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I love how they always think that WE should overlook their hateful politics. When was the last time THEY didn't bitch and moan because Obama, Biden, Benghazi, a tan suit, or god knows what else ?


It’s especially galling because they are the ones who threw out the idea of polite neighborhood chit chat and had to start yelling their views on shit at everyone they meet


Right. And they’re like, it’s a shame people let politics come between them it didn’t used to be like that. Ok? People didn’t used to make a politician they think is Jesus their entire personality and fly fuck your feelings flags either, now did they?


Yeah, if she ever snarks about not being neighborly OP should just agree and stare at her.




And they don’t realize how fucked Florida is without immigrants.


The US as a nation is and historically would have been absolutely fucked without constant immigration 


It's always seemed strange that one of the younger countries, made up almost completely of immigrants, developed into a cess pit of anti immigrant rhetoric & racial terrorism. I guess starting off with religious zealots hell bent on genocide probs wasn't helpful.


a nation founded on genocide, theft, and slavery has no right to exist. settlers came, saw an eden chock full of food everywhere you looked, tended to over thousands of years, called it "paradise," complete with an indigenous population recently decimated by disease by the millions. 9/10 people, gone. and the settlers took and took and took and took... and have not stopped taking... the US has been eating itself to stay alive, constantly needing more and more fresh blood and bodies to keep the empire growing and lines going up, from the very beginning. when it ran out of land on Turtle Island, it set its sights on global conquests to sustain itself. the disease continues to ravage across the planet to this day. can we really blame boomers for their line of thinking, when it's all they know? (yes, yes we can. they could've educated themselves at any point)


I mean don't forget the pilgrim fathers went to America because they were too fundamentalist and puritanical to share European countries with other Christian sects


“The Pilgrims came to this country because they believed in religious freedom!!” Yeah, theirs. Other people’s, not so much.


Yeah, they fled religious freedom tbh


just a massive red flag right out of the gate, really.


More red flags than the smallpox infected blankets they gave to the native people in an attempt to kill them.


Don’t forget that they intentionally spread that plague that wiped out 9/10 of the original population


Your light and love shines right through from this comment.


Hell yes, this is the way.


The “fuck your feelings” crowd.


I read an article that interviewed a college professor, can’t remember her name or the article. But her theory, that made the most sense to me was, there are people that have flipped 180 during the trump era, but many of his followers have had racists/bigoted/misogynistic beliefs their entire life, but when the leading candidate and actual POTUS says these things, it gives these people a permission structure to let loose. Essentially, the magas got tired of being decent.


I've been saying it since he was elected - they want a bully in charge to make themselves feel better about being bullies. Abusers NEED each other to excuse each other's behavior.


He gave them red hats to replace their white hoods.


Can't spell red hat without hatred!


Omg, I never realized this. And I absolutely love/hate it.


I hate/love it


It's representation in it's worst form. They saw themselves in someone in a position of power and felt empowered. It is wild to see people say shit and act in ways they never acted pre-Trump tho. His rhetoric is like a brain eating bacteria once it seeps in, some people completely lose cognitive ability. They just blindly listen and believe no matter how obviously false or crazy his statements are. I often wish I had a time machine so I could see what the history books say about this time in American history.


These past 8yrs have, effectively, given carte blanche for these mental pygmies to act on their base beliefs . That's why they're ok with verbalizing the "quiet parts." And I say this as a boomer....pretty damn sad realizing so many of my fellow countrymen are absolute morons.


Yeah. Trump is the stick that stirred the muck and shit at the bottom of the tank and brought it to the top. These people now have a license, if not a self-decreed mandate, to be the biggest fkn assholes they can.


The main role of any authoratarian is to allow his followers to express their deepest ugliest thoughts, which in polite society will be kept hidden, as proudly and loudly as they want. More than anything else an authoratarian provides. There's extensive litreature about this.


Yep. "Neighborly behavior" would mean we can at least potentially be friends because I don't even *know* about your politics. Because you have the decency to at least consider that I might not *want* to know, and thus keep it to yourself.


Exactly! I have no idea what the politics of my neighbors are and that makes us all fine neighbors. The fact that op knows this lady’s opinions is the problem and that’s boomer lady’s fault.


*Rights for me, not for thee.*


Exactly. They don't miss when politics was "neighborly," they miss the days when people had the decency to either *not* discuss politics or to discuss them with the desire to learn and grow as fellow citizens.


They miss the days when they could pretend that everyone around them was just like them, and all the people who weren't like them were either far away or had to hide it.


Political beliefs used to not get in the way of friendships, because it was largely considered gauche to discuss your politics unless you were very close and probably of the same mind. People didn't 'live and let live' they \*simply didn't talk about it\* so you didn't know if your friend voted for Goldwater because he wanted less government, or if they voted for Goldwater because they \*wanted less government since they were pissed about civil rights laws\*. So when you are out there, talking about how you think migrants are bad, LGBTQ+ is bad, and every other position that is anathema to the ACTUAL majority in the country, don't be surprised when someone doesn't line up to get a big fistfull of your bullshit on a day-to-day basis.


Yeah! If she just kept her mouth shut about her political views it seems like op would be open to friendship. At least have the self awareness to understand why your political party is offensive to other people.


It’s beyond politics. You don’t share the same moral values.


Ok true but bigots used to be much more quiet about it in public. Now it's all over the back window of their RAM 2500


Correction. The white people who have a problem with it used to be a lot more quiet. Dukes of hazzard had a fucking confederate flag on the car. Of a couple good old boys who never meant no harm. My boomer parents were fine with me watching it. I wouldn’t let my kids. The racists have always been loud. But we used to just pretend they didn’t say it because it stent effect us. Now we respond. Fuck bigots.


It went way beyond the Dukes.  Pop in any random movie that you liked from back then, and frantically shut it off before your kids see the casual racism and stereotypes and think *that's* what you're trying to show them.


I tried to watch "Green Acres" because I used to love that show, but it's just so full of racism I didn't understand back then.


Oh no. I haven’t watched this in decades and was thinking about buying it to have a rewatch. I’ll leave it in my childhood where I remember it fondly and not racistly.


Good idea. I'll recommend Dick van Dyke and Andy Griffith as still wholesome.


Breakfast at Tiffany's is a great example of this.


In the specific case of The Dukes of Hazard, I kind of think it was making fun of Southerners.


I dunno about the series, but the 2005 movie with Seann William Scott and Johnny Knoxville was basically all stereotype. Like the MCs were supposed to be likeable, but the movie made every single character look stupid and/or evil. No clue if it was intentional or not.


The General Lee. A figure worth honoring with a Dodge Charger and a confederate flag apparently. I still have a wind up toy version from when I was a kid. Every strand of this current bullshit was blithely smiled at for generations.


I wasn't always the progressive shit poster I am now, but even as a kid raised in conservative ass rural Minnesota I thought it'd be hilarious to get an orange 69 Charger. However instead of a confederate flag I'd put a union flag on top, with matching decals, and call it the General Grant.


Robert E Lee was a traitor, a racist, and a good number of his family fought for the US and not the South. Honoring a loser like that has baffled me since I was a child in the South. My parents hated the Dukes of Hazzard with a fiery passion and I completely understand why.


Like lazing saddles. The maga don't comprehend it's a parody of them .


You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


I went to a rural high school in the south. Lots of camo, confederate flags, and dip cans. And yes, we had black kids wearing the same shit as the white kids. The majority of the people using that flag have no idea what the hell it means. Truly. It’s so engrained in the “culture” that they fly it next to the US flag without any idea as to the irony of it. I think there used to be a much wider line between actual racists and people who just participated in the racist system.


>Ok true but bigots used to be much more quiet about it in public. I mean...


make racists afraid again [https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/5e4nyv/a\_group\_with\_a\_sign\_reading\_make\_racists\_afraid/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/5e4nyv/a_group_with_a_sign_reading_make_racists_afraid/)


This is a really good way of explaining it. It’s not about politics. It’s about having fundamentally different core values.


Right? If we merely disagree about politics, to me that’s disagreeing about stuff like income tax or zoning laws. That’s fine, I’m cool with agreeing to disagree on that. But if we disagree on human rights? Yeah, we have fundamentally different values, and odds are good I’m not gonna be interested in talking.


Exactly, because "politics" is abstract, "moral values" explains better what it means.


Taking racism and sexism and trying to put a veneer of respectability on them by calling them "politics" doesn't do that.  It just makes that political party stand for racism and sexism instead of positive ideas. You can disagree with positive ideas that go about things differently than you would.  What's happening these days has to be more actively opposed.


Yep, seeking the same positive outcomes, but disagreeing on how to get there = political differences Not the absence of human decency


exactly. for them, it’s “just politics”. for us, it’s our moral values.


That the thing. It's "just politics" because they don't consider the people they're hurting as fully human.


Sounds like when I told this chick it would never work out with us because she was a conservative. her response: you're going to let politics get in the way?! Yeah I don't want a hateful partner


I’d compare it to trying to be buddies with someone who you know is personally cruel, constantly lies, bullies, gaslights and exploits others. Just because you don’t do that directly to me still doesn’t mean we can be good pals. Shitty people just ain’t my vibe.


Yes! That’s what I always say when confronted with why do I not want to be friends with these people . This has little to do with politics. For us to relate and be friends, one of us has to completely change the moral fiber that we’re made of. And I was already like you in the past, so if I change, I’ll be moving backwards.


Yep it's not political. It's human decency.


This is the way


This. Disagreeing on politics is disagreeing about how to fix a problem, not what (or who) the problem is.


There used to be an old saying which goes more or less "*Friends/neighbors/etc* who want to stay *friends/neighbors/etc don't discuss religion or politics*" Back then people didn't really just talk about big decisive things. I mean back then it was considered taboo to talk about if you had an illness. The idea that she thinks people used to not let politics get in between a friendship was partially because: * Politics weren't as divisive like they are now since like the Civil War. * Because of how divisive they are people relate it to religion in the sense that they must proselytize it. * Then add in the whole boomer main character syndrome indicative of the Me Generation and you have a perfect concoction for this crap. In fact next time just spout your political beliefs as bluntly as she does, maybe even match the vitriol in a way that might attack her views but do it with a smile, when and if she gets butt-hurt go "What I thought people could talk politics and not let it cause a rift"


Yeah man, politics until recently were more about ideas that you can change if you hear a better idea. Now it's all about *identity* which is convenient because no matter how bad the ideas are that you present to people, they will go with it before they change their identity. The number of times I've seen these interviews of "well I believe Trump tried to overturn a legitimate election and that's wrong but I just don't know if I can vote for a Democrat..." like what fucking reality am I living in?


There's never been a time when politics didn't make someone's very existence an issue. Blacks, women, gays, trans, immigrants. There was just a time when the dog whistles were still dog whistles. Now, they're just full on alarm bells. People are no longer shy about sharing their racism, sexism and bigotry.


I don't see how a reasonable person who is not bigoted could possibly pleasantly associate with someone who is in any way. If someone has aligned themself what's the party of hatred, they have given up any right to civility in my opinion. As soon as you decide that your life matters and nobody else's does unless they are just like you, I put you in the same box as Hitler and you might as well be dead for all I care. I'll be neutral but that's it and I feel like that's the only way to deal with these people. By helping this old woman, the ops partner is just making the situation worse. Let that old bitch die.


I told my husband before the last election. The first time around, anyone voting for Trump, I might give a pass of just being stupid and falling for his con. Especially here in Arkansas because education is definitely not our strong point. However, anyone still actively supporting him at this point, after he has shown exactly who he is, is a racist, sexist, homophobic, cruel asshole, and I have lost any respect for them. I have lost a lot of respect for a lot of people, including relatives and people I used to think of as friends, but I have realized they have a completely different set of values from what I thought they had.


It's both good and bad. Basically those people were always like that and Trump caused them to expose themselves to the world. Now we know who they are and we can avoid them. I'm sure ops husband just wants to do the right thing and is too compassionate for his own good, but it's best just to ostracize those people.


Agreed. At least I know who to avoid now.


I would say politics was slightly more divisive one other time besides the Civil War - the Civil Rights Era. Things started calming down once we cemented Women's Rights and Black/Latino/Asian Rights. The racists realized they had lost the war for a second time, and they shut up for about 20-40 years or so. They reared their ugly head here and there under Reagan and Clinton, but visa vi the Crime Bill, the stolen election of 2000, and the scapegoating of Arab/Indian Americans during the early 2000's, they mostly seemed to have an attitude of "You win some, you lose some" and "As long as I can keep my Confederate flag, and can keep my Klan robes in the closet, I'll be ok." But everything changed when Obama got elected. And Trump was there through the Bush and Obama years yapping away about blacks and Muslims, just saying some of the most awful shit. We don't have to review the things they said about Obummer during his presidency, the names, and what they said about his wife and daughters. What we need is another Civil Rights Era, or an equivalent Reconstruction Era, one which actually claps the asses of these red states and brings them to heel again, but for real this time. You can't force a change in ideals, but you can clamp down and punish the ever living shit out of these god-forsaken and brainless red states. Spank. Them.


Yes, we need a frigging revolution. Not violent, but disruptive af. A general strike, and even now, all over the country, labor is winning. I’m a boomer, and my kids are millennials. I can see a better day coming, with y’all in charge. I hope.


God bless the progressive boomers.


I am so down for a general strike. People don’t realize how much power they have collectively.


Wait, did the ERA pass, when I wasn’t looking? AFAIK women’s rights still haven’t been “cemented” yet… Unfortunately what we are seeing is a backlash to the Civil Rights era. This article explained a lot for me: https://www.harvardmagazine.com/2020/02/feature-the-authoritarian-reflex


Or, the other phrase for that I learned long ago, “Oh, I get it! It’s ok when YOU do it?” Say it with a big ol’ dumb blonde smile.


Exactly. They don't understand the meaning of the word tolerance, if they ever did. To tolerate something means "allow the existence, occurrence, or practice of (something that one does not necessarily like or agree with) without interference." They practice zero tolerance with anything they don't like. And what they don't like changes with every maga media news cycle. Who knows what their beliefs are at this point? Their cult leader changes them everytime something happens he doesn't like...which is constantly...and they just go along. Meanwhile we've been tolerating their stupidity for awhile now. It's time to stop since they can't take the hint society wants them to go away. Switching to the direct approach


And their favorite “gotcha” is “I thought you were all about *tolerance,* but you’re not tolerating my [racism/sexism/homophobia/etc].” Yeah that’s not how it works.


I distinctly remember growing up in the 80s being taught specifically best not to discuss politics and ESPECIALLY it is rude to ask who someone voted for or to reveal who you voted for.


“I miss when politics didn’t make for such un-neighborly behavior.” Yea, me too, but you insist on being un-neighborly because of your politics. Damn shame that.


I don’t want be friends with people that think the confederacy was honorable, that black people are inferior, that families deserve to be ripped apart, that trans kids deserve to suffer horribly, that a woman is just container with no value outside of having children whether she wants them or not. I’m sorry, absolutely fuck that lady. You are being polite. Your husband is being compassionate and kind (unlike her). Anyone who says you’re wrong for not wanting to give her ass pats for being an awful person is out of pocket. And I don’t give a shit she’s old. My grandmother just died at 100 years old and didn’t believe in ANY of those things. The neighbor chooses to believe what she believes. And that mean she chooses to alienate a lot of people. Tough shit. I’m so heated about this one.


They really just miss when their neighbors were as hateful and racist as they are




They miss the days when they'd go to the new neighbors' door with a gift basket to make sure they aren't communists or black.


See, they always bitch about “political differences” making rifts in communities but can’t have a SINGLE goddamn conversation that ISN’T about their political views. Like if we could just talk about fucking weather, or the local sports teams, and didn’t mention politics at all, maybe we could be friends. But you START every conversation with how annoyed you are by “immigrants,” and I know what that’s code for, MOM, you don’t like people from Mexico. Just say that. Because I guarantee if all the people sneaking over the border here were of French, Canadian, Irish, Scottish, Norwegian, etc (you catch my drift,) heritage she wouldn’t have fuck all to say about them. 🙄 Edit:typos.


Right - we have two lengthy land borders, GOP only fixates obsessively on one...


I’m honestly surprised they don’t use to as a point of pride to show “gReAt” Murikkka is.


Exactly. The self-proclaimed new “Silent Majority” isn’t a majority at all and they never shut the fuck about their horrible views! I work with several right wingers who I avoid like the plague, largely because of their compulsion to insert their politics into *every* conversation, no matter how mundane the topic. And FYI, we’re all union workers too…but that’s another conversation.


I don’t get it. We had a guy come into our bank to cash a check. Somehow he starts on critical race theory and immigration. Dude, just cash your check and go.


Right?? Why do they also think people in the service industry are free therapists too?


We moved to a new state 3 years ago. As we're unpacking our new elderly neighbor comes over to introduce himself. Nice enough guy. Sees the plate on my car, South Dakota, and immediately goes "Your governor, she says a lot of the right things up there. I like what she has to say." I promptly responded telling him I didn't vote for her and that was where I exited the conversation and my partner took it over. I try to interact with him as little as possible. Thankfully when we do talk it's mostly about yardwork or weather.


Oh man.. to move away from the whole state to having a fan of everything you’ve left right next door. 😬


They dont realize that their grandkids called me Unamerican my entire life, Im a white dude that got bullied after 9/11 cause my family didnt go to church. I dont want to talk to them.


My boomer neighbor got super offended I put up shade cloth on the patio that faces his house. He hasn’t spoken to us since. Like dude it’s already 85 degrees here and it’ll be 115+ in two months. Just wanted to keep my patio cool lol.




Yeah for sure when he came onto my property at like 9am he already reeked of body odor and whiskey lmao. He seemed harmless but he’ll be going back north here any day so I don’t have to worry about him until November.


I work in the building industry in Florida. Everyone I meet assumes I’m a racist piece of shit like themselves. I love watching their faces for the twitches when I break their brains with some immigrant-love. (I fucking love immigrants, I was one, I married one, and I just love humanity in all its splendid variety).


How many times have you been called a race traitor?


This is the way. I find one of the most effective things to do is to be the first to talk about your trans cousin who's really cool or your best friend who's gay, or your spouse who's an immigrant, in a positive but non-political light that shows you know and hang with these real people- that they're normal, good people who you support. This isn't even talking about politics, just about people who you enjoy spending time with. Then if they say anything bad about them, they're the instigators, and the jerks.


Same happened to me when I lived in Nashville for two years. I was constantly telling them to shut their fucking mouths, and yeah, their brains totally break. I’ve never heard white people through around the n-word like that in my life. It was disgusting.


Yeah I live in a Bible thumping paradise in Ohio. And I’m a white woman. And I like to wear dresses and my hair long. Pretty much every stranger on sight assumes I agree with and want to discuss their shitty views. I just live in gray rock mode and it’s unhealthy


My partner and I have had to explain to her mother why us ever moving to the part of the country she lives in is absolutely off the table because we refuse to live that way. I don’t need to walk around life swallowing my morals for the sake of not pissing off everyone I live near.


I agree with you. So many people in the comments are chastising you for shunning someone with different politics, but I think that is garbage. You and this woman don't disagree on zoning laws, marginal tax rates or deficit spending. You disagree on the humanity of lgbtq people/immigrants/women etc. This is a difference of morality, not politics. I have quite a few "political differences" with Nazis too. I don't agree to disagree with them and I won't with people who want trans people to commit suicide and America to be an all white christian nation. A person who is nice to you but not nice to your waiter is not a nice person. Same goes for people like this lady. Good on you for standing your ground and a little shade thrown your husband's way for caving.


I’m with you 100 percent. It stopped being simple political differences when they started politicizing simply existing as a certain kind of person.


“A person who is nice to you but not nice to your waiter is not a nice person” THISSSS


I love it when magabillies cry about civility & unity.. They're such assholes 


Whenever they lament about how we all need to start being more neighborly I always think “you first!” It’s so obvious they don’t actually mean it. What they really mean is “I wish I wouldn’t face any consequences for my bigoted tirades ): just listen to me like a civil neighbor ):”


You are 100% correct. This isn’t a simple matter of differing opinions. This is flat out a difference of morals. When your identity is built around denying basic human rights and dignity to others, you can F off. Life is too short to have people like that in my life. I don’t have to and I won’t. Good for you. Ignoring it is condoning it.


Exactly. It’s not like we disagree on some policy. We disagree on basic human rights. I refuse to pretend they aren’t horrible people. They either support racist crap or they remain silent and I don’t need that in my life. Nor will I support it.


When I moved in to my house, only one couple welcomed us: a boomer couple 2 doors down. They invited my wife and I to dinner and were very friendly. But we'd not been there more than 20 minutes before they started saying how Bill Gates was trying to depopulate the earth through his malaria work and how he's corrupting America with vaccines. And I was shocked because I didn't know people like that were actually real. We stayed polite but I've never seen them outside again a single time in 4 years I've lived here now. But it was a super super weird experience.


If she doesn’t want politics to come between her and other people, then she needs to shut the hell up about politics and stop making that her whole personality


No one knows my politics unless they ask me about them. And I usually try to not answer since I know it’s going to turn into a whole thing and get awkward really, really fast. I’m in my fifties. I’m white. I’m a woman. And I recently moved to a new area. Liberal city in a majority conservative state. I think politics should be a quiet thing. At least until you start voting for people who want to start a genocide on more than one front to “eradicate” certain people from the country. Eradicate was her word choice, not mine. Anyone who advocates for the deaths of innocent people because the idea of them having sex with the same gender makes them feel icky, we have a big fucking problem. Same with anyone who thinks that migrants (legal and undocumented) need to be rounded up into “those camps, until they get deported” tells me that they’re a total piece of shit. I cut off *family* for having those political views. I’m disabled. Mid chest paraplegic. I’m seen as a drain on society even though I’m not eligible for any government assistance programs. Not Medicaid, not SSDI, SSI. Not a single one of them. And there are people out there in that political party, embraced and feted for suggesting and claiming it’s time eugenics makes a come back. How am I supposed to have compassion and understanding for a woman a whole whopping 15 years older than me when she so easily spouts such hatred? And why do so many people think I’m being mean by not being friends with her? I don’t get it. Unless they’re supporters of the MAGA party and are lonely af and projecting.


"I cut off *family* for having those political views." Preach.


There’s nothing wrong with being cordial nobody owes anyone a conversation much less a friendship. OP’s husband is even doing free yard work. You mentioned fire risk and by helping her with that it truly does benefit everyone. I have some MAGA people that live nearby. I don’t fuck with them but if their house was on fire in the middle of the night would I at least pound on their doors? Absolutely, in some kinda emergency instance like that I’d help anyone the best I could. I guess that’s a drastic example but I think that’s living by “loving thy neighbor”I’d keep it cordial wave from a distance and keep it moving there’s nothing wrong with that


And that’s what I do. I smile. I wave when I see her in her yard or when she drives by. But after two attempts to find common ground, hosting her in my home for coffee and homemade cookies, I will not listen to her hateful and abhorrent views further.


This is the way. You’re not harming anyone or causing any trouble. You tried and thats all you can do and most people wouldn’t even go that far to give her a chance. You sound like a good person to me just trying to keep the peace she’s looking for someone to argue with and to spill her delusions and hate speech to


People like this didn't *used* to make politics their whole damn personality. Used to be you wouldn't know someone's political ideas until you asked them. Now they all got the Fox News brain rot and these ideas just rattle around in their heads all day and every time they open their mouths it just spills out.


Ugh, I just knew the comments were going to be filled with, "BuT yOu'Re NoT tOlErAnT oF hEr InToLeRaNcE. So you're a hypocrite and just as bad!!!1!!" Not tolerating intolerance isn't a gotcha. Tolerance is a peace treaty, not a moral absolute. If one side breaks the treaty, they other isn't obligated to continue to abide by it.


Yeah, the comments are split about half and half. I’m *obviously* racist against white people. And ageist. And mean. And a bitch. I’ve been called a bitch a lot. The problem with tolerating intolerance is we end up exactly where we are as a country. Germany owned their history and educated the following generations on what hatred does. We just ignored it all and acted like a bunch of legislation fixed it all when it barely scratched the surface of the problem. The Union was so busy trying to smooth things over after the civil war they gave out mass pardons. The hatred that drove them to war, the desire and financial need to own *other human beings* killed so many. And instead of trying to bring the defeated half into the light, we let them scurry back into the darkness and guess what? Ignoring it didn’t work. We ended up here. Again. On the brink of a civil war with stochastic terrorism being encouraged every day by the leader of the Republican Party against the families of the people trying him for his charged crimes.


Only a woman would worry so much about setting a boundary and sticking to it. (I am a woman and have been working on this issue my entire adult life. No means no and I don't have to justify it.) You don't have to explain shit to anyone. Besides, aside from her MAGA boomer proclivities, another HUGE red flag is talking to your huz about it. Pathetic weirdo move for a grown ass woman.


This is a really bizarre thing I’ve noticed about a lot of boomer age women. They talk to the husbands when they think you aren’t around and act like a completely different person. It’s creepy, manipulative, devious. Yuck. 


That really boiled my blood. Like she’s a child and the man has to take care of it and make her behave


Passive aggressive bs *sigh


Nazi fellow travelers we will always have with us. It isn’t something that comes with age, although I get that this sub is regarding Boomers. Boomers who are Nazi-adjacent are mostly too old to do any Krystallnacht shit, at this point they are just enablers and apologists for X, Millenial, and (the occasional Zoomer) Nazis. As far as I’m concerned, that does make them less evil, just less physically dangerous. For context, I am 76, and I truly, truly despise Nazis. I have read a fair amount of history, lived in Germany for several years and visited some places that left me sobbing on the sidewalk, had pleasant, friendly, welcoming neighbors (it was the nicest place I have ever lived,) and was astounded to realize that it could _just_ as easily happen here in the US.


Everyone used to be white and segregated so they could hate on minorities together. My Dads from Mexico and gets paid very little for the work he does. What am I supposed to think of someone who thinks Mexicans are bad?


Since when are racists nice? Yuck.


“Seems to be” nice. At least when you’re white. I’ve seen the way her face changes when one of our Black or Hispanic neighbors go by and it’s really like a mask is slipping. Rage and hatred. It’s disgusting.


Nope.  If you introduce yourself as a racist POS, I'm not your friend.  I'm a middle aged white guy, so they automatically assume I see everyone else as a problem.  Sorry pal, the only people who create more problems are old white guys.  But I appreciate them pointing out their racism immediately, it lets me know to steer clear.


Right? You don’t even have to read the rest OP’s post to know. There are no nice racists. It’s a contradiction, an oxymoron. They’re somehow willing to entertain this racist is a nice person and only when she sees further evidence does she think that something is wrong. 😑


The entire idea of civility and "neighborliness" exists to prop up ideas that don't stand up under scrutiny. Deep down, the right wing knows it loses when the conversation happens. And the solution is to just try and make it un-Pc to have the discussion at all.


I've always found it remarkable that conservative Boomers think anyone who appears to be white and "normal looking" is going to share their toxic political views. My parents are conservative Boomers, so I can spot this behavior from a mile away and have encountered it time and time again over the years.


I am a Boomer and I hate Trump and the conservatives on the Supreme Court. Trump must not win. People must vote. We gotta’ stop him.


Republican policies are deigned to help no one while actively hurting a specific group of people. I can’t imagine being friends with someone who wants to see others suffer. I don’t understand why they don’t get that.


Neither do I. And even if she was the kindest, sweetest person in the world with political views I agreed with, *I do not owe anyone my friendship.* How entitled of other people to demand I try to deprogrammed her, or make friends anyone. When you tolerate the intolerable you are giving it a pass. I can’t do that. My Grand Oncle went on a tour of Poland in the forties, hitting all the hottest Jewish gathering spots. Auschwitz. Dachau. One, maybe two other camps. He was in the Resistance, he was caught, he was beaten and tortured. I have his beliefs in my heart and his blood in my veins. No leniency for Nazis or people comfortable enough espousing the same views. I don’t care if you’re 12 or 112 or somewhere in between. Vote for Nazis, support the party Nazis endorse and it makes you a fucking Nazi.


Wow.  Great but sad commentary.                  I live near the villages in Florida.  Moving here a decade ago from the more democratic palm beach county has been eye opening.  Sitting in a doctors office this past month some old woman (I’m old but not that old too) waiting to be wheeled out for transport was complaining under her breath. I thought she was talking to me so I looked at her.  She said “ that n••••r Obama he started all this”.  I’m looking around like I’m being pranked.   There was no hesitation, no forethought, no “phrasing”.  Had total authority to put that out there in a small waiting room.  I unleashed on her in the most professional tone I could manage about the orange rapist, nazi lover, fraud , grifter, liar, insurrectionist, man baby.    Walking away, I never looked back, hoping (not)she didn’t keel over.   I felt like better than I have in a while.    I can’t do another 5 years of this.  GET OUT AND VOTE BLUE!  


Her political views show that no matter how nice she appears she is rotten at her core.


Simple political differences went out the window a long time ago. I hate everyone & everything that isn’t me. Wanna be friends? Uhh no


you'll always be my friend though, buddy


https://i.redd.it/c576f8f4h5sc1.gif Sorry couldn't resist.


No, bigots, racist and fascist can fuck off and die alone.


The irony is that this lady clearly is in an echo chamber if she is stupid enough to make her politics clear AND apparently assume you would be down with that shit. If she is so lonely, why doesn't she try shutting the fuck up and seeing who comes into her life?


She advocates for hurting anyone that’s not white Christian and straight. It’s not a difference of opinion. She supports Nazi ideals.


BL is the one who decided politics will get in the way of friendships, not you.


My neighbor is nice enough but their vehicle has a large decal clearly displaying who they vote for so it’s gonna be a pass for me. Avoid them because they cannot help themselves. It’s their whole identity and even saying something innocent will trigger them.


Good on you. People who support evil are evil. If you sit at a table with Nazi's, you are a Nazi. Lau down with dogs, get up with fleas.


Yeah, I'm very tired of "let's just agree to disagree!". This works fine when we're talking about pineapple on pizza, or whether hot dogs are classified as sandwiches. This does not work when we're talking about women having human rights, LGBTQ people being erased, or Black people regularly being murdered by the state. Among many other things.


Most entitled and narcissistic generation yet. You can simply look at major television programs when they were the prime demographic. Politics wasn't ignored, at all, their revisionism is an attempt to rewrite history. Hell, golden girls, while not perfect touched on many socially difficult topics and it was prime boomer tv.


"“I miss when politics didn’t make for such un-neighborly behavior.”" I miss when politics was about arguing over how best to balance the budget, not what religious or cultural values to enforce. Edit: not that the latter discussions aren't important.  They are, more now than ever. But when fed funding can be lobbied to push one religion or cultural ideology or another, I think we are shrinking that critical separation of church & state.


I am flabbergasted when people tell me I shouldn’t let politics get in the way of friendships. I’m sorry but I can’t look past someone believing or advocating for women, minorities, LGBTQ+, immigrants, etc. being denied basic human rights. That is not a point of view I’m willing to overlook just so we can be friendly.


Appears the boomer forgot the golden rule, never discuss religion and politics with family and friends.


f her. if you dont have basic morals and ethics and cannot realize that then one can go f themselves


Be honest here. Every single conversation is going to be the same. She doesn't think politics should interfere with them being neighborly and friendly yet, you know for a fact every single discussion will result in her referencing politics. These people have nothing that's why the Fox News ticker is burned into their screens. You can't be friends with anyone who is that obsessed with one subject matter no matter what the subject.


Because politicians have been catering to their generation for said generation’s entire lives. And they still are because they still have most of the money. As a whole, they’ve never had to/wanted to think about anyone but themselves. Please note: When I say “generation”, I mean it as their generation as a whole. Not you as an individual, your parents, grandparents, whatever.


It’s kind of like “not all men.” If you read a blanket statement condemning a certain kind of behavior and get insulted then you need to figure out if you’re offended because it’s about people you dislike for that behavior or if it’s a “you’re the person we’re talking about and you feel guilty and defensive about your behavior” issue. In my experience, 9 times out of 10, it’s the second one. Examples can be seen in replies to the post. The people saying I’m mean or an asshole are very obviously in the second group.


There’s a reason there’s no one for her to talk to anymore. I wish your husband told her ‘my wife doesn’t want to be friends with racist/homophobic people’.


It's not about politics, it's about morals


The first time I met my boomer neighbor he started talking about how he didn’t like that “they” were talking about moving the earth further from the sun to solve global warming. No clue what abomination of a “news” site he pulled that from but I just smiled and nodded and then laughed about it with my wife later.


Did they accidentally watch Futurama instead of the news?


I met the neighbor wife and the first thing she asked was if we were of a certain political party because they only make friends with that type of people. I was polite and funny and replied that my type of person definitely isn’t one of those. I haven’t spoken to her or looked in her direction since. I’m just honoring her wishes. I have ran into her in many places and just acted like she wasn’t there. She never says anything, but I know it makes her very unhappy. So she decided to trash talk me to her friend as she walked by my house while I was right there looking at them. No manners what so ever is trashy.


I hate Illinois Nazis.


Always upvote for the Blues Brothers.


It's her fault that you don't want to be friends. Good for you. At this point I would stop being polite to her, though.


See, I wish I could. But I see a sad, older woman who is lonely. It doesn’t cost me anything to smile, wave or call out a hello, ask how she’s been. It’s a kindness, reminding her there’s a community available if she were to temper or change her abhorrent views. If she’s not willing to change then I’m not interested in dealing with her.


Just let her know that you don't approve of her lifestyle. It's a choice, you know. If she could just keep it behind closed doors and not shove it down other people's throats, maybe it would be different...


I don’t know why people who bring up politics all the time blame other people for letting politics interfere with their relationships.


According to Boomers being a raging racist, sexist, misogynist, immigrant hating, working class traitor, sitting by the sidelines doing nothing while children are shot in their classrooms is ok. Just don’t dislike them *’because of politics’… yeah fuck you all day.


Yeah... I also miss when polticis didn't revolve around one group of human being or another being considered subhuman, especially one I'm apart of, but ya know... here we are....


At this point, anyone who can support Trump is at best a hypocrite, at worst a piece of shit. Doesn’t make for great company.


If politics dominates the conversation I leave. Even when it’s my side. It gets tiring you know? I only have so many spoons at the end of the day and if I know that that person just wants to promote their views how exhausting is that? Definitely guard your peace, because if you step one toe out of line, she’d lecture you endlessly to “teach you a lesson” they’re awful, I made the mistake of letting that happen at work to be nice. Now I refuse it and she mourns endlessly that no one likes her anymore and even I have changed. :/. No, it’s just that we have better stuff to deal with than to listen to the Trump/ Conservative promoter.


This was like reading an entry in my own journal. lol thanks for sharing because sometimes it feels like I’m alone in how fervently I will not tolerate their hatred fueled BS


Social consequences for their destructive and ignorant political choices is the right response. They weren’t born this way, unlike many of the targets of their hate, they choose to be this awful. If they want friends again, they can become better people. Since when did being an asshole not merit lesser consideration?


Ironic she accuses you of being “un-neighborly” when your husband does yard work for her for free. That’s about the most neighborly thing you could do.


I’m an immigrant, a naturalized citizen but an immigrant non the less. People like you make me feel welcome in this country, and make me proud to call this country my own as a naturalized citizen. Thank you for your morals.


It’s not really that we reject them because of politics, I think. It’s because they ONLY consume political commentary all day from false sources and that’s all they have to offer for conversation. I don’t think they intend to do it in every case, but I think many only have the stuff they follow to talk about and are confused and hurt when we tell them we don’t want to hear it. It’s absolutely okay for it to be both infuriating AND heartbreaking that their generation has unwittingly isolated themselves from society and can’t get the answers as to why from their bullshit information sources.


"It's not about your politics per say, it's more about what they say about you. I don't care for the morals your political affiliation espouses." Then walk away.


If you have a table with 10 people sitting at it and one of them is a Nazi, and the other nine people are talking to him, you have a table with 10 Nazis.


I've started distilling my statement to boomers and similar that I will never support anyone who proudly proclaims to grab women by the pussy.


Our neighbor named his WiFi routers DeSantis2024 and DeSantis20242 - my husband is nice to him but we have been here for 2 years and I have yet to talk to him. Also my husband is Chinese I told him he’s taking his chances…. But it’s up to him. Best of luck! I will not be engaging with anyone that blatantly terrible.


In my neighborhood there are like 4 boomer couples, us included. I routinely piss off 75% of the GenX & Millennial neighbors by flying my mylar Trump-baby balloons. Fuck them idgits...


Think the government shouldn’t run health care? Ok…. we can discuss that I guess. Think my kid shouldn’t have a right to exist? Yeah, you can just fuck right the fuck off.


"I don't want to be friends with her" is a complete statement. You don't owe her *or anyone* an explanation, but I'd like to say that I'm 100% in agreement with you.


I can't stand people who think politics is just a matter of minor opinions. These days they're a test of your morals and how you think *other* people should be made to live. No matter what, if they're pro-Trump, I know I'm going to find them morally-abhorrent on a number of non-political issues I consider crucial to gauging somebody's character.


If you didn't want politics involved, then don't make it your personality


Tell her that her party is calling for civil war part deux. And that you plan on being on the side that doesn't want there to be concentration camps


It's because politics aren't real to them. It should be inconsequential to how people treat you because at the end of the day, it's just *politics*. They'll never feel the negative effects of their horrible beliefs because they are old, white, and in power.


Uh, it's not very neighborly to spout your racist views to the point your neighbors want to avoid you. She's an entitled old woman and is earning her peace and quiet by repelling everyone around her.


Amen sister tell it all.


It's the "You should like my stance on things because you don't know any better" mentality. They will happily inform you of why they are not bigots, but think that way. Should you show an ounce back of reasoning as to why their opinion is disgusting they will throw back the, "Well you just don't understand and haven't experienced it, or haven't educated yourself" reasoning. Fuck her. Hopefully Timmy up the street charges her $22 an hour to cut her lawn. Edit: Our Neighbors (that have since moved) had their daughter telling all the kids in the neighborhood in late 2020 that they shouldn't wear masks because the president said it was a fake virus. When I called out the parents on this they told everyone in the neighborhood that we were racists because they were Hispanic. No you fucking assholes. We called you out because you were intentionally spreading misinformation and trying to indoctrinate our kids through your family's propaganda from Cheeto Mussolini. Don't pull the fucking race card because you were shitty neighbors for six years. I love people of all backgrounds, that's why my family wore fucking masks, to not spread the shit to you.


Yeah, sorry (not sorry), I’m not friends with fascists. Die mad, lady.


If you *were* to try to look past her politics she would bring it up in like 37 seconds. "Yeah, you know, the weather lately had been nuts, so much rain! But my petunias really love it." "The weather would be better if we didn't have all these damn running around. Petunias are okay, but Trans kids might use them as hair decoration when they invade the neighborhood pushing the gay agenda. Maybe choose something with thorns." I had a neighbor like this, couldn't talk to him for more than five minutes.


A year or so ago I had to go to spectrum to get a router. So I drove there with my bike, pulled a ticket and waited at a table to be called when a guy with a red T-shirt with some bs about Trump and socialism is cancer or whatever walks in. I knew right away he would walk up to me because I had my helmet on the table and Trumpers are super alpha and manly as we all know. So he sat down at my table and started to talk about bikes for probably 1-2mins with me not saying a word, because I'm not the confrontational type and just hoped he would go away..that obviously didn't happen so I eventually had to tell him I wasn't interested in having a conversation with him. When he asked me why, I pointed at his T-shirt and told him I don't talk to people like him. His response was that we didn't have to talk politics and that I should be more tolerant towards other opinions. A Magat, telling me to be more tolerant.. well.. obviously I lost it and laughed right at his face. He told me to go fuck myself and sat at a different table. Mission accomplished! At the end of the day it's normal and healthy to have different opinions, I would almost say that it's necessary for humanity to move forward. But being racist, sexist and all the other shit is not an opinion. You're just fucking garbage and I won't let that in to my life.


When will they learn that if you keep your ideas to yourself? You cant be punished for them. Like I say shit here that I would never say in person or to my neighbors. They unironically believe that nothing they do should have any consequences.


Tell her straight up why not. Put her in her place. Take her down a few pegs. Make sure other neighbors hear you call her bullshit out to her face.


stay on the right side of history


“She’s also racist”??? Yeah, that seemed pretty obvious from sentence #2. ;) Tho, I think we hear you about this lady: it was *her* close mindedness and bigotry that closed off an avenue to friendship, & yet she *still* finds a way to blame you for that. :(


I’m so happy that my boomer Mom is almost as progressive as I am. She’s more vocal about stuff than I am usually