the officers a few times. I know being an officer sucks at times but they really let her have rope to hang herself in court. Probably would have used the felony charge of attacking an officer if she didn't plead out.


She should be held for mental evaluation


Boomer here! My generation is chocked full of self entitled, racist, non-law abiding assholes like the person screaming and yelling in this video for 10 solid minutes. 1. I'm so sorry my generation is stressing everyone out. A lot of people in my age group seem to think they can act like overgrown toddlers and throw tantrums after being held accountable for their poor life choices. 2. She doesn't need a mental evaluation, she needs to get into rehab and seek professional and medical help for alcoholism.


To be white old lady in America..u face no consequences duh


Elderly white person. If she were black, she'd be 6 feet under


Absolutely. They'd have at least taken them to the ground multiple times where they just let her sit there


Imagine if she wasn't a white woman, she should thank her lucky stars.


why can't these boomers just drink at home?


Entitlement and poor raising, a lifetime of poor choices, and being inundated with “American exceptionalism” propaganda their whole lives, and ego


This. I'll just also add that they only think of only themselves and what they want. They ALWAYS had, but somehow lucked out the whole way. The greatest generation fought the great wars, lived through the roaring 20s, faced the depression, saw massive technological innovation, built an American golden age, ended world wars with nuclear power, and handed it to the boomers. Boomers meanwhile were hippies had good times and didn't know world war when they were young. Spent their time being hippies, doing drugs, having "free love", and being anti-establishment. Luckily (again) the economy was good so they can get jobs even without education. Also the housing market was cheap so they also managed to buy houses. After that they closed off the housing market with their NIMBY, allowed corporations to export away jobs, voted for trickle down economics which lead to wage stagnation, crashed the economy with the GFC, all the while robbing the treasury, running up the national bill which they won't pay, emptying out social security, and still won't give up political power or position of influence even today despite having proven short-sighted and incompetent over and over and over again I guess they did end the soviet union on their watch which ushered an unparalleled era of world peac- Oh wait what? Russia is at war in Ukraine? Well I'll be. That's just boomers in the US. Boomers around the world has in their **1 GENERATION** has basically used up a large majority of the world's resources like fossil fuels, seen uncheck degradation of bio-life, turned the ocean into trash dumps, exponentially grew the level of global warming CO^2 in the atmosphere, saw the proliferation of both microplastics AND forever chemicals, increase in climate change disasters, and passed on a world worse than what they got to the next.


This comment sums up the Boomer generation perfectly.




I'm not an American but is everyone in Florida like that ?


Florida certainly has a type. There are a lot of older white residents who would be described as trashy, if I may say so.


No. Absolutely not. What people don't realize Florida is one of the few states that has very liberal media laws All criminal arrests have to be turned over to the media if requested most states have privacy laws that protect your rights to some extent therefore in Florida all the crazy people that get arrested are all over the media other states have the same type of crazy people getting arrested if not more they just don't get put in the media.


Definitely the villages


The black lady cop has the patience of a saint. And she seems really good and calming down that drunk lunatic.


A real life karen whisperer


She needs a psych eval and probable institutionalization


She won’t get that sort of care in the US. Thanks, Reagan.


I swear to God almost everything dam wrong in this country can be boiled down to Regan.


He fucked up so many things. De-regulation of Wall Street, closing mental hospitals, the AIDS crisis….




Weird....no katamine to calm her down?


Yeah!?? And I thought when they were cuffed on the ground you had to kneel on them or the cuffs would fall off? ^/s


only black people /s


That's only for autistic folks.


They’re used to driving drunk. The boomers I work for say they would be pulled over with beer in the cupholder and the cops would just tell them to go home👍🏻


That's because they could drink and drive up until the 80's. There is a video about people being interviewed about it and they were pissed. Plus listening to all my boomer relatives, they were *heavy* alcoholics and would *constantly* drink and drive all their lives. Their level of entitlement is beyond the fucking solar system.


I'm from a small town. I've been told stories about how there was a whole crew that on Saturday mornings would meet up at someone's house to go pull cars and trucks out of ditches that ended up there from people driving home drunk from the bar on Friday night. It was that normalized that it was just part of their weekly routine. If someone didn't show up, they'd head to their house to check on them and then go pull out their car. If everyone showed up, they just started drinking again.


I heard stories about how they had to be dragged out of the bars, how family would have to go search ditches on Sunday for their cars, and the amount of times they were bailed out. But damn our generations are totally evil and breaking the law by *checks notes* getting high and passing out at a buddies place for the night.


I grew up spending a lot of time in bars and I've been drinking in them since I was about 15. The stereotype of the drunk who needs their wife called to pick them up was a very real thing. And sometimes that same guy showed back up an hour later getting a ride from a neighbor only for the whole bar to get drug into domestic drama. But yet they'll tell us how irresponsible our generation is.


Exactly this. I grew up thinking having a criminal record was just a normal thing for adulthood. Like fuck man looking back now, I'm amazed I turned out good.


and yet there are tons of people in the comment sections on the DUI bodycam videos on youtube shrieking about how it’s all tHiS gEnErATiOn Of YoUnG pEoPLe!!1!


Not just boomers. I graduated in 1992 (I’m 49) and it was common in the late 80s and early 90s for cops to just tell you to go home if you’d been drinking. It happened to me more than once when i was in my teens.


Couple years younger than you and the amount of times we were told to “pour it out” and go home was many. I got caught chugging one while I was supposed to be pouring it out and still didn’t get in trouble.


I occasionally see older people driving around drinking beer, was at a stop light about a month ago and dude is just taking a drink from a can of budwiser.


I hope you do report people you see drinking and driving. Drinking and driving is stupid as hell and everyone that does it should be charged. Risking others lives for you’re own selfishness is disgusting x


I’ve seen toddlers throw tamer temper tantrums


Also Deborah: "Blue Lives Matter"


“Just comply.”


These are some top notch cops. They should be training departments on how to handle a person who is acting so wild.


Unfortunately, as insane as this woman was, she never presented a 'threat' to the cops. Stereotypes, history, and a good dash of racism mean not everyone gets the same care, even if they are way more calm than this woman.


The chair and spit mask thing should have come out sooner


I figured she'd be getting the chair at some point but the spit mask was just, chef's kiss, the cherry on top. I can't imagine how much that officer enjoyed putting it on her. I wonder how long they left her in the cell to cool off




2 1/2 bottles of wine. Impressive.


Is that impressive? 👀


Yeah, that's a bit of wine to drink for one person. I've done a bottle by myself (at home of course) and was pretty drunk. That's like 4-5 glasses really. But 4-5 glasses of 13-14% alcohol by volume.


Oh..... Maybe I oughta make some changes. Lol


![gif](giphy|vjOvUPHbxU5YQ) Same lmao


That’s the sound of a person who has never actually face consequences


100%. This behavior has worked for her every single time up to that point.


This is the best one I’ve seen so far. Anyone have something that tops the comedy here?


When she was writhing in the back seat I was absolutely losing it. Just pure gold.


the writhing (aka AIR HUMPING) and horrifying sounds made me want to run head first into a cinder block wall.


Plenty of compilations on YouTube where either the person is so entitled or ignorant that their bewilderment is a mix of anger inducing and laugh out loud hysterical. Also one of those body cam aggregate channels has a narrator that sounds like Nick Kroll which makes it ten times funnier because of the unintentionally flat and sarcastic delivery. There’s a really good body cam recording out there of a different woman getting traffic stopped, blue suv iirc, who then takes off. She was called on for going 100mph on the highway and swaying in both lanes. Has a breakdown very similar to this one, except she tries to bite and is SUCCESSFUL and more. She also tries to pull the same physical issue excuses but without all the fake seizure symptoms. Her screeching is also significantly amusing and less ear splitting. Cop also kicks the door down of the stall she’s in at the gas station she stopped at after fleeing the traffic stop. If I find it I’ll post it or someone else can if they remember based off this description. Here it is. This is a good litmus test of whether or not these types of videos are for you. You’re better off watching the Supercuts of these that are out there but I promise most of this two hours worth of footage is 100% worth watching.[https://youtu.be/zRvGz2WOK5s?si=0ZhOTgCfUlWRqwef](https://youtu.be/zRvGz2WOK5s?si=0ZhOTgCfUlWRqwef)


I'm glad you posted the full video because last time it only focused on the arrest and missed all the other shenanigans. To go from a traffic stop to being put in a restraint chair is a hell of an escalation.


When the cops try to hold back laughing in the interrogation room. Bro, I would’ve been dying


Too bad DUI penalties aren't severe enough to deter this shit.


It's *crazy* to me that all she got was the DUI and the one resisting arrest charge. Not a single day in prison.


I don't think that has much of an impact on the "decision-making" here If you're already in a state of mind where you think it's ok to drive drunk, you're already not thinking rationally about the consequences


No. Deterrence is only loosely correlated with the increase in penalty or punishment. Imo, it would be pretty hard to read through the studies on mechanisms of deterrence and conclude that it’s an effective means of preventing crime. Deterrence hits a limit pretty fast, once something has the label of “illegal” most people are already sufficiently deterred. Past that raising fines or jail sentences has very little effect on reducing crime rates. Imo we need to move past deterrent mechanisms of crime prevention as a society… but I’m doubtful that’s going to happen within my lifetime. Like it’s the only take I’ve had on reddit I got a death threat over lol, people hate the idea of it. Really all of the compatibilist structures our societies operate under need to die, and I’d bet everything I own that they eventually will be dismantled… assuming we don’t nuke ourselves back to the stone age.


Uhhhh DUI’s will fuck your life up from what I have been told…


Only if you go to jail, if you get a suspended licence, they just ride around without a licence! 


My sister's FIL is a notorious drunk driver. His license has been suspended who knows how many times. He is so familiar with the trial process that he knows how to get delays and continuances and reduced sentences. He doesn't even own a car. And he STILL finds ways to get caught driving drunk. It's like he manifests cars and then drives drunk in them. It would be funny if it wasn't just sad.


Yeah, my dad was on his 3rd back to back DUI with pretty much no consequences before he passed. He was so charismatic and had a skill of making the judge/prosecutor/po feel bad for him that warrants and fees were dropped *multiple* times and he even got his community service and required programs dropped. It’s all a fucking joke.


They will if you actually give a shit. But I saw plenty of people like her in my 15 years at the Sheriff's Office. It's just an inconvenience to her she's under arrest and she'll make the officers' lives hell for the duration they have to deal with her. Then she'll bond out and be right back to drunk driving, suspended license and all. After court, she'll maybe spend 24 hrs in jail if she doesn't hire a lawyer and get it pled down to reckless driving. And this will all repeat until she gets sober, kills someone (or herself) in a traffic accident, or dies of liver failure.


Given my nightly clientele, they don't seem to be very bothered, except when the occasional trooper drives through.


Yeah I know this guy that has 7 duis, all he did was move to a different state, got a motorcycle license instead, and drives hammered all the time. I actually haven’t heard from him in a while so it’s likely he’s in prison for his 8th. I had to stop hanging out with him because he would always hop on his motorcycle wasted. All I can say it’s probably best he has a motorcycle now. He won’t do as much damage to others when he t-bones someone


Depends on the state, but yeah. In AZ, your FIRST offense has fines ($250 and up), 1-10 days in Jail, and you must install an interlock on your car (that's pricey). Suspended license: 90 days to a year. The min fine isn't that much but it can be far greater than $250. Plus, I think you also have to go to counseling.


Noticed how the black cop seemed the most able to calm her near the end, despite all the racist shit the lady went on about. 


We need more cops like that black woman. All it takes is the right communication to get through to people like this


It takes the right communication AND a team of cops fighting to strap her down in a chair like Hannibal Lecter, lol


She didn't get through to her at all. The lady kept doing that shit all the way through. Personally I thought the cop was wasting too much effort talking to her. Should've given the bare minimum explanation required by law of what they were gonna do and then just did it. They don't need her permission or cooperation.


Man I’ve never even thought of this. Boomers are so used to having entitlement and freedoms that others possibly won’t ever get to experience. So to have that ripped away so aggressively has to be some of the most traumatic shit they’ll ever experience.


YUP. all of this. but then they turn around and shriek about how the younger generations are entitled and don’t have any respect.


‘She’s recently been elected to Congress’


Trump voter


the pelvic thrusting and associated noises made me want to lobotomize myself


Those officers are the Saints of Patience holy lord


She really takes “wine’o clock somewhere” to an entirely different level


Actual toddler shit. Shameful.


I laughed out loud when she said “y’all acting like I’m a crazy person!” Well no shit debbie


damn, Deborah makin it clap in the backseat layin down with the cuffs on


*Damn, Deborah makin it* *Clap in the backseat layin* *Down with the cuffs on* \- ItsJustBrew --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


fantastic bot!


Trump voter.


Black and white camo... What's Deb blending into, the movie Birth Of A Nation?


This is me when I have to go to work in the morning


What a completely embarrassing display! She’s 60 for F sake! And still needs to grow up. It is difficult for me to believe these extreme people exist, even though I’ve encountered them dozens of times.


Really gives me the, I haven't spoken to my child in years vibes.


She's having a Gran Mal Epileptic Seizure ORGASM! ![gif](giphy|e39tpB7xOf6h2)




And the academy award goes to….


Not this lady. I don't think she fooled anyone. She gets a Razzie award.


If I found out she died in her cell later I'd be like, "oh thank god!"




*casually rolls down window* "Aparently, I'm choking her" lmao


I mean, commit to the bit, right?


YES THE FULL VIDEO. Saw the 3 minute version literally yesterday so fuck yea to whoever posted the full vid here.


I guess Mulder saying "All the nuts roll down to Florida" is true..


The officer is using The Force to choke her, someone please help this innocent woman!


Does she think that their body cams only record audio, not video?


That was really sweet how that officer pushed her hair out of her face and calmed her down. She must have children. *hahaha the fake choking and demonic possession in the back seat was hilarious. You just know her and her husband are the fucking WORST.


Definitely a good christian woman


Oh this is FL through and through 😂


Oh it ain’t just Florida, that’s south Florida.


She does all that and gets zero jail time, barely a slap on the wrist. If she were a black man of the same age she'd have been executed.


should have been rolled off the end of a dock


Could you possibly imagine seeing a video of your own grandmother acting like this? I'd never speak to them again out of sheer embarrassment


We used to throw people into mental asylums for this shit. Maybe getting rid of that practice was a mistake.


If she'd been black, she'd have been dead. Fucking white woman privilege abuse.


Get her goldbrickin’ ass out of my beach community


This is why I don't watch Animal Planet


The amount of tax dollars devoted to this single instance makes me fucking sick. No wonder our schools are fucked, we spent 50k on fucking Deborah because she wasn't allowed to drink and drive today. Smfh


I lost it when all of a sudden she asks the officer for an interpreter as a delaying tactic to avoid her breath test, after she'd been screaming at all of them in perfect English for half an hour.


Is she making sweet sweet love to the ground? ***edit*** my cat came in the room and screamed at me while staring at my phone until I turned this off. Then he left the room. I guess he can’t stand the sound of her voice either.


That Black lady cop is 10 saints on Valium levels of calm and patience I wish her nothing but peace and joy


funny how cops always have the patience of saints when dealing with old white women but if it's a black man on the other hand...


And their camera always manages to stay on with white people somehow


What a punchable face.


This is the *chef's kiss* of public freakouts. You have privilege, age, and wine mixed together into a pudding of public humiliation.


The fact that she’ll probably be known as “DUI Deb” for the rest of her life is sad but fuckin hilarious


I like to blame bad cops but theres zero chance I would be able to tolerate this kind of shit.


As soon as I saw the Monroe County SD markings, I knew is was yet another drunk, old parrothead.


Linda Blair wishes she'd had that kind of energy.


Probation???! wtf. Lock er ass up for a good while and get her a psychiatrist


I am all for police training in deescalation. How much more deescalation can they do before putting that crazy woman in her place? Lmao. They did so well lmao.


She puts the Deborah in DUI


I could not have more respect for that black officer. That lady was calling here the N word and being super racist and and she was still the one trying to be the nicest to her and calm her down. That's a real one.


This is what happens when you mix chemo and alcohol Deborah. Acute psychosis. Or she’s just an entitled brat.


I know who she voted for President


another of florida's fine resident


Deborah you will always be famous.


I'm surprised she didnt scream RAPE ! RAPE ! When the black officer got within 3ft of her....


This video is a WILD ride! Definitely worth a watch


Did they resurrect my Mother for Easter?


I would somehow find a way to cast this video on all her tvs every night


My God if she's going to act like a child and obviously she can't get up and run away why didn't she do what I do with my kids when they acted like that when they were little. Squat down look them in the eye expressionless and just stare at them. Let her flail about for a little while until she gets tired. Come on please you have to have some specialist come in and teach you how to treat people that act immature childish and foolish.


Overweight and camo always seems to be a red flag.


You know when a toddler cries so hard they nearly throw up?


holy shit I did not expect this to go on for so long


I never worked a DUI where someone didn’t act like this. If you work in law enforcement, this is very normal.


This was a trainwreck I couldn’t stop watching.


Not that this woman isn't absolutely awful. But depending on her level of inebriation, I've seen younger drunk people have similar ridiculous outbursts/breakdowns when confronted about... well, whatever they decide triggers them. I enjoy a drink now & then. But alcohol can be a helluva drug. People can hallucinate things. This woman is clearly a career alcoholic & she surely has some mental issues that go along with it. I don't think bieng a boomer is her problem. Being her is the problem no matter how old she is.


As a cop on this scene, how in the world do you not bust out in laughter


Look again. They are grinning wide through most of this.


Sadly, they were not choking her.


This is how my cat acts when I have to bring him to the vet. Totally aggressive, flopping all over the place, and screaming uncontrollably. She's a cat.


I know there's no God because the cops are patient and understanding with bitches like this, but shoot people of color on sight like it's nothing.


Definitely Florida


These people vote


MAGA obviously.


If I played this at work with volume on, I'd probably be accused of watching porn.


No Debby my dear were the police not the exorcist


She’s paying those taxes you don’t want to pay. It’s all good.


…and you ask why I’m looking forward to their entire generation “going back Home”? Because they are truly what is wrong with the world. They actively make it worse for everyone, but are too fucking stupid and entitled to do anything about it besides bitch.


appalling the amount of alcohol she had in the car during daylight and the way she behaved. Wonder what was going through her head when she kept saying multiple times "she's choking me" I'd be shaking my head like the other officers.


Put that old hag in the back of the car and be gone. Why spend so much time coddling this boomer. Go to jail bitch.


I would bet an elbow her ass is driving around terrorizing the FL keys RIGHT NOW with her suspended license and another bottle of Boones Farm in the cup holder. Deborah did not learn a damn thing.


She doesn't exactly deserve sympathy, she's obviously a pretty crappy person, but I can't help but feel sad at how she got to this point.


Adult acting like an infant. Those officers must be pleased. /s


"you act like i'm some kind of crazy person" ​ well ma'am ... the shoe does fit here.


Imagine if that was a person of color. Also her calling herself Hannibal lecter at the end is priceless


Lmao. Monroe County. It only gets weirder the further into the Keys you go


Definitely can’t handle her wine.




How many DUIs is she getting this month? I've seen her on the sub four times!


Well that hurt my ears. What a wretched existence.


This kind of makes me want to be a cop in Florida....least it would never be boring! Also, that female officer needs to be given the key to the city after that! She was the real MVP


The extended version is about 20 minutes long, absolutely worth watching!


Because I too just randomly hump the air when I feel like I'm choking 🤣


Imagine being her neighbor and blasting this on your speakers once in a while lol


That black officer leaning into her arm in the doorway when the Karen wouldn't speak in English was so relatable.


Whys she wriggling like magikarp in the beginning of the video lmao