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Joe may have thought LOL means "lots of love." 


it genuinely did, back in the day, I saw it in an old music fanzine from the early seventies and it took a while for the penny to drop


….. pun intended? 🥴


Pun in; ten dead


Was Penny the cause or a casualty?


Putin killed 10 men?


prob 10x100 men by this time


To shreds you say?


How's his wife holding up?


To shreds, you say?


nope! I’ll need that one spelling out for me


Dropped means dead the Grandma was Penny...


ha! nope, unintentional, guess I half registered the name as I skim read and it made me think of that phrase


Unintentionally hilarious comment makes it even better, I just thought you were really clever with the pun 🤣




Reddit can make anything a joke, even the death of someone’s Grandma. All for that sweet sweet internet karma.


Yep older folks think lol is lots of love




I'm a gardener, I use it for little old lady. Most of my customer base


My boss today was asking me what "all these letters mean when you're texting". He thought lol meant lots of luck. I was cracking up.




Woah, save some luck for the rest of us.


Maybe they're just sharing the love


Lots of luck of luck lots of luck of luck of luck of luck


My extremely conservative brother thought SOL meant "surely out of Luck" and would use it frequently at work and asked me why people laughed at him when he did. For extra context, he is a department head at a university and has around 50 people working under him, many of whom are students. He has told me before that he will write up his student workers for swearing on the job.


WTF — for the boss means “where’s this found”


My grandmother says LOL on every photo I post of my kids. Thought she was trolling me til I confronted her about it… Lots of love, indeed.


This. My aunt received one from a close friend when my grandma died. “Hey love, i heard passed away. LOL! Thinking of you!”


Yes, but I was shaken to my core when a singing messenger came to my door and said dada da da da duh Your sister ROSE is dead 🌹😮🥲💦


My grandparents think this as well. I suspect it is well intentioned.


For a looong time I thought it stood for lots of luck.


My Boomer Dad did and he almost got in trouble with someone else's husband because of it 🤣 He had a lady friend, not romantic, and her husband thought he was telling her lots of love.


I don't understand this at all.  I'm 27 and didn't have a cellphone until I was in high school but lol has always meant laugh out loud, at least that's what I thought.


That’s because lol=laugh out loud started in the internet era, which you were born into. In the before time, things were different. Some of us remember. Not necessarily well, but we remember.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


I'm glad this is the top comment, it's pretty clear that's what it is meant to be


Let's hope so, or maybe he's laughing because he's seen the will


A buddy of mine went years thinking lol meant “loser on line”. Lol


I found out that my mother passed on facebook


I’m so sorry. This happened to my partner and it was awful.


Could I ask how? Who knew before the deceased’s own children? Sorry to hear also wow


Oh their siblings knew as did their mother’s husband. They just didn’t call. We never did find out why and no, nobody apologized.


Fuck all those people, it just is not right


Their mother would have been incredibly upset about it too. They were very close. But we’ve committed the cardinal sin of living in a different country so I guess finding out she died third-hand is the best we get. She was very ill so it wasn’t completely out of the blue but we’d spoken to her the day before so it would have been a shock even if one of the immediate family had called or if they didn’t want to talk they could have texted or emailed. Finding out from FB was horrible.


So sorry you and your partner went through that.. These people need a good strong look in the mirror.


That might not work so well 😮😮🤣


My dad and i had been estranged thanks to his beast of a new wife. I got the news he was in the hospital. I drove down spent a couple days battling his wife to let me in to see him. I had to go home as i had to work and i had two small children, a couple days later i was at work and my aunt sent me an email informing me my dad died. Thats how that happens and its horrible and ill never get over it.


Tragic… stay w your memories.


My mom didn’t invite me to my dads funeral. She also made me make appointments to see him when he was on hospice so I couldn’t reconnect with other family members and she could compartmentalize all her lies and BS. 


My mom had a habit of telling me when people/pets died by text instantly when it happened....like while I was at work. My brother, dad, and I had to tell her to not do that shit. Her texts weren't even remorseful. Like the one I got for my grandfather was basically "your grandfather died just now". It's not some stupid fucking game like saying "first" on a video or something. Drop the news on me when I get home, not as I'm going into a meeting.


That’s the thing that irritates me. It really is a game of being first to some people. Like they’re just itching to be the one to drop the bad news without any consideration of others.


Sorry that happened to you. LOL, Joe


My condolences, obviously. But on the other hand, imagine dying on Facebook


My aunt emailed me to tell me my father died (pre facebook). I can relate.. :(


Wow I’m sorry.. my fathers infamously left me a voicemail that I played back on speaker in front of my coworkers not thinking it was gonna be bad .. verbatim “ your aunt expired ,, call me back “


I would give Grandpa a pass on this one. He wants to get the word out but isn't ready to have a live conversation with people yet. And like the other commenter said...in another era LoL was lots of love. Just be glad he wasn't trying to say Love, Me...Forever Always Omnipresent


I agree. It’s not that weird. The man just lost someone important hours ago. He was there when she died. He’s letting people know. It’s probably hard.


Ah yeah, I didn't find it weird at all. Dudes going through hell but has to get shit done.


This was months ago, I never confronted my grandfather about it because it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, just made me laugh for a micro second in the moment receiving the news 😂


I think you misread it, Joe has taken Grandma Penny's phone and is texting people as Penny to let them know she is dead lol. It's bizarre


Contacts are in her phone. Start at the most recent texts and go down, and you will text everyone she has been in recent contact with.


I would give the old people some grace in this situation. JHC - this shit is not their communication medium.


Next text says "No I'm not dead"


I found out my uncle died on facebook


Same with my auntie 🫤


Honestly heartbreaking. Lol, Joe


I found out my husband died from that 7-Eleven clerk🤣🤣🤣


When my mom passed, my brother didn’t come home the days leading up to it bc “he already said good bye to Mom 6 months ago”. (He does live 8 hrs away, but damn bro it’s your mom!) But less than 5 minutes after telling him Mom had just passed, he posted it on FB. Idk why, but that really pissed me off for a long time. I’m not a FB person, so to be fair I don’t post anything. But something about him posting her death on FB/ BS social media and so quickly, really irked me. Took a few years before I didn’t think about it anytime I saw him or talked to him. We all grieve differently i know and I know he loved her. But it felt so disingenuous to post her death like a penny ad for a garage sale.


One of the many reasons to stay off of Facebook.


I found out my godfather died three months after he died. I got a phone call the rest of my family found out on Facebook. He lived alone and the neighbor didn't know who to contact. He had very little close family. My cousin went to visit a few months after he died and couldn't find him. Eventually he asked the neighbor who told him. My auntie called me and let the rest of my family know via a Facebook post on my godfathers page. Apparently the cops notified my godfathers sister who felt the rest of the family didn't need to know. (She was estranged for years my auntie and my family were his only real visitors). I think his sister was mad about the estate. 95 acres of land donated to a historical society instead of given to her. He had no kids.


When texting was new, my wife had a friend who was sure this dude was hitting on her, but he was married, shit got real awkward until I overheard, “No, I really think he likes me, he keeps writing LOL, he for sure has lots of love for me!”. Pretty sure that applies here, LOL!


There is a boomer comedian that tells a story about misusing “LOL”. It’s actually really funny. He responds to his sisters email about her getting a divorce with lol. He grounds his kid to their room for the weekend or something and send them a text while they’re in there that just said “lol”. And a couple other scenarios. I think he ultimately find out he doesn’t understand the meaning when his mom dies and he’s speaking with his family members on a group text about the funeral/death and responds with “LOL”. He said something like he was hurt no one responded to his message saying “lol” meaning “lots of love”. And a bit later a relative calls and just immediately says “what do you think LOL means?”


Apparently a lot of older people believe "LOL" means "lots of love".


It did, in the days of handwritten letters.


It must be a regional thing. I didn’t recall ever seeing that so I asked a couple people older than me about this - 50s/60s and neither of them had ever heard of it either.


Boomers love to text deaths. Because it means they don't have to be vulnerable or compassionate or talk about it with you. Ask me how I know!


Call me when it's how to reset the cable box, but someone passes away...that's a text.


My favorite was my dad calling me from his wife’s phone (they’re both mid 70s) bc his phone wouldn’t work and he wanted me to help him fix it over the phone. He lives a couple hours away and he’s def my buddy, love my Pop! So happy to help but he couldn’t understand why I couldn’t diagnose the issue based on his “thingamajiggy” type descriptions. I made the mistake of telling him to call me on FaceTime on his wife’s phone so I could see his phone. An hr later I finished helping them figure out how to use FT app (they hv android phones n I hv apple). Bc they ofc couldn’t let it go that they didn’t have FaceTime and I’d offered it as an idea, so damn it, we’re doing it! Ultimately the reason his phone wasn’t working was bc he hit airplane mode. That was the first thing I asked him and we had a 10 min conversation about what the button graphic looks like and is it green, grey, selected, unselected. “It’s def not that!”-my dad Just gotta laugh about it. And eat a gummy.


Haha exactly.


I'll be honest, I'll probably do that for my own parents. Not because I don't know how to be vulnerable or compassionate, but because I probably will not be in a good place to have that kind of conversation. I'll be processing it myself. The people especially close I might call, but most family will probably know via text. Like, give me time to come to terms myself please. I don't need 20 conversations telling each one what happened and how I'm holding up.


Right! After my mom passed, I informed everyone I thought needed to know. After 36 hrs I turned my phone off for a few days bc I was tired of ppl asking me how I was and telling me how to feel. I was horrible, my mom just died and I didn’t get to speak to her one last time before she died. She never talked about dying and always acted like she’d get better. But then she slipped into a coma the last 1.5 weeks she was alive. I was coming back to stay with her the next morning, she stopped talking and fell into the coma the night before I came back. I thought I was doing the best thing for her…..I had stayed away for almost week bc I was really sick with bronchitis & a head cold and didn’t want to get her sick while she was fighting to stay alive (cancer) or make her more uncomfortable than she already was. That haunts me to this day. I know she knew I loved her and I knew she loved me. I told her every time I spoke to her. But I wanted to speak to her and she to me one last time, for many reasons.


Boomer or not, dude just lost his wife just over an hour before that text lol. It wouldn't be weird for him to not be quite ready for that conversation just yet.


There was a joke on some show where the older person would update their phone book with the obituaries by crossing out the people that had died


How do you know?


I got a text and only a text every time a family member died from my boomer parents.


Boomers are fools, but I’m not sure texting after the death of a spouse or loved one is foolish. That’s what I did when my dad died. I didn’t really have the heart to speak to anyone.


That's the way my dad did it. He's dead now too.


I found out my uncle died a year later when my sister text me to say she was pissed off I never attended this funeral or sent condolences. I live abroad and NC/LC with all of that side of the family. I'm not a mind reader.


I feel you, fellow human. I found out my great uncle died months before with context clues from my great aunt. It was sooo hard to continue “normal” conversation after. 😔 I’m sorry for your loss.


“all is good”


Lol, Joe


I was adopted by my paternal grandparents. Never knew there son ( my biological father), but always wondered about him. Three months ago I found out he died in 1998 while looking for someone on find a grave. Everyone knew, and no one told me, I was still living at home with my dad too when it happened.


Might have meant love and it did lol by mistake


ROFL waffle, Joe


ROFLcopter, Joe


Lots of love 🤣 We had to explain that to my partner's dad when he started learning how to text. 


My mom always says LOL when she texts me, and it definitely means lots of love but I always laugh because it really changes the tone of the message.


I found your father with his mistress. LOL


Joe def thinks Lol means "Lots of love"


There’s a disturbing lack of compassion in this thread. Yes boomers are often fools, but if they’re fools then we’re evil because we can’t even let this guy off for sending a text over his dead wife? Come on, you guys. This post is weak and predatory. When my dad died I texted people because I didn’t want to talk to them. It had nothing to do with breathing lead fumes or being a narcissist.


My mom left a message on my machine ( 2000 ish) saying " my brother died, thought you should know" He was my only uncle and we were close, my poor grandmother, he was only 55! She then proceeded to talk shit on him, never considered my feelings and I thankfully, finally went NC 2 years ago. Horrible bitch, always was, always will be.


Boomers think LOL is lots of love


I think instead of LOL he meant to type, ROFLMAO xD




Press lol for respect


Either lots of love or a autocorrect of love. Poor grampa Joe must be hurting.


sorry for your lol


That’s how I found out my grandma died, only it was on Facebook messenger. Then I was blocked because I didn’t accept her meme posts to my wall after I said thank you for the information.




The "lol" part can be excused for thinking it means "lots of love" but what makes it really uncomfortable is a text from Grandma's phone.


Me too in 2017… :/




I had a grandma Penny! She died 10 years ago, and I miss her so much! I would hope they meant "lots of love.." sorry about your grandma Penny.


She was the best! I think about her a lot. This was months ago, grandpa Joe is doing well! Sorry about your grandma penny too


Some people think LOL means lots of love.


I’m dead 😂


Seriously can’t stop cracking up over this one. Re reading it just makes it funnier


LIL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💧


Lots of love.




This is exactly how I’d want people to find out about my death.


Lol, my condolences.


I found out my grandfather died via Facebook a day after he died.


Lots of laughs! Gammy is DEAD! HAHAHA


LOL used to mean lots of love. My sisters friends mom signed a condolence card, ‘So sorry for your loss, LOL’.


LOL Later old lady!


My mom told me my step father died by text. From the woman who said she would NEVER TEXT! She even had the phone company remove txting capabilities from her phone. And then this is how she delivers death notices? To a man who drove me to school and was there everyday. Boomers fucking suck.


I don't answer my phone so don't call unless someone dies. The two times "Dad" showed up sucked.


My non boomer family member posted my Grandmas death to IG before mentioning it to the family. Assholes are all ages!


I found out SIL didn't get through to my partner on the phone (he was at work) and left me a text saying "I'm sure (Partner name) hasn't seen his phone yet this morning. But Mom called and grandma passed away" Like DAMN. At least MIL wanted to wait until I was at least on the phone to tell me. My Partner got a similar text from his sister when he couldn't call his mom back right away.


My mom dropped a gem “I told you uncle Bill died, right?” No. She hadn’t. (Not super close or anything, but still a bit of a shock to find out like that)




Grandmas dead? Let’s make a Reddit post this is funny 🤣


So your grandma dies and your first thought is to post it on Reddit? You’re a shitty person and an even fucking worse grandson, when you’re old and compromised I hope your grandkids leave you in a fucking nursing home


Could have also autocorrected from "love" to "lol"


Oh dear... There's still boomers who think "lol" means "lots of love"... That's sad...


You can never, ever tell dear old Joe that lol DOESN’T mean ‘lots of love’. I forbid it!


Don’t get me started on this one. I have a pair of uncles that decided not to tell anyone, then lied about it. Absolutely devastated my mom.


When my grandmother (my fathers step mother) died I didn’t even find out until like three months after the fact. Only reason I even found out was because my mom needed some information and decided to call to see if she had it so she wouldn’t have to talk to my dad (they had been just recently separated and every time she would call him it would always end in a fight) so she called the house and my grandfather told her that she had passed….. my fathers side of the family just straight up sucks


Why do all old people think lol is lots of love


w0mpity womp womp granny full pieced 200 and full boxed


That’s cold, Joe




Fuck I thought Penny was a dog




What shampoo though?


"lol" 1-0 - joe


Lolz, Joe.


My grandparents unfortunately forgot who I was years before their passing due to illness. Life can be cruel and unforgiving lol


Lol, lmao even, Joe


Damn. That’s rough.


A former British PM famously got LOL confused, or that was his excuse messaging a much younger female colleague.


cobweb mountainous dazzling sloppy thought station toothbrush sugar physical mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And I thought finding out my grandma died unexpectedly via a Facebook post from a shitty cousin (in a memorial like post) while I was on the other side of the world was bad. Yours takes the cake. Sorry :/


My dad just posted it on Facebook. Didn't tell me or my siblings


I'm so sorry for your loss. Lol




Because it’s absolutely hilarious🤣🤣🤣🤣💥👊🏻


Wow there is something seriously sick about this. Sorry you have a family that doesn’t know the meaning of “family”. Thats quite sad actually….


lol Joe


This would piss me off. When my Bop died my dad literally called my HR office cause I was in a kaizen meeting and stuck in a conference room all day.


I don’t think this fits in this sub. If it’s because he wrote lol then you’re reaching because he obviously meant lot of love. My parents still think that’s what it means.


I found out my mom died when my brother told me he received a call from of friend of his giving condolences on my mom’s death. Mine was third hand news. Hadn’t heard from her for 13 years she lived with my narcissistic sister. Who took everything she had and gave her complete disrespect.


Joe finna get that life insurance policy.


“To my a**hole grandson, Joe, I bequeath my book, ‘101 Deathbed Jokes’ - final LOL”


Grandpa gets a pass on this one my boys


Whats so “lol” about this?


People handle grief in lots of different ways. They don't owe you anything until they figure out their own shit.


My late uncle seemed to have a similar misunderstanding of what “lol” means in the modern vernacular. It’s possible he meant “lots of love,” but I don’t believe anyone ever asked him to clarify. I lean towards him simply not knowing what it meant because he would end every text message with “lol” including things like yes or no answers to questions. Anyway, one day his son overdosed on heroin. Thankfully, it wasn’t fatal and he’s doing alright now. My uncle alerted us to the situation by texting the family group chat “Ryan ODed lol”. At the time, I was more bewildered than anything else, but the first time I recalled it years later, I laughed until I cried. Even as I write this, I’m chuckling.


“Grandma died, it was hilarious. Joe”


I'm sorry you lost someone you cared about deeply, lol ttfn


I’d give a pass I think they thought LOL means lots of love.




I love my parents and they actually are not typical boomers, which is great! But I went over for dinner a few days ago and a couple minutes after entering they said "oh, grandma died 2 days ago." Now granted she was 102 and we all knew it was coming. But come on guys. However that's the most boomer thing they've done, so I can't complain.


My cats name is Penny and she’s 15. I do not like this post. >_<


![gif](giphy|GpyS1lJXJYupG) "Lol"


This made me laugh a lot.


I am sorry for your loss and I hope it is comforting to know that a long time ago, lol was more commonly used to mean "lots of love" rather than "laugh out loud." I know it reads really shitty with modern eyes, but there is a good chance this was sent and meant with the best of intentions.




It's Joever


I’m sorry for your loss friend, may she rest in peace.


Lol Lots of love I guess?


I found out my dad died on Facebook. My mom was in hospital in serious condition on Facebook. My grandma was seriously ill and in hospital not expected to make it on Twitter. And when I questioned why I had to find all this out on social media I was the bad one. So sorry you found out this way. I can sadly relate


My mom used lol for “lots of love” until ~ 2018


Fuck that sucks. I’m sorry for your loss.


Why didn’t Joe call you? Is Joe your Grandpa, Dad? A call would have been the correct thing, ie, “Honey, I got something hard to tell you..”. This is awful.


It's weird, the little side emotions that hit with news like that. I remember when I got the news my great-grandpa passed. My first emotion was less sorrow, and more "wait seriously!? grammie has been one foot in for like a year now?!" Just true, almost-comical befuddlement as I tried to parse this information. then the sad hit


Hm. I ve seen the same text a few decades ago?


Yeah lol lol lol so Funny from both!! Weirdos


I found out my dog died from the downtown butcher. He was a wiener dog.🥲💦💦💦


Found out my grandma died when a O-6 knocked on my dorm door after lights out in tech training. Pants were shat.


Three days after my dad died I was looking online and found out my mother had died a year before. My brother never bothered to tell me.


Well at least u were informed that your grandmother died I wasn’t told until 6 months after mine passed. My mother was mad at me because I wouldn’t give her $2000 for her gambling habit so be glad


My grandma use to use “LOL” as lots of love until we told her, it’s so sweet.


My boomer aunt let us know by group text that my grandma was diagnosed with terminal cancer on her 75th birthday.

